HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-01-30, Page 7Lucknow Seminal, Wednesday, January 30, 1985—Page 7
Congregation pot luck lunch precedes meeting
The congregation of Lucknow United
Church held a pot luck lunch following the
worship service on Sunday, January 27.
This lunch was then followed by the annual
congregational meeting.
George Anderson was elected chairman
and Rod McDonagh was elected secretary
for the meeting. Following the reading of
the minutes of the 1984 annual meeting,
the reports of all the groups and organiza-
tions within the church were reviewed and
received for information. The reports show
a very successful year for all of the groups.
The proposed budget for 1985 was then
approved. The 1985 budget for the church,
exclusive of all the mid week groups, will
be $55,129. When the budgets of all the
groups are included, the above budget
figure becomes almost $80,000. This
includes an objective of $12,100 for the
Mission and Service Fund of the National
Church for 1985.
Evans Helm reported for the nominating
committee. Those elected to various
positions include: Jim Pentland and Stuart
Reavie to the Board of Stewards; Gerry
Priestap, Bruce MacKenzie, Ernest Ack-
ert, Greg Blake, and "Bob Struthers to the
Session; Bob Finlay to the manse commit-
tee; Stuart Collyer to the Memorial and
Gift Committee; George Anderson to the
Board of Trustees; Anna Mae Hunter as
the Presbytery delegate; and Lloyd Morri-
, son as the alternate delegate to Presbytery.
• A report wa:: given by Lois Walden for
the historical committee, which was
formed in 1984 to prepare a church history
to mark the occasion of the 100th anniver-
sary of the present church building in 1985.
Mrs. Walden reported that much of the
research has been done, and it was the
recommendation of the committee that the
history be printed by a professional printer
in book form. The congregation supported
this recommendation.
In other church news, Rev. McDougall is
presently conducting Confirmation classes
for nine young people and five adults.
These 14 people will be confirmed on Palm
The Youth Group of Lucknow United
Church is planning a swimming, party at
the indoor pool in Kincardine on Sunday,
February " 3. The Sacrament of Holy
Communion and the Installation of Officers
will take place on Sunday February 10. The
•from page 6
closed until Mr. Simpson returns. In the
meantime, please go home. You will be
paid for all the lost time."
When they were alone, Lucy faced her
"Go and get Mr. Grant. We shall have a to
determine the extent of .the damage and
see if it can be repaired:
Teddy was secretly annoyed at his wife's
sudden invasion into what he believed was
strictly a man's territory.
"Did ye think lhad no already thought
about that? Sometimes Lucy, ye treat me
as if I were a little boy!"
She smiled very sweetly and patted his
arm reassuringly. •
"I think nothing of the kind, my dear.
You are most certainly not a child andI
love you just the way you are. Sometimes
however, I think you have still a little
growing up to do!"
It was not until the afternoon that
by Don Campbell
Charlie • Grant made his appearance. He.
surveyed the dama8e and then went to the
Murdoch cabin to make his report.
"It will be a big job," he told Lucy. "But
1 think I can fix it in about a couple of
days. "
"Why did the saw suddenly break like
that, Mr. Grant?"
"It was the saw table, ma'am," the
blacksmith told her. "1t was set to cut soft
wood, and the idiot who' started the
machinery, didna know what he was doing.
Instead of setting a slower feed he left it
the way it was the day before. There is no
saw made which could rip into hard wood
the way it was. set."
Lucy wished her husband could have
heard 'the blacksmith's words!
St. Helen's Snowmobile rub
Sunday, February 3rd, 1985
Cash Prizes For Best Poker Hand
$3.00 PER HAND OR 2 HANDS FOR $5.00
Lunch Available In Hall
List of Contributors for Door Prizes:
Treleaven's Feed Mill, S25 voucher; Hamilton Fuels, 2 toques; Lucknow Service
Centre, 1 case windshield washer; C & M, S25 cash; G & E, toy truck and trailer; C. A.
Becker Equipment, hand cleaner; Lucknow Small Engine, 2 cases pop; McDonagh
Insurance, 510.00 cash; Lucknow District Co-op, 5 gal. gas can; Armstrong's Bakery,
310.00 voucher; Hackett's Farm Equipment, 4 litres snowmobile oll; Reavie Farm
Equipment, cup; Lucknow Farm Supply, cat . food; Lucknow Home Hardware, vice
grip; Charman's, toque and balaclava; Baln's Groceteria, tomato juice [2]; Les Petter
Shoes, bowling bag; Agnew Jewellery, set [61/ old fashioned"drinking glasses; Fairview
Foods, $20 food voucher; Greer T.V. & Electric, fishing reel; Button's Meat Market,
310 meat voucher; Finlay Decorators, paint brushes [2]; Loree's Ladies Wear, pair of
mitts; WWit's Tire, gas can; Becker's Milk, 310 cash; C. E. McTavish, 2 litres oil
donated by staff; Chisholm Fuels, deck of cards [2]; Kemp's Store, toque;
Montgomery Motors Ltd., oil change, filter, grease/Job: Belgrave Co-op, 5 gal. gas
can; Teeswater Co-op, 5 gal. gas can; Taylor's Grocery, sugar; Scrimgeour• Food
Market, gift certificate; Bernice Glenn, • tupperware [2]; Nile Garage, oil change;
Argyle Marine, drive belts [2]; Huronia Welding Supplies, gloves; Jenldn's Auto
Wreckers, 2 gal. prestone; Auburn, Auto Sales, hack saw, pipe wrench; Sifto Salt, 4
bags salt; Sproule Electric, hats [2]; Doug Brow Construction, 5 gal. gas can; St.
Helens Snowmobile Club, hats [2]; Ray Brown, Pioneer Dealer, jacket; Dawson's
Store, snow shovel; Hodges Mill, dog food; Lynn -Hoy; Hully Gully, 320 voucher;
Carlow Store; Brindley Auction; Haugh Tire, oll change, filter, grease; Lawrence
Electric, cookies [2]; Dale's Pump, 4 litre windshield washer; Blyth in®, 310; Vorsell
Plumbing; Craig Hardwood; Blyth Meat Market; Richard Lobb, heti Paul Kerrigan,
case of oil; Bruce Raynard, Planer toques [2]; Maxine's Lunch, boa of chocolates.
Young Women's Group is planning a
Valentine Tea for a111 the women of the
congregation on Tuesday, February 12.
he study group resumes meeting on
T rday, February 14; there will also be a
combined meeting of the official board and
the Ministry and Personnel committee on
February 17.
Dungannon UCW
enjoys dessert
The January meeting of Dungannon
U.C.W held at the home of Helen Dawson,
started with ,a delicious dessert being
served by hostesses, Ruth MacKenzie and
Helen Dawson.
Karen Roberts very capably took the
Bible Study, From Death to Life.
Bible passages were read by Karen and
Ruth MacKenzie. A question and answer
period let everyone participate by giving
their different views pertaining to ques-
tions asked.
Tinie Logtenberg gave a prayer for many
things, including their Sister U.C. W. The
Best Is Yet To Be, a reading given by Mrs.
Logtenberg added more depth to the Bible
A poem, collection, and prayer were
followed by the poem, New Years
Volunteer Prayer, which closed the pro-
President, Nora Saunders, asked for the
roll call to be answered with Your
Highlights of 1984.
The correspondence consisted of many
thank you notes from recipients ` of
Christmas gifts and cards. The financial
report was given by treasurer Helen
The Feature was taken by Nora Saunders
who read, God Speaks to The Listening
Worship Service 11:00 a.m.
Junior Church Service, ages 44, 11 aomo
Sunday School 9:45 a.m.
Nursery Downstairs
For Little Ones Under Four
Sunday School 9:45 a.m.
Worship Service 11:00 a.m.
Rev. Warren McDougall B.A.M.Div.
Nursery and junior,congregation provided
• invites Yon To Worship With Them On
10:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.
Nursery downstairs morning & afternoon
RRSP 1 0 3/4
1 year "
5 years
GODERICH 524-2773 (Collect)
Going but Of Business
Final Two 'Weks
Save On
All Drastically Reduced
Stonwids Clots-Ovt
T. V. and Electric
Lucknow 528-3112