HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-01-23, Page 1423. Miscellaneous
NEED EXTRA INCOME. No investment, no
selling exprience, at your own leisure, no
inventory requirements. For information:
Nutrihealth Products, 515-470 Granville St.,
Vancouver. V6C 1V5. (604) 683-3659.. ,.-04
AUCTION SCHOOL - Western 'Canada
School of Auctioneering. Over 1,000 gradu-
ates. Courses commence 1st Monday of
April; August, pecember. For particulars
write Box 687, Lacombe, Alberta TOC 150.
24: Business opportunities
FREE CAREER GUIDE describes 200 learn -
at -home correspondence Diploma courses:
Accounting, Art, Bookeeping, Business
Management, Clerk Typist, Secretary, Jour•
nalism, Television Servicing, Travel. Gran-
ton (5A) Adelaide West, Toronto, 1-800-268-
1121. —03
CAREER IN TRUCKING. Transport drivers
needed: Now is the time to train for :yourk‘
Class „A" license: For pre-sereening and
job placement information contact, Mery
Orr's •Transport Driver Training. London
-(519) 432-1726. —03
28. Engagements,.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Snow of Ridgetown,
•Ontario and Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Hamilton of
Lucknow, Ontario are pleased to announce '
the forthcoming marriage of their children,
Jennifer and Ken. The ceremony will take
place on January 26, 1985, in Ridgetown.
There will be a reception following in
32. Coming events
Saturday, January 26
Lucknow Legion 4
Ian Wilbee Orchestra
Smorgasbord Lunch
Of The Huron Cattlemen's Association,
January 28, Clinton Legion, Dinner 11:45
a.m. SHARP. Guest speaker Dr. Clayton
Switzer, Deputy Minister of Agiiculture for
Ontario. Tickets $8.00 per person. See
Directors or phone 887-6186. —3,4
January 23 - 31, March of Dimes Door to
Door Canvass and Rural Mail Campaign.
"We can't March Alone". —3,4
The Auxiliary to Wingham and District Hos-
pital is holding its regular meeting, in the
hospital board room on Monday, January 28,
2 p.m. Mr. Bob Hollenbeck, Chief of
Radiology will be the featured speaker.
Everyone welcome. —4 -
Kingston Winter ,Antique Show, .Portsmouth
Olympic. Harbour, Kingston, Ontario, Feb-
ruary 2nd and 3rd. 40 distinguished dealers,
10:30 a.m. until 5, p,m. both days. —04
2 nights, $64.50 per person. Includes
breakfasts, dinners,, 'squash, pool, sauna,
whirlpool. •Snowtrails available. Ranton
Place Motel. Fitness Centre: (4 Star Motel)..
Lucknow. Palmerston, (519) 343-3906. ,-04.
30. in memoriam
GRANT Monday, Februa.ry 4, 1985 9:15 a.m. - noon.
In • loving memory of a dear mother,
Margaret, who passed away January 26,
Memories are like threads of gold,
Treasured so deeply they never grow old.
No longer in our lives to share, but in our
You are always there.
Lovingly remembered and sadly missed
by her daughter and 'husband.
In loving memory of a loving •husband,
r grandather and great grandfather, Robert D.
• Buchanan, who passed away, January 26,
• 1977.
'The years are slowly passing
Though still we can't forget
For in the hearts that love him
His memory lingers yet.
Sadly missed by wife Madge and family.
gin •PO =MOH. MMMMMMMM all•CON• 0.11•••••••••01
32. Coming events •
• Open.Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 2 -
• p.m. Everyone welcome. No age limit.
• —2,3,4
Lucknow District Co-operative annual meet-
ing, dinner, dance, Friday, January 25,
1985, Lucknow Community Centre, 7:00
p.m. Tickets $7.50 per person. Available
frim directors or at the Co-op. —2,3,4
Saturday, January 26, Dungannon Agricul-
tural Hail. Registration 1 - 2 p.m. $3.00
admission, _includes lunch. Prizes 550, 540,
$30. Speciai: 50/50 draw. —3,4
Come to TOPS, Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. in
the Lucknow Town Hall. For information call
395-5265. or 395-5186 or 528-3617
St. Helens Snowmobile Club, Sunday,
February 3. Registration 12 noon - 2 p.m.,
' St. Helens W.I. Hall. S3.00 per' hand or
245,00. Cash prizes for best pokerhand.
Numerous door prizes. Lunch available in
Hall. —4,5
In Toronto. Go by bus, Wednesday, January
30. Phone 528-6993. —4
Call school to reserve appointment, 529-
7900. Please bring birth, certificate and
health. records. —4,5
Attention Farmers!
A. For sale
Barn Cleaners; manure pumps, vertical,
horizontal; 8" to 15 P.V.C. or S.B.T. ductile.
Cow and calf tie stalls. Loose housing. Bunk
Feeders, Ventilation Equipment. Hog Con-
finement. Ritchie heated water bowls.
Farrowing' Crates.. Weaner Decks. Plastic
Slates and also Farm Gates.
• Contact Lloyd Johnston
R. R. 3, Holyrood, Ontario.
Phone 395.5390
FIRST CUT HAY, 51.00 per bale at farm.
• Bill MacPherson, Holyrood, lot 18, conces-
• sion 10. Phone 392-6028. —3,4
m gram= maga. MMMMMMM OO aglagagama
D. Livestock
Friday, February 1, 1985, 1 p.m. at the
Canada Farm Show C '2, Grounds, Toronto.
For catalogues contact Craig$Lumburner, R.
# 1, Caistor Centre, LOR 1E0. (416)
957-3695. —04
20 SUFFOLK EWES, due by the end of
January; also • one. Suffolk ram. Phone
357-3268. —4
• •
Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, January 23, 1985—Page 14
Township of Huron
• /
TAKE NOTICE that the'Council of the Corporation of the Township of Huron will hold
public Meeting on February'18, 1985 at 2:30 p.m. at the Township Municipal Office to
consider a proposed zoning by-law amendment under Section 34 of The Planning Act.
The proposed zoning by-law amendment amends the Township's comprehensive
Zoning By-law 11-82 and is' intended to resolve objections to By-law 11-82 as
amende'd. The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Huron has agreed to
consider further amendments to By-law No. 11-82, conditional upon compliance with
the provisions of the Planning Act. 1983, as foHoWs: '
1) To amend Section 4.3.1(d)(i) of By-law No. -11-82, as amended by deleting, referenie
to the words "one' year" in the second lineal' said By-I9w No. 30-82 and adding in
• place thereof -the words "two years".
2) To repeal Section 9.5 of By -low No. 11-82, as amended, and to replace it with the ,
following Section 9.5: •
9.5 Existing Lots
• In any. Residential Zane an existing lot may be used in accordance with the
• appliccible zone provided that:
(i) Where no municipal water or sewers are available•the minimum lot area shall be
700 square metres and the minimum lot frontage shall be 15 metres
(ii) where either municipal water . or sewers are available the minimum lot
area -shall be 700 square metres and the minimum lot frontage shall be 15 metres
(iii) where municipal water and sewers are, available the minimum lot area shall be
450 square metres and the minimum lot frontage shall be 15 metres •
(iv) for existing lotswith a frontage of 20 metres or less, the minimum side' yard
setbacks will be 3 metres on one side and 1.5 metres On the opposite side'.
(v) all other provisions Of this by-law pre complied with.
3) To change the zoning of the lands owned by 435961 Ontario Limited, being part of
-Lots 65 to 67, Concession A, from Travel Trailer and Commercial Campground C4 to
re -incorporate the provisions of By-laW 7-79 of the Corporation as it applied to the
subject land's. •
4) To change the zoning of lands consisting of Pert of Lot 31. Concession A from Open
; Space (OS) to Future Development (FD), which area has dimensions of 30.5 metres
(100 feet) by 61 metres (200 feet).
5) To change the zone category of /an area of land 61 metres (200 feet) by 61 metres
(200 feet) consisting of part of Block A, Registered Plan 706 in the Township of
Huron from Open Space (OS) zone to Seasonal Residential (R2). The change will
permit the development of thelandS as two (2) residential lots, ••
• 6) To change the zoning of an area of land consisting of Part of Lot 40,Concessicin A.
Township of Huron from an Open Space (OS) Zone to a Future Development (FD)
ione. The zone change is intended to implement the Resort Residential designation
approved for the subject lands in the Huron Township Lakeshore Secondary Plan.
ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written representation
either in support of orin opposition to the proposed zoning by-law amendment.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposed zoning by-law amendment is
available by contacting the Huron Township Municipal °fifties leRipley during normal
office hours.
Dated at the Township of Ituron
• this 14th day of January 1985.
M. Coiling, Clerk
P.O. Box 2
Ripley, Ontario
(519) 395.2935
Township of Huron
' TAKE NOTICE that the Council col the cerperation of the Township of Huron will hold a
publie Meeting on February 18, 1985 at 1:30 p.m. at the Township Municipal ‘64fliii t�'
consider a proposed zoning by-law amendment under Section 34 of The Planning' Act.
The proposed zoning by taw amendment applies to 5.4 hectares of land consisting of
port of Lots 16 and 17, Concession A. Township of Huron (as shown below). By-law 71-
• 83 proposed to change the zoning of these lands from Future Development (FD) Zone
to -Special Open Space (0S-3) Zone, ta permit development of a municipally owned
community hell and outdoor recreatidn uses. The Ontario Municipal Board decision
regarding the proposed By-law 71-83 directed the Township to amend the by-law by
providing that the 05-3 zone category will apply only so long as the land is owned by
the Corporation of the Township of Huron and upon any sale or transfer the FD zoning
will apply. This public meeting is to review the proposed amendment of By-law 71-83.
ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written representatiofl.
either in support of or in opposition to the proposed zoning by-law amendment.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposed zoning' by-law amendment is
available by contacting the Huron Township Municipal Offices In Ripley during normal
Dated at the Township Of Huron
• this 14th day of January, 1985
M. Coiling, Clerk
P.O. Box 2
,Ripley, Ontario
(519) 395-2935
Lutgan Beach
4 s
6' I b 9 0 11, 17
us 94n
i4 5116
18 19
20: 21 22
1224 252821MM?
SCALE 1,50,000