The Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-02-13, Page 3// -1 • Lucknow Sentinel:, Wednesday, Febnnuy 13„ 1.985—Page 3 Lucknow bake shop licensed to sell Ezekial, bread Lucknow Shoppers n� longer have to go to, Goderich, Wingham or Kincardine to purchase natural food products as these foods are available in ' Lucknow in the natural food section at Armstrong Bakery. Proprietor and, baker George, Arm- strong uses these products in his baked goOds and "we have. always offered for sale whatever we -had," says his wife,. ., Frances who works in the business. The Armstrongs have • always been inclined to prepare their baking with the natural goodness' of 'natural ingredients and Frances. is especially enthusiastic because -they are licensed to bake. and sell Ezekial Bread, made with Ezekial flour, a complete protein food. Ezekial flour is made by Rityrna Foods of Bayfield where Eugene Fox has taken the ingredients listed in the Bible used to make the bread which sustained the prophet Ezekial during his year long fast. The flollr is stone ground from organic-. ally grown hard western wheat, barley, rye, lentils, millet and . pinto beans, AMIMNI111111118111=11.E11•1111110,1111111W making it a complete protein source. While the ingredients are listed on the label, the proportions are a trade secret, says Fox. Fox has fasted for 30 days eating only bread made from the Ezekial flour three times a day and ?water. He found the bread to be totally/ sustaining and he lost 20 pounds. - Frances says her Ludmow clientel have really responded to the Ezekial bread and vegetarians especially like it because it is so sustaining and it is a complete protein food. She says you would be surprised to learn how many people in this area are vegetarian. Fox says the response to his product has been overwhelming. Vegetarians, people who want a healthier diet, people who want to fast and people who just like the bread, muffins, .cookies and pancakes you can make with the flour are buying Ezekial flour. Fox says a meal of Ezekial pancakes is filling and sustaining. People are surpris- ed that they do not have to have a full meat and potato meal to be satisfied and the introduction of Ezekial flour to the diet makes for healthier living. Frances says it is good that we can say Ezekial flour is complete protein because you have to be careful of the claims you make about a product. . Armstrongs also make a Bethel bread which has both white and Ezekial flour and is a lighter loaf of bread than the Ezekial bread. Ezekial flour is excellent in muffins and makes delicious pancakes. Frances says the &ekial flour can be sunstituted tor regular Hour in conven- tional recipes. Other naturalfood products available in the food section of the bakery include whole- wheat flour, unbleached white flour, bran and • wheat germ, grain cereals, oat flakes, white rice flour, soy flour, sea salt, brown rice, fresh spices, prunes, apricots, figs, raisins and nuts; sunflower seedsand flax seed. If you. don't know what a product' is used for or how to use it, please ask, says Frances, the bakery staff is happy to' explain. Immersion committee member finds second language an asset... *from page 1 county and the erosion of the rural base as children were drawn away from their resident schools to attend the immersion program in an urban centre. The logistics of offering total early French Immersion in a county as expansive as Huron were impossible, says Todd. Some parents and members of the board believed the Program should be offered in the areas where interest in the program warrants it, but Todd said she believes in universal access and to develop a total immersion program from 'kindergarten throughout in •Goderich for example, because there is interest there, would not be fair to the children in other areas of the county who could not attend the program because it was not offered in their area. It would not be fair to the taxpayers who would be expected to pay for a program ' only afeW would have the opportunity to take. Todd said the committee decided it Would be too.costly to bus Children to one immersion centre in th.county and parents, who had not considered , their children would be riding a bus' for an hOur each way to an iminersion program outside their community, were reluctant to answer whether they would still send their child to inunersion if it was not located in their community's school. Another real concern of the committee was. starting the program when. the Ministry of Education provides initial funding and then find the ministry changes its priorities; down the road and Makes another program' such as computers a priority, leaving the board to fund an immersion program already . in place completely on its own. The committee believed late immersion was financially and logistically possible, said Todd. Grade 7 and 8 children would encounter few social problems, riding on high school buses to the fran centre where the . high school is located. Late immersion programs would be offered in several countytowns making it possible for grade 7 and 8 students throughout the, county to take advantage of the program without moving away from home or travelling long hours on a bus. The, late' immersion program was seen as compromise which could work. The board' however, turned it down. Second Language An A'sset Todd says she still believes total early immersion is the best way to learn a second language. As a young child her parents spoke only Dutch in. -the home -and while' she answered in English,. she retained enough of. the language that it made it very: easy for . her to learn Dutch when she travelled to Holland as a sixteen year old. After three weeks in. the country, she was confident enough of her abilityto speak the language she would enter a store to make a purchase without assistance from someone who: spoke the language. While she did not speak Dutch at home before the trip, she had retained what's' he had learned as a child even though she did not ase it in the interim...and after being immersed for three weeks, she found it easy to become fluent in a very short time. Her working knowledge of the language has helped her as a nurse. at the Goderich hospital becausemany people • in , Huron county are of Dutch origin. The knowledge --�f a -second language is helpful, she says. ALL ABOUT REGISTERED RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAN DOESN'T IT MAKE SENSE, THAT THE PEOPLE WHO HANDLE FINANCIAL BUSINESS EACH AND EVERY DAY SHOULD BE THE PEOPLE TO SEE WHEN IT COMES TIME TO INVEST YOUR MONEY! "FREE" .R.S.P. SEMINAR Thursday, February 14th, 1985 at 7:30 p.m. Bank Of Montreal, Lucknow A REPRESENTATIVE FROM THE OFFICE OF LENTZ & JEFFERY WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR TAX RELATED QUESTIONS. EVERYgNEWELCOME