The Signal, 1931-12-17, Page 1- T. New Subscribers for 1932 7'be Signal for the remain- der of Signe rom now to letlusry let, 19 r the price * one yi arre aubecri f ` 10E{IfTY-FOURTH YEAR, NO. 50 tkbrge iN mond Wedding Day Mr. and list J. Newton Campbell Gnats of Honor At Tamily Gathering On Monday test Mr. and Mrs. J. Newton Campbell of Westfield cete- t brated their sixtieth wedding anniver- sary at the horse of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. aad Mrs. R. !Stone- ham. of Ooderlch. Mr. an4..•Mrs. dempbel► were married December 14th, Ilii, at the home of the bridst r par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Hfle of Uulfett township, the °dictating clergy- -men being Rev. T. Cleworth. Mr. Campbell was born at Brook- ed, Out., eighty-one years ago last February. Mrs. Campbell (Louisa Niles) was born in England efgbty years ago last October and came to Canada with her parents at the are eteet a,O,,,40111 •,,"ectal 9Y.,,L6 ,• Tom.;( --• '• „ 4111e.-14,417"1444444,-144 Iona GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1931 i THE SIGNAL PRINTINQ'C0.. LIMITED, Psbtlmheee CHURCH NOTES Mr. H. N. Livens, of Mitchell, will act as nrganiat sag_ matalgal director of Koos church for the next nsonth. At the Men's Club of North street 1'uited ebarch nest Sunday morels/8 Mr. Ralph Henderson will introduce the subject, "What food do Christmas gifts do?" A service will be held is 8t. George's dente on Christmas Eve, at 11.80. p.m. There will also be a aervios on the morning of Christmas Day, and on Sunday evening tollowine the candle carol service wll be held. Rev. W. T. Bunt will conduct the services' la the Baptist church next Sunday. Gospel services at 11 a.m., concluding the series ou Malachi, "The Coming of Elfish the Prophet;' 1 p.m., continuing the series on the Lord's Second Coming, "The Progress of the Devil's Lie." Bible school at 10 a.m. Services in Victoria street United church next Sunday will be conducted by the pastor, Rev. F. W. Craik. Ser- mon subjects: 11 a.m., "'The Lord's Song;" 7 pm., the seeood of a aeries on Christian character, "Peter -The Man of Enthusiasm." Offerings for the missionary work of the cburrb will be received on Sunday, December 20th, school at '1 p. me. , Christmas services will be held in Knox Preehyterlan church next' Sun- day. The minister, Rev. D. J. Lane, R.A..will deliver Christmas messages, and the choir, under Mr. -H. N. eaves* of Mitebell, will render a special pent gram of C11110mas musts. Mr. TADP'a sermon 'nlhjeets will be: 11 a.m., "The Reality of the Vision Rplendid." also the sermonette for the et1ldren ; 7 p.m„ "The Wonder of the incarnation." At the morning eerviee of North 1 steers T'ntted church next Runt] gy the pastor, Rev. (len. T. Watts, will Rive a apereial ('hrlstmas mews]., 'Weal( vertha tgie- fereleijt..." Xt MR, AND FRB, J. R. OAMPBELL R Pm. the Render Reboot will hold a = = .. .w. of 1hrN The "white gilts,• • past -- will he %«a !4>tilly $611344 b ing wervise the pastor's embjeet tae Hullettewben the township was all In "The Song of the Angela." The choir bush. and Mrs, Campbell has often told will render epeeist mode at both ser - interesting tales of the wild animals ekes. in the evening the mermon will --bean, ut•er and wolves -that roamed be followed by congregational singing the forest In her early years. of- Christmas earola- Mr. Campbell was a woodworker by The Woman's Aawcelation of Vittoria trade and worked with the late Thomas street United ehurth held the annual Brandon of Londeeleoro and the late R. Slater of Myth. Later he turned to farming. Fatty -five years ago he moved to what was known as the Helps farm, at tbe Westfield Punier. which he dis- Aped of some years taint la 1006 be 1711rebased the tarm nown as the Horner homestead, where he , reilded mull be and Mra Campbell gave up housekeeping throe years ago, and they have alms lived with their only son. Mr. W. F. Campbell, who is still In geweessoonsuit ,the fats Mr. and Mrs. ('ampbeiivhave been lifelong members of the . Methodist (now United) Qtarch of Canada.- 111 r_' Campbell has been a man of promin- ence in public affairs in the township CARS COLLIDE A" WALTON of Fast Wawanosh. Ile served in the Trams Officer Lever reports a col - township and evtinaty councils, first as lision at Walton on Sunday night bee township councillor for three years and tween cars driven by Stewart McBrien then for seven years se Reeve. In 1619 of Clinton and Wilfrid Champion of he was elected Warden of -Huron loom- Brussels geamplou, coming from the ty, and after completing his term In north, ran into the other car, which this attire he retired from public life, was at a seandst111 or going very although he has not ceased to take a Above., and Uhampiou claimed it bad deep Interest irl municipal affairs. Ha lights on. Champion bad no driv- To Mt. and Mrs. Campbell were berm era penult' and addtitted gotng thirty "seven children. six daughters sneak towthirty-five miles an 'hoot, and an son? Tho of the daughters died to in - information has been laidragalest him fans y and another In her fifth _ jglr, for driving without a permit. Damage Those living are Mrs, N. G. Ainslie of to the extent of -about 3150 was doneto Monroe, Web.. Mr- W. F. Campbell of the two cars. No one was h rt, . Westfield. Mrs. itert Taylor of West Wewtnns117 and Yrs. R. Stonehouse of NEW BANK OP' MONT OTEli A new issue of Bank of Montreal -'ve v=imsd•vole greet-gread ebhth'e9. " '••" .4 -nets. tlreominatlogg, of 95. $10. 320, 9150, and 9100 is now being placed• to circulation. e issue is the first since RLr Charles Gordon, O.B.E., be- came president and therefore the first upon whteh his portrait and signature appear. In addition to the president's portrait, the notes carry the portraits of the general managers, the 95 and 9100 denominations having (he por- trait of W. A. Rog and the 110, 920 and 9AO denominations that of Jackson Dodds. Except as regards _the por- traits, there is little departsei'-from the familiar design of the notes al- ready in circulation. . ' election of offfe"res last week. These in once for the easing year see: Presi- dent, Mrs- 11 Down: let vlcepreeldent, Mrs. T. Westbrook : 2nd virtiprealdent, Mrs. J. E. Match: secretary. Mrs. A. 0. Seeley' eorrespondlsg ;'mreretare. -: treasurer, Mrs. (len. Wilson: devotional ronrentr. Mra. R. Allhe :. phi Tat, Mr*. G. Baeibler : flow- er rpmmitt:ro. Mra. L. Wra)hrook: par- aoaare cnmmittee. Mrs. le,. Down. Mra, r. rrawkins. Mrs. A. Mew, Mra. T.. Westbrook. Mr. (1. M11"trr : reciting rnmmdttee. lira, A. Smith. Mrs- H Drew. firs. Ryan, Mrs. W. Tiehhorne. M" ..T. Fisher. M#a.-WelDew. Goderich. There are nine grandchild - Mr. and Mrs. ('athphell are both hale and hearty. Needless to say, the diamond wed- ding celebration was a happy oeesslon. The home of Mr. and Mrs. fttonehonse was prettily decorated with flower", and the table around which the family party gathered at dinner on Monday WAR very attractively arranged, with decorations of pink rose" and ferns. Those present, besides the Stonehenge family and the gnemt" of honor; were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Campbell, Mins Winntfred and Mr. !loughs* ('amphell, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Taylor and child. rem. Mr. and Mra- W. A. Campbell, all of Westfield: Mra. N. Gordon Alnalte, of Monroe. Meth.; Mr. and Mrs. James Rbiley and Mra. J. Tanlblyn, of Londea- Deed kir. Stnneh,mle was tna.tmarder. -- •$fist en the bride ,was. preen/04 Y1m Taseblys and was re.aponded to kg the e1Wq daughter. Mrs. Ainslie. eta, behalf of . her mother. The hrlde. groom *es honored In a toast premixed by hl" brother, Mr. W. Ti. Campbell, and responded in fitting manner. Mr. and Mrs. Compete(' were the re- cipients of a nnmler of handanme gtfta from members of their family. NOTIFY THE HIGHWAY OFFIC$R Traffic Officer Lever' states that there are still numerous highway accidenta fn the county that are not repented as nee; by law. if there le proper damage amounting to 950, or it there is any personal injury, the law re- quires that an accident shall be re- ported to the traffic °Meer, and failure to ermply with thee requirement ren- ders the offender liable to a fine up to 9,'T0. It la heat for persons who are involved In aeeldents to get the offi- cer on the spot as quickly es possible, and daring the afternoon and erening "" his presence wet facilitate •ae tt)t anent of the enentinn of .rete l bllity many friend* called M nffer ennest- Pre alatlona sndegnod wishes. and of any damng olai9ta th t may (N three who were prevent at the result • wedding dxty year% --+ ten are AIf1T;- - - living: Kra. (Dr.% litntchison and Three of these-Mra. Tamhlyn, Meg. Molt (Dee >l Harr. of Lug . E1s1 and Mr. W. A. Campbell -were Aag et' ttigl►r11 were plea. ('allfernla ; Kra, Alberta Ragrr- smm. of Jaimeato'up. XT.: Mrs. Henry' Hoover, of girth : Mr. William R. (ittmnbedt. of Westfeeld (Materq and her of Mr. C'ainve U l : Mrs 1. D. lir. n{ l eamtngton : Mrs. (Roe.) Medd. of Wellend: Ifr. Willem, of ("intim' Mrs. emote Tamhive ped. Jame* 1>flaLgt, of LCaodeatwaro and brother of Yr*. Campbell) nes" lege her. present at the dxtleth anniversary eel Nr res t Ion. Mr and Mra ('amptell are mending the winter with Mr and Mr*. Rtnnce Neese 1n town. They have been eon - Mont readers of The Signal, and we join with a heat of friends In town and ennntre In wishing the worthy temple many store rears of eomfnrt sad bappi- tTheNews of the Town COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS TREE Santa Clans will make a apectal visit to Goderlch on Thursday after- noon of next week -the day before Christmas --to officiate at the commun- ity Christmas tree on the Square. He as expected to arrive at 3 o'clock, and it is hardly necessary to ask the little boys and girls to be on hand to meet him. Already a tree In the Square is glowing with pretty colored lights In anticipation of his visit, GRANDDAUGHTER DROWNED Mr. Thomas Sweets this (Thurs. day) morning received a telegram from Canton, N.Y., conveying the sad new. of the drowning of his little grand- daughter, the daughter of liar. Edgar Swarts, about three and a -half years of age. Mr. and Mrs. Swart' left by motor this afternoon for Canton, where the funeral is to take place on Satur- day. There is general sympathy with the bereaved parents and grandparents. Godertch ebtieeiaee- 4wsMtate was: 'visited last week by Inspector Anglin, who surveyed the general work of the school, and on Tuesday and Wednes- day of this week Inspector Levin was Polling sub -division No 2, at Birty bele making an Inspection Inteneslarl _Mitcheil'e More, corner of itayfleld The Instruction in Engilalt; to whattte I road and Britannia road; \t -m. Waite, the Department of Education Is givtfl flde•puty returniits officer: Wilfred Me. aperlal attention at the present time. Leen, poll clerk. The Inspeletora expressed them*elves • ' Polling sub -division No. 3, at Park as pleased with the manner in which hill's gYeatemarket, Fret street; F. G the work of the school is being eon- Weir, deputy returning officer; N. Al - sleeted, and their formai reports will Ito, poll clerk, be received In due course. Polling sub -division by. 4, at Park - Civic Nominationsi FALSE STATEMENT ALLEGED Mervin Battram, oJ the township of December 28th Twelve Polling Plaoes to Be Manned This Year Under New Division of . Town The statittory meeting of the town council was held ou Tuesday evening, when instructions were gteem for the preparation and publication of the fin- ancial statement. The bylaw for the holding of nomination and election proceedings also was passed. As the town la now divided into twelve polling divtstona, some rearrange- ment of polling places and polling om- cials was necessary. Tie election pro_ elamatioe levee tbe loltowtug particu- late: articu- lais: Stephen, was before Magistrate Reid on Monday charged with an attempt to pervert the course of justice by giv- ing misleading information to Provin- cial Constable Whiteside concerning matters in ceonuectfon with the case of Roy Smith, which was tried In Coun- ty Court last Week. 1t Is charged that. Battram gave the officer, while the latter was Investigating the case, a signed written statement which he knew to be false. The magistrate sent Battram *frit. j trial on tbs ee Ages, MODERATE WEATHER The temperatures temperatures of the past week, with those of the corresponding week of 1930, as furnished by the official weather observer, Mr. J. E. Muted, were as follows: 1931 1930 Max. Min, Max. Min. Thursday, Dec. 10 3S 33 42 301 Friday, Dee. 11_..68 36_ 44 31 Elgin avenue; T• hus. R. Wallis, e- Monday, -Dec. 14 , .37 33 23 puty returning officer; James ]iaeY1N sr, poet -clerk. _.110y, Der. 16 ..88 211 24 ay, Dee"16 40 34 '24 hill's meat market, East street; 1''red ing officer; Wm. At the meeting of Loyal Orange Murney, deputy return Bleck, poll clerk. Lodge No. 1R2, held last Thursday t evening, the ,'lectlon of oflicetiefor the ['utllug auh division No. 5, at town lemming year ea. held. Those elected hall, East street; E. C. welcher, deputy 1 ars : I'. M., Alex. Mc•\evtn ; W.M" returning odker ; Geo. Belcher, poll 'James Adams; DM., E. U. Cleveland; clerk. i chaplain. Thos. Ryan; R.S., Joseph Me- Pulling sub division No. 4e at ;Own Nevin-;--ielle-dohs Sasser;- freseurerr Joseph Jack ; marshal, Arthur Kalt- ting: let lecturer, John McGrew; 2nd leeturer, John Rohner; 1st committee man. John Juck; find committee man, J. W. Bell: 3rd committee than, Wm, Mew: 4th committee man, A. Bell; 5th committee man, W. Clark ; tnsid tyles, Ernest Breckenridge. The inteallation wee take place nn Wednesday eventsR December Zen]. 1 hall, Nast street; T. J•. Dsaa, deputy returning °Meer; W. J. Baehs:nsnr- l clerk. 1'olling subdivision No. 7, at !Roth- era' wagon shop, on Victoria street; A. Higginson, deputy returning omcer; Wm. !Mothers, poll clerk. Polling sub -division No. 8, at Stoth- ere wagon shop, on erector's! street; F. Woollcombe, deputy returning oL -- 100T; A P'. Somersall, poll clerk, - Pelling skis -division No. 9,'-atWal• I ORIA STREW W. M S. t,t s store tut West street; t w St r. At a meeting of the Woman's Mix - R as deputy returning nAL • teon, poli clerk. eionary Society of Victoria street 1 e urrh. held last week election IL A. I6-INKTAL ATION Tuesdgj wee-ttastaltation night for Huron Chapter'" -No." -30," R.A.M. Ex. Comp W. F. Callow conducted the installation ceremonies. The officers in- stalled were: 1st principal, W. G. Me - Milieu; 2nd principal, R. G. Sander - sun; 3rd principal, Fred Toole; scribe E., S. D. Croft; scribe N., H. C. Dun- lop; principal sojourner, F. R. Dar- row: senior sojourner, Robt, Bisset: junior sojourner, 1•'. -G. Weir ; M. of 4th V.,_ Clarence MacDonald_ M. of art V., Nelson Hill: M. or -Midi. W: J. Pease; M. of lat V.. D. 13. Gray; organist, ->H. T. Barker; outer guard, Ogle Hiller. e`"-THE-119'sDAV NfGH4'A6ANK W. Bisset and T. McDermott were . the winners in the Scotch doubles played at the Royal bowling alleys on Monday evening. The scores (toe three • gamest : W. Bisset -T. McDermott ... Mr. Slppi-T. Saunders • 1781 F. Martin --F. McArthur 1'!69 F . • i3not-i. PERSONAL MENTION /Lengthy Docket at County ty COliit Oe4 Bits Until llldlaiiki day- Bevel til Cams Set Over b Later Data til, borne from Poet iturwell for the winter. Mins label Raines is home from Termite tor the htslida.1. sr&eon, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Price and two children, of Detroit, spent the week- end here with Mr. and Mrs. 8t. George Price. Ale and Mrs, D. A. Grey, of London, spent the week -end at the home of the latter's mother, Mrs, McGraw, Brock street. Mr. Andrew Fowlle is home for th winter after another season on the Lakes. Mr. Alex. Doner, of Toronto, spent the week -end at the home of his aunt. Mrs. Wm. Abell. Mr. Robert Macljy le home from Kincardine, where he was in charge of a fishing tug during the *mem. Mrs. Lillian Wallla Sinclair, ofe - troft, Is spending the Christmas seesaw with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. L Waliis, Plcton street. Capt: Alex. Cralgle and Mrs. ° ati- te. of Cleveland, are visiting the Cap- tain's mother, Mrs. Alex. Cralgte, solo sister, Mrs. A. Fowlle, Holiday guests of Rev. Geo. T. and Mrs. Watts, of North street yeraon- age, will Include their daughter, Ella "-1"`ilFilerPee nttli7N.7..,- said 21 their sots, Mr. Clayton R. Watts, of keel:new i'nlvorslty, Madison, 11 - P. Joknston--J. H. Taylor• I. D. Eastman -B, /Reitman :..1_' J. Retd ;:Bower Polling Nutt-diehtion No. R. Lloyd -L. T. Knox 1250 Arthur's electrical shop en Wt+tfrlfr e4P1p..PnT3t1CiM 1218 tr year e5d ^•4'be ollir•rrs for H. L. Watson, deputyg the coming year are as follows: Preetl- r poll elerk. T. Pritchard ----K. Johnston dent, Mra, R. Philp °nic'e'r: John Whittingham, Me- ps; 1st vise -press- Polling stab•dtvisinn No. 11, st Mc- I('' li`•Itanus-Xr4 Sale dent, Mrs- B. Wilson; 2nd vice-pred- Arthur's electrical shop on West dent, Mrs. 8. AAtn; secretary, Mrs. C. strew ; David Marwick, d"BILL" DONALUNiON INJURED Young; treasurer, Mrs. R. Postle qty return-thsralte ing officer: RMt. TAIL poll clerk. Mr. William J. lro)naldsuu of Nellea planter, Mrs. (Rev.) F. W. ,,,_ _ Rub -division _ _ Corners, formerly yr tloelerlc'I+, Is In 1200 1197 1060. Craik; envelope steward, Mrs H P• Mew; anperintendeets of baby arui CAylep street: F. E. Bln urs. O. RAetNihM Frei. F' laieetieookr get.. dr- y pots returning officer: Roiyt,:May Mtg. pwrnd ee ,311secretary. Mrs. 41 Beech- dies house. earner of Wlh1lam street hand ler; mite box secretary, Mrs, T. Tahh: poll eherk r finance committee, Mrs. R. Phillipa, Mrs. The nomination ere ig Dau wit[ take (Rev.) Cralk, Mrs. R. Postlewalte, Mace Monday ashy. on TiIFon1 r 2Rth, Melt H. Mew, Mrs. T. Tabh, as. and Dol11nR, it' any, fnndny, JAn- soctate helpers secretary, MIAs Hayn, nary 4th. Missionary Monthly secretary, Mrs. O. irk Buechler ; atrangera secretaries, Mrs. A. t Sumer, Mien Hayti; prams *eereetry, i g na... me for Mra. 'Rev.) Craik, s A LETTER OF THANKS The following letter of appreefatlon was received by the secretary of the Catholic. Woman's IataRae.laom.a.Jam. Ily In Loverna, Sask., for their share of the eonaignment of fruit and vegr- tehle. shipped recently from McGaw station: Loverna, Sask., December 9, 1931. Ti the Catholic Woman's League, Ooderfeh, Ontario. Dear Ladies, -i wish to ;bank yon and also tell you how very grateful we all are for the gift of apples, etc., you rent which came to Alsask. They were distributed over a large area. *e live sixteen miles north and there were Rome there from twenty miles south of Alsaak. We got two seeks of apples, ten pounds of beans, one gnash and three sealer! or fruit. One sealer had Mra. Jas, R. Reynolds' name on. no will you ['lenge tell her that we are savine the saapb eetrill . f ('hrintmaa Tiny? We have five child- ren ret aehnot nge and i wish you eonld hare "sen how delighted they were last night to see anme apples. Von may be gntte sere they are appreciated. We cannot. buy any. 1 do not know whether the report was correct, hat we read in one paper a while ago that acres of tomatoes were being pinngheA ander and later on thnt miles and miles Of grapes would not he pleked, and yet we could not buy any At the peke asked. Too bed some arrange arm ennnot be nettled with fhe ritho-ny mmpenles M that yon penpte in On tarlo roe)d send more of puns prodnrts to eta In the Wart. We have had three had years, hut am thankful to any there if' more snow et -en now than Inst veer and a better prnnpmt for next year's ernp. With very gentetnt thankm to all yon kind people and good wlehea fur a homey ('hrtntvnaa. Tours reepeetfnlly, MAA- GODP'RICY il,& . eA,ae- -. the Dunnville hospital suffering from painful.injuries reeeirwl In a rat ac- ' Mr. 1?. TI. $ciiweyer, the other occu- pant of the ear, we. able to leave the hospital after receiving medical atten- tion for his injuries, whish were lees severe. Thr nixie w`itt mttty tied the driver failed to sec a turn in the pave- ment. The este was totally wrecked! I Ilse. Donaldson and Mrs. ttehweyer, , wltu were in (Nvl..•y.11 Waning their OBITUARY - y defendant - _ Neale v. Ingram wits a loo;-0rawn MRS, ROBERT ELDER out case, twenty-seven witnesses being News orthe unexpected death of -heard. -- The plaintiff, Mra. Ra by_ _-_- Mra. Robert Elder, St. David's street, and the defendant, George Ingram, are was reeelved by the townspeople with both residents of Hay township. 011 1 regret and with sincere sympathy for September R last, It was claimed. a the berouvetl fumily, Ua Saturday motor ear owned by plaintiff and drty- etening \try. Elder while crcrueing the en by her brother -In-law. William Neel, street ut the corner of Vlctorla and while travelling on highway No. 4 be - East streets, aoeompahled by Iter i tween Hensel' and Exeter, collided daughter, Miss Ethel, walked into col- H lsiem with a car drlVen by Mr, Wm: e oof Colborne township Mr. e tmelc every effort t0 avoid tog her, and Mrs. Elder afterwards said he was not at all to blame, but for a while she was stunned. She was taken home while Mr. Treble went for to fleeter. She made a eatistat - cuvery and on Tuesd-y night seemed ;quite well again, but Wedeerelay mo ing she was found dead in her bed. Death wee ifi ;o a heart affective - probably aggravated by the shock of the strident. Mrs. Elder was In her a lventieth year. Rhee was born at Syracuse, N.Y.. her maiden -name being Nellie McI ds a girt Abe lived forsome yeears wi There was a Iengtby sitting et the County Court last week, the fast Ore not being concluded until midnight grt- urday. Several of the cases en it docket were adjourned to later data Ills Honor Judge Costello presided. Of nine civil cases ou the docket, only two were beard, and there were also two criminal Cases. Mere v. Elson was an adios for dpaaps arising sates: a o- Itlle aot1'dent. 'The plata{[ was & M. Hare of Wingbam, proprietor of the $arida-lluron-Bruce coaek line. Be asked damages of ;330.08, claiming that a collision between bis bus and a Ford truck owned by Louis Kallen and driv- en by Charles Fitton, on the road be- tween Dashwood and Exeter, was caused by tete negligent driving of the defeadaut. Defendant counterclaimed for 92;50, claiming that plaintiff's bus tbeemegieknesmeaa excessive apWd The jury . foonfeettett etteth parties were negligent sell awarded the plaint - $100. damages, t l 0.1* were awarded to -plaintiff. rank Donnelly for plaintiff • L. E. Donee for C • if 1 with a wagon and team belonging to nd driven by defeodaut. Plaintiff's car went into the ditch and was con- y damaged, It eras alleged that the defendant did not carry a light. although It was 7.45 p.m. Damages of 9.311 were asked. The jury found for plaintiff and the Judgment was for :10 and costs. Frank Donnelly tor jtluinttff: J. C. Rtanhury (Exeter) for • -- • defendant, The third case on the jury last, Ly- man v. Ooderich Mfg. Co., was ad- . }mimed ref Thursday of this week, but was -paled In the meantime. William Lyman, a RAW tiler, asked 9076.40 for being laid off alter having been en- gHRms1. aeenrding to his elaim, for ele- ven months' wee for defendaht at tele An bo ir. hes grandparents at ('argtll, Bruce equnty,,-and after her marriage she ilturdy r- toe, torned whltk Thoosas nwlded In that eotinty until the re- • moral of the family to Ooderleh In Stuff' D erich, sake eaucelfatiuu 1910. Mr. Elder died In 1910. Survlvc of aft agreymeut Cur the 'sale wt lot til (ng are three tonsured three daughters: matey, eloderkh."ie George Jar - J ames, of Spruce Grove, Alberta : Her- dine' for 71:;1st, l excuse of alleged uon- bal: of Toronto: Howard, of Tillsoil- puYmewt ut amount dud' pn inatall- hnrR; Mrs. Eugene Berinm, Of Toronto, menta,_ adjourned to a -¢q to be and the Mlaaea Ethel and Elsie, at fixe. home. Though of a quiet, retiring des- Watson v. S.M. No, 3, Morris town - position, Mra. Feder was • hlghb' 1 ship iu which Aller; Watson elaltis ,damages fur the death of his daugh- ter l'hylibt ay the result o[ tnjttrtae mtstaintd i>Lthe_:•hnnlyanf y o x esteemed by these who knew here, She WAR a member of. Knmt..-Premluytertan `- rte_ (jewrrur! to a da t be A et1 ,Cfie funeral tnkeii Aro Tomorrow !Friday) by motor to nonRlAa 11111 (ether cages ndinurotd wete Hay cemetery, Cargill, After n service et 't' ,t wile: an neti,ar for daynagea for Me 4410 rceldmcr to be conducted breach of contract for the sale a by Rev. D. J. Lane. .111 the membh•s M'":t""" (teh.*a-aetlAta Of the family eeel`pt .Tnmea, of Al. for damages frit Injuries austnnted In twerft, are here to pay the ln.t tribute I a for •ac•cideat (adjourned to Feb - of Inas to their mother, , rnAry :;rd next); and Whiting v. Cook et al„ an action for an accounting of the proem/tole of (he-luTe i.Ans and ft Monday morning los Dunnville Editor of I,ueknaw etamngea for the' wrongful eonversiou Mrs- Schweyer has since returned sad Sentinel Passes' 'nest I. Owes tutees are all from the Exeter district, Relief Effort iutrents, Mr. and Mut. C. H, Humber, i T s Ie 1? reports that Mr. Donaldson In maklpg Central Committee Re -organized B Rab progress to recovery. and Will Again Supervise ' Work of Relief The central relief eommlttee of tSe town was re -organized at a meeting, the town council requesting that elee- held ott Saturday bast and 4vtu_fnne-' den for the coming winter idea the following officers s" l'reslde ut, S. D. Croft; treasurer, H. T. Edwards; sec- retary, Mrs. F. R. Ire lditt. Ea,4 church and other interested organize_ Orgnn 1'a. stated that when the town tion of the town is represented on t 'water was slum off a few nights ago committee conAldrrnl4t damage wa"s dans to ?nag:. Tile following 'financial statement ter'st In prneest of mnnnfnctnre In for the pest year was aubmlttei by their pinna. and it was suggested that the treasurer, Mr. Edward!: fhe enmmiastnrl mecnre a marhtne to Rett }' make tenter cnnneetIons under pres- sure. it was derided that the Organ Co. >'?Rfiy ter ?whit -nevi shut tet wnfer went turned off, not to make n rennet. tion. but to repair a water main that ad horn broken dnrfne •ewer ennetrtte- Bon work, and flint the ('nntpany ire Advised to instnll and keep a small tank of water ter "inch enntingenciee The C'onirenr wa. notified h0nrehand of the "hutting off of the water on the (7lothtns,'etc. ner•naton in guedlon. Tt was Nissl iml Balance in bank Der, 12, 1931 29 05 Md. M order M e)imin• ate radio Intergrenee. M pun -liege two info (10 'o"ldeneers 5* nett to a neer rtneler An ntrttrnt appeal ie, made to organ- arm."A ui eAbAr 'rw " to the rrot,tnneo I•rntio,n. and individuals far dnnettonm A v. Alklnmww am..nnn gn raft. Ibnaon rewire. the interior ret idiot flee "sed ease ing nA nna..M01. Sir r Tremolos, nAgor f1 Rhrl MMrea. 1. reeefred a leinr1.0ete 1(7 pterw dtaAer .et a* a prise for In eT,,,,,y, of antes tar three months In fist• erne key" department This im the Mrnn{I - that has same within two or three weeks to the }beefs Store. i thereat (adjourned to February lOtb WATKILANll.Ll(7HT COMMISSION At the meeettng of the water and 1 Death of A. D. McKenzie Terme light commisdon Iatit Thursday night instes Illness of Many Months Reeve Cralghe appeared on behalf of Native of Culross tete lighting beeeiro,lde d for the com- munity ('hrlatneag tree in tj,it Bones Park. The commission agreed to light the tree. A eom1 i 1, leatfon from the Ooderich r pts. 30 Mayor 1i 1 \ MHcEwan irwetvrtt4i. Wu Mene,A•tung Canoe Club 25 00 Abmeek Chapter, I,GW,E. 25 00 Maple Lent Chapter, I.O.D.E. ., 25 00 Mrs. Itonert Cutt 60 Total 11170 (a. Expeadliaiiis • Milt and gto*eriea ,i, 974 10 coal , 745 $25 00 1, Ow fund of thi. oommlttee. The balance en hand La tntnfy inadequate to meet the entlm which Mme In. The auheommittee in charge Im especlall) .rel pted for the earrying nn of thl• work. Any enntributlons sent to the treats- neer, rear neer, Mr. Edwards, *111 he grate wlir t'erelve&, arknm►letlgad, and need to 0.!„l ,batt 'Wye ntetle. • Lucknow Dec. 16.-Tbe funeral of A. D. McKenzie, edtitor of The Luck - now Sentinel for the past twenty-one years, was held from ills late reel - Bence on Tuesday. Mr. McKenzie had been le falling health for tome time, having been meted to hit lesi for the peat fire months, lilts WAR horn on the 4th coneession of. gtlrgss and when s young man went to Colorado, where old girl residing In Rlephen township. he Was engaged ln• _ carpenter work, I After it trial lasting two day., the Jury Later, he spent font's time in the Peace 1 returned n verdict of not guilty. Rarer dlatrict pewee -ting. i Frank Donnelly wns the deferrer eon Prior to nettling In iia know Mr. wd ('sown Attorney Ti. F. H edrted IMteru --J*-,Atllkte:x- Beattie Cane Settled The aetimn of floor*' Beattie of R'Inglnant against The Wingham Ad- ranee -Times, in conneettnn with the su(eserlption eontest eondncted by the defendant newspaper last spring, was ndJonrned to Friday of thls'week, but line wince been settled by the payment to the plaintiff of 1660. -,I1 H, Daneey for plaintiff: J. H. Crgw1 (Wings ham) for defendant, Criminal Cases • - . ]toy Smith, a •breed delivery- men of Parkhill, wee charged with a aeri- nus offence against a seventeen year - Rank., and in Teegwnter. Deeeiaed was a member of the library hanrd. of the i.O.O.F. Lnd1tP'and ret the Masonic Order. prompted.•et. "tt, o} charged with stmt Mrs. Ids Naeket •h>n. Evlde value of After a abort mercies. conducted by under Rev, R. ,W. Craw, of the T'nited n ehtlreh.,'aaalstrd by Rev. r- Tayede of Ashfield T-nited ehnreh. end (' 11, lie on,1d, of the P rhnrch, Old fight LOAM, !Routh took charge. lnerrm EARLY, PLEASE pn111warrrs Klnlrtp cenmate. 01 \t P r : its were CtIN1As shut. 7 Inn was ilo tame. cuss, hes Court tenon where so small • Inrotverl. Mr. Dannelly • reel for the defence In thin ease :r order n t r r t a wiser es that The nnl mnv w 1 . O Ter nirr abe A DaaeM. .eery A: W. Rsreptowe cool published II*l ed atxt week In time: for ole - 1t v' .t. Fens's. of eminent. nlntinn lrinre the t'hristmae hoR- Thr Menetetung Cann. Cloth II held Inv its C`hrt.tm to at banes on Veen.", env, December fi3th, (Tristram' tyre And cnneert wilt be 1 he•14 et the ('hildran's Rbelter, Cameron street. nn C'hrtttmaa Fre, Theirmdav 'ilecemtier 24. _.aleee-..-.- 4ny, tt I. requested that ndvertlspra and eorresp. (donta .end in their "envy" am ensly as poudh)'. Rem, advartieernente fennel. he rhes irss ropy in reeetyed by at the Ltowt, •Plea