The Signal, 1931-10-15, Page 8r. 1"4181111ffitY. October 15th, 1931 THE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONT. — An Opportunity to Unite Canada --e Hallowe'en All tie requirelmesb for yosr party. • Serviettes, Tally Cards, Place Cuda Pmllpkis, Cats,- , Masks, and Faces Orange aid black Crepe Paper COLE'S BOOK STORE Rev. M. C. Parr at plague of every heart, it blights and paralyse* sad hampers us by evil thoughts. Sin must be dealt with et - Victoria St. Church (actively, it usual nut control us, we must be liberated from It, and Christ lIs the ouly liberator. Hampered by -- I sin we taunt live our highest, but AnnivServings an riary d dnpper by being Christian* and believing OR • Moet BaooMaful Jesus we are able to otercome sin DOOM width otherwise would burden us down. Death, the withdrawal of life, is mysterious. As Christians we face The people of Vittoria street Uniteddeate alum, yet not alune, fur Christ ehthumb*, ureh uu trekwmed a former I goes with es; He adore eau. rob death pastor. Rev. W V. -Parr, ut Hyatt and grave ut "victory...lt._W but I be- aveuue United church. Low udon, ho Here Hetet •rd yeat--art trust in 111m 1j conducted the rrrntversary seTviees and we *serer die. --AI . a-. * rmttUL `I gave k.reefut, earnest addrestre morn --We begta,llfe with Christ, we end Eng awl evening to large congrega- 1 with Christ," said the apeaker. "Why tions. not have Cbrlat with us' all the way be - Mr. l'arr took as the theme of his tween life and death?' morning message, "Why be • Christ- At the evening service Mr. Parr's tan)" lib text was the first twelve subisit was "Dreamers, Sleepers and verses of the fourth chapter of Acts, Watchers,' and he made an eloquent with particular refertesee to a portion plea for diligence and watchfulness In of tete twelfth verse: "There is none Christian living. other naw* under heaveeq� given amuug 1 Annual 'l ankagiktig Super men, whereby we-- aw .t -M saved." The , en Mondry eveulug [he anama. speaker questioned, "Why be a Christ- i Thanksgiving supper was served In the Ian? Wby be a follower of Jesus ' basement of the church by the Wo - Christ?" The answer was twofold.. men's Asselatlon and was followed by for we have a life to live aiu cannot Ian entertainment of merit. There was live 1t to the full without ('hrlat, *ud a large attendance. showing lndublt-' --- we have a death to -die *ad we dare 1ably (it, popularity of this annual not die without Hine Life is not I event. The program was a varied one, Beteg a slipshod a;kiss(*, but aefek--i with musical numbers, readings and inserter the highest form ut toodneae.. nlew.wjes ►' greeting -Mini ministers Anniversary services will be bald in dello/ what We. believe (:sad wauta 1.*. Rev. F...--.114---Craik. the pastor, was lteamlller church nn Sunday, October I to do. The sa speaker id. "With: chairman. in his opening remarks he 25th. at 11 a.m. and 7.3.1 p.m. Rev. e'hrist we Bye. without Christ we only : welcomed those present and gave la- y'. W. Craik of Victoria street church, I exist." We cannot hope to accomplish ' ten•.ttslg llimetratbens of thanksgiving Goderich, will be the preacher of the ! worthwhile living without assistance, . in tory. He urged the people to co - day. The proposed fowl supper and � the asstktaoce reveler(' by living In teperate for success. The opening hymn entertainment has been cancelled. close toneh with Jeers. Sin is the eves followed with prayer by Rev. Geo. BEN MILLER T. Watts. 11r. George Buchanan sang a solo, a piano Instrumental was stem by Miss Jean Price and a vocal .ulu by Mr. A. Traverse. Rey. S. V. li. 1'eutlaW gave a short address, stat- ing that he was glad to have the oppur- uuity of residing tu Goderich titter speudtug many happy years iu pastor- ate* In several parts of Ontario. A humorous reading In urge, dialect was given by Mrs. Robert Wilson sud was followed by solos, by Mies Hoge !dutch. Miss Jaws Mlle* of '1'Ulaouburg ren- dered a solo _and limier hilly Joe Johnston gave readings. Met a .all tuber ley Miss. Delis►, Gilmore Rev. W. .1. rattan lsrowtht greetlnep. from Hrnmiller charge. The lienwl ler pas- tor was in a happy toil and expressed his appreciation of the spirit of the people during these stressful times and hoped a nobler life would emerge for the Canadian people. A whistling solo by Mrs. Jim. 11. Johnston and a second number by miss Mlles were rendered. Her. George T. Watts, minister of North street United church, ught the greetings of his people. In an interesting_ address he mentioned several things for which Canadians may welt hare a thanksgiving spirit. A cornet wet, by Mr. T , a reading b7 Mrs. Willem and a vocal solo by Miss IL.1sntlaild privlded the sketch. "A Lapse of Menlorf " The dialogue was cleverly acted and was accompan- ied-by ccompan- I d'bT 'assets-.-eyplaase tbrooghon*r Those--teking -wet were MPs. Motels. MIs. armee Mason and fir George Ritechier. Miss M. Prowse gave a reading and Mr. 0. 'Buchanan eoutri- bnted another vocal sole tlow. Rev. Mr. Craik oh behalf of the Women's As- anelatlon thanked those taking part and everyon., who in any way helped - to make tilt. 1 rots success. -. r seater VaIues. MAO FOOD STORES A1ways EXTRA SPE S A PRODUCT OF ONTARIO'S MUT 0!188 lb. 21 CHEESE NEW MILD AND MELLOW --111.11TY, TANGY OLD Ir r w lb.14c FANCI' SUGAR -CARED SMOKED BREAKFAST B ACON—- We BY THP. PIECE. Ln. 18e EXTRA SPECIAL SALO ON 4 8P QUOJ?YROA sex% s *Y Porterhouses Delict ILa 2Se Rump ss' A`nl i°tD°RR Is 15e SirlOiln �7 ca 210 Round Re Aat. in"w.-- tie Ae • PORK LOINS `741"41`-19 0 Sei ITl"8 "CIRCLE 8" BitAND Pork Shoulders s -kw -I. ib.15° FISH' SALMON *ILV11 RIGHT Steaks lb. 1Se NAM lbs 16s MESH HADDIE masa YELLOW TAIL Fillets lb. 19. Flounders lb. 124) SPAGHETTI HEINZ zm11)NaM21I CHOICE QUALITY PEASNo. 4 Sieve 3s' 23e 1- — CROWN OE INIZSiVE UNHANDS S "YR jP s4b. Tin 300 2-1b. Tin 14. AUNT MINIMA - Pancake Flour 4,p BAKERY PRODUCTS Shirt adherence to nor polio of using only the finest finality lyralI to la OUT battery podaeb assure, you of complete satlaf.etlnn on any Ref yen Wy. BREAD ANN PAGE FOR THIS WREX-END ONLY Sponge Cakes chi 1 NRA* LO ;• LOA/ 6• siieh 1 to Fruits and Vegetables CARROTS NAn14s4gowa, 6'e41t.8aRk.t 190 ONIONS MEDIUM RIM ONTARIO (GROWN 1 o lbs- 150 COR. NORTH STREET and SQUARE Grocery Manager J. A. RAVEN/HU. Meat Manager — I. J. JERRY. TREE DELIVERY. }11100 a K ii THE GMAT ATE. A N ITS' & P ACJ 'IC TE LIMITED OF LANAD4 - - . .._. BRIEFS T1te itt n k 1'hapter, .LO.D.F... will hold its regular meeting at the library on'Monelny afternoon, October 19th, at 4 o'clock. . A rumum a sale under the auspices of the Maple Leaf Chapters. J.(-S.D.E., will tae held on Friday and Saturday, Oetoels•t• inti and 17th. Anyone hav- tng cloth:•., china. (weeks. etc., please phone 101. it' Installation sof officers will take place st the meeting of Goderich Rebekah ant leer his eky in hid.-iteRrt." and Lodge. Ni. '9. on Tuewisy etentng applied It to the people of today. -iib- next. Miss Grace Pesroele.D.D.P., a*tltnting "country" for "city." The Ntw Ilen4lentg. will bare charge of moderator had brought to the p•••14, of the Installation. the United chnmh a challenge ectrnnr- tttf Xi_Be .-jneeeetee euee- old Itis btltk siinary ail the question now was. dwelling honer on Elgin stress. to Rev. What 'halt- Dr. Barnett of Ridgetowa, who intends retiring to Goderich next year. Mr Burrows Ie putting up another house on the adjoining lot for his own oe- enIancy. (Continued from page 1) tow. A little shower came, with Just a little thunder awl a little lightning, but the little lightulug there was killed the cow. Thlr owner of 850 acres went to the bank to borrow *110 to buy another cum, but might as well have crone to the North Pole, it was no! more chilly than the bank. But he got a cow, for the minister et the ited eebtireb kept Mtn the money. That maids/et was receiving from his stricken congregation only 210 a month as salary, but a band of young people In Islington, Ont., were sending hint 230 a month. during these lean days, and one month's cheque bought the eQw. The prairie, however, la the land of hope. Next year Is always going to be a good year. One man who was asked whether he. had. -not lost everything answered. "No. i're got my health, my family, and my faith." This' time of what we call dleaster, said the speaker, 1s God's opportunity, anti the church's chance. God is teaching us how de- pendent we -are upon His love and care and mercy. He Is honoring Saskatche- wan by using It to bind Canada to - Melee if, It making for the jtii0O a highway Ot servkee. If, said the speaker. we can catch the vision. if we can arouse the spirit of reopera- tion, if we hare courage, then of these difficultly.* God w111 make amine tunitiee for better lives. Netter com- munities. a better Canada. But we need constant consecration, greater de- .-rotion, if we would win tbrnngh. It we are wholly consecrated, If we will build our very lives into this work,. Were can -be no 'i intt Or glorrous vk-tnry. Rev. Dr. Laird Rev. Rotel. Laird, D.D., treasurer of the United Church. followed the mod- erator in a brief addrean. placing be- fore. the people the condition of the missionary and maintenance fund of the church and the unusual drain upon It at this time. He quoted the saying of ■n ancient Greek philosopher. "That man Is a spiritual starveling who does LUCKNOW LUCKNOW. Oet. 13.-M.r. and Mrs, Price Naylor and son Jack and Mr. Harvey Naylor of Toronto were holi- day visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Thompson. Miss Lorna Barber of Guelph spent the week -end with her grandmother, Mrs. N. L. Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Decker of Kincardine are slatting the forther's A[cratlt.� wad Jars C. Decker. Misses Lillian and Frances Maclean spent the week -end with relatives to Dungannon. Messrs. Laverne and Harold Yoeger of Toronto spent the week -end at the home of Dr. and Mrs. D. Geddes, MI** Marian Stewart of Guelph wag a holiday visitor at her home here. Mr. anti Mrs. -Fred Ross and SOU Donald of Dungannon were recent vte- Itorsm at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Bell. Mr. and Mrs. N. D. McKenzie and son Donald and Mrs. R. MaeCharlea spent the week -end with friends 1n Toronto. Dr. and Mrs Woods and son Austin Of Detroit were recent visitors with WANTEDMr. Matthew Woods. Mr. and -Yrs. rink'Richardson •o1 WANTED.—BALE MAN FOR 110D- _ Teeswater i b- Teeswater are visiting reelatitea here. ERiCH and district. with car pee- lilp 1y' irO"T711ian -of Tdmnte tStferred. Apply BOX 31. THE SIGNAL, risiting her grandmother. lira. Cliff. i► lVIll-BY MIDDLE -AGED -MO sarJ} � ESTFIELD - MAN, work by day or otherwise as housekeeper. ---Apply- to MRS,. THO . WESTFIELD. Oct. 13. -Mr. and ELLIOTT, Warren street. Mrs. Wm. McVittie and family motored to Monntaln Grove to spend a week with Mrs. McVlttie's mother, Mrs. Godfrey. and other friends. Several from Iii* vkinly toetla the Wingham fait on Saturday., Mr. Lorne Stonehouse and his aunt, Mrs. Nixon. are visiting the latter's *later. Mrs. Harry Hopper of Wing - ham. • Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Carter and fam- ily of Wesod*tork spent the Thinks - DiED COWAN.-In Goderich. on Sunday, October 11th. Jean Cowan. HALSTEAD.-In Goderich township. on Saturday. October 10th, Samuel Halstead. in his 80th year. LEONARD. -in Goderich. on Friday, October 9th. Jeeale MeLay, beloved wife of James Leonard. aged 72 Years. - CORNELL.-On Sunday, October 11th, Margaret May Fraser. dearly be- loved wife of Benjamin W. Cornell. 124 Heddingtou avenue., Toronto. formerly of Goderich. IN MEMORIAM McDAIRMID.-in loving memory - of my dear father. who passed away October 15. 1120. at Detroit, Mleh. October brings sad memories Of a loved one laid to rest : He will alwaya5- remembered Ry these who loved him beet. -DAUGHTER BELL. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO ORJIDITORB. Notice is hereby given to all persons having any claim against the eetete of Stella V. McClelland, late of the town of Guderleh to the county of Huron, who died on or about the 3rd day of October, A.D. 1931, to send same to the undersigned on or before the 21u1 day of November, A.D. 1981, as ou and after that date the testate will be distributed tweets the persuas enema thereto, laving regard only to the claims of welch thtt' have notice, piEWodet'il<lt Tot Octobesrtit-Walt -•-- . F. R. DARROW, Goderich, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executor, Wesley M. McLean. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given to ell per- sons having any elalms against the estate of Anna Mary Durst. Jate_of the township of Colborne in the county' of Huron. widow, *ho died on the 211th day of September. A.D. 1931. to send the same duly proven to the, undersigned on or before the 31st day of (lctobee..A.O, 1931. as on and atter- that date -the executors of the said' estate vHi.S[nceed to make distribu- tion thereof among the parties entitled to the same. having regard only to the claims of which they *hall then have notice. DATED AT GIIDERi`II this 15th day 1 October, A.D. 1931. HAYS & HAYS. Grad, rich. Ontario. Soli-Itors der the F.cecntors herein. AtCTION SALES CALM OF LANDS TOR ARREARS Or TAXES. Town of Goderich, County of Buren. t0 wit: iiviiit3bi fit liaiasisifi vitiate mat the list of lands now liable to be sold for arrears of taxes to the Tewe et Gaderteh Inas bean prepared and 1s' being published in an advertisement in the Ontario Gazette, upon the 29th day of August and the 5th, 1215 and 19th days of September, 1931. Copies of such list or advertisement may be had upon application to tate. In default of payment of fazes and coots as shown on said list, on or b► fore the 1st day of November. 1931, at the hour of 1.80 o'clock in the afternoon, i shall at that time, at the Town Hall, Goderleh, Ontario, proceed to sell by public auction the said lands to pay such arrears. together with the charges thereon. L. L. KNOX. Treasurer, Town of Goderich. Tlveasrer'a Office. Town of Ooderirh LOST OR FOIYND i OST. -BETWEEN KINTAiL AND - GODERI('H, a Ilomfnion tire. mounted nn rim. Reward on lea ring It at SIGNAL OFFICE. I t114T.-JET EARRING WITH se PEAR?. SI:TIING, drop style. Re- ward offend. MRS. M. BI'RKHOLD- ER, south side of Square. FOR SAM OR REM' AI'CTION SALE. The undersigned auctioneer has re- p[)OL TABLE FOR SALE, IN FIRST eetvwt Instnutisrn* to salt by puildic CLASS CONDITION; will be sold auction at lot 3,5, ronowlslo•' 4, Gorier- aheup• as' -we have net room for It lib tonn�lllp, pttW.-4sYl .Tb CRAIGIE BROS. Prosser. on Tt'FSDAY, (1CTORER 20th hemmenehlg at 1.341 o'clock, the follow - Ing: Three horses. three cows, nearly new ]t. -FL binder, nearly new fertilizer drill. nearly new wagon. gond steel rake, mower. 12 pinto dines. bar- • noses, plow harness. incubator and other numerous articles. Also a (1 City of mixed grains oat_% hay sad 1 /strew. _ TERMS -Cash. GEO. H. ELLI(Y1T. - - Auctioneer. CARD OF THANKS YR. JAMES LEONARD AND !Il ILY wish to extend thanks for F1the many kind expression* of sympathy shown them in their bereavement. They alio. wish to thank those who sent floret tribute* and threw who gave the nee of rare. tl Jb WANTED. - BY EXPERIENCED FARM HAND. 33 years of age, married, reliable end ronselentloua worker, position with house, for year or winter. Apply to-`OLARENCE SHAW, R.R. S. Lucknow, NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS.• giving holtdey with their several in the matter of the estate of Han - friends at Westfield. inab Horton, Widow, late of the Town -Mt ea -Ws. TbTin CiTdweu, o'rSeoe ht i* the County of Hum& Blyth. spent Sunday at the home of deed' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walden. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to MclMwetl rat Centre! Section 47 of the Trustees Act, R.8.0.. school. Gode'rleh, spent the Thanksgiv- 1927, Chap. 150, that all creditor* and Mg holidays with her sister. Mrs. others having claims or demand. Jetek Cowen. against the estate of the said Hannah Mr. and Mrs. Hervey Perkins and Horton, who died on or about the family of Exeter spent Thanksgiving eighth day of September, 1931, at the Day with Mr. and Mrs. Flower()' town of Goderich, are required, on or Campbell. i before the seventeenth day of October, The Westfield orchestra took part to a**U Ty Host. prepaid, or deliver to at the young people's meeting of the I the solicitor of the executor of the last United church,- Auburn on Sn 4ay1 will and testament of the said Ile - night. " Ceased. theft Christian names and war- , addresses and descriptions, the IR11 particulars. In writing, of their Claim.. a statement of their amounts, and the nature of the aecnrity, if any, held by thed. And tate none* that after such lase mentioned date the said "IMnto? will £LEARING ZU'VTION SALE OF '''HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, DE FOREST CROSLEY RADIO, CON NOR ELECTRIC WASHER, ETC, We are instructed by Mr. J. '-J. Clark to sell by public auction at his home, South street, Goderleh, on SATURDAY, OCT. 17th commencng at 1.30 sharp, all the Mss- tenta of the house, laelndlt)j -_- Eigtrt-tube De Forest-Crosiey electtk radio; lining -room suit, settee and two chairs; large armchair; rocking chairs; pictures: dining -room suit. buf- fet, extension table. and dining chairs; four congolenm rugs; four pieces of oilcloth; bedroom furniture, mattress. springs, chairs, ate.; Connor electri.: washing machine. neatly new : kitchep table and chalet; four small tables: Princes* Pat range, water front. and warming oven and pipes; Jewel heater and pipes. dish**, glassware. *, etc.: bleeyele. nearly new; " k write.] tools. lawn mower. garden hoar. plant*. flower pots. and numerous other articles. Everything most be (baptised of, a* Mr. ('lark 1* leaving Goderich. 1'. OUXDRY & SON. Auctioneers. Nils* Margaret Gorier *pent the Thanksgiving holidays tinder the par- .•nt*I roof. Mims W Innife d camidaell Is vedette with her con,ln. Mr.. flow. Tyrsm*n. 1 Se•*forth Mrs .lames M. 51111 and Mrs John vineent were sppe,intwl delegates to proceed to dtatrlhute the *wets of the attend the weetlnn*1 meeting of the 1 said deceased among the pestles en- W M.S. to he held at F/nngennon titled thereto, having regard only to I United ehurrh on Thnrwlnr. October the elalma of which it *hell then have 15th. notice. and that the maid ',mentor will The W. M. S. of the Westfield not by Mehl. for the ..M asseta or any United chnmh are having a chicken tie temper nn the night of (letnteer 41st. Atter tote swpperr * gond -Iwo- �'TItY 1MppU1 ,a AUCTION KALE OF FARM. STOCK AND -IMPLFMFINTS la rt thereof to any swoon or persons of whose claim notice shall not hare been reeelved M It at the time of such dIstrihntl The Weat4ettl dramatic fhnh ere SolicttlMi'. 71. R. Rees. (IaderHt. OW- Ti(tffftik cm fRier pro. "i*, rimers TFttw1'It't1x3►-k•_, IM, Pits* fray el TI'a n " t WI th Meati* 20th Oe•toher 1181. m. sop on r . APPLES FOR SALK-HAfND-PICK- necl, 'mod varieties; for sale by bar - .rel or bushel. AMOS. J. ANDREW, R. R. 3, Auburn. Phone 1x.19 Carlow. C,01t SALE. -TWO P1'RCBRED is SHORTHORN BULLS, twelve months and eleven Rttatia old. From pedigreed stock ; meta geed animals. . Price right R. T. MITCHELL. 8.8. Goderich. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT CRANK P. GIBB8, CHARTERED ee Accountant, 102 Ontario street. Stratford. Phone 1580. Res. 13301. AUCTIONEERiNo '11"BOMAS OUNDRY, GODERICH. LIVE STOCK AND GENERAL • AUCTIONEER Telephone No. 119. Sales attended to anywhere and every - Wart made to give satisfaction. Veneers* sale notes discounted. DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER /'HIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS HERAPIBT Goderich. Phone $41. Equipped with electro-magnetk baths. Electronic electric treatments and chiropractic. Chronic, organic and nervous diseases. Lady In attendance. Office hours 2 to 5, and 7 to 9 p.m.. excepting Monday and Thursday and by appointment. A. N. ATKINSON Residence and office -Corner �[ South street and Britannia road ----- MEDICAL arm F. J. R. FORSTER, EYE, EAR. NOSE, THROAT Late House Surgeon New York Oph- thalmic and Aural Hospital. 'mlatant at Moorefield Eye Hospital and Goldes Square Throat Hospital, London. Eng. 53 Waterloo St. B, Stratford. Tete - phone 287. We are instructed by the Trusts and At Hotel Bedford, Goderich. on the Gnarautee company. Limited. am Au - month of third Monday of each month 1111 the following day Tuesday, , at 1 p.m. thorized Trustee of the property of �IIfres-H. fswler. Anthorized Aadgnor. to offer at auction at the premisea of . ..file tor. Lot 1e, Concession 7, Township of Went Wawanosh. on TUESDAY. OCTOBER 20th, 1931 at 1 p.m. the following: 1. Rsm1 Estate -Farm property de- ecribed as the went half of lot 18 eonewwkm 7, township of Weet Wawa - nosh, to the County of Huron, In Hi. Province of Ontario, containing 100 acres more or less. on which fa said to he erected a frame Mouse and gond barns. chicken house, etc. Oood well, Q• R. DARROW, BARRISTER, ,TO. fourteen acres alfalfa, eighteen actual Successor to J. L. Killoran. red clover end other seeding. Small Phone 97. hush. Fruit tree's. Within nine miles 1 Office --The Square. Goderich. of bucksaw and tour miles of Dan - LEGAL DUDLEY E. HOLMES, Barrister, Etc. Office --Hamilton street, God Pbooe 27. erieh DOUGLAS R. NAiRN. Barrister and Solicitor. Offlee-North street, Goderich. Telephone 512. 2. Farm im*i .rnta-1 Frost and Wood binder: 1 McCormick mower; 1 hay rake; 1 Sylvester spring tooth cultivator; 1 Blase! disk; 1 wagon; 1 set *letghs : 1 walking plemgh : 1 riding plough 1 flat reek and stock rack ; 1 cutter: 1 ('oekwhntt manure spread- er; 1 wagon rack : 1 root prlper ; 1 arutfler. A iJveatsek-1 pair general pur- pose masse*, grey, both anppoeed to he in foal; 1 brown mare. 4. 1 Star Medan. (927 model (sub- jwt to Beni. lis illwont 350 h ushels of oat"; about de ten. of alfalfa and red clover hay. TERMS -B. Real Estate. The real estate wIU he offered subject to • re- serve hid. Ten per cont. aw a drpoa4t et time of male and the hotlines, In (mph or as may he •rranged with the trustee within 10 days on claming. Re all other goo& and s•hattela: Cash. All goods mnet toe nettled for on the day of sale. For further particulars, terms or condit.lon., of ale apply to the undersigned or the Trusty' and Onarantee Company limited, Arent - ford. Cheerio. Teri sal whtMMu i may be Inspected at any time peter to 1 �_ L. E. IMA1R!RT, T. OTIWDRY ON. (lederich. Ont.. Anctlneoera Solicitor herein. (loderlch, Ontarin 1-77 NE DONNELLY B. A. 'Barrister, Soli'citor, Ste. Office-Hamnten Street, Goderich. Phone 282. - • HAYS & HAYS, Ilarrfatera aid Pak/tore R. C. Hays, K.C, ass It C. Hays, RA. Hamilton ,ergot, Ooderlch ' elephone 83 R'RNEST M. LEE, Barr) ter and t4ollcttor Son Life Building. Arelalde and Vie - torte streets, Toronto 2. Telephone Elgin 5301. INSURANCE, LOANS, ETC. MCKiLLOP MUTUAL FiRE IN81JR- ANCR CO. --Farm and isolated town property inmost. ()facers - John Bennewels, Pres.. Rrodhagen P.O.; James Connoliy, Vice - Pres., Ooderlch PD.; D. F. McGregor. See. -Trete., Seatorth P.O Directors -A. Broadfoot, R.R. No. t. Seaforth; James Sboldice, Walton; Wm. Knox, Londetboro; Robert Ferris. Harlock; Geo. McCartney, R.R. No. g. Seaforth; John Pepper,- Bruce/hold. Agents-- W. J. Yeo, R.R. No. a Clin- ton; James Watt, Myth; E. Fllneb- 1'n, Reaforth e John IInr.ty. Aasfbrt=e Policwy-holders can wake alt p•yeetivlr .P'-msr Royal flash�.( rotas; Weis ( n >Elnawtna street. msJ. H. Reid', Goners! Anise.