HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1931-10-22, Page 8b-TbunidaY, October 22nd, 1931 Hallowe'en An the requiremeets for your party. Serviettes, Tally. Cud, Place Cards Pumpkins, Cats, Witches, Masks, and Faces Orange and black Crepe Paper t ' COLE'S BOOK AUBURN AUBURN, Oct. 21.-Aoperations uIth's eeap- orator bas commenced pe the wawa. but will run only at lim- ited capacity this season, as the de- mand for evaporated apples for export to German; and other European teem - Itrims Is very light this year. lirs. J. Ewing has :returned from a week's visit to relatives at Windsor. Mr•ltrtd-'.Ittt--Ai- IIoalte and Gaittar ' of AJ; wore la the village on *ass, dey-rilld--tltftitfied helium it•Tt - >< 11oaded With vt'setstt�e` genteel-here,--� New Jersey. et the Atte o! eighty. ` Anniversary services will be held fa lunge, - eight) Knox prewbyterian church here next tour loser. lie hes here tailirtgrapid-11 'Sunday. Rev. Kenneth McLean of ly the two. taw weeks. Winghare will he the speeker. It la related that the }:disou family 1 Knox United church held annlrer- came tru ovo of Scotia toe land-granttettoto nary services sncenefully on Sundae take posse/maul"l lost. Rev. J. C. Forster, of Leindes-Ito which United Empire 1.oyslfate were horn, preaehr"1 morning and evening to `$ntit`ted unei deu, the tatherr the laws of Canada. 1 ot Thomas', large bensgrega of the ,• Nova Scotia, , 3lcnit•r•rs of the Rlyth and T.oudr.- ' Alva, ttl►N4aa Tor 'Row home was eatah- t born hranehre of the Wooten'. Tn.tl- farming laud neer Bo inti were P111erMlnrd by the Auburn �itshod uu good branch ern llio tesriny atternnrtn. The11 1d un bike Httr. ttleudonutnonttt•' h 1 tt n nrtd t tatter cutilsl ut t THE SIGNAL Edison Once Lived in Canada Had Grant of Land Near Bayfield'I --Thomas A. Worked at Stratford �a AiUauu, et heat work t Tuuma@t lifetime VCos tumidlywrt atk arlMrr tumidly �r't a hirillmlr't•Iti� tfeissoslevtnarttte t 11:,�IL_ .-Iart--at-- - pro ram was riven he t c v s n wa• eery inMre•ting. At it• eortetnr-t prorett-tr`few later -to Jt'at'a }nnPb-waw.ommott,-drg.4bc \aloof u• a k Samuel F:db•ou (Thorium titii+wn • ladle.. - tether( kept hotel et Vienna, and took :4414,., W tlladantu tnilous- Old Gentleman (bewildered at as �._yer� �udonaLl. - of the mit elaborate' wedding) --ore Jot! �- _ ,wa l (loderich and rlv (Ws of t,lneoll Vieturbe' has been Ott' rwiK" N' lu x V gra•' t�e�rllfr wants/ .of Knox rhnT,• . - .. - --___ - ere a ea fain of !Haar• 1 -latterly . of -gaaLatnon yir. I was ellmin• pointed -nrganl•t of St. \ncirew'• gout.. tinder »the banner of I epineau Young Man -No, r Ont. !and William Lyon Maekenzle, ated in the seml•ftual..-AuuuV( Log. ehnri'h. North Rn, n •ut drove n Ti' .harp measures of snpltresrtion r. .tralu.t the Liberal nlivr•1 r sam»el F:disun, 1&S a fugitive. aerora t Lake lair to (Nin. and it was lu \filen, 'Mi.. that Thomas Alva Edi- swr•`•hrte4 \lizard of Mciao Furl:. modern ,' Na -TtOWN YOF GODERICH- -- Ell ODERICH- ,..-ter►- m faxes in arrears must be paid at once. Failure to do so will necessitate the issuing of a distress isc ng of the p thepaeioonrthe lisof t of Lands forods and ttels, or Sale forthe Taxes. of the property 1931 Taxes unpaid on December 15, 1931, will be dealt • • with in a similar manner.. • Make arrangrnteri Ymefit I lt0E J. H. Robeirtson, GODERICH, ONT.. SALE OF LANDS FOR ARREARS OF TAXES. or norm. t,E,„� •OTVE i iinst tba lilt fat Lt1A! t Ruble to be sold attain of tease l the Town of -t•pp ,call-ia published inan advertisement Ontario l0 6arette upon fQL Goderieb has bee* -tea in bein w�llret ) WANTtD,-BY MIDDLE-AGED WO- MAN, work by day V r oth r THOS. iee as housekeeper. Apply ELLIOTT, Warren street. g the 29th the n ar 12th and day of August and the 5th, 119th days of September, 1031. ` Copies of such list or advertisement ent I may be had upon application IIn defaulb4t payment of taxes and 1 coats as shown on said list, on or be- $ u November, 1431. at i fore the ;Sloth day f . the hour of 1.90 o'clock In teh aftternon, I shall at that time. at Ooderlch, Ontario, proceed to sell by petite unction the said lands to pay saeb arrears, together with the charges I thereon i Lr L. ICNOZ. Treamrer. Town of Trttasnrer's (idles Town of Ooderieb FOR SALE OR SENT LOOT OR FOUND �t►tiT.-ltWDDicia LIKUWN coe'KER SPANIEL, named "tiaudy." Tag number 72. Reward offered. ttKti. T. -14 1 riouthestreet, teL jQST•-A MACE_ _.AlW- W HITC L WATEJtMAN PENCIL. - the Square -dr In th✓i-itbie"Ma W. b a-• fer or F. E. Norbert. Finder please leave at THE AIONAL OFFICE. Re- ward. ' Visitors to Japer tonal Park, in the heart of the Can*dila i - --- S 1t.E--iIAND-PICY• orf APPLES k'Uit Rockies. stand cln•P the very art of creation: ta' thltr rrlr _resat. varieties: for sat, by bar• area, life once way toadied. Convulsion seized the land an Ueared ■. ? k - : wrrd to the-ekion.-- Out of the welter valise the glorious 71 fifer leers' i' ;: bora Itut fur that • NOTICE TO CREDITORS NUTR'E TO C1LEIl1TUItS. Notice is hereby glveu to all persona haclug any claim agaluat the totals of Stella• V. McClelland, late of the town of Gorlerlob in the, comity of Huron, who died on or about the 3rd day of October. A.D. 1931, to send Alibi. to the ttudersigued on or t>,•fore _: - �i .nd`dus of November, A.1►. hill as on and after that date the estate tt-ire- Mstt'ttmtbf :taoag tits-" entitled thereto, having regard only to the !Islam of -which they hare uoi ire, listed at 4krtericlt this lath day of Geuther, A.D. 1931. F. It. 1►A R ROW, G nd itch. Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor, Wesley 1y. Melonn.. K)L ABLE FOR SALE, I be sold T PICLAtSS coN-D1TION ; will it tele as we have nut room for it. 1'RAIGIE BROS. - E. r.. ------ Sigler Is 11pr.by: it�t►. tion for tt.nus:a+d• o six t -seer., ma wo Aboas. IigotSALE,:- iimasserodomoommoshosoroomesomoopood errr.of the iwaka tit TR'O _ ui 1tTitRt,'"e" wens shirting say ciaTsa aprf • b mountains. C.N.R. Photo. ( ►RTI{l►li]►Ll,a twelveestate «f Anent Mary 1►iirtt, farnbt framedY Hl I 'mum, N village a •�IIW■ m SRI Price right R. F. J+tITt•}{F:LT.. MR. i .rind U acme demheprroeV X31, two li le in •till tier in On T l t of Trarjr will meet �n i i• ice rrleh. lurmesterfd. r 2A, at 8 p m., if ...mad inventor's mother was a .and a ` mouday. evening• oetohe .ehted �ps li.•r in that vtlta$e• .and t I in the town ball,. .h.•, then all,,, Nancy Elliott. married Dental mirror• free with Pr. Weal''' Slimiest F.dt i 3 "in Tc•_c- �if.a iinpte tion th. re f among the parties entjsltd "Wtrutinte tooth nrneh :It :r+k at CNrnpfi('ll'+ Drug �.NVTJI'!�. `- �^ to the saneithaT r9titteRard(wlytotheAmount.. - Qt . . Tii4.tR(,rr. •:.. c,or" while the---aup*lsiF:dl•on..nrenals of fire Make Up -- - Thr annual err -King of the Uu1Utd t of whLhth - shall then ha •''' i'. t•t 1* fQ nm1 tris itt' 4 tinit $lID --}rte;.: t orth Huruuwill teaheld ' G 1ms rr 14 •Schwanz s Fine and-f�tt The monthly meeting tit the --Wo- ! us �L�rcuuwdl d,umtrer, \\'ingbam, os n tics.1„ttt•,F.nretllertta'hrro3teams' PATF.P GOPF.RICH this 15th 1 -Dung F^di•on pfterwerrie wMiced for Out of Jail nl.•u's {{rrepftal Aaxllyfry w fll Ire held h, �ftetltuon flit - - - +omen time • tit Stratford as a tele __ ver Hall -un ltaturt4t!,.(kt(rbeT�Thtir>NLrY, _ Urteber 29t iind ds7 at otwr`Xi. It' full attendance ja atni eaentirg erasions. at 2:115 Pa•. MAX �zraPr ttral►t• de4pate•ber,-;anA -even et --that}-- - `il rt or •r from Cull,orne :;i,r. at S (irincY. A rP-yl and lass -Fp- -- 1 qaJoni:-Yr. r�--- II TAX ODLLHCrat (» s r In V1- Lake 3 shoe 3 tS fl,t oLa_Csunila++ hutefE'1 Port t mouths and eleteu mutrth ldanima + the townhip of Colborne In the county disk' extra t of INom. widow, who died on the EFS Bulwell. t_,, ei }ll few mile. from e 0 PUBLIC NOTICE _ , mtrteraTiffed dh_.ur 1wTen`-' W111 -4T7 ,•f rlr•toM•r. A.P. 11X-1. as Os and after ____ _,that date the inventors of the said estate to IM proceed to make dI,tribu- � r put s levan The o � •- ,�- ehi ,(a. errriJ flags t'f 1•>• .l Rift a1i,,a, rt»ane. for the ExeenMrf herein. 1 lie Fa t' t ta,df t a, Solicitor. teen xetit�_,lrf ties -e vTcie(f+Y1 ,.� t t .0 ,• opportunity to dSs,una } tit of life township. p y,psta;e rates # Tuts is your /'1h Of the Inventiveness' -that mortal mf ! tve4lJnott.0 rt ••• , CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT t , •,f rint4t r- t0 a hnr-e so ED INirisl rJrer'ofater:"'ReRttttrr ftp 1++R('.. gehwattz tl:- He Re,tnri'r 1°'rlday. - '-7�iR lr,ry»-tot". .-1,f month tit ja vitt fey • itwi to the FRANK IOS Ontario street. wee lined Vie and costs, with feet se its ° p your wool,'" with your fellow- . it will Increase its subscription rate � farmer.. new rate taking et- life w �tw pri• w•as fused guilt. sett )1 r.1 Itc(r1T. C 11 New• low ptriM on Neilsnri s tansy ha• had. ah iure•ree•tlnit sequel. to Id a the Noyetula•r 1st. t31. J. IIF:XUF:It•UN.�(i� .1. RANK Y. CIBB$, C to s;,,rPm1N•r'&-•ti.! t e (t. r:. ANi+Y.R. Rea. 1 foody. Stratford. l'hone 1580. 33411. �i ,o: Sty 7i l nxP 7 fret twcz ane ti0t.. the alteTnatltr a went t•' erne 'rr in Marl+ny Ball to ire gi i raillned iii clic She tine. lar cnrafinil- shoot of yell. H1ii. nelRTiiwrf yromitti'- to tank - boys from the p , plc {Lie NOTICE. k while lie ons Toronto, under the an• ire. hof the . I a r r 1 A h gats co -loot, mime nn F uuct AI't r1ONE*Ri1NG h • 1 is tarts our A School fan (mm�it' away from hrttne. On otos t rfn .t;nurtltti of the •'s". ,THOMAS GUNLRY, D LEBICH. ._ -_ - they 11tr1 beth a than that. With the .Mr. Gordon TI Janie., of this meal } co -ma -retinal ..f nese - ,_ bran •1. of the f nnarlino- hdpk"tit �O tee of the Citizen+ CentennialeO rge I LIVE 1 TUCK A EER NERAL Isation and of the pNrblic g Telephone No. 119. . Lns been tran.ferreri to Strat• 1 town hall on lion -1 1 whom Mr. Gilbert Plant iitt town wa. I,raneh. ?Ir. Jame. lett on Wed- •will 1N• held in the t ` fur the Salina attended to anywhere and every a leading spirit. they collected utr cont annnht nmesntry to pay the Ane and nt tiny tr. take up his new do _i corn. 572.50 ti all. "and Iron item his+_# _ tte MOP J•o�1 1ltlwreted. Mr. Schwartz say. he hadiheld a moat altrtes.M1 rnmmage'sat le no Intention of 111 -treating the horse hast Friday and. d tic day Inthe Llatheri- day, RI sloe 2etth. nt t • effort made to give as ac � the dlyrwsl o( Farmerz'-ilTe-n�o ea discounted. moneythe .till in the hands Irf ibis aitwtlon•10.00,--1400 oar citimes DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER `whish AsWrol to the esu•• hot he think• If ermer c 1 ' is �eynr+rttd. iilit4i'RACTOB AND DRUGLESS loves almost worth while going to jail ler. The receipt• Amounted to Ri(MI H. ; \ RarF1V1N, J. W. FR\aFR.'r :IIERAI•IST Rs. v" the date* XtreemhPr 12 and PCes Tten•. Ooderi('h, i�toae 341. fur a ennple tit days to knew that hi• the• plat "Cindere}hc" to be Riven ' • 1NY OLD 1_p►rnr, TIME NEVER before has such a broad, lib- eral, generous offer been made on this A most remarkable of all modern white lights. Certainty now you can well afford litkeniSCIS filfiori#%/uiusive the joys and comforts the A,addeasy number of your household. a111>rr[ the faint, yellow glow (coal -oil) lamp when you c Here's a rare opportunity f _. , ....r ,... r --your -entice home. with - Aiaiidin kerosene (coal oil). Mantle Lamps at a big saving. Brt g in any old oil or gasoline lighting devicewill any make or condition, and you be given the generous allow- ance of $1.50 to $2.00hor it, depending upon e style of Aladdin you pur- chase. Bring in as many old lamps as you please as long as you pur- chase an equal num- ber of Aladdin.. neighbor. anel friend• thought enough . 1:1 fur in SlneEne Ilan tinder the ampleea of q (;• r1:1.!-7-1 UNNIN! baths. Fqu pDed of film to do nh;,t rl„•c ASd. Women's 1Ostltttte ti -1 F1e(troalC siert the C.nAwiek -__ e � and chiropractic. C6 l organic at.0 rt•,•irri by \tis. �`. f'ha7iman or tnir �1 BLLC \OTII'F. - dance ORiL1.I:]'St RELIEF PL..tN Co•'r It l' . Rn.w•1 R. Hawthorne PrtNlrtrinR ._. -- QE lttltca+ huura_2-to L and 7 to 9 pa.. lTorOnto 'lttarl _.. .ttimtsstnn lift ,.ed{>r->iRtt+•h f(m-fit--I;. t • Equipped with edectto-magnetfc • electric treatments roti c, • nervous dlaeasea- Lady In attendance. F ] 1 ex, epting Monday and Thursday sod An jrit.'reevttdnS experiment is to he they pnrth•ul*T'. h appointment. T0WN OF t:ODF'IS 11 1 Vpo A. N. ATKINSON trinl at t►rillta 1n connection with •{•we,ntv•.Sx memM'ro ut the Gndertrh , N(►,hTCE that the (hurt f uto.mIdurmeut• relief oozy.- Exrt•pt 1 rineh of the Canadian T.Wdnn leer° TAA' E es,a Ora►crlch Rtafdence ,end office -Corner yual ossa sheer n pis Int _ ._. _„•1Li K1R1L1'S_Bt. elating }n the (ouu sante' street and Itritenrita r that ibi Wb01 ; trt•Aw-tire atlsitM+sa o! wilt T,nM it• Ree r•rrttTinted a tM,arlrrt Rt'tPe etArrirh. for till gt i nb.olntrlr n(•r es.ary to .ufi{atrt the Clinton Manch In honor of T.t.-Col. „it r'ltanelo•r. 3'o« n 11NiL G 1• ngatu•t f hearing "tNes (lift t C-- • R1rh rte, o \ nu•ni Roll for the Town of mit to him in weekly A meeting +• the n . o , 1 tmrh the}nhhnn•P rIIN•k In the evening• on the employe one- Peeking. prestleni of the sr n - t tl• t ill 4h L",..,f the .nm due the employee the worker and his w mond of the T eRion. T•t,-Cul, aw the • '•e`• the year 1ib31•ft)r32, int ' 1 for »tuA•alent ter the arsrrtrnt re Nfnts .tx•intlrm aa• held at e earths. interesteNp are t••Nr *s the Are- pn, t fF made b of the esekwor 1 golf t Grand All Lqe bring to !Mb in iRlflla� a worker ger. Per�nat�FiSl'i�"��' r Jtrnrnnl Arens. Rave' 1 Town Clerk struggle yrrltluS.ntt•at soptPwhere_ slat•, he w tl1 of The lam --Mor. hi mod - oho principal Oddest. of the day. epee k- rt U,ls•r irith, 1l�31. hisrrtod• receive the balance due him after .nit- it t: tortt000rly on the snhjeet Of TM- Graderh•h. e that ho Iso retafnryl foE the protest_ 111(1 1+lel ; 1+.1 of the Rrttherittt. omit -rich r a hi•tallmentt Me`" November 3rd. iir3b. st f Heron Prose \.- Tue..gav• n anent o N til ennr•e a . n(ttw 1 • -11 rater errtuplr ring lids_..____ c lost- Mr. 4' nreF.i..... to ..►stria . T. L. 1CN0X. Aladdin will Why of the old style anhavet milting .atlsfaMory evidence voted 1ty Or you r_-T.871"e !e 1111314/Jiebigsui 14441ttal1v G Come lit r1OW- Our Stock is kited Don't rsit. Come in at once and.inspect this lCew 1931 Aladdin. See it demon- strated. Examine the beautiful finishes and look over the many exquisite hand -decorated glass and parchment shades- Theyll chart° and delight you. But remember this offer is limited both as to time and quan- tity. Our stock will not last long tender so generous an offer. The offer positively will not be extended, so hurry your old lamps in while the oppor- tunity is with you. - AUCTION SALE_, • Trite app apprnprristMn Inter, paper. -'T-- rstd 2 "EbP McKay, \ISITHi'l'UR'S 1 Yrdted wnt•kia'�ti Fit• n pt • -r MEDICAL' DR. F. .1. R. FORSTER, • EVE, EAR, NOSE, 'THROAT Late Howe Surgeon New York Opb- thalmic and Aural Hospital, a.dstant Int Moorefield Eye Hospital and Golden ikquare Throat Hospital. London- Eng - 53 W aterloo St S., Stratford. Tele- phone 2117. At Hotel Bedford, Ooderlch, on the eveuing of third Monday of each -eesimik Bill tbe-(iaLtowJagraloroTttaadayr at 1 p.m. �►rilltn .,.4wynPvt sinter n. It -premiere? to `-' ,t,o,,,II Biro a half of clothing ' -tNI• fall. there is enmeshing to he .Rid ftaskat- for the Orillla pian. in Toronto the •est to destitute memM rs I who have relict employees will pees°mably be chevron. Ili alland dothin or here mild sixty r•Pnts an hour. which is the , any great st to the t•itg'a ntin1mt1111 wage. Inst a much : ding ktndiy bring or +vault _ _ 1 fall_.3 t7 : ttme teen, tbst aua hilrfir"r �iltfi• ler t•onmo(r.-iaf+wr---tltattt I., paid by .t1nh organizations au the{ lesre with the eare4aker7 T.T.C.. and blither still than Mott' At the Ara ordination merle* eon- r°ntreetor' are paving• If not the half. ' ducted by Risi10p1tidll dote he because tit )(said .sane pereemt*Re of the Met), i the head of the D1M•rse of T.oad(tn, cent wage might ire retained tempor• 1 held on Sunday last et M. Peter's rarity by the city ami pekt out In. the .fithelrel. Iitntlnn. several young met winter when neer) will be greater, and reeeivel orders. Michael Dalton, of h} .bridge wa• not of thong who tit i. LAIILEA'AIiM LAND iHall on Friday. (k•totrPr 3ttth. to he 1._ • 'e ettliiiiiiir MMS-- •w� �_ Will BrT �1'f Sim r coal oil) with 94% white light nearest to sunlight. Burns without smoke, A match and a minute is all it takes to light it. Burns common kerosene rk air only 6t'r fuel. Gibe! a e1Y saf1rates as simple as the old style lamp and runs - noise, smell or trouble. Absolutely safe. Ops lion of oil. Tested by ___ for 50 hours on a tiseges cul ltf .. In either s- .T*w Aladdin verf /� 33 leading 'Universities and vedl by Fireg1,.„ nr 4'4 spent a atter The Aladdin line comprises every claim verified. Approved t able decorative shades t� if table, or Wronging. varibracety Underwritefs' and Good Ing. Plain ratio soil Boor lamp, in . variety artificial light has preferred. � trradaa�,re rind aur.ble Institute. No other gtatliss. such endorsements. -. _ -- • - , lei .a- ... Atiolh era/ AMMAN �r �Amgwa x �- `-,�...:---- , 17'.r�.0 ..d�:a�+�A Authorized A -_ to Dea�era ..�'I.`f�:'i'E9$UTT et SON, GODERICH • • ONTARIO MANTLE LEGAL 1 am instructed the AdminVtrat• DI'DLEY E. HOBarri*LM>'%11�tc. of of the late Rulrert M(dd to Otfdee--Ramilton street, Goderleb. by i► k auction, st Vretesi �i 1 P110ne 27. DA]f' R'R 14th, 1911,d AOL GT.AB R. NATRN. own at 2 oelw'k „harp, the tat llarrfater and ISrrIfclUrr. comment -hag hereinafter parcels of Lord, separate-1Office-North atrePt, Ooderich. ' Telephone 512. 1y Na 1. The east half of lot ntio ; C. R. DARROW, BARRISTER, ETC. be* thirteeneighth. Co> M S r to J. L. Killoran. of the oo Llijt of tbe wanosg, contain- ing forty acres more or less, save and - Phone 97. Office -The Squareich Is and tea pteTPhea employment prnbshly u•sreer. - it 1. a nR t three rood?. Northern to lite CRANK DONNELLY, B. A. erre fltiw•d M the diaconate. He is sheep part of the pion which would require some study . ndrvll of St. Peter'• lNPsniMr- thereof COd- Also all that tea Barrister. Solicitor, Etc. nn,l abundant sstr'Rn e t UfA"rat-itarnllttm 14trr•et: "-'i;,i e 1 "trC`Trtftllapttd ) lam' * � - original road ellowance�-betoreen-� _ - a- rf�ln; tet t as� .seventh steal the eighth conceit/dons of 'Thom, 242. _-__.. SAME OB�IlK."LI between Mee k+t1 ) SHARP 3I PT1ER TO "1 (figwort. of Ott hrntnl sporttrhe witid.townahty. g(fyIpTIOUS DRIVERS; In 1h4 oaki cone+sirrfs not IIAYS�H, ter% and Roiicltors prizefighting, auR11ng-" thirteentilt 1 as K C and R C. Hats. B•A i eethrt htRcmns: time eat yen l now travelled and tient as a par R. O. Hats. t of which a de.. A. n reminder to motorla., mar, bel suet those two .previa In the same I marl. null In restscHamiltoelephonte R{ rlerlch hrrath .in Mel roolled the salient point. In a OudM Why not? isn't It rthe nbjeet of V frvNlt1t+of t'the• .sillwoo s tot l tledilrteett thromdr t P mens delivered Ut the Cmut of Appealsold eighth cn,I,1 l utl-. contdnln� by I4 in Montreal reNently by Mr. /notice hath iNtRi4lot and Angh r ro !ani a hook ' tiaeters tit an [9err1 ter sod Solicitor lirA 1 in the jnWr 1 admea!ntremeht three•q _ } rl mnM Or 1Ps*• ...\ truck ht of t a sy land- harjr the right of tree;' he plPnrirNl In SCHOOL REPORT Thi" 1s vast good M the �,77vv VV���� CRNEST M. LEE, Sun Life Building, Toronto and Vic- toria' streets. Telephone Figin 5801. tit (IedMtrlau l` - �arrP ref an and tvP11 Dort "'rlt>R °d 1 � �. in the -moment t { .on fin inwnehlp O ,n'l hcaas stippnrrNl to, atop." .. f1 NO 1 WEST WAWANOSII Parol No. The Leder' Raen- tr d Imported for the in- ( lhnrne• in the rnnnty of Homo- end stet t -Cornet the and I. of fA a flat 17te tn(IowlrtR { .f l tf• rrpmft ties mvmT of 11* truck ,� } K YYtwst►eah: tlor the [ iwiiekfit'r(' -'"rh--truetr *river's tint? S' report.of S. ds the rep( of --- rr ono n nn 3ov-ciente trio torn, tet to take every step i,etsllrle to avoid in- jaring the rPspnndent whom he saw in frot of rime : and hire -stupidity In se }strietimi las ectivitygto merely sound- Ing his hon! mn,tTn%olve the aplr nan- lu respemsiblllty for the damage done to the rr" pendent." A lot of bmnptlnn• Indivtdnnbs driv- ing -nor. think like the tnick drivel Hutt the moment they sound the hewn every other ear and pedestrian Ottght . loammawp•int has gra sup' W Cr hear A JrrA It fa-+ t to�e� r, m(►re lr fte•n n do'••'• I w•ho seldom nae the horn.- Es. port 1n Lw. e Sr. 1V-RPatTHenan 1121 mond Moyle M. Jr. IV -Mary Carroll T7rjc, William Blake 72, Clifford .1.0(14 If AA. Nor - matt , re. -ILL --Noreen 'Mahan Mob, fate .w If at the time n matt Royle 7A. - • per cent. as a 4p/omit .Ir. IIi-Margaret Blake 71!'r, Earl I the •s1P and nthe hr by theneP in ash In Leddy Al. Edd1t11u1 'Ledd7 33. thirty day'•. (itlq(r' of I Pvltting mnrts5t and rash. I1•--<inrtine Tosilly Fnr tnrther atottpartalar• apply in Ihr Primer Lnuls Blake.MARY Tea.,, nnrlrrnlgntNl. e41:Mft A BSAYS.-- - Gnderi h Ontario INSURANCE, LOANS, i ire. ° mpawd tit lett number fourT - - e" of the M UcKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSMils mid lo! the i -r.7. I e+ t•thtsa Mien 604 -Farts sad 1aolatfill, .•- .Old tnwriji g tM'tttif property town property insured. there Is a good banked horn, gond Officers - John Benneweis, Pres. hnase, also good spring and will. JrodhaSen P.O.: Janie Connolly, Vice• Team --This land will hP offered for pees., Goderkh P.O.; D. F. McGregor. hject to a referred bid. Tan Sec.-Treas., ISeaforth P.O. Directors -A, Nrnadfrtot. R- t. ionto Sesforth; James f holdice. Wm. Knox, T.oniPshoro: Robert Ferris. tlarinckj GPO- McCartney, R.R. No. 3. . ReefOrth: John Pepper. Brueetield. Agents -W- J. Yeu, R.R. No. 8, Clin- ton: James Watt, Blyth; E. Minch- - ..If4y, Seefnrth: John Rarity, Sot forth. Pulley holders eon sake all payments 1'tliX:' U'i�a1--3fteenefro Oster ilnmpit.il, Yent?Pal, fifnasisatlty 'C►r'tn1 11011. e . _ •: ..,a..a,s. ..td_!>Mfr. tMTIS'7WetPted 11E117 illstL.4IZM:,CNlIISr.ialtis t., e Auctk> rt GKingston street. Gderit11, or a.4 17' �fa'Y risnape Pasties_