The Signal, 1931-10-15, Page 1Advertising There is no cheaper advertising medi• nm than the newspaper. When your advertisement is in The Signal it goes right into the homes of the people. ivat GODERICH, ONTARIO, T SDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1931 MIGHTT•FOUIMgt YEAR, NO. 41 An O- ortunity to Unite -Canada w....• ,.a-r.'s .r • Job Printing Commercial and Society printing neatly and quickly done by The Signal. Telephone 35 and a represent- ative will call on you. THE SIGNAL. PRINTING CO., LIMITED, Publishers. Rev. Dr. Oliver, Head of the United Church. Speaks on Western Conditions A large congregation greeted Rev. S. H. Oliver, D.D., moderator of the United Church of Canada, as he *puke in North street church on Wednesday night. The service was conducted by the pastor of the church, Rev. Geo. T. Watts, the Scripture was read by Rev. I sLW---9-811e t For the past three F. W. Craik, of Victoria street church; {I and Rev. R. M. Gale of Bayfield of- years utile *11 a' at the •"fered prayer. The choir, under the pltaL_. She eu ,valved by a brother, Mr. Arthur Cowan. and a sister, Mrs. Knight. both of whom reside at Gorrle. The funeral service was held on Tues- day afternoon at Brophey's undertak- ing parlors and was coedits -tett by Rev. Geo. T. Watts of North street United church. assisted by Rev. F. W. Craik, of Victoria 'street 'United ehureh. In- terment was made In the Gorrle ceme- tery. the service there being conducted b£ Rer. G. W. Butt and Rev. F. W. CratlG MRS. B. W. C(lRNELL The death occurred at Toronto. 011 1(iR"nf Ma'rttferee-bi'ry wife of Benjamin W. Cornell, formerly of Godcrich. heceased w'ao ■ deligh- t ter of lir. Donald Fraser of East at eat _.e datict' .11esirlea Ilei ►NITA3 husband and two waw. Donald' and Jack. she leaves five atsters and two brothers: Mrs. McGrath and the Misses Jean and Kathleen Fraser of Toronto. Mrs. Marlatt. of Kapuekaaing. Ont., and Miss Florence Fraser. of town, Wil- Itetu F laser of Ruffolo. N.Y., and Reg. F'rnser of town. The funeral took place to Prospect cemetery, Toronto. r rs, Hamilton resumes' oo..r.• Ily, of Winona, spent the week -end Ise made for play which the In- week after t•Ishin for several n on 'uesday afternoon red was attend- R Alla holiday with their relatives here. • stunt• -iutenda patting on In the--neeft wt be Mt and Nva. Reg. Frata•r, Ytsr t Toronto. Avonb nk and ether plisse* tilko •iw e i rarer and Mr. rad ]Ira. qtr► OBITUARY _ - W !. C. W. MI.AK1Nt1 At the great age of righty -eight years Mrs. Elizabeth Campbell Idea - kills, widow of Charles William 1 Meaklus, passed away at Hamilton on Sunday, October 4th. Deceured was the mower of Mr. Charles J. Meakin* of Goderlch, who was with her fur several weeks before her death. The funeral took place at Hamilton ou Wednesday, 7th Inst. MISS JEAN COWAN The death occurred at Alexandra hoapltal on Sunday, October 11, of Miss Jean Cowan. , Deceased was a native of Simile but had lived In Gtslerieh leadership of Mr. Douglas Campbell, r siered the anthem "}'ear Not, 0 brawl," the solos being taken by Misses M. Pentland, E. Tye and E. Hume and Mr. George Buchanan. The stirring mtsrage ut the modera- tor concerned the unusual conditions In Westeru Canada. He preface(' his 1?' CHURCH NOTES Legion Plans At the iii«eflltt"tff.'tft(t'"` 1"m Many at North street United church next , -own..... I 615nday morning the subject, ' Ilduwt far itThln -tem meatier an&-' a i ohairvauee. in wy town"" will be WeiPoppy Campaign November 6 and Mr. . M-_ituln'rltau._ LONDON - e r ear Yr*. C. A. \airs sprat the week -end appdnhrl organlet of Cronyn Nemurlrl Smith's Falls. with relath'rs at G•It. Anellcrn church, London, sad will rr o'dMo lu the hrlure room. 9, ad Ou \\ednewlry eiruh,g, lh'tuher Mr. WUtao McCreath was !a Tor- dress by'Mra (Rcc.1 D. J. Lane and 21at, ■ banquet will be held at Cliutua Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Mew spent move to that eity with hia tamllJ unto for the lto►tday. the 1'reebyterlal report by Nlse and Thanksgiving In Guelph. shortly. Dr. Egeder is a Gtsterlch old under the ausyitrs of the Cilntua Eva Mr. A. Joburtou of Luuduu was a boy and was fopnerly urgautst and Mr. Frank Elliott was up froti Tor I holiday visitor with friends. musie•:tl dirw4or j`t Knox chun•h here, onto for the holiday. Misr Ivy Elliott, of Iorudon, is visit- and Iia steady Tdva [me eraure in hla weer tere.holA dr w HMI Colin Murray lug with relatives and frieuds in town. profession Is a sou Vi hie asap. rlenda here it. Mr. Wm. Sharman, of , Ilamtlton, Mr. and Mrs, A• Whlterlde and was a cteftor in town this wrrk. daughter ]sack opelt.ilsa. war►dud at LIST OI! 1 IE SEAt90N! Detroit. _ Miss DorMhy \Vest»rark was hom. Y - at _ Detroit • _On Frideay n11 ►t the lawn bowie=froaa Toronto for Ake build/4y week -end. Mrs.• T_ +'s1 I trartm e[ ricok'h driuhle-t?._„.,. e.a. g-Bessie. PERSONAL MENTION DR, d rb e!O PERSONAL MENTION-- t The red ti.r4 . a. 11. of e Arthur 7 -County Armistice Day Ser. Dr. Freie rlc •• F%getter; Mus. Doe., Mus. Bac., of St. Catharines, has been MIM Ruth Wark Is visiting at Circle of Kuox church will be held vice at Exeter on Mondry evening, October 18, at $ Somerville will be given. Rev. F. W. Critic will conduct the quarterly rnmmunitm serriee In Vic - torte street United church next Sun- day morning at 11 a.m. At the even- ing service. at 7 p.m.. Rer Js W. Item bert of Holmesrllle wili preach `and Rer. Mr. erelk will er.ndnet the an- niversary, service at Holmeartlle. -.. t.. n* offering meetlfL t ehureh-W.M.S. will be held on Tue.; day. October 27th. eat 3 p.m. Mrs. Gor- don. secretary td School Homes. will address the meeting. A cordial wel- come 1s extended to all the Indies of the congregation A social half -hoar Malting with Mr. end Mt* O. A l h There eighd prizes, the winners b visiting r andiMrs. F. W Murphy. bet" Peter Blas . J. R. Wheeler, F. Cralk. Mn. Wm. Cnlgie and son Melville II Martin, T. Taalor, Dr. H. R. Hall, h Th ski girtug holiday at Vies. Litt, S D r eft and t h Gists. Mies Christine McKenzie and Miss Spent the aEwthrr Murray spent Thanksgiving at orwtu. Two trios frog! Goderich hook fart Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cranston, of in' the trebles tournament at Wing-. LJndon, spent the week -end with relit- ham on the hotiday. Dr. II all. It. air. Frank Thompson, of 'Toronto, time here. IJohnton and .A. 'Hulot (skips brought holidayed pith relatives in town at the Mot. J.' • Cralglr and Mrs. Wm. .114)1114. the thlnl prizes. week -end. - 1'. eek -tend. 1', Abell are!'biting with relatives and' The lawn bowling season Is praetl' Mr. David Thompson, of " Toronto. 1rlenW at 'r0yonto. r-nily neer for this year, and the 1'le- . Ialted relatiree In town fora few days Mr-Maidrtrm Cutt, of Toronto, toss street green) are deserted this 1 this wets:. win baa spent n nnmM•r of yr*rs In visited with his mower, Mrs. R. H. week. Mr. Ernest- Prltekard of Toronto of that branch. - _ - Afrlen, will he the speaker. The p,, -pent rite •indicia* hark" -end with On eiererntn•r nth nod illy ttte7tinutti Cutt, over the week -end. -- rimy wishes to thank nil those who . So- town,marl"-, 144"hlit"Jlign N ilt•, • Igtitlejlirl _tuocu' t __ jir, week -end ttltC"br Ter»ttttt,s, Mr.'-- itil.WliN6 `" So -the hair Me -GM ar this fa crrrkd out wrottghout the week -end with bus parents, Mr, 1 A special m g o! the Galerfclt alis ai:trglin t Tr[ntt're of iCmtrro, In southern o -the Saskatchewan. Te 1 and circ. Henry Yc\'lair. Women's Inatito will err te•Id lu Me- Sana ThnnksgiwnR herr with Mrs. Reor then In the tche at church sea Canada in fact, throughout the Brit- Mr. Yurney, of 'Stratford. )tray Hall on ay, OMuber 20th, ,- marl chewrrinwn. - . RnndA will he eondncted by the pas- Ish ill t Ie. It has wavy gtasd feat gpent-t week -end w ter yuryww of ytan. Yls*rr Evelyn and Ilelen Cooper A c T Hunt .$1y th lath_ ores. E'lrrt, It bit iau prrAluets are Mr. and Mrs. Frere Mariam, 1 ling r•4llet woe The Institute is In Twee -howl• trout J+tratTnrd t:eF- ;• IM•f+R- a.m. '2' fltint. t'rmo Fruh- u" { iaepl.Trs atHT s-ts .i a --- Mrs. It. M. Cassels has returned to touch wits sec 1 needy families in e'k-end slid holiday. m., '•(trend to the Fs;- s si-f It tildes w the time and minds Mr. and air.. 0. Rtewrrt of mast* " 7 D of tial. net whull fur a,cltated Ili Hamilton after a visit at the home of ' Saskatchewan a if any of the mem- i"ear_ds Feast In the Desert." Sabbath ) 1 Mr. and Mrs. C, Ii Humber. hers have good orad -hand doffing, Brantford ospdent tete wcekred at -M,luool at 10 a.m. The orilnnnre of loo- Nur hesplta1s. 'Third, revenue derived Mtge Vera Wilkins' has returned i or anything memberg wh1 can be remodeled, StMi-,t MargaretnSandy.111 spent the ?lever'! baptism will be "In nist°reA ti ut nml ties Nontfortuork afor to provide o[ their frrhu Nellea -Corners. where she was ' will the indly bring tame toat the tinge of the evening serrbr. Mr. and Mrs. the guest of Mrs. W. J. Donaldson. I the ests•t, mo ♦ large attendance Is week -end at Toronto visiting .her air Rer. Ll: J. Lane will r servle the i''^mredt+r lase fortwtnte, ninny of hers. Mises Beulah and Pearl Sandy. whotu have' here tart lutthmtr wtn<w - - *arrives In Knot chore's next Sunelac. The snbjes•t at morning worship will the war, and fourth. money derived be: "f.0* nT R'the Birthright." The from it, -tete iiy fern ekes is need for s local relief among comrades and their cru families In need. - branch of the Canadian Legion iu bou- ur of the Provincial prewldeut, Lt.-Ced- 1'ee-king, who will "be the main speaker. 1t Is expected a goodly number of the held member* will attend. ' ton Thursday, (, tober 29th, the local branch Wired putting ou their tint smoker of the season. They expert to au._wiih thew 5o. e_lise'aI 'r the new- r•Iajuctiti u,iuiiTrr rzierl•Tai7 _.._ Rev. 11. J. Lane. late of Wallaetburg,,, who, according to reports, Is au active Lagluu worker, having leen a memo r of the executive of 't e Wallaeeburg brsucb durug the pant year. Wallin s, ' burg branch obtalacd the highest per - Thele enjoyed after the me•e•ttug. ,.t,ula a of new mettibers In the 1're- TiiP W. M. R. of lortb street 1 sited g' church intend holding their thankof- rtucc-wide mvmtetropraltip drier Inst tering meeting on the evening of Neo- spring, winning the trophy in comptti conber 4. Miss Elizabeth Mt -Kenzie. teen with 211 branches, a remit that t•ertalnly war r cre•Jlt to the rxettHivr • a earn fl, , 1 tI e .Ir. Murnc on MacKay, of Toronto. future. Miss Rose Strang was home from 1ek mR aPrdce will be ,i thank RlimnR -=rt tate holiday et the.1KOM_9i is t _ t rerrl1'1 tl,e _sPrmlm ltleles r :t Tlw ptrrtts, Mr. and Urs. Robert MacKay. MR. ROTURFLL LEA{ UNG -- .. I(T3lr( 1101lle and Liteies isrtca. wry- from Guelph for the holiday week -end. "1111 Ta t»e t.om r.--Tbrr+-will Ill'''' J. Me-t'aun ami Meas J. Me- , Mr. W. R. Rothwell, organist--inA or from musk aPPrnprfatP to the, art• veterans_ wilt attend unr.o[ _the lOcrl. i, i 13Ir; and. ?Tris W. J. Crtiiknc•11; o Meat thanksgiving. liahhath uhPol.lchuttUeN Ilia Ir(Nly,;,ts thinkogiving enntata will he renderedtinder the direction of Mr. Dorerlan -K . Worsen of -Lown- _ - -_ _.- MR8. JAMFM LEONARD A much respected reesldeut of Gauer- Hertel county will meet In Exeter for the veteran* of their/O.-London. on Saturday and were Armistice Day servhe. For the firot William. took plate In Pt. Paler.. cs• : The oboequifwef the late .1rehhislom the purpose Of attending a county 1:ntttienssitaielteby mstanoy endIrr;.1.t,,nr,lzursi,filchnur,...111 time Canada will thi. year observe November lith, the anniverwary of the erich. waft representel by the rector. ,,,igning of .the Amenities., as a national I eontinue his worh Rev. J..N. TI. NUM..' Von. .trelidearnn holldny. to be known as itemembraneo fill.11eake hls halo Mrs.. (Capt.) R. W. Parkinson. who Brown. ', A memorial service will he [wort, by reason of inteneive Legion liteld in Rt. George'. (Muriel on Sunday. t•fforts; therefore the_Lation hatendi --- - itrttnnnia netelr-for-the-mmt-week: Norember 10. when Von. Archdeacon doitig its temoet to make tbe occasion was the truest of the Meeks Barker. The t;odesicit Township Hospital Mr. Wild Mrs; R. SWOT and -three er. and Mr. Armitage, of Sherbrooke. Que- Sunday mnrning the plistor. Rev. nen: ikuiNuows• liall under ttw atiottices texiliary is undertaking the furnish- children. Of Hamilton. meat- Thanks, - bee, and Mr. W. Dodgson. of liamil- - T. Watt.. will rondurt the .eerviee. of the local branch. with added fea- ton, visited last week with Mr. Kelso ing of the upper, . wo ' 's floor of Orbit -With Mr. and Mrs, , E. Col- ank tures in the form of lucky tickets, eft- Mrtt. J. J. Noll (formerly. Mies Luln gli4Pir!ining7-11ThiniPetti;P"PeTtlimi:1714 so Tim -posters later. Naught. of Vittoria Mrspita ,,ne fin ' musical director of Knox church the spent the week -end with friends in and Mi, vlslto! ret the humc u1` Mt, REV. IMMUNE. H. O1IVER, M.A., felt. lu the person of Jes-le McL,y, pe'n s Nat two years, has tendered his re-atfd 7[rs, 1[. M. 1ltowe over the ween- Ph.D., D.D., F. R. S. C., Moderator of i wife of James Leonard. pasted away 1 town. and Mr.. A. E. Toner and Mr. stgnatlnn, hating tarn terga appointed or- , ' Cam - the ['sited Church of Canada. at Alexandra hospital on Friday fart, ganfst of (ventral Presbyterian church, Klan Dolores Lek►wall!, of Cam - after an illness of several months. Mrs. and Mts. Thos. Furl of Gorrle were Brentford. He takes over Isis new du laehle limit the we!elt 8ld with her Leonard was born seventy -tau yeas risltors reeently at the Victoria street ties at the beginningof November. a Personage. patent Mr. and mill.,Ggrge Leith. ago in Huron township, near Ripley, Ira Mr. Rothwell has been musical in- wane. but had been a resident of (;tslrrtch Rev. and Yrs. George Clayton and (strnetor in the Goderlch sc•heols and 4 Mr. and Mrs. Herrn' Martin - and for fifty years. She U survived by her daughter. Misses Irene and Audrey, o! is rem •u .._A.( .1. s. t. I _ .-- ^--•.- .------ fo husband, to whom she was married Walpole Island, visited with friends under*t forty-three years ago, and b) two sono here last week. as teacher and twp da litera. (apt. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Humber spent Normal Leonard, e steamer tole holiday with their AauRl,tPrs' Mee 1 B address by thanking the people of the church and the district for the gen- erous help already sent to Saskatche- wan, and read a letter he had just received from Bethuhe. Sask., describ- ing the arrival of the first earlaid of fruit and vegetables scut from Ontario. and telling of it's dlatrtbutiou among 260 families Speaking of the people of the pralr• Sew. Dr. Oliver recalled the saying that if one flung a stone down the street of a Western town whim people wen about he would be sure to hit ami from Huron or from Bruce. Old On. tarso bad built these prairie town whit the hest blood of her counties, and the people who were sea erg lddar were sons and brothers ' of Ontario • folk. . A year ago. said the moderator. he had come ease with the challenge to M McDonald Capt. Jae. Inkster, Sod- taer people- to make sacrifice. to keep+,k Morrison, David . Marwick. Mat-_ open the chnrehea on the home mis- calm Graham and Bert MacDonald. Rion fields . Ile would have preferred Mrs. ('raven was here for the funeral. to devote hit energies this year. to but Capt. "Roddle" Li•onard was nn. Pleading for the extension of the work able to have his boat. He made a 've- in pa to the forelen field. But each was not I efal trip to Ooderieb, however, two Gnd'a plan. To Paul the Jaw the weeks ago to visit his mother. once was abhorrent and -hateful. It : H. 8ehweycr and Mrs. W. J. Don - Albert Leonard of town.livid. T E. .lAH. even of Detroit and Mrs. Malcolm Graham of town. Surviving sisters ..re Mrs. David Marwick and Miss Aisle a a ay of town', and Murdocb -Rf"'# 't✓dnden, Mich., is a brother. The funeral took place from the family residence, Elgin avenue. on Monday afternoon, the interment teeing In Maitland rewetery. Mrs. Leonard was n lifelong Presbytezian and the funeral services were conducted by Rev. D. J. Lane, minister of Knox church. The pallbearers were Capt. Johnston. Mrs. Stewart Carter. of Ann Arbor, Mich., is spending a tow days with her hand at the home of Lb par- ents, Mr. and lira E. J. -Cit; dim• alta of the new wing remain t6tfi< Aron street. finished. but It is hopett all will he In pltal. As already announced, the Lions Club is furnishing the lower floor, which will le the men's quarters. Some Mr. and sirs Ceti' Carley and their eon Hugh ha• -e returned to their home at London after a week's visit with Mex. Charley's parents. Mr. and Me.. readiness for a formai opening to - d the1 f this month.This function will he in charge of the Wo- man's Hospital Auxiliary. and It is - ;meet •,, or- sister. ser•. rapt. nm -f C ll P soln(wnrk In 1hn cnn- grls Neilnnalt} F,lrn nvennr; -•$ nn1p►M'__z_ -Tempuraturea have been consider. Dr. A. H. and 'Mos alAcklin were toff "Song of T11nnk.RlcinR" +\inAtn• I ably lower the past week as compared der) will he token 11y Ml's -F.. Wmne. I with the previous. one. The rainfall at Stratford Th k l i 1 on Rn eR i nR War , so. \i. PentlanA. i(r. C. Rnrhennn wars ro u t s s visiting their ion. Dr. L. .l. Mncklin, and Mr. B. rnilier M Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Mackfln 'eat that elty. r„plea who is a capable 01ft tenor 1 n Miss Eva (is ? Is spending s (" aim take part two ,a Intal W. Grindrod. 1 tea andt'd to Incite the public to take week's holidays with her sister Miss Mr. and Mrs. IV. 0. MacEwan were 1 tea he shown over the hospital and Flnrenre at Toronto. and will nlwr In Toronto and St. ('atherinrs for the I to pay a small fee. In order to meet Sn'I a week at London with her sis- ter Mrs.. rr•il reeled week-end and holiday. visiting Mies some portion of the recent heavy ex-' Olive Goldthorpe at Toronto and Dr. i Pendituree. air.- Jas. Greenfield, T)eeatnr. 111., and Mrs. F. T. F.gener eat Rt. ('ether- '1 Mrs: R. Fretriira^H^rd..-airs. Moodie, Ines. NOTES FRO,/ THE HARBOR God- win the Instntareft for the execution SAMUEL HALSTEAD alr.,nd Mrs. Thomas Aitchison and Two cargos of wheat fur the Gtttk of ertmitwlm; Ant Paul the apostle An old resident of the town was re - Ernest Dorothy. of Stratfor. Mr. erte'h Elevator Cu. arrived In port on 210, - learned that the despised cross NAP I move( »p the death on Saturday jut Ernest Preston of Hampton. air. and Tuesday, the Anua C. Minch with 210, Oars way of victory, Gal's way of of Samuel Halstead, at fin home at Mem. John AltMtscm and Mr. Henry OM) bushels and the Northton with' _.,,•-"." ---.-.•.••• i'ik etreleetl. -11w woorr-Aistereser•d.r «1ei.. .aJ'AIi..JC+ere tCSLB.Pr ,tL.i;Hyyyyborlteiar.- t u I Ipein "liar" 1*O`' the week -end with Mr. and Mrs, J. E. -'that from the trying conditions of our was in its eightieth year. had been I back next week with another cargo. their Arent*,' [r. and MM.e A. J. tee (. I. LITLRRI lel(1( 1F.Tl Match.Ponly two rnntestants turnssl tar for -------- n_Mewls.-Gori Jo.. wortiblg•..A11l.4„.,.{a}I4ag koslak...tuc a considerable _ 1ia. The same day the package freighter Car a T' Hcwt program of_ .1.1w tr11•rhlt - for His people strength and unity I time, but was able to he about up to Gnestw at the hump bf'Sir. and yr:_'- .'laukatoon.arslvesd from Montreal and i (; sus at the hnmF`nf tVir. nhA airs. Cedle*late Inntll' t*-titerarr ( Saimy e1 try -a s ,n rt' Lions = •-osowthMh wtn,ld fr,:c :ifh:rzkw• Se' theirs • my Jaya heftww-trnedeath, `.So. xss LR Ft, 1Andlsh over the wrrk-fiend dtwc•harYe. pt<rt Atf Ip'i fn et arSgat. I Neer \ir end ra worse eek h freight Wttttaur-'Prwe'or:-M'l$Awms .treP h-'weer fur the feral war given In the echo o1 L'ittb. Bill 1'tarrov. covawet. tlw-arse cad- ......„ etetembly hall on Thursday evening. I a -half miles In 42 .minutes. winning the silver (•itp donated by the Lions Club. Robert (:roves. the other eon - Barker find son. Jimmie., and Mrs. N. gram prevented was an excellent one. (,•slant, also turned In a good race. M. Harper of Toronto. Miss Dorothy Linklater, preeideut of The mile -col -a -halt for boys under the Society, was chairman and in her eighteen years had tsar eontestanta, ANIMA RAND AT WiNOHAM opening remarks thanked the students E. Elliott, RgZliTrlulllt ,10 i'itttm The (;o derirh inninr hand ender the for the -honor conferred upon her. A-{ and W. McKay. Elliott anti Erring- Ieatlershle of HHndnts/ter Hneklns rocal duet, "Come to the Fele" avail ton mate a reyy !lose finish. Elliott attend,tl the Wingham fall fair band Kung by Josephine Weir and Reginald Is•Ing• given dtat plaee. Ills time wits competition held on Saturday after- Fisher. A debate on the subject, Ate- 743. Johnston .Was, third. There a -Hut another dtflisedt dw-lsion In the mete twice A1'0111111 the Spare re•gistertrl ,5.. ineke•s. Headings for the week, with thecae of the sorrels•, ponding week of October. tober. 111 (1, as re- Ane(. n the r•nntafR with Miss TLnme. tirnkrl hs tis• tineiri weather observer, air. J. F.. alnh h. are: Tire. N'. 0. Shaw of Nilo will rondliel 1931 1930 min. the service.• cine. Mht: Max. tdln THE FIVE -PIN GAJiF: Ttt.rielay, Oct. 5 ..7:1 :Sit 54 56 Fridny,'(Mt ti ,...;1-- 41 N 57 Rntcefleld. Read Nr*. Gerald Xtwfnn. Tin' Royal Iiwling alleys are opwtii Sntnrdey. lei. -10 .57 '45 110 54 iMfdnn, were gnats eat tiro. Ada Wal- agehi and deru,t s of the grmrare moodily. tel. 11 ..it4 TI 73 55 ars 000 day leaf week. enjoying the mintier indair start. Far M lay. tel. 12 ..57 32 75 5e Miss Oic•1 Cooper. of the High arhmd next Monday night prise* are being Toe•slny, (Mt. 13 ..54 41 77 49 staff at Prrt Elsdn. and Mise Phylli, 1 offered --for et Mueeeh `rlcmhges tonrna- tVtrLu•wlay, Ovt. 14 iii 52 e0 49 refiner. who ix attending sehnnl there i ment. - erR1l'11iR *VTR- mA witirl-" "a'' ' Ali-RAAe-,• -•.-„^'- ..1 • Cause of the Distress In the past he had boasted of his prairie rountrr, . saki Dr. Oliver. He had landed Its vast spaces, its wonder- ful fertility. its amazing erops, the generosity of IM people ea shown In their large Rirings M mipatMia. This year he had mime with a ad story of years without harvests, of long -con - tinned drought. of owners ,of farce end hitherto productive farms facing the approaching winter without fond or fnel and In some eases without adequate clothing. And this rev srsal of fortune was' not Ane to careless born near Belleville and when a young at the shed, loading for upper man camp to this district, the family and Mrs. A. McNeil of Brantford, Mrs.I lake ports with the remainder of the Hamilton. tr... anti daughter. Miss J settling, near •Holmemville. For the last cargo. thirty-seven years he had been a resi- dent of (ioderlch and for a good part of thls time his home a -as at. the p1c- tureeepw spot on the Maitland River known, as Piper's Dam, though it is many years since the mill -dam which gave the place Its name was -'*wept away by a freshet. Deceased 'i/- Har- vlcwl by two daughters and a eon: Mrs. Charles, E. Whitt'tuan of High- land Park, Mich., Mrs. R. T. White- man and Henry Halstead of Detroit: farming nor to leek of thrift. but solely also by a brother, Albert Halstead of to leek of rain. The last rain snleci- Erickson, W['.. and two sisters, Mrs. ant to penetrate two inches Into the Geo. Younghlut of town and Mrs. Nix Atoll of .tart QL11911thernSaskatej e- 0f Vepcouver, BV. The funeral ser- wan came In' Jily, 11028. Then litat ilea. on Mnndsy afternoon were mu - year there was 00 mild a winter that dneted by Rev. W. T. Bunt of the the frost and snow npon whleh the II Heptist church, and the pallbearers land depends for moisture In springtwere T. Kneeshaw, Geri. Stewart. Gen. and eerie summer were absent. Lust I Mcleod and Jas. (Irreenwey, The in - summer the *inn h155ed and bllwtered the land. the wind lifted whsle fields 1n whirling elmids of sand and &not wide* darkened the min at nnnndny. Kinrnreline and Exeter. and drifting aa'alnst shruhe and trete k111ed them. Water had to he drawn Exeter defaulted the football game for miles and people pstd slx cents in the H.A.A.A. series which was a pall for drinking water. Hearses sehednled for Tnesedey in (;alerich were shot because there was neither The next game to be played here Is on Monday next, with Clinton AA the vtsttors. torment waft in Maitland cemetery. in Addition to the metitb'rs of the fam- ily. friends were present from Detroit, Hamilton. of Stratford, and Mins An- nie Bowler of Klntail. Mr. D. R. Nairn and Mr. R. 5, Hetherington are at Toronto. where tate tatter is to receive his mitto the bar at Usgoode lull and the former Is to see him through the ordeal. Mr. Hetherington, who has been en- moved over to the elevator, where they gaged in other work this summer, in- \Aends to commence the practice of are being loaded with grain loi winter his profession, but we have not learned storage. where be Intends to hang , out his Th Keil ( st tion CO Is mak shingle. The tug W. L. Forrest hat+ returned to this port after towing the dredge Clairmont to l'ort Hope, where Mr. Forrest has a dredging evmtract. The freighters Martian and "Viieif=' tier, which lay empty all year at the north side of the harbor, hare, been foal nor drink for them. A littleeh monlhrmse had been closest for a short time. and when It was opened 256 pnnn(s of And were swept from Be floor. On one trip he heti taken, the 9treleratnr maid. he Unrolled 124 mile* before seeing A blade of Anything gev reu . (Inc story told by Dr. ()hirer won of • ?stoner who owned 0 stere* try .Janus There were several little child- ren In the hello and they were de- pendent for fond on the milk from one (Ootltleeie en page 5) Eddie Smith and Morrison MacKay. members of the Central Y. track team of Toronto. were holidaying at the home of the latter's parents. Smith, a promising junior athlete of Toronto. won the Ontario 440 junior 4u*mpion- ship lint week at Toronto. While 1n town both bay. worked not with Rob - eft Rtoddart and RI11 Barrow, two outstanding ynnng athletes of Gorierfelt. 40171, I THE MISSIONARY CONGRESS Reports from the great missionary rtinaretta recently -held" in Toronto were presented to the congregation of North street United church on Sunday morn- ing by Messrs. Baine and Barnwell. Since Rev. Dr. Oliver watt to be In Gtsleerlch during the week his address the week -end were: Mrs. c. Legasslr and children• \fadrine and RAnulnlph. of Montreal. Mr. ami Mrs. Clatenee There Was a Targe attendance of stu- dents, parents and friends and the pro - I1( ,n, October 10th. The prize offered wheal, that Rutted' Is setting an ex- w'as it silver cup. which was won by 1 ample which it behooves the other na- e y on roc the Clinton Klltle band. There were tions of the world to follow;' w•os ic- ing Norman progress with Its contract. A fen- only three hands entered and the 1 i-ithelly interesting and well Argued -by 1 and D. Worthy xteen.ng together at der boom, made of British Columbia I judges' decision in order was: Clin- both negative and aftrtsiattve speakers, the [font. The.Jntlges gait' Craik the squared timber, Is being conatructed on ton 1st Goderleh grad. Winghnm 3rA. William Sutherland and Jean Abell up- deelelnn. Freest Fisher was hied., the wharf and when completed will be The ndJndieatorwas Itnndmaster held the affirmative and Roy Erring- 41 oversea.. aaan- Bc,atrsti to the -seat eoatl of tate bather \VPIPh 44 fill ntit wen fl Iffieh the beget -re. j wart•.. cnnt(tst*nts...?hf _.lrtnner's lime • and moored outside the new crthwork sem 'nimbi. • The Jufdges were Iter. George T. t . - I. Ass protection to vessels osis that Watts, Principe' tel Hume and Misw Dale, I nes Sla. V g 1 Thur was a field of eleven for the part of the ba Aar. 1'. C. BIBLE tRtl('1E'1'1' Mr. Watt. a "ll Iii' doelsloit tP one -lap rae for trays under fonrteen. It In reported that the contract 101' The cnntribntions to the Blble So- favor of the negative supporters. ' 1(1' Ernest F'Isher ens Rest. `J. Mef euin the reeottstructaon in concrete of the at the congress was not reported. Mr. t'emalning portions of the -north and itailie deseribed the Japanese speaker. south piers has been awarded to Bir - Dr. Toyohlko Ksgawa. and Rare a syn- mingham & Scut of Kingston. Repre- opets of his stirring speech In which ,tentative* of the firm are In town to - ht. emphaslaed the importance of prayer and saerifier. Kagawa's own life testifies to the slnrerity of his belief. Althonglt he receives large arms for his lectures and his hooka, he pre- fers to live In poverty and devotee his wealth to the needs of others, and to the furtherance of his "Kingdom of God" movement. Mr. Harnwell gore a resume of the address of Hon. R. R. Bennett strew Ing the part In whleh the Prime Min- Ister held the flame for the terrible ronultion of affairs in Canada to the mad orgy of extravagance that had eharaeterized meant years, and amid that nothing hnt rhe grace of God eould remedy conditions. day and it Is expeeteetl that a eeom- mencement will be made with the work tide fall. Though Bert MacDonald received the appointment of harbor master two or three months ago. with character - title modesty he said nothing of it nntll news of the appointment transpired a few davit ago. Mr. MacDonald mtr- e•eeds Captain Malcolm MacDonald, who resigned after bolding the posi- tion for sc vs•ral nems. The appoint- ment Is s popular one. as Mr. Mac- Donaid has given excellent merriest In various capacities at the waterfront and Is thoremghly dependable. The position to tinder the Federal Govern- ment 4--t- eiety from (toderlch anti vicinity for 1000 amounted to $273.00: from North street United church. $149.50: from Knox church. *41.50: from St. George's church. $211115: from victoria street i•nited church. $24.25: from the Dap - Hot chnreh, *0.410 from Snitford Sun- day srhnni. *20.00 A number of sub- scription of $5 and t10 ,0- more were, received. The neer) of funds for the• illhlr Rn•• t'lety is greater than ever. The A. A. A A (\moriran ('ssorintlirn for the lenity and there Is nothing like the mgna Whitely rerulered a piano so10, 1 second, W.'Carter third. Time. 1.254-5, "Reek itrooklet." which was followed l (•fief Postelethwelte or(mnta(rl s Try a reading. "Ma and tete' Ants)." by 1 re,.• for the klddieri Ana 1MnalA Lowy Harrison. A never clown dance •I•Ilon111stn won Hret plaer, WIIIie was given, by ik.rnthr lio•ndersnn• iSunts erns. and Jack Cutt thiol. Mr. R. 11, Croft' alas 'master of ceremonies.^ - Mrs. M. Rmr IIoider, who had iweee In Cayuga for come weekZrGtup•retfng . )11- day F fie Jewell and Margaret Masan. ,Tmhreal, eompihrl and read try Stat►IRy Taylor. w'as rrtelv,sI with hearty sip- ptainrwnd penis of lsaghter. A gleno wile by Francis l.inklater preceded tie cleverly acted play. "Bob Coitteh- from a serinus Ulnas*. has returned to it's t'hristnos Dinner." from .Dickens. (;rderlcl, much Improved In health and Tlud,e ?Armor pert weert'" -(9Ptr4 Wrong!' 'Will Continue Tier !emblem M picinre Advancement of .tthelsm a is activu4 .anise iiowl'll, Alex. \tacVicar. NAneyP developing and printing at her Mull. engaged In ('Rnula and the United nitrite. Mary ltisse•t. aim Redditt, on the Rgnere. open Staters in an effort to overthrow- rlirlwt- Keltlt snow. Kenneth ('1111. ilefore fhe prnrewm rmmmeerm+l the srtttwil plan• Mr. Robert Mathieson. of :be C.P.A.. open Bihlr fear enmhsftlnR this few• of i*t, Mlss JPen Mae lhonxld, plxy,sl s v- has been transferred to Listowel, and religion alvei sPhctlons un the piano which epee Mr. Jas, A. Witting' haw returned to Thr Kral hrarrrh of the Rlhle Stan; greatly epprecintel. f;trterlch from Listowel. The Manges defy 1. mea tlnP IM annul appal tear are part of a reaeljnstment of ptwiltbY financial snpnrt and solicits an even A ile which is half the tenth Is ever I made owing to the retinctino of freight more genrrnna rPspnnae than nmtal, the blackest of Hee.---Wised .Tennyson. bossiness on the railway. -_st.,, , .,.w._ •