The Signal, 1931-10-22, Page 3Clubbing Rates The Signal can save you money on almost any periodical. For instance, The Signal and The London Free Preis for $6.50. Save 50 cents. Job Printing Job printing in all its branches at The Signal. First-class printing at reasonable prices. Telephone 35. TSB SIGNAL PRINTING 00.. LIMITED. PtID1laYaa, GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1931 1-:Ic;11'1'1 peel 1(1'11 YEAH, NO. i. • Geo. Williams Dealer In DOMINION. rROVINCIAL. Yt'WICEPAL AND CORPO- RATION RONDO Elm Aosldeat. Aaitesa.Mle. and Genesi esi leattrtaase Agent 031m, next to Bank of Commerce Phone 53 (Rodenth DO YOU REALIZE that according M statistics five man out of every ria who roach the age of 61 are dependent oa others for tank daily Mead? HAVE YOU ANALYZED peer own situation ? How do - YOU wad ? ADEQUATE Ur[ INSURANCE le rear cwt ..leaW .met. THOS. WILSON R. R S, GODERICH, ONTARIO Telepboae 1516, Carlow West Street ELS i Are you properly pefeeld by rya INSURANCE? —CONSULT— F. WOOV.COIMIBE HatlalWo street or ?boss ells -Ce leeilloc Hays J. W. Craigie Real Estate and Insurance "So your husband' tried toget a girt ernmeut post? What Is he doing now?' "Nothing—he got the post." lbe Armstrong Real Estate and Insurance Agency Iloo.e. and Lots is Goderich and Far>•s for Sale Large nwmber listed to choose from. See or write J. W. ARMSTRONG .UAL MATE Bax 69 --- Gderkb WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF Electrical Appliances, Fixtures, etc. Electric Wiring of ell kinds Estimates gives ea applieadee FRANK McARTHUR Telephone 82 — Goderich CALL 'AT rsto:Pr_ eelk— Son far Oast quality GROCERIES, tress and Imported FRUITS, COONZD HAM DUTCH LOAF, MACARONI and CHEESE LOAF, BOLOGNA. CHI('KEN. HAM and TONGUE LOAF, Side and Back BACONS, sliced or by the pkee, Mao FRESH MiLK tally. F.krtrie Refrigerating for your protection._ _ Goads and prima guaranteed. FREE DELIVERY Telephone 248 Corner of Square and North Street Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada You hare three great hazards of life for which dettnne provt,ton should to made, namely:—(a) Provision for your dependents In the case Of early death. (b) Provtsdon for yourself and family in ease of long Illness. (c) Prevision for the old age of yourself and wife, or otbarrdeogerseats. , A Bsltf L Aasaranco Co. Policy, with the Tota. Disability Clatimm, wr *Weide for ail of these contingencies. PHOT tit' Residence 549 .t I A • ...7.46,14,0%•.. 'w%. i I'e1Y, District Agent. —FIRST QUALITY— Rubbers, Roger Boots, Goloshes and Overshoes The new low prices on this class of r orWF.AR are the low- est they have been for yearn. The following in a partial lint of the many great bargains now 4dereel. Men's plata Rubbers 75r Women's Rubbers Ire Boys' plain Rubbers 65r Misses' Rubbers ale Youths' plain Rubbers 55e Children's Rubbers 51e Mot's Rubber Bests, rad rile 9325 Mew's Rubber Biota, black sole 12.75 Mens Rubber Boats, white sok 13.75 All Hues of HI'RBEII FOOTWEAR at equally low priest at the "Mutual !Chop Moret." GEO. MACVICAR THE PRACTICAL SHOE MAN NORTH SIDE OF SQUARE GODERICH_-_+ on Town Finances Urges that Every Effort Be Made to Avoid Overdraft This Year The town .council had a brlet, busi- nesslike met:Ion last Friday night and got through in a Tittle over half an hour. Moat( of the work, of course, had Leen done In committee the previous ulght. _ All the m present ex- cept Reeve Ctelgie and Councillor Carey. The aaeeseor eubwitted a summary of hie asseaameut for 11131, showing a decrease of $2,90U In the total aseeaa- weut as compared with last year. laude and buildluge showed au 10- erease of 43.215, husiuesw tax an in- creare of $7,340, and income a decrease of $13,,1.34. __.. Mayor Lee reminded the council that uo appointment had been made to the public library board to 1111 rate-- - "We recommend tout the Provincial place vacated by Mr. A. J. MacKay 06 Gorernawut be again asked to tike a his removal from 1iwu. The specie quota of men from Gies Rttich to work - committee was asked to recommend a on the trans-4'auada highway relief suce•sear, work in Northern Ontario. The stated that---40-...,bad - =fie dte. —ment agLt mtft>Jt spoken- to the roterarter-tor-ttn, -gamete program of relief- avbrk-to.J�ta� lltt+Iitniti-Jt[111t'(i ltixrrtt-zint mado, crew work mo the piers at the harbor Provincial Relief Board for approval." her way to klrrr111. CI*lr _thus being and had arranged to have the timber The fire committee reported that all one of the few boats that rode out from the old piers placed at the dis-applications for building permit. re- the storm. She met her fate in the poral of the town for relief purposes.' ferrel to the committee at the last I Great War.: when, as the Empress of This matter was left In the hands of cuuncll meeting had been lease• Fort Williann, she went across the At - the public works and special coin -I These reports were all adopted with- bootieand wax sunk by a torpedo In mittees oto 1 �J__ the English CbanneL Capt: Stephen J KT•- — erttt diratlaalilt = was born seventy yuan ago in Cei1- Application for building permits. as Caatetllsr Rays se Use Fbtaneea follows, were referred to the fire cola- Councillor Humber spoke of the mittee: C. E. Marley Ltd.. rebuilding peeemity of care ou the part of the blllboard en Nelson street : R. W. Tuf- chairmen of the earlats cotnmitte•s to lord. 411 part of dwelling. New- amici exceeding their estimates for the gate street: W. E. Kelly. repairing Iron year. aiding, Hamilton street: Roht. Young, Councillor Hay., chairman of the n• -railing ahe1. Elgin avenue: Reg. finance committee. had figures ready ! son, diel at Owen Sound last week, Burrows. new brick veneer dwelling on and pnoeeded to give a detailed state- I after a illness of few days'. For the Elgin avenue. estimated cnmt :11700. mint of the %tending of the various last ten years he had been master of Legion's i'appy Campaign departments with reference to their An application was revolved from estimate. and their expenditure', so Itioderleh branch of the Canadian Le- far this year. Some departments had glint for permission to put on the year- already exe'ded their estimates end ly poppy eampalrn on November 6th ethers were very close to the line. in and 7th. and the request was promptly ones case. (savings had been effected granted.-_ _._-_— _ _ha ethers the eatlmatea had been IA letter from the secretary of the a little high. The situation. said Board of Trade forwarded two sug- eonneilloe nava, would have to be gestions: (1) That the town clock be elosely watched is order to avoid an Illuminated, 424 that a sign be placed by the cannon on Ldghthou w hank dis- playing the htstorteai feature. of tame. This wan referred to the parks committee. wrote advising the council that tide commission is prepared to construct twe concrete water tanks at an esti- mate( coat of $1000 each, providingcommittee. and 1f tO fhe latter that committee had greatly exeeeded its es- timate, which waw only 41.5110. What he wished to make plain. amid Coun- cillor Hays. was that the publie works eommlttee had prat -tit -ally reached Its limit of expenditures. The appropriation for grants wax 43,500 anti the amount already paid was approximately 42,100. For char- ity the estimate wax 41,500, and al- ready 41.100 had been apent. Deben- tOre Mem-teal and interest were flxel eluarges. 111111s payable elbowed total paements of about 44.000 more than Ia'1111011 under the Local Improvement Ate ie presented." The rommittee fee- I''R011 "BILI.,"' its - -We ate -always glad -le Lear twin the Wee reeniamendi I -4tut4 "► rratonr --Calor-oast -4 Jet•+e r.l.arell for Goderich Salt en. sewer across the wield nuiir re W. T 110(la of W. I. ('lues. & Company, plumbing.eontrac• torr, St. Louis, Mo., 111 particularly web come. Mr. (Tara% Benda his renewal to The Signal and add.:' "The calendar rewlutls me, t.alay, that forty years ago 1 left Goderich for St. Louis. ,When talkiug over this event at home this morning the poet - mall rang the (lour bell and handed tae Om gigue!, which we receive every Moudey worning. and certainly it was very appropriate ou this particular date. 1 enjoy very much the contact 1 have with the plate of my birth National Shipbuilding property at the pleasure of the council be put in the shape of an agreement as per eorres- pondence." The special committee reported ap- proval of the proposal from North Ray that the Government be *eked to as- sume the entire cost of all direct re- lief paid out for trausientx or that transients be returned to their own mauielpelitles at Government expense. and recommended that the resolution he forwanlel to the Premier of On- tario. Other -(,Buses it the special commit- through your paper, and ant always tern. retort were, es folluwr; .. happy to read of the many Improve- "We mprove"We have reetvpl an inventory of metas mud e,ntiuued progress being , the band equipment and recommend made to keep Goderteb the beauty that the balance of 1931 grant be town of America." paid. ENTER THEIR LAST PORT "We recommend that the oollcifor be Instructed to prepare a bylaw pro- A well-known mariner of the Great riding for the protection of the town Luker, Capt Edwin L. Stephen, died in entne•tion with areaways. cowl recently at Port Colborne, where he shutes and other apeulng,' on the had lived for Moine yearn. ('apt. Stephen streets. and that the owners uhtaln was well known In Goderich and 1s re- s permit, give a bond. also that an membered here in veneer dun with the annual fee of 41 be collected as ac- big storm of November Slit,' 1913. He knowlelgment. left Goderich that morniug with his steamer. _the Kentinistihula, for the head of -iia Jodie., and some miles out -of GatericL met the Ill -fate) steamer Wexford„ whh•h was Is.uud for this port but never reached It. After breasting the storm for some time the tingw-...l a.1 during' h1s lifetime vas aeso•late' with various shipping com- panies. He heft barn ill for n year or more. having been a®Mted with par - Another well-known Great Lakes mariner, Capt. George William Peor- Satisfied Customers! SATISFIED customer's have been largely vee 'aponsible for the growth and progress of this Bank for sixty years. To -day, more than ever, we try to bring a human sympathy and an intimate under- standing into our daily business contacts. YOU WILL WKR RANKIN() AT TAR ROYAL The Royal Bank 1st of Canada yiod 1k11 brsnen • "S. e E *ensu; Mampac- Iso overdraft which be was de(ermlped fo the steamer Collingwood, of the Can- ada Steamship Lines. Before that he had been eaptaln .ureesslvety of the Midland Prince. the Emperor and the Hagerty. Capt. Pearson was In his .ravicenty-first year. PARAMOUNT PARAMOUNT. Oct. 19.— Mr. ('evil do. - Webster. of London. spent the week - On an estimate of $15,004tb!_paltttP end nadir -the -parental toet:-- - - One of the Rasons given for present day conditions is selfish- ness. We do not think we are selfish when we ask for your trade with these prices:— DOD11'S KIDNEY PILLS i9e GIN P11.114 19e CHASE'S NERVE FOO) 1* CHASE'S OINTMENT 49e CUTICURA SOAP INSTANT 01)0 -110 - NO NEW. 35e Special --Sat unit) and Moods( Carter's Little Liver Pill. -22r Krusriten Seib ., 73e N•todbur) b Facial 50.11'...3 rakes 68r On sale this week Special priced porkat ('OMB$ v. k FOR COLD IN THE HE.tO TRY ONE OF THESE:— VAPURE ilk a bottle at DUNI.OI"1 ,ler a bottle at LI DEWS ..-..,,,..Sar a bottle at l'.tMPKI':I.L'1 Mk a bottle at WHILES CLEAR HEAD.._ INHALIT KOLD-EASE FREE—Erse with a bottle of Hromo-Seltzer a package of sewing needles, l'AL BLADES 5 for '!:'r GILLETTE BI.►DES t for .tor PALET AUTO -STROP RL%DFM« .......... 3 for ear PROBAK BL1DEM i fe.r :.(ti• KNOW lilt R-11111 (.(AIST- — --- HE i5 llll « FRIF:NI► J.A. Campbell, J. 11. Lauder, H.C. Dunlop, E. R. Wigle An Anno ncement of -. Importance to Every Man in Goderich. Oct. 29t ONE DAY ONLY works committee had spent already tO6 Yrs, l' fie, aMs nura Ma? nearly *14,500. Unfortunately the ex- Paton and Miss Muffle, nnrae-Ielr per: at Llatowel, visited with their par_ rr �• ; pR�. IEgsk e#F+ �r$Si cit APPS' rntafrit(1. Mr. and Mier.' Wm. McGill visited This must he eharged either ro pnbIle with the litter's sister, Mrs. D. Pa1- workm or to the parks and cemetery mer, of Kincardine—__.___— Mix' Ethel Martin is spending a few days with friends at Pine River. Mrs. Wm. Kempton spent a few days with Mr. end Mrs. Wm. Kempton at Ripley. Suss Susie Gibson spent the week- end with -friends in Lncknow. Mr. Jas. Ketchahaw and Mr.. Ret- chalaw motored to Galt and visited with friends there. Miss Wilhelmine ('hestnut, nurse -In - training In St. Joseph's hospital. Lon- don. e,liel on Paramount friends last week. this work la included In the program of Government relief. Theme tanks sre to store water at points on the out- ukirte of the town where the preeaure In tlue water main* is low; and In ease of fire the fire trnrk could pump water directly from three tanks. Tire council aeeeptel the propneal, which Is to he mnhmftted;to the Govern- ment along with other plana for re- lief work. Committee Reports The finance committee reported: "That the payment of 42,046.07 due tk•tober tat for the Goderich Manufae- lame year. but this was so much to the taring (company debentures has been goal. as it represented repaymt=ntM of paid by the town and we recommend hank loans. that 42,000 of the 1944- Victory ponds aa held for the Goderieb Mfg. Co. fund be sold and_proceeds used In repay- ment of amount oTueicfobeiloi -- "We ■Ito recommend that the God- erich Manufacturing ret -ted. he asked to file with the town 45,(441 fire Ineur- ance on property as covered by the town's mortgage. the policies to be payable to the town as the tdwn's Intereete may appear." -The public worka committee reported that plans and estimates had term re- ceived from Engineer Johnson of a new sidewalk on the north aide of Har- bor 11111 road, the eetlmatel cost toeing 1000. The committee recommended that the plans and epe•ifleattona he accepted and he include) in the list of relief work* to he submitted to the I'rovin- vial Relief Board for approval. A re- port hadbeen received Also from Mr.. Johnson on tilde -proposed Vein. newer on Nelson. Church, St. Patrick's and Waterloo mtreeta, the ewttmatel coot be - Ing $11$76110, and the committee re- commended that the report and plan 1e accepted and to included In the re- lief works to he snhmlttel to the' Pro- vincial eavinclal Relief Board. Another report received from Mr. Johnson was on a propaued newer on Mary street to af- ford outlet to dwellings between Hint -km and Elisabeth streets. The re- port shows that the ontlet would have (o he to Elizabeth street and the coot would 1' atont 41100. The commit- tee's reeommendatton wax that "no fur- ther action toe taken until a proper Border ('then Star. There were riving% this year -of 41,000 nn the county rate. 41,300 on the Collegiate Institute. and 41.200 on puh- ik schoots---a tote) saving of 43.500. Rank lntere-at was about 4001 below the estimate. Thla was dne to the col - tertian of arrears of taxes and the eoneequent reduction in honk loans. The eetlmnte of approximately 44,- 000 for "mlacellant'rms" account had been greatly exceeded, - the amount spent to date being about KA00. This Included 44101 for the water, light and harbor commttee. - "We must continue to praetlme econ- omy, as we have leen doing all year," acid the finance ehalrmen. "ft has been an nnnsttel. In some ways en nn- fottnfl*te ;rear: tint 11 we are rare'nl during the remainder of the year we msy finish In a. good a state am when we "started, If not better." Mayer Lee thanked ('onneltinr Hoye for the complete statement he had Elven of the Matinee. and expressed the hope that the eheirmen of committees would take heti to his remarks. • in reply to a ene'atlnn from Coun- cillor flays. the tae collector state( that collections .o far this year were ahead of That year's to tale time. The council adjourned to Monday night. -" Usually It take. the average golfer between twenty and twenty flee years to get rid of the fanny Idea (het he may some day he amatent ehemplera.— ASSESSOR'S RETURNS -1931 1931 111111) Linde ani IN1IdInts 41.551,520 41,579,625 149,440 *311,1040 41.106 55,140 552,000 5*2,000 Aeaptaemc'nt for nuainema Tut Asaeasment ter pm-ome Assessment tor School Tax May Total AadssaSledtt , $2.801,788 42,504,71111 Net decrease-- 42,9.9. Bea :91s. d+eaeetosnA b Z int -rause fia. r s. AAL -.1.1A Mr. Jones, Tip Top Tailors' repre- sentative, will arrive in Goderich. Yes, Sir: Thla b the blg day widen the expert atyllst 41111 titter from Tip Top headquarters will be at our .tire. Every man ,r,hr- lug a 'filo Tap Suit or .)vellroat during his v►ait wit ten perwmally measure) by him. mild a1lvi.ee1 Si to the atria, pattern and color which let mart emitted 111 MN personality. SUIT OVERCOAT TVX 24. ... ONE PRICE ONLY MADE TO MEASURE "STILL MORE QUALITY" Tln.• Tip Top policy cd "Still Mere Quality" Is more apparent Tuan-. ever Ixefere. rattles an. more exclusite. liner in texture, and avail- able In wider variety. Styles have leen Mele•tel from the world's leaders. And last. hot not last, tailoring has been improved right down to the lmerme.et part. Don't miss tide opportunity to secure extraordinary personal Mer- vi•e along with ('.nada'e moat outsteutliug clothe,. value. M. Robins, Goderich EXCLUSIVE DEALER - • TIP TOP TtILOK.S LTD. • SAFE and SATISFYING lvinst people at some time or other have lost money through taking a chance tonight puts Money in a BANK OF ,Savings l000iiiit is safe,yields pa fair retu'n ancl,coupledwith fa definite Om of systematic saving, will prove to be, in a sun prising number of ways, one of the finest investments available, Established 1817 Total Assets in Excess of ;730,000,000