HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1931-12-10, Page 7• Jet. Mn.'old ah a. *wk. who a
Ineved to Toronto.
dlpkan toreside.
of Joseph Un -
ate, was elected may-
ty of Saskatoon •t the re-
rye -Ten Biaeardlue men and au equal
_. teeep from Windham ern being nest
to Northern Dated, Baer tins uu u. -
Moyne,' nolo[ .__..._
Jelin DeviaDevise.a llfalYaw .yylint of
e the Ortad pend coesmuMty, died De-
trobsT let, leaving a widow, two eons
and three daughters.
Ras. W. A. Williams of Cranbrook
wY elected moderator of the Presby-
tery of Maitland at the Presbytery
meeting held at Wtngham lent week.
J. R. Ogden, of l)sborne, was kicked
by a horse one day last week, with
the result that both bones in the left
arm between the wrist and the elbow
were broken.
Albert Cardiff. sol of Nelson Cardiff.
Ory township, had his band badly
!Oared while chopping grain on the
farm of Wm. Turnbull. Se was taken
to Listowel hospital.
death ocrorred.-aaesatly at
Memel of Miss Margaret Re-
ese of the oldest ra4Mrnts of
township, at the age of eighty-
two years.
The !teeter Lumber Co. has taken
over the Dashwood planing milt hay -
fag purchased the stork and healed the
mill from Thomas Klemiq. The mill
will be operated as usual.
Ree death of Berbera Lotz. wife of
George CIauslns. Zurich. occurred Sun-
day, November 29th, at the age ot aev-
mk naawe iteene* the -
eons and two daughters Imtvtse.
James R. Thompson, • well-known
resident of Reafnrth. died laaterday
Brophey Bros.
Amhslaate service at 511 herr,,
day •r night
PHONES: Store 120 Rea. 217
vy Zedli promptly An call ctral MOW rPd to
day or night
Store 335 Residence S55w
Hamilton Street, Goderich
Now is the tis to have your
sad P1�N
before the titers hiss sad
adobes yet spared
John Pinder
Agent for Mabry Furnaces
P 0 Box 131 - Goderich
night at the age of seveuty-fuer years..
A few weeks ago he had a paralytic
struke Crum wtrk'h he uever recovered.
He to survived by his wife and fout
fun Abbreviation
of Christmas
"Xmas" Is Irreverent and Should
Not B. Permitted—A
Timely Protest
Mrs. Nelson Kestle passed away at ('Icrgywen of many of the denoml•
Exeter November et/th atter a brief nations have Juiced in a protest rgalust
llluess. She was born ut Wenslstexk the abbreviation of the wgrd "Christ -
and after her marriage to Mr. Keele., They doe{are that wets k
bee -tS sat �.i� to,.. I., 1,4014,rtt1, am, :
• ~ »" 1'n lrreret'en( an /
ship until they mored to Exeter about mina
twenty -fou yeari ago. Resides her bus- he -permitted. -- It 1s amid that with -
baNd. she leaves eve daughters. one exception letters sent out to
George Cottle, a former resident of Christian leaders brought replies In
Whitechurch, died Deeember lst at protest against the abbrevlrt d form
the home of his daughter, Mrs. Ed. of ening the word. If not Irreverent
Browning of Kincardine. He b sur- tertaluly It is not good taste and 1t
vivcd by our sucl, George, of Calgary, spoils the •ppearane of one of the
finest words In the whole language.
and three daughters, Mrs. Browning,
of Kincardine, Miss Jeanette B. Cottle,
R.N.. of Thesaalon, and Mrs. Thos
Kew. of Wingham.
John Edgar. who has taught in Brun
seta public school for three years. has
tendered his resignation and has ac-
(Ivied a position as teacher at Fort
1''raucew. The Itruaiwlo mehool leard
has engaged Kenneth Ashton, principal
of the Blyth school. to tam his place
The ccange±.takes eft alibi begin-
ning of the year.
One night hast week, while on the
way from Lmeknow to Wingham, the
(sr belonging to the Fuller brush
traveller from 'Palmerston caught fire
and was burned beyond repair. The
driver did not notice the fire until
It was well started. and when het did
notice It he Jumped out. letting the
ear to over a steep embankment.
Alex. G. Mat -Kenzie died November
:..'3rd at his home Just north of Luck -
i, lied -elgbty'tlwr-}eaew. - item int
Scotland, he came to Canada if six
teen years of age and lived In West
Wawaeowh and Awha.W before retiring
M hie -home near Iwreknow nineteen
years ago. He is survived by his wife
and one daughter. Miss Dean MacKen-
zie. •
Mee. Weight-
Wright. died on Thursday last at the
The protest is timely for mauy rea-
sons. There is no occasion for ab-
breviating the name of Christ. More-
over, Chrlatutus is an event that ap-
peals' to nearly all, lath non -believes
as well as Relievers. It signalises
much more than a religious observ-
ancc. Nearly all the world. non-
Christians as well as those who ob-
serve the day as the birth of Mete
Lord and Saviour, make Christmas
the occasion for good deeds. It makes
a sort of wptrttnal.r.-vival that affects
the people of all faiths and creeds. It
Is the time wlwu all mankind is drawn
cheer together; when tlelfstiness is
more [warty crucified than at any
other period of the year; when mak of
all beliefs vie with one another in the
doing of good deeds. Hearta are soft-
ened at this season of the year, and
arts that at other times would be
quickly done are now, for the time
beteg- at lemet, ..Memel-ty..-Ynalma of
wensetweres-Whe better and serer im-
pulses of mankind that efts -ti during
woutlua appear to be submerged by
-f%iwltK1i desires of the flesh are for
a brief period 111 the ateendan(y.
For all these reasons the word
"Christmas.' is lore e • t0 be one
of the noisiest and west inspiring in
Notes and Comments
Agricultural Topics
Thursday. December 10th, 1SR1-1i
tattves from every county council in
the older part of Ontario. Notices have
gone out to the clerks of all these coun-
cils, inviting suggestions on the pro-
posed conference. Colonel Kennedy
points out that In every County council
there Is an agricultural committee
which. with the co-operation the De -
With the coming of Bold weather, partmeut le ready to offer, should be
live stock liar bvu stabled sue is In able to play an Important tart iu
better condition thou timid. An lu- bringing the farming Industry tack to
creamed al'reage of fan plowing 1s re- the status It once enjoyed.
ported from the majority of counties.' • • '
Fall wheat las au excellent top end Live Klock Judging Misusers
should pass the winter in good condi-
tion. A considerable quantitj of hoary
w4.1 -daises. ,il�.11 i t :cyte.
chef and the volume will increase as
the festive season approaches. -
• •Grade•
!lost of theempoultry being offered
on the market this year la being graded
In accordance with Government Stand-
ards, with the•class and grade marked
by tags affixed to the breast of the
bird. There are two classes of poultry,
"Milk -ted," distinguished by white fat,
and "Selected," distinguished by yel-
low fat. Within these classes are the
grades "Mlikted A," "Milkfed B," "Se-
lected A," "Selected R" and Selected
1'." Grading of the bird» in this man-
ner emblem the householder to (tome
god dressed poultry with great ease.
• • •
,tom --We Hattie
Every henhouse should be cleaned
before putting In the 'pullet crop.
A good thorough cleaning (Danish'
of removing the litter and all poul-
try house fixtures, such as mash hop-
pers, drinking fountains and the like,
then Bushing the walls. ceiling. drop-
ping boards and floor. scraping loose
any dirt that may have a tendency to
stick. After the home• has. been thor-
oughly cleaned it is ready for a coat
of whitewash. This will Improve the
appeatadee-149ii ice -LoahoUaa:`ayaigit
much lighter for the birds and at the i eta, but it will have a -definite effect
same time help to kill parasites and in reducing registration and mnniitae-
disease germs. A mutant Wasik's b 'tering meta. thus keeping the mire of
10 add a plot ut disinfectant to a'gal- fertilisers et ■ reasonable point. The
lou of whitewash. (lean, comfortable „b1,y.tive is to still further mauve the
quarters for the pallets go a long way number of fertllirer formates at it
rd,- Increased proem-Gemduring the inter date. (".n•alien meinnfe -timers
The Durham comity team value off
vtetorious in the Inter-e000ty lice stock
.onmpotltluu at the Royal IC
tar Fair and were awarded the Jeffrey
HMI wemortel trope '. . - 97te tree &rest
county aeored-t-(lose-eeeend:
in the anal analysts the teams from
the various counties of Ontario were
arranged as followa: 1, Durham; 2,
Victoria : 3. York; 4, Peel; 5, Halton,
Lanark, South Rlmcoe (tial ; R, Elgin;
9. Ontario; 10. Middlesex: 11. Water-
loo: 12. Brace; 13, Carleton: 14, Went-
worth: 15, Huron; lti, Oxford; 17,
Brant ; 15, Welland; 19, Peterborough;
20, Dulferin ; 21, Lincoln; 22, Sher-
brooke. Que.; 23, Wellington: 24,
Grey: 25. Lambton: 20, Perth; 27.
Frontenae : V, Northumberland : 2Y.
Temlakaming : 30. Haldimand : 31. Es-
ser ::12. Hastings; 33. North Simene.
• •
thole res Il ser Brands
'heel •of gy ty-slz brauds of fer-
tillze•r registered for sale In Canada
was reduced to twenty-eight for Ontar-
io at a recent conferenee in Toronto.
This move is the outcome of the co-
operative demonstration work earrfed
on by O. A. C. and toe fertilizer Index -
try for three yearn, which has Illus-
trated the elle tivenesw of properly
chosen fertilizers in Inereasing yields
and Improving quality. Not only will
the reduction In number of analyses
sof till:alsliaTMtrner tete'):alaeP. »stl g of -£wry- Deaeriptiots at Tho* ,Signal
THE,natural beauty of A safe, pleasant way to
MOIL a smooth, get your daily bran is with
Jill enthu- KeUogg'it ALL-BVAN, Two
elastic personality come table e r
from a-beaithy body. - deiitiotts--resdy4o-eat cep----- -
The Bret rule of health real will usually prevent
is regular elimination. and relieve both temporary
Otherwise, constipation and recurring constipa-
soon develops. Headaches, tion. If you suffer from
poor appetite, loss of en- intestinal trouble not re-
ergy, sallow skins are usual lieved this way, consult
consequences. Beauty and your doctor.
health may be seriously ALL -BRAN supplies iron
impaired. for the blood.
Here's where bran is so Enjoy Kellogg's ALL -
important. It supplies two BRAN either as a cereal,
things needed to prevent or in cooking. Recipes on
ordinary constipa- the package. How
- tion, Vitamin B, to �, much better this ie
--tone the intestines. #"- than taking pills
•'Bulk," which tell agd drugs.
gives them exer- ! At all grocers.
cise. Both promote ` _sem Made by Kellogg
regular habits. in London,Ontario.
(line la lianaae.- Tor the A,•vont fniiww-+uiiiitiv-'Bt irlithx.._. _--
-•` wHt-nffrr-in -lARs- eel, t-M(w('
ars •.f the lowly Nazarene it is the • • • which were .•xtelagu..l at the confer -
Home of bar daughter, Mrs. Maul Dal esseslou for the celebration with O. C. Short ('Durres qn,•P. '%].
toil. tteaforth, in her eighty-second year. pe,t nus ce! {rratse 911d wNngs of thanks- Y,nung ferment in tummy parts of The re -opening OlFhe Goderich
Deceased and her husband. who died giving of the coming of man's 1te- I tester'. are showing bacon interest III THS LESSEE EVIL
some yeah lived la Hibbert town �/
.- dlr,hcr; totlw mils-Christlru it is the cl. A. C. winter sbctrt coerce .•i- hear you- are Coin& AO marry ► Planing !►! ill on C�:mbria Road
ship, end for the hat Ove years Mrs. time of rejoh hrR became- it props which are being held at the College that old Mr. (Iavba•.'
Ij Wright had resided with her daughter craws hunmutity to man. That is.igot These i
In Seaforth. A family of six sone and why it is the most widely observed
our January 4th 10 Apel' ;.Yee a decided to marry him." - _� ____ We have purchased the milt formerly known as
1 arses cover such subJwts as: Live I -You're making x mletxk(', my dear.
(new daughters Survives of all the "red letter" drys in the t A and field emirs. poultry. nlring.•I Hell Iced x doable life" Buchanan's and will conduct a Retail Lumber
While working ora the bridge on•tlw , oak alar of (line_ -toil:
-=-- - "Well. H i don't mxrryr kilo { �t-�(elai
London road. on the outskirts of ('Iia I
beekeeping, its and Hint ere r(<e wirz - Ward. Mr. George Westbrook, who is wet
sewing. trntt nod "fel-able . s _ n isgI - life, and fly Is aurae';— _
ton, a few days ago, Jimmy Kennedy. , wet,kw iltewrtcd was th8rls 1h_ • ! .:�nownin Goderich, will be general manager. A
I ern of Mr. and Mrs. N. Kennedy. mei e.rricntture and iui,uttapw- G.T _ _ r "
std of Kinlos,' and moved Into I factory Cheese, butter -making, lee large stock of Lumber, Doors, (sterane Finish,
with a rather serious accklPot. He was township
whet -ling a barrow of cement when he Let -know Meissen into yearn ago. Shortly anon ranking, creamery and cream ; Ke Scot T;E SLUGGARD Lime, Gyproc and Cement always on hand. Let
bot lin tial tar and fell to the river- after he went the coal boomers, In grading. farm power and farm meeban- The $,•.t Is 1r,e(pentip the gnat 1
hiswhich h.• had since Iwen engaged. Hs kr Valuable Information is prncbded ua quote you OR your requirements.
tad. a distance of about twenty feet when }"kea err Dtt flap but mut always
Imes a aetudser of the village L ....espe•rieucid _ pnstrutton. Ilan- l,rstwl to thin:
He was badly bn,iwd. but no lame- for n number of yearn. -Hie wife acrd (drels uC young farwera have hens In 1111 English political nuet1uR one
were broken. one druRller. Gladys, ,'urvhr. litre! in the TAW- and this lot, ih.• oaudklatea patriotically orate(':
Fire on Rrtnrdap. November 2Rth Carew-.Mdlmley comiug alar Is likely to set a new re- I ..1 watt barn an Englishman. 1 have
dedrey.a the bank barn on the farce On R"(rinewlay, December 2nd. at St coed in the matter of attendance. Felt 14yp( an FuRlishmcul. 1 hots „ball
of Robert Cooper. 3n1 a carmen of John's Anglican church. Brussels, particulars of the –Maines can be se- Idle an Englishan unmistakable
From the bark
Trrrlkerw.Ith, rest of Hensel'. One of Frances Lorinda, Marlon. only dough- cured by writing to the College Be- of the hall. In nlunistakable accent.
- Mr. Cooper's sons was doing the
evening ehmres when the lantern ex- iter of Mr. and toes. Newton M,-Cauley, gistrar. skame the 'mention, "Mon, hoe --re be
• • • • ambetion"" North Carolina Chris -
ental Works
maga b Marr -
R. A. Sf% TTON
P. O.Sae 1411
F: Bell & Bros.
for gement and
Gravel Contracts
-'clot Costa Ftatuti kai
Geed Gravel Cradles Mackin
Writs, Telephone or ',ea Us
Ts{sglis•es Gedetic 612r13;
(X.t.s *11•r33.
R• R. Ne. 1, Gederic`.
Resideece at Porter's Hifi
was united la marriage to William
ptoded. The ata k was 111 outside, Overseas At4ttk Market flats Advocate,
Mark Cardiff ot Grey township. The
but roma imletemetltw and a quantity rector. Bar. F. O. Rickard, officiated. 1With moderate trans-AtIantie Atip-)
of hay were eyed. Barn and contents aAlte��Iu� Vt tltttIt
On thele 7ltrrh from • honeymoon morale early In November, the demand tom; aJa Ck11/l0C— XCxllofkaAt/`xx +Athefh
were insured. wprnt at Ont'Ho points. J[r. and Mrs. for aPPles In the I'nttetl Kingdom hag ,�ILtI'a 1lnlrmi/r�aiM1./7•+Ifkt
Mr. and Yrs John Eents well- Cardiff will make their bone on the been -toady with plklw slightly firm -
known and esteemed realdenb of Can• *Pin nom's farm on the lith courw er. reports pre'.ee", Fulton. Oatarl0
traria, on Tuesday. December lst, cole-
y JSLter growers represeutsfice. Mr. Fulton •
bested the fiftieth annlversa of their don t Grey.
R -- _ �atli•.s Gust he has rra•Pfee.l some ■lplew
wedding. Their roe, William, lt The Ezetrr l'hambrr rat (bmmer• In r.eut thasshipments witch were poorly �. �� •
daughter, Mrs. Byron Hicks, and seven I held a banquet at the ('enteral hotel on packed and he points out that the
grandchildren were prevent for tht
G. Westbr ' Fred. C. Kalbfleisch,
Manager Proprietor
Phone 388
Coal and Wood
Genuine Hard Stove Coal
Chestnut Coal
Pea Coal
- Pocahontas (2 by 4 egg)
can supply your '+ante in
hay of the above fuel. Prompt.
Mrvlds olid reasonable pries*.
celebration. Among the telegrams r,• Friday night last. with over fifty per-
ewne present. Including chilling bowl. Pekes. HP advices that Gee Pnthe be
mired was one from the Hon. W. t. nessmen from Centralia and CtMlton. packed with alr,xlro mined in the one
Mackenzie Kling. Otiecers• for 1932 were elated se fol- barrel. Baldwins from Ontario are run -
Nell White, a well-known resident of Iowa: Hon. prewldents, Major W. H. ning to large Rises tide season and are
Wrozeter, died November 2Rth at th. ea
Wood. London; N. W. Trew-artha. W therefore more difflellt to well. Many
age of sixty-three years. He was bora G. Meld. M.P.1'., B. 11'. F. Beavers. of them. however. are beautifully col-
la Minto township and had lived Io B. M. Frames; president. Dr. J. -M. ami finished. Mr. Felton aloe re-
Wrozeter for thirty -ave pears. He was Browning: vlce-preRldent. George -Law• tors to the excellent exhibit of Oratorio
a bLckRmith by trade, but for •num- son: secretary -treasurer. R. H. Sayers: apples at the imperial Fruit Show in
George -Law -
her of years 6r led hie sone engaged executive. J. H. Jones, J. Morley, Dr. Manchester, which wag hlRhlp eom-
in the manufacture of amall sleighs Dunlop. T. Prude, J. M. Southcott, mended by everponr.
and wagons. Surviving are the widow, M. W. Pfaff. Dr. Atkinson. • • •
three sorts. Clarence. Clifford and Rob- Well-Iloswn Hallett Man Passes Will Hold Conferenceerr, of Wrozeter, and one daughter. The death of John Edwin Britton. of Hon. Thome' L. Kennedy has an -
Mrs. Pleaweucs, of Port Elgin. Hn11 ftt township. occurred Tuesday nouneed thmit with a t-lew to developing
Laeknow and vielnity were ',hocked 1111December 1St. at his home new sowerins to general farm prnb-
Monday of Inst wept by news of the on the 7th cone -melon. Mr. Britton. terns• towering term taxes and *peering
death of Kenneth MacDonald. of the bib • tine -1(41d terms fns the farmers,
4th conceswloo of Klmlosw. Mr. Mac- who was In hie flttp-wPt•tnth year, had hP Is railing a( an early dates PDn-
iMneld wax last swan alive on Sunday be. on In poor health fothe last two eren(e at Queen'', Park with rePre•en-
■fternonn, and It waw not until the year"' He sew born on the farm on t
afternoon of the following day that which he diel. his family being one of �
.hta 1t>oon MMT-eus•-•tba»d In his the oldest In the district. His father, q°91-1111 M
f K Sick Cillije
the 1eferrA llf#teil:-Ali`I�en!• tie -•. _ •Jay TOtDNTO x
barn. Deceased was In his fiftieth
BrSp oOhlaet raves of Hallett •toknshlp and
yetr nd is eurvfvedJy two slater,' and <of-iJ1e• early wardens of Huron ( -trt�� Tenets) hrir�hera. all except one elster, eonntp. He ix eturvive(1 by hie wife (Cewatry Menet. *aletaetowr)
Him Hannah Macdonald. being In the and by one brother. William Britton. December. test
West. of (innstanee, and one Meter. Mrs. M. oesr car. editor:
"Dave" ('antel•n's`Birthday D. Weir of Weldon, Sank. [sat year the Horyery tar mat
Dartd Contains, tic 'well-known Death at Mn. John Ragman c baster, Toronto, through w5 genet -
„hipper of Clinton. rompletwl Emma Osbeldewton, widow of John cony of Meade a steep IIW of
his eighty-fourth year on November !Upson. mewed away at her home la cobucfq, w •nInlad w "merle
2Rth and celebrated the (eraRion by Clinton on Tuesday. December 1st, at publi icy quanta of lied Ontario that le
entertaining a number obi �1S friends the ripe old age of eighty-nine years ,rlpppt or ailing ohne w equally
to dinner. He 1s „till harty.,ind vie- and ten months. She had been eon- totaled0D she Inerhillw cerates
oroue. and during the pawl MISS per- vetch the. Hospitalmentioned
u world famous
chewed and ahl Brawl waso her In for rich a year. w was also mentioned teat u one
ppwd a large portion of daughter tarn Goderich townshhp,
the apple erop in Huron and anrronnpi-nsick ends^ - r the ten. 1uoo u
Ing egtintiem. a r Alexander r (MbalInHut- Sick 61ds- called- were to loos
After her marriage RhP remitted In Hut- 'fur moreionat youngsters, a comic need
Mae -�•eklhi IPtf township. on the farm on the 10th
The United church manse, Walton, 'fora money lex sten monument's,
est mai. until now- w andh p her pnnne- Vlhat ley tort ei cast m t's,
wer the scene nn Wednersl'y, Novom- eat win. •tie and IIP husband re- nuae5 children cam• to 141. Bo.Dtt"t
her 25th. eldest
the wading of Violet tired from the term and moved to • out Neo shout •ro.000 1th 0101157 to
Marfa, eMest datighter of Mr. and are Clinton. Mr. Ralston died six yeara manram teem t •pan see the
Andrew J.Pmtn, of Grey township, to ago. ten': log ere theca NOUN and tw•o ttatbtla5 out 1 cannot alter 1415 tact
Lawrence Emerson, second son of An daughters: James of Kitt -better, lone Inas H the Hospital far sick Obudt•n
draw Meehan of Monktnn. The care and Albert M Mullett, Fre at ltnnie wan not a provincial chericp. its
shipper, cannot expect to receive top
many was performed by Rev. Mr. Com- and Nellie In Toronto. )dew. Ellen Mr. and Mrs. Machan will re Horton of Goderich s a sister and the
sk1(' on the Iflth (nervation of Orev. last of the family.•
Death of R. Modena. Laramie MaeDena i-MaeLeed
Edward Hodglnt'. a well known end- At Knox rhumb maltose. Ripley. oil
nem man of Lueknew. xrarumbed on November 1Rth, Rev. 11. M. Henan per -
Tuesday. december tat, to ah attaek foe m-•1 the merrier(' eeremnnp nnit-
nf pn('neinnla, after an Meese a four Ing Mlaw Pearl Rows MacLeod, third
daughter of Kenneth MacLeod and the
late Mrs. MacLeod of Heron township,
to James MacDonald et Aahfleld. The
brae was gowned In blue crepe trimmed
with eggshell lace: her hongnet
was white ehrpeanthentnmx. Mr and
Mrs. Elwooi Drennan acted so wit-
nesses After the eeremonp the hridel ererdrafts Tet that to ,the position
eminle end twenty guests sat down to I to -dap and 11 le not nee which aaa
a dainty snpper at the home of the ,verlaatlaalp cenuetr Ho Mr ret•
bride'', hrnther. A reception waw Tater tar. will you oat invoke your r5.d•t•
held at the home of the bride's dater. to lend WI • h•Iptng handl Not o 1•
Mn. Addl•nn Arm•trnne, Ndere 100 a them. 1 venture. ceute sant to ase
*festa tethered to w ab the haiks, the "Mak rude" with • morttaee nvw
Pettnle a proerwrnna merrtwl life end their heed.
to orrwriit them with m•nT he.ntif,tl ratthttul, you.,
Lavuw a ROS R1 8,
MMwl. and n.'MeanhiMseIn.Astnajd edwil1 chairman at � d WtT -
frralA•e owlhaRtotnaa'/ term 1n.AaheoM
iebta would not o5 se burdensome
la those under which It •••m• fated
.o enter lrea
The Hospitals immediate nelahbae-
niod (Toronto and York County) nag
sept up elms to ,te average subscrip-
ub crip•tion per pauent But outside that
area thin nay men • sod drop
Whet should be done,
The Hospital for sick Children as
not a local 0019011e*.. .glew Is that
no Ontario youngster shall go handi-
lapped through life .ether became eras
ieformlty ar dismal rum cannot be
,000mpluhed with a omit -bog full a
al Calendar
.Now_ is the time -to renew... your
subscption. to
�tcnbers paying tLis Month- for t6 g
yeai� WIZ re -Cif -14 ve a handsome Calendar for -1932 �
- ••-e, ,,•, - ,►-r eesaar
•am. gOine
. , . "
y t,
The Signal Calendars this year
life beauties, Don't miss yours.
- The supply is limited; 110— renew
your subscription early and make
sure of getting one.
A. Chrisimas Sugetio
Can you imagine anything else your son or daughter
or your friend away from home would appreciate so
much as a year's subscription to THE SIGNAL? We
upply a pretty card to go to the person who is to receive
the per. it can be mailed to reach him (or her) on
Christmas Eve. The paper will be a weekly reminder
of home and the home friends.
. The. Signal Pi inking Co., Limited