The Signal, 1931-10-15, Page 6t;--Thutvday, October 15th. 1931
Cleaning - Pressing
lipert service on ladies'
and men's clothing
Satisfaction Uuaranntteaeed_I
Haberdasher and_._Dry
Goderich's New Modern
We serve the pgblic with the
very beet in foods
George Youag, Proprietor
Sunday Afternoon
Goderlch, Out -
Wore love to Thee, 0 Christ,
----Mete beer to Thee'. •.
Hear Thou the prayer 1 make
-On bended knee;
inure earnest ilea,
More tutu, U Christ, to TWA--
b i -.More love to Ther.
that bas a trade 111 b1r hand is a vine -
yarn last Is ging d." t recti R _( 1Q�7
work and lodging with two people whoTh�1 QQ��/
had taken up their reeideute in Cur-
lnth after the disperehm of the Jew*
from Bowe. They were godly people,
fur we reed to verse 26 of their fu-
atructing another were perfectly In the
way ot lite. Paul'* drily occupation
did not luterfere with his real work
but ratter advanced It. rev 11 R goad
to b ler the eOmptny of•
couverratioe with those of like habits
and ldlgluattone. > anti +burl --(sotto
rtilluC f Lrls
Paul reasoned le - elle synagogue t ,string there -torp* se g (;alt returned to the Yrovlucr rad
every thiblratb, and persuaded the capitalists bad obttlurd grants of land
Jews and the Oreeks. He ,,was a re- capawl uist(Ity monopolies ut trade, 4 fixed hie headquarters In York la r
Gonad as wei1 as a scriptural preacher. return fur whkh they had pledged *hack ten fort square, probably not
He red both
-!E. Preutfar.
Create within us, 0 Lord, clean
hearts and renew within us right
spirit*, so that our lives way show
that we are lucrea,dng is faith, hope
and love:- amen. ----
Milk-made Bread
4-._ YOLI Wer. BE
--AlLOrdrnrwiyett'O1sr P!O111pt
and courteous attention.
Telephone 114 West Street
S. S. LIMON FOR OCT. 23, 1931
iltspie•-•Paul hi Corinth.
Leeman Passage. --Arts I8:1-11.
E'ssiden Ten4-t. l erldWarat 13:13•
l'olouisrttou by organised companies
was no novelty In the days of RUMP"
can settlement in America. Virginia
had heeu colonised by a company, au
•,j{t . • tate V uebee lK Ybs
endured to the preswit day. In thla
way the Canada Company came Into
puasrarlou of the Huron Tract. No
stipulation was made conc•erutng the
price at which the laud was to be sold
to the settlers, an omluato0 doubtless
pressed as a sine qua non by the stock-
holder* but airiest certatuly destined
to cause trouble. Probably, however,
the l'oloulal Secretary believed that he
had safeguarded adequately the in-
terest of the settlers.
tuid - _ . .l i--_CAtteluded. the eta-
wid-.eveuteruth century had been . _ 'ra of
trolled by the Hee llwadesd Amway,. cera of the Company iGreat ilritiitli
L1tpe, who had contracted to isles Wit !at wurll-to attract prospective
rospective emi-
grant* b7 prop�enda setting forth the
Ywwhwrtt to New France. in ender- i
1 r roup+ Of virtues et tvrldooes-la L'�per-(assets
Huron Territory -1a stn► years Lake
Huron will be made to oommunlcate
with the Grand River (the Ottawa)
and thus an open and direct course ob-
tained to the ocean." Such were the
first impressions of the Huron Tract,
Iwpreaaious -1u essence justified by a
century of development to one of the
chert agricultural areas of the Province
of Ontario.
He reasoned and be persuaded and themselves to secure settlers, transport
thus 1t war the Goapel war propwgated1 them to the eideniee, plate them on the
The apostle* drew "with the cord* of irtld at 0 prier stipulated.iu adcauce,
* wan:" give r rew*ou for what they and glee Ihetu assistance during the
raid. and gate a liberty- for aeyoue tbdiltivu1t transition {rerbst. the stock -
object, always Teeing ready with a0 holders were 001. in intention at any .Hueco Tract, one at the ellateru end
answer. 110 being joined be Silas and rate, philanthropists: : they drsirret (0 cud our ou the lake. On April 23rd,
{ I 1N27. he suplenlatd the commencementTlmothrus, Paul )stem, more earnest I recover their expenditure as quickly as of the foundation of the first town,
Ill his prracldng, trstlfyitlg that "Jr*ue I }s„asible• and t1, make a good profit. In which he named ltuelph, after the fam-
Is the l'hrl'.t." the M+ssrtah promised iconsFquence; friction always arose tte-
10 the fathers. and exp Betel by thew. I tween settler* anxious' to obtain law) 11y appellation
the reigning aoce-
Wlten ttir-hedt•rr++ )news,' vluleut and.htwapty ti t o r
arm mss,.._ reigns- Then he the
his attention
After the fatuous address whkh I blaspheu,uus he aha ldonel thew and or wlikieterial ions of settlement,
1 Irures suet" a,i roads rut) brhlew, and for whirls he chc,sr the mouth of the
!'cul drltvrrsl on ,� )illi he left turuel to the Gentiles, as Iw laid deer the company noxious to obtahl htgb asioneiwtw+g River, largest et the
Athena anti went to uriuth, where he ler other }firers- I1.• had discharges' r4veuues from the sale of land and to 'dreams flowing Tutu Lake ))neon
stayed a year and six w.w[ths. It w'aa I hb. trust by warning thou as a (alibi
I restrict of rem t ersale land inures "Wee 1 the eealeru *ids and liI.edy
L'ut the plan provides) or at bast to furnish a g.ssl herhor. Ile had al-
promlaed .t0 provk1e organization and reedy engaged William Dunlop. Scots -
direction of the settlement and super- man like himself. army surgeon. vel•
tl<aw and prarticrl help for the set -
titan of the War of 1612. who was well
tier without involving governments In kuow-u for Itis •ability, Ills persourt
greatly dissimilar to structures of the
kind now to be toted lu pioneer cum-
munitirs of Northeru Ontario. Ile had
deterwlued to found two towns immedi-
ately on favorable alter within the
one of the most populous alsl wealthy fol watchman, but all in vain, so that
title* of Gerrie, cud at the sawn time i if lacy perish in their uuM•lief their
0o city of aueleut timer was more pro- blo.f 1s out 80 1A• required- at Ll
tlig+Ur: yet ecru their, note ithat ending I halide: Having given thew over. yet
all ihr disadvantages of splendor, gal• he does out site over lila work ; though
dy, and dissoluteness. Paul entered on' the Jew's rrjtrrttd his message, Chrlat 'env rtlK n,,.• for which reason it wade
ole work of rshritig s church and was I and His os 1 must ter preached. Thus tluallties and his knowledge of the
g ps a strong appeal to the political lenders
t >;ttecesxful. ThM esu be I of the time. In fart. the history et
ty- the failure of the Jew. tit at•e•eei+1 Iw-
gutherrd trnut-the- twee, "—ea which-� mrThe--ritlrs of--tin-Gaittilr,.:-rtid n.1, emtntatoos. was not In -
be afterwards wltul• to the church
I hat 1 toil thew ee:'Iii unlet to prucokt twee as to encourage Investors o mase
thene.Iraul.-thuatfh a Ptiarteee, and them (6 jeaTour;" ic ui v�.ttiR•ht+'PmtlrrnMs- t
etlue,ltt'd at 'vert -legit Of Geleeliel,
having 111 111s youth learned to make
tents, turned to that art when lir
found himself In a strange city and ler Shire theft, and even to this present
eel of support...He that had so much t , wow a humble bum, has become
ala t
resilience ler a boost• wear to the split- that In a fresh venture eonflicting in-
g agut and made 18 Itis preaching place• terests might be reconciled or at least
!weveutel from lending to disaster. 1t
was out of snc)t a hope that the Can -
born civ war
Prurluce; and lie mstrgc•tt•tl Dunlop to
ibake NIS way overland to the tmntth
or the- SITilheseflifiif *nth apy tit the
laud leaving himself Malt l to reach
same dtstluatiou by water from
for assemble) it small party in the
nelghborhosl of the present town ot
Galt, consisting of John Brant the Mo-
hawk .chief. Hessen.. hltre!at. aunt_ Bae-
do.a1t1, and with them lie plunger) luno
et eehest
work to do witlii iota uilflii Bethel. 1a i
Sias tawu sr P' ilio good
when there as cerasl lid not on t fruit of his idiots among both Jews
think It' below hint to work w•Ith his sod Geuttler: Among thew was a own
hands. -i'1e-..had learner) eontlescen- of rruk-Crispas, the chief ruler of the
rice of his lids -ter, who came not to M syuagtgur. Not only he, but hid house,
tylplatereeI_t... Mit to wiultter. Paul believed, and probably were baptized
proved tate truth of the saying: ...111.1-1,10-111T1111/1- P - TT c 1 ITi Mitt -
*(Ia - i
John Galt. inertias w
g spirit of the neer
euterprb.e. native of Ayrshire :n Scot forest. The {rorty mrd* a cursory
Inspection tt of the resources of the titl-
ingbut, remittent of Greenock, became roTract: experienced disappointment
interesetwl In Upper Canada while act- and a little lantahip of ihr lack of
)erg as agent for eertaln inhabitants of
Peal cot. Ault I'rovinee who were prrreing on gamer but formed a fasoralde opinion
would ketve the blaspheming, untie- Ht. Ilajwty's hocernment etatms for of the grown' from the earanty of
»•nsatluu ..ti Recount of losers arts- the hardwood trews: finallyIy reached the
!Irving Jews without excuse for their coml month of the Mintiest -twig and built
preached. .
want ot faith in the gospel Paul Ing out nil the War of 1812. He per=
sonde) a group of ea;'tallats priori- a rough cabin e there. In this same
eitj*. f l' 1 f h Canada-
.tnmmrr of lst 7 Galt travelled to
y -
Gode ich Beauty Shop
Your personal appearance. and
beauty *tarts with your hair.
by Kellogg's Corn Flakes and milli
far the children's supper. Dietitians say
--Wilt fine dish ... easy to digest, well bal-
ateede And it saves any mother work and
& Utas followed tbe. 9- r s- pally )rout Ltn,iou t„ cern the )here took ship on tits
• and became Chrlstlatu• A new Company -ler .Cohost. iii. with the li erste alt) .
doctrine was preached by Paul and
many came to hear. and through the
power of God working upon thew many
herring, belirveal and eoufkised their
bellef.ln baptism. We read in verse 9
that l'aul was eucvursged by a vision
to go on with his work at Corinth.
Henrys Bible has Mil.' to say on and at what prier. These five. i.teat. l h 'a !strange cotal.lnatlon o
tense,. 9-11: Col. Francis Cockburn.. Llent.-Col. Sir InQistts,.
laden with velveteens and .. _ w'tlO0
**Tile Lord Jesus ,tpake to Patti In the John Harvey. Meagre. Simon McGllilr-
n ight by a v1s100; when he was musing ray, John I)acldwln and John Gelt' through which appeared the living
features of the Deet er." With the Doe -
guidance. his work, communing with his own ran,, to Canada in 1,425, consulted leer's gn4lemr, the lien eremite! l t river
heart upon his Ire), and considering � Government officiate. surveyors. land- I bar of right feet eel came 14)ae a -bean" he should continue here or no, I
holder., and reeolced to ■dvlse OP I ilio) auxgltb feet
of fourteen -foot water
nisi method hr rbould take Gere, and p11rchas of 1.t144.ils acres of ('roan an un.M1mmouly pleasant small ha-
)lajeety's gunboat the Tin'. 1,1ansT
jw4 ..f iAurv•hrsiug for rmlemlzatinn err- hi- disposal by orders tit the Admiral -
tans frown and 1'l•rgv Resert-e land In
ty- He enjoyed r calm voyage around
tI,tn tr Canada. The havinprelimg
tw's'ary sane- i Itrut'e Peninsula: then followed the
Hon of the Crown having hsr•n oh-
• erupt to the south until he perceived a
small clearing In the forest where ••a
cottage stood on Porn, rising ground."
A canoe came eat to meet the ship,
tallied. the dir.s•t„rs chose• tire. men
a• commissionerti to go to Canada, as-
certain what lands might be secured
Iwant . pro/totally theta was_ sit doing J ke.wrcea and .dZ).i3(L acres of Clergy Next day- Gait and Dunlop. offi-
e cars of the Company. set to work on
the plans for the new town, which they
)beet determine,) to name atter an
nerd ('rime. 3llai eo,
For the river Minnesetung, they :c:
•rete) a new designation less llgnkj
and poette, the tutee of the Governor IIt
Of the Tract Dunlop wrote in his
journal- "Finch is the general rxcel-
Jee'e of the land that if ordinary care
rented be taken to give each lot 00 more
being now removed. the Company ea- than lea own Pharr of any small swamp
terelalnto a Contract with the frown In the vicinity. it would be difficult if
as represented by Lord Bathurst. the not impotodhle to find two hundred
Col hal Secretary ho sent a [ropy acres together In the whole territory
good, then Christ appeared and re- Reserves, ;orb being the toga
uewed his commission and charge to large number of small blacks scattered
preach the Gospel. He ~enraged him through nearly all the townhLips of the
.....seee.ete IILI � +:E~-' ii. i + xintes,„ 1 (lin.
Ace •rids):
spirit that becomes;an am he gy pit'
wig o o eler of 1• 'r A s
Christ and 1* sure that 'I ass with alarmed at the prospec•tdve los* of their
thou myrtle thee to own what yedt . t work o reserves and moved the Colonial (rifler
with tlee and to confirm tote ward by to Mork the grant until their rights
Wins Wowing.' He also asenred him were secure. Thereupon Galt .ought
of r measure of auceess ; 'For I have a eonference with Blobop Strachan and
much people In this city.' In Corinth, agreed to yield the Clergy Reaerves in
though it ie. A cert'- profaue, wicked return for an equivalent from the un -
city, full of Impurity, and the more .m ('rown domain All obstacle*
for a temple of Venus there, to which
there wan a great resort. yet in this
heap, that seems to be all (-heff, there
is wheat : In this ore, that seem. to
F,ztre delirious sweetened with looney. tee ■11 etre*.$, there is gold. us not
Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. ;despair concerning any place, when
41+11 in Corinth Christ had much
muuuluuuuunuuunnn;IuIHuuouuuuulllalmuunnnuunnnuntnn ;srrple.
Panshine . . 3 tins 25c
Royal York Tea .. 1 12's • e 35c
Royal York Coffee .
ManyflowersSoap, 4 cakes25c
t-a.ea Padua.
New Low 19c
Fray Benton
EXTRA SI'E:('1.11.--
MUSHROOMS 2 far 2.S5r
large 2
1'I -TONE 6 es. 33e ♦ 16 o.. 53e
E I.IHR' KRAIT larges 2 for 25e
• SILVER CREAM per bottle 23e
--SPECI L ---:'1rl Cutt —
KELLOGG'S f 3 pkgs. ('LARK'S my!).
1 tins
CORNFLAKES . . 25e a PORK and BEANS . 25c
Tomato Juke tin Ilk Asparagus
RO\'r°���s Cuttings
Choc. Bars Interlake TmIIN I'aper.3 for ^.:N 8,.. 2's -
Sc and 19e Rclydeds cls ('harks \)ilk Each 19e
�t>' 2 line K
Campbell's Pancake
Veg. Soup (ho ('inns, coupon small 13r fl°nr
2 ti.s 23c latter 23r Pkg. 18e
CAoe Beal `rE:(i 1, ROMAN
C. S'np
t� l7� Peat, No. 4, 3 tins 25c Pkg. rc
$ Ihr• da iae
1 CN
J. J. McEwen J. Calvin Cutt
A Bible -Reading (liureh
et the annual meeting of the Anstra-
flan branch of etre-Mina inland
For over half a
century Dr. Chase's
Kidney and Liver Pills
have proven successful in
promptly rehesing torpid, slug-
gish action of the Liver. Kid-
neys and Bowels and the legion
of ills that arise, thauf rom.
Dr. Chase's
Monumental Works
Best tlat.•rinl-
1-atest Ile-igns
Et pt -rt Workmanship
All Work Guaranteed
*.aeeaalfla Pritaa.
P. O. Box 161 Goderich. Ont.
Cote" iii TACTOR
Cement Work -molting And.
jackingup buildings.
Fresh Osman/ wad Lime
always on hand. Carload just
arrived. We deliver in town
and country. Prices reaeon-
able. Give us a call.
oe 303. Hmikon Street.
Gederick, Outline
BUY -AN----
Electric Stove
Quick - Clean - Economical
and cool to cook with
We guarantee our work and
No job too small. No joik.
too large.
Let to give yon an estimate
Hyatt Jumbo Roofmg Co.
Geo. IL. Baxter
Mee: West Street. Telephotos
132, Goderich.
Seedisplay of styles and makes
at the
oat you had your Furnace looked over and put
order? If not, now is the time to do
it, before the weather gets too cold.
We do all kinds of Heating, Plumbing, and Tinsmith-
`—. II you are contemplating a new job or an overall, --
let us give you a figure on same. —
We carry a full line of high-grade Anthracite Coal,
Coke and Pocohontas Coal. Guaranteed no clinkers or
CHAS. C. LEE, at the Harbor
-PHONES -Stem 22, Howse 112-
of the term.. dated May 23rd. 1826, at which world make a had farm. The
Downing street. to SIr Peregrine Malt- Neck ash .wales make the hest ground i
land. Lient.-Governer of Upper Can- for hemp (after two or three crepe of
aim. On twhnlf of the Company, the whlehl the ground will be made more
signatures appeared of Messrs. Dow- fit for the mixing of wheat- The rich
tile, Ilnllett, Fullerton. McGillivray, meadows by the *Idea of the rivers
Logan and tial,, moot of whose -woe are reasly without metier preparation
found their memory perpetuated in the for toheeco. hemp and flax. The lower
tovt•nsh�iy nates of the present Huron meadow!' _and meadow's adjacent to
nnrl�FrtY"-'till ____ - the beaver dotes -which are atwudant
Accenting tn• thio agreement the
premium at this' moment ennrmono
�lvttaclir4'•+tat's*9 waitlelreceslraJII )leu quantities of natural Lay_and grass:
10 atxd the rest cat tier land for the prndnc-
when t
O .10.11 an whir•,s on the Illiterate) of
1 t'hllui anal - w:.w:- "iii •itS8oneLk
script Is doing to combat it was d+- ,.f Clergy It+serves a million acres
livered by Miss Susie Garland. secre-
tary of the Phonetie Promotion Com-
mittee. She paid: "Thank God w -e
have today the whole of the New Teat-
ament in this phonetic seript. We have
also some books of the Old Testament,
tmrersl hymn book. end a- number of
gospel readers and various other
1 borkt. A great variety of primers.
chartm and other teachers; helps, with
mneh material for propaganda work,
had also been prepared. 'f'he motto of
the Phonetic Promotion Committee 1s
"Evert) (Trtatfan a reader of the Bible
and every Christian a teacher of 1111-
terans." At the National Christian
s «nfere sieP ►w 1UYi2. -.ret Lad_ooa [ tla
.wt Christian who came a long rail-
way journey to .Low no hew• he could
road the phonetic Testament. He was
a farmer and quite illiterate: unable
to read or to write. in a neighboring
village a friend of hie had learned to
read phonetic script. He had not
been properly taught. hut had hairnet]
to read himself. and to write n little,
*till had begun to teach his fellow-vll-
lager.. and when he eame to the Shang-
hai Conference he had twenty people
in hle own village studying the Bible,
learning to be Chrl.tian., and prepar-
ing for baptism. .This Is only one of
.ft' ar .even 'Otago' opened to the
Ooepel in that partk»t.r ell .trlet
through the teat•hing M phonetic
i have a fine assortment of
this ee,laOn'A styles to choose
Rebloe%dng vagally done. -
Miss C. A. McKinnon
the territory lately purchaser) from'the
Six Nations Indian+ In the London end anti other grain I• at least equal If
Western districts of the Province bor- I "•'""'i.,- t., any other lend In the
tiering on Lake Huron, for whkh rea-
son till. area would henceforth soaume
the eminently practical name of Huron
Tract- For the million acres the Com-
pany contracted to pay 145,150 pounds
five ahillkigs. two-thirds directly to the
Crown, one-thIrd in public works and
Improvement.. defined a. "canals,
bridges roads churches wharceu,
tine of potatoes. Indian corp.
"The sugar maple 1s the principal
growth and the .Ire and height which
It attitln. sufficiently evince the
strength and power of the roll. Next
to this COMP ttweb, elm. ha.awool in
various proportions: In tome Instants%
beech and elm predominate over the
maple, but this 1s rare. Near the
.ehool-hors and other works for the stream. the hemlock ix found; and in-
eommnn nee and benefit of His Ma- terspersel through the whole is the
je.ty'. ,uhjeets," The plan for any cherry, butternut. the different specie.
.unit improvement was to be submitted of oak and the hireh."
te-theflower s r-ire-C-ottneit.-from- whom .... Angther ea rly . I.Iter, -. M,cTn ort,
an appeal might Ile %A the Secretary of wail of the .Amt opinion. nr'oii
State. The purchase price was to i.• Tract has within Its limitx one con -
pail in sixteen annual instalment* (+literal& river at the mouth of whkh
la a good harbor, ,nnthet river whkh
may probably be rendered nerlgable.
numerous creeks and .treamlet. Many
of which are large enough and have
f.11 uttff tient to drive mill. or m,.hln-
pry of Any de.-ription. Thi• ell -
mate Is know') to he temperate: And
compared with that of Rngl*nd it may
gradually rising (extending the first-
year ending July 1st. 11427. for which
20,000 potted'. was duel front 15,000
pound' In 1'42S to 20.000' pfnnda In
1K36 and •thersnfter. On July 1.t,
114.13, the 1'omlwtny 'would either take
tip and play for all the land. then re-
maining to be taken tip or wonid ter-
minAte 190 contract and abandon all he deserihetl A. warm for et least
elaln 10 the untakcn lands. A Mtn- nine months of the y+ar....The climate
citify Arising from the probable Inde- inereaae. In warmth with the dertrne-
tion of the forest enol the tniticatlon
of the soli." Others atom bed Rood re-
pent.. "Not a better tract of bind it
there is Any felnei hi the Prmvfnee cif
'Upper Canad,....Tle poll la a Meek
loans sometimes with a proportion of
pend: Then -are very few .toneo ex-
eept in the iO4). of rivers and creekt
and that prtnelpslly limestone." "There
fe great advsntege," cnntlmte. Mee -
Taggart, "In that there are no ederey
reserves Lake Huron anti the ricers
ehnend In excellent fish. Sturgeon ere
%Mn of wnrthko.i hind M the nm1111on
acres was solve) by a supplementary
agreement that the*Company should
receive an additional grant of 1110.0110
acre. to he paid for on olmllar terms.
The houndirles of the Huron Tract
thus handed cher to the ('entitle ('om-
pony were traced on two maps. one
to remain in London, the other to go
to G'amete : they belittled A wedge-
Shaped territory slr.tching frena : the
present (lnelph to the present tinder-
Ich, smith past the -int Sables Ricer
end eclat back to Guelph The namea found In fie ricers generally and a
of the fnwnshlpe a. given In An nkl .t.•.ies of excellent (rout .omctlmre
map reprudnced 1a- tttu•tion'a Life. of a eighIng forty or fifty pound. is found
Galt are ea follows: Guelph, North and in the Inke Whitefish. aleck bass. plek.
'lMtth 10tirii104� eiekovip vies isms nate•* etjts ;N.,.
hate: Ifnitett: gite,,08'. iter )tes•taonth of4he.Maltland.
eramllh. iiIbt,ert. Fulit'tinn, T)nwnie, Inst 1114271 the exploring party filling!
I shnrne. ?Wider. )tee, 'Stephen. Bot fish In .nth ahnndente that ie One Asp
anyneec. t\-Illlam•. MMilllaray. Hid la men could spear enough to 011 a pork
1(11111)11, attanaIasd, sleet of which bora j►arrel-, Salt aprin e enwimnn In the
Shredded Wheat
it 100% Canadian
grain. Eat TWO
Shredded Wheat
Biscuits _ i day -.
and help Canada's
"1 eat it when
' "Traveling has its discom-
---taore laud- dangers, but
most of the trouble comes
from eating wrong foods.
No matter where i am I
call for Shredded Wheat
and milk for breakfast. It
is the safe and satisfying
food, easily digested,
which helps to prevent fa-
tikue on a long journey."
Shredded Wheat is served
in dining cars, and in
nearly every hotel or res-
taurant in this country
'land many in Eutri'Ipe.
It is deliciously strength-
ening with milk or fruits.