HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1931-12-10, Page 5THE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONT. Thursday, Dreetuber 10th, 1101-13 ThelDarned Little Darlin A CHRISTMAS STORY By Martha Banning Thomas •iti lw hes came to a atop with a Jult which hurled its tired passengers against the seats aliesd. The powertu! multiuse w3lned to silence. For a lung eipsat aotntng was said. 'Rreuiy petcle stared at the back of the driver. Twenty pairs of ears heard the wild rush of wind outside: a noire whh•h up to this time had been drowned by the motor speeding through the night. The driver was young. Ile had wide shoulders and a fresh color In his cheeks. He was used to these long, cross eountry runs: he knew Clow to bundle people and he understod the temperament of a bus as a mother MI deriitands her elilld. He turned about In his seat to face the silent people. "Sorry, folk.. we're 1 out of luck." A faint shadow waned to rest on his twee "Were hung up ....a hundred miles from nowhere." i 'k rustle of amusement poised through the Ihdenlug passengers. A man climbed over a seat mate .and betau talking in a loud, irritated voce. 'You mere t•e-tettatw•bhia.w entlllmt won't move another foot tonight? That we must stay here the Lord -knows - how -lung? On Christmas Eve and the folks home waiting for us'! A fine, fat driver you are'" The young man was unperturbed and ready. "No Use telling you 1 can't help it. They gave no. a bum bus, an 0111 nue. be-ause of the holiday travel. They gambled 'on my getting through ....and hast." "Ain't you Plea going to get out to I.sek at it?" demanded the man un- pleasantly. "\u. loss. I ain't. i know this bus like uu old friend. It's plumb give out and I told them so. He looked the protestor straight In the eve. "What's Remember ! That ebe best goods are always surer. tined. ore, if you wish to suntan your money Look _-Carefully through the Advertisements The More, we're the last one through to- night Laugh that off." Out ut a dim, rear seat rose a girl. nee hair was light. It seemed to rip- ple Into curls as you looked at it. Her face was pale with weariness, but she smiled. "What say, teller., we buck up and have a party of our own? He can't kelp things," she nodded to- wards the driver. "He's done all the work and had the worry and now all he gets handed to him is a bunch of growls. Come on, folks' We're rate and warm. Nothing can hurt us. We'll get help In the worniug," mr, winded at the big man who 1►aa. biting his Iuuuvtiirhe She ialigli i the Lace of an old lady who was fur- tivety wiptng her eyrie with thee- corn- er of a handkerchief. She .grinned ' at a lay of fourteen. The bus driver showed a fine set of white teeth. "Some grand little sport," he whispered to himself. Then aloud, "I Rot to warn you folks of something else, too. Nothing serious but kind of distressing. The lights are liable to go out any minute. I got a trouble light with me, but that's all." "1 have a flashlight," saki the girl. •"Who s got another?" it tureen out that five passengers had flashlights. "Haul them out and we'll base a party. anyhow." called the girl. The bus grew a little chilly but The girl would not allow them to think of that. "Now each of you must choose a present from your own. to give ?tome one elle Tigre tonight. The fucks at home would be glad to sacrifice one gift for the sake of giving us some fun. We'll melee him." she smiled at the driver, "be Santa Claus, and if any of you have eats....I say. -tine -a-heart and pass 'em around." ether. The old lady's wrink1M oinks led up 'in I:ntghter as she fumble' in her shaievv-stndst.is.'ksg. plc learns,. year-old boy came out of h11 grumps and oferet to do anything from slag. Ing a song to pushing the bus --a suggestion ss filch was greeted by u roar -laughtm er -from- "We tel! drtvr -- "We• otigltt to have a tree.' imn the gird aloud. "We esu t dos thing seat -braces the bush was made securely 1 . upright lu the aisle. "Now for trlmminga. Who's got trimmings:'" The cross luau was busy with a bundle. He was a trifle reluctant, still he continued to unwrap papers. Soon a glittering angel with tinsel wings was In the (land« of the tree trimmer Gently. almost reverently, the auger was fastened to the top. The disagree- able man beamed. "Anyone got any white tissue pa- per?" asked the girl. More gifts were untied and their , ._ volunteered. With nimble-- ....� nReu•a iiia fti X -TOTa1iC-Tong sti•iPis red and white together into a sort o accordion effects "What's your name. driver?" sud- denly demanded the girl. "Michael O'Hara." She glowed with pleasure. "And mlue is Katy Connelly ....the top of I the avenin' to ye." 1932 Chevrolet Shows Many Advancements Then the fun began. btiehael was {osse.sel of an Irresietthle humor. He sent the old lady Into stitches by presenting her with a package of elg- arettes. He completely disarmed the eross man by giving him en artificial rose. lowing with so, much eeremooy that his hair almost tu,lehed the floor. The fourteen -year-old boy was de- vvith a candy cane and began to demolish it at once. There was a elft for everyone. The bus rocked with laughter, it was "Katy" •his.. Ind "Mike" that. The driver thopgbl of everyone but himself. The girl had a moment of acute d1a- r THE SPECIAL SEDAN This 1032 Chevrolet special sedan, typical of the modeb just presented 10 the public, shows the new tines of beauty which .re characteristic. The effect of stream -lining is noticed, and also the new front ,•nd, with doors in hood, single- -- pieee bumper, double tie -bar, dual horns. In the lower picture is shown the instru- ment panel. Notice the free - wheeling treas. There was nothing -for Mike. control button. It is announced that Swiftly she thrust her hand into her the 1932 Chevrolet engine is 20 per cent fret: and brought nut a smslf box greater in power and there are many I of which is the combination of syncro- 'standard for the first time in any car as With this she went elnsr to M1'hael., other mechanical improvements, the chief mesh transmission with simplified free- standard equipment. "Here's a present for you, foie" she' OB ITL A R Y T4t'1TED`7y[�7L7i41F _tpan_in,purprise. -__ _tweet on 1.. Michael's home. and when "Wiwre's old 11111 been lately? I owuel her saws. , TH(H[As Elf\'INE Itucogtt lura hero deur mmlths" ptrwtw!: i mean 1t." SnmNhtnerkis -mother gas' the•- hi: -Ned •her "What? Haven't you ?laird? He's In the blue of bee eye* derided him. I laughter, and her blushes. she ja8l l'ite death occurred h1 the 1'. S. Mar- got threw years fur atealln' • car." Ile nasi the Lox. Out. of It came I 1 iue hospital at Itetroit on• Wednesday. a versilcigarette lighter. "F knew the bye would be fistula" p 1."What did he wont to steal a nor I G,rsh....what a swell de•ember 2tw1. of Thomas Ervine, phi- for? Win. didn't be toy ane an' nut present' his lady suddiet. It's the O'Hara way' or for it II' _�iLrun apt Wiukaul_Erslne_ et.-F:IQust1-__ -�-.s_--kc _,t_ gt uifemau '-Tb? -_- _rmr.•f you don't tae :•s-=�M P-7n"n"- -- ilenwsed. wlln our -le 1,11.. Tier t , 11111.14tU. "if you don't take it 111 never spank ..o NH. lioime. 71 wait a lurk raven 1, sear. ttax Ill only to you again!" declared the girl. Christmas on with the turkey ural 1 „• tit few days, hating nndrrgun.• lin t (.111 - Amusement ni«d tenderness minded Wuupkin pies' tion. The remains were brought to in his thanks. "lint the , igen'' e It lighter, a larlln' /'alerieh Mel the funeral took 1 fern place 'seined a tree. "Ilea. 1 got nn Iden." called a-Coice. A stun shot out of a seat anil sok ho himself Into t, fur coat. "Open the "Go ,;way wed ye!" remonstrated the . Katy Connelly did not part. They't a tans. it The flan went Ms. 5TN'P1re n,•In•k :ii01110 Hskel. "how did •ye t" ifrom hi. father's resideure on F'rlduc dear, driver....I 11 Te Tack is a aim a ;off to shwa. The lots. ivatrviee.ul to Maitla1.d cemetery. The Pi a toilet. The ;looks. And 1 knee the nwment 1 set f warier. were ronduct.rl by iter. J. N. of minutes." A blast of cold air. and ;"..11.1 .ttt•led un in a rear gest. The I, 41144 _0111 you that It belonged to you." 11 Millsand the {tsllls•,rera were Alex the --matt .litxrrl nef Ale --cause hark • dri.r'r st•srtd not intmilre-storm-liana---'�1w1." .sell -#Itt•hat•i--with__._ i 1.iMil �s , rias. Vii, 1..•.sl. F1Me presently with a smelt ragged hnah. 4e as... nut the Ii.htt•r and held it grin. "1 knew when 1 ort eyes on 7011 K and rets, Has Frltzlry. tf. Tlunfalvy and r."Soaad it here -b7 the rrada1/1P, Ger:- +t«:..st his I+ars "'13n• dnrneet titter .: •.;r belonged- to me.' __ '• Herb r little bllzaanl _ gulag on:"idarllsi' he murmured. "Hooray!" mii{kt Michael's Wath her. K' t 'kIe.\dam. .te•....two. The &tl hole dron.w) 111,. 1 lust bought it....liking the __He shed his coat. He asked for On (`hrlst,nnr mn.,tine thew e-er., . pinmpint the turkey on the fable.. strings Rundles were netted atst the f, . .rN? .sod to nnotb.•r h,w e \t th •rr t••I1 rf- n iltul'. wife ssIIIM4' . , ebr'loy gala her that she heeded salt �esrd nfrerel. By tying several lentis 1'4tv •terminal the p•,s.enrnra 1«urlwl- Wiedew'. ate' a-rdir washed and -IoM-•• lite: 'the woke _ti...next moraine and 'tont the centre of__the .,hnah. - and itmw..a..seenseen... won the .'--1rmer t-t.hrtt-tt t•wtrlatlmeatseNui or i•thi•Rae`are I her huudrin,$ was fanning her with n I then stretching them taut to various I Rnetlags. Tint Mleheel O'Hsra nisi used to a quart of warm water. Iurrrh,g. ItON'T F'OKGET THE PLAY ENTITLED "Always in Trouble" -iN- SALTFORD HALL\ -ON- Rim., Dec. 17th, at 8 p.m. •--W Iktulep 'kMmg Pvgie•."- 'kiwi (lancing, Singing• etr. bl school Children. ADMISSION 25c and 1 Our Store Is Literaily:----Overflowing With Dainty Gift Suggestions We have suitable useful gifts for practically every member of the family_ as wellas for alt. your uaintances.__. The store is crowded with delightful merchandise at the new low prices.• _ YOU ARE AS WELCOME TO LOOK AS TO BUY. - WE INVITE THE FULLEST INSPECTION - P hone Toilet Ware A tribute to lsysliasis. Distinctive. Combings the lustrous beauty of pearl with the rich trianosnt beauty of amber. Nail Files, Cuticle Knives, Scisson, Brush- es, Combs, Clocks, KIT. rors, Flinn Horns, Half. Bonnet Brushes. - Comb and Brush sad Mirror Sets. Victor ItatuttoutizattztatiaatuuttuatattaSttkuututilLa GIFT TOILETRIES From the famous Perfumes of Paris and New Yogic is .Bttractiye gift packages. They say Merry Christmas in prettiest fashion-. - Ashes of Roam Perfume 11.01 Ashes of Roses Fate Pow- der S111.. 1.25 of Room Compact .11 25 Waterman's Fountain Pens and Pencils IN NEW COLORS AND DESIGNS, EAOH ONE WITH A NIS TO SUIT THE USER'S WRIT Pd. ONE FOR EVERY PURSE AND PREFERENCE PENS $2.75 UP. PENS AND PENCILS $3.75 UP. Radio Noted for elegant, of Per fume. Perfume ' 11.011 Perfume 11.75 New exquisite odor at seek and 818.10 -Hit-Priem .... 81.10 to 116.00 and Combinations Play the New VICTOR Transcriptions The new long-playing Records play one-half hour to two sides of one Record. The new Combinations also play the regular standard Records. VICTOR CHRISTMAS RECORDS In fancy boxes Stationery Chocolates NEILSON'S, MOiR'S, PATTERSON'S 50c, $3.00 noto$.0o 1 DUBARRY twee Powder 12 Rath Salta 1l Small Set See Small Set . 11.eS ihtsting Powder 12.10 Cewapaete 11.11 sp .1114,4 COMPACTS ('omparts of puny kinds from 7k to NAM ALMON TOILETRIES -In Delime Package -- Face Pew•dee 75r ('ream 75e ('reale 11.10 Fancy feta 35e to 13.01 YARDLEY'S Fate Powder r e1e Rath Salle Ne Rath Salts 11.01 Compacts 11.M1 Complete lines of Gift Sets for ladles and Men HUDNUT S GAY PAREE Fare Powder Fate ('rearm Sets from Compacts 71e, $1.01 fg fg fg fg fg fg fg fg m sof to 15.01 11.00 up E'e JERGEN'S 6� Perfumes 25e up Ladles' Pieta . .81.10 to $1.51h M,n's Sets 81.01 .a Kodaks and Browses DE VILBER'S -IN COLORS-' • NEW LOW PRICES IN COMPAD 0 BAS -$1.00 to $27.50 - KODAK ALBUM $1.00 up EVEREADY FLASHLIGHTS Eveready Guaranteed Lights $1.25 Eveready Guaranteed Lights $1.45 Eveready Guaranteed Lights , . $2.00 Eveready Guaranteed Spot Light $3.00 Leather Goods Ladies' Hand Bags, $1.95, $2.95 147 Others at $1.00 up. Perfume Atomirer.75e to 15.00 Toilet Water. 11.01 ST. DENNIS Rath Salts In fancy paekage gio 4RTIVIZVVIZTIVIZRIZTIVIIVIMIZTITMIRTI 47171`,11 ft ti PHON E� CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE P,ifF90 Safety Razors GILLETTE _ $1 00 AU 10 STROP - $1.00 ALL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Mouth Organs, Victrolaa, Radios. Ukeleles, Violists, Banjos, Guitars, ALL MUSICAL SUPPLIES etgretetvcwtesc etc + etcea a tocctctc+etaa titstarocterecw .mss-�„-,,....>.....:.,..>n.w<....�r�►.�.,.,.c_.r r.. _. •