HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1931-12-10, Page 1A sp , MU NAMER I r To in ( ,w+I . 1 NU. 49 1t- aP _ 1 /I!dkiRFer MWIN - GO : t. , .. .. ti 1 1 ' . t 1. J •', 116 I 11 =-' Le _.."fol 1 - 1 ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1931 aflis f MAS SHOPPING NUMBER PAGES 9 1 6 10 "M W"may TllL' SIGNAL. PUINTIN(i CO„ LIMPIWD, Pubnsher Q ore avzng Just I _ - -! _ : _ - — . z.►_._ ._ I • Thr ruuuat merUug of Knox ,•bunch -'-". I . + " , . O t "1 c " ; • ` OWE SAyS Wufl i iV M 8. auxiliary will be belol 00 Tues - N J .. 1i n News e- T ' day, lh.emlwr 16, at $AID pm. •The I p 1 . I ` 'h Meson in ` i carious reit repo r aro is meeting. to I ,; Ap _LQQ . ­ a ., a., w C7l.►7 -"r •R"y peeneat their reports at this meeting. `_ , Agin MOwM Deportment Rev. G. T. Wates will couduct the; IUECBMBER MEATH= cervices la North street lilted church ' The temperatures, of the past week. ' . to 00 slow uu Sunday next- 8abjsets: 11 'Lin.. j(ss rmurded by the ottleiat weather oto •Hearlag sad Dtrlitg;" T p.m., "Believ- jserver, J. E. MiAlkh, were as followa: ThP county council concluded the lag and fleeing." If 1931 Iwo "Soviet Rulmta" will be the subject Max. Min. Max, Min. Deneasber sitting os Thursday erasing for dlst'usslun la the I[ea's Clair of Friday, 1A-:. 4 .... 43 8J 27 18 wit► a presentation to Warden Rest North effect 3- In d ehMail next tion- Saturday, Dec. 3 ..34 18 38 27 tie. The council's gift to the astir day at 10 a.m. William Sutherland Sunday, Dec. ff ....38 71 3r 36 inn "Wardea, a gold -beaded cane, was .tiff tgttoduce the subject, Mewetay, Iliac:. T ....Sb = 39 351 JarsaMted by Reeve Geiger, sod Reeve - iii the union meeting of the young Ttitesda7, Dec. 8 ..n 18 43 34 Psopie's sexletles of North and Vte• jY. nesday, Dec. 9 87 22 43 3t-} Md{bbuet read a address express- Thaesday. Dec. 10 *V - 42 W { torts street rhaTChPR, to be trrW mI Ag its RWhesc*unLl's cordal eenHmeata I Monday evening in the North street.. - ]If ,: secbes were made by other church, the annual election of officers U. b. I' BAAKZTBAL' irrit{raag, snit the proceedings were I will be held. Agood attendance is The standing in the junior boys' basketball teams after six mes have apadlsAaQ with "AWG Lag Syne" an4 I6op,jd for.. be,eu played, is as follows:A ,r, e,jd Rare On WedntesdayKan answer to Reeve 8t. Geo )ram Won Loot Points tag.•' George'* church was repreeente d at a laymen banquet for the Dwnery J. Jultnrto4 d 0 11 Goldthorpe', question of the previous of Huron held In the hall of 8t. Paul's W. Sutherland ........4 Y 11 day was offered by Sheriff Middleton, Anglican church, (,)intoes, on Tuesday R. bran ............2 4 4 Who stated that the cause of the delay evening• The speaker of the evening P. lifsset .•. .• ... Canon Wallace of London. •.2 - f __. 4 • the second day of the atclerU,• , 1XWa"-t4dhztomk,,RErrington ..........i Z. - 2 . trJai :was firs tJJpees of lbsChairman of fire f' A inure between tete stator and 'Grown prosecutor. y:7aasSfdeA. +%*-winning junior teft-featbld In a ML J. M. Govenlor•k, inspector of Services at Victoria atrm ratted victory for the seniors. The players' the house of refuge, addressed the church next Sunday will he conducted wars as follows • Healon -John Mc- o/uneil and explained several matters by the pastor, Rev. F. W. Craik. Ser -(Lean, Bill Barrow, Victor Elliott Pat iD iYl SEND f+IYB MOIilti yhtu Originator of Goderieh's Farned t furth(tr quota of live men la; to from (club of Octogenarian SO Goderieb for Government work M i In Northern Ontario, and ten ten each Citizens from C1lntoe, Saafortb, Wingham, Mlt- ehell and Rome other towns Sa Wee)- ,. . 'Ilia' People of Goderk•h learned era Outsrlo have been called for, ., w•ltb siucrre sorrow of the death of I c" THOYAB CAItLYLE'B SECRB'TARV Mr. G. W. "Dick" Black, which oc• Mr. James MacVicar received word " corned Thursday evening last after an last week of the death of his brother )))sena of three weeks. It was knows - In -law, Alexander Carlyle, M.A., at Ed- that air. Jilack was very aterloudy tit, 1Dbtlt'gh, Scotland. Although a ttndu- .*r but there was stilt a lingering hops, she of flys Gnlretrtty of Toronto, Mr. rifle spent that he might be able to rally from We nearly all his life in Scotland, where he was secretary to his ' "" heart ft,"ark that hart sent frim to by . ••• ,"•-.,, _ t • uncle, ')human Carlyle, the Philoso- nasi. 'Never a robust man, he bad pher And historlan. He married Mise Lillian MtcVicar In JOW in Goderlch, overtaxed A t f setting t►I, the abate "all little cannon la tit. Patrick's 'where gee had come to visit her Park, lu,t upPuslte bis home, which a» father, the late Adam MaeVicav, during his last Illusion. .trees n In the aa•,umpauyiag picture, After their marriage they returned to Edinburgh. Its. Car I A CORNER OF IST, PATRICK.N I PARK, where We !'righty-Year•Old It w•aa the last 4 a lung series a[ . _.. . I "elf imposed tasks {a the line ly* tNPd'three yenra ego. - Club hold's Its annual gathering (In. of efvle improvement mad for the ban" ug I BADARlrtrgpl dlYD >RitiDQ CLUB set) M;, "DI(*"_Rlaek, naot of thc, i Club tilt- eighty-year-old ""kens whom' hr had Goo--Ad•..tl -offs 4o basso as r,. --, .___.c..: ricave . _ - . tAken under bis special (:nurse WtAlark bEatgt portablt ta jtry badminton a game _ The above wtrr ty-six reara thin M tneeom re Is -w" a apctioa 1140 at Brantford Otlla• - epokeehon with that Institution enter' man dempcts: 11 p.m ,,The Ministry Page, Ian MacKa Juniors- PhU. Car- lag t creas of St. Yatrick'a fyrlr, with the Iltt}a Ot Rcdem y y pp q ingtT Popular 1 Wit canna to Goilrrkb with h!s par- i - 74e spoke comiirraeFFngly art the eater- Man, Nt prion;" 7 p.m., Thr 1'I.rlRht err. Ralph Shaw, Audrey Smith, e;UR. PJiRW,NAL MENTION I ►n (lbtarlo. A` meeting was held at thio I cahuoa of 1812" sod the abaft erected eats, the late Mr.' sad ijts. G. (•. talhmentc gi,cu from time to time to eyrhen'--the 0rnt in a series _ __ _ Carey o0kra on Monday ( IBIwk, when as lulant silt had I(vr 1 Worthy, Ernest Crawford. -- } y afternoun,to , 4y Mr. Black, whose Picture IN inset the Home by orgualzations from gar- of Sunday evening studies In Christ- _moi_ t a a°lae-a club, arid Ihe- h"1* attend-) rW - LlperUgion oa - tile_ - - rya. here ever since. He was A Painter IOUs parts of the county. Those, be ian c .'-Sunday ac•hool at 3 p.m. i IPRI7.4Wirrxmc Ptyi'I, R)" Mrs J. H. Taylor liar re•turued lion Race, about forty, was ladicstice of ; honor' Qf• the int h decwraEee .11 If vleii io iT`ntiSlallns, of Toronto, >s I ilte-iderpreod lntet+•et taken in the g ry 7ea Td eefly • tb for some , aetld, were n source of great enjoy-' ►ierrlcele In the Baptist church Hent j air. Thor. Bowler sent six of ilia Ti"' Of till caatloa .Ir "leas tlntr au employpeotthe Goderh•h organ ' I M__ meat to the Wrnt•1as. `funday will be conducted by the pas +but[ U in MSss new orgaui:offers, :1a badminton lad to '!'be 81gaa1 At 011ows: It war tot last-sittaea ywtta had .moi rP [tons to the Gu winter making a brief visit !n town. i IWJ4 it hold the Mr. Ira Mrcl,eod, of Clinton, agrl- for. Rev. W. T. Bunt. Grrallgl service I fair and second tot cock bird stxon d far Coapt. ' RUbineou la humr atter "eve ou pTJ' t Gy aa, o Ist1it gR decided to fare was brou=bttlherNat met wall war- f lwrltlar of deputy poatuaRter cultural representatfve f.r the e°aaty, at li a.as,; subject, "Thr t'achauging i given of Goderk•h. Always tatetea,rd In also addressed the council on Wednes- (lrrlM." At the evening service, at Ihen mud third for cockerel, There f Irving UP his boat for the winter. jbridge,'aad the new club 1a to he cblled IJY the Government of Canada to our elvJtt affxfr"' ire dereloPn of ryrr u •'-I day and pee much Information with 7 o'rla•k. 11 r. )tont will Bice the second a large oIa" of buff' Grill Stoma at the M*. and Sp t YiMhell Ielif'tRa t:MPrlrh Radmintou and Bridge I Upon the request of Rome lead. years an interest in the early hbMor; town 4 repard to the work of his once. ' sermon In the series on •Rhe -Lorkl's fair and Mr. Bowler considers that he last week to Spend the winter at Sar. j Club. Ottker, were rte•t,,d : E. C. Rpa• I dtisPn-. Tt ramp from ['ort Franteb I of the town and his hon►r on tic, pat_ • 't 1sT. H. T. Edwards, inspector fur , ('••minx," and leis subject will be ,Tho Idid very well indeed to take four snots. Florida. coni, ptwrtdeht ; MiAx R. Hunter, vier , (now the city of Kingston/, whither,111 rick's street cont8lus much mate , tW Children's Aid fifseye g I president; H. C. Williams. secretary- sort b the British (iovrrn: ( , b. also ad. i RIRux of the Times'.'" I prises, where hrretlers with morn Misr 1Vaahingtun W risitin at the Y• I It lord larn y {'AI historical huh•rest. In I92y l e = --,-I The mAhthly.meeting of tbl=.ithurIlarger shows lame of her brother: ]Er. N. F. 11'asic- treasurer. IiAgms I,Nvr noes obtained meat far ass Jtt••tt►e west Of 18IZ,.la sponsored all or .hien hn Circle of Kbnc c•Invch will f - -iPQk tm1J-qua or two gtvA, K.C., liamUtun. on two floors lu the Fleming blank, ! ve'hk•11 Cattalo was aAgQd was naUai-whlr fame, the Oat, ba,, •' .. Provincial Oflloer Whiteside was pres- I i`held and In otic cart none -ate en. rat sad gave the council loforautlou MonAAy rrpi,inx. 1MrnIDIrP* 14, at lPrs ISsltte 11stlFrt way altaost Ice c ) elRob the la., g* w tbf-AtrY'et:--'ilrfse are being filed I tc"tis-yettx"betwera. amen Club. Af Godrrlch. 1l+e fi, 1 S• t[rs. Ilene Rubinson hms one with regard to constable.' accounts a P.M.- hr the le•fure• room. Mrs. W, F. as a G. ('. unci Waterloo it) ith') Up, &fill it to A' f and 1Cg4 wif new Klock -b °fCextt,rtrh'R e7tlaena 4 _ F 1. Rr,uhtate." It aces hstC3!! petted that everything ser or addl• e,W. , sad rxplafued the ulethod% of prose- I Saunders will preside. Two Iettern at the (olleeiate in, an in••rrbstor, her daughter, Sirs. Hilliard. - 1 it be In readlnPRa for opening next I tioual torts were bnJlt at t► yetrA or ^err uses- APIh in )St- Will be read from Formnra anti 311sit' which air. Hili. teacher in axriculhirv, Mnr. C. Nw'auson has gone to W OFC-. PrOntenac, riaek'A Park In t darn lu t•y are claxxrs of Gtsra catty i ( I and this little old cannon was stored Au s i92 -t. fiif Wsike lfe, where she pill spend tint — --_ I there for that r •• Af ttmP Rt ar he lnterostt creatM -- which they are r•alkrt upon to deal. . '2iafst ottt sins n sAtev. ThP pipe- I was nx1r+R for deratoo tJae r r great wAR- t ' " 1 An expression of aymprthy with, tion Of a}ilrpix far lil ^_ will ix held I Witt, ernch a .tart in life, it wr.a Wrfth her relatives there._-_-- - .__..'I"UM L Ar nv, the engineer 1 n annual affair. BOARD _ e 0L srrlulest who het•taP a nnd't► is Lrputy Reeve McAicr of Goderieb and i and at the close of the meeting a .4k-lal natural that it should try to live file Mm W t Mr•De b' Mrs' Jas' Wil`} The )built Ede'fort% mkde ♦ n. L Mr. Block's a- W is Deputy Seeve Ritchie of Ashfield, InIhour will be spent. Olrhltt rtrhoOl I+oanl met not - __ spilt_ hO i,aAr1 i to fix rrputattoa of t:ateric. (bi) #oUglas iVllson motor" Tetep"y evehing for the r I called a thin In hi. 1 me ah the reNtntlon ,of an laaaktl lbrrr inability to attend the council ( Tice tetttitar month newt) m,- up ow TurVato alk made n brle e•gnlnr month Paye, Yor when the 17 erg of the ate Inxtitate la' turning out 1S taeetlnR. Tl,e member. preaenl l4nlhfltlllx 1vt• rOrnpltltaT aud-fMe esti: M fres that has added much to the h lberr sin with r o a for the s I F%u he Bible Ptlset visit It town, me • D 7 P3Ns o; Victoria street wt- arts. Aon plike•d In position the rxlprfrh and has iv t D wane W,,_ WallaC@ (til the chair!. )f. Dat 7 were )blind given morn pl reerovety, was adopted. f'nitPd chamh avu held nn Tue•da1.1 - " _ - .,Mr'°tea E Merkin gttd Dopar _SUID- j$ a Ier. J. •Cott, M. Blackstone ttgQit* be tarfak 1hr wrnnz a.ty. After the etre to the elderly SIt ns of the t can A resolution, morts0 by Reeves MN evening, At the home of Mrs, JOaeph Yo -W TIrulm a°d Delmer, of Montreal, warn) / derlch Mr. RlarT also Rpn0 rnch yaar w J J. F. Thotaton. Only routine bnolneRs rtttaep , Rot the c0nnoa' K/lrlrua and Headersun, was adopted Fisher. After the hainfnPAA of the I The Itu it, this week with Rer. F. W. and I hrtP the, Artpn-'Tint tarotherlt ha(Y service in fit. 1'a e r . regidAr lit the 1 `omrn's wiR tnpraettd: it was the last mart-' +arm t" fx• any II Park. !from limp Mr•-•...14,1.'Ri r had bteen df institute wasn.1.10 It a[r . Craik. air. Prterkin in a hrothttr tin; of the board this aatlrpntfc Iufnrpuulnn nA to Wbnt Ik'- Ire ,.-I,-$% 'loo iaent to the foci ja GTA1k'croij u iPA titP riPetlon o, i5ecetAh¢r !Stalk t ,. Tar. and the to time hr made 1Mfi- ° • ? Y -V - ramp lit it lv time. i{ I pn,veme.nta inthe little1t expended a coaeldenble ram care for the romt + 13x11, tW,tIU Wild 1L has retsr TIt+I/'1111tltS# sift tittlPt i1P ,Jan• •lean park. and.- nher howP r. as Alre•Adpg Tear. Those ehrtefl I with lire preRidetiR(ret, in i'nigp - _ rAs Mr. McKay, will, °fated, • (t was h, stifling over the amount of $44,(M as the were: Pte++fApnt. Map T,. Weathrark; the chair. 1 ( ite, where he nntiPrveht a opera usM -- - _a f_ ____ I kept if kfote,t a Ili further .tcreat county's Hare oa Provincial bl vief rpRlAent, ]Ifra Z}Arwl j a r 'ted fins lit tAe Ceneral hospital. flip Mr@ at lbe - Al Your are F. at ttM -'TO 1119 risk lot at"' himself a f he highways, D npc=ry from famii In 8aakatehewan t ° R. Iftluar.• John (`tett, jL. 74 YsranaR Mt and Waterton I and 4)ougbt on blA contrary to the •greeoebt `that the Ma•, F. Wilson ; p j tnat p ftfeArls anus Pleased CA learn that I and W. F. )ret". RtMPtn, ROf hA d it and final illness, - d. wr, alk J. pe and i lief Clothing Of had been sent. his condMon lq satisfeeto And ho to P^nrpadrrt + county should not be obl{gatee! In any I Mutrh : pianist, litres, Jr.F. W Craik to and oa' hearing of another case of , The report far Viet soh make a landmark lit ft. He part)- I Mr. JIIAck la snr lvtid b7 his wife Fear to larger extent than one mill IReerptary. Mra. R. Wilson. A daistv'special nerd a hale was parkerl and that ite will Ronn be ata w as ever. A tofAT Pnrnimpnt ot'Ifid /w'ttrP (formerly Miss Fanny Ball d by and two Sfrs. Waiter J. MArTlcyrald and son rW4 -round in an lip. , 7 us the tdetlar u( raunty asrersmeht. lunch WAR nrrred h the hnateRx as splendid her Anil an average atfendnnee of - , aORe stlekinR ;brothers, 7 Rent At once. .4 paper on Ronald. who her.• been v1 -it I ►arnftfan, with Its Wallace of ]h•troit and .: Deputy Reece Ritchie was present a nrlal hent wan prrjno•rl. "1'lle fag at the =-we 13 iownwnrvI in Gains ion hr a1eA herr- • [Tarry of Montreal, on Thursday fur the first time during ----- 4Dltit Of Chr{AtmA°" .lies tied Omt, uiIira.1peafmalA'R lifiren r'WTper pent. Penne Rank Ae- t1'he [uoeral At•n'Ice, which texrk-- by Mies Y. F,, Aalkeld And several+aril S(rs. J. Ji Ha7pN. Ir }t 1Vednlor. ir ill {40. Paprrit which Areronslderrd nee tin, torsion and wan welcomed by th•t I DR. HOOP FR (.ORl4 TO AB , to have I.,.o of hiRtorinn, f at . llesrge's cl+aM!• an Su w Y11ET1TiIA eact er Ar Christman ready were given afternoon tO loin her hnshand, Capta8l° Af Central schnnl the nnmi Pr of hat w•hrn flip if mpnrtsnee. narn, was ntteocted °may aftar- tAemb rR Toronto Papers sapeK the dt•partnte h+ Mrs. G Ifathlpnon. TnsteaA of the I W. J. XncrMnnld, at HAllfaz, v. R. 1 VIRV(ln On flit, roll in 'CacPmis r was i tl0.pld cannon WAR ring by a very {nrgr ---'_ Mr. er. 1nD, cornborur IpRpe,tot, d Dt. 1& Irtalpb $Orrper of that city °R+cal Rift PrehanRe at this. 224: Areragr ntfrnrinnrp. 2M,1. nr M. nn1 lit the Rrntwo a frw• crnrs•gRo the, OnZiitac. 'Cine town CaUap*wag pres- iciCPting, I('Apt. MaeDonald is in core gave as tot ills work last year for tyle mission field In Abritudals, ; a collection wait taken. the money to Fie i_ fir ire of slip jlrl'r iYMt. T •nor P.,nk .l t'Oix'ra wore found to t Rpollry} nnA ,Cut In balp. The rector. Rev. J. N. I, attA, atatsd fila IhP tFspRer from fir, Dr. )irxrper !a a former teacher on the °cad in purchasing stockings avitl_mi Rtin ten lel n!flit torok".R to the rt swill for ; their enntentR ill ihle. Tater a i.e. i j EI• Ii[Ii , S* tf R themonth wore tt7n 11n -. !dlitsMTt had passed. •tuff of fierderich CoUegtate Institute to go to the hair. After the RlaglaR ryaartPra at sad - "f nit made to the cnunll to Al. M lesson. 7'Ap _` ' V Patterson also ad• And lils wlf fit a t;odPr4•h Will, form• i of the National Anthem. lunch _ i , A. 4\],yl "Al. W. Flt- '1f; R law the Pannnn to br moved to rnmetery, conducted e tile Ae Pr Canon Ir111 n+nd the 1 0 alt- w _ -_._- _ 'park a/ fife FlRhtr-1 a Ar -(lid Cln. P. i NA In AI ir' Maitland T drelrad the r king particti. achy Suss 3ltltnle Strachan. After lase• i Rprcevt bio Mrs \fnrrar and her anoint. • McMILLANM.p„ REREAVFD Tl"' „r'rr""I meeting of the Woutun'a a pallbearers being )achy Ot the to in tarrtltt tis OoAprMft he graduated from mpdi, i Ants. 1 , ,(Ucilldrr of $t. George's church was I reqnrQt wan_ granted. ;,nal More it new T. Gundry, IT. J. A. 1 - JtDA I,' nal school Anel A The Grath of William McSlUlan, cl M 1 ow road at IJPr praetl-lnR In Tor. — --- - - _ 1 fish surviving Ron of Thomas SlcMII. pfn•Id Otr TnerttlAp, Ikrt•mla•r Nth. The; r -i !s. - 14 w rMt titNh lap OtitN eoantreN- onto far .-romp eats hp. went to fRanth + WINTER 1A9FE'f' AN FT'RN ion -era c9txtt$ for 7932 arc' as follows: j w m eRp. P, J. sols Robertson ,j ` e IM earrings. R, tlNcksfon 11 and I f America and the West Indies as a mfs. 1 The s i No t illi, M P • Occurred w•k!r rragle sod WILLIS ELECTED - 1 II - Trout a stfsitte AffPpdiag I" trAmP*R 1T ahrnndah slid No ` IrrPsi Tiet; Bre, YiOs'; float vice- res(• I rib d8aaras at ills noir. lu Hullrtt low'. I v P - Tlu, W, it ,not ,•eA=Hmyor oft*ionarr. Latterly be hast been eD-Itun arrived on Friday, broth with ' deal irlMlas M. A. liorritt: wYroml vlce• MAYO$ OF WIN(3HAMI un,rnt overr Tfr. au -. rn. W axle" ttalejtrehfa i. r toe fe ;gARtd in PWngPllatle work le Axe cargoes for the DndPr thtp leaf Week. Mr. McMillan retlrPn t idt Elesatot 111 Thursday night a Wei' ent. MiAR (, hark • secretar Riark of f)Ptrnit. ➢ir. n id firs. Jack CeAt 1! ov/bAal leg) regardltts rathtrl.; H1 has A daughter, H*1411 -t- Tke former has K apparently in ilia usual 7. -- II('ItaQman_Ot WrxMstetrt, Mr. slid Mfw . gN. 114, he. b lle(l un Friday morning his father )Lind F' !fafte7; trprafirer, Mrs. G, W, Ili flit- o„Ntic{l+,tl-,.(t4-flaus rt i-` rticuiarT r misnirmlt in and a noes at the lYoltuali:. Bs eorhmJttee Mrd. tion _ • 18► y eguljltiotl h barJq and 34,f10(1 bushels Oats, And the celled him and receiving no re 7utiftsls with fl ItnJs tOtlkl T'nivPrRltl of TOroafA. Mrs. Ifisoper to Northton bar ll;f,i(l0 hitAhrls w K °a Ker, Slrs. Bllllh, Sirs. Hartwell; - - • Stick CovIIR of Detroit (Mrs Chapman R Investigated nrN] found him dead in ` #AArt-.}tw lNjtrR AAn(thtrrA pf .-. r _ peeaeat. brat. * let xrr rt tnNe s. al n.. Hartwell. ILra. slisiu ur of -thi Tvsi U f0T Yltet bir. WJtffwr NWic 7. tllltal __ tl Tomato far 1N rt W -4l freighter .cess,k lrlx tNd. 1)eceaised was in his thirty- years, was defeated b 1V, J! Htarki. Mr. and Mes, z_. _ o. >)Ar{ptad • tlstl 1p- __L__ syn :ialkRtoral iMI y I Frhnk Rrowh of KAlmm ftAn. Sylph.. a :$i Yr: OOI ROiYLMH ON TRE M i«s + ►-ice+. •rsd.,wrar y..,.k MCatr to na°Ual non• N'lllb by a ionic Ot ul:r to 1111 air. SfrA. [t Dtll of Three River., Mich.. F%OthuslaatR of the nvWpin game brat daR TseRrtsy with tl(fde6tman who wIN err gteAllJ inlsetab trot; ' S".," ' .=":lues. Wffl to i F t touch • an f r b ilia fall 2 - r'rtrwfvrst t rtlbstiftrim.`- Ifi tltr of AUIRod a 3 art w,o Charles to bei4rstA to the P vinedAJ Gov- R group of eight teams sed The flax and cer..ltui by the whole rR agA" irtrt` rieet<vl ter )ar. ane7­30W yni And 748,(100 buAfte•Is wheat. priumeat. \' k Is batt of iiia wheat were ueighborhoxi. He la xurvived h him i WWI and Silas Ili A. Ilnrritt. Mn Felin in a thrr-r ( nqh Flnallah•r of Proposed to arrange a schedule discharged at the elevator and the ' father and one slater, Sinn Margaret 11Pl ill- will Attend the-•• , I,oudan,. .r 7 urUererl rsrutor the, A bylaw was'pyued co rml and Commeney 1 remainder will txe held In storage. 14 S1i11an, his m0[jrer and a brother earal Mrs. V p f flnR time the latter for elected. inose the heatlttfnt tiniest rntylPms erg a bj- Dal' ■t an early date, rr-ldrnt at the Drench, ural Mrs. Var. j Cuuhclllors elected fur Wia ham are of r law of (441-11; Th teams as w !at arranged are an There Are now twelve frP(ghterR laid i havingrk+ nes A dtorPMn life member. Garnet g tRl>n'I hind almpathv ,sere offr•rfnr- t 4e tiuwgahj), of Gtrdetic6 to j prMet•e•Aeeti him. The funeral Baker, !'`red Davidson, Cbarles i from the town ennnrll. the AerriPrlrh Clone a fttgAj al mttee Aad for , I ' (the fitxt named In each team UP here, and there is At, this 1nerthas Mrs. 0. I.. lllurd possibility of Ion Sunday was nary largely Attendeed, was made A dl 7 i Wifklnrott,' Jpnn•s Glimour, H 8. M. f1rRRn ('o., the •Arrtlnrlrh MaritM C'(ah, close ,'prta111c TI d allowance And I+Pitli the skip) : one or two more, thodgh nearly sit J A nnmfx r .err prrAe•nt from tills itis ercesan llfp memlwr- the Mutt, J. W. Hausa, I the InrAlI ,coater the atMae b Jnhn MWhotfand Tata Deo. 1 Fred Ha1ht, 1V. Doak, the Take vessels Are already In theft (tract. 1nr1tx11nYC. a. Robertson, SLP.P., for reauNnK the serrHr. _Tlte pees(. Other Eleetipr ' larnfa0}rn stall. and in Grails T. McDPisutt C. A. Ite(d, Il WrHn, winter quarters. Thp basis of the win• It r. and airs. W. t.. Voting 'dent. Sirs. Stills, !Hoed ret the s fi ahfr ATdClPi1K Ua hrtm filo old a t on the *^port of the nR and Frank P gold I Ald. Win. Y. Donaldson, who 1CP pension hos J• S 4nw. ter tient sae: Home smith, J. Fntet ]souse of I I Pin of mrmlwrrbl ,and lire. Mfl{rr the v L. a vote, seers .dyes), W. T, Riddell and sl(Tr/maulc poli at fres `dPr. i tib t flinch e called for on a rlattW recommPaddng T No, 2 --Albert Taylor,.- Jaa 77tylar, Raytoa, Co1ltnRwoal, Haitarty, Jp, tIoWA(t-lit Anhurn. \Asan NIiI I Prerapted SfrR, BttRdy with thgs,fnmed l the sou -las -lata of Writ. A. NtoakeW i( w'n•'ihe• M ei1nR Ot the cMPfuneral servtcP , L-1 .the reduction Ot lbs mpe Of egaiaiL RPf '' ±lawra, M. Crncorn&, Ia, liana, Wahrancfeh, Northten, Anna C. Minch, nrxl Hugh Hill. certificate,' A bOitnfltul slipper I fl r 1 r rOrrrr- "" ticatiblr for Ponilna`to Apft) yeetT a- Lc' susses MnntadOr, Valcartier, Martian, Easton. awl n of the efrnorrn,en - ma g 1ti- -- :_ A . he p(ratledit )ufifatri ny R' rrlrP lit InrPtfor the man a•hn had r Rlnc inti inial. rias ' The se was struck Opt , JOhnntOA, J. H. Tailor, W BOARD ON REAL 'TWO" iR t- fa a These trot Iglcpp an Ti! (:,wJerich will plRr intermediate g'!'ILLB AEr7.p;p much of his tb,•ncht fn thely- + "°ysiy unahlmons rote, , melt t ,+k• D. Croft, At the monthly meeting of the local hra'ker thin wfntcr in A Friday morning tart E. F lood E flxwl ass, ssmrn t11qq . Nip ('armhe and Pionlavre and. intol`ect •" ' • chAlt qt the rrrmmlffeP, Rrr.,w l(( r' Tt rn Na. 4--W. Ii1NAet, T,. T,. Knox, Wrard of health held on Moeda atter-O11P with Y, t• 111Alcolm ,mm 11,; nrtoriPn. • , y ftenfnrih. Clint(`iintan, SiltchPll slid Exrfrr. vise oltkrr u[ Toronto, located a still Ross R+egkett. t3eMft1("11 Old NiIR1R C Kll the VVerden v6t1nR f(!r Ta, • P. ftAnnder-, I, D. Edatttlan, R. C. noon, a report from the Provincial ITin• ar•hehitp was Arawn lip lit A mrrf- I O° the fano of MOSP••Flpe•)iler, l'Rborue Ialae sees tw9• TKW,l E`MTFD N. 4. fi rr.. A'k o' wax on a rMlMfon pity} A. lli. Anasti,. ., __ Health Ilepwrtmrnt ou a sample of 1nR hrlr] at .1101 -hell ^n lip fit township. lite tftllrs from HenwrlL i td 1nW0f C(C.ifranttOtd Thr annual meeting of tar YIIINia F-' RwssrR 11tJcNat,lr And Ga(gPt fAru No. R -T Prltchatd.- ! a .(.t y night Hechler was \t m *4txPd itNk00hient by y tCy wtllaEt alsrffird ft t 'A' good" I]IA049or D. SL O'Brien And i uUtias slid the atttt. laww.tnr flip %ft- 140.110") OISePra and. teachers of North asking rho do Highways B!' Jo{(nitten, W' HPltman, C. RottPttaon. d report dot Nove"*r 27th from the tioung reptemenfed the Goolerielihclub. `t`ti` ° " °LmalshAnd0lhe Adlflsex Growerm' onld *trim Uniteil church wax it . -Ill on Wel- k'• istrtmpA' to dA nO more paving tit tit C. Walker, !r. e)riR. Provincial Department on milk anti, At flit- ranclusion of file -rbedtllp the a tta -fit" ;ick A i'le ne"ai"y PCPhtwtt, t)eetnheister, 1tPc tier, county until oircnmatAAcen mile I . • Psns No. ft -Dr. J. A. graham, i coram Ra gr t1 w I scores of Iwttlea of majority. A. mpleR from less) dairies was Ornf and -Pmnd frAmR lire to the pralurt. evan loadel ori a truck I _ fi Wn_M-• preWT-d" Ri<tFvRR trpm iia "Or 'Pd. Thi -..-uses enrolled on a tete i(Mnitd. W. ('. proaael, R. (0IA111hrr, KA follows: ploy off, i ami brnu brought ru e:alPrlch. Bechlrr a .T'' oux -_0i6officiT U_1 -IT) toe schoni e ( of 21 to T. a W. Tehbiu(t. G, M"thlenon. i KORIa to count and the leading team to g ¢ I 'LIONS RAhLY ratile )h A .,Qoalp sh R cmrd Ach Thr have the choler of linin RAMP. FPhru. Inc ared before i1nibitrate Reld and wait i (;otlerlcl, T,1on% hurl A field •rriRht . p-nia•rintPndent, tfr. C. II. tt»At•rtnip After Ramp disputation , e. H. G ld- i 'Team No. r, ' P. Martin, N. Yotlag, Bacteria Per 00 arr Rai And Pith wrrr Illed an the date fined I Frldnr, when A dlRtrlrt rnlip teas haul ttte 1;70/i Lr addition to one month Mesa n fU rt T,1r1nRRtnn, W. H. GoIA- F. McArthur, n. Tt. nbnn, O. Map: Count [flitter Fat n{ the play-off. 4 fa tail, or r(Rhf. nfenfhv In detAalt of I pOrtM that the elan►es were all pen- v Ing slid Harry F,Ilber, wan aprydtMo+) Fw". P. Carly. Gorl•Heh ilei payment lit tine. at file 1lydfon} hotel. r,lonR were porn ,cltipA with traPhera i. r. .W,(M 3.Ab FoilnwiaR Is 'the ItPhPAtl1P: rat from Port Colhorn^, Teondon, Rea. faithful In attcndaner 1^ndhaArOprnaM , ,y• fry( and Aarry F,ilMr, sura appnlatM TeAm IVa. A -C. ]Ite'Manue, P. RlrmPt. E• Johnston 4, ppi1,000 SA 1ld'. 2A _(!►intnn at RrAfnrtlt The -till fine. a , err large one, pIth i forth nnrl ftfrnttOrri, And fir r to fA nnRront smpnAn►pntR to the Mnntpi ! .1. 1'irken. K, Johnston. r . Mpakine, C. ]11ARet, .........; OM,000 /) 4 n capacity of 100 gallons A ales Slithering Ihoir work. ThP staan-PQ of flip -t hool pal APt !n nneMloa with the pro- i •t Ti. Lander. (J. ,RPttttlP J 2-_ -alltchWt at Exeter 7,"'1[r. I Included nevetAl district nAleers, Thr : Rrp In Pvrollnnt ahapp. snel flip aArnnhf .11.(1110,000 8.9 1 ..fan, ''1-ktpAforth of (lrxlprirh F' y mnteil' lie got On the trail!s•hied pooled rorbif4 of flint. Art, 1 The winners in the; nenfrh dnnhlon C. Mcknn°n .... 9/N),(AKi i1,0 of It lit NhitRarA F•IM. Aixt tallewing xPr'Aker of 11lp pretilnt was i,inr. rat -el annually far flip ial•st,nary And Reports of flip enrtimlftea wprp per -+nn Monday night at the Rnyni kowi- ClMara fair 4--ltnderleb at Mitchell .Jaa JlhPety Ot North IiAr, PontAlntrlM malnlMAtlrp fwnrl la Jj Jo/t %--FxMrr at !Tinton 'iP IhP via! gnFFkir located, the a1tP,nf wrl,v R11 in the raaAtad and adeptM. TiSnRP .111 ht )rut a11P7R wrrr F 11tlat acrd t. t„ flederlc6 hairy .... d7011.9ip 2L0 JS 1--p7rMpr lit fonforth flit i1lrRltt7yrnafncinrt, Ro► Yt'rrr apA eOmfilsdnner lit i.fOir- tavAmtpsM. •. . -. ihla, p , !. In !fir• flr-t en thnr of Roan. fltat; T. PritolXmff - .1ohLnton - - 1 SR. FleeMr K the we1J-known MY res• rethrn tional. t i1GiAat t4 MM1,(NN► 90.11 rrfon At a;,siPrfPh to n tills irrM•r. i tin. nMnnA. - a • . • ....... 7,1UD.r100 27. . - rF f the Militia Otttrffmx AxwwfA- ' ern __- I irpRall lir %..,f^ril, z r. s tit Appointed ti Thp RPAtpa (fat'ihter RAmea) : J. l9Mtflp . , ..... 11nn nP Tr,nmM Amt hilt '-preetlr ac .'i11CLf._/- yjn A► •, t- pry, im y 4• 1• 2(10 JR n. 12-iiMlerirh of F.rr}rr unralnR n brAlcon' moist, the rPRUH f Lr(or a la nhsfr and atoll at Mop. , HUnf-L. T.. Rnrrx .,......]iW1'(7. C. Ryan 7.000.Af19 2f{n flan h, thy• nV is proof that hP•d• , QQ Wm. a M,P_ dor n Urge aftpa(iAnpP At MAP T. TrltrhhrA-A. Itnrtfn 14.ttf C' )ttcl(annr .. Jen• 111-F.xMrr of Mia hell"rightR fall in her hemp M1P day Inst tt„e$.1F.11 200.(100_ 41.1', Jan. IIL-lfxeter at Mifatrpll )still -mi the jail" _ _ Apwattssnernut► o>I tills Fr1Asv Ptoning, i>trgtl C. R1. -Pt -a- .Mr t1ork ., .. ..1.vin in rpplo fn a • iPttrr fmm the town iAA ]A- aflMheNi Al f7rxlrrirh t las•nl c•ARr M a #1rAilnr n•h1rP was 1t'r lnnrn t- Thr AMllsond ii{i ,mit' /Nhpr aAU•et$ afM tea(ytKr ~ 11th. At A O'clock. to srMitten to C. MpSfAnM T. It TlprrnAtt .....1 t M council. .1notwRtlAR that xRtntdp• of hPtorr SE»aiRtrata 11NA ash f4stunlar. , Ra•orefl In Rip rn nrytatAhvl MIAs RAnP Aft, t' lltr Jetl. TAZ("lintan of F.rpfrr when 11arrP 1► #Ill•.1. Mri'Rnr^ an nelmlrehlo report 0*. tJh rpOakluR Mn 4_I%I n' W. flOAk- K. 1p. WeAr •.1 (milk ?ram R11 Rpllprs fee to+fPrl, arkt 7 Sirlflltl, pirnArrl guilty V T. that M Perry Tn '( MArtt Port ^f the ts, fhptp will rep spacial mnnfl•si W Neltihan--}. MrAr/hnr ..;....1281 II fist tin milk hplaw lip atrtpfly pas- Jae• 2T 1'larrr{rh of firitnrth j to oper f(ng R. will at ilia home. (las \IIwN In>i ar sunk In rho r•'[Rerirrrpnt, aM Jut• 22 -Mit At (linton I' 1 floAerfr•liI Mlmsrr r) r P1•etrn•At4 aleft /1wAr'fpttM, pt+r- Ts. JAhnNaA--il'. AAnnAprn ........ 121rt fnrc•prt, the secretary wag InMrnrtPA fn' Jsn. 21t. , j W.1dapa• at Inn wan Anpr1 tt:NKt Rnrl rr It cans a -faded to Pr t1M A1rsr,"On of Nr. Amir A. Wfitlamn--.1R, Rnaaet *10ter at (l.nderlrh I OIin T'WentiMb Iinrrha-P for fico nrP 11tH rPpty AAti.init the entlnpfl that milk i fan e23 month in Jail, with th • altPrn. f1t t Mkq, rh.r „f ^t 1hn IItf1P on" gone toMill In" R. ThrrP wilt irP nn sdwtln• F. Mutts -•r. 1'1• lunfmsn ... 11R2 Pr$'YM n aro lnbtyKed, ntlk AHA inn. farth Rf Mlfrhpil lit sls month- In llpu of the fbm ANIRht nnrl mafprlai f } w _ t M *nes forth at Fxpfot *Picone Of i1M still. Whkl Q ti••rmblrA. „ )snip snAlPnre R ,•fiver t'd104 will lrP lj-•H. ltAtYTlgew :.....1119 ereloap A>APO1R8 atlM i Andrly. .Tan. . ;w .: R. lac" rTOr pRl snA the 1lylaw in Pref ` I '1Jt- lAtOn of 11E11N,At rwpnPNl: Wall ' Npw n hna horn !n i t s.•ronNM azantt _ , I _ I ». Fab. - (]t8ltatf ! r .-. 11 ti c,. PIA :.'W-. ,....••'est"aalyrrr ...t•.e......,..,rR,.. ... ,. t fAtatr pPr A. E'JerM..• ^' •• !4=01, PttM I Or rely p` tANnR to-.; nttp w, wRaA 1 r(, `,r .•^. .--.-%I.Pft0-o-,,,aV„f,+.L-,•r.-., a-b>,....,.v. •.• ^ -- o; -i _,,..,... ..1. ,.r. .. ..-,.. mtaePipP. + Nr Yt• +ewe. w... a.,as a►ac ,etwvf w .+ aww a .w.,.. A -.+.-.w+w,.,,. -4 . ­ . - 1 .- -ft . ..... "'f 1.,,. ti. I 111111111111