HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1931-10-22, Page 4w 4 Thursday, October 22ux1, ISS 1 Fashion Craft Overcoats are dere, ready and waiting for you. Style, quality and value compare. t25 and up WE DO REPAIRING AND ALTERATION W.C. Pridham & Son —Mies and Boys Wear— Telspirs Q _.. Goderich PORTER'S HILL PORTER'S HILL, Oct. 2L—The re- gular meeting of the Mens Club will be held Tuesday evening, October 27. Mr. John Sowerby will be responsible for the address to be given at this meeting. Fruit -growers of Goderich towuahlp THE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONT. ASHFIELD The Lille Mesiad Dretttriaa,—Ater a lingering lltnese, Mr. Herbert Drennan passed peacefully away at his home on Sunday worulug, October 18th. He had been In trail health for several years mud was ofteu eoudned to bed, but bore up through 1t all with real are busy harvesting the beet crop of Christian {rottener- and cheerfulness. Apples they have had for some years. About a week Wort his death he aut- Trueka are hauling large quantities of fered a paralytic stroke, from whjeh the fruit to Kltcheaer, Wlndlor and lee never rallied; gradually la;. -Leg late Toronto. s.--...........,,..---- uuconseluwlttavt until death cattle to -fila, ,r l)ee�_He-�. 'Drennan In pia seventy-eighth - yens. MrPnnsn wear the , sou of the late George and Mrs. Dren- I nen. pioneers of Ashfield. Ile wde tarn HOLMWBVILLE, Oct. 'lit,—liolwua la Scotland. but cams as a child with Title d'alted ehunh celebrated Its l his parent* to Canada. and In his early fifty-second anniversary 0n Sunday, the rear. *hared with his parents the I Interior of the church being beautifully pioneer lite of Benfield. He had lived decorated for the occasion with ru- 'musically all his lite on the farm tumu leaves and Bowers. In the which as a young man he helped to morning Rev. Mr. Robinson, of Sas- clear. and on which he died. He. was katchewan, who wan ratted home to a man of sterling Integrity. a man who IVarna on aeeount of the serious 111- 1 had deep and strong eonvletiona in nese of his mother, addressed the regard to tje real end of life. He has large congregation. Two splendid an- I left many friends behind to mourn , ththna were rendered by the choir, un- hIs departure. Surviving are Ave der the direction of Fred Potter. Miss brothers and one sister: John, of Dn- Pranees Potter acted ea organist at loth. Robert. George, Thomas and James. all of AahAeld. and Mrs. Mac- HOLMESVIL.E both services. In theeerening Rev. F. W. Craik. pastor of Victoria street United church. Goderich. preached. NewFurniture Let us look after your re- quirements in New Furniture We can positively. -save yOu money - —Get our prices first- -BLACK STON E'S Furniture Exchange "On {tie Br011el44ay „1 Got:tench" LEEBURN LEk B(•itN, Oct. 21.—Mrs( E. Stew- art and earn Wilbur were callers at the borne of Mr. C. Stewart, Nile, uu Sunday. A very interesting meeting was held at Port Altwrt United church uu Tues- day of last week by the Women's Missionary Floeiety .4 that el•nn'l1, who invited a--1lamlrer_rsf nulghlauhng wwietlea to meet with them. The spe- cial speaker for the afteruoos was Mrs. A. Henderson of Carlow and a much enJoyeringiallfraw was given Ineastwee from the varbrua. societies Those who attended from here were :Mrs. R. Mel)onald, Sirs. Alex. Horton. \Irs. .1. Clinton and F:Gentled' Horton. ('hureh mervice here on Sunday at 11t a.m. Mission Rand at 10 a.m. XXX xxx xxx x XX XXX XXX XXX XXX The Autumn Mode -in- Milliner y and Exeter 'Several from herr attended Thmgran slurs Kay. of Emo. Rainy River dtstrlet. all of whom have the sincere sympathy of their many friends In the loss of a kind and loving brother. One brother, William. died about thirty years ago. The funeral service nn Tnenday after- noon was condnnN by his pastor. Rev. P. M. Colquhonn. minister of Ash- field Preshrterlan church. of which he wax a memher. interment was In Dun- gannon eemetery. The pallbearers were six nephews of the deePased DONNYBROOK (intended for last week) DONNYBROOK. (het. 12.—Mr. and Wi11 Ringler of Llatovrel visited W. M. S. Workers at Dungannon Conferenoe for West Section of Huron Presbytery of the United Church The W. M. S. coufereu11ce4� for the west section of lIurou Pitiebytery` the rutted Church was held to the Diipg=uoon Tilted (-hunk is Tines day, October 13. The chair WW1( taken by Mr*. ltobt. Wiglttmau, vhe- praldeut. Nile auxiliary led to the devotional exercises In the worulug. The delegates and vulture were wel- comed by Mrs. C. )'entlaud of Ouugau- uon, Mrs. Laidlaw of Blyth replying. There are seveuteeu auxiliaries in the west section and ilwost all of these were represented and gave encourag- ing reports of the year's work. ltlyth Queeu street auxiliary have four groups, each responsible for 823 above their usual giritrga. They fully expect 1 United ehur•h here on Sunday after - to reach their •Ihx'atluu. ltlyth_ "ills, t ,n nil evening Rev. R. T. --Watts Andrew's auxiliary plan to uieb 11e of North street i'nited church was the speaker and mire two (Inc sermons. Special music was rendered by the choir and the ehnre h was beautifully decorated with autumn flowers and plants. The day wan fine and there was a splendid attendance at both . aervicet. t'hiters In the Cosintwilty.— Many visitors to the anniversary ser- vile', on Sunday rematue(1 in the com- munity during the day rnl renewed old acquaintsnes. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. i Treble of Carlow and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Venerate of Renmlller visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jnu. Feagan. Mrs. Perey Stewart and ton Wilbur of lee - hurts were at Mr. C. Stewart's: Mr. and Mrs. Howard Squire of Dungannon at Mr. H. Matthews': Mr. and Sirs. moo. illa7t drooewslsiu fl, A+fiAsld. at me. Geo. Rutledge's : lir. and Stas. Jas. Johnston of Cedar Valley at Mrs. in. Taylor's. Mr. Wm. Baine. Miss Slais•I Rallle and Mn. Chas. (orcin of Gott erleh were at the parsonage: Sir. and NILE !Sennett and Wake. filen Qmle*.took place Friday meralag to St. Joseph's church and was largety alt ided. kVv NILE, Oct. 20. --bliss Aden. Bur- rather Ma•l'mrdle sang the high masa gess of Kitchener spent the week -end of requires' and also ofileletrd at the with her friend, Miss Oral Flnutgan. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Maine and Mrs. J. Gleuu, of Duugannoa, vialted et the home of Mrs. Wits. McIntyre on Sun day. Mrs. Flleinger end daughter, Mrs. Marlon \I'arrt•ner, mud little girl, of Gederie'b, vulted OA Moudav with Mr. graveelde, whither the body was carried by six grandams. Wears. Tom, John and Jaime O'Neil, Johu. Tom and Robert Howard. Mrs. Sennett, who wan In her eighty-seventh year, Was born Ise l'ennsylvanla, where she lived for souse time after her marriage to Mr. James Sennett, w'llo predeceased handling firearms In her home. Of a tamely of nine, tis survive: Jamie. I& mond, Mrs. Martha O'Neil, Mrs. How- ard (Annie) of Ashfield, Mrs. Roy (Mary), Mrs. O'Neil (Margaret) of Jackson. May bar soul rest In ever- lutiag peace. Mr. and Mrs. O'Neil, Mr. and Mrs. Roy and Mr. Mulches'. of Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. 8u111 - van, ut Albion. and Mr. Dan Kerney, of Ooderich, attended the funeral of Mrs. Sennett. iii 'Mrs. Ino. Feisgan. - +-het ie. -vessel y -arm 703,7 ibr4 iur a if white in Huron township before mov- ing to Ashfield upwards Of Arty -five 1 I years ago. She wait b[F ,-irinaty disposition. ever ready, while strength permitted, to reach out a helping hand and speak a cheery word when needed. Mrs. Wm. Finnigan ie visiting at Ous- el her !Aster, Mrs. Henderson of Goderich, for a few days this week. The Y. P. S. of Nile United church will hold their meeting on Friday even - Ing of this week. Like all our good old pioneers, her The Girls' Guild will hold a Hal - crosses and trials were numerous, but InwP'en *oriel In thet of the were Marne bravely. She witnessed ctmreh on Friday evening, October I :((tth. two of her young sons and two grand - Regular services will M condneted children become fatal rletims of diph- theria. while In later years a cherished at Nile on Sunday. Sunday school at p m. and the eyrnhng church service grandson. whist* mother. Mrs. Kerney, 2at 7 p. m. had Mefewn dead only a months, ac - Nile Chun* Anniversary.—Anna- ridrntally Mew hex brains not white ver,ary ser ices were enndueted In the 1 Blue Book iu their study periods. In Crewe auxiliary 425 was raised by a (yapper tympaigu. Dungannon has had a better attendance than last year. They were able to send half of their alloatiou away during the first six months. Goderich North street auxili- ary, this year. celebrated their fiftieth anniversary. Nile auxiliary have stud- ied the Blue Rook and found it very lutereating. Smith's 11111 auxiliary re- port that they are doing their beast. Goderleh North street ('Irele report the blest year that they herr ever had atad-+�+rve asked to have their ' allocation ralaed. They have forty- eight annual members. Mrs. Weliwood, Mission •Rand secretary. called the roll for tine Mbisiun Rand•. In Auburn tier Imre •tli- sight tui tuber':. 11 nt the hone of Sir. George Wallas► # -. ['what they Tack 1 'nnmhers is made rap I Mr. and Mrs. Michael Murphy. Mrs Q -Alive Rued,. Mr V,.vt Harwood and In enthusiasm. The Myth .\nderacm Mr. Jas. Murphy visited friends In Kind held a sueeessf11Ltea. Kincardine on Sunday. .\ sliest. "Lift 1'p Thine Eyes." wail 111ss Gladys Jefferson find Sir. Sam beautifully swig- Slrs. W. Walter, Jefferson visitwl at their Inoue here (snow. gave 1(11 fixer Ih•nt Iasper uu 1 Mrs. ,Tbee- Wll,on and Mr. and Mrs. I the holidays. $N-wwerl+hip, nue :;f„..1417' tsu•mbers oif Amoss Stollof Carlow rat Mr. Frank Our teachers spent 1 tsrsday and .lshfield anxlllorc the murulug Wlhoti s, and the MI(ttrt Gram and I_Frlday at their eonventlona_in Clinton .carton with prayer. '111e Dungannon Olive Blake at Mr. in.,. Tohh's. !Julies *Prvtd dinner_ -_----..--. .\ul.urn- auxiliary list la. -t e- deco- -tiogtatL lx'ried-ln- the -_ noon. Tice' Saturday: -------- - -._._. treasnrer's evert was read and .\ very Inter,• -ting and 1Aatrnethe rhnwetl that' tine auxiliaries were hope - meeting of tin' Y. P. A: wtli Held oil fol of meeting their allo-atien. Itlytb Friday evening tinder the leadership rSt. Andrew's), Duneauuou std f AIi 1 Ch Tl ill ....1,h'x 11111 were ahead financially of The Hata of the season have a more definite and feminine charm, that has been ahsrnt from the Millinery of the past few sen asos. Trinuntng has returned. ribbon bows, a feather vaunt, ostrich or quill. You will find the new Hats captivating. They offer variety enough to suit mei"mei"()pe. HYou are cordially ie .tt opect our stn k .Y —t— II• Miss M. R. MacVicar tf!OSTON STREET MOO= MCC GODERICH TOWNSHIP GOIJERICH TOWNSHIP, Oct. 21.-- Mr. ata{ Mrs. It. 11. Frank of Chicago motored here and are sending seine time visiting at the 1101110 of the lar e .s erns amnev. IoM w Wy he no meeting next Friday night. owing .`what they were at this ti asme last year ter's brother-lu-law and sister, Mr. and I to 4 rmrentlon toiw held in Blyth oa Mrs. J. ('ulelougli. supply secretary, Mrs. Wileman Johnston, and with *-give a very interesting report of wheto ms's In {die ceommutdtyi --- Friday. Sir. and Mrs. Thos. Amy of Burford Yrs. J. C. Robinson and Sin. fi. R. I had been sant away and told bow Melt motored u and are vLlting at the Jeffenun'visited \Ire. .11)1111 Mille retold had been apprcelat.-d V flay laid week. .' Mrs. (Rev.) Mortimore. of. Auburn, I home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sewerhy Stn. Will Sillii and !laughter formerly of Neat China., spoke of the end other relatives here tai* week. Myrtle. of Things tttno . white 4 friends I situation in Manchuria. She told of a .► /lumber from this vicinity went Isere on Tuesday. dream in which rhrl't stood before I to Goderich on Wednesday erening Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McCltnehey of the league of Nations end questioned 1 of last week to hear Rev. I)r. Oliver. -• saoderator of the 1'nited chun•ti. speak 10 North street United church. --ter ase -'els!- 11.-M—Merfas mad Rd, ward. of DiIaUsei, Tied ]M�,-S-W: -Xi= Meg, of Potato" Mkb., visited at Use policy had proved a failure. Then s bome.ot Mr. sad Mrs. 0. W. Harwell I laving heard them 111 Christ saki. i this weak. "You may have this one more war. i Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Orr and family But do you realize what It will mean' I motored to Thedford on Sunday. You will come on trended knee and 1m- Mrs. Gere. Ramo of Gwlerkh was • plore me to stop it. The only way i I wieder at the home of Mrs. las. Rosa can tench you 11 to let you do what on Tuewtlay of this week. you want. but you will never want to Mr. ■rad Mrs. Harry Mitchell, Miss do it again." Asa most fitting concha- Florence McClure and Mr. Itenson Sowerby motored to Walpole Inland on Sunday. The anneal harvest home 'service of Zion church, Taylor's Corners. will be held on Sunday evening, November 1st, at 7 o'clock. There,,wtll be epeeial Conferene hraneh. followed up what mucic by the eholr, assisted by Miss Mrs. Mortimore had salA by beginning Bunt and Mr. F:dwarl of Goderich. her address with the question. "Do The speaker of the evening w111 be we really believe that (Christ's pro- Rev. F. W. Crack of Victoria street gram 1s adequater To prove that it chnr•h. Goderich. was she told what learning of Jeatls . Cntet ('hush Nates.—The regular had done for many a new Canadian meeting of the Young People's Society In Northern Alberta. "Have WP been of 1'411041 church will he held In the asheM,anknet yrayeed enough for our church on Friday evening. OMober 23. workers at the frontlet ol'p-SymMt air IMO Marion rftlwr11 -wits -twee einrisp • ot,the meeting. The d1a4-uaslon on the subjes't. "What -the elbowr%F meewa to me," w111 be taken hy Rev. F. W. Cralk....Anniversary services •re be - Ing held In Union church next Sunday. October 25, In the morning at 11 a.m. and In the evening at 7.30 p.m. Rev. W. J. PattottB.J., o[Benmiller, will be the speaker at lath 'gerrlceu. A cordial Invitation Is extended to every- one to attend. Bnnday school Is being withdrawn....Rer. F. W. Craik oc- cnpled the pulpit In Union church on - Sunday. He took ter him eubjeet. "The Songs of the ('hnreh." from the text, AAmmitahtg one wmsther in ptatmir-r- and hymns and spirltnal 'gongs. ming -,- Ing with grace In ymir hearts to tete Lord" (Col. 3:141.1 During the servlet 1111!! -•-- Mr.--('rstk +arts s wrier.--• "Sometime We'll 'Understand," witch was mnch r - enjoyed by everyone. East W awannsh visited their dough- each nation In turn concerning ter. Mrs. C. R. Jefernon, one day last tltude toward the impi-oding war. Hy week. their answers each motion either F' flied Christ's power to ride. tha wind as the Prince of Peace fir saki that 8). hill ExceptionaiValues in Ladies' Coats � A NEW SHIPMENT of ladies' and misses' Winter Coats in this season's accepted styles 1 C ens C a s 1 Overcoats for Men and These Coats are made of fine quality Chonga cloth, trimmed with fur of southern fox, Arabian lynx, etc., and in the new slim silhouette with side fastenings of buttons or buckle. See them and be sure of their value. —Sixes 15 to 40 - -11;:ke $15.95 NEW DRESSES -- Smart style Dresses in satin and Canton crepe. featuring the Sun- day night dinner Dress and the afternoon Frocks. NEW. HATS -- See these Hats, you -. wilt' like them. Closely fitting shapes and cleverly made bows of velvet ribbon. Young Men We have now a complete range of Overcoats tailored in the best styles and of the best qualities. The prices are rea- sonable. Now is the time to buy an Overcoat at a low cost and get full benefit from it. YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO INSPECT THESE COATS A. CORNFIELD-- ° :Shop fvheer ran mostAftsialtegde , - 40th, _. Phone 4 18 Ladies' end Mar's Wear Wast side of Square 1 cion she sang a song of her own com- potitton. "The Hornet Song" The Misses merlowell of Westfield sang a dnet. "Burden" Are Premising In Somebody's Life." Mrs. Craw of Luekn0w. president of the Hamilton spiritual welfare'' she asked. i Mrs. Cos* of Ashfield and Mn. Toll of Blyth were the conrtea7 committee. Mrs. Shaw of Nile. Mrt. Lane of Ash- field end Mrs. MacKenzie of Port Al- bert were named for the resolutions eommitt°e. Mrs. WIghtman. who has Dean vire-president the past three years. new retires and Mist wry Milne of Blyth will take her place. The Dungannon Miaslon nand gave the Wen Shan motion song In nn ex- cellent manner. After the resolution and conrteay committee* had brought In their re- ports. Mrs. Lane, president. spoke A fele well-chosen words and Rev. C. C. Keine pronnnn"ed the henedh tuns. LEEBURN (I ntended for last week) t•F:ERI'RN, Out. 13..—Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm SleKay, of Goderlrh. spent Thanksgiving Ilay at the home of Mr. And Mrs. A. Clinton. Mr. Mot Locke motored up from Toronto Saturday evening to the home of Mr. And Mrs. Alex. Horton and slant Mumble returning Monday After- noon. fternoon. Mem. i.ocke. who has been here for some time on aeenuat of 111 -health, returned with him. notch Improved. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Messer (nes Alberta [Lorton). of Toronto, vallis on their mete sad aunts here on Friday latt. They left to motor farther on to Dungannon and Wtngham. Mrs. 11 Tobin and daughter Mary. of Goderich. were callers at the home of the \lisrer Manu nn Tuesday of last week. Some of the w 11 c 15411ra attended the thank off. rhe¢ meeting of the W M. S. *t St Andrew', ehnrch, Port Al- bert. on TIP'wlis nfternoeap Four other sneiettes woe. Ane nna.Fnmr on the program and there ems alm an ad ifrwn 1" •11rit Hr' A.. s It Cirr- i** n�rr'' ike. t)sv*rn 'In 'f4dilaWy diode rap a carr fine pirIgttltn a west witntel atteadanee otJadlea. '!lel Port Alpert ladies worm a Aata"f% lana i at the close of {lei /,*gram. Now is the time to have your Furnace Cleaned, Repaired and Pipes Replaced before the snow flies and catches you unprepared John Pinder Agent for YoClary Furnaces PHONE 127 P. 0. Box 131 — Goderich USED CARS AT"" GARAGE'S ST. ANDREW'S STREET We have to offer at a very special pries a TUNoln custom- built seven•pasgenger sedan. Anyone needing a large car will 414) well to see this one. We will take one or more small cars as part payment. If you value your dollar's deal with us. J. E. STEDELBAUER GODERICH — TILLSONBURG — DELHI READY FOR WINTER ? Have you had your Furnace looked over and put in good order? /f not, now is the time to do it, before the weather gets too cold. We do all kinds of Heating, Plumbing, and Tinsmith- ing If you are contemplating a new job or an overhaul, let us give yon a figure on same. We carry a full line of high-grade Anthracite Coal, Coke and Pocohontas Coal. Guaranteed no clinkers or slate. CHAS. C. LEE, at the Harbor. —PHONES—Stars 22, Howse 112— THE PASSPORT TO HEALTH! - INC Royal Bowling Alleys - West Street - NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. LARGE, BRIGHT ROOMS, WELL VENTILATED, AND WITH ALL UP'TO-DATE CONVENIENCES A good, wholesome way to spend your evening or a leisure hour in pleasant, congenial surroundings. Scotd Di e a Monday, October 26th. 1st and 2nd ' Prizes SOUND WEST STREET —Phare 17— t7ODERIC1FI •—PERFE('TiON iN 9O1 -ND AND ViSION— PL APING—('LIVE BROOK in "SILENCE - CAPITAL THEATRE MONDAY, TI'ESIDAt, WEDNFgDAV— KINGSBRIIDGE KIN(IS1tRI1K1E, Oct. 21.—Several from .round here attended the funeral of the late Ur. Herbert Drenorn, whleh book plane yesterday (Tlrped*, ■fternon from his home on the nth eoneessdon to Dungannon cemetery. Mr. Drennan waft well and favorably known In this community and we feel that In his pasting Ashfield has lost one of her most patterned citizens, a kind, conaelentiona neighbor. There is a retreat to the public go - Ing on In St. Jnoeph's church this week. it commeneyd last Sunday morning and will continue until next Sunday evening. it 1s conducted M Iter. Father Knox. a Jesuit mistlonary, who Is most Instructive and Inspiring. ,mother Pioneer Paa es.—Ahmrt mid- night of Tneoday, October Attu, death visited the home of Mr. Robert plow anF-trawl ?farmed 111.. aonl of 11143,,pen- nett, who for some time peat had been tender)! pored for by Aaeghtmir. Mrs. line's*" �cat�t beerwsr. peeesr.A to the' .aeawek- lataealwaAc• where deeeau4 slellpt tae rester pan elf her life. and which 1* now ocenpk.'~ sad owned hy Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Mark Twain wrote this immortal story about n grotto of healthy youngsters who behaved x11(1 misbehaved when he mesa a boy himself. JUNIOR DURKIN, MITZI GREEN, JACKIE COOOAN AND JACKIE SEARLE make real flesh and bless) characters of the pals anal stise4'is*4' "Huckleberry Finn" of A Sound Newsreel With Every Program THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY—,� Cyril Maude 4440 ..f the two greatest Kngllsh afage Mara assisted by • GODFFREY TEARLE AND NORA SWINBURNS 1". A DF.IJ(:I!TFI'I. ST(4RI' BY MICHAEL ARLES ..f an ecenln¢ soul warming (-Merinloment when ym1 sea loll n r - O',nrtel "These Charming P ale" �» WATCH TOR ottt' iMA8 1 1 1