The Signal, 1931-12-17, Page 9rallimpr* ewe
County and District
The moving picture theatre at Rena-
mes has ceased to operate.
Richard O'Rourke, an old resident
ut tiu*heo township, died December
3n4 at the age of seventy -tour years.
ElisabethRobertson, widow of James
Storey, died b* rmber lith at her home
!n McKlllup township, aged seventy-
eight years.
Albert Cordite Grey towasklp, had
the thutiitb of his right hand tneeeit to
the gears of tits grinding machine and
--lad Jt tarn
The store at Drysdale kuown as log's'
Place was burglarised one night lest
week and sheet e21► worth of merch-
andise was taken.
Fire of unknown origin destroyed the
baru on the Babylos line, Stanley,
the property of George klaCllnchey of
Huliett township.
Walter 8. Anderson is the mayor -
elect of Kincardine, having won over
Mayor Morrison In the elections last
week by a large majority.
I11ss Hanel Brandon of Wingham
... Here's
comforting relief
without "dosing."
Just rub on
—SEE --
F. Bell & Bros.
foi cement and
ravel Contracts
EzceUeat Cement Fong and
lA' Gravel Grading Madam
Write. Telephone .,r ver lir
Telephesea: Goderich 602r13
Ciliates $10r33.
R. L K.. 1, G.deried.
Raideace at Porter's 1
has been appointed organist of the
United church et stitched', smog the
vacancy coursed by the rerlgnatton of
Mr. Livens.
At the municipal uuwlustton meeting
la Lucknow the ratepayers will be
given an opportunity of expressing
their views on the yuentlou of the
payment of councillors.
ltubert neon Qt Uncle wood away
Itj►mt week arlis•RIOS.411.altitailtrbt youuj,.t son of Mr. -altd Mrs. James
years. Ile had been an Invalid nearly Kerr of Seaforth. The mintage are
e11 his ilfe, but was • Due musician take place Quietly on December 28rd.
and until a few yenta- ago gave armee 1 William .McDonald Gray, merchant
lessons. of Ethel, died Tuesday, December 8th,
In 8t. Joseph's church, Clinton, on In lila sixtieth year. He was been in
November 23th, Miss ()live Gertrude the Old Country and when a young
Healey, of Morris, was united la mar- lad lived in Bluevale with 8la par -
!Jake to Alfred Goldsworthy, of Hal- este. His wire died lo Dunnville be"
lett. Mr. and Mrs. Goldsworthy will fore he came to Ethel over a year ago.
reside In Clinton. A ear, Grant, who is in the store at
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Mitchell of Ethel, survives.
Wiredraw announce the engagement of At the United church parsonage, Gor-
their second daughter, Mary Pearson, rte, on I)fecember :kh, Rev. G. W. Butt
to Rev. J. L. Rurgeaa, M.A., of South performed the marriage ceremony
Klulo.s. the marriage to take place
quietly on Christmas Day.
Friends of Rev. Dr. J. -$ larkla.,
formerly of Seaforth, will be pleased
to learn that he ha. eompietety re-
covered from hie recent merlons illness
and operation. He and Mrs. Larkin
have taken up residence in Toronto,
The one -act play, "That's What They
All Say." was staged In Lueknow one
evening last week in the anal round of
the Bruce county amateur dramatic
eompetltlon. Lucknow and Walkerton
competed and the derision wee in favor
of IA(cknow.
Philip Bern died suddenly at Exeter
nlmttt In hie seventy-seventh
year. He was a native e?`-ifiberne
+wuuhip, but had lived in Exeter the,
hast twelve years. Ills wife pre'de-
cwmed him and he Im survived by threw
firma and three daughters.
couple. The choir of the bucksaw
United church gave • surprise party
for Mr. and Mrs. McNay and presented
them with sliver spooas-
Joslln Harding, well-known resident
of Exeter, died on Monday In Ma sixty-
seventh year. He farmed In Usborue
township before moving into Exeter
twelve years ago. He Is survived by
his wife and three daughters, Min
Ina, at home, Mrs. Arthur Ford and
sad Mrs. John Wright, of Howick.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
J. H. Lemon, of ()Mord. Mr. and
Mrs. Wrtabt will make their home to
Howlett township.
An intermit -lug eveut at Drysdale ou! eembef 23rd, when • very interesting
Novewber Both war 18, wedding of program ut diereses, dialogues and
Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. drills will be given by the *toter' of
Lou1a Ayotte, ut Cheboygan, Mkie, to the Sabbath *chum, and a play entitled
Thursday, Dthembee t1Nk >!Nl- Y
NILE, Dec. 15.—Alt roade tad ter
Nile ou the evening of Wednesday, De -
Filbert Lenomme, son of the late le "The (laptain's Preflt•ament" will b*
N. I)ettomn
me of 8t. Joseph. The cerglen by the young people. Be cure to
Mn. Arthur Rundle of Ushorae. mony was performed at the R. c. keep the above date In mind.
Min Isobel Knowles. seaforth, ea- church by R. L. Marchand. Mr. and' Mr. and Mrs. H. Mathews and two
flounce* the engagement of her slater, Mr's'. Deuomme will reside on the IehUdreu and Mira Lizzie Mathews
Mary Agnes, youngest daughterth
01 the groom's farm on e Blue Water High., were guests ou Sunday at the home
late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Knowlesto , way at 8t. Joseph. of Mr. and Mrs. John Blake of Whig -
,James Leslie Kerr, M.A., of Toronto, A sad *rant was the death of Jim• bane
rule Hayes, sou bf Mr. and Mrs. I. Mr. and Mrs.'Marry Waimea and Mr. 1
Hayes of Detesk who with his mother and Mrs. WUbur Johnson were Strat iii
nab illithseltb•4ie_8..* of )+1Rr pike feedyriattura one they last week.
eats, Mr. and len. J. T. Bridges, Bel- i[r dud Mrs. (1 weld Vetter. or Theo- •
erase, wbaa eseleak serecteely L11. - go , ford, slatted over the week -end at the
was taken to the London hospftai`3or"hvme-ot-Mr. and Mrs I..Bog1e. ()cher
children, but the treatment was of no vieltorr on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs.
avail and he passed away. The fun- Reg. Johnson and Mrs. 8owerby of
oral took place from the residence of Goderieh towurhip.
his grandparents ut Belgrave. The Mise Jessie McQauu, nurse-lu-trake
chlid was only seventeen months of ins, is visiting at her home here.
age. We are sorry to repdrt that Mrs. J.
An old resident of Exeter passed H. Pentland la ea the alek lilt, liar
from life on Wednesday. Decrmher many friends hope for a speedy reeov
tad, In the person of William Duns_ et/.
Mr James Snell spent several days
last e'.•k lu Guderich et the home et
his eon, John Snell.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm- Alton and Mrs.
Twamley, of Ashaeld township, were
recent vb.itors with Mr, sad- Min, H.
Messrs. If. Watson, W.-roWiki•iiad
C. McIntyre were resent visitors at
Kimberly, Ont.
Gunn Elects 011ee s.—Tie annual
meeting of the Glad Girls' Guild was
At the annual meeting of the Bei- I held on Tuesday afternoon at the home
grave Farmers' Club, held last week, of Mn. deo- Rutledge, with a large
attendance of members, Mia*, Mere
uniting Margaret Edgar, daughter of ford, who nes in his eighty-ninth year.
Me • and Mrs_ Robert Edgar, and He ass tarn on a farm on the hike
road ,(,�tkrlea Black. only son of the late hie wholPtti a infl a ;est of Exeter, and
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Block. The happy pent In that coin-
coapbe will reside on the groom's Tlty.
The Dunsford farm is one of
south of Gerrie. w- in the dtatrict that have been
Arthur Steinhoff; def old finally for over a hundred
Blyth. died early Sunday mornins, Mr. Dunsford's parents having
his eighty-fourth year. He waamong the earnest .ettie•a. Dr
painter and decorator by trade. ed la survived by nevem, mons andwife predeceased bpm and he 1* hter*.
vived by one son. George. and three
daughters, Yrs. Will Johnston, Lyle -
ton, Man., Mrs. G. D. Leith and Kien
Euphemia of Blyth.
John T. Miners. c f Exeter. was
thrown out of hi. buggy a few days
ago aid-heneuA-na-hia bead, suffering
a .evere scalp wound nod being etunni '
tea' .owe--44aaer. Janna _wt* felllug all.
the time Pard Mr. Miners failed to -no-
tice the approach of an auto track me
Belgrave Farmers' Club
Stewart Procter wes re-eleeted mese Bogie presided. Mn- Leslie Penland
dent. "het ofiteer. are am follows: read the Scripture lesson. I'ueourag-
l•Icwprealtb•ut. Nye- 4). G. Anderson: tug reportx from the secretary and
secretary treasurer, C. R. Coulter'; ship- treasurer were given. Atter several
pen.-4dr�ii. <eselMiggsmaglILaJ' oiwa
and N. mggiaa.
'The 8eaforth News tells of a yowls
The death neenrnrl at Wingham nn til it was close to him. His frightened student of the Western University who
ennoble of Elisa Clark. widow of Thom- horse took to the ditch and ran away. "hitch -hiked" from Loudon to be pres
se Forbes, lr(sse -sixty-eighth year Rummel Tervltt of Wingham was int at the..('ollegiate Iustltute eom-
Decea,ed was twice married. her first severely eat dant 111e tare wfiee thrtmewwkw•ut es*uc,aea 4t �eafirrfh:
husband, Mr. Hogg. having pae.ed
away over thirty year) ago. From thle
union there was one son. Chester, who
is in California.
Jame. RWi. a pioneer reeldenf et
Howiek townmhdp. d1eo1 at 8i. home 1n : wewTale! assurer Reeking and his come-! lirtx an the way and arrived at
December 4th, after a ten days' pantos, and rneh was Heed MO and Reator�Ti-ri [eh -admires terr•t-se
lgof „moa were dips—seed tit. rte.'- —........E., t]srVlhing to make a Merry Christmas --
(lou of c.IPMrr was pr -i rrse.r. .
mad rerrtked•-las follow,: Hnn. )eve We to call ante ftireince yourself-
dwrt. Miss Mary }bogie: lava Pn ,7tele.4- ---
H:arold. Mellwain; dee'-premideut. Miss PrtceirRtgilt, Courteous Service
Ethel Tale,; mefr•tetary, Miss Beth Me.
Plow.: treasurer. Mrs. Henry Mathew* :
lleteetiedite-krntlat.d : flower
beaedletlon A soca/ time was spent
and refreshments were served by Mrs.
G. Rutledge and Mrs. H. Mathews-
It was their tint airplane ride and
the youug woman of the party felt
(suite nervous.
"You will bring us tack merely,
won't your *be said to the pilot, with MEMOS
a rather faint smile, as they were ]raisins will not sink to the lrottom
about to start. of the cake if they are scalded well,
"Of course I will, miss," he aemired then rolled in dour. If this does not
her, touc•hlug his leather helmet. "I've prove effective, try neting In hotter
sever left anybody op there yet.", linseed of dour,
Wend Beady Slop
Marvel sr Mager Wave We
?HONE 134 WEST 8 turirr
Navel Oranges, Bananas, Grapes, Dates,
Figs, Puddings, Grapefruit, New Nuts,
Table Raisins, etc.
Groceries, Vegetables, Bacons, Cooked
Ham, Butter, Eggs.
truck Le was driving NW* struck at I he wa+ to rece1ct a- diploma, 'lend gift cnmeerete, Mr•. It Wat'.nn,
the corner of 1'ictnrllt and Jomeplilnv ; young mgrs, Mervyn Eeys. misxed t1te�Nre. Itrrm. lif Thi r and Mr. Frank
WE DELIVER I11 w'wii
street.. R'Ingtuan. b}• a car driven try ileum at i,nndou, sue .,•t .art .hurtly t Hrkw•kins. The Christmas hale N as Pgon 146 —_`- = :=-*-
ArtsReeki- were
from near. Tewed.ntor. Both fettle neon for )0amiles. PP a ail of ithen peeked cud the meeting ens, J�"fk "lief►'7a"1►"vit'fa'ca"se tittctety C*fkt+rk
Odra_were Iwedlp damaged. (7hargem+slightic over fifty miles. He bpd mous•, closed with a hymn and the ltltpnlr 'N "1i,'7►"7a'1►'Til'M 'fir '1kA'aC*7k*'+ti
Illness. He was born In Irelald coats, He got hit dlptoma.
eighty-three years ane; flat death of Louie, Ilan. a mos of Death Coates in Sleep
IIowkk In its ant' team He la Ileum Kapp. occurred December 418 Death Mine suddenly to Alexander
smrrTt� 1► and born AL jeer dnnghter, Mrs- 'Robert Mib•hell. of Clinton, }ort Sea
lel Or ra
seven daughters. Rinker. at Thedford. Deceased. whe-dxy eeeetng, 4)*eemhar ttttt.JAL
At the Main street United church *sr. In her eighty-third year, was a otion was staying at tike home of his
parsonage. Exeter, on Tuesday, decent- resident of Zurleh until *font a year nephew, W. Kyle of Klppeu. and after
lwr • Sth. Mrs. Mary Campbell Martin. ago. when she moved to Thedford. Flee the evening meet lay down on the'
of Wilighalgl. wa+ married to, Albert
George Wright. of Tbedford. Rev. C.
J. Moorehouse officiated. Mr. and Mrs.
Wright will reside on the grooves
farm near Thedford.
At a modal gathering In Paianwatat
hall, In beuer at'tdr. Mit Kra. Alex-
andee Iltc'Ney newly-weds. an address
fait parse were presented to the young
PIMP and three daughters survive. The
funeral took olaee to the iutheran
cemetery at Znrirh.
The home of W. H. Webber, Howlck
township, was the scene of a pretty
wedding nn Wechnewlay. December
2nd. when his granddaughter, Looter
Ceorgtna Johnson. became the bride of
Harald Jahn Wright, eldest son of Mr
Due to TwP�jifl)tection
do the work of ===
couch and dropped off to sleep, from 1
'WWII he did not waken. He was 00174
in his forty-seventh year, was appar-
ently strong and robust and had never'
had an illness, and hie death was a
Shock to its relatives' and frienda4_
Mr. Mitchell woll born at Westfield,
one of n family of ten children of
late Mr, and Mee, Thome, R. Mit-
chell. of whom eight are still living.
Wille the family were finite young the
parents roved to Clinton. which hae
elite been their bOme. Deeetaed
satea r,„ operated a padrosia had.
a Clinton.
A timer PRIM
-•.11 McNeil, it�6�'iglt"
township December 4th Mi its otaip-
third year, wan a plonersi resident Of
this county. Born in Glasgow. Sent-
ient, he came to Canada with his par-
ents In early life. The family settled
in Grey township, near Walton, where
deceased engaged In farming- HP was
alio In the blacksmith hndnees for
.nme years. For some years past he
had re.dded with his daughter, Men.
Louis Peacock, Hallett, at who're home
he died. His wife rprederea.ed him
and he is survived by fire daughter.
and ave eons,: Mrs. Roy French, Mid-
land; Mrs. Flora Clark. Walton; Mrs.
Tteoma* Bradshaw, Ooderlch ; Mrs.
I.ouls Peaeoek, ifutiett; Mrs. William
Cook. Clinton; Colin McNeil, Mullett:
Nell. of Belmore; Donald ot _London:
John. of Atwood. and lama, et Ohl -
Jnesbege+oaalaede veld. S-sa s Sap w`
Tee rawer D.sse .a. G ted Opens
, 'ee.seet.Zs w` *159
in the 1932 -
From "the Perfect Quality Receiver* in the Science
Museum at South Kensington, London, comes the
principle of Twin -Popper Detection found in the 1932
Majestie Sttperheterodynea.
Due to this principle, nine tubes do the wrath o1sn
in these models. Two of them are the sew "247"
Pentode Tubes, each of which has the power output
of two ordinary "245" tubes. These new Majesties
have all the power and efficiency of an 11 -tube set
with the low cost of a 9 -tube set.
Make this Christmas memorable
with a Majestic ... See today
H. 0. S1 URDY
-""ftetiltAiitAMr• 7l)RN•FAIS, lies, 14.= --
Moat of the children from the' virtnity
were In Lncknow last Saturday tosee
good old Banta Claus. Beakle, the fun
of seeing him. each child was pre-
sented with a beg of candies and an
Mims Ruby McQaold of Hamilton and
Mr. Grant Meleaa-nf W Ingham vtalted
Kr. and Mrs. James .Little one day
our sympathy is extended to the
relative.* of Mrs. Jam. Irving. who diel
In Detroit last week. The funeral was
held on Saturday. from Lucknow Frew
byterian ehureh to Kintall cemetery.
Mrs. John Farrlah la a. ai,teseof the
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nelson and
family drilled at the home of Mr.
Nolan'* brother,�ritik Machan*id,
on Stand*y. Mr. MacDonald has not
been very well lately.
Mei. Robert Scott haw been seriously
IS at the home of her *later, Mr. Wrn
Kempton of Paramount. We err end
to know .he le improving.
She—"Say. ire past midnight Do
yon think you can (stay here all night?*
He---"flo.h, I'll have to telephone
mother first."
A Stent. who had worn the Pan.
tr t far fifteen sears. deckled with
heavy heart to buy a new one.
Golna into the et11y hat shop In his
neighborhood, he meld • "Well, here 1
am again."
Sna1U mnr•rumb quickly to tainted
water, 'and for that reason are .nmr
times carried In ;Iry countries to ir.t
(widely *cantered water hn1'w Ire
Christmas Specials
Mixed Candy -toe lb.
M i )ted --Chriatma s Creams. jellies
11lYd arocolattle— 10c L
Popoortr-gelds anJ Qt>r>l i%
Novelties --
Beautiful bones of Gift CbecoleSee
—fro n25c to -•-_
Remem bey we positively
save you money
MI • •
Something New in Furniture
Kindergarten Sets,.
Doll Carriages,
Blackboards and
Rocking Horses
cr'aasioni Chairs and -
."1141111-4=6;:and Smokers
Beds lriags, Mattresses and Dressers
A New Quebec Cook Stove
or Heater
This is your, Store„ stirs it
BLACKSTONE'S, on the Broadway of Goderich
The Rare,tle Beautiful and
the Practical. Gifts
w -
Shop at the Hydro Store
FOR ---
Irons, Toasters, Vacuum -Cleaners, Grills�JE? '0"•
lators, Curling Irons, Stoves, Heater Warming
Pads. Washing Machines, etc.