The Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-02-13, Page 13Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, February 13, 1985—Page 13
Attends Charolais convention inAl4e, rta
Barbara Rintoul spent a few days at Red Rintoul, while cutting cardboard at school,
Deer, Alberta attending the Charolais had the misfortune to cut his left arm.near
convention. While she, was away, Kevin the wrist, Which required a few stitches.
and Corey visited with Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Steven is wished a speedy recovery by his
Rintoul of St. Helens.'Barbara was expect- many friends.
ed home on Sunday. ' Richard Moore and Richard Day left on
This community extends sympathy to Thursday to visit with Richard- Day's
Beatrice McQuillin and Mr. and Mrs. brother, John, at Ottawa. They were to
• William Purdon on the passing of their arrive home Sunday.
brother, William McQuillin, last Tuesday Amy Falconer attended a birthday party
in Wingham and District Hospital. for Jamie Fraser on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Wilson of West The amount of snow in the field makes
W awanosh were callers on Thursday last good skiing and snowmobiling for the
with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tiffin. young folks of the village.
• Mrs. George Lubbers, Dennis and Donald Irwin has gone on a trip west
Richard visited on Tuesday with Mr. and -where he will visit with Mr. and MS. Ron
Mrs. Victor Emerson.• Conley of Edmonton and with and
We are sorry to report that Steven Mrs. Bud Crowston of B.C.
by Valetta Emerson '
Karen Beecroft of Kitchener spent the
weekend. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
E. W. Beecroft.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Beecroft visited
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Forsyth
of Walkerton.
On Tuesday Mrs. Ron NichOLson,
Ryan and Craig of Egmondville visited with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John de Boer.
Mr. and Mrs. John de Boer visited on
Sunday with his sister; Mr. and Mrs. Derk
• Turn to Page 19*
•Late immersion project would have "cancer?us effect"...
' ofrom page 4 -
county, it Would have a "cancerous effect"
and eventually immersion would have been
developed _across the county, he adds.
• When asked why he was so vocal in his
• opposition to the development of the
program in the public system, while he is a
• - Catholic school supporter, Daiton. observes
that he has a child in the public school
system and the Huron -Perth Cathdlic
• School system approved a French inuner-
- sion program so quickly and quietly he did
not have an opportunity to voice his
opinion. He then decided to voice his
• opinion in the public system.
•According to Gaetan Blanchette, super-
intendent of education for the Huron -Perth
Separate School Board, a survey was• ,
conducted by the separate board to deter-
mine the interest of parents in a French
immersion program and where the interest
was concentrated in the county. This was
followed by publicmeetings where parents
and .the interestedpublic were invited 63
attend and voice their opinions on the sub-
. ject of 'French immersion and the imple:
mentation of such a program in the county.
7 • • Landmark Decision
The Huron -Perth Separate School board
made the landmark decision to offer total,
French immersion in a StratfOrcl School' and
at St. Mary's School in Goderich by voting
'13 1 , in favour of implementing total
French inunersion at . St. Mary's for kind-
ergarten and grades 1 and 2 effective'
September, 1985. •
The motion also contained a number of
contingencies with respect to numbers of
• students, registration and transportation..
The board motion stipulated the following:
(a) that preliminary registration of students
• be held. • •
(b) that transportation to schools offering
immersion be available through existing
bus rontes.
(c) .that the minimum number of pupils
required be set at 18.
(d) that French immersion classes may be
double or multi -grade units to maintain
units of 18 or more.
• (e) that extraordinary costs above grants
available, not be provided by the board in
• excess of regular amounts allowed for
classroom instruction (about $211 now).
(f) and that the viability of the program be
reviewed in two years.
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