The Signal, 1931-12-17, Page 5S,S.4$8g8$SitS.S,$LI for Christmas -THE VERY BEST - Christmas Cake THAT MONEY OAN BUY, ONLY _ ... 35c -a 1b.- .._ TRY IT, AND SEE FOR YOUR- SELF. SHORTBREAD, THE VERY BEST CHERRY WAFERS, MACAROONS, AND MANY OTHER DAINTIES HAVE YOU TURD OUR MILK -MADE BREAD? IF NOT, WHY 111'1_ IT I8 GREATLY IN DEMAND YOU HAVE TRIED -1SE REST, NOW TRY THE BEST Ic E. U. CLEVELAND oz PHONE 114 WEST STREET o trawarvarnualiationzinnnortannwt FRESH FOR CHRISTMAS t¢ LQWaog: Choco.'s - IN BEAUTIFUL GIFT BOXES i gA- GREAT -VARIETY OT' CHRISTMAS 'ROVELTIES iii THAT MUST BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED. YOU 4 WILL=FIND HERE THE IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFt.--- 1 t 1,4 QA4 Smiles n' Chuckles -?HE OPITIrAR'e NDY, IN HOLT "WRAPI'INOS fl t Leave your order for Ice Cream for Christmas delivery F. A. CRICH WEBS' SIDE SQUARE ' PHONE 141 or THE SIGNAL "n! -trff- cr ,Ir ___I•41,4.4..4144.40..._. .'r i t Mer. -r+,.,• - -A► - v = - --- GODERICH, ONT. Thursday, December InIh, 11011--i Mrs. A. Smith Heads Arthur Circle Reports Presented for the Past Year Show the Work to Be Flourishing Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Osmond. The A.Y.P.A. of the three churches of Bayfield parish were guests of the A.Y.P.A. of St. Paul's church, Heusall, on Monday evening The program which was given In 1'arua was re- 11141gan orchestra, which also played did their parts well, and eoagratula- tlons are due to the committee in charge for the really excellent enter- tainment they provided. The program was opened with sele•tlous by the prated. Three papers, one ou psalms, later in the evening. "Tile Burglar hymns and carols, were read and 11. was a bright little sketch put ou by five gins, Misses Seta Dalton, Fay Courtney, Elizabeth Bowler, Elaine (I'(buuor and Mary Foley. Trois was lustratious of the music of dtffereut periods were sung by the choristers trebled for the occasion by Mrs. F. H. Mrs. Alex. Smith will 'meanie over Paull, who had charge of the program.t� i the Arthur Circle of Knox church (h. A daieh was sereni r poem- Mr !taeoid Ihtltote. Kota and Mier! coming year. Flertiou of ofibccrs toot Ix rsof lit. Paul's A I P.A. - Wallace did .11111‘• prclty Ilauciug anti iA 0,136-011lrerw�_ -M Ate-- aneuai • 11.e. swat -u uid ar- was rr play. meeiln�-oT "T'hiriSfiTIMI T1dl'tAT"'" T iElleTterfl.w• week, the following officers were- ap tore were Leo Clare. Bert Martin. Ger pointed: W,M., John Caatle; D.M., aid Dalton, Tom McLennan, Edwin 1 Wm. Orr; chaplain, A. E. Erwin; re- Myers, Cyril Austin aril Tom Howard . cording secretary, Ninlan Heard; flnan- 1 Arthur Dalton was the man of the 1 cial secretary, E. A. Featherstone; house and Leon Sullivan the negro treasurer. Harold Stinson; marshal, servant. This was a clever and amus George Sturgeon; 1st lecturer. Wm. Me- I Ing act. MIAs Della Glimore gave a Dool ; 2pd lecturer. Emerson Heard: solo in good voice, and old-time fid- follovel by a solo well reudered by ; i( st a et ii gjlaudtxl Meat lug et liar Circle uu Monday evening, when re- ports were presented by the various secretarlea reelecting a year of serious and successful work under the leader- ship of Mrs. 11. C. Dunlop, the preal- dent. Mrs, James Thomson reported thir- ette-Raymond Dalton, Gerald Dalton. Arthur Dalton and Bert Martin - brought the program to a Nose. The accompanists of the evening were Miss Lorena Hogan and Miss Pollock, who e•ontributed materially o the success of the evening's enterta1t. Stable Accommodation The iant beside the Red Stant, - S near Ktreer. Iei,n� et(naed' en1raure to the:gtuIies tke rear has been t•Ilanwel t.. the West Side of Stanley Street. oihs,site the (1,1,lfellowo' 11.11 Satin. nevvutnalatlon for horse. a. before. ty-three subscribers to "Glad Tidings." 11st committee man. Robert Orr: 2nd filing was executed in tine style by The supply secretary, Mrs. J. Donald- committee man, Wm. J. 1':1110 t: 3rd Messrs. John Iaalton and JerryO'Con sou, reported supplying a complete out- eomis mittee aue•-Lindsay Smi�h; 4thnor. Four 'Idris -Frances Dalton, fit valued at $40 for a boy of eight eommlttee man, Walter Westlake; titi (Catherine O'Neil, Diary Margaret Dat - years, The literature and library sea committee man, James Rouatt: sick ton and 1llzaleth Bowler --gave an retary, Miss Belie MacVlcar, reported committee. A. Ill. Erwin, W. J, Mc- amusing act, "Freckles." Little Char - sending a box of looks to Glbraltir, Lend, D.O. Galbraith: auditors. W. J. I lotto' Ihnitou sang a pretty lullaby Ont., and the purchase of twenty-four , A71:: Erwin i song, and next wag the "ro nrille study hooka by members. Miss Will - - •_ +f'horuF." a rotesrx'd attnsts'ol+6twv. with gins, welcome and welfare secretary, KINGSBRID(E songs and stories and tunny hit.. The had made many calls on sick people i mimdrels were Raymond Dalton. Ger- and newcomers, and also extended the ► Fine Program -The ICiugstnrldge' aid Dalton, Cyril .Austin. Lean Su111- gratitude of those to whom flowers halt wits well tilled for the entertain. van. John O'Neil. Arthur Melton and had been sent, A comprehensive re- moot ou Wedneelay evening of this Bert Martin. Duets by !desire. limy - port of the year's work was given ev Miss Elder, recording secretary. The treasurer reported that 2973 was the amount sent the Presbyterial) rea au rer. Mrs. Dunlop, giving a sketch of the Ilstory of the Circle, stated that it was 37linisod -staples years also lir... W. . Kelly. - thestewho vase at the first meeting of the Circle. only one, Mr.. H. K. ltevell, I. still an ac- tive member. Mrs. C. K. Saunders and Mims Minnie ('ralgle Joined a year later sod -Mar•iwearIK owihr year - 1171P:erTailft+e, 11th-"TRP'f -- four -four vie,-pr.-cldent.. were asked to come forward and Airs. Revell rent a clever pewun. after which the presenta- tion of llfemenderehip+ was made IV• . Mrs.11:-.MacEwan to Mrs. C, K. Sauu-j de f4.-3fial"M i iraltie,-3ffine der, the secretary; Mrs. Ainslie. M. W. Tebbutt and Mr. Frank Saunders. 10 preaentiag thv-apo sof the sous !nating committee,- Yrs. _Knox pa14LT. - - ✓ afneere trlbliti IO- McTetiring e= • five. Each one was loyal and pains - linking In her work and faithful in all - week, and all enjoyed the splendid and varied program that was rendered it, the young people. The performers all mond Dalton and Bert Martin, a solo by Miss Della Gilmore, n chores by the seven "coons." and songs by n quart- JAMBS GARRICK -CARLOW STORE NEWE- S e our lino of Christman gifhs ('ANDi. FRUIT and Num We will have a agenda: for yes shortly FRANKLIN McILWAIN k Ak7 11s0/711101;7ra • t' L. . •• -MILLINERY- - To the ladies of tluderich and vicinity. - 1 U-. anti xv irdi -y*.f all a- Mertes= Christmas and a Bright and Prosperous New Year. MISS C. A. McKINNON TRAFALGAR STREET The Management of the HURON CArE extends to all Its patrons Its test wishes tor a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. :Ism uniting a Special Turkey Dinner for Christmas Slay at 60e. Special itusiness Men's Lunch daily as 60e. !ICED WON(i, Prop. British Exchange Building Phone 162 10x1P P,W1PlarJi�1Gr } --and the Ail) 11 again ready with thechoicelt of�ootil ftryouh rirlm al /eai i! duties. Mrs. Dunlop has 1'eally given @ even years as president; 1930 was a -"WHI6E`yeear, but '1931 with its cloud -- n did not deter the presi- dent, who carrier) on zealously, giving • time. talent and iwrnaonal gifts. En- thusiasm waa the main key of the anriety. The offiee of advisory nt was emoted in order to re - tato Mrs. Dunlop on the executive. The following ofcera were elected: Advisory president, Mrs. H. ('. Dun-. : president, Mrs. Alex, Smith; 1st _ vice-president, Mra. Revell: 2nd rite - president, Miss Somerville; Use ttlee preatdent, We. Donaldson: 4th vice• president, Mrs. Knox: eaptaina, Mrs, ,Meet Hall. Mrs. Minor, Mrs F. Saunders; recording secretary, Miss Mary MacKay; treasurer, MIM G, Halat : "()lad Tidings" secretary., Mn. Ainslie; assistants, Mra. Mair, Miss Christine McKenzie, Mrs. W. RIP - .44; stipple secretary, Mrs. Schaefer, Miss Deer; literature and library owe- retary. Miss hells MacVIear: corres- ponding secretary, Miss E. MacEwan. strangers' serreiar7. kIto. `l . W*ggtn.i Miss M. Craigte. Mho Donna Dell prem. secretary. Mrs. Rivers: pia !al.' Mrs. Revell, Miss Somerville. The officers were dedicated In prayer by Mrs. Lane. Mrs. Smith thanked the society for the honor eonferrsd. Uri W. MaeFiwan will represent the Clrele ai the Presbyterial meeting at ,.(Ilnton in Jasv . y___-rr The annual ban- quet will 1* held at V January meet- ing, . A social half-hour was enjoyed at the close of the meeting. 1 It's easy to please the smoker -We know Ma favorite brand- Fipes, Cigars and Cigarettes Smokers' Sundries ET's a very simple matter .to solve the "1''(114 problem at Craigie'e. A new PIPE, for instance, is not only an acceptable gift, but a leaping gift. We have them with or without came and comhin ation sets beautifully caned . CASE PIPES ��..�- -- ' 1.50 TO $5.00 SINGLE PIPES ' .. 1.06 - A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT- -- 1 n Nifty Christmas Packages Smoking Tobacco (half -pound jars) ; Cigars, Chrietmaa•wrspped, always acceptable, in 5's, 10's, 25's and 50'a, at prices to Ruit every pocketbook Cigarette Holders, Cigar Holders. Lighters. Smoking Refit, Ffe. MAGAZit4' SUBSCRIPTIONS FORWARDED • Crgigies Tobaccocists - News Stilod - Billiard Parlors . . . . .. 4 4, •. 4. .. 4. 4, . .. 4, 4-.J ;,-,s,,'., BRIEFS The schools will close for the Chrlet- man holidays on Tuesday, December 2'2n4. Commencement exercises are being held at Central school thin (Thursday) evening. The Sunday school of Knox church Is having Be Christmas entertainment in the lecture room of the church on FrMay evening of thbs-Asskr--- - Tha nubile are asked to reserve Thursday and Friday January 28 and tel, for the G.C,f. rommencement 1■ MacKay Hall; also January 8th for the junior public speaking contests. The V ietoria street United ehoirh ('hristmaa concert will be held on Tuesday eventing. December Mid, at 7.45 p.m. Christmas carols, recita- tions. roouthorgen quartette, instrn- mental., soldier: campfire. pegeant- "The Challenge nt the Crnas," chat. UMW, Admisaiom, Me. children 155._ I-'rom the North, East an Went -even from the far-off lands of the Orient -A EP has collected the most tempting delicacies and all the familiar staple foods to make your holiday dinner complete -and, best 'fall. 11.•• or; are the lowest in vepr', typical A 8- ' -.- GOOD CHEER FOR THE TABLE AND GOOD NEWS FOR THE Funz,% BUTTES OF THE BETTER KIND -OUR OWN atLVaRBaOOK BRAND UTTER 24 Pi�NTa lb.� \1 SUNNTFIBLD TAS'1iaQINIIIIIWIRAMRRY, Imo. We FOR RUST SHORTENER° 2•4b. Palls aA l s . Pati. 19C MADE FROM PURE WINTER WHEAT FLOURSafir *V T 100 FLOUR • 7 Alit 11e EGGSDos -"35• Awl 43• 24 ea 65C Faris EXTRA/8 AYL1Ots CHOICE QUALITY PEAS NO 4 6 Tia 45e BORDEAUX WLNUTS wag n- 49e IIV - TOO ARE PLAKND/O 11'O1►- AGRiCULTURAL AOC'Y RLNEFIT The euchre. five hundred and danPP held at (lddfeltbws' Hall last 11'hnre- day night ander the anspirnd of the Agricultural Society was well attended and Shunt SAO was realised for the Ses•iety's fund.. The prises for etehre were won by Wm. Green afifi I. 11heT Inn : for five hundred, by Kenneth Me - Arley and Mr.. Walter Johnston of itneflelrl. The Driver nrehestra pro- vided mnaic ,for the donee. HAYFIELD 1'•.IYFiitLD, Dee` 15. -Kr. Allen Pee, who spent several months in the rn►nge, returned to Windsor on Tam ain1.- Mr. ,Tames iT , oStaidly Uwe. In, *rot hist erre* wRh Yom. And !GFr+.'tbbifll 'tA1'111INI t sea Lloyd, of (lnlbiwiw township West 4 r _QUALITY" Tars aavaatags M tbe law • ! P balday prim by l.avlag 1N► order � now..6., /taQ�rma tN sar turkey will he Government mad, , . 4.11&7R TOUR ORDER NOW AT ANY A • P FOOD STORE FRUITS & VEGETABLES Now RTO('K (tt.IFORNIA NAVRI. MEDIUM Oranges Doi 41. TANGERINES LARGE RXTRA LABOR -745•-.53 Q OO Doz. 29e RRADY FOR KtTf HRN OR TARI.g IMP KARAVAN ET0ATEre 2 Pkgs. 35e C ICING SUGAR 3 lbs. 19 4111 COCOANUT ..." (ATvn ib. 15e 11.441 CRISCO P"r 24e 3 M '/1 71 Ili ikfrie LAMB LEGS lb. 21 c 111 FANCY MACWINR-SLiCED SMOKED BREAKFAST STYLE till BaCOfli72-Ib. .., civ::�• 11Psealer Bask d ierpIb. 190 @►Yrs `lb. -I s r MOM TENDER A•PREF' e YOUNG. SOF?-MEATIID Roasts Prime Rib Ib. 15a women e'en lb. 110 R01,t.Fn Sirloin Ib. 19e t.hristmas Poultry Bought, ifig } est Prices Paid irEA- sALE 0* All Blends of A ! P Nectar Tea. BLEKDED 16. 37c DIDIA • U(DIA [ -----Iib. 4yc ORA/10R PEKOE • Ib.69C HOLIDAY �' �'''''It ► J SUGGESTIONS Plum Pudding 2-1b. Bag 59. A & P HOME-MADE STYLE. MINCEMEAT 2 lbs. 23o x A P FINEST QUALITY FRESH YOUNG ROA'STING PORK Butts 1 .n 1b. 12. Loins Aa1 c:.*tsh lb. 13e Loin and Rib Chops ib. 150 - FRESHLY CHOPPED KIDNEY SUET. Z' -25 4".414 FItSH NEW STOCK FANCY RED al*JNo SALMONnime STE.ARN 'SMOKED Hadd e1b.130 Priem at AR A ! P Rheas Ins Zone* N tlav Meeebandka.