The Signal, 1931-12-17, Page 6Christina Suggestions
Scarfs, Costume Jewellery and
2.1:mv= m^."'sm ; T LLIC 'i RI XU!G,
_ r
Miss M. Re MaaVicar
44444444 t S vs.
Electric Appliances of all Descriptions
Heating Pads
Christmas Tree Sets
--•R-anges -
Fixtures at read
reduced prices--'
: W enter the co. -
1 Excellent Addresses 1`,':,',417,74°:.7": do 0148'* bet eau
,greater than the winning, and to prove
j lover was . sae thins.
by Ten Orators sued Mrr. 1'. it. ttedditt. bung called up -
I , ou, congratulated the epee -ken and the
1 stat of the Collegiate ou the fine 'shove -
from page the
her of the evening, particularly compile
I e# ':Tract, and of the labor of the ping metttlng Mlrr Powell, "ho has charge
errs to clearing the Ifo real sowing of the training in public speaking. The
+ the fields without rt from 0n "Scheelre.
I.1),Il.E., rhe said. stand"' for many
Her Impromptu u adne t war - - "-» bON worthy objec•ge &bete all tor patriotic
as a Stepping -stone to Buc.ess."
Jeslument an Idea," was the *abject seal' J. P. Hume ruled the ap-
} ay maxi J11(•jCln.lin to - gf the staff awl the
1 pared d for the kind things +aid. 100 1.0.D.18
crtteub 2 Es tsnh
oration. 1t Prov , '
b.ntintg of ,the` „reeled 1 h.w eeet.ate- he mills h7
eu l all * IDIDigration 1t wN pitaoD. offering prishr for plrtitic emitting. Lest
elderly a *8 Columbia queaUuu, year the ('athollc Women's League Yoe 11147.
grade guidance n our
ishe raid, but as such wu of interestthrough the4r pttuldG Mn PAalea, atudtesthroughthe7etrnewc1 our to all Canada. of too slowed the den -had fiend to contribtRe a pry The we gir,• Tyne thanks. Jtay 1L7 rick
ger to Cabe! large a pupil ' IJwis e'lod. %eeve gt, we Ib" ttrwl pilaw liesslug he upon W. All for Jeans'
tion a J: ; w • Auld
Sueiay Afternoon
Goderleh, Got.
Jesus shall reign wbere'er
Does him sut•cettaive Journeys ruu ;
Ilia kingdom stretch from More to I Uel
shore• mate kuuwledge of the etterecter fir Friday last at the home of her par-
Tlll ws uu- shall wrx4aud wane no I toenencruce Phtlemun poawertae a pave Beta, Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Kirk o[ -__ --
be w•ay fur the favorable
-• *.'r. "uvula. t •!r- _^! ! 115- The reediestof olbrers of tM Y.K.A.
--tease 7i urs: I -••
PRAY= +become a Christian and offers to return regular taaathty tneetttag on Wedasar
to his master. To that eaod Paul 4t7 Vet. The relieving were t
pleads for him, giving his bead that be President, Moa Thos. Gaunt : Lt 01tw
will no longer be unprofitable and that
president, Yrs. Lott; 2n41 vice-peed-
money stolen will be refunded. dent, Moa J. Tian; treasurer, Mn. T.
Devi --Rotes and Beyond.11. Moore; recording secretary, Mrs.
TLNIt7 1:614 J. ti. QUteap4: eorrespoading eeCre-
Tltts.tlsy 4:7. tary. lir". J. 1). Bc•ec•roft; stranger,
I'rul writing to Timothy tram his secretary and Missionary Monthly see -
prison house in Rome consoler him onreser,.MrsA. Fo=: ptantet Mn J.
GU -
the bere.vesae.t that V mo near at D. Beecroft' assistant, Mr.. J. G. GU -
hand -for he feels sure he release from leseOle, mu.leal committee, Yrs. (lei.
Mrs. Tian, Mrs. Lott. The W. M. &
the sun
Ino word atsout him but bad heard bla 11.8. of the United church, by the
sect spoken against and wvsld lip to A. Y. P. A. of the Ainlough cbur'-
hear hint concerning his belief*. Thus Quite a eemmotlou was cawed in
was a way opened for him to testify ink village and surrounding country
and for two years he preached and on Thursday meant: by the fire la the
taught all that came to hear him. I
smokestack o1 Kr. Cog's chopper. To
Nev. 211--Pa.l'r Letter to PYketem I sung it hooked is though the leaded.
-1'flleit. 4-16.
-Waltham itld.
Paul lu today's lemon addressee a
personal letter to Pbilemon on a 0017
Icrtr subject and he uses his Intl -
hall war um fire.
Mr. and Mrs. Thus. Gaunt meat am -
day at Teeswater with Mr. and Kra
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft Want
away slave ti**. under Paul's mnlstry, of the United church wt. held at the
l luuese, auto for the bey. and the Literary Stsiety
rake- --
diseuseed I • question, "tt let 1! u
lot the school was eontrlbuting the see-
lest to do meth the Orientals alrecb ibe. and prise for the boyo ilr Haase aa- 8. B. 1.3ib1d1/N VOX 1>u6C 27, 1931
here?" For her fueprc) dee speer misused il.:tt a rontc-1 in npeotting K t4,w: itis der11 d
described, very well indeed. "A Tour- L IM" Tapia--
-aWtMl be given by jun or pupils -oaf 41r1edml1Ut lot .
lot Camp." she- ('! i t.trnas.
'The last ape. • ', ,%.4, that of Mildred • The judges-
Wilson. who gave a charming little ad- I The judge. for the evening were Dr.
J. M. Yield, Ur. W. W. Martin and R.
C. Hays, Jr. The decision was area
by If*. Ftetd, who stated that they had
had no difficulty in deriding about the
bore' prises, but that It had taken a
loll time to choose the winners among
the eight girls. He said It had been
a pleasure to listen to the oratios.,
and he mentioned especially the ad-
dress on Pauline Johnston. la an-
noumt ing the names of the winners be
raid that Alex. MacVlcer had proved
t0 be not only the better of the two
boy*, but the beet speaker of the even-
ing. Harold Taylor wax allotted the
boys' second prise. not because he was
the only other boy, bat became his
addressees were f011 ep to the'realltred
standard. The first prise for aria the
Judges had awarded to Margaret Mc-
Lean, the second to Eileen O'Brien.
` 1.
drove on •'A Canadian Writer, Paul-
ine Johnston being the writer she
chose. Unfortunately she appeared to
kayo atage fright when beginning her
impromptu speech on "Uniformity of
Drug for lligb School Students," and
was able to say very little on the
CYdrtaaa's Address
While the judges were making their
decision Rev. Mr. Mills gave the chair-
man's address. He said be was there
In his official capacity as chief of the
Lions (lub, a club which he demcribed
as a service organisation wblch was
Interested In every worth -while move-
ment which was for the good of child-
ren or Of the He referred
to some Of the wort that had been done
for the benefit or the amma®ent of
O.Vea Text -Mev 11 11:11.
OM. 4 -The ellscadmiss C.II prison will noun come by way of his
_,lists 16 +11; Rttslttasa 11:11 -IL prison
He not only coasolee but m-
29;19. St. Peal se .mos' 4 by BUas set
oat from Aallae►-ta a dt the CIIKrhem
Chap had established. R emu
Pant had a vision la which a ma ap-
paared beckoning them to go over into
Macedonia. They set out at owe for
Philippi, where on the Sabbath Day
they joined the small eowpany of
Jews at worship Here Lydia gave
earnest heed to Pad's words and un-
der the influence of God her heart was
speed to accept the gospel. She MIS
the first convert i. Europe and thea
became "the mother of us all."
Oet. U --Pad M PhillOgL 4:4-7.
--dab 16:21.34; IPfRip--
.1; ss 4:4.
Tbe second remarkable conversion
children, and said that at present the through Paul's influence 14 Philippi
Leone were contemplating e.gaRlug. Mr. D. 1. Hill, of the Collegiate staff, took place In a prison Into vestal Pant
for ne=t stammer• a teacher of sola- presented the Lioaw Club prise, a $lO end Silas had been thrust. Bruised
lag.- He eemplimented the young ora- gold phew. to Alta. 1taeVirar, express- and bleedtni chained. they were
`86 ti' thin lQtlresws they --had °vela log the hope that be Weald take a high , in no enviable"condtttoa, pet their
and on the reading thvt had been done etind In the W.O.S.S.A. contest. Miss (spirits rejoiced in God the Lord and
on such a variety of subjects. Comment- Dorothy UnklaRr, president of the G. they sang praises at midnight. An
ing on the tact that of the ten son- 0,1. Literary Society. prevented the G. earthquake loosened their chains and
tesestante only two were boys, he won- -"
derled whether it was that men were
Ing meeker and humbler, or
whether it just showed that the girls
prepariagti bald their own laths
fame. He reminded the stwhote
ibat-thte w h►nt=_ et 114-5d4,--_W!.!_1Mt
Thrift- In= -lift
We have an enormous showing of suitable
GGalore-Mita for young ladies, young men and every
member of the family.
E Wat u's
We do not believe there
- - --Christmas is a larger assortment of
estin --
3 for loc, 5c,
10C- np--tsi
Toilet Ware
than is being drown on
display here.
Beautiful Sets at very rea-
sonable prices.
Also single Pieces -
and Combinations
2 used Victrolos at
Sets, Compacts,
Face Powders,
Neilson's, Smiles 'n
Chuckles, Moir's
irks and Brownies
=1.25 to 527.50 II AT
Neilson's $1.00 *was
Smiles 'n Chuckles DOW
50c ib. bon.
('HRiMTMAM tea ) --
Fancy •
Pens and
All Musical
Ukelele, Violins,
Guitars, Mouth -
organs, etc.
Ladies' - Hand Bags
$1.0 aid $2.95
Bath Salts
Fancy Packages
avbell's _ 1 r o e
- PHONE 90 - _
C.J prise to Harold ]leer. Yrs.. opened the primo doors. So sure
Douglas Be.... regent rt rhe Ahm.Mt the jailor that his prisoners had PS- Ime do for sin but spend Itaelt In re-
CiImpte'r. 1.O.D.E., presented the Chap- raped that he was on the point of kill- , deception! "God so loved the world
tali prise to Margaret McLean, and Ing himself. pen)'. voice restrained that He gave His only begotten Son
Mrs. J. B. Wbltely, representing Mrs. him and in his fear and astonishment that whosoever believeth in Him .honld .
Phalen, who could not he present, gave he cried out. "Whet mast 1 do to he not perish but have everlasting life."
to Eileen O'Brien the prise donated by saved?" His further inteneeirse wltl
the Catholic Wnmen'n T e.gne. Each the Apewtta resulted in WAITECAURCH
of the last three prises mentioned was himself and family. orf char weAdlnt. The original sod
a $tt gold piece. Oct. 19 -Paul lin 7tisaai,aisa fid WHIT})t'HUItelt, Dec. 15. -Mr. and ding was solemnized at the home of the
During the evening music wait pro- Here, IMx Patterson of Auburn vest a few bride's parents. the late Mr. and Mrs.
-Acts 17:1, 6 11; 1 10101,11= - days last week at the home of their Gen. Howatt of Fast Wawanesh, by tie
2:7-12. daughter, Mrs.Clarence Cox. late RPv. Mr Swann of WestfieM
-Psalm 11!:11. The following are the dates of the church Eight of the gnats at the
Here as In Philippi opposition met various Christmas concerts in Whitt original wedding were present on
the preaching of the gospel. The Ichumh: ('palmers. Murch, on ThumWKlneeday, nue heing tit. Jas Howatt
Apostles escaped, but the converts If day. Decelstloer 17: B.B. No. 10 are bold- of Aobarn. whn was the Last tarn. The
were arrested and charged with we'. Ing theirs In the Institute hall on Toes -
were In pink and white,
coming into their home "these that I day, Tkrenrber 22, and the United
and in yellow and white 'Ilea cem-
have turned the world upside down." church ere having theirs on Monday. mnhity joins In wlmhing Mr. and 11r,.
courage. Timothy to Imitate him n
his good tight. He touches' en lila sor-
row at being de.erted by friends and
warns him against one who did him
much evil. 'Then he becomes exultant
s.1 the thought of what await. him.
The Lord Who has never failed him
wan deliver him and bring him unto
Hie heavenly kingdom.
Det. 111 elebie. Vision se '•shags.
-Revelatia. l :4.13.
-Reveled.. 1:17. 11.
Even though exiled from hla feUow
church members. John spent the Lord'.
Day 1n fellowship with Hl. Lord and
1n today's lesson Is recorded a vision
that appeared to him- -the glorified Re-
deemed. Tbe effect this had repo.
John was to rause him to fall down as
dead. Bet the voice as of a trumpet
roused him and commissioned hem to
write what be saw asl4 mead It to tb.
:Inca Churches,-
Nee. -19--Tate-DnprMM! Ott et Les
-1 Jabs. 4:7-19.
-1 John 4:11.
The greatest thing to be maid about
love 1. this -love i. grace. What ears
has just completed r very successful
year. having contributed the allocation
of $185 to the P eabyterlal treasurer.
Tbe Society amide' Kra. Mac Roar a
life menthe tss the result of a btrtbday
contest, ell Kra Fox wax presented
with a life certificate by Mc three
Mr. and Mr.. Will McMillan, from
Alpena, Mich., Mrs. Alfred Reid, of De-
troit. and the Mimes Jean and Sural
Roll Ftalay.on, of Lochalsh, were vislt-
Ing at the home of Mr. and Moa T. H.
Moore and with other relatives bees,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Henderson and
children of Paramount also *lent Sun-
day with relatives here and with Mr.
Merle Wac0reiror of Teewwater.
• Mr. red Mrs. Victor F.mmersots
visited on Sunday at the home of lib
mother, Mrs. A. Emerson.
Meows. Arnold and Elmer Woods of
St. Helena xpeot Sunday at tine home
of their tester, Mrs. Dan Martin.
Mrs. Ben McClenaghan and tittle
Fay spent the weekend at the hone of
1.1lier brother. Mr. Elwood Barbour. On
Sunday. Mrs. Jas. Barbour, Mrs. Mc-
Clenaghan and Fay mid Mr. sad Mrs.
Elwood Barbour and ehlldren visited
with Mr. and Mrs Jim Irwin or Rip-
Re/slle Wallis Alsdveesery.-
tsese estertataed at
aha brae et its. seed Itr'a. Choi. Wtght-
man ani W4 aaday-at: b noon, tee
(evasion being the fortieth anniversary
tette M Mary McKinnon, Alma Howell.
stphlne Weir and Ruth Caldwell,
Veenneth Jook. Duncan McKay. Jim
Sutherland and R. Eller: a Nolo by
Herbert Greene: a male quartette by
Walter Mint. Ralph Phew. Herbert
Greene and Dnnean McKay. and tnetrn-
mental manic by Rein Price and Alms
Howell. _--- _._--
Colonel Anthony
On leaving Thena1041fa they went to
Berea and as anal wait 10 the syn-
agogue. Those who -UMW theta *sew
calved the word with 811 readiness et
sired. and searebed the scriptures
-Dee.uib.r 21. J Wight -man many more bappp annher-
Mr. anti Mre. John .1. McGee .p isatt4eem.
TrWay evening at the home of Mr. and
Wm. Dewso..
Mrs. Ed. Gaunt spent a few days last (London Advertiser)
Ada Ober18:11. 'ww* with Tnrntwrry relatives. With little over half a month to go_-
ZS -Paul is Corislb Mr_.and._1[rn Roy Patton of L.eaa the prodnetloo of gold In Ontario, se -
dally, whether those thugs vers is
spent day with her mother, M. eordlne to the estimate of the Previa-
-I cirindbiam 13:13.P01. alai Department of Mines, this year
will be 345.000.000, am tempered with
(Continued from page 2)
of Napoleon's semy. and the proprie-
tor of 18,000 acres of land In the Hur-
on Tract, Joined us back of Toronto
an hour before our last' battle. was
taken prisoner. starved Into sickness;
sent to the hospital half dead and is
now under the clod. The Colonel was
a native of Holland and my parttew
lar friend." Such were. no to speak,
the eontemporary epitaphs on this
men who had achieved dl.tinctlon In
the Napoleonic wars, who had identi-
fied htmnelt with Upper Canada, who
had l,erforeted r a noteworthy service
to the settlement el the Province and
who had beenme too closely Involved
III-WitT-emtsuleruw 1'ove- ant o -f pro-
test agelnst the existing regime.
We of this generation are fairly
in agreement that Family Compact
rule left .omekhing to he desired. Rut
however Jnstttiert we, may believe the
grievances of the Reformer. of 1837,
we can ,jnrdly avoid condemning the
decielon to revolt In the tare of an
adverse majority verdlet at the polls
as foolish In Itself and actually crtm-
tnil toward the poor nnarmed farmers
who were led to certain defeat. In
this defeat it was Van Figasond'e mtn-
tortnne to he involved. He arrived nn
the arene of action only In time to in-
cur connequenrvs for which he wan not
responsible and which he could do
After leaving Athena, Paul went to
Corinth sad at first preached to Jews
and Greeks in the synagMNe. Wben
hey Demme' llaaphemotls he left them
and tamed to the Gentiles. While thus
engaged he bad a vision in which
Christ charged him to persevere in his
wont --1i) dist c3t,: It
Mrs. Alec. Treleaven and other re-
latives from Lueknnw spent Ruin,
with Mrs. Alex. held.
Miss Phyllis Waiver; tree Weft;
.pent the week-iia/Mt -thetese o71t r
parent.. Mr. agd,Yrw Kenneth Weaves.
Quite a number attended the play in
institute hail on Tbarad.y night.
$811.000.0 00 last year. an tremor or
67.1100,000 or twenty per cent. Yet an
Ignontems writes In the Ai erlcan Re-
view oTT ee w. tb*T r Important-`
gold devera.ptglppt J)ace any-
where In tbe sgsgtd.tor the past twenty •_
yeer+t Tn 19111110tOntarlo output eat
people there. He encouraged Mal h7 "The Road Pack." pet on for the W I $42.825.
telling him also that He wonld be with
him directing hie wort.
Nev. 1 -World's Tempers/me Lesson,
_. -Galatians 5:13-t0.
--Eplwsiars 5:18.
feint in till. lesson makes a list of
the sins of the flesh and warns ,gated
tidnleenee in pinch, saying that ev
tally "they 111.1 do such things'
Mall not Inheri*the kingdom of God."
Over against phie list is one setting
forth the finite of phi "Rplett which
creme from crucifying the flesh with
the ,Reel inn- and I,l.( .
Nev. 8 -Paul In Ephesus.
Epinesiarns 5:11.
F..phesuw, the seat of the great 'aide
dee. i)lana. was also at that time the
devil's chief seat as far an magle was
concerned. Paul made It lila centre for
three years and by praehtng, teaching
and miracle working overthrew the
pagan practices to such an extent that
many who had practised magic art col -
nothing to avert. Montgomery's Tay- reefedtheir books and burned them 1n
ern could a well have ben loot with- the preaenee ed ell. "Thee dM the
ont him an r::rtr him; h' xPssor • %%'ord of the Toed lnereane and prevail
merely added one 'to the I'•t of ens- mightily."
nettles. Prom Waterloo to Mont Swv, 1$--Pa.l 1n Jeru'sle.a.
gom,•r,'s Tar, -•e d. a 1. etbn. that ! --AtM 21:27.79. 22:17-22,
.mask, of the rtdieulens. Bet aaclh -Ada 22:13.
an end for Itn •le a man nplw•:sgs mel- et Jame- :ed, i,ed St. Pani nn his *r-
em-h•dr. . Hurl In J.-roaal.•m to eat at rest the
Anomie- the --Herm Reformers thrre
lingered some sympathy for him,
"Blame Van Egmend," one man maked:
"T blame the Family ('ompe t a
night more than I blame him!" His
family. however, were for a long time
dlntlnetly retleent ahont his connec-
tion with Meekensie and the revolt
of '37. 111s son ('onstent refused to
allow a volley to he fired over the
Cnlnnel•1 grace In mllltmry faehlon
"beeaune my father wen Mac•kensie's
general." RM .Ince the retardant' of
•/alae aeruaatlun that he had taught the
Jew' to reject the Law of Muses. This
he dM by performing the ceremony
preaeribd fur the Nasariten. Some of
hie enemies from }lphenun PAW him In
company with an uncircumcised Greek
and. supposing they had been In the
Temple together. rained a grant cry
and the crowd eeired Paul and nought
to kill him. He was renrned by the
ehlef captain of the Roman guards,
who prneeerled to take him Into the
castle. When nn the atairs he asked
Om time have 'Mlaided. Ven 1TJt. permtneton to speak to the propab. He
mond'. ennnertion with the rednN told them of his rnnyenton, but slew
no I.rtrer rarrinw an,, Implication of he meld (lel had ernntltlsstoned him to
disgrace In the eyes of h4. family or
the people of Tinrnn.
The ritime•ne of the one-time Tract,
now of ifuron and Perth ennntb,, re -
.pe'? the memory of the man who
aa.I.te4 to brine into being the trent
Hnrnn road and who took a tattling
part In the Intending of those two fermi..lon to mire In lila own bleat
dawv4eR4tt,i a ntnrtrlsmltl'a"'"' •"- - +keae 4tra o*d of inclineant-its petwns; for
preach to the (lentllen their sago agate
burnt forth. Again the captain reopened
him•from the angry mob and for the
time bollix he escaped with his life.
Nov. 22 -Paul In Ronne.
-Art. 28:18-24, 311. 31.
On reaching Rome ''ant was given
A 1111110 left In a ehasrh to (lora-
wa% ping.. forty -Ave were ago, when
Be o e«, 4#4 sr, Arv're'lkt. was forme
in the same pew on hie return recently. el"' Ther told him they had ro4Mved
nn official Metem11nn had been made
against him. He hlmnelf Mott the ini-
tiative .444.11.1 the chief Jews te-
nted aisii:MIT to them he ethlIM hie, ,iirii'fir+i attiiiimiltai.ii ii4is
• CAMPBELL'S SPECIAL For Thurs., Fri.,
Vegetable SAVINGS ant-. Dec. 17, 1
Soup and 19.
2 TINS 21c ALL NZW Our Golden Mixture Pt
21 CHIPSo Mixed Nuts, 2 lbs. 35c PP
II Large Pkg.
Hillcrest Shortening
EACH 19C llaa>soW.lns Toilet Soap
2 lbs. 230
4 cakes 46c
2j SATIN a Yom _Orval
=RD Orme
4 Ib. ptip,2se'
L1. 166 • -Ask Attliy
le Ib. tins 2Se
1 11). tins 4lie
Tall Nm
2 tins.... 25e
It Ib. tine. lar
lis a Ake. s1sp-
Ye. will Mice this .
4 31c
4 7-1b. BAG 19c
24-1b. Bag 49c
--awn Os,w*p p.. 4's 176
Chocolate Drops.... .
Trench Cream Candies
New Cleaned Currant.
ib. 900
lb )tae
2 lbs. 29c
Australian Valencia Raisilts..2 lbs. 25c
New Shelled's, 1 Ib. 29c
Orange and Lemon Peel lb. 176
Corn . 2's
Tinest' new Prunes, large sine ,11bs. '100
'libelled Almonds 1 Ib. 1So
Green Giant Peas . tin 19c
Trontena6 Chocolates 3 lb. box .... 89c
Ned. .Ilea
2 dos. 49c
Large Oranges
Per dos. 49c
J. J. McEwen 'J: Cain Cutt