The Signal, 1931-12-17, Page 21$48 : CANADA WI tc7sgetlsa Weekly Mem Aasottatlon 3M= term* Thunwiay morning. Peke $t() per year =11127In advance. The bright store window+ geollAL PRINTING CO.. LTD. t tehrl a bei tush a window.. ich the $,s'lam's a>a Goderttei. 054. _ . News- =DITORIAL MOTs$ Ouly owe week more. and Santa will be on his rounds. • • • If you haven't done you': Christmas thoVping early. do it as early as you eau. • w. - mow -swum. Saito. sad Illemepeatiliko Thursday. 1)eeember 17th.- tett I1QIRIALL TREE TRADE The British Goteremeut cannot sec Its way to tax wheat imports true remiss countries and grant a tariff preference to wheat from Canada and ether dominions of the Empire; but it is prepared to adopt a wheat quota plan, under which a definite proportion et Britain's purchases of wheat would be from the dominions. That la, the Old Country milers would be under eompualon to alae a prese'rtbed proP•r- tios •t Heptreamart. along with -s4 chalks Willor nk of homailes"'. wheat. it k aeofrlally retorted that the dominion quota will be 56 per cent.. the domestic 'quota 15 per trot., leaving 10 per tent. to be purchased from other wheat -exporting countries. Presumably Canada would derive mime advantage from having a settled market for a proportion of her wheat bat thaw is no tuiee ,!meat**fem and nobody appears to be able to figure aM jalg;_011at the advantage would be. +re, the British Government amt a "quid pro quo;" In plain Eng- I no disastrous storms. and the people -rte►—tt wants panda to make some of _Goderich are glad and thankful to •esele..Mon in return for any favor re- wee their sailor boys return safe and e�Tvel. This pate tt tip to Premier +tend Bennett awl the protectionist element In Canada . they cannot maintain an tasurmounta(de tariff wall against British products and at the same time expect Great Britain to give preferen- tial treatment to Canadian products. The more elowely the whole (pie. - Don of interlmlwrlal trade is stndied. the clearer It becomes that the only so- lution the promises to be permanent and satisfactory Is to have nh orate tree trade among the various tarts of the Empire, allowing each part to arrange ids own tariff on foreign pro- duct.. roduct.. Otherwise there will lw eon - lineal bargaining* and blekeringa over perrenagt' among the various domin- ioen and between the dominions and the mother country. with tb•- -powd- fWlty a serious dlwgreemleata and dif- lictlttw If there is anything seMles- ilal Is Nee Imperial concept. the var- -Les parr* of the p mplre" "s td ire ready to trade freely with one another and free trade within the Empire, in wdd'itlss to its maalfest advantages for all para of the Imperial comity wealth, would be a great object les- son to the wend • • • give the weather Ike esntraet 'bridge has broken the trout page of the Toronto dallies NeNt thing we know the editorial page will be discussing the fine points of plugpong and croklnole. • • • A woman who died In P ugland a few days ago at the age of ninety-one years wee said to be the original Mary whit "had • Ilttle lamb." Nothing was said am to what had become of the lamb. • • • The Newfoundland Government has offered to sell Labrador to Canada for 3100,000.000. pitmen answer prod ebty was seaman like this: We should like to have it. all right, but in these bard times we don't know where we could lay our hands ea the money. tato THE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONT. Colonel Anthony Van Egmond and the Rebellion of 1837 in Huron County By Wilfred Brenton Kerr, M.A., Ph.D., F K.H.B Pat. Kerr asks may persons having it their posm+atsa letters sr papers herring ea tier early hi.isry .f Hem meaty to leave thagie wanes al /be ?...•,st' Rime 5.. a:RN toed be seed sow the Information mond arrived at Montgomery's Tavern at $ a.m. Thursday, 1)elember 7th, riding the w%hlte horse which had burue him for the last time along hie owe hn ,M ese reed. ale d... ahfaat ie & tract the detente but noon they saw the militia advancing to the attack Ia Buellstrength that the position could not be held. They gave the word 10 the men to save themselves, knowing that everything was lost.AllmanAlat before the word was uttered the Insurgents 'streamed out of the wood and retreated to the north, Van I gmond and Loant laid of alt. The loyalist gunners now advanced. Piet up their weapons again and sent two (shots through the main body of the tavern. The men Inside poured oat to w r three* private room w ith Mackenzie. Luunt, I "lightt and 15Pd 11111° the tu,, ,d. :'l z with ow already to V W peaserrslets Insurgent army dissolved. The aklrm- Glbwm, Fletcher and Sohn Muetgoe .�•.a�1aD bttQ.jO!tttt1 fifteen or twenty min- utes. One of MacKenzle's men was klled, four wounded with fatal re - mutts: no Government soldier was even serloualy wounded.' Van Egmond had one advantage for rec•apr, him horse. He rode up to ■ group who were delUrerating whether to fly together or separately; but at this moment they saw the smoke from the burning tavern and scattered in every direction. The Colonel, with some eompaniona, made his way to the north. Near the Golden Lion inn, four miles north of Montgomeryts, they found themselves overtaken by Mackenzie sad Fletcher. The group. held a hurried dlec•usslon and agreed CHAPTER 7(115ry. At the enncttstlett df -the these men held a touucil of war. Mac MI(NTGOMKRY'S TAVERN kenzle proposed au immediate attack lu the 'election of 18311 the Reform- on the city, but the expected relnforee- menta had not arrived and could not be on hand until later lu the day. More. the Insurgents had lost mauy by deser- tion and in eonsequence could not mus- ter more than 518) men, while the Gov- erment troops were well armed. well ers had suffered • serious reverse. They ought to have had no difficulty in seeing that W Upper Canada at laths. as well eels that small portio thereof known as the Hurua Tract., they had lest votes princllally be- equipped and much superior in num- bers. Such being rite case, Van Eg- cause the indiscreet laugaagw of [belt mond replied to Maekensle's proposal ca had given color to tete by charaeferialug It i a "stark mad - charges of disloyalty conttmuall7 avis." Mackenzie burst into an ex - brought a lost thea by the Family et- PASjam election they plosion of wrath and threatened to Comp• shoot theCetenek-but the others haatily (wend themselves ehtyed to devise • • • The season of navigation is over. vessels have been placed In their win ter berths, and sailors are coming home to spend the quiet winter month*. a. tit as busbies' W e neer ef, tin weasoo bas been rather slack; bo the matter of weatherit has heat a re- markably good eamoneallbe a have been a pulley in view of the new circum- stances. The moderates telt that dis- creet conduct In a period of wafting might suffice to reconvert to their side the electors of the Province who had no love for the Family Compact and had left the Reform fold only through temporary alarm. But dur- ing the early months of 1837, the ex- tremLt group, among whom were ordered Peter Matthews, of Pkkerlog, pest In the Toronto of 1►wvmMr 1'Ctl Witham Iiyda 'Iteetensie, ter.- Melva }lo pttrecllM to die pee 6iidtll �?itl+ tl iraa iSamsasi eeearatleekselsby "a sees-... Dr. liuneemle and tlamuel 1Aunt• I men. to burn the bridge. Intenrpt the' action of mal•dtra." to p•rtieulasr wrewd their thoughts toward more mall and otherwise advertise his pew..- by Inflammatory rhenmrtlt(m, for which violent eomr'sete beteg ao doubt 1n- encs In the hop• of drawing off tart of reason flys authorltlex frenxferred hint _ fiuenced by vapors o[ discontent to the city hospital. There they the iceetliet tones. There was some rc _.. verging nn rt4eUfon Iu the lower Pro flee. Van Evened touched the maner•---- extx•etation of reinforcements. as one 7marcbeti bus bp* t pee one of the dying• vincc. Ax (bit summer ndvaiwed. Mat- man had promised to bel inn form Inxnrg,mts to make sore of his Iden- eenzie {wrmltted • more atad-IOte in• OP :WI: but no emit-i�tiwt. as the morn- tlamnwtury-i�p. n his paper. and soot ing p..aeol with no arrtrnh, and no Greet •s a sign to the poor fellow not newt( of any. Van i.:gmond must hare' 1"•tray him.--$rat-the_-eau reptled .e f from' Why do lot posh my fcsrt, Colonel f• aeeured an appeasement. perhaps male. Ing excuse to Van Egmond for the sate that they should try to torch the of Mackeudex nerves. The Colonel' Niagara frontier. Mackenzie sue' - then proposed that no attempt be made seeded in escaping. The old Colottel,. on the city until sufficient reinforce - shelter overcome with fatigue, sought meats should hare arrived to render *halter ou a neighboring farm. But success feasible and that meantimt+_a a militia detachment arrlvesl, searched diversion should he arranged to occupy the plate., seized him and took him the attention of the Government troop... to Toronto jail. This plan was adopted. The leaders The jail wax cold. as our might ex, • WHEN IMPRESSIONS COUNT -- TAILORED CLOTHES HAVE THE ADVANTAGE Order now and be r�y for the holidys BATS iu the new dark brown, sand and pearl grey shades. Let us stow you the Mansfield line of Custom-made SH.Urre. REMODELLING AND DRV GLEANING SERVICE Frank H. Martin PHONE POOR Imes TAILOR AND KATTRR Announcement I RAVE =Elf APPOINT= THR ADTHORiIQD PARTS =POT POR _ __.-_ Auto -Lits and DelcoLlemy Electric Systems These two systems oover praotioaly an OUT eeatmoa Bare. I have a good tge� eerobeeik of ane Parts and slso She proper itlllll owsgdpm ut to � > stititvloe on generatun1 " - :3i, .farting motors, ***- Miller's Service - Station tO Owner el Vietoe a Stew[ ad LSI[ Ave. !'Yea 2 s r nivel at work organ • • • he w a T The editor of 'rise 1'he+slry tinter. volt. Even from his own point of view Enter- prise must have read hastily. or have the venture ought to have appeared a wild gamble In view of the hostility of sewn an Innteurate report of the pro - codings of tiurou enmity et unce. He tylia his readers that two member's of the comity eounoll voted in favor of re- ctal -lug the age for pwsi from ,e•veu- 17 to st� years. and makes amrro- �erhrte emu- meet tilerenu. Wlwt w• voted on was n irrols.+Ition to rectae•s the age at which n totally lneapeel toted person may nswive the prnsion— a enmewhat tiifeste, f matter. A b0111111171. NOOIOf[Y From time to time the proposal la made that as a meaaare of economy the number of legislators at Toronto and Ottawa *bouid be reduced. Thi* weatd loess that the melt a repreeele Batton week! be Jemmied : Moron emeety, for InrtatnCe, would have one $washer instead of two. and, if the Mena of rural depopulation should continue, it might be that Heron and Bruce would to united lea single rfd- tnR represented by ose B. Can .oyoae see good results fret such a .entingene•y? it would be Imp esihle 'for the representative to know has - -.00stitaenta, or for them to know him, and the elecUea would be decided, not en the basis of the Itnese of a candi- d*Ie to represent the people of the rid- ing, but rather by the relative size of the campaign funds and the amount of noise the candidates could make. Once elected, the representative would be sent of touch with hie constituency and the urge to economy and democra- tic legislation would ire Largely ablest. Some years ago the system of elect- ing county councillor's by dietrlcts wax been that the situation was nr ran EgmoudT -D am a dying man: 1 bright. He held it review of (1e some 11N1 In number. gnat found that .aturot die with a Ile In my mouth. the people of the Provine so clearly half only had pikes or sous. the met Yea arm with uPi rand over to have rx n•sPitd at the election. But in 183'3 more grinner.. weapon. or nothing at 'Ourmandr,l us of of Montgomery's Tay• P ern, but o0 did not artier In time." Mackenzie 'seems to basic lust hex head. all. He chose officers. with others ? *1 least temporarily. (lils"n, wham hr ates,intwi enmmantler After this diselo.nm, it was clear that Meanwhile Colonel Van F:gm0nd of a company, and g, v.• soul,• general • there wax no f�aapP for the Colonel. was attire hi Huron. The Misses LI*- dire tions Inn rasp of an attack by the In the hospital be rapidly sank into report the t r farmers of flys (;oyerntnent troops. nm,rnw•lont(s a rand died on January - -- flab There i sea d was adtttern it Tract "had been 1014 more than wr•-�--Alsraf omen a w•enii :rrri..vl with �,t that the reel was hasfpnwt by pn1 by Van 1-:grnond that if they waetM 'news that the militia. %erre moving anvth1 g thea wnedd hare to ftgfit for north from the Parliament Uuiblinga. "on guru him by one of his sesta. If [him - lt " .\ minute of the Tut-kersmith A few minutes later the sentinels saw were the e•aae. Inc motive la elenF trrmmissiueers as early as .laniary. the Government fonts coming Over I if Van a.ed had n e treason- he, (Apt, reeds: "Mgt Januar.. 10th tt the brew- of tlalenw% Httl. Atlas 1' P4 would have teem tried for treara+w'st►d the hoti+P of W. Fowler and con idpred cher reified tqr and cried. "W Ike yOlnr i executed with Lount and ltlttthews. As it was. while his remains stir! ba- s arms, men! The enemy's arming and ing brought homy the t'i,Mn was twMm no mistake! No talo alarm this broken open by militia men on the time!" At this news Mackenzie and Van Egmond mounted horses and rode pretext of wanhing for arms. The south till they saw the militia and heard the band: then, realizing that an attack in force was coming. they returned to the tavern and prepared for The fight. Van Egmond made his dispositions. He placed 150 men In a wood 150 yard" west of Tongs street, a half mile smith of the tarern, and stationed etixty others in the field to !a! yeast. - The seat est the Imswegest force. being nnarmed, 'stood hesfde the tavern or sought aafety inside it. Soon the Government troops, under eommand of Fit gibbon. arrived at the `front." They plated two guns on the west aide of Tonga street and opened fire on the belt of woods where Van Egmood had stationed hit men. Thew, however, found the trees and the brush heels a fair protection and suffered not more than one or two cawaltles: meantime they tried to re- turn the fire with their muskets. Ent the rushing of the bottle and the crash- ing of the branches alarmed them and canned a good deal of contusion. Dur- ing this "bnmtuenhnent" Van Es- mond and Jaunt had attempted to di- • R. E. Knowles, intervtewing Bert- the, ionee of state of the township rand Rowell at Tomato lust week, was in egtmequeuee of a meeting held by • • startled by the vidtor's 'statement that he remembered quite well his grand- father. Lord .john ltussetl. As Lord John Russell was horn In 1792. almost 140 years ago, the statement sea* tmf- fic•IeOtly aurpriaing begt'-►hen It is known that the grandfather lived until 1878. ■td the grandson was born some years before that date, the circum - sem -el bt v.Amartabte. except ea illustrating the length of time that can be spanned by two fairly long lives. • • • Mr. Hepburn, the Provincial Liberal leader. and Mr. Nixon, the Progres- sive leader in Ontario, announce an agrreeeest between the two parties t0 work together for the overthrow of the Henry Government. it is not a merger of the two parties, rather an alliance to achieve common purposes. The speecheaweade by the two leaden at different points in the Province 1a- dk•atr that the chief points of attack will be the financial affairs of the Province and the Hydro adminl*tra tion. Rye -elections recently held re- veal a considerable change of politi- cal sentiment among the electorate. and the remit of the next election will not be a foregone conclnaion.._o • • • Toronto city council has voted to a Mr. Van E,gmout. The comm ere erred to adjourn until Marcb 12th. m.t W 10' prooent a petition to the Hesse .f Aaseobly. ' This peti- tion, howdeet. 1f It were ever seat. is not now to h!_folina -1R- the Ont*rM Ar- ebives: alba Sr infa realm we. ere Its ignorance about the nature of the Colonel's meeting. although we may anrmtae that dletntaloi of the Can- ada Company and the Family Com- pact occupied a prominent placeeae the eared*. The eommiselonera soon dlaeovered another difference with Van t t to F.gmond : during 1887 they ougb compel him to do statute labor and in the end they made a forted sale of his goods to the amount of one potted eine shilling's and threepenee, or 37.50. Why the Colonel refused to pry a sum so trilling to him is not recorded. hut be moat have considered that some prin- ciple war at stake. it is clear that the Dutch veteran left no stone unturned In his endeavor to route discontent in Huron county. Probably he was actin* In clone ennerrt with Macke nate : per- haps' be sent Mackenzie letters and reeelved replies and instruction*: but eoneeraing these matters we can only gam= In the fall of 1537 Mackenzie had committed himself to the attempt at revolt. Thrrine the third week in No ..ember. Rolph expressed hie desire to *ernes. a trained military larder tot, the insurgent nrmy. in *newer Mae. kenzle stated that he eonld obtain the servhrs of one of the moot efficlpnt and thoroughly trained others in the pmrchate a Rlawrr street property at s country, and named Colonel Van Eg- price that work* out at about 3300,000 mond. This conversation suggests an acre. Not so many years ago this that Mackenzie had kept hie destinies prperty was not worth more than 3100 with the Dutchman to himself and had an acre. Persson* living In Huron Pfeferred not to Inform hit eollesgnet. county may say that the matter It of Several days later. about November 24fh. Rolph learned that Van Egmont' no special interest to them: but It le. had coorentwt to take the eommand Every pert of the t'rovine conttlbtltet and would be at --Montgomery's for to the Increase in the value's of real that wept*. early On T1u ember 7th. adopted. !netted of a representative estate in Toronto, and Huronitee give Why the rebel leaders did not mem- ber each mnniclpallty, councillor were p part of the products of their labor mon the thoroughly experleneedre ('ol- elected for a dletrit comprisingsec-onel a+ lOOn s . they had reached every year to mete up the amounts the dotslrrn to rerolt le not explained seal music ipal ltWPs grouped together. that go into the hank accounts of the, by any '4 our anthnritles: and from This reduced the memberwhtp of the landowners in Toronto and other cities their own standpoint the °mitrton wad a aerloufe plunder. One of the insure est moldier}, glinted in iRobertson Landmark* of Toronto, declared that if Van Esmond had been with them at the eommeneement of the revolt they wnnld harp captnred the city. Whatever the reason, at the beginning of Deeem ver Mackenzie Informed his men at Montgomery's that be would be commander mime Colonel Van Et - mond had not arrived: and hP ordered the attack nn Toronto which dig ...deed in a panic rat both *ides. After this failure the 'redoes of the insurg- ents resolved to wilt for reinforr- mentt and Van Esmond before a ascend attempt Ret the delay gave the 'opal - lath time to eollect forces and organise them under the leadership of a man whom, experience of war, though not an e•nWerahle as Van Kgmond'a. had mesa matte rset'ient for the nervosa.: James Tiusibien. v,feran'of 1812 and hero of flsev* clams. At the ammo times ter ,•, nine et the Province he- antre ljihla femme wore pear- m.- tn•d to toenty eMmneU very considerably; but so unsatisMctOry were the re'sin's that to a few years the system was aban eked, and each municipality wan dents OrPrt its representative. There '41tostessiffilIffIelet disadvantage In ha ring 111111011.10 too large, and this applies, M - as well as to enmity eyeb ll:: the direct Is.tei between el . - .�, elected while readers the altivet to meek opinion In b smeary, It 1• doedrirwl 11 the rode of tfie t+tmber of repreatnativs wenmld affect a seeing et one dollar: the re- sult, ladestl, mlgbt be g ^neater * stre- ueatsew in espetadttmw. There are other ways le whirls men- ds. be effected. Abolish the awe, with th. easily JM Taeasea. Ratner ,re. the Province. When thla_ti CleIt17 ween and nnderstnorl, we may leek for some change in the a ytte n that now operates: until then. farmer's will scrimp and nave to pat n new roof on the barn while Ternnto erects palatial skyscrapers. • URifl7'S AND GASOLINE (Brantford Expositor) flowerer. It 1* not *efficient to have attractions and to advertise them. who come to Canada must be that they arc sot charged tel for their eeperitnee. Iota coming from Ontario, who are M �y Vona of gas - Mae tills ILO.* peon Sod that they three to ped Wag to • , for gasoline of the base tlaerlty. Thee leads to the entwined., Muer Abet the; are holes hid utile regard m lb* ries• er that (Issada M a door roma* ie whieb to take • hntiday. '!♦ease also his MaseMMmg Is Om p r.saa et teal: ��v to study time mttls.11aa, �- saesttttrt i "algia( flair► 2142011a94 - et free eza New t trete tieaatm thugs gaup1411161 ewly V" WI hT the I'm"ire a }II bus.e tars Atsuesset o- Tes * Me weed. hsweeer, Van ,I.'tilt•- -t 1 r: cwt hotly was bared In F.gmondvllle ceme- tery, where a plain .lab marks the gran to the premed day. fila death WM recorded in the elle• reeefo papers with no comments. Rowse abyss earlier the Patriot of January 2nd had printed had verse •boot Mac- kenzie and his defeat. "The rich h.• proml.ed honours vast, To Gtsos and to Lomat. - To Rtdweu. Ralph sad Fletcher. too. And Lloyd and Van Egeount." The Cobourg star of Wednesday. January 17th. allotted him a few lime.. "Van Fgtmosd, who wit appointed general of Meckenzte's hand 'net be- fore they were attacked at Mont- gomery's, and who bad slaw been ar- rested for high treason. died In the heepttat on Tharaday teat atter an Ill- ness of a few- days' continuance" Maekteale had ataehtd Van F.g- mond'. name to a proetamatiou from Navy island. printed In the Toronto Mirror of Decet her 80th. On Iearn- Ing of the Colonel'. death. he wrote is a letter gaited In the Erie Observer: "Colonel Van Egmont. an old officer (Continued on page d1 CHRISTMAS and WHAT A COMBINATION FOR REAL FAMILY HAPPINESS Have that Radio checked over —= to save perfect satisfaction, or, better stlill, make arrangements to hear the new _ Atwater Ks-nt Redid GOLDEN �E - VALUE CALL Frank Riley Newgate St. Phone 518 Somethiog in our stock for every member of the family After�iee br 111.11. - violate SAW Paelcag..f BHAVIMO cntsam One of the special advantages to be gained in selecting gift goods from stocks like ours is the fact that you may find in it something for every member of the family and be relieved of a great deal of worry. Fresh Candy Holiday Roes. Ser, 31.11. 32.01 A auggeattgs CUTER _ . $UM* Ila. —ase. AshM ef Reims For Baby BAR1 140AP and TALCUM PLAYING CARDS lyse. 75e, 11.00 TOILET SOAP Boxed, ave• COM Always useful -A FOUNTAIN PEN We have Watsr�an's old Parker's if he mask* ! A ('Igarette I.i/:HTRR See, 31.00, 31.50 1 IleiS Mee Pars! Sias 31.00, 31.00 std $l.IS Dunlop's Iai Ws hRl (AMORE eta .r(dD90G7Crt 11 t 4V//•a•er•fi Yardley's 85c For the Boy's Fist Shelve SPECIAL PRICE 75c Bath Supplies Rath Bray Bath Melts Rath Powder Rath Bred Bath Seep :.i:.. as It xis hair. a :see! bottle. we has Me Perfuse IN batt (*IMPACTS All tel well- known embers 31.11. $2.M and $LSS Ststienery A Snke►M G1f t LATHER REUSE Is ibe nes* wed- pavpheIDs fires gift yen midi tis..r tor a _l _. 1hRiM 1gr M 35.00 - NW AT fen DRiiGSTORIS DRI'AS'MRR IY• A holiday meek( TOBACCO to Ra. mad eye. CIOARS a lie 10 31.M 25 32.25 MH.iTARY BRUSHES In gift sass 1111.00 sari SLOG CHRiSTMAS CARDS W. we akar- 1126 Ewes eat Pee Yes eller Folk W Y/WATER ROTI'LR G, aranaesd ter two years 11.51 Wi=le's DIE tORTORE GOZISINCR Toll* Waters Yarm s and n.i..r. $1.gs arch FACE POWDERS ifeay Mekong —AR prier— tee t. 31 0 Vartiae's ilhavtag AO Pails tg Faits LISTtNfRit ids. 31.00