HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1931-10-22, Page 5THE SIGNAL — GODERICH, ONT.
Thursday, October 22nd. 1931-6
Dental Mirror Free
with Dr. West's Tooth Brush
Both for 50c _,
Goderich — Phone 90
Wilfrid •
Phone 431, Bayfield 110M11
to have your rarest*
put in good repair be-
fore the cold weather.
Also any Plumbing or
Metal Work you may
have to do.
HAYFIELD, Oct. 'At.—Mrs. J. Tip-
pet visited her sister, Mrs. S. Weir,
In I:ouduu un Friday.
Mr. mud Mrs. Pease of Loudon aze
visiting their sun, Mr. J. Pease, this
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Fester spent the
week -eel visiting friends at Whlte-
(By Harbert' B. Brooks)
Not loug ago, the feeding of liver
win found to have a very remarkable
effect 011 people sufferiug from 'second-
ary anemia. Before this time anemia
had baffled the medical profession: It
had ea•emed almost incurable. But
with this uew discovery the dlseara+
became, in some degree, controllable
and the eating of liver became a fad. the Statute tribe train their small chit -
%eons ) pin .eitt/nS ttti,- meat it the drew to unlet light-heertedly mud ela-
suggeetion of doctors or because /VEY r'lently the cootlhual challenge of their
had.bpard or read of its merits. Con- precarious water existence. And there
eequent1v -liver- bei• -•11-1 eNcrTiftYn- was mit* -hi elle eliueattouni method*
of these lithe brown savages, in 0
string er gram skirt, which could be
transplauted with profit tutu our edu-
eattoual systems.
In the first place, the parents con-
sidered that the physical training of
their children was a serious matter,
out one to be left to chance, nor the
Water Babies
CosenitelRaa arise by IMMO Mil
le fialtay Eibuti e
In a tillage of lagoon dwellers,
people who raise their thatched 110111101
011 pike in a water village half a mile
from shore, 1 watched the parents of
the butcher shop. Its importance has
coasfstently risen until now it is often
difficult to obtain.
With its partner, bacon. liver be-
gan to appear on the menus of the
beat hotels and restaurants.. It be -
consequently grown up completely aunt thicker 29th, at 3 o'clock. The roll
of himself, sure that he can handle cull to be auaweted by "ray, slug or
any situation, afraid of nothing. for pay .•• The ladles in charge of the
certainly much of the basis of fear 1R meeting are Mrs. Davidsou, Mrs. C.
laid In the frights, the failure's of Brows and Mrs. N. F. Wbyard,
early childhood. Mr., and Mre. A. Gaul and Mr. and
One other good effect title type of Mrs. Ed. Deyustedt of llUvertou spent
chtidhoed training has. The children
learn to take a realistic view of the
universe. Instead of sitting idle, de-
terred from the activity which they
covet, and dreaming of seven league , tract for the building of a bridge at
boots which would enhance the power (!rand \'alley, spat the weekend at
of their short legs, they are up and -cls home here.
AbQuG. It+tpps In eoutlnuuus seticlt; The of 'urea,
ice•wilele--[Ary tree- trtwtrii Mee ntnRT'ti7ti,i�l ars har1ig a iiafluwi en
more able, more sure of themselves. scal! Wedu•eda$. evening. October
They learn to blame, out their tools, .
Sunday the guests of Mr. mad Mrs.
Heber Eedy.
Mr. Percy E'Iuulgan, who has a eon -
r carman,-{laddlaa.-
takes, but themselves, because they
have a clear and ,weurete knowledge
of how these mistakes were wade. They
are healthy, flexible -winded children,
supremely safe in a dangerous world.
made so by the Intelligence mud p -
came a delicacy in many homes where [tenet with which their parents train
them so early that they have not time
formerly amps of it had been thrown casual ministrations of other children to learn to wake inept adjustments to
to the pets. New ways of preparing —the primitive equivalent of ignorant the physical universe.
It were discovered. It was made tato aurae maids. The baby's first step, its -
mlade, loaves', soups and sandwich flra•t ezpertence In the water, it.
fillings.attempt to handle a paddle and a punt,
Calfs liver Is, of Course, the best I all were carefully supervised by a pa- ('lasses in Commercial Work, Inelud-
kind because of its delicate flavor and i tient, attentive parent. ing Bookkeeping. Shorthand and Tylt-
•rt•er the less ex- They never forced the children to Ing, Cawunercial Art. and English Lit -
.;rod pppgrim Is ng._aso•
art. Agelseetinfirri(r litVtiTd tD'Tttentt
in costume. win a prime and .have some
good pumpkin pie with whipped cream.
CARLOW, Oct. 21.—Mr. and Mrs.
Short and Harold, of Sarnia, Mr.
Haaklll, of \Vindsor, and Meserr. Er-
rington and Meguoid. of Teeawater,
visited Mr. A. Erringtou on Sunday
Mr. Ww. Watson, township tax col-
lector. has started on his annual
tinter nares. no
entente and will salt uu nil.
ahuteIs. �peualve types, the inti and pork. can walk or 'swim or climb tett mews. But 'sancta's will Is held In the Collegiate
Rev. Culla Young. 11.11., and Mrs.
Miss Beery. R.N.. of New York, war the made very good with careful prep -
child was never allowed to go back- institute un Mondays, Wednesiai'm and`y g. of Toronto, visited the former's
Y•t ward's, to refuse w du something which Frktays at i.ill a I!s Inuing l)c-
a gamed this week with Mrs. W. J. , arattnn. I he had shows he err atruug enough g' — brother. Mr. Alex. Young, and slaters
Foster. 1t really is neeeaary for scone to do. \\'r are all familiar with chi!- totter21. !till. and ntliter rriative7f'foraday"ortvrett e
Mrs. W. Elliott and 1w• -1 f.• F:Illott hou,awivea to know various ways of chil-
dren among ourselves, wlw 'start to Intending mrwlwrs of the clasrra are the olid of the week.
attended the funeral of the former's cooking this fond. bw•ause frequently I walk and tall down, getting a painful rtlqueate•d to enroll promptly. Rev. Dr. Strang. of Regina, Sask.,
taut. Mrs. Reid. .all Nl Iay In \\'Ing. as mach as a pound each day is ad- 1 bruise or a bad fright, and subsequent- For mirth -Warm see the window l and him brother Henry, of Exeter, were
ha in.
Mr. anti Mrs. Nhephenl. Ph., spent
a few days at Belle Vane cottage. re-
turned to Windsor on Tumidity.
Rev. F. H. Paull and Mrs. Paull
We guarantee our work and
No job too small. No jai
too large.
Let us give you an estimate
Hyatt Jumbo Roofing Co.
Geo. L. Witter
Once: West Street. Teliepbsaa
132, G•derteh.
For Sunday Dinner
One of our luscious Hams, boil-
ed, baked or cooked in any way
that mite your family. prefer-
ence. will be the crowning touch
to your Sunday dinner. Our
Hams are espechilly tender and
flavorful. Other Meats. too, of
prime quality await your melec'-
tion herr.
Parkhill's Meat
Telephone 231 God•rirj
vlaed by the doctor In connection with ' ly refuse to walk again for several
the treatment of an anemic patient. i months. The Manus are interested in
No natter how good food may he, the child's making the maximum phya-
If It has to be taken In such amounts. kcal adjustment of which lie is cap-
able; they have delighted praise and
it will become monotonous nnlees 1t vociferous applause for the baby's
.•anis anuouneement.
J. P. HI'ME, Principal.
pent the w'eeekrwl in Landau. Mr. Is tactfully prepared. first step, cold indifference for the baby PLANT OF WESTERN CAN -
Paull took charge of the eervicet to This new recipe for a !teemed liver who falls down and refuses to take ' ADA FLOUR MILLS
the Church of the Redeemer loaf is very good. 1t tastes. very much another step. The only way in, which
renewing old acquaintanees here this
week. Dr. Strang 1s a former teacher
in S. S. No. 1 and No. R. ()nlhorne, and
of hire years has been auperintendent
of missions In Southern Saskatchewan.
His old friends were pleased to see
h+bira"" sanne-
Sir. , and .Mrs. Smythe- it it udrey
Mn. Tasman of wont rev I we a like the "pate de fete gree" which la the child can recapture the delightful.-rrgng II pttng'Rttd't;ratp 30tit't an �aud M1ty-
Smythe, ar.. of `reeawlteF
week -end [newt with her nnriw, Rei"'' 1."'� Preparation --wR- golw+wimiratiow of cine -siders,. feete-utID�t r-- seen &11471c with Mr. rand-.Jlrr,
R. H F rf 1 John Gairdner. Ih'ers his crit-, struggle earnestly to hie \�eateru /anrTa TJuur M11i1 u`anm Errington And family. •
f Is ld O of t
modern Cate n e•.Npni am n n tittle bruiwrt legs, and try uguin. one o the u ea r
Mina M. MPGregor.' who !pent the. STEANIEI) LIVER LOAF t There will he nn atavic In the town-
For the very *man baby who [altars, adieu milli* lu its large plant at Gal- -cin hall ,in Sunday. serrlee isbbir
1 pRNlinl !tear Ilse[ els pork) end hesitates, the parents have only in- tale/, °uteri°, uu the shore of Lake withdran wmn neeomnt of the Fon Tuesday.
11 A
\t' �s p^�" 1
pant week in Stratford. retnrnsd home (al.uek fate de Fobs Gras)
difference, ■and temporary inattention;
hurtle. Tilis plant begun in 1872, with , aarT
Mr. and Mre. W. Jowett of Port `e' lee - an older ciUd *lssu falls flown nT srrchve• in the Pre ml.ytirlan
medium onion 6 sprigs parsh•y
2 eggs (beaten,
to their home nr1 Tweslay After attend -
cup flue vitro Hake er,tpabs
Ing the pant two week* I e f rth rat crap milk
Huron epee/ the weak -end an mimic some other ewkw,enl mistake, is likely Irroeluetluu of ouiy mal naneis wittt•' eiinrlih of Cnhnrn. w- ire er,Tr Me
which -Isis grows to Y,:mnn barrels ie•ut of \Vhaghem will be the speaker
to be actually punished, so that the Gall -. for the da,.
Mucus child doesn't look about to we Tim salt INtdites: ant the cow any is
If' Mother Ian nmar enough to make Ir ' {u, Rev. P. M. Colguhotn of T.nr•llalah
worth while to cry, but rather hooks f unfgne iu ul:uulfacturlug annals ill prenchtsT in the hall on Rnn•lny to a
/1110111 to "twain trope that no •.tae 11us,4'a-tsdw. The great last of salt which. good remgregatiem• taking bit text from
with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. .Towett.
Mr. and Mee, F. 1'. Neelin returned
n .. • e n
Mrs, J. P. Ferguson. who spat the - 11 tealntem {tipper mitt pork. nn- xetetr ht‘
tttprkt IAueeler. \N'r, •.w the "17
e xtrtnfm ~halt's tis ra,+t- mlM•re of { ak«
pant week with Man. M. Ferensnn. re itedi ITver. Fitt liver, 1 the '_'mill Watm. Hkr IR6.401,)w- waw
Inn anti parsley through fresl rimester other hsnd, are t o anxiow to emewle•, Itnnun poses Ander JLe s mpnnr'- mush enjucwT by HUH. ratan a yuto n'hidh
turned to T.nndnn on Sunday. tlo stuubh•r, he nurrouud him with p ', he sang et the elute of the sermon.
twice. Add the'heaten eggs.. eorrt wills. Thr reNn 4u,e h. s managed t ..
Iter. W. H. Tnwn,1ond of London Aske crumbs, milk and seasonings. wars. arm-• 11111 words. null cuwfurt- develop a salt, Mniness'from tttim.net- 1 There will be no. Ferree.ln the
Paull on .exchanged pplpits with Rev. F.13. Turn Int, arRsed pnnldtpg dish. (Over ing •assurauW,+' T1ds ■ssocfatlun o[ n 1 ttrwt- r ,Jflree nod "'termite's are all United ehnn•h at Carlow on Smithy, at
- minlnke• Vrltg a rewanl_b a bad mBi col hnidire --it• -anetivCrenre -
to .: -phi ynnii eel e,n.renic ai leww+t+r it ha • Jt. nmlMrr fr-
Steam Sur elm.* --Acer`- hnitr+'--�eKYtt4widditr<,AiFdPaa• "t,,ime- msume_idiyaawi . keel 'ahle___to use the ex to ttm team : evert rw-__y-_r a
at the new Pasteurising Plant
Either raw or pasteurised
Milk, 8c a quart.
Britannia Road Phone 334
New Prices at BI'RKHOLDER'S
`+TT -D10 '-tttr tek brought
direct to the store.
1 p to title 116 afar
Front 116 up 33e
Enlargements up to 6" x 8"
3:e Kull
Mrs. M. Burkholder
(:odcrirlee orad! exclusive
Amateur Photo-tints/tee
—South Side of Squarr—
IF jbu
"•` "' m"'' •' and tie waxed pelf's over the P
irig Children a and Family Day Mr. u[ training children bot to be auk I 1 1 t t I M t 1
Tewnnhr.nd Preached .a . ap1iIMM an(1_�.ine f or //,pd adjustments (Noe ils-tl•.t a milling operation*. to eta-?'liemPmfwr the twwlal twonielfr•I*►•lie
• very appropriate mention. Yield: right servings, - The Manus -parent's are also exceed pared• the malt from the brine lagsing efv.in In the township hall nn Frldsv
Mrend lin. i'lark-tlr1t velaadracier. (1•rute.
RAKED CALF'S LIVER lag careful out .to frighten a child loot the vacnnm puns .to maks fine en. 'A trued •nrngnm 1•
m7nt a few days hiat;weih with Mrs, _
Select a fresh calfs !icer. weighing either purposely or ac•cidBntalip• When -salt- and tee ,ae ,leu pan.' to make 1,..,,.r prPn-nvl. Temmh w111it weir?
F. R. Raker. Donde. Hare the butcher a baby has taken its nest sienna ttra ; rr.r salt end n mull tea wimt.lss charged.
aloof to 1 it fir ,,
relent and roll -it. I'ut Into a ruastlnnibtother or father putsa own , This ateastm efh•r blaring thhe e wheel+
Inn.'anll roast fur one hour In a mod- water at low tide. leaves it' there te.. ,f lies mill alt, have is worth
orate over- (a7•i degrees. FA. Serve fust a few minutes, repeat- the es.
with a brown gravy. pertinent nest day. Later. It, will be nothing. but for •bee lucky chance
Itted to play about in- Dee shed- 511th enable- tlu• e,.mlwny to use it
FR ED LIVER ANT) B.U'uN I owns under the house, an inert parent in hurtling out 60 toes. of salt dully.
I 11/2 the. calf s -!icer loll the ierundalt or w'ithtu tkwrs, I Wemtenn ('auedn F'!onr a1111r. oiiet-
Slice theailn•r into half-inch allies.t• haatuthe ing fchild or a ebad wstrayed out niutolat"
two w•B11s from which 11 oldaidai
Ill. antenatal brine. The flnt wPll,.�
Fry the bacon. When crisp remove 1 deeper water. The chUd. Is not made I It. ai rats on years Beo, r still In
frost .the-._ fs_6 pen. Sprinkle the I cons. inns of eontInti i, •rapier-.lsion. rt!r.n.
pepper and salt 00 Ina 11 storm tel-'.4-aiDt" "tae a to fbI'—
anew rat Ryer With .Frains upon .hos piessrir•uasl: Ile hi:
ad-.dredlte tilt/ flour. Fry them to 1
Opportunity !
You can make splendid money
selling Personal greeting yard•,.
Our cooperation and beautiful
portfolio assures amass'
M. is the t.me to start—
Special Radio Prise Contest be-
ginning. Noebarie is issplss7-
Commission weeTtTe.
• ntrained to sae kis eVei ';,edgmend. as
We -bacon tten minutest.' salol ..s p Ihle..but 1 1a not Pi'
When done, drain off
dR all the fat. and I lowed to Ret bad t'i.ghts +•hen his ht., -
serve garnished with the bacon. LI
may also be broiled.
I D1 MUNSON, lk-t. 21. Mr. Eeuly,
of Million*, wee was elsitfin* his sou,
Mr. 1!v'rr E_ely, has retnrnwi to -111e
Mr: -atsd- Mea. time Rradf -.._--
daughter Beatrice and Mr. and Mrs. J.
Cameron of Toronto were visitors at
the home of Mr. and MfirZ.7. R�
on Saturday.
Mrs.- W. Wooltdge and deter, Mrs.
Stanlet, Af Torvuto, who were_.Nsking
the torater's daughter. Mra..O M. Me -
Kenzie. the -twat two weeks, have re-
turned to their homes.
Mrs. R. McWhlnrwy addressed the
W. . S. of the Anhurn Preebyterien
church at their thankuRering meeting
rank --(t Martin
leaf ThnrmdaT Brining. It •
xa y greeting of tae ' Phone four nine
home of Mee T"7 Ryan on Thursday:. 11 _
■ane■■■m■mmmmmi■■■■■■emii•aaU$ uI.a■■■■■■
(Intended for last week)
8T. A1T,I'STI�1E: _Olt. 13.—Miss
NOTICE Gladys Jefferson, , of the. Woodstock
h_.T. ring, and Mr. f . 13. on, e
Mildmay, spent' the holiday at their
home here.
Poultry Shipments received on Mrs. Art Stewart and babe- of Ash -
Tuesdays and Fridays. field, spent the week -end at the home
Egg Shipments received on of Mr. Mason . McAllister.
neve week-day.Mr. C. Robinson. of Detroit, spent
the holiday with friends here.
Open Saturday nights until Rev. Dr. J. Wilson, of Toronto, spent
10 o'clock. a few days last week with friends-
-WE PLT OMR— here.
Mr. and lies. W. Grindley and sons, -
Eggs graded while you wait. Will and Welter. of Gsretpb, were
week -end visitors with friends , here
MULHOLLAND & JERVIS sod et Rlnevele.
Mr. D. end Miss J. I. McAllister
spent Monday of this week with Mr.
Warehouse: East St., Goderich ami Mrs. A, Messer of Bluecale. }svrfm as well ua
Telephone 110 1 climb up and down the slippery house
A nnft'answrr map not always tarn pile.: they can tread their wry Imre
IIIIIIIMIIMIIMIIIMIIr away wrath. but It saves a lot of time. end quick -footed over the treneherons
muddy shallows of the lagoon at irow
year-old Judgment' falls. 'rhe NI one
1<would find our penitent little w,. et
...easement: children to the water In.
fore. 1e !.rota!, ho••t•W 1uistem, without
any emaew.—
16an11s parents, tike their children.
were given this same training when
were little. All their lines they
have, jived upon the water, managing
canoes, hoisting sails. csrrving great
water pots, balancing hahies on the
backs of their necks, while they
handled the pant or ft large canoe.
They are so efficient that children are
never made -to doubt their world
through doubting parent..
The child learns from the very be-
ginning that the physical world can
be handled, is handled, every minute,
every hour, by all the grown up people,
with sure-footed, clear-eyed compe-
tency. Those same adults never per-.
mit the eIilld to even eonlder tbi# he
will not do as well as they do.
The results of this system of train-
ing are truly amazing. Children of
three are perfectly at home amid the
perils of their water world. They can
- -- ase and Hear the New
Silver.Marshall Radio
Ode. They can be trusted to carry
father a glowing cinder to Tight his
pipe. without fear that they will "fail
Ind set the light thatched house on
fire. They ran rlimh all over the big
carnes, work their way nut along the ■
lender looms of the outrigger, slip into . ■
the water and awful beside the 'sone. ■
one hand they
ontrigger. d anal! urn's} ■
of this they elimh aboard again. A.
At about two or two and n -half, I ■
Itheir father/ make Nwm smell (-Anes' ■ ■
of their own. tiny 'raft, four /or five .
with Dario -mu Tubes, Pentode Tubes feet logy simply sllnlhow woolen shells ■
hollowed out of smell tree trunks. In ■ ■
them little canner, the children noY}
Tone control with silvery tone -- a and play AIME- Tri,- inttnon. tnsrnhYg ■ ■
to paddle aceuretely, to judge (Matinee' ■
an thI1 they wall not rate' ■
thesisi nofrtge•r w -o . the 11 from one :Thurs• Fri.', Sat• Oct• 22 23, aldB of fhe cenrM. In the hmtmB pllee • 24 ■
Non-radiating Oscillator when they bring their cermet, up to
th,. house handing platforms. About ■ ■
Model F, mantel, 7 -tube, $79.50 the in t dim'•• hand's pa'sl beginc■ %n addition to the large number of exceptional values procured ■
• the ag them In their handling s't % can-
oes, and it is no uncommon sight to ISI
is ewe a eland of three or four, slowly ■ for this sale we wish t6 - NI
Model F console); $99.50 landing Along a 12 feet cI,gg. while ■
Nth, sits pstiBnundtly. cranes- thst upon { , ,�� NOUN E ■
(arae• lealform. The Manua area busty ■ ' ' _
Model D, console, -tube, $139.50 in,people.cera ad and als.nt their flak- ■
pug. their banding. their canoe -build-
ing or voyaging: but they are never ■ —
(AS SHOWN) Ono busy to spore the time to properly -
Model G, console, l0 -tube, $169 50 train their small good a slypbecalm. they 1
• rPallttB that upon geed Ptarly Optimal 1
adjnutmsnt the child's future efficiency ■
ALSO SEE THE NEW depends. ■1111
—('Allis IW STttltF: NF:\Cs
Sperial In rhlldrPn's Underwear.
-Stockings and Sheen
Cascade Salmon Tails. ' for 1Se
REIFI'.%TH SUGAR. f•\.te ret.
We are ready, right now;•fo'send
Vou your winter's suppty of
--.'fit-ilial-., — -
And our delivery service is as
speedy as you could. ask for.
All we need is an invitation
Wilt you invite us today?
Ker" "'s' "'
l'hon. ort
-�9u e>a jb iu1eQN n.>; ill- f it t in$ f 1 t hes,
those just oft the rack?
Maybe you apologise for *eta when•you are with well-
dressed men. !wt os make your clothes. w.e,11 eliminate
Good dressers always wear a HAT.
—We do relining and remodelling—
Suits and Overcoats cleaned and pressed, $1.25. Dresses
$1.00 and up.
Ther lar mvuthl
Women's Tnctitate win ba held at The
trs—chain Stores-
g Autumn
•'ur •
When the whole aim of the parental
Lynn Oiltraining Is to make ehtdren feel at
Burner home in the world, feel aelf•rellant,
Pasiiy reamtrP/•ful, surely eonfldent,
The burner with a ten-year guarantee I they do not try to deter a child by the ■
Price of twin six, installed . . $60.00
sayings which are no often on adults'
lip! among nersslvw. "i on't do that. ,nn
yon are too little." "Your legs aren't .
long enough." All much counsel tela to
` x brewd fesrfninees, lack of certfiittspa 1111
■ •
In children. and a Manns child who . ■
/ ". f � t'klvT�mPl r•nn11Aa� t Ti1tIQ 1i al.�t. ■......
v #le 0 a * 1 all merchandise. purchased .in this -est diuiag #Thi's0i-
it riots who getrmpb solliethloe es• /
p�},,. •_fringth 1144:74:116= ■
x?itaxxxxxXX X, xxlsi7C C*�XX O�XXXXX ,an �rNnr.a.+-a■■a■■■■ ■■■■■o■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■ ■■