HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1931-12-10, Page 641 14--'Ilareday, DsceMai loth, Mai t BUY YOUR MILK .t the new Pasteurizing Plat Zither raw or pasteurised Milk, Sc a quart. RYAN'S DAIRY Britannia Road Phone 334 IF wily W A INT Tune pv=y E$T OF FOODS COOKED IN THE YMn r OF WAYS in clean and modern kitchen surroundings you can get it at the CAPITAL CAFE NOTICE THE SIGNAL. Poultry Shipments received op Fridays.and Shipments received MI Saturday nights until 10 o block. —WE PAY CASH— Sip graded while yon wait. IRUIIHOLLAND & JERVIS Warehouse: East Bt., Ooderich Telephone 110 The Signal leSS, to new of one year's from now to Jatfuary 1st, subserlbera for the price subscription. lie Leading Men's &ore Everything that's now - in Men's Wear retro and known only in what 1t dela The fins and ,lespist thing to say Sunday Afternoon f about love Is that It hi a social pea - :don. There cannot be love without at least two, a lover and a beloved. It God be love, He must have loved from all eternity. There was love be- tween the Father and the Sou, and be- tween tbe Father and the Spirit, be- fore time began to be. When the Son WW1 as eb atmaa Bell Sald emptied Himself of His glory, the most By Margaret R. Seetweh costly sacrifice was not that Ile took 1 ring the bells," said the Christmas By 1SABEL HAMILTON Ooderlch. Ont. our flesh and was found in fashion as bell, * man. This was the supreme los, "!be whone'RiliFwelt/ annelid; the heaviest sorrow, that, as one Fisch bell that tla�i.Hbt.eea(t1 01 -- et the love and eommunlon [las caught my silver soun& of a home, 11114 a' heed ann -mien "1 hush the )angling temple bells wlltld, w Christ peered out from the every of t tell of woe and sin; ranter into the ♦cum of Nazareth. In That [teem ery land, Hia high-prieatlyrprayer (John 17:24) 1 Tba I ring the outCof evelld in. He recalls the love wherewith "thou loveat me before the foundation of the world." The second thing to say about love la this—love is creation. When next you ponder the things of your apirit, your faculties of love and joy and hope; when you tear, and sorrow and pray: when you hunger and thirst for more than this world can give; you shall realise with a strengthening joy that God created you with your spirit- ual capacity ro resew! to Him; be- cause He Is love. The third simple thing to lay about love la this—that love _jp providence. Love cannot be content with creation. "Then ring with bappy chime today It must pare on to carp, ---and God's The school belle of Japan, care is Hia providence. And so God And teach her gentle maids to know did not create the universe, and make The teemed Son of Man !" all things beautiful In their season. and "The church bells ring because of me: Because I chime Hie birth, The sounds of Sabbath chimes go out To circle all the earth. "The school bells ring because of me— Ail knowledge comes from Him; They twinkle on beneath the Star That never shall grow dim. "The joy bells ring for every heart♦. Because of Him who came .To save the dark and weary From Ignorenee and shame. Hand Tailoring and Special Order to Your Meaaew • •. Chas. Black Goder'ieh world GODERICH, ONT. Aluality no substitute Tea j�j�, yodem. of the answer to the questloo "What 1a the chief end of man?" "To glorify God"—bot also the second pbraae— "And to enjoy Him forever. Slit "enjoyed" her Lord in thoroughly she wanted to share bet joy with the whole world. Before the student volunteer move - art His spirit in man, and then turf ment was organised, she offered her - PRAYER HIa hark and vanish into atlenee. self to the Foreign Mission hoard of To Thee who giveat all we come "Behind a frowning providence the E'rta.bytrNan (Ztlunh. "Too with heart and life dedicated to Thy He hldea a smiling fare." young," was the reply. "It is not ad - service at this ('hriatmaa time. "May no The fourth thing and the great thing vtaable to send such a very young and earthbom cloud arise to hide Thee to say about love is this --love Is grace. inexperienced girl." from Thy eervanta' eyes" Amen. The unknown aacrlM,s of many a re- Mhos Crawford became Mrs. Alex- tleent man and anent woman are those ander Stuart Md Pett ural she and Ur. utoneerreys Dze. 1s, iggro04111110amee --S-is inidevaitemliter eaRetii t.4 Moffett ASKS et - I carne Totple—Thi Supreme Gift of dear one, bark to purity and truth. m}aaton ,erviep, tmt again the Mtasloo Love ,1 What can God, who la love. do for the lioertl maid Not rdci+xbir." Leeson ?sewage -1 Jar 4:7-19. ginner but pour Himself out in costly I Years palled. but the miaaiunars Golden Text—I Soho 4:11. • `arriflt•e to redeem him.-- "God so purpose did not pass from their loved the world, that Ile gave Ills only hearts. When Dr. Moffett wax pastor Professor Henry Drummond gave an begotten on. that whosoever helieveth at Midway, Kentta•ky. and he was address on "Love," as found In the In Ilim should not perish but have fifty year, old and his wife forty-five, 13th chapter -of 1 4'ortnthtana.- at the everlasting tife." ("John-it:10t. - they affpred-thrmm'tvee once - more. country home of Lora ' Aberdeen Gad has thin menage for you, which y had six children. and planned to Listening to him was the great evangel- meets all the breadth of your man - place Five [elder ones in sc hextl to hat D. L. Moody, who aftefwarda 1n- hood's thought. and all the depth of America. At last they were accepted. vied him to repeat It at the North- your manhood's need: that He is love field Conference. It was printed in eternal. love that emotes, love that different publications in United States, provides. love that redeems. love that Later on it was publlsheA In Britain .l'a'bplinea..love that waits to bid us and The Brltlah Weekly describeld It welcome to the Father's Home at laat— as "one of the most exquisite and per- "Oed Heves to beid)fie Ion feet things Professor Drummond has � R fit' ever written. ,end full of the spirit of (Rtrimt." Since then it has bee* printed In many langeagea under 1 title of "The Greatast Thing In the World." Today's lee.on Is on the same Atli He nem feetlsasw to be with I faced them in Inc reetibnle Tears Rake In loaf pan In a moderate oven topic, bawd on the words of Rt. John 1t1µ a were In her eyes and determination (32.'i degrees) for one hour. the Evangelist. was in her heart. "Ton will not let in a series of aAArrases delivered to CHRISTMAS CIROQUIPITIEI 1 sup stale eake crumbs % cup chopped, blanched al- -- amends or shredded cocoanut --*-Orated rind 44 lemon % tableapoon lemon juice __I,,eup orenge juice Iegg yolk 1 egg white Fine cake crumbs Mix Brat four Ingredients In sauce- pan, add orange juice, to moisten, and let stand ten minutes. Heat to boiling point; remove from fire; add egg yolk and cool. Shape as croquettes: dip la egg white, beaten alightly, with one tablesp0000n.,sell-,-aatesi roll (n aittgtl, Sty bread or eaTre crumbs, end fry 1a deep fat. Sprinkle with powdered *near, aad•'eprve- with chocolate lance. CERIIlTMAI>I TWIT CAKE % cup butter 1 clip anger 1 cup orange juicy —_.. _ 3.*upa'etpsd deer 4 teaapoona baking powder % teaspoon malt Their outfit was preparedand they % cup aedlew retains 14 eup candied orange peel were ready to mail to Brazil. At a meet 14 cup candid lemon peel hag of the Presbytery celled in the church In Midway. the gneatlnn waw % cup candied cherries church Iii eup chopped Huta again opened and by a small majority - it w µ an voted that after all It was ton Whitea o 3 RR* 11s 4hotter,, add sugar and cream a{afa. Add Orange juke alternately With two sups flour sifter) with baking expensive to mend a family to the field, (For He smog us Aimeelf with suet ; wo that their eommis'lon was recalled —even before they had atilea. and salt. Add remaining cep He dim for deeiro of ee. marvellous As the members of tbe Prei.k:hq of flour with finely -chopped fruits and [110111 lit! `came out of the meeting: M». Moffett nuts. Fold in stlmy-beaten egg whites. t#ORLD MISSIONS me go," she wall. "hut I'll send every LEMON WITH VEGETABLES Glasgow Rev. 11,'. now gave one oe child I have." A great peaee filled Housewives are quite ■ceoatomed to Love's Supreme Diac•Insure as sewn In The Wellman Vs'bo Went light Tin" her heart. She had prayed earnestly Lemon ie, lemon "God Ix love." in this was manifested Over Instead of Ogee Only that Gnd would nutlet her mime Hia pIn ies'hea on flab and the love of God toward um, because that About fifty years ago, Carrie Lena will for her 111'.. it had been hard to slnw of lemon In iced tea ora fruit God neat His only often Son foto Crawford, a high-apiritd, popular punch, but many h not tthe nrslryatand why. again and again. the many ways 1n which lemon may be door had been rinsed before her eases. used w4th vegetables. feet. hat now the answer was clear For refreshing wilted vegetables add "The door Is not closed. Yon lire to the juke of a lemma to a pan of water. is'R girl of old Kentucky, faced many the world, that we might live through Htm-1 John 4:5, A. The following 1s' doors that opened before her Invit- condensed from that address: Vie- le impossible of defirdtlon, yet yog8aB know what love la. John tells m dptn and again that love is to be fagly. She was full of fun and a rol- lickingly good humor. When she etndied Weetminater Catechism she learned not only the first phrase W O•, wit --nM in per,nn, hat- threletb eon* To keep such vegeta—Mee as old pota- (+ttdren" - toes or eaul(fiower white while cook - She not only grove her ebildren hitt she trained them for live* oe merely* There was no long -faced[ chrtstlanlhy In her life. Her piety wag deep atlld genuine. Ant she entered Intel mart* and pleeestreo of her children as If she were as reline am thev AhOnt twenty fico year, she ,petit in. e . -- [wetting really to go. not is one mla- I donarv. but as eight missionaries--- thrnnth her night children.—Thp MM sionary Review•. ---_—.--... et346 t'c1 e � to • • Westinghouse'Radio (Console Model) $87.00 Westinghouse Standard Vacuum Cleaner, $55.00. Complete attachments $12.00 BEACH RANGES IN ALL STYLES AND COLORS ..$48.00 AND UP All -Electric Snow Bird Ironer . $115.00 Snow Bird and Coffield Washers from $85.00 to $140.00 Snow Bird Refrigerator . $215.00 Copper Reflector lleaters, $3.95 and up Live Coal Heaters ' . . $12.00 Westinghouse Chromium Percolator $9.75 SPECIAL HEATING PAD 3 heats, $5.00 Full stook of TOASTERS, IRONS, HOT PLATES, Etc. TABLE AND FLOOR LAMPS $4.00 WESTINGHOUSE Guarantied LAMPS, plain and colored Talbot r& Cornish Phone 81 Kingston Street and Square CREDiTON FIFTY YEAiRS AOA From Its tiles o7 fifty years ago T' Exeter T(maea-Advew'ate reprint, th- following paragraph 'ent from Crest' ton: .t great many people Ili the adjacent townsbipe. when hearing of Crdlton. have little hien of the ,Ise or import- ance of the place. The only fault of our town 1a the unfortunate way in which it la laid Ont. We have a popu- lation of between nix and seven hnn- dred. We hnre three large stores be mildew ,mailer nnew, flour and feed *tore, three large shoe stores, one extensive harness,' shop, two livery stables, two ..,.tailors, two hotE 1 eta' fornitk log store, 4we--we'grer-Ind carriage shot*, four blacksmith shops, grist mill, law min, two large flax mills, large woollen mill, five brickyards, one planing mill and furniture making es- tablishment, one cooper, two pump - makers, doctor, veterinary surgeon, watch maker, cheese factory, creamery, tinahop and store depot, telegraph Of- fce, egg parking and butter making es- tablishment, Division Court. 1 tY a Rack -,oat Driver—"John, be careful Tbere'a A ear ttehind you." John Ipatfentlyl--"Rnt, my dear, I've never hit any one hehtnd me yet." THE ADORATION OF THE WISE MEN [Saw you never in the twilight - When the sun had left the skim', [lp 1n heaven the clear 'tors shining Through the gloom with 'elver eyee? So of old the wise men watching Raw a little atrangcr 'tar, And they knew the King was elven. And they followed It from far Heard you never of the 'tory, How they ernacd the desert wild, rneyd nn by plain and mnnntaln, Till they found the linty ('httl' ow they opened all their treasures. Kneeling to that infant King. Gave the gnld and fragrant Incense. Gave the myrrh In offering'' Know ye not that lowly. Roby Waw the Aright and morning star. He who came to light the Gentile' And the darkened lode' afar? And we te, mar seek Ilia cradle, There our henry, twat treuetiree bring. Lore and faith ami true devotiim For mit Saviour, God. sed King. ('aril Francon Alexander. • • ing, boll In water to which a slice of lemon or a little lemma Jake has been added Cover eight entail beets- boiled and *Heed thin with one tahleapoon sugar to which has been added juice of two oranges and of two small lemons. Boil eighteen milium -slued new pota- toes. Drain. Add one-quarter cup le- mon juice to three tableaponna browned butter. Pour over potatoes. Add lemon juice to eoolced spinaeb allowing one tablespoon lemon juice to each eup cooked vegetable. Melted but- ter mar also be added. Or spinach may be served with iernon garnishee, allow Ing each person to use lemon juice as desired. GOING WITHOUT BREAKFAST Have you developed the habit of go - Ing without breakfast, hoping that by so doing you will Ile aide to take off some of that attlptua hie-_- This fad may result In lmpalrment of health and is especially dangerous to those under thirty years of age. Statlatica show that to be overweight up to the age of thirty gives better chaner"hf 'long inn -'sue Tleiltb. Of merle,- tree doer IIs[ want te-te "tar much overweight, but a few extra pound. provides a reserve in ease of es Illns or for etreaaoua athletic strain. Probably It would be wiser to omit the midday meal, but wiser still to make this midday meal a small one (-misdating of light fonds. Breakfast is the meal that furnishes fuel for the most strenuous work of the day. Fur- thermore, the well-balanced breakfast contains orange juice. milk and other foods that are particularly valuable. if breakfast Is omitted there Is the decided likell ood that the healthful orange will Ht be conenmd as heav- ily as It should be. There is also a like- lihood that the day's quota of milk will he' reduced.No! Don't eliminate breakfast un- less a skilled phydcbnn has a good reason for it. Too many troubles can easily eome as a result. e 'uatomer--';l'd Ilke to se• some geed, e. ,eeond-hand car" Salesman -"So would 1." Mignon!! (tntlaw. MORE ROLLS 13y Bet ty . rtar(day Women seldom tire of tasty rolb- men never. Here are two recipes that I have not used before aid whlek will surely please: ` Strew-WYlrl Chocolate Roll (4 eggs( 6 tablespoons epechtl eake flour, sifted 6 tablespoons cocoa % teaspoon baking powder 5� teaspoon emit - - ae 'lap sifted sugar 4 egg whites, *tiny-.hggpa_.�. - AR.Telks,' - - 4emoneolored 1 teaspoon Rift flour once mMwre, add cocoa, bilking- powder, and salt end sift to- gether three times. Fold sugar grad- nally into egg whites. Fold in egg yolks and vanilla. Fold in flour grad- ttalty: Pour into -parr- Rloj x 13% inches, lined with greased paper. and bake Ip hot oven (400 degrees F.) 13 minutea. Turn from pan at once on to cloth eovered with powdered auger. lie - move paper. Qulekly cut off crisp edges of cake. Spread seven minute treading over eake and roll. Wrap In h until cool. ('mer with aq un- cooked chocolate fronting. ,•-- =; PROOF POSITIVE ' - young man fell into a state et. coma, brit rwr,vered before his frh'nds had buried him. (Inc of them asked what it felt like to be dead. . . "Dead,” he exclaimed. "I wasn't dead, and I knew t watm't• dead ' h►' caner my %eiwere sold and if was hungry" "Rut how did that make you. serer -Weil. I knew that 1f i wore he heaven I shouldn't 1* hungry. and If 1 were In the other place my feet wouldn't he -old." -The Christian Advocate. THE COCISHUTr E 1 SHOP Wire Furies Gem Separators Repairs for Cockshutt. Frost & Wood Farm 101 piements and Machinery/ Telephone 598 K ngsteu Street Caderic1i 1 • r Christmas Confectioner at CRICH'S wore acce0tah{. as • Christmas gift fee eta er yams thaw • boa ef Cl loco a z or Bonbons We have thaws at all prime. TELEPHONE 148 West Side of Square, Gatierictt bbtte Gift Shoppe • We havi an entire new line of Gifts for Christman. LEATHER GOODS __OB X® GIFTS CHINA I LINEN J TOYS ' and Gifts for all occasions at reasonpMe prices A Special in lace -top CorticeUi Hose 1 Mrs. E. Evakis ARE THE SQII GODERICH Special for Christmas —THE VERY BEST - Christmas Cake THAT MONEY CAN BUY, ONLY .♦#alar-. 4.10 • Mother Forced to Leave Fatherless Children Annette Inoka at you gratefully aa you paus.t her beds{•• to ad- mire her needle work. So expert has she become that she feels sure a table runner •he has made will win a prize at the fair back home "Rack home"—wOrde that bring tears as she tell•nu how she longs to be there to look after her family 001n74% ur. m H'e u Ann.tw'a hahand died of tuber- culosis, leaving her to rare for the children •a best she could. It wee trot long, however, before she too was claimed by this 11s - ease. when ems was sent to the To- ronto Hospital tar ('onaumptivea with no great preepeet of recovery. Here, the canfsl regimen. the quiet, the fresh sir and patient nursing are greatly helping Amer.*. tp climb the steep read back to health. Ruch work can only b. continued with the sid of essay a.aetone fAenda WIII yon p1ttggeyeg4 a gift �ttasi� wpm A., amen 7� �gge �a " i Termite. ,z TRY IT, AND SEE FOR YOUR- SELF. SHORTBREAD, THE VERY BEST CHERRY WAFERS, MACAROONS, AND MANY OTHER DAINTIES HAVE YOU TRIM OUR MILL -MADE BREAD? IF NOT, WHY NOT? IT IS OftgATLY IN DEMAND. YOU HAVE TRIED THE REST, NOW TRY THE BEST E. U. CLEVELAND 1