The Signal, 1931-10-15, Page 5THE SIGNAL • TKO !*MON TLATS RATFORD Dung 't Big The famous Freiberg Passion Play I Day on_ Friday from Freiburg, (3et'aany. ri 1Q be &s.,_ to the Arleta Gardens at , tteatfoe4 next meow. Tuesday and W►Qneda" evenings, with special mat on_ Tees - day afternoon. This da the ant time that the people of Canada have bad an opportunity to witness this greatest of Biblical dramas, and citlsens of this dUtliet tlttt ierIete a to e9 able to see It G„ .iii* t ,iiw3. 'Litz eraduLZiuu tz being Renovated la Stratford ander the atuptees oche Liens lAaa d ttfat city, the entire proceeds N be tawsd our to the Welfare Bureau to be spent in relief work this winter. The greatest of spoken dramas, as presented by The Freiburg players, we- nn* otree'se* a wealth of scenic splendor, massive dignity and beauty beyond de.eripUom. It tells the ever new story of the last seven days on earth of Jesus Christ, 'from the amt entrance of the Christens tato Jerusa- lem until His resnrrectlea from the dead. The ammeter el ttis Cbrlstus is taken by Georg raaanaebt, jr., and his Interpretation of the role le 'web that ■rouses the deepest sympathy of the entire audience. The role of Jn- dast the betrayer, Is taken deo Fasenaebt, .r. in addition to the east of thlrtyone players. upwards of 200 "supers" will take part In the production. There will be • massed choir of over 150 volaea and a targe symphony orchestra. 1 BUY YOUR VIII at the now mainlining Plaint Either raw or pasteurised Milk, 8o a quart. RYAN'S DAIRY - Britannia Road Phone 334. • (Continued from page 3) Peau, IDtt,-3 named varieties of pears, J. R. Stlrles,: 5 suuuner pears, named, W. A. Culbert & Son. J. R. Stlrilee: 5 fall pear*, named. J. B. 'Stirling, A. Culbert 4 Som; 5 wlu yr R Stsrllnit. T. filmier - sou; 1 named variety of plums, Lorne D irmta, J. IL lit)rlleg; 2 named var- ieties of Awns. J. R..Stirling; collec- tion of grapes. T. J. Salkeld. F. Bark- er; plate peaches, J. R. Burling; plate quinces, J. R. Stirling, M. Durum. Judge -Jo.. A. Klllough. PLOW ISRS Collection phloxes, Drummondl, Mrs. R. Roach: eolleetlon marigolds, Mr.. Tremblay, F. Barker; geranium. any variety, stn bloom, Wre. R. Roach; foli- age plant, ExrMshor Clan, A. Culbert & Ron; ferns. three varieties. F. Bark - 'r; (wrtus, three varieties• F. Barker. Mrs. D. Fowler: table bouquet, F. Barker. Mrs. Tremblay; basket of an- nuals. F. Ratter. Mrs. Tremblay : col- lection of ■eters. F. Barker, R. Tre- ieaavea collection of dahlias, F. Bark- er: collection house plants, F. Barker; tuberous' begonia. Excelsior Class. F. Barker; eolleetlon zinnia's, F. Barker. Mrs'. Tremblay: collection stocks, F Barker: tet varieties cut flowers, F. Barker, Mrs. Tremblay: table deeora- tlon, F. Barker, Mn. R. Roach. Judges -Arthur Culbert. Mee. Jean William.. LADIES' WORK ('onaforter. fancy homemade, Excel- sior ('la... Miss Livingston; eomforter. practleal. homemade. Excel.ior (lava, Mrs. D. Fowler; bedspread, fancy. Mrs. Howrie. lies Jean Harrison: heartb rug. hooked. D. McAllister... Excelsior Clan: mitts. heavy (wooll, Mrs. How- rie. D. McAllister: .oek., heavy (wool), Mrs. D. Fowler. Excelsior Clan; nightgown, fancy- Art Elliott. Jean Harrison: house dre.., Miss Lie - tauten. T. .1. Salkeld; collar stud cuff set. 141.. I.Ivingstnn: Apron for home work. Riese Llving.ton. Mrs. n. Fow- ler; chfld's .neater and cap. Miss Liv- Ingston : child's dream. fancy. Mr*. D. Fowler. .l. McMillan : baby's jacket and bonnet. n n t. Nrs.n. Fowler. P F 1 r all.. i.Iv- ingston : table centrepiece. colored. air.. D. Fowler. N(rs. R. Roach: : table evil- a•• • • Servke will be held Hs usual in tr.piee. white. A. ..McMillan. Mrs. 1 nem ch Howrie: cushion, fans!. Mrs. D. Few- Sunday 1 it's, lire'. B. Roar Ameak` eakf..t_eet. Tke Maple Leaf Chapter, I.O.D.E. WILL HOLD A Rummage Sale Friday and Saturday, October 16 and 17 -Ods opens Friday M 1 p. m. Corner Kingston Streeter and ltqu&rr. Sale of teethes, ehlna, book., e4e. three children, Evelyn. Jean and Gor- don, of Wedun, motored up and spent the weak -end at the home of the lady's parents, lir. and Mrs. Robt. Davidson. Misses Mother Mellwain and Marion Porter and Mervin McAllister, of the O. C. I.. Spent the week -end and holi- day under the parental roof. Misses Heteu Davidson and Marg- aret Groves. of the School of Com- merce, Clinton, slant the week -end and holiday at their reepective homes here. Mr. and Mrs. Elglu Porter of Stan ley township were Sunday visitors ira tUe comtnu.,i e. Hies Marguerite Falconer of Gcal- trldl spent Sunday _and the hullda at the home of her parents, Mrs, Oso. Falconer. -- - Mtss Alice Sowerby of Toronto spent Sunday sad the holiday at the home of ber father. Mr. Wis. Sowerty. Mr. and Mn. Kirkpatrick and daugh- ter of Sarnia were guests at the home of Mrs. A. Wilson last week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilson and Lew of Milton spent Thanksgiving at the home of Mrs. A. Wilson. Mrs. Robt. McAllister and Maxine 'great Tuesday in Clinton at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McAllister. Mr. and Mrs. Rlehmead Orr and family of Guderieh gear Thanksgiv- ing at the home of Mn, T,_R. Orr. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fulfil aa lCor- man motored to London and spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mc- Cullough. Mr. Sam Mcilwain, Mrs. Robt. Me - Dwain, sr., and Mrs. Robt. ('olwell at- tended the funeral of the late Thos. Ilenry at Lneknow last week. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McAllister and two children, of Clinton, spent the hol- iday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Runt. McAllister. Me, and Mrs,- Walter F. - Chestnut Farm. had as their guests over Thank.gtving Mr.. A. Pardo. Mr, and Mrs. H. Cleveland and Master Milton. of Blenheim. and Mr. and Mrs. R. Hillman. of f.saniington. Union ('burrh Netes.-There was a large congregation at the Thanksgiv- ing aefrie' to rglun cTiui 1 ou7(-n-o atTy. Rev. M. t': -Parr of London a fornite pastor. eondugted the service and de- livered a very Impressive menage from the text. "Praise ye the Lord. 0 give thanks unto the Lord : for Ise is molal: for tee mercy eadurettr-- for I 1I ss' m 1(fl. During the v lee. the choir sang the anthem "Only a Word," GODERICH, ONT. i emit will preach.. , . The regular meet- who fell from a high tree and was lug of tbe Young People's Society of badly injured, his skull being frac- Union cburch was bead in tbe cbun-h tared and an arm bruken. Hopes. how- om Friday evening, with fourteen mem ever, are held out for his recovery. ben prevent. Mr. Arnold Porter had Mrs. Errington and Haney returned charge of the meeting. The topic, "The home ue Monday night. Citizenship Problem." war given by Mt.s Marker Colwell. Rev. F. W. Craik had charge of the dlscuwluo un the subject "Why should we unite with the church?" His five primary reasons were: (1 + Religious lite is not Individualistic; we are out placed un 41 .. - .... wu: ...w ..wwa:...., y:y „z„ ..w.. "a : s, .0 nese ae• •._: aftescuseet Tkureday, October 16th, 1e31-4 Mr. and Mrs. Willings of London spent the week -end with Mr. and Harvey Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Henderson Young and little Olive, of Toronto. and an aunt, ! Miss Russell, from Montreal, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Tait the earth for °urvrires alone. (2) sestet I,;Itlt,7•, atux ,Jffid,lte,.t le _Mr. read Mee. S'iemiag mad twee be nutted with a Christian church to dren of Torontoslant the w suecdislit iu llfe. (8) -No matter _ with Mer. 8. M. Young and sills w goaatliclatlif one rates. he obpl Young. Tbey were aceouipeu!- Ueda the help the -ebureeh It*- by MTs, Jean Watter.-I t Nin Julia (4) The best expression of life comes young, who spent the week -cud with by joining the church. (5) Finest their mother, Mrs. R. M. Young. achievements come from Inside the Mr. and Mrs. George Paterson and church. The subject for the next meet- daughter Florence and MIs. Edna big is "What the cburch means to McLeod, all of Toronto, spent the me." The meeting closed with the week -end with their relatives here and Mlzpab bewdlction...Anniversary ser- at Auburn. vine will beheld In Polon church on MINS Mary Reiwuud was home from Sunday. October 25, at 11 a.m. and London and emelt the holiday with 7.30 p.m. Rev. W. J. Patton, B. A., of her aunt and uncle. Miss Mary Young Benrnlller will conduct both services. and Frank. There will be epeeist music':. , .The Rev, W. J. Patton held a prayer thank -altering meeting of the Women's meeting at the home of Mrs. Beau. sr.. Missionary Society of Unless church ()n TUts4ay night, ThrrlAwns I-g9SMl was beld on Wednesday afternoon at attendance. p home of Mrs. Gordon Harwood, Rev -3. -$ -Rhodes of Exeter eon - with eighteen members present. There ducted the service in the hall on Sun - was no sewing done. The president, day In his usual .excellent manner. Mrs. J. R. Orr, was to charge of the The mule also was eery good. Mr. meeting. Rev, F. W. Crack led in Sam Walter rendered a fine solo and prayer. The roll call was responded was accompanied ou the organ by Mr. to with the text word "Light." A duet, Rothwell of Knox church, Goderich. "I've Found a Friend," was sung by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Warcoe of Tor - Rev. F. W. Crap and Mrs. Cralt, and onto spent the holiday with the form - was much enjoyed by everyone. An er's mother, Mrs. J. A. S. Wano><•, and address ora Korea was given by Mrs. ifs brother Bert. Andrews of Goderich, and an interest -Mrs. Allen Wilson was called to log letter from Alfas Ada Sandell of l\candatat on Monday on advuuut of Korea was recd by the s..Hv, the serious Illness of her slster", MW'ir ) Groves read two peens, , Yields-. whu eut;ed the hospitnl on iiwwe."-hlz fins. Kliattle. and .../.1"w.../.1"w..j glvlug-7-4._J. J. Montogue-_Mrs. J. unsay. Orr and Mee. Arthur Tlchborne were !re'rrrul from -here took In the Wing, it appintcd delegates to the conference. bum tats on Saturday nod report 4 at Dungannon. Miss Margaret Pent- spleudlifexhibitluu of stock end Indies' land sang a beautiful solo. "Repent Tee:. During tuned, which was served work. Jere. • ito tales* of e. rt. tube b tide hostess. little Miry iTkrw•ood- riiteet with -lir. and airs- Wessels' sang a solo, "Springtime In the Ruck- l over tilt, week -end. She cen+e to Vail , Ian church Intend holding a social evening on Oetotwr 30th. in the town- ship hall. when a concert will be given by Iwai talent. Lunch w111 be served and a small fee will be charged. Mr. Will Watson Is on a business trip to l'he.ley this week. Her. 1'. M. eulquhouu. of Aabfleld Presbyterian churd•h. will hare charge of the service in the hall next Sunday afterntHan. The regular tidy meetlug of the W. M. S. was held et the home Ides. w4fflett Raymond on tectMkr atteedauee of. eighteen_ Henderson presided: A hymn of jt was -sting and three 1a - 1 D: Fowler, Mrs. Home: hnffet net, A. Culbert & Son. Mess T,Iringston : tea I towels, hand-ani.hed. Mrs. Brodie. Miss Livingston: eurtains. hand -fin- I lelyed, Mee. Fowler, Miss I.Iving.tou : 1 meet towels, Mrs. D. Fowler. Miss ' Livingston: : 9IL)wea.e., Pnrbroideret, T. Anderson. Ml.s Livingston; plllow- eaeen, other handwork, Art Elliott, Ex - relator ('la..: tatting; Mn. 11. Fowler, Fteelslnr C1,,.: /Met ens het. Mrs. her brother, Mr. E. Smyth. who war In let fhealtl for several weeks and Cn ♦ Ri //'' 1 was held a week ago LARaI1Jw. to.. Du tgau+uuu .A.vniktetl:..• CAILU)W Oct. 14. -Mrs. Errington 1,- Mr. and Mrs. ''has. NI.i'Iire Hee and son Harvey were called to Peter• • Mrs. Thee. )L•I'li e. sr.. vis11t41 their boro at the end of last week on account I sister, Mrs. Andrew Lore, Hensel', ! eve • rl a holldxr dies, Mrs. A. Wilson, Mian Clark and Mrs. Treble, led in prayer. Min Clark and Mrs. Leeson took charge of the study book on Japan. After the con- clusion of the meeting the hostess served a dainty lunch and a social bestir was spent. -SHOES AND RUBBERS-. Investigate oqr priers. nlw•uunt for rash. l'aserade salmon Tails, 2 lar 260 Fy -Tex $ ea. 350 ERAN81JN" 1lieYL )!$I, CARLOW 1:R31111RAiv a'D9Ri, HEAR THE NEW VICTOR 8 -TUBE SUPER • ' HETRODYNE RADIO -- AT NEW -LOW -PRICES $89.5o $119.5o $122.00 _ AT CAMPBELL'S DOUG STORE Gedeeich - Phone 90 - XXX XC.109 C% C C AC C CX9C t7s OCX The Autumn Mnily in Millinery The Autumn Mode in Millinery The Hats of the *amen have a more definite and feral charm, that has been absent from the /lilIlnery of the past to Xsr sonw, Trimming has returned, ribbon bower heather nwamt, X o+trirh or quill. nine w X lou will find the new 11ats.raptivaling. They offer 'ariety X gh to suit every ups. XX You are cordiialr melted to inspect our stoc X t X AAic+c+ IIA Q YAnlli r r r •vuI * ■la* ■aa X KINGSTON STREET ureb next Sunday at 3 p.m. of a serious sea Ielent that befell the r c . 1. ehool .t 2 pm Rev. F. W.: formers grandson. Ross DlePon,,l. Tia..!dies' Aid of the Presbyter- X XXXXXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX :.XXX • ilAllD TO PLEASE E The critical buyer will test appreciate the quality of Meets we offer. The harder you are to please. the Purer •re we that. once we serve yon, long will yon be numbered ■mong our steady patrons. To thooe who Ineiat on finer Meats, without the penalty of fancy price. we ray. Shop here and raise' Parkhill's Meat Market -EAST STREET- Teiep`oma 231 Godevieh THE GODERICH HEAT FOLKS IT isser MRD TO KEEP A GOOK_ , WREN You ENRAGE- 'THE_ HEAT F01.1(‘ TV Hew HER Howrie, Mrs. R. Roach: fancy knitting In eottnn, Mee T.Ivfng•ton. Excelsior C1a..: collection lady's work. Jen Harrison. Mrs. D. F.nyler e a.sortme it of small novelfli'.. suitable for. gifts, Mr.. D. Fowler. Jean Harrison: labor- saving device. homemade. Mrs. Henries Miss Livingston: rolle•tion girls' en- ing. under 14 years, T. J. Ralkeld. B T reteav i-sw4agi (s!f' l'trl ender 14 ern, B. Treleaven: heat girl under 14 years. A KeMll lad, Mrs\ Tremblay : centrepiece, by girl under 14 years of age. Mee. D. reveler. T. .1. Salkeld : print quilt, ptee.d, Mr.. R. Roach. Art Elliott; hearth rug. any other variety. Mrs. Howrie. Excelsior (Ian: bridge .et. A. McMtHan, lean Harrison: hemstitched sheet with monogram. Mia. Llvfngetnn : lanndry hag. Mrs. R. Roach. Jean Ha rrlwnn. Judges -MIA. Jean Lyons. Nies 8ilr,• Sheth Lyons. Lueknow. , FiNE ARTS Painting, water color. 1•nd.eape. Mime T.Ivtngwton. Mrs. Howrie: painting, water eolor. animal study. Miss LIvbteg- *ton, Mm Howrie: painting in alt -`-r flowers. MI.. T,Ivingsfnn : collection Ane art.. MIs. Llvineston. Mrs. How- rie: tainting on chime,.. Mies T,Iv1ng- ston. New. Howrie: poorer. advertl.ing Canadian ermine, H. Rtother., R. Tre- leaven: role...eon wild flowers and gramme'. Mr.. Brodie: Ppeelmen of pen- manship by hey or girl under 14 years of age (prizes by Mr. Fred Roes), D. F. Anderson, A. McMillan. Mrs. D. Fowler: Inst map of Ontario by boy or girl ender 14 yrers, W. A. Culbert. A. Rtother,: voile tint hssketry, reed - work. R. if. Trelewven, MIs. Living- ston: woodwork. by boy. 3. R. Rtirling, Mrs. Brodie Judges----Mrs..f. R. McNah, Lnrknow; Mrs. Williams. Dungannon. , Co-ur CIAIN STORES 1 a derich Dose Square Whoever cooks the family's meal9-wllether it's the lady of the house or a maid, is en- titled to the hest fuel obtain- able. Nobody can cook good food with poor fuel- A great deal of dissatisfaction among cooks mayhe traced to the daily b$ttles with a refractory kitchen stove. Solve your servant problem with some of our excellent Blue coal. CALL THR s app Ills 1 MUSTARD corlinr BARN BURNED Thr Targe barn nn the farm of Wil- liam Wroomnn on the APhfleld-Colborne ry. near__Shestoardton, was de_ itroyet by fire about A o'eloek Satnr- i1ay everting. The rani' of the fire 1e believed to have been lightning. as there wax an electric's! storm et the time the flre'o curred. The barn was on a farm adjoining that open which Mr. Vrnoman resides. It contained a quantity of hay, batt no grain. A number of Implements which were referee In the Marrs • were Im.t. The fire WAR a epectacnlar one. The loss In partly entered by Inanranee. GODERICH TOWNSHIP GODERICH TOWNSHIP, Oct. 13.- Guesti at the home of Mrs. Jas. Row for 'Thanksgiving were Ter. and Mrs, J. W. Slmpaon of Toretlb and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Rosa and daughter of Mitchell. "- Mies Margaret Pentland, teacher at R11. Nd fl was • guest at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Pentland. Dungannon, over the week- end and holiday. Mies Helen KW, nt the teaching staff at- Landoll oft the Thanks- ghlag ren des*$ ' home of her ec. Mr. .1. iso : c:.aa ' - ll 9tteb spent Stiedar t e par- rnlwc-Mr. aster. Mr. and M ad THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22nd. Ladies' Hose Silk and wool, heavy quality. .411 sires. Regular 49e. 3 pair $1.00 Men's Chieftain Sweaters Coat style. Sixes 34 is 44. Brawn t9awm- Regular $1.75, Each $1.19 Novelty Boston Bag 1951 Inches long, 9 Itches high, two han- dles, overwtrap.. Each 25c Scrim Frilled Curtains 20 inches by 24 yards. Shell stitching on ruffle vallanre, two tie backs. Pair 59c Child's Fleece -lined Sleepers All sires. Regular SLOE Sale price 69c pair Ladies' Smocks Floral ensigns, long sleeves. Regular $1.49. Thursday selling 89c each ICHiLJ)REN'S GOOD QUALITY HOAR M grain. fawn and Walk. Extra Special 19c pair, 6pair $1.00 - Unequalled Values for these three big day; Thursday, Friday, Saturday October 22, 23 and -24 Come prepared to make big savings Ladies' Hose Mixing Bowl Full fashioned. Fall shade.. All 10% Inches acres, in white. blue ,_AAAA and brown. Sale Prise Pair 69c Ladies' Silk Bloomers in peach, pink, beige, mauve. Sire, small, medium and Targe. Sale Price 49c Boys' Serge Suits Just the thing tier tall wear. Sixes 2 to 6. Regular $1a0.110 Clearing 69c Boys' and Girls' Toques. - White, red. blue, sand. Clearing at, tach 25c Men's White Han'kfs 17 -Inch equate. Sale Prke 10c each Men's Work Shirts Heavy flannel, slxe. 11)4 to 17. Each $1.00 Men's Combinations Plum. mm►ttlnd. Sixes 34 to 12. Each $1.29 -Sims 24 to 34. eaeh 11.00 - Each 25c Cuddles Doll 2'2 inches high. organdy dreg -NI. ('omposition head. Rig valor. Each $1.98 Turkish Towels 18 x 36. sniped patters. Rie Pries Pair 45c :..Men's Dress Shirts ' Plain and fancy sty let. Guaran- toed fa4 rotor. Slrew 11% to 1651. Each $1.00 Work Sox Men's heavy wool MAIL lar 39e pair. Sale Price Regw'. 4 pair $1.00 Toilet Paper Soft and atssorbenl. 1 or. rolls. 8 for 25c Fancy Tea Pots 6-eup, ae*ertel shapes. RIg l able. 39c each CANDY CANDY Butterscotch Wafers Delicious Golden Wafers ._. PC 1bra-.Y ..-. Thursday, Friday, Saturday 9.30 M 10.00 a,m. Brooms, 19c each Reedier 59e value Thursday, 9 a.m. WHITE CUPS AND SAUCERS 5c compo..- -.- _ Limited quantity. Six to ental f. -- Friday, 9 a.m. 10 -quart DISH P:%NS While they last 29c each Galvanized Pails No. 12 sire, hot dipped. 25c each Table Oilcloth 1.1 inches wide. Markle :rad Sallaile patterns. 39c yard Serving Trays Scenery patterns. wkker bound, good large sire. Each $ 1.00 Vanilla Chocolate Drops Very tasty 19c ib. Cups and Saucers Kerma shape. gold band. Regular saaplete. Sale prim 1 Oc complete