The Signal, 1931-12-17, Page 4THE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONT. ou Give Pleasure with your Christ- ftfrom Pridham's LEEIiURN LEEBU11N, Dec. Ill—Mr. James Chisholm, w., and .on William motored to Toronto on 'Tuesday to buy cattle to , feed for the wester. I Messrs. Fred and b'rauk Hurtuu paid a flying visit to the 8th concession of Astherld ou %Vestureday. Thr young people and School children of N.N. .No. 8 are busy pretrtlalug tot the cvneert to be (tyre at Naltford ou 'Churaday eteuiWL The yeung peoPle wiitdred to tie hvnar'Of "rrtti*Y:Alta- Om, ou Tuve/ley ecswlYa•e+nLraa'r Befit telly -le -41st lintel jX---. hm8�- ..Iahnn= Farrlah, our well-known vtollulst, I played for them hoe eu acts. All re- turned home safely. '!'here will be a epcclal Christmas i program and Christmas hymn', In the Sunday school qui Sunday and also t'hristina' service in the church. Wil. all try to join with one another at. these sptelal seri ices at this time of !year? YOU GET THE SELECTION, THE QUALITY AND THE RIGHT PRIpE AT THIS STORE —EACH PUT UP IN A RICH GIFT BOX— NECKWEAR (a popular gift) 55c, $1.00, $1.b0, $2.00 NECK SCARFS of great beauty $2.00 to $5.00 SHIRTS in great variety .$1.95 to $3.50 Sleeping Comfort president, Kiss E. Mcllwalu ; recurdieg Secretary, Mrs. U. Harwood:.treyurer. Yrs. F. McClure; ; strangers' sectary, Mrs. E. Johnston; Quietest, Mrs. M. Phillips; C.N. mod F. secretary, Mrs. A. Tiebbortte; lllaslonary Mouthly secre- tary, Mrs. G. Falcvuer; associate helpers' secretary, temperance secre- tary, literature and press secretary, lire. G. Harwood; finance committee. Yrs. Phillips, Mr*. J. Young, Mrs. R. McAllister ; auditors, Mrs. A. Ttch iwrne and Mew k. Mcllwaln. A dxluty 1,4411../L[t!. .. $r_•the hoetc+ss ... 'there was a good congregation. i 1'uCu`u uu bunds. when the pestort W:-i'171t.' occupied the pulpit; Hie text was ."The Ministry of lttdemp Boa" (Isaiah 61). After the sermon. Mr. Craik,. by request, sang the sole "We'll Never Say Good -Bye," which was much enjoyed by everyone....Next Sunday is Christmas Sunday, and the pastor will give a Christmas iseaMp. The choir will slug two Christmas as thema..Tlte annual Chrietteas tree and ceacert will be Dead la Gales church un Wednesday evening. December 28, under the auspices of the Sunday school. A splendid program is being prepared. Come sad bring the child - mu to see Santa...Tbe regular aseetlag of the Y.P.N. will be held on Friday evening. $*rtes Colwell will have eharge of the meeting, which will be of a Christmas nature. THANKING you for your patronage during the past year and to greet you with sincere wishes for Christmas IK -NOW —Y.af- - Sturdy's Cash Grocery ''Everything Good for the Tuble" ItitNANDMENDMIkkalailkikkataa P0-1-CR'S HILL 1.1 rItTEIN•S HILL. Dee 15. There HS a good attewhince at the Ladles' :Alit meeting held in. (HIRT church oft I Thursday of last week. - Mrs. 0. Proc.- ' tor, the preeldent rbeetipled the chair. Included In the business; was the heed- ing in of the motley raised by the circle,. %%Welt amounted to the sum of $96. The treasurer reported that $100 lied been realised during the year. The election of officers held and tbe fol- lowing elected: lion. president, Mrs, G. Proctor; 1st vice-president. Mr*. R. Harmer.; secretary. Mrs. V. Elliott: seeretere.. Mrs. F. C. Pittard: plimiet. Mrs. T. Elliott. Mrs. C. Mrs. A. Bottles: buying committee. Mr, it. Torrance. errs. P Young: program :Cox. lira. C. Pickard. Tee meeting was: closed with the einging of a liv:tun and thi• benediction. HOW ABOUT A NICE OVERCOAT TOR CHRIST- MAS? A SWELL LINE IN THE LATEST SHADES AND MODELS AT $16.5Cto $35.00 Leave your order ilo%‘ slip—just a soft, resilient band _ that you never know is there. and 'which brings a new era of comfort to sleeping. Washes like - the torment itself and guaran- teed Isle all Forsyth products. for a 8 IT made to your $25.00 and up C. Pridham e%T FORBELT PAJAMAS men's and Boys' Wear Phone 57 Goderich & Son CAPITAL THEATRE WESTFIELD liorrivragtficaric : GODERICH — PHONE 47 Our hearty with a that the happiness of'Clitisimas will be bountifully shared by one anti all NOW PLAYING --Warner Mod in "THE BLACK CAMEL" Monday, Tuesday and - EDWARD G. ROBINSON Kayleff--David Torrence and ()diets of alb -Wein a setunt_._ iOnal scandal sheet drama.- -So riiighTy! So truly great that nothtng the Oefeeli tie yet tiffet-M-can Comiiire with — awl ‘111 Mrs. W. IL CaMpliell hate been spend CI hi( a few tlays with their doughty- WEIL Was. Cr_ogler_of Crewe Mr. and Mrs. Whin Taylor and Leadoe-steeet--aissueltse-wleis=1.seelad -Mrs Lick Johuston of Gollerieli Messrs. Wan. Mcliewell. Nortnan eleDowell, Alva Mt -Dowell NIA Ea ri W40~1 t LOIld011 tun Mr. arid Mrs !telt T.iylor mad child Renew your subscription to The Signal and receive a beautiful Calendar for 1932 attended the diamond wedding celebra- tion of Mr. Mrs, J. N. Campbell at Mies Madeline iVaiden is visiting her aunt. Mrs. Phoebe Taylor of Birth MCC "FIVE STAR FINAL" Thursday and Friday- - - Claudia DAL -L.4 une Collyer —Walter Pidgeon—A Devil Belssoo stage satileee brill/11'1 The most devastating charmer of all lime! Saturday Only— 1 Only -Six More D-a-ys Till wrir34 Christnirar "u4.14 We'have a large selection of ladies' - and men's wear to suit everyone's taste and purse. tegtetettetme Sunday-Nite Dresses A DRESS is a very welcome gift. A new shipment of DRE88E8 suitable for party or dense. DRESSES taffeta, satin.inced canton and canton ereptin the new high stades of the -Christmas sewn. their meeting on Wetineeday afternoon, December fitti. Reports were heard from the varlons secretarlen. The treasurer reporferabout $175 raised daring tee' year.1 Tee election of ode mei for 1932 resulted as follows: Prealdent. Mr*. J. I. McDowell; lat vlee-pretsident, Mrs. R. Vincent; 2nd Campbell; corresponding secretary.1 Mrs. J1111114•11 McGill: treasurer, Mrs Maitland Henry ; seeretary of Chen- I thin serwerdshtp. Mee. Walter Cook; I Stranger*" meerearr.:nrs..w. route - heti ; supply seisetary. Mrs. Buchanan: Baby Band seeretary. Mrs. J. Vincent: temperance secretary. Mrs. Gord011 Snell: eflaskinary Monthly secretary; Mrs. A. Waleh: Drees secretary, Mrs. .1. MIt41111 pianist. lifra. A. %sleet It. was decided that the group pleb b• carried nut for another year. BUCK JONES I rest el.! lo wan eepenent NIes4crn adventure in *dint% drama — "MEN WITHOUT LAW" Matinees Wednesday, Friday and Saturday - COMING George Arils, in "ALEXANDRA HAMILTON" ERIMI gbft Ce r :44 • • o • • SPECIAL OFFER To every woman buying a 00AT before Chrietmas we are giving the gift of a HAT. Special prices in Fur Coats French Seal Coat. self -trimmed $95.00 Muskrat Coat $79.00 $17.50 Goatskin Coat Gift Suggestions CHIFFON DANCE SCARVES, HOSIERY, KID GLOVER, HANDKERCHIEFS, SILK CREPE DANCE ism LINEN BRIDGE SETS Men's Overcoats ---FREE OFFER of a Silk Scarf for every Overcoat sold before Christmas. Gift Suggestions TINE DRESS SHIRTS, SOCKS, ESSEX- ilk. BLE SHIRT AND TIE SETS, HAND- KERCHIEFS, TIES, attractively boxed. SWELTERS, Lined or unlined KID' SCARFS, LEATHER JA0E- UNTIL CHRISTMAS CIODHIRMIH TOWNSHIP', Dee. te.— Max Emily Graham, of KIneardlne. spent Sundiry.st the home of Mr. And Meteors. Reg' -Potinston, Ernest Bee and MarKee Falconer were In Godee ice hod week 'serving on the jury. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johneton and children and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jones, with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rove. ford. vielted relatives In thin cora- Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Johnston and family upent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Barker, Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sproule and Don- ald and Miss Jean MeCabeed GoderIch were twee', on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Harrison. illekw—Radrea—A quiet but pretty wp4111Ing war tonlemnised at the Bap- o'rlock Saturday. December 12, when Rev. W. T. Bunt united in marriage Darla Irene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Davki %Ages. and Walter Clarence Hicke. eon of Mr. awl Mrs. Wm. Hicks. The immediate relative,' were present for the ceremony. The Christmas entertainment of honee Monday afternoon, Deeembor 22nd. tinkles Cburrh Natea.--The regular meeting nf the W.M.S. of TTnion ehurch Orr on Wednesday. December 9, wItli sixteen member,' previent Km Jar. Ross we's In charge of the meeting. The roll eall was reaprinded to with the text word "Honor." Rev. F. W. Cralk grave an addrees nn "Honor All Men." In eldrh he urged the members' to for. fret what lay behind. hut ever to peens forwerd. He naked everyone to look ',away', for the gond there Is In every. saki If We rare the bait there wan in um to the wnrld vre should reeelve the lee year tistrmainsItsi. se tallowore PleviKeet, Mine. I. ; 1st maddest. Kra Wm feller ; 2nd vire I tete • Westinghouse Radio (Console Model) JIM $87.00 Westinghouse Standard Vacuum -Cleaner, $55.00. Complete attachments $12.00 BEACH RANGES IN ALL STYLES AND COLORS $48.00 AND UP All -Electric Snow Bird Ironer . $115.00 Snow Bird and Coffield Washers from Copper Reflector Heaters, $3.95 and up Live Coal Heaters • • $12.00 • Westinghouse Chromium Percolator $9.75 SPECIAL HEATING PAD 3 heats, $6.00 Full stock of TOASTERS, IRONS, HOT PLATES, Etc. TABLE AND FLOOR LAMPS vnurrnroHousz Guaranteed LAMPS, plain and colored • • o • Talbot & Coienish,_ Phone 81 Kingston Street and Square • • ea •