The Signal, 1931-12-17, Page 10gszuombttautagatatSt Christmas Suggestions OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE WITH GIFTS cp FOR EVERYONE IN THE IAMILY, Alt REASONABLY PRICED Books, Games and Dolls for the children. Sheaffer's, Parker's and Waterman's Fountain Pens and Pencils, W In dainty color tints. The newest in Boxed Note Paper and Correspondence Dards 25c to $3.00 per.bez Ladies' Hand Bags. A beautiful assortment of English China, Brass Goods and Silver-plated Pieces. A large stock of Canadian and English Christmas at prices the lowest in years. DINNER SETS -fin Q er 96 pieces -- A to Gtft for Mother PM up Julian Sale Genuine Loather Hand Bags Priors $2AO up to $8.60 SII(EAFPSR'S, PARKER'S Riad WATERMAN'S PENS and PENCILS $2.00 to $10.00 Cards SEE THE NEW WARWICK GIFT LINE collected trees many coun- tries. Boxed in black and gold. At moderate prires. GIVE BOOKS MOR CIIRIS'IMAS We have them for everyone in the family; also BIBLES and HYMN BOOKS for all the Churches. You are very welcome to come in and look around our Christmas Store, all arranged with BEAUTIFUL GIFTS for everyone, and very reasonably priced. The Store with the Big Christmas Stock OPEN EVENINGS - OPEN EVENINGS COLE'S BOOK and GIFT SHOPPE czc THE SIGNAL I I ANYONE HAVING United States Currency FOR SALE Telephone 154 Will buy small or large amounts, 1 ' w -p'-• , GODERICH, ONT. CHRISTMAS MUSIC KI(OX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SUNDAY, DEODMBER 24kh • Organ Prelude "Froth the Deepths of My Heart" (German Christmas Chorale) Hymu--"Ad este ?Meted" Authem--"Naaareth" Arranged by N. H. Uveas Il�run-iai41__. r Mer' Mrs. W. 1 Sanders _ Orlin Offertory -3=r_.__ .. Anthem -"O tome to My Heart, Lord Jeaas'r ._ Soloist, Mr: J. F. Thomson hymn-='ILx" N OTICE o PP 'ude-"Christmas Chonld' Organ relude-"ORertolre on Tw oristmas Themes" llymu-fBu y Night Poultry Shipments received on Tuesdays and Fridays. Egg Shipments received on every week -day. Open Saturday nights until 10 o'clock. -WE PAY CASH - Eggs graded yon wait. MULHOLLAND & JERVIS Warehouse: East St., Goderich Telephone 110 Still ManyTTAflIcIe$ THE -liymn--"Tbb First Nowell" - Autbew-"Hark, Hark, My Soul" Sololstr, Miss 0. Heist. Mr. J. F. Thotnioe II v mn-"•Dunfermline" Ktrg-Elect Wade Gounod II Kau Offertory -"Snug Without Wads. Trio --"The Virglh'a Slumber Sang" Mrs. Duals,. &et R uU. WM Maunders 11 V ua n -"Antioch" At the close of the service Mr. Lieges will give an organ DERICH HEAT FOLKS NI NI A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS g�4 FROM THE HEAT FOLKS .irllll.s.l in ou r=at ksij ' Me- __ WIIUa Newton Dvorak Ambrose Kocher Bach Gullmant Gruber Tradi:14nel Shelley Scottlsb T,chalkoweky Max Seger recital. NORTH STREET UNITED OREROH SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20 Organ Prelude -Choral, "A Babe is Born in Bethlehem" Bach Choral, "A Rose Breaks into gloom" Brahms AnTem-"The First Christmas Morn" Newton "Pastoral Symphony ('lie Messiah) -- - -- Handel Contralto Solo -"O. Thou that Tellest Good Tidings to Lion' (Tete Messiahs Handel Ra ndel Miss Margaret Pentland Arnie -in -Carol. "a Babe Lies in a Manger" Dickinson ••Hams-HeaveaAbase to ittrtirlBase"-Inhriermme o) Bach Evesden TwcvetJ•lninute Organ Recital (at 6.40) 1. "Theme from the Unfnish(d Symphony" Schubert 2. "Adoration" Borowak, 3- Instrumental Quartette. "Angels' Serenade" Braga Flautist-lttlr.• H.' fliaricetnac - CeT{fat-Mr. F. Miller Pi tet --lir D Campbell Organist -Mr. C. Watts am . 4. Paraphrase on "0 Little Town of Bethlehem" Anthem --Carol. "Bleep. My Baby, Sleep" Offertory -"March of.the Magi Kings"• Soprano Solo -"The infant Je-etas' Yea Mies. Esther Hume Anthem --"The Song Angelic' Mile Carol Serviee (Congregation and Choir). Brass Qnlntette Assisting Trumpets -Mr. H. Fowler, Mr. R. Henry. Alto -Mr. R. Newcombe Baritone -Mr T. Jenner. Trombone -Mr. W. Newcombe netlede-"And the Glory of the Lord" (The Messiah) -4 DUNGANNON - CARD Or TEAMS MISS ALMA ('OX WISHES TO EX DUNGANNON, Dec. 10.- Mrs. F. Rose received the sad news of the death of her aunt, Miss Mary Roy, of Laketteld. Peterborough county, on Fri- day. She. left immediately and was at the funeral, whirl took (lace ou Run - day afternoon from the United church, Iakefldd. Hiss Roy was deter to the late Mrs. H. M. Duff, sud was known to many here. She was employed in the Laketield post oMee the greater Bert.- of her. I t to Mrs Rom returned on Wednesday of this week. The United church Sunday school en- tertainment will be -held Tuesday evening. December 22nd. The Presbyterian Sunday school will hold a social evening in the basement of the church on the 23rd. Mrs. R. Meridiem was ealled to Toronto on Monday on hupinewa of the executive of the Provincial School Trustees' and Ratepayers' Aasoeiatlon. L. O. Its. A. °beers. -Initiation of Akers of the L.O. R.A., No. 671. for the eomine year took place nn We inraday. The following are those In charge for 111.42: P.M.. Mrs. R. Rcre; W.M., Miss Pearl Finnigan: D M . Mrs. N. Culbert chaplain, Yrs. W A. Culbert : record- ing secretary. lilse Grace Tonng; fin - seas! sweeter!. alma Myrtle Finn1• Karr treasurer. .Mss Dori. Smith: mech. Mina Margaret Durnfn; D. of ('.. Mrs. C. Hackett: inner Koenig'. Mips Adele Beep. Mies Myrtle Leishman: niter ruard. Wm. Mole: rnerdien. Melville Culbert: oresnlst. Mrs. D. Fowler: eemfwittee. Kra. Alton. M TTalner. Mrs. Greer. Mrs. .4. Culbert. Nrs, Wilmnn Fa ulkes Dickinsot Dubois WE INTEND TO CLEAR OUT OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF MEN'S FURNISHINGS BY THE END OF THL YEA -MANY BARGAINS t THEY LAST _._ tit SUI' -CLEANED 9SC AND PRESSED \Ak C. Snazi- Inventory time at the office ! AUBURN The Christmas concert of S.S. No. Coolborne, Orin he fieldon- Monday eYening, December 21st, in the school house. A program of drills, readings I recltatione, dialogues and dancing will he given. Kuux t-talted church. Sunday school Let's take one at home. How's our stock of bad colds, influenza. croup. general 111 health? Too much of each? Now how's out stock of Heat ?W111 -tit? Low, Leta make a trade We'll order a plen- tiful supply of D L & w:- w',,t/ ffer steam the Heat Folks and get rid of the illnesses. .The coal costa leas. and is much _plea- santer to have around the house. CALL. THE Tailor and Dry Cleaner Phone 339 West Street , -Made-to-measure Clothes a Specialty- i COAL J. Be MUSTARD COMPANY Phone 98 - Gelded& /42 owe/ saw i' >' -- . - 'off-. •„ �j r �/ /s= . 'e i•- ,,}}�� v7,%IGS////,moi% � � • � � moi. • • • � / �� �j% � r /5 6jgn;` •1 •.� The useful and the' beautiful are combined in a gift of will hold its Christmas coneert on Fri- See the NeN% .‘1/11111111 instant light coal oil lamps. The wadeea-, tight leveret coal nil ALF' TFHIII'TT & SON. 1'KES8 her grateful thanks to friends and neighbors for their many kindnesses ahown'during the Illness of her father, Mr. Albert J. Cox, and la her tlwe of bereavement. For the beautiful flowers and tokens of sym- pathy Nile extends her heartfelt ap- preciation. I _ _ BIBLE CLASS OFFICERS The annual meeting of the Aggressive Bible clays of Victoria street United MR. AND MRS. JOHN McOILL Iuhwlsh to thank their many friends and neighbors 'tor t'(indncse shown during the Illness of their father, Mr. James ]k93L1. And la -their tine of htlteave- ment. They also thank those who loaned their ears for the funeral, and the employees of the Western Canada Flour Mills, for the beautiful memos NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOT it•E TO CREDITORS. Notice 1s hereby given to all persona s having any realm against the tate of William Gordon Garrett, late of the Town of Goderk•h In the County of Huron. farmer, who died on or about the 5th day of December, A.D. 1181, to send same to the undersigned th bon -or before e Int day of January, A.D. 1932, as on and after that date the estate will be distributed among the persona entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they have notice. Dated at Goderich this 14th day of December, A.D. 1931. DOUGLAS R. NAiRN, Goderich. Oat.. Solicitor for the Executors herein. ICE T() ORIiIDITORS, ' - pom- pom.Notice Is hereby given to all pom- pom. haring any elaim against the estate of Thomas David Ervine, late of the City of Detrok, In the State of Michigan, laborer, w ha died oa or about the 2nd day Of iietM�ser A D, church was held ou Tuesday evening, 1 l .11 • IR Rend wimp to the aderalgasd December 15th, in the schoolroom of on or before the 1st day of January, the church. After the opening exer- A.D. 1932, as on and after that date op the year's work and giving of re the pereons entitled thereto, having eines, the routine business of winding the estate win be dletrlbnted among Dort, was Rehr til the aster r�)d- only to the claims of which ""1 Rev. F. W. Craik. their t the chair they have Donee.! for the election of officers, which re Dated at Goderich. this 14th day of suited as follows: Preseident, Mr. R. peeember, A.D. 1981. H. Mew; rice -president, Mr: R. H. I Handel + Reid ;Handel Reid ; aeereta , item'PMrt 'P. Phillipa; �atst, Htmi BENMILLFR W. Fisher; membership convener, Mrs. 5. Alliu ; devotional convener, Mr...- R. rtt.R. H. Mew : social convener, Mrs. 1I. BFNMlLLER. Dee. ltl.---Mr. and Ohler; teachers. J. H. Million, A. 11(111- taura. A. Ntraughan and tamely 19144't -ton. R. H. Reid. R. H. Mew, Mrs. &- Sunday in Goderich township. IT. Phillips and Chas. Breckow. sr. Five Mrs. Wm. Vanatone is very poorly at new members joined the class daring time of writing. - Ithe year. The pastor clotted the meet - Mr. E pm frimer and childreMimg with prayer. TT .and Yrs. 11. Pfrimmer spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Dick at Kippen. day evening, December 18th, in the Mr. and Mine McWhinney and Roy church. A pageant. "Seekers after spent Monday in Clinton elating Mrs. Christmas," will be presented. McWhinney's sister, who is 111 in Cain, The Auburn public school and con-,,,,thh hospital-. tinuatlon school will hold their Christ--yrs'Ida Oke is spending a few Jaye mas concert in the Foresters' Hall, la Goderieb this,week. _Tuesday evening. December 22nd. - - Y. 1'. S. meeting will be held OAT The Y.P.B. ed Knox United church MOAT had the election of ortieers on Tuesday evening leaf. the following being elected: President, Amos J. Andrew; Remember the Christmas tree at hat vltapreaident bias Annie Straugh- BeautifierWeember 21st. an; 2nd vice-president, lits, Dorothy vice president, Chas. 8P. $Log night. ,Slvienteideg•:•aew is on for that night. Everybody welcome. Meeting at 8 o'clock. Anderson; _._ Srd I Scott: 4111 viee-preatd^nt. Harry Stnr . dy; secretary treasurer,•(lllver Ander- Y'T. HELENS, Dec. 14-MearsF. 4,11 G. Todd & Son carried off sottM good puce at the Guelph tat cattle fair. MAFEKING Mr. W. I. hiller got all the Plymouth Rock specials and silver cup for the beat display -five firsts, two seconds and one third. Mrs. George Cranston was a visitor Iast week with her -nephew, Mr. Taylor, at Guelph('. hiss ora Neale, after spending a 4 -few pleasant weeks with friends, returned to her home at Grimsby. Miss Retia Collins and nephews (Task Collins, of Ripley, spent the week -end as guests at the manse. Mr. and Mrs. John Cameron and son December echo er the afternoon e ay. Donald were at Mitchell recently. the �'nd. A goal program Is gue..t5 of lir. and Mr*. Jas. IMnglas. Mrs. ('ameron, who ix with her daugh- ter, is improving favorably. There was a good attendance at the Harris Mission Band social held in MAFEKIN(;. Dec. 1•i.- Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stothere and children, of Con- s -don, were : 0110411 9f Mr. and Ira on Henry Itortnn. Sunday. Mr. and--Alts.•�elerb, Curran Visited Mr. and Mrs. John, Maury, of Crewe, 1 on Thumb,' Mrs, Sarah Satnders returned Sat- urday from a month's visit with her niece, Mrs. Jim Slimier, Stratford. \lis+ Olive Anderson and her pupils onra: N6 9 Will give a concert at the 1 of Tuesday, DOVOLAS R. NAIRN. Ooderleb, Ont, ('.DARTiERRD ACCOUNTANT CRANK P. GiBBS. CHARTERED Accountant. 102 Ontario street; Stratford. Phone 2560. Ras. M30j.._._ AI'CTiONEERING THOMAS OUNDRY. OODERICII. Nearri every Rtrt believes ■ lot of LIVE STOCK AND GENERAL other Orlin are jealous of her. AUCTIONEER Telephone No. 119. ( Sales attended to anywhere and every effort made to give satisfaction. LOLL -Te 11[r-' Red • 34" Oordes Firmer. sale notes discounted _:Thanes. Adam, es .nsesmber MEN a SIS (still born). I DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER D•)cRr-On Saturday, December 12th, to Mr. anal Mrs. William Daae /tEIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS!tam street, a daughter (Ineilltt THERAPIST Gloria).Goderlch, Phone 341, Equipped with electromagnetic baths. Electronic electric treatmsta TOB BALE OR RMT and chiropractic, Chronic, organic aLd nervous diseases. Lady in attendance. F4 RM FOR SALE. -FORTY ACRES Office bourn 2 td 5. and 7 to 9 p.m. more or lees. The property of the! exceptlag Monday and Thursday Rad late H. W. C. Naftel, shunted at the ' by appointment, end of South effect on the southern A. N. AT[ilf1,ONeffect boundary of the town; of good clay Renidenee and offiee--Corner et loam; ism bourse and berm drive abed. . South at rest and Britannia road. workshop, henhouse; lrteslan well -- - - (135 feet). the very best of water ; good • fruit trees. Ideal location. doge to 'schools and churches'. For further par- DR. F. J. R. FORSTER, tlostlars apply on she twenties or to EYE. EAR, NOSE. THROAT PERCY or WILL NAFTEL. Late House Surgeon New York Cleve 1 thalmlc and Aural Hospital, assistant ; at Moorefield Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hospital, London, Eng. - MEDICAL WANTEi) being prepared and all interested are Cordially invited. The teacher and pupils of Crewe school have received a !pedal invitation to attend. Blake's Smalay school eoncert will the Unied church on Friday evening be held in Bumke hall ire Wednesday and ad'�report a flne entertainmesl:: ening. --December 23.A good - Several Cetrietmas chorneer; were given by the members' of the Mission Band, while recitations hy many of the child-. ren were enjoyed. A pantomime, "0 Little Town of ,Bethlehem,' by four -stria : dneta by Kathleen Thom , and Lanrine 711111er. by Helen and Gordon Miller. and hy Vera and Murray Tay - tier. were all well given: a short piny, "The House of Do -What -yon -Can," was . saltected by the children. A archil#. elsour_when luncli was served brought file peening to a elope. The Late Attires MaeDenaMr-The death' ()emitted on Friday. December 4th. at the home of hie sister-in-law. Mr,. Duncan MacDonald, Lneknow. of Amine MaeT)nnald. a well-known and highly neglected resident of Wept Wawa/tooth. at the are of seventy-fonr years. Deemed had been a sufferer for some time. About two months ago he underwent an operation on hip font from whieh he never felly recovered. He wain born and lived) all he life on the family homestead a short distance south of Rt. Helene. We wai- i eoB-' a of the tate Jame* MacDonald and had lived alone miner the death of hie ala - ter several year* ego. The enteral was held Monday, December 7,11L frola the 'vote of him *ipter-ln-law. Nerviee was held in the Presbyterian chireh, Lnek- now, and wen enndnehtl by Rev. C. R. MeeDnnald. The Iptetment wan in pnngannnn cemetery. the pallbearer* being Dnncan MacDonald. Donald Mae- Di9tald, Jelin Mimi*, Fqt*clew Therein George Stewart and Dnnes n McAlll- . i�% • w'rtspda peaiant r e a • (sire deeeaiil'9t'III '*. JA(sii'e Mier Donald of finish. and Duncan McAll- Istwr of Orloff, a eosiatn. gram , is being prepared. Everyone - welcome. • ._Occasional Chairs Chesterfield Tables Occasional Tables Smokers Mirrors Chesterfiel ( . Gate Leg Tables - Dinner Wagons Table Runners Electric Lamps Carpet Sweepers Kindagarten Sets We are agents I. Alta Maxwell Electric Weider. -ane of these or an Electt0 Vacuum Cleaner would make an acceptable Christmas Gift. 11 READ' FOR CHRISTMAS Tender meats and poultry of every .lea-rtption are ready here, NOW for your Ynletide feast. Whether the roast yen intend to w•r�e Is to lie chicken. duck, ttiT-- 1 beef or lamb, it will be .:,tory and satisfying when you Iny the kind yon want from rear Targe .i'anrtma)t. IIASISZ'aA8 -- �`-'- SPECIALS a teen 'veriings Ontll ('hriatmam Parkhill's Meat Market - FAIT iTRe ,-» _ Telwpl,w es 231 Gaelarieh -1 ITiOJt HOL'a. --t--U Waterloo St. S.. Stratford. Tela one I�T'TED 267. IT KF.F.PF:R or companimt. Capable phone Hotel Bedford, Goderich, on the to take full charge id home. 4 -Apply to !evening of third_ .Monday of each BOX 40, TIIE SIGNAL. I month till the following day Tuesday. 1-.-} ata. p.m. WANTED.-TIHeWeWtOW. FOR .D"1 j mm IV year, $'OO of any part of that amount. Seven per cent. Ample se- curity. ('nnfldetitial. Add ream BOX 37, SIGNAL. AN EXPERIENCED RATEPAYER OF GODERICH very urgently re - LEGAL DUDLEY E. HOLMES, Barrister, Etc. Office --Hamilton street, OoderkY Phone 27. DOUGLAS R. NAiRN. quests whole or part-time work -sec - Barrister and Solicitor. retarial, bookkeeping, municipal, tutor. Office --North street, Goderich. Int, or clerking. Enquire at SiGNAL Telephone 612 OFFICE or write P. O. BOX 227. WANTED. -RELIABLE MAN TO call on retail stores in this county with staple and fast-selliag line. Si- p•rience unneceeuary. Yon should have a eatand be able to finance your - melt to the extent of about $381.. Great moneymaking poessttfilitiea ; shook! ne you $75 weekly to start. Write for fu particulars to BOX Illi, 100 itay street, Toronto. PUBLIC NOTICE NOMANATiON MEETING. •A meettne of the ratepayers of Col- borne township will he held in the hall at Carlow on Monday. December 28th, 1931, et 1 o'elnek, to nominate a Reeve and Council for 1932. Should an flee-. Hon IT necessary, it will be held Mon- day, lermary 4th. 19A2. from 9 a m broth i p.et : at tits following polling einem and with the following omeera in eherge; ; R.O.-H. F. Morrie. Poll No. 1- Renmtller, Tee Hall. 1.R.(1.--'VerneileeiiTlfi. C. A. Vaastone. Poli No. 2 -Raltford, Rifle Clnh Hall D.R.O.- -Wm. Symonds. P.C.--ileo Fnlford. Poll' NA. A-- Cerine% Tnwnmhip Hall. D.R,114--Herh. Morrie. • 2..C. -Thea, H. Wilson. Chisholm. H. F. MORRIS, Tdwnahip Clerk. C. R. DARROW, BARRISTER. ETC. Snecessor to J. L. E Borst( Phone 97. .... Office -The Square, Oederleb. CRANEDONNELLI, B. A. arrtster, Solicitor, Etc. Otmce-Hamhltan Street, Goderich. UAZd 1 HALO. - Barristers and Solicitors R. Q IiIsys, K.C., sod R C. Hays. B.A. Hamilton street, Goderich ' elephose R; WEST M. LEE, Barri ter and Solicitor Sun Lite Building. Adelaide and Vic- toria iatoria streets, Toronto 2. Telephone Elgin 5301. INSURANCE, LOANS, ETC, McKTT.LOP MUTUAL. FiREE iNSUR- !c ANON -00-Farre and leolated town property insured. Officers - John itennewet*, Prem. $$rodhagrn PO.; lama Connolly, Vice- Pres., ic♦Pres., Goderich P.O. ; D. F. McGregor. Esc.-Tvasa„ - Beatorth P.A. _---- - Dlrectore--A. Broadfoot, R.R.- Seaforth; James Sholdice, Walters; Wm. Knox, Londesboro; Robert Ferri% ITarlock ; Geo, McCartney, R.R. Nd. h. Beaforth; John Pepper, Brumfield. Agents -W. J. Yen, R.R. No. R, Clin- ton; James Watt, Myth:, E Hindi.ea ley, llforth; John Mur af. Seatortb. Policy -holders can make alt payments Rb get ,r dltfmemos Mn a(` ittt s Mil sin, (:r b ,7 (tracery, Kingston street. (lMerleh, se J. H. ReM's (lsnsrel Rtere• Bayflold.