HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1931-10-22, Page 6f 1 1 alpor,s, w.;r+• • M1ffetau, October 22nd, 1931 • ... THE SIGNAL VirligliZEMEMMaiti GODERICH, ONT. Cleanin. Pressing Repairing import service on ladies' and men's clothing Satisfaction Ouarauteed W. C. SNAZEL Haberdasher and Dry MUD' AMIE 3:39 1 Sunday Afternoon By I&&BEL HAMILTON I Goderieb, Oat. are likely to prove a common rutn : they that devour our another are In a 1 fair way to be consumed one of an- other. Christian churches cannot be ruined but by their own hands; but if Christians, who should be helps to one 1 another, and r joy one to another, be am brute breasts, bitlug and devouring each other, what can be expected lout that the Ood of love should deuy His grace to them. and the spirit of love should deport from them. and that the evil eplrlt who reeks the destructlou thew all should prevail? Happy would it lie-toi the *buret If Oh taus would let *11 their quarrels be ttoldlers of the crow, arise, Gird you with your armor bright; Mighty are your enemies, Hard the tattle ye moat "Mid the hunter of waut and woe, SiTangerr to jhe Britt; ward, •- 1 swallowed up of this, even r quarrel 1L.:he Jlarlke herald gam. --__._,.,_-tligkInst aim In .ttwmeeereee -•wM- Lot the vttke of huts be heard. I places where they live. To excite -W, W. How. il'hrlMtluts heteenuto, and to assist 'PRAYER !them herein, the apostle in verses 16-18 points out how the corrupt and carnal With hope In our hearts, hope fn•' part of us rtrivew and etrugglees and re- spired by Thy Spirit, we would watch I sista earn, thing that is spiritual. On sad work and pray for the muting ora ( the -other Land, the renewel,part of us lois. better day in our national In strives against the flesh, and opposes Thee we trust. Amen. 'the will and desires of it. Christians are subject to this struggle throughout S. S. LESSON FOR NOV, let, 1931 their whole 11fe, so that by reason of �Leman Toper—World's Temperance this opposition they csnuut du *II the Lesser. good they would; but t'eeauMe of the Leeson Passage --Galatians 5:13.26. principle of grace In their hearts they Golden 13-18apostle-tells t their e those are not permitter! to du all the evil ntre t nature werW----prompt them to do.,, to whom he is writing that they have been called unto liberty but that the to verses 1!i _�(i Paulsear forth the litterty Christians enjoy 1s not a 'leen- _ evil thing+ man Is prompted to do and lions liberty: [bough i'hrlaf-- Lin( -'1'e- deemed us from the curse of the law, yet he has not freed us from the oblk I gation of it : the Gospel is a doctrine DINE AT Wench's New Rogers CAFE We serve the public with the very best in wools CAPITAL CAFE George Young, Proprietor CLEVELAND'S BAKERY 1 —TRY OUR— Milk -made Bread YOU WILL BE TED _wuil. PIE RUES' ane PASTRY All orders given our prompt and' courteous attention - - rider agnlnst them the thing's that re - snit front the I tdwetling 'irplrlf.' Tailor catalogue of the manifest works of the flesh some are sins against the F errutl' e• nutriment : sAMP are sins according to godliness: and is so far against the asst and second command - from giving the least coutenance to meta.: others are sins against our >11 that it Illy. n. orders the greatest ighlor.-and (•ottrsry to the royal it..- Ip t>iw-} A110 inure -i- :see are as .Sema. lila& R "t"'";�trrfr--* ehettbe Taus to this wMy 01 riiintThg anti act' l cans** acrd revrllings rt esters. Thou he '-deg,-lle,piata au to he'tn. tl)at co a wanting, gaying thea. es the ons -A: the whale law of_ man's... „ins -witch' wilt nndnahteotiy shit 'h Iaat•inr towards Ida fellow-man.He own out 01 heaven. then ptlnts out the dangerws tendency in w siting on the 'same subject to the Curlutblans be rone•lude's with: - TO DEMMITT WE GO A STORY OF MISSION WORK By Maude F. McEwen, in The New Outlook 1 was calllug ou our minister's wife, who is a very busy person. We were sitting in bee cosy little kitchen, while she watched* ber oven very carefully, jspl ag Just t/t_1a brush isade-Ai a ipe she • mother in Qutarlu. atseauSlIbd t e our home missionaries are; they Book E. U. CLEVELAND Telephone 114 West Street wives ---at well, ecru to larking bread ; make their children's clothing; play for the church services very often; sing In the choir, teach Sunday *liool ; call ou the sick, the needy and the afflicted. All this little lug sc•hoolhoure with He charm of while their Eastern Sisters are eujuy- isolation, among the beautiful tall lug the comforts of a well -furnished trees, In this Alberta's most westerly amuse, with probably a maid to as- United ('hunch service. slid; a paid church organist ; a par- Forty-five of these humble ploueer tor's assistant ; a church secretary, people were gathered here to llsteu to pieuty of Sunday school teachers, and the earueet words of their youu[ per- mit the quota of the highly-orgaulzel tor. Rev. William Moms, graduate of church work. with Its ezpeusive plants Victoria r('ollege. They haven't any seal programmes. musical instrument, but the singing • Whits 1 -was mentally making tithe WAS ltd by their tauctur and him taleut- coinparisew, this alert young lady sod- ed wife. The whole congregation detly remarked, "Would you like to 6o joiaisksin the singing, as though they out with us to Dewmltt some Sunday?" were really enjoying it too. "1, would be....trj tied to, gee," 1 an- The inside of the w•huolhouSe la towered. i had passed the echoolboure where the sen ice+ are held several time*. It is really on the way to Pout* Coupe and lhiwsuu Creek. Dem - mitt Is the last station in Alberta on the. Northern Alberta Railway, and tweittzeigisejbut our littler -town *t-. ffithe. veers . u acs a e go to Deentmiti. it was 'a beaut[fnl tieytefler after444Mu4. with .a tittle cool- ue'.s in the air: the tree.' were just (Wants Account Paid in U. S. Money Rate of Exchange Affect[ Coal thought, How could there be wavy at- Purchase--Propostal for Re - tend here? where would they all come lief Work trues? -we saw uuly shout r drawn houses along the highway. 'Pttey came in twos dud threes, some eu horwbmck ; some in buggies; a num- trekked by the path* tbruugh the woods, these poorly clad pioneer w•o,treYj wa%r "'dill` --right commiwiuu a letter was received from the ehlidrlae; route lu aternlle; y . (391aretta., girls, sweet and pretty in their Sun- llhio, asking that an account of some day dn+uers; but null withal a whglr $53 for coal purchased by the rom- rowe laud-frsritlg congregation. They utimeion lee paid Iu New York funds. all wet together, meeting It a [seat The difference would be about uta. The opportunity to worship God, in thisconoubseI1ke did not decide Just what w -as to 1*• :fine about It. Applications of Thos. Bell and S. Mc- Phail for three -wire w'rvire for reel - deuces. both on Nelwm street.' were passel. as were also applleattona of lire. (:race 11. Ween'. Nelwn. street, mud Joseph Rae•hlc-r. Park street, for eleetrlc range service. The applleatlon of Albert E. Harker, Rayfield road, for electrlr range service was paasc4 eln- dltinaally upon -.-nelgtrhe.r'w-eiseeree- tracting for a similar service. 1t was decided to Inform the toter -Cot-it that the eottonheelon Ta pre pare ed-te-eettsfrt et two .wgi4 wets"- guile rudely wade, the logy helot tanks at an estimated coat et 222.090e chinked with plaster and the eelliu[ provided thin work can be Included in the program of relief work under the The discount on Canadian money across the border 1s affecting frenetic - Wens In coal. At the last mtetlug of the men and the roughly &lad turn; bare Caleria Bim. Stir asr llLC Tour personal appearance and beauty starts with your hair. PHONE 6W6 WEST STREET If it Is not wonky, y, do 1t not; If It la not true, speak it not. -Marcus Aura Un.. marded, the stove * long wood stove of the very old-tashioued type; the Governnwnt plan. The proposal is to spats, w•houl-seat* of e.urst'. Suave of Mer one of them- tanks at the end Monument -- Wim. GODE*ICN, - Beet Materials Latest Design Expert Workmanship All Work Guaranteed Reasonable Prices R. A. SPOTTON P.O. Boz 161 G.d.rish. Oat. HYDRO STORE BUY AN Electric Stove Quick -cis - Economical our United ('hunch people hod 11 hand of Cameron street and the other ono l „wok with to slt'lu "romfor(able seats all- tbqutlgh t .�'" 1$ -- - - rv'ser�+tlrev erier'ltrr oteeo?tee rcposer -' legiuuiug to Change color: clu'ster's of poplars have taken on a beautiful tinge M Dt Ea Off! ' tmatt thct(F people' 1u SAM' of a lire In either of these • sat to thew small wfiool ants, and in sections, the pump nn the motor fire Mo p lastr4r•w they found neeeewrr i trnek roved he fed from the tank. thus to pet their feet out In thee aisles for i making up for any leek of . h;rdrant lack of spare. Some sat on rough ; pressure. f * eontrrry behavior if instead of plank. by the wells, but in spite of serving one another in lore, and there -of deep yellow, with a scarlet shrub all this the congregation were very by fulfilling the law of dud. "ye bite ,ifed but beer' and detour • ane another fake teat are washel• and there; the. rose bushes that. reverent,. and• -the write impressive; DONNYBROOK hat ve are rand �the bare bhswgl en profuse during the there vras a• stillness to the hole pal name Ye are Just wu i that "ye e not car mored one of an- ' ether." Msttbcw Henry refers to this' Landd n b v' _- ONNY-11144w►K,- O.4.--J%--rivlet- e -- me n[ rite ipiunths of JUtle and July area pretty Beene, Roth Inside ■nd out, I though frit of our: Lord Jesus. F the RV maroon color ne•.tl.sl in among the of that quotation, Be MIR and know in tit' followIng words.:-'•MntualoMI." in s."1.'4°4'22 and 211 Paul acts forth the trolls 01 the Spirit of our smeller shrubs and grasses: the fire- that I am teal." s ateliaamong brethren, It persisted in, God and adds "against such there Is no Tb aloes Itrre are alwaJs well at- - _R Jfaik _. - - -- - - The spastic concludes Oda chapter with a caution against pride and envy MT still therr. hiuwiug In the Septem- drew. counting the babies. u' 171*' glory which Bowel from me'ls ber breeze. Rev. Mr. Moss and his wife broth vale glory sad 1's one great ground for Flock@ And docks of wild ducks are that biting and devouring which tbe,l pial• and sing, and preach. and no one • ale warptki them a�itis[ of tllFiaajoJing their. unmolested life on the could doubt their earnestness and love =ialtet• oral' s. •'ht•'liass arc Slltiai of their wash, when they saw them In shout among the stooks of gratin, their much a Netting. so .hr removed front meal« are easy of access these days; anything they had hitherto been ac - high up auuung the trees a -solitary customed to. black crow- flie v. `'As cue trice along-the-`iseentlfnl whaling road we retitle, that Septem- ber Is here: we -try to forget that win - ester ftohl*'lowwhMoyan-dIne tiesly IattzRybpedozat inpgresIn- a golden haze. There Is something rte enchanting alropt our Western antmmns. ou'll a weed. that grow'. 111 such abundance. all user this northland. Is a paler shade: the wild aster is almost gone; the wild flower gardens are all faded. r M• tended. somet Imre_ 514 many as seventy atteud . and on Mother'* Day In YY they had an attetlrnce of one hue Sad that Kellogg's Corn Flakes are .;.,,-• ides' for te.children's supper. Wholes some. Easy to digest. Packed with fla- _ror andcr.iispnese! Millions of mothers nn WORLD MiSSIONS - I.i4ltor and Backward resides The i.eague of Nations has been ren- dering a very useful service by pub. 'errs., llsltiug the fart that very startling In in the quantities of liquor con- stituted on- +u med by backward peoples In man-. i date) territnry have taken place dur- �tng reeent years. Agreem*'M1 had been *tittered into to prevent this very thing. but cvi4ently they have been largely Re drive through marbly pioneer 1nPRrectunl. iurrcas*'s ranging from eo.nntry. and one wonders how any per - two to urn times have Men reported son could praesthly exist in these ramgh•- aad In several crura in countries ly made log cable*. with so very little where there was a vert small whirr of the needful cprfelta ort } home. population. For Inst nee. In the ('oar Ai we near the little log achoolhowe eroons ander a British mandate the twoud Where llle thumb Nervier is held I Iimports f such eptr(te .let - J n - . whisky. gin and rum had increase] from 702 gallons in 1921 to 4.904 As the service ended and as we came out into the teauttfnl September sun- shine, we could nut help but admire the scenery tall about us. The school I. built on a bill and the land stretches .low* -4. a - label -Abe autumn foliage decks the trees and shrubs: on the (Age ,of the" Like: 1 baby moose stands gazing at the eoog?etpation-It has no I Emma ('suit In I ST. HELENS 19211. while the lighter liquors had risen from 941 gallons- - to .71.00$. 1* Aho HELENS. °et. 19.-Mrz. it Woods. with all her family of seas and daughters, Mons -In-law .nil grand- children, enjoyed ThanksgIring 'Day with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Whether*, Chesney. (tally Day service was observed in St _Helots. United church Sunday morning. The leader, Rev. T C. WIIkinMon. had .charge. Four of the young girls took the stories -Misses Edith Ifiruln, Dorothy McDonald, Is- obel and Helen MUler. Altogether it was ■ very Inspiring service for old' French Calneroona the Increase bald been equally large during the! mime period. This crowding of liquor upon hack-_ ward peoples was something that was heard a gruel deal about in the old Idays. 141,1 I_here was a reasonable hope that a little Mori conscience In such' matter' wee exercised at the present I time. ,..tit evidently such a hope was vupla. he dLMr1M.l encouragement of 11111 11111111M111111111111 111111111111111111111' 1111x"'••' sari s 'Am,. is ell the more reprrhrn- slide in that it to carried on in man•I U-PERIO STORES WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS --SPECIAL TAUT:- PE('iAI VAL It -e''' 1-; SALMON ALL -BRAN 1 0 E E MAPLE LEAF �k KELLOGG'S /2 Ib. Tins 6e Large Pkg. Derby Leaf Cheese Ib. 29r RI LK 2 LBS. MACARONI l . P('lle! t p Y at lar JAME 33c FAM11.1 RI.FN11 COFFEE, ' LB. 'IA c (:old Soso . R bars 2:.r Newton's Fancy R$awuits.... 29e (Ito ('ordbll. 6 oz. 39e: 16 or. 99e Willa. email 2 for tie ('lark's \(IneenMat .2 for 29*' E S 17c z Prsseitmt Tea 59e 'Ike freta, Plates, pips and -*mem FREE. ------ LT= Short ening -------- Shortening 2 pkg. 25e Kelllns, Seedless 2 for 25e = Iealand Sweet Pickles, targe = 39e E Pimentos lA 1h. Tin i:re .leraey Moven, per pair ... 20e 1 Magic White... iarge Nettle ler Amer—align gibed Pineapple 2.(' Molasses 1 St's Ilk = (ileac a Hlarkwell's Raked p;eans2 for 2:e• a Pastry Flour 7 lb. Rag lie Old English Wax 1 Ib. Tin 69e Pumpkin Large Tin 12e ,s11.;1 1 U. %Aar - LUX Toilet Soa1 p 3 cakes --SPECIAL V ALi F - KRAFT Salad D re asing 21c Big12-Boot.tec dated territory and among peoples who 1 were suppo'.r4 to Mire the spe'Ial pro - Te en -tie getreenment!1 of elitist - fan 'tattoos. The League's figures deal only with official returns. thnngh smug- gling liquor into many .If these coati- tele+ Is 1levaitted to be a very preva- lent evil. hears that the liquor trade tans WIMP - thing in the form of a eonecie•nce in three moxlern times Is. apparently, as mach without foundation as it ever wail. However much etrilizerl peoples may he able to resist and overcome the pills of 114 -nor drinking. tt 11 a welt, known feet, proved by eentnrteee of his- tory. that it spells almost complete dis- aster for aboriginal beopiiae. Rut arch a tactaa, that seems to weigh not at all with the man who has liquor to sell.. It 1s hoped that the activities of the. Leumi- 'of Nations in this matter will stir rip a 01111 c se men tat will compel A . decrease in these tragle figures. was withdrawn Iu the 1'nited diureb on Sunday ow•Ing to the anniversary services In Auburn l'nited church. The 1'. P. S. meeting also was withdrawn on Friday evening to allow the meat - iter to attend the convention ■t Myth. The evening meeting was addressed by Dr. Langford. who gate an especially interesting and inspiring address. Next Frkiay eight's meeting will he In charge of Hiss M. Jefferson, and Mrs. A_ W. Campbell will give the topic. Rev. Dr. Mortlmure visited In this vicinity last Thursday. Messrs. Gordon and F-arl Dow of Rusaeldale vidted.rela.tice* here' .t (hr week -end. Mr. and Moe. J. 1'. Robinson visited at the home of Mr. Gen. Naylor on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Ig Jefferson visited at Mr. C. Pntter'9, Blyth. on Sunday. Mrs. Rohr. ('hamnry called on Miss one day last week. fear of man -this is Its home -we are I We are pleased to re rt that Mrs it* guests -Its forefathers have roamed It p' t?11.se Itnda for hae4lreds of yettn : it Jftc (er ren V aosewhat - bettR ralani its head In mute understanding, atter her rexnt aT to i gielt. and we Imagine It slight he Railing. ' 1"Welcoie to Demmitt, Winne Mim ion I ■ ■ I ■ ti R ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 1111 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ _ arks of the Peace." ■ . ?':W "fix w..s.�"..:..wi+MC'."T'�It'a�';ft"°,sAn'tw•..'ri•[i�•a AW +d111 See display of styles and makes at the HYDRO STORE - _ _._.. sad young. Toone - - Waodi.to-ldtitpg _ a a_ load of people 10 tie aaalon Player at Stratford Monday evening. ltt-and Mrs. Fed. Thom and fam- iy-AIP1R "a' day recently at Guelph with their daughter. Miss Margaret. nurse -in -training -.t the General hoar l'rrparetory service will be held on Friday evening. at 8 o'clock, in the United church. Rev. -C. C. Keine of ihingennon will conduct the service. Communion servk'e will 1* held on Thtndny. (k'tofer 26t1tw.at 11 o'clock. We regret that Mrs[' W111tam"'hm=' eron 1M under the doctor's care at the. home of her eon, Mr.. John Cameron: We hope for a speedy recovery.' WHITECHURCA L WIITT1:T111 RCN, Oct:- 9t1:sm+iiflar Sarah Sharpe of Teeeswater is visiting with Mies Catharine Rotes. Mr. and Mrs. Will Foster and his e WV. ['art Dent ref Rayfield. are Visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'Freak Henry. --Mr. and Mrs. Roy l'atto' of "(mean the week -end at • the home of Mrs, A. Prix. Mrs.. Jae. Barltrmr of Fordver eta visiting with het daughter. Mrs. Ben M.4'h'naghnn. - • Ronald and Lloyd Henderson of Paramount *pint a few days last wept` with Sir. Milan Moore. Mr. and Mrs-. W. R. Farrier end fam- ilc e(.'nt Saturday In (loderich.visiting with Sirs. R. T. Phillips. who js Ill. and with Mr. temp Johnston of Ceder \'nllec• who u-e•ut under s serious op'r- nttnrt there lest week. \Ir. and \irs. Jae Tiffin spent 8nnday at the home of Sir. and Mrs. Rnht Stewart of Kinlose. Mr. and Mr.. Peppier of 1Ytcistork spent la.1 w•os•k end at the home of her sister. Mrs. .\ Emerson. Mr. and Mrs JPs. Irwin and three children of Ripley and Mrs. Dirk Mar- tin of Huron township spent Sunday at the hump of Mr. and Mrs. Ren Me- ('lennghen. Mr. 111.1(1 Mrs. Fred Nbwman- a .11.11dren and Mr end ...11611_ .1fl(he Newman of laairdles a weedy.And at Ale Raine 8. R. Jtaylar. _� � Many old friend* of Rev. C, JOCK BADLY TREATER .t Scatti11) minister was nn his motel visiting rounds when he came' a.?lass one of his old friends. "And how has the world leen treat- ing you. Jock?" spiked the minister. "•l'Prre seldom!" retailed Jolt, sad- ly. PUT HI'OFF NIS PIPE Iodisestisi and Acidity "A few nwmtlu ago. 1 had an •treek of indigestion, heart born end eeidity, and had no appetite for teals, especially breakfast. i am pipe smoker. and for ara•eral dove 1 telt r. i11 1 could not even took it ny pipe. 1 decided to try Kneerhen Matte. A few days afterwards I found that the heartburn and acidity had gone, and for the put five or six works 1 have been in my usual good health. 1 can now enjoy my pipe -smoking, and in feet feel about 10 years younger." R. P. When your digeetive pikes fail to now freely your fond ties in the system -end to vnestte, thea es.w.l* 114. darer tvf tndigratinw. TM " hole 1. dally does" .�a� �KL�nsiewen Nest stimulates tis. finis "Elf the gas(rlt jukes, and then eneneo e Ingvlsr.rnd unfailing tilmkek wa.lw matter ever, day. Mrs. Keine, of Dungannon, were pleased to welcome them !leek to Intifada/Mr: on Sunday. when he. preached In the United church here. It 1s -twenty-die years slnee he was eta -noses here. Mrs. W. Lott, Miss Mee Wightmin, Mrs. Clarence Mc49e11ag1ian and Mr. -Charles Lever were the delegates sent c e• by tiWhlthurch Y. P. 8. of the filytte-ow -Friday to-. attend the convention there. Mr. Wesley. Lott of !triumph' spent the week -end with his parents herr. Mien C. laidlaw. Miss Christens Henderson and Mr. Nelson Me4'artney .pent Monday last in Clinton. where the visited with Mee. -Lovett. before rhe moved to her new_Lome Catharines. - Mrs. Battran, who has leen visit- ing with ber sister, Mrs. Wm. Barbour, for the past two weeks. left on Monday for Ler home in Hamilton. Mg.._rnd Mra.._1hxill Farrier spent Sunday with friends in Wingham. Two earloads of ladles of the W.M. S. of the United church motored to 1Reigesee on Wednesrlay last to attend the W. M. S. Presbyterial meeting Tx the tutted church there, and report a aFlondAbout thirty ladies attended the re- gular monthly meeting of the Women's [nstltnfe which was hell in the home of Mrs. J. G. Gillespie on Tuesday last.. After the opening eeer.•ises. Mrs. Lance drain, as flee -president. took the chair for the meeting. All re- Apohdel tri The ro11 can with •'Hints rm Cooking, Sewing end Cleaning." VERY FEW [I.wtme (gossiping) - Everyone knows shout it. Rome take her part and some her husband's. Guest -And 1 suppose there are a few eccentric Individuate who mind their own business? FOR HEAD s ▪ r ■ ouncement ■ • • ■ • ' »,x:15 r t £�.;' .,_�e_i - �'t A w2n !:lt+ ,.•c"w• • ■ ■ ■ our Milk a trial and we are sure that they will have no reason . to forget i't. IR 1 - In eeming to your town, we bring with us seven 111 ■ neveAirliners.ttr't'rmr'wtoretl [ow'r adults a'•a '.....r.:liait ,,...•• This is to announce to the citizens of Oodericb that. • we have bought out the Jae- D. McManus► Dairy -and_ 1 from now on it will be known as the Goderieh Dairy. ■ ■ We wish to thank all those customers of Mr. Me- Mantss who have continued to deal with us. We appr,e- elate the confidence they have placed in 0* by giving ■ ,II_ children divided between two households. We will ■ _-.-,q_ • be payiiig taxes; power. light, etc., and will be apes ng r a a goal portion of our money in town. One good turn gi 111 deserves another! Why not call up and give no a trial? ■ • One of our wagons parses your door every morning. We are making some changes around the Dairy at ▪ which we feel are desirable, in the interests- of public ■ • health. in that etnneetion, we might state we have ■ worked under the health regulations of the City of ■ ■ Toronto, which are the moat rigid in the Province, and ■ ■ we intend putting.onr business here on the same stand- ■ ■ ard.—.. • iX ▪ kul°f6 • Roy Cousins, who will have °barge of pasteurize- ■ 1 tion and production, has had six years' experience and is ■ ■ thoroughly eo npetenI ivo-fiir`n� oiit s 'fi Vit -thee product. 1 This is very imp(trtant, because poorly pasteurized ■ II Milk is worse than raw Milk. Proper pasteurization 10kills disease germs, while poor pasteurisation provides ■ them with a hot -bed to breed in. Joe Solder, who will be ■ ▪ in charge of sales, bks had several years' experience ■ ■ in that line. ■ • ■ With the welcome we have already received from ■ ▪ the people we hove met here, we are confident that, they • ■ are prepare(! to patronize a Dairy in the town Carried ■ ■ on under approved modern methods. " ■ NI• J. A. SNIDER AA" OOu8IX8 ■ • ( V:114�,.-fit. t 71',14',45.iiriltWi •• ■ y ■Goderich J -y� • .- Phone 451,ji II ale ilff l if �f #�■ • r L...... ►• r e I r, } -s(, t .d-