HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-01-16, Page 11" Weisman, Sendnel, Wednesday, January 16, 1985—Page 11
UCW enjoys luncheon at. January meeting
Units 1, 2 And 3 met in the fellowship
room at the church on Tuesday, January' 8
to enjoy a luncheon of soup and sand-
wiches. Despite a very cold day, thirty-
seven ladies and one little girl attended.
Following the luncheon, Mrs. Eldon
Bradley chaired the meeting. She welcom-
ed everyone and introduced •the visitors to
the group and expressed the hope they
would feel at home in their new units.
Members sang the hymn, Standing at
the Portal, singing one verse between each
of the readers. Mrs. Walter Dexter read
the scripture and gave the prayer. Readers,
for the meditation were Mrs. Stuart
Reavie, Mrs. Gordon. Morrison and Mrs.
• Charles McDonald. Mrs. Bradley gave the
New Years prayer.
Mrs. Charles McDonald gave an inter-
esting New Year's reading, A Handful of
New Days, followed by a lively ingtrument-
al by Mrs. Harvey Webster. She; accom-
panied for the hymns.
Members each ,wrote a New Year's
resolution on a slip of paper and later a few
were drawn from the box and read aloud.
OnDthe devotion table was a lighted candle,
which was the symbol of God's light and
with His help we shall be putting away our
mistakes and be able to keep these
solutions we wished to follow.
Mrs. Glen Walden and Mrs. Bob Irwin
had attended the Leadership Workshop at
Five Oaks last fall, and they most capably
introduced the study book for 1985 on
Korea. They took as their main topics -
geographic position, , historical back-
ground and the culture of the people. They
also outlined many sources of information
members may use in preparing future
:study of Korea.
Mrs. Bradley thanked the committee and
all who had helped with the meeting and
she closed with a New Year's benediction.
The three units separated and went to
different rooms for their own- business
Unit 1
Unit 1 of the Lucknow U.C.W. joined
units 2 and 3 in the fellowship room of the
United Church on January 8.
Following a delicious lunch, Mrs. Eldon.
Bradley led, in the devotions. Mrs. Glen
Walden and Mrs. Bob Irwin introduced the
study book on South Korea.
Unit 1 remained in the fellowship room
for their business session. President, Mrs.
Ross Wells, gave the call to worship. Ten
• members answered the roll call, a book of
the .Bible and membership fees. Commit-
tee reports were given. The offering was
collected and dedicated. The meeting
closed with the benediction.
Unit 2
• Unit 2 met in the chorch parlour with 13
ladies present. The roll call was answered
with a Bible verse with the word "New"
and the payment of fees. The offering was
taken and one January birthday added to
the funds. Members discussed the new
program and several worthwhile sugges-
tions were received. Mrs. Walden closed
the meeting with a prayer.
Unit 3'
Following a meeting with units 1 and'2 in
the church fellowship room, Unit 3 of the
Lucknow U.C.W. held their business
meeting in the choir room.
Mrs.. Charles McDonald read a New
Year's poem and offered prayer...
It was decided to continue with the
birthday bank' and the special project gift in
Mrs. William ilunter reported on visits
made to shut
Turn to page 20.
Loulie [Greer] Edmanson
At York. Central Hospital, Richmond
• Hill, January 2, 1985, the former Harriet
Edith Louise Greer of Maple, Ontario.
She was born in West Wawanosh
. Township on January 22, 1922 to Melvin
• and Minnie (Beaton)Greer.
She is survived by her husband, Eric and
three sons, • Thomas and, Robert at home
and William of Peterboro. Also survived by
• a brother, Harold Greer and stepmother,
Grace Campbell, both of Lucknow.
A brother, Clarence, predeceased ,her in
June, 1984.
The funeral service was held January 4,
1985 at 11 a.m. from the Marshall Funeral
Home, Richmond Hill. Cremation follow-
Up, down and around; L.A. Thompson of
Coney Island got the first roller coaster
patent in 1885.
• Margaret Dalton O'Connor
On October 14, 1984,- Margaret O'Con-
nor passed away at the age of 93 years. She
was the eldest daughter of the late Morgan
Dalton and Mary Sullivan of Kingsbridge
and was the sister Of Fr. Michael Dalton of
Courtland, Raymond and Dennis of Kings-
brige, Sister Maureen C.S.J. of London,
Antoinette of Detroit, and the late .John S.
of Kingsbridge, Josie Cleary of Wallace-
• burg and Walter of Windsor.
• Margare (as she was more commonly
known) married Arthur O'Connor of
Maplehurst Farm, Pickering, in October,
1916. For twenty-three years she was the
organist at St. Francis de Sales Church,
Pickering. In 1948, she was Charter Pres-
ident of the Home and School Association
of , Almond School Community. She was
active in Catholic Church Extension and in
the Catholic Women's League whereshe
served in executive positions at the parish
level as well as Chairman of Durham
Regional and vice-presidebt and Spiritual
Convener on the Toronto Archdiocesan
Council. In 1972, Margaret was awarded
the Maple Leaf Service pin from the
C.W.L. She was noted for her ability to
Agricultural Study Tour
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communicate with all, whether through
letter writing, visiting the sick and shut-ins
or in opening her home to., welcome new-
comers to the parish and to the community.
Arthur O'Connor died in 1967, and
Margare is survived by Marguerite at
• home, Patricia of Toronto, Helen of Pick-
ering, Dr._Denis and his wife, Ursula of
Stouffville, Geraldine of Toronto, Dr.
• Terence and his wife Colleen of Stouff-
ville, Maurice and his wife, Marilyn
of Pickering, Moira and her husband, Ron
Ste. Marie of Oshawa, and the late Sgt.
Pilot George (1945) and Morgan (1978).
She was the loved grandmother of twenty-
• five grandchildren and two great grand-
• St. Francis de Sales Church was filled to
capacity for the Mass concelebrated by
Rev. Michael Dalton, Rev. John T. Bolger,
pastor of St. . Francis de Sales, Rev. T
• O'Keefe S.J. of Manresa, Pickering, Rev.
T. Melady of Oshawa, Rev. J. Murphy of
Whitby, Rev. L. deSousa of Markham,
Rev. A. McMahon of Toronto and Deacon
Roy Ettles of North Bay. The homilist was
Rev. Carl Matthews, S. J. of Toronto.
Burial was in the O'Connor family plot in
St. Francis de Sales Cemetery, Pickering.
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