HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1931-12-24, Page 8w 14-1-t„,14-1-t„,•s ift for tjt borne ttJtg ebrifittriar. e finer than this -- Super -Heterodyne - 4 rs . Radio NO OTHER MAKE CAN EQUAL IT AT A THIRD MORE INPRICE -:- Christmas Music -:- CL(AR_A5 A .661.1.e. !MERE is radio enjoyment at its best - LJ selecting, sensitivity,y, pure, richtame -quality reception in a quality cabinet. Seven tube's, including the new Pentode and Hi -Mu, and a 'full dynamic speaker. An ideal gift that everyonewill enjoy --at an amazingly low price. Ask us about Sonora'. " this -to makes ponsnilsgreatest of all values. $ .73 DOWN - 10 Months to complete purchase on time -payment plan Radio-Lectric Co. FRANK CALLOW, MGR. EAST ST. and SQUARE-GODERICH SONORA DEMONSTRATING CENTRE ST. GEOBGI's wiuxaH e'llltISTMAH EVE, 11.30 p.m. OmniOmniWelts, Yroree4 Hym4--71: Kyrie Eleisoa-o7' Book 122 iss-124--H it Hook 13.1 Offertory -"hark, W.• herald Angels Sint . -•0 Come, Let Us Adore ills -. Sauetn► Hymn Book 130 j Oow-- wunior"H011 Night, Peaceful Night" Morin in Exceeds-Hymn Book 132 '1.wit.• r Hymn Book 411. 1'a rt 1 It...ssioual-Hymn 73 i'e Organ stlude--"Ilallelujah Chorus" Hoy Ce.sigion si salt Mere XXX XX*c=c Adel,tr Fid ells, Cantos Divers! 1751 - _____Mendelseohn Plummer - 4Nemaser Franz Gruber 1787 Zeuner Mendelsohn • Mendelssohn 1809 Messiah-Haodel ETElit OLA Mr. and Mrs. Rune riek's'street, hays been b.resV death on Saturday last of Peter nue or their twin roux, at the age of seven mouths and two days. The IItUe le fellow had born ill fur several weeks• the et He Ie snrt•Ind by his twin brother, to Mac, a sister, June, four and a half on or before day eft .Ja Ferrer ' of age, end a brother, Rosa, two A.D. 1932, as on and after tlsat date- and s tuff years. The funeral toot the estate will be distributed among the platy, on Monday afternoon from thepersons entitled thereto, having reseed home of Mrs. Sparks' parents, Mr. rind I only to the claims of welch they have i Mrs- Peter Rutledge, St. David's I notice. Gude/tell this 14th dal or street, Lint 4isierme-10t:1� .4i.Meitland iIi.4 41. cemetery. The funeral servile was !December, A.t1. 1921. z conducted by B. D.J. Lase "6Ot'OLAS B. NAIRN,- Goderlch, Ont., B. H. ROBINSON Solicitor for the Executor herelp. The news of the 'sudden death of OE TO CREDLTORS Ben H Robinsou of Detroit on Mon- NOT.) - CHRISTMAS MORNING. 10.30 a.m. • day es'eulug was a slla•k to his rela- tive* and friends in Goderleh. art AJ.L.4 c- - -- 1Robl.aon was apparently in Ifs unset 1 tomtittomtitPrelude--"Chri-twas Yxsturule" Merk. 1 Ilymu'T74, 79 (tune :.gall IKyrle glebes -Hymn hook 323 Credo -Monotone Offertory Aetthems• - (a) -While Shepherds Watebed Mid.* (b) "The First (7bt4*tas Morn'" Sauctua-Hymn Book 129 4'ommenioes-Euchari$tie Hymn 236 Gloria in Excelaia-Hymn Book 131 Ames -139 Reeessfonel Hymn -72 ' Organ Postcode - "Hallelujah Clorox" SUNDAY, DECEMBER 27th Ssaiday atter Chs'iatnias 11.18) a.m.-Morning Prayer and Sermon ' (organ Pree.de-"Staten March" j llymne-394, 4:.2, 554, 517 !Christiania Anthem -Prayer Book 76 Psalm -Cathedral Psalter 19 41,1searth when he dropped dead at Id* horse shortly atter returning from his 1'Iuwmer j days work. IM wax it uatlre .rt Gud- erkh, toe -eldest sos of Mrs. Robinson and the late Captain William Robinson 00 or lectors the 1st day of January. Ttoets by Night" Smart ot this town, and was In his fifty- Ernest Newton BM Year. He had lived in Detroit 4 A.D. 1932, as on and after that data Plummer I the last thirty years. Ile is survived the estatperse will illebeedletheretoributed nm0e[ by his wife and au adopted son, George, thehl nth r rega. aring rd only to the claims of which NutIT'e Iv berelTy given to all per - sats having any claim against the estate of Themes -.David Ere lata_ . _. of the City of Detroit, to the State of Miehtgan, laborer, who died on or about the 2nd day of December, A.D. 11131, to send same to the undersigned Hudg Ano Greek Lltltr Adeste Fidetls, Cantus Divers! fr Messiah -Hand es 0. a 51 el ~mese��_ ee ttrnedletas-Cathedral Paa1t z, No. 2 --1 t redo--aesotone sermon-Tbe Rector lMertopAnthetp--".16)01!1T atebed Their Fi0eks by Night" Smart Book -11111_ r' xelhei Galbraith Gregorian Dr. E. C. Monk Woodward, Smart, Tsrle Garrett five years of age; also by s m e._ two sisters, the Misses Edna sad Lottie, i they have notice. Hated at Goderich. this 14th day at and two brothers, Captain Fd. Robin' Ikcemher. A.D. 1951. son• of town, and Graham, of Toronto.. DOUGLAS R. NAiRN, , The body was brought to his mother's I Ooderlch. Ont.. Dome herr, sal the funeral takes place eo1lMtor for the Admtntstrator herein. today (ThursdayI to Maitland ceme- tery. Rev. Geo. T. Watts will lleosdultbeareM I NOTICE TO CREDITORS. the funeral services mnd the pa will be Mayor ('has. C. Lee anti Messrs. Notice is hereby given that all credit- ors and others having claims against the estate ot James McGill, late of the tows of Ge -+f James F. Thomson, G. L. Parsons. H. C. Dunlop. W. H. Robertson, and T. G. " Caudle light Service I(1.30 p.m. -Organ Recital Processional Hymn -72 Adeste Fiddle, Cantos Diverse 1751 ChrlsOnaa Psalm -Cathedral Psalter se tNer'es 1-191 i First Lesson - Ty Denm-Hymn Book 29 Sung as an A'•t of Thauksgleing 1Stcond Lesson- Iteuedietns--Hymn Book 40 Credo -Monotone furo1._742 H0!7 Night" - -- Frans G Cotisnptloa and Choir Carol --"Good Christian Men Rejoice" German Melody 14th Century - Male Choir . Carol 745 -"See Amid the w'Inter's Snow" Ooss Congregation and Choir l'a rol -'The Seven Toys of Mary" Tndtfionst 1766 The Choir Boys I tend 737 -"Carol Sweetly Caro" - tI frCongregation and Choir I- aro IAD ---When Christ Wall.> The Choir Carol 747 -"Stars all Bright" Congregatlos and Choir ;.Carol -".Deck the Hallo With Boughs 0(. Hello" The Choir Boys 4 IQertory Anthem -"The First Christmas Morn" The Choir JOHN HICKS Regretted. b1 a wide circle of trteadb 1m tbe sudden pestling of Jobs Rieke. of Besnrst-1ll . In his sixty. Dereaoed was-_ widely ion (n rd�thtga l e'ireiee. -and able Hayes Sir It Oakeier l t �.� H u roo'•14tLNtff $f alsE'� about the 8th day of December, 1931. are required to Arad to the undersigned as ieltor for the executors full parte and verltled by amdavit of their ed.leess os or before IM !tl day of kau neler dna jam' $ger?'- 1982. 1 as ■ ern .T -t* AnsI notice lg that[ter ers born at. Chlmelhnrst, Ontario the owed date the eseen- s.nl of the late Thomas asd Lydia for saki last newts, edtj 111cks. .\s a bol he attended Goderkb ( tors will proceed to distribute the as- l'ullegIatl . and later graduated tram mets of the sed deceased, having regard Toronto Normal School. He began hislonly to the claims of which they then teaching ears atto+stull have had sotlee. fin Gederlt'h township. and had but rr I Dated at Seaforth. Ontario, this and cellar retired after e'omplttng nine day of Deeember. 1981. Ggfbone i tees Jean as prinetpal of lite Aeama ids JOHN J. HUOOARD, villa pnbik wheel. At the time of Seaforth. (hit.. Gruber 1787 n his death, Is', was a member of E1 Sdkttnr for the Executors. peed Ward: of edoicatton. 1r'rt a heartcooditlos in reeewfTLeRANK CHAD ACCOUNTANT years, he succumbed to ■n sente at- - 1 tack eta Maalay afterno(Nn. He will P. OIBBB, CHARTERED �, d„eWy mourrtd by the thoa*ands of ` Accountant. 102 Ontario street, la he bac) taught. and also h7 L1trsttord. phase 1550. Rea. 18301. Imlay other friends. Ills king -t - The Signal Calendar Now is the time to renew your s E SIGNAL INEWNVOLNEtEtMeti ers paying this month for the 11 receive a handsome Calendar for I vesper -Hymn Book 40 Part 2 Recessional Cason-'•HHym, n Book 73 Perkins 111611; and genial-dlspneltlon endeared him' AUCHONEERING to all. He leaves to mourn his toes.OM/8 GUNDRT. OODiL7tiCH. • iteaMew hie sorrowing widow. one son. THOMAS GUND A. G O RICH. Brown 1830 Harold. of Le. Aaseles. Cantor's'. LIVIAUCTIONEER Chops 1875 a rontla-law, lith. Oe•erge Agee. at Telepbo a Na 119. i Toronto, rad three daughters Mrs. Sales attended to anywhere and every Oeorge' Allen of Toronto, sad lftamee effort made to give satisfaction. in urd Eellth. Thr ftirwnl genies Farmers' sale notes discounted. will Ire held Tbeburch. atterrmsvinie, . We ley Cnited at 1 o'clock. anbject to ('barn.' 11 the arrlvtl of hi* sd* by aeeoplane is de- f'HLROPRAC'lOR ANDurr DRUGLESS Wed. latermest is Flt. Osborne I Goderieh. name 1NL setaeter), Beatasvllle. _____.with eiectre.maOsdk Una.i electric trsatmsts D® and chiropractic. Chronic, organic teal CAREE -1n (ioderich, s Sandal, De- : nervous diseases. Lady in sttendamce. - (-ember 20th, Patrick J. Carel, In hist Offlce horn 2 to 5, sad 7 to 9 p.m . (14th year. exceptlni Mondat Aad TDursdal sed M da De h7 appointment. --- id est son of Mr. and Mn. John Nivlss. 1 South d� and Britannia pad. aged 23 years.' SPARKS. -In Guderlch. eie 8atrrdal. n MEDICAL 00 1 - fees r 16111. -Teter flan Sparks. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sparks. (�R F. J. R FORSTER aged 7 months end 2 days• fir EYE, EAR. NOSE. THROAT R(►BtNSON.-At Detroit. on Modal. I Late House Surgeon New York Opi- Th eember glut. Ilenjamin netted tbalmk and Aural Hospital. assistant i ltotensoe, eldest son of Mr.. Robin- et M o Throad t H Ho.p• al, London lig den sun and the late Captain William �a Waterloo St. S" Stratford. Selo Ku►rinson Ot OOderlch.phone �. - ; At hotel Bedford. Goderlcb, on the 1r r �_ 1D 1 evening of third Monday' of este! j month till the follnwlug day Tuesday. LOST. -ROW OF CRYSTAL BEADS. �at 1 p.m. . Aron Sunday 'peening. between e1 George's church end Victoria street. Finder plesse leave nt-0HWAi. OE- FICE. • 014 welsh Carol. Newts W 1111.x. Mendelselohn 1800 Moaart • VICTORIA STREET UNITID OHIIB(IH 81'61)A%. DECEMBER 27th, 1931 Mender W. H. Maxie Organ Prelude- "Christmas ftece'sslonaP' Doxology- - Invocatlon- - Hymn -"Joy to the World" Prayer and--herd'e- Pryer in Unison-- • E. Newt Anthem -"The First ('hrletmaa Morn" The Choir Psalm -148 Serlptnrr i.'natfl--St. Luke 2:8-30 Announcements-- ' - ORering• - Hymn --"O Clare. All Ye Faithful" Sermon -"Thi Bells of Bethlehem" Anthem -"Haab Ile from Tar" Hymn -"The Saviour Cpm.s'• Benediction- - - .Organ Poetlude--"Adeste Fideles" twain • coming 1932 The Signal Calendars this year are beauties. Don't miss yours. The supply is limited; so renew your subscription early and make sure of getting one. ig Co., DRUOL FILLACIITION 11 NIViNS.-1n Goderkh. o0 Mender. A. N. ATKINSON reenlist 290. }+tweed 1. Nlvlm� e!ld S>,ddlrrcl and ante -Corner of Organ Prelude- "Christmas Fanle'Tn"- Cheir-"Stlrnt Night" invocatiOn- H1mn+'Rejoice. the Lord Is King" Prayer- Anthem--'•R'hile Angel' Sing" Scripture Lemon -St. Matthew 2:1-15 Announcements- Offering - Anthem -"Can We Behold" Hlmn--"While Shepherds' Watched Their Flocks' 0 Sermon -"Joseph. Mary and Jeans" Anthem --".$uretic" Chair Hymn -"-Ht rtM The' lihrahi Imitaelis fling" ' Benediction and Vesper -- Organ 1'o*tlude• "Hallelujah -Chores': E. A. Dicks Ralph Dunstan, Mus. Doo. Cantab. Frans Gruber LEGAL DUDLEY E. HOLIAlfft. _ Barrister, Etc. Office --Hamilton street. Ooderteb WANTON) Phone 17. Adam Gelbel WANTED. --TO BORROW, FOR ONE year, MOO or any part of that amount. Seven per sent. Ample *e - C. H. Lowden runty. Confidential. Address BOX 37, SIGNAL. Rev. F. W. ("nib Ch. Gonnod G. F. Handel BRIEFS We have a Targe A*aortment of New - Year andThnole You cards. CAMP- BELL: S nine STORE. Bilk mese' tt(Iee, finest quality. best shades. Splrella make.Order tm MRS. R. HI NpBRSO.N Oodertnh. CHURCH NOTES ('hrlstmas music will to discussed at the meeting of the Mea'. (Club of North street !United church to be Wad on 8nnda' mprning next of W e'*I*Ht. The pastor, Het, t)e.rge T. Watts. will ...millet the •crvkvs In North atreet I tilted church nextSnnlY• The merman emhjects : Morning, e Child. the 'I lee Mere and tate Ilter." evening. 1 Ing Backward." Serviette at the Repasts chOlcb seat Sunday will is charge of Rev. W.. T. Bent. w w111 give` IWO- 1 .apse °0 Christ mai ' Berl VfRer1 men *object 11 a.m.. `'PIS. rgin Hilo tet J the Christ;'' 7 p.* !relive �r tram Sln " There will ..,• to-.w..M1 .w..,., *tlr(r 'its •Ckatr. •�r. 51 (",�t themting of brie Ledges' flea ,tj Sortety of Arses thufe tens were elected for the coming year President, Mrs. A. D. McLean; let vice-president, Mrs. J. B. :Matey; 2tel vlee-prealdent, Mrs. G. H. Green; Xrd Hile•presldent, Mai, W. A. Austin;- 4th t $reMdet, Mr*. T. C. Tretbews7; seeretsry, -Mrs. G. Young; teeming.. Mw. A. Stream; Ltlanhrte. Mrs. W. A. Militia and ]ers, G. Tonna; social com- mittee, Idea C. A. Nairn. Mrs. E. Beattie, Jlts A. A. FowIle. Mrs. A. Q. MacDonald, %erg. M. MacDonald: Press wctetary. Mrs. 1. 0. weir. The Young People's Societies of North street and l'Ietorla street Visited ehdreh *. which have been holding nnited meet Ines for some time, have derided to wevarate for a time, In order to determine which Is the better way of developing Interest 1n the• mciselee. The North street Society ham elertel the following o5kers: President, George Johnston; devotional eonvetlM, Edna Driver: mindnnart ennvetie s% Gigues Albin; eitisooaMP convenor, Harry Bloom held : literary and sne1sl eonvcr,nr, Mildred Wiwi; aeeretary, Gwendolyn Mark ; tredit'irr', Bey Copeland pianists. ()lady* Brownlee and Alma I". ....,.1.,, y•.. _....y.: -.•Fly. FOR SALM OR RENT FARM FOR SALE. -FORTY ACRES more or leas. The property of the late H. W. C. Neftel, situated at the end of South *trek on the southern boundary of the town; of Rood AO tom; barge )wseee and barn.drlva-1-'' workshop, hen hmree: artesian wen (135 teet), the very best Ot water; gosh fruit tree*. Ideal location, close to 'schools and churches. For further pat- ricnlar's *WY on the premises or to PERCY or WILL NAFTEL. DOUGLAS R. NAIRN. 11 Barrister and Solicitor. Office -North street, Gadertch. Telephone 512 g! R, DARROW, BARRISTER, W1' ' Strcxesmor to J. L. Killoran. Office -The Square, Goderteb. *RtANE DONNELLY, B. A. • Rarrlater, Solicitor, Etc.. Office --Hamilton Street, Gudt,rici :. Phone 282. CARD OF TTTNANIS oAND MRS. R0S8 SPARKS wlsh to thank friends and neigh- bors for their kind expreelons of sym- pethy In their recent bereavement through the death of their little twin son. T11 9 FAMILY OF THE LATE MRs. a ROBERT £L,i)F.R take 191. means of expressing their sincere appreetatlon df the kind sympathy and thoughtful - nem of friends and neighbors In their recent bereavement through the death of 9 beloved mot?ter. / • 111R. AVD MRS. JOHN NiViNS AND Pa FAMILY desire to express' their deep gratitude to nelehM►n and other friendp for kindnesses esteoded der* the Illeeea of their beloved stn and i... brother, Elwood. toned In their HMO et bereatasaat, 111126 • - Barrlsten and Solicitor* R. C. Hays. R.C.. and R C. Hays, B.A. Hamilton Street, Goderbeb ' aleph 8.4 'INERT 11. LEE, Barr' ter and Solicitor San Life Building. AAelalde and Vie - torte streets, Toronto 2. Telephone Elgin 5301. iNStVRANCIL LOANS. RIC. NicKILLOP MUTUAL F1EE INSUR- ANCE CO. -Farm and isolated town property tnetived. Ofncen - jobs Renneweis, Preis.. $rodhagen P.O.; James Connolly, Vice - Pres., Ooderkb P.O.; D. F. McGregor. Sec. -Tress.; $eafortb P.O. Merton --A. Rmadfoot, R.R. Ne. f, Seatorth ; James Sholdle. Walton: Wm. Roos, i ondeeboro; Robert Ferris. %Iarinck ; Geo. McCartney, R.R. No. S. 8atttorth : John Pepper, Rrscedeld. Agents-- W..1. Yeo, R.R. No. 2, Clin- ton ; 311111e* Watt. Ruth; 16. Rineb- Isy, Sesfnrth ; John Moray, Seafo th. Polley -holden can make all Pa71109111 and fret their mills rwMlpted at w Royal Bank. Clinton: 0.1,41 Ott jTingettm street. O tat ], H. �� a General mom BaF _ -ritP O