The Signal, 1931-12-24, Page 10S.,,lay, December 41st, 1931
and resume normal international trade How Farmer Can
Dons resolve to come out of this spree
tguaae relations, industry will recover, wheels
fasabliabed 1MB
1Weber of Canadian Weekly News-
ewtpapers Association
Publimbed every Thursday morningSieheoript.
yon price $2.00 per year
KBctly to advaoce.
TUX T SIGNAL S5 RIAa�t3lchh. Onto
rt. n Rpurrisaiu, .°.Zt ' tnd Manager
Thursday, December 311t, 19011
again will revolve, and workingmeu
will get tali ou the payroll.
Tessin there is the money aline
utero which some "e=pert*" try
Prevented the loss of thouwaptr .t lit-
ters in 1931.
3- Urger Grata Yam at Lower
fits under
Oust per unit,—Note
Increase Income No. 6' reeumrnendati0ns under "Dalry
Ing' I ' amara with
.,.. t,nw , t Raising Seeders F r
tion. Ontario 11.1..----nL Oi m6�•� dual purpler or beef brand" would be
much Suggestions Of well whiled, to raise calve,' instead
Lute $umIDart>tas reeling. Buying western feeder*
dress. To the ordinary man who 1.
follow the wise men in their I Agricultural
m uta and diandaitlou
1 step o
la the tact that the buyers. coated
peace** all present cold storages.
(b) Ass~MIMsx �Ysr marketing
of whole milk wttb" hold
ups and sutlpluaea. fila is worthy
eratlon in Philadelphia
(c) Readjustment of freight rates.
The rate charged on produce from Tem -
'skinning to Toronto 1s out of line with
that prevailing from Western Ontario
her been rather r precarious ons f
to Toronto.The same c•undltlon hold•
recent Yew". hwu the freight rat.-
I1 Departmeul of AR
1. "A Dollar Saved is a Demise
rent rio farrier heated "
e on til* true w e from North
ergo t rlcul -• • •red with
very I The Ontario
rAteeeetern la comps
t sure the slttuettou may seem Ilam• a Its for fottowtnll article: ' that from the Ontario is" co paredProvincese to
Itetra urs: Mut tt may be list 'tee" meow The improvement of the financial
tery "expert*" are no wiser than those I �n yt l Investigation
other' "exiwrts" whew. unfulfilled pre-
of prosperity have only
ht tonnage passing through
thi Bt. Mary's Valls Canal
during 1 lowest at Wooed
glace 1908. it w '•wesalyd In the
anuual report, hulloed by Mase De -
Young, general .uperinteudeut Freight
in 1931 totalled 44,613,871 toes as
t•ompared with 41,100.557 tone in 1908.
Movements were 224,284,081 tons
below tact year. In 1900 tannage
1r2.tl29,91T tons, an all-time record.
Wheat shipments were the lowest
Toronto. atuce twee venue anon ore rat to UM
µ• of !'til
i dtctiuns
Goderich has, for the first time In I plunged us tuto deeper gloom. May it
many years, ehx'ted stat municipal conn
ell without a contest at the polls.
Nearly all the member• are men el ex-
perience, and eitisena can reasonably
bops for ■ careful admintatntlon of
their affairs to the coming year. This
bope would be much stronger were Mr.
pockbarn Heys a member of tbe 1932 for, in the first few months of 1932
council. Cairns almost unanimously
ataleast, is
improvement circus of cleueudalor
•regret his withdrawal. The pomp
went of the town'* financial condition. will accumulate. People are aecommo
la spite of the bttslue*s depression, 1s `dating themselves to the changed eon-
due to him more than to anyone else.IdItiona• and. even while` things* may
He took upon himself the double task \seem to be becoming worse instead of
f • are working
not be that when the world getsi m
Improved marketing
to sobriety and sanity the money gran I til ►utdlrtdunl farmer cannot, to
ivies will be found to be of only minor I The ei ter er cannot,
t, to
any eztent, app Yr'
teettletdC The world lives byf Its ter- eting methods. This can only be le-
ills on g and its ynrductice tactorir*. I eompt►shed by concerted action of a
goodly percentage of the group vitally
nut on [� of ice' tt•tter
haps the beet that can be hoptt I concerned. It is, therefore, by
management that the individl farmer
his poo -
can beet immediately improve
sition There i* no alugle panacea for
the problem. Not only does It vary to
different parts of the Province, in dif-
ferent comities, n difftrent communi-
ties, but quitee often
olt adjoining
joi iott n,, the
Speaking Ren
little things, which the average farmer
nth [mother:'
position of Uic s jkCt1{taFiT ra
general be accomplished by one of two \ presentative h potato outgthat the home
: mixing of Bordeaux dust would bevy
1* t Better management. navel his potato growers from $3 to
alines. .. Orr cat. One grower could hare
saved t $175t'aon this Item purchases sof teed and
fat ('saint W
tart Bizerte
Ibt Greater *e1141ustalnment of
farm Camille'. Too many farm tam t Grade* for all Fralncts.
Hies purchase too large a pe
i) their eat. Vegetables' an well as thein I MORE riCHOOli3OY HOWL6a$,
butter. meat. potatoes, bread and, to
some inst+ent•ee, even eggs. Acrimony, sometimes celled holy,
tet Utilization of borne labor where I is another name for marriage.
available auto coutequent saving in oWu hato tur an. rubles.
Rabies nd alr.t]e•tuldd
tractor operating costs. J
2. Production of Quality Products t Vrit ts. I a ou dfa ow nothhat ing for
orgl Chet a
and GrxdluR for Market { perste' when they are leaving.
• • • I (outntlto is a low' Mort of mush'
k Grow6tg
Fruit arts Vegetable that only irdlt.s slnR••t ren only have
et forcing tax collections and at the
same time keeping down expenditure.
It was an unpleasant task, but 1t was
performed with admirable determina-
tion, and the result is one upon which
r Baia. the council and the town are
to he 'congratulated. *,
There b• n lesi ri h 're, dew, -for "the
townspeople. It is a proverb that the
popular body is the body that upends Old
liberally. People seem to be far more gotten
ready to vote for spenders than for
Maven. It they would reverse aria -at- The
etude, and Rive their eommendatlon t,t ('ae!t
those who eonseieutioutly try to keep 1 short
down the expenditures. the results at
the end of the year should Me better.' T1
Tho •e not to any that a e o n it should 1.-,4,r
be niggardly• or t
better, in lid hie oret
'° I eernaklers too m
tow Ards the improvement that, soon or , worth while," which make the differ -
later, 1s bound to come. Pnt' between profit and loss on our 1 growt'rs art. more efficient generally I one wife. This 1s railed m tomy.
Ontario farms. than are farmers engaged in mixed and , Henry Wadsworth lenglwhile elloe �'s
EDITORIAL NOTES Idairy framing. improvement. huwccrr, l pare in Portland. Ming on the con-
born were travelling
1[anaRement.--1 timid. tole matte many twat friends:
1. Ifrtter n' among the (flatlet were Alice and
Dairying tau Inc made R •neral y
A.happy New Year to you' 1 Production of the hulk of (on- orchard
re rya 'nark set
nation of (5111 -Trutt and Vegetablea stents to the ir81 amen were 114,291,-
N 991;
One of the most serious fee- e19 tons, ae compared with 46,900,351
fng fault rud vegetebie grower Ir to In 1030 anti 64,917,708 of the peak
percent t u❑ product* eoming in comps year, 1929.
Minn with good quality fruit and vege- 001This beurhewr heatTdropped e higheo ISO,-
st mark
t■blas. was Poached In 1990, when 40x,750,719
3. Additional Central Packing and buslhels were carried -
Peereollag Plants Les Certain Arita& - - ....._. _...,r -�- ._._...
4. Take Necessary Steps to liftee '
Dominion Government adopt Uniform Charwoman (to neighbor with whom
she 1s having a spat) : "What I says
Is, there are ladles an' ladle♦- as'
you aIn't neither:"
In 1904. Total Iron ore ship
• • Ration on the Hour` Farm.
• rat Adore attention shout r' Riven to nuc!' 1,liM•Iw (vary.
I `Start totnorrotf and Waite it -1193t2.
11 1
All too frequently Ino large a per
as the gnaw ng o 1•auneelot arrivwt at n ras[te, w
h K legume cater crepe. spraying and -he a*ked if he could h• pill .up with
t of the Milk elle: u Is required
• • • leen age
man Winter .yid
to call around.
shortest days of
vel. but Vrwe• of Ile
to {any the feed bill. This eau be I
pruning. ter the night' Ir a
arena try browing more IPI Diyermithntion 0, Vegetable This Rnacrnmrrd of
rally has for largely ole r -
gttme-, such a* atfait* aunt sweN ',Crime and Small Fruits.
limited mockery. I !Mover r... hay and tstatnn+e: lama o[, 3. Co -Operation with Fruit and Ye The letters M.D. signify "mentally
i getable **corners- Ili The ltrdltrrraneevary,.ei the Red'
1'ni(nrn l'nslt.l011 d Milk era route profitably use more tutnmer ,
weather only for n few days.
• throughout the Year -This would to ,•13 l ftrtilizeerv. Chivalry is the flttlUob of a wnu'
(Ontario le t i Legislature i, to meet 'I t eliminate gluts and hold- • • • ' t rw„rd a strange woman.
• r fie a ou dairying districts to .\ r w•nd r re c that It should alwaYa I et•s+I lu 14a
i way out of n p rob Orman try and a ra dans'' from
e•r awry
take the cheapest Ile+ and cit+c fnrtorri,•s whi,ln st shy 1 t'untiumsl .\..i+tante in RulvanR tion from the Pow.
1 N talo ling Problems. \ e a .vnnersation Ir
leen. 11 is sometimes true economy to Frew all aocouut• it np{w•nr. that 'i Irrrst•nt time operate :nuly (nnnr six It' cee Cald storagt s are required in tweet, 1,,e17.0"1;1::: such as huabanA rud
spend. Where rounrfls and Mier pub- �tnnta Claus. in shite of harvl times. slur months. - wife.
tie bodies often go wrong, however. IS cnrrttl about the erne• lured as usual i a. Greater hn,•rsirilfltiuu. Hoff. cites, ftctury area.. 'This would ell- Science is material. Religion is ins
ll 1 le{N till {rraoti ,rest, -mall factories to market thele
• without a .. o- . s e•�cut nese n not .1.71
regard to the general interests. It o roc rrnult of the IamRl•un[inuerl de the P apples are fulling
interert ;duets and flu• likelihood of lower priers etuntKe [heir pr*tore mustbe
Rluta nuNnun, when the apt
sands, and the townspeople single M• tut of theories that did service R markett+l profitably through thesebut
jelek to recognize the menta of the I as they were not put to the tt et. channels.
man with backbone
the year h:n•e
{r'ny anal ears for h.ry nr,tl grain; soy
are stilt pretty lawns or flax an suppietuentsry gran 1 I
Ifowls. 1 in Rt u Climate
mer .getable n'r* { yes ou acted by the sewage cinai-
•earl fruit and vegetable grow ell the time, lent
'ar More 4'
I 1932
• + some eaten a u, t.
min Inti Sten will it the third II lases. In rummt r Prebleese Requiring G.vermsrtrt 1 1 t i itl i aurid be Intnrnla i
on of the (trt++eut Lel-t+inhere.' this wrote result in the utilization t, , • tion in the appendix.
' "o Elixaheth into an indlrltotd•
• • •
n yielding to the insistent demand', 'this ('hrlstmuns seal {rrultn shoo , * he
• • • t,tlic every farm Notwithstanding prtsluce in nu orderly Manner. At the
d some to the
or faction w tl t A r•
t{ resent low priers for these pr ! r Whig to lack of cold Gravity was discovered
lie {l at'
t mark-\\ II rn It is chiefly
requires backbone to reals[ such de- , Vro•sstot, in trade is the ,.crapping so Ino I' for hog*. grain can almost alwnys be i Ptts1 at •. This not only off the trees. : results inn hryrrw market uwlag �I
• I. Simon•. Pasture*.--Nutrph•ment-
'Mn•t make too many Nea Year re sry feed in the furan of annual p*ttnre
'soluti()Vie go
e er two Waal ones, %yell or !silage trope should be provided to I
THE NEW �& ons.
►rpt, are worth n whole company t-nrry the herd over the period when I
be. o'tiI
This is a time fur reviewing the past the kind that are made to broken l,armuncnt !•cshunew are drying up.
d looking forward to the new,
5 Fewer and hatter twee. Meng
rear an I • • • Fid larger Ration*. -Far tiro large
wondering what its twelve months t
We were going to say snmethlnR a percentage of our enw-s err losing
will bring to u.. In these tepee of
financial stress and difficulty, the ques-
tion which come most readily to [Deny,
haps to mopeople, 1s, Wtli good
(By W M. MCDON AOH, Vancouver, K.C.
I �— flu• numbers of bird* that ■II the dr
about 1t, but The Clinton News -Record prop eltions. Many of these tows 4
In her own realm. Nature has won- *mutton in the and of man made no
gets in a age of its with the following: , would pay iter way if Ric'a'n a chance. e. c of maintaina udenm-
■prprrrc•lnlle different -4. in the Too many herds are fed on a ration drrhA and subtle vex. s hared rank* 01 the apparently Mime-
"Sir George Pdish changer his mind little better than maintenance re- I In the balance of lift Condition* of
so often regarding the fair of the uA lie" tool rad foe are so nicely ad- Iabk' flacks.
gniry mt*nts. -Tire Babcock teat b the advanced and the
On the eve of the New
Year, we tender to our
patrons and friends our
best wishes, with the hope
that 1932 will bring them
prosperity and true happi-
Teleplasae 82 We,t Street
This does' world that we find it hard to have
times return to us in 1832? tally reliable way .et weeding out nes
ail that the mater- I lyithtvrce with him " producers alai low traders which are
sent. mean, necessarily, • • • coding our dsirymela hundreds of
hal mind la uppermost; but It mart beI
fitted that Uvea are shaped to • 1 it ie quite evident that the Imports-' herd sire of dolhrs sorry year. A
h 'nervi alae from R.O.P. stock la the only
It' he main- An the season
taints that an stern tettS any lyceum developed towards ptgeonboote
taints( for owwturlew. RprelPs live and ensued. Branches
■ pathetic a('e'ne
laden with resin of waxing squabs
long bent, drooped and broke beneath the
flourish apparently neither IncrestdnR
nor diminishing in unnibers. 80
The weight of their living burdens. Thou-
sands of nests filled with -O ld ree e
Urges were precipitatedbirds were
the unfortunate young
strewn to meet death by utarvatlou or
by the mereltab fangs of their natural
foes. The tot. the miek and their
many companions of prey fared well
and waxed numerous on the plentiful
food supply. Yet the numbers knew
no apparent c•ht•k. It was the time
and season of multiplication and in-
The coo of the pigeon is a liquid
note; the cooing of a flak of pigeons
la a smooth -flow lug chorus ; but the
blended notes of the uneounted and
uneounteble throngs that haunted the
cedar swamps merged into OOP long -
drawn gilding cadence that filled the
evening air till midnight reigned and
Nature had called her choristers to
When the young were able to leave
their nests and forage for themselves
very considerable degree by material
tion of 1 Wiled Staten goods was not t • lane. way of making proRre"s as natural o•oaeNtiona arena
considerations. We live, most of we cater of lack of prosperity 1n this I 11. Production of urger fishes of slow and gradual evolution of climate
country. I(:rain and Roughage et Tower ('net per I with adamant change in f climate
rodwheat we earn our living; we do this Canada bought from the i ru rulmal lite:
It ; States thirty -ohne per rent less to the i toyerthei-Ontario crawl crops are largely itlt *tte re -acts apt
anti That If we "can afford" we 1n marketed thrvrwgh her live stock. The • P
Mier our tastes. and rases rise or vanish hJ slow and
we gratify our desires Arlt nine months of 1931 than in the I inryer the Initial rnat of such crops I *04 reptIble Rrrdrttuu. without aspirations. within corresponding period of the previous the greeter profit on the final product.
I turf*uoce of the trxtxuce, or shah to
realise our aaply wade say that
limits that more or Its are determined year; and yet molmody Survey* tirade erring the pest tees the created world
{ Ko It we are more prosperous. years phew conelusivety the poeslhUl teas of culture
kr the mean* at ourhatote /M • When man in the proR
• • • tips of Increased revenue from this t Rests changes In the conditions of
r not unnrtunl that we should find •
mature• the result, to many animal
.erseelvee wondering It 1932 is going With lees road construction going ou mune.. node con and often
(n) Rest drill aurver.. reveal that a{rales ►s sudden.
poo bring dis-
the world ratter from the per- throughout the Provinre thu la tremae I from 1-'1 to 1:, stet! grain grades re- I dltadroos We ml not instance a the ten
nl is that has affected com- '
tial W 7•
men•e and industry and chase swat the
spectre of hard times.
Maude' experts have been telling
as from ties -to time that we have
"reached the bottom," that "promt'rity the elovernmtnt is milking the antomo-
M Just around the corner," and so on. I bile industry and the tourist trade for
and their predictions have been heard other ptrpomer than the eonetructton
an often, and tare been unfulfilled with and malntenanee of roads. The state
regularity, that people that th Ontario Govern-
Matt -
mach unfailing
are weary of tbem and are inclined
to believe that the world b in the
the j/Ktco1. appearance of the bison and the an.
{ the I•Df '
1general quality or low germination
. telerpr- Bat in no case has the balance
(rot RnrvPy In Oxford muetj rr 1 been so suddenly and completely over -
on gasoline should p increased.
anldss-as. Indeed. the Olhloit at recta that :d► per cent. variPtlrs of thrown as In the case of the passenger
Toronto has been saying for years-- loafs being sown were discarded by the p►Rton.
Ontario Agricultural College yearn asn Fctopistet mlgrarlu+e. the patcw.nlfer
■m totally unsuited to Ontario agrleul- I plg,nn, was the most Rr(•Rariowa Mrd
ture(el A further survey in Oxford t that has lived. it made its home in
that wast ived between the ]Its*me in
velem and elan 1n other over o per ens the Atlantic, b ween the
the Galt of
vealw Indlvidrnsl lemon" of over :rO \t ,alto and the
years, it is Aifllotult to ger why
owingto weed seed content.
prke of motor ear licensee and
wont is made t a e cent, from loonsc smut in owls. Then
mart last year (1930) collected over average tom'• from this disease over
sixteen' million dollars In lissome tax. the Province is at Rust 10 per Bent. this
permit fees. rear.
grip of circumstances beyond control. (err hearses and drivers'
hlRbwat* en's
perhaps beyond the hope of ameilora and that It spent Ramey
tion. This feeling of discouragement. I than fire millions.
makes the situation I --- .til three factors are under the di-
et course. only "ArtifiMtal inflaticm of stock" must 1 react control of Ontario farmer.. timing be cnnsldertl a crime am merlons as I nut any elrpr*etafile expense. y R
Whether proaperlty Is to return 1t, arountPrfPlflnR• which it slowly rl m- M I td
formal in. Coupled
res•ommrndtl verist ts•
well r can
three months. or rix months, • year. hies. ---Andre Maumie. and iron ted wth t
three year*• or fire years, b beyond
the knowledge of the ordinary elan.
(.baps beyond the knowledge of those
Irby paw as errperta in the financial
world. This, however, can be Bald wltb
Althe de.prt•meloR b the
puffer r m
An old-time returned the
salute of a negro who wets nemring.
"Sir," said a gentleman present. "do
you descend to salute a slew.'" "Why,
yes,- replied the governor. "i tannnt
f his contlitfem to ex -
500641!500: mannan. ••
reset of certain (gallas mostly sett easel reap In Itt�ot1
"Caught anything"
"When 1 have caught Ave more after
this one i am after now, i shall have
half a dnaro "—Btrlint5ke Tldeode
(Copenhagen )• ,
Mother ("severely )—"Tommy. ioar
dare yon take money rout (d your mis-
sionary box?" vnn maid
Tommy- "Well• mnmmy.
i was a little heathen- "
"tin you ars." the money for
"Weil, i was moving
the heathens. and well, Ant mow.
Mat revved."
Thea In en age and Pea when people
ars prone to onetime money, and they
are reined as they amain wealth.
Ant we can rime s chant;^ mining
over the world. People are Irghesinl
to realise that 1t la not the wealth
a mei •tr'tneehltes the in tiff
decry ML the emstribetiar• made
firla1, tbe removal of therm causes
have the effect of improving condltlona
The sue still shines, waters gall run,
mature 1. still doing Its wonderful
work of providing for the sustenance of
the busman race. it Is man that has
meddled things inert the world went
as • lnaaclal agree four or five years
ago, aneetblng like the present depress
Mon sight have been foreseen as
eOeetgeeses 'As the eff.t•ta of tbe
agree wear off , the world will feel bet
Z'here is another form a dle-
ellgatale in which the nations have burro
a _K the effects e►f which may be
mei palletised. This b the high ter
` r yct 111,017 Ratios wants to tell
without btrylstg the pew
, alias star.. Tdaas-llti3n i
imosesd., sod the -1491111 b
ostler is lett with wstttiss
IOW. hetnries are irlw
td et empyrsamt, gar
When M ts-
with this, shorter rotations with more
iertmee . and. more can' In running
water furrows and open ditches would
greatly ltr'rease yield..
TranspnrtaNOn of Milk and Cream
to Factory or ('reamery.--At the pres-
ent time there Is much duple -aeon and
nverl7rptin( of routta.
c Laurentian pia traa.
Living on the reels, bade, and fruits ,
forest. it moved from .place 10 1 they flew in multitudes of coveys,
rather than in the extensive flaks of
the parent birds. They gleaned, not
the forest ford of the race but from the
grain fields off the neighborhood. A
few feet ghats the earth the young
flo ekes gilded along. rising 1s graceful
curves to cross the fences. Many of
these fell victims to the horsewhip In
the hands of the farmer er to pebbles
malignantly flung by youthful hands.
lay the time the young had attained
strength of wing tapable of extended
flight. the pigeon food of the foraging
wide had been depleted, and the as -
reliFteliny customers and
friends we extend our sin-
cere Null for
A Joyoes and
New Year
At the close of 1931, we wish to
express our hearty appredatlo•
of your patronage during the
year and hope for a ouotlnuanee
d mate.
Hamilton Street
We w� oar customers and friends
A Happy and Prosperous
New Year
Frank H. Martin
fit ere r tit• imaRin-
lriace in flaks that stagger
The migrating flocks. extending un-
broken for hnndreds of miles, have
been estimated by rortservativt ob-
ingvere to number tato bl they
o rimed
ing the breeding "eat
crowded areas of One hundredsquare
tulle* In extent- When the young
able to travel. the formes of the lot -al.
ity were so denuded of pigeon food that
It was neparary for the whole race
"A co-
• • •
Wised Fanning
1. Greater Diversification.
(a1 In such cash crop areas as
Itlswrx and Kent. the livestock popula-
tion should be greatly increased.
(b) In Eastern Ontario, farmers
should attempt to Include mom* cash
crops much an row pea*, clover seed,
potatoem or meed grain in their farm
humins e
(e) Nntwtthstanding prospects for
lower priers, swine population should
be Increased In •11 nulled terming
areas. This would provide for the util
isation .t dairy by -profiteer'. at the
•prow.nt time being wasted, an well as
a profitable channel to market our
mwreal grains.
((F1 Sheep popula(1(rn .'Wind ism
entities' profitably In most enmities In
isa',Nsrn °Marie and alet) hi the
rougher 'odious of ,'Western and Csn-
tral Ontario.
1. Ot mtrel err Aatfil8I artatteam sad
elislaatlom of Mama) D 100(7 le
Lire Stork Radom—The feedbag d
Wine to over bread •errs Medd have
Mr Eitel tsteta'ssatrt at the trmriAn
. are htRinntM to resifts that
eat any kttd for tbmrkinlKe-
g aamtaMty better. Is renal •ehitnm-
al---Oeherii Routs.
to seek new feeing Rromsds. a
gether they spread their wings and mi- i n
throng. cementing of the whole
1t Nam my privilege. as ■ small
boy, to witness on of the tart
their mighty aggregatlnn
for nesting mimeses. an extensive
ceder swamp in AmhIPid township.
Huron o•nnFr near r'vast nurserye shore of oke
"rook . the wooded
"rookery" they foraged
"mace' of the °utertn pentnauh.
All day they went and came to
emits that rMPmbled clone•, node'
whore 00141* faded Into the hortsnn,
flock* whose denelty was ■uApcient to
cast ■ moving 'bedew. The whirring
of their t►nmerons wines blended Into
a eoest■nt vibratlnn that ceased not
t111' evening fell and the winged pIl
grime had sought their ite
n . alike
Rptrrtimsn and pot
sought the rendesv°na of
the winged
multitude. Fowling pt
lathe■. from the file filet -lock musket
to the then modern perrus'IOn eap
mutate Feeder, were r*gnlritlorted and
binoght into nether tir*Ave dtvoteea
at de',truetloe• ,. Katy were the lumber-
mrcrInsidad vaihha4ist meld swamp
wand melt m*1Ilag lads, with sow sal
guns te retro b the *•ening freighted
with sacks et Ogees& Bet arch weer
iperbw extant, am It under direction
of one mind, moved away to pastures
new and the scene of their recent actin•
Ities knew them no more. In
Fifty years have rolled away.
that h.ife•Pretury the wane has
,'w has
changed. The cedar asp
tithed and In Its place are fertile fickl e
('loverMnom and waving ern
replaced the sombre. gloom of the
jungle. Orchards blossom and gardens
grow where the cedars wand mur-
Heide o f sheepflourished
where the psomtnger pigeon ed
or fell. Belied are the whirring wings
and the cooing chorea 1s 'mnte. Re-
toplateu mignriut 1s ettln(•t In pigeon
valhalla he ham joined hls big come
In. the dodo, and together on winglam
flight they glitie into the ',tient part.
A few mounted rptetm*ns In the
hella of mtlaenms remain to remind
the world of the Willows that lately
enlivened the tore!. and st times o8-
leered the mnn. The whirring, eomotns.
flntterinit flecks lice only to the meta -
ort (R ihr tarifa' flew. Sone they wlfl
"Abet t "ea'R wilt they "mutat
from mortal tallory-- "evep d , y'lle
k t
The re -opening of the Goderich
Planing Mill on Cambria Road
We have purchased the mill formerly known as
Buchanan s and will conduct a Retail Lumber
Yard. Mr. George Westbrook, who is well
known in Goderich, will be general manager. A
large stock of Lumber. Doors interior Finish.
Lime, Gyproc and Cement always on hand. Let
us quote you on your requirements.
G. Westbrook, Fred• C. Kalbfleisch,
Manager Proprietor
Phone 388
The leading men of OUT c0ontry have been advancing many reasons with
• like number of ewes, the meet often mention ed ' Bny at Home -
"Canadian nMade." We
during 1(our Goderich
982. W tak air prices' front week to soup you money during week.
Are You Interested?
Toilet Sets, Military
Brushes, Hand Brushes
Pure Norwegian Cod
Liver Oil
16 -oz Bottle 75c
Kruschen Salts
Ask about Anti -Freese
for your car
Tooth Paste Special
Tooth Brush .. 19c
An Alter Christmas
Castorla 29c
Wimple's Mak d rapists
Buy Drugs at the Drag.
IA. Campbell, IL C. hasp, J. H. Lanier, L.L ! :