The Signal, 1931-10-8, Page 6[-Sunday Afternoon11 By ISABEL HAMILTON lOoderich, Oat. Thursday, October Rth, 1981 THE SIGNAL -- GODERICH, ONT. think be was este of the inhabitants. The may difference is that air WUI talke all the time. However, this U not to be held against him, for he 1e a wort interesting talker. ills stories are seldom about his owu experiences, but • are about dozens of entirely different Life at Ons of Dr. Wilfrid Ossa- suWuc` of cccuwhit� cmc up ill whale` felt's mission stations au thea will tell a story of au old trapper Its Attractions in the ceutre of Labredur, or of au original method of treatlug route die - used in the (7ntral--Itt■tes. 11e - 1e die - !An. F. Itpbertsoa, yetiugest;son of ease:, • iv mois-�lre eller- a it, S Robertson, K.C., of Ts oronto, and titrathcul crew. Every morning he nephew of A. M. and W. 11. Robertson- L up at 490 and thq say ET"IlritT:" of town, spent the summer at H■rring- tou Harbor, near. the Straits of Belle Isle, where he was connected with one of Dr. Grentell's mission*. The young PRd, and mon on the mount spoke of mercy, man us known to many lu Godertch and Teach us, 0 Lord, and open our eyes, purity, peeve rust righteousuers. The some extracts from his letters to his ' give us understanding and incline our very opposite of these held sway In the rrlativrs here during the sowers may boasts be Thy ways. r In shall Tet Ilyes 01 the people and in the gocrrw to of interest: word a living power in our hearts ,tarots of the world and He came to _ and liven. Awes. i establish His reign of love and to this S. eud these disciples were working—up- Sailing from Quebec on Juue 10th, works On Tharedsy one cif the tours B. Ley FOR Ol'T, Is. 1931 ,iettiug the world. Christianity Is still on a small coasting steamer, we ar- arrived. We had had uo word of them Leeson Teplt`Pwl in Theasalsiilea h tureen and the pecting them until evening. At 10.30 ' Lssastt Passage—sidle 17t1. bbl: I ilxd 1 geo the twat came In sight around the le lbaeaaiasslaas t•7 -1l. ta.Mkn Text—Pea -ii L-. Paul's stay at Phfllppi lasted a eca- aIderable time, and wade its mark, as a flourishing churtlt wax established there. Dr. Lightfoot points out Ip WA that t is i • on r • o menta t I rem must likely that tit. Luke was left Cleaning - Pressing Repairing Expert service on ladies' and men's clothing Satisfacction Uuaranteed W. C SNA &�1-ilea hilly Ciean.r. TELEPRONE 888 DINE AT Wench's New Modern CAFE We serve the public a tth the very best in foods CAPITAL CAFE •George Yosag, Proprietor Choice stock of Cut Flowers always on hand, ready for any occasion. Wedding Flowers, Floral Work, etc- • —All on short nntiee— GEO. STEWART FLORIST Telephone 10S Bruce Street Bear us aloft, more glad, Mee strong, On Thy celestial wlaf%•— And gsettt.us.Vire .to 1. I d long For our returning King. He.draweth !teat. He standetw1seen the teenage tet Chrlailaaltj. 1L _ oe tills our eyes, r ears; L whet. Jesusc,pte for, "These that 'Come, King of �riir�T57' people cry. And bring the glorious years! have turned the world upside down are —T. H. GUL eume hither also." Two thousand years ago the world was wrong side up and It needed turning. Jesus in His ser - Jason. Here the Jews, assisted by the pagans, gathered and assaulted the house In their endeavor to lay hands on the stranger'. Failing to secure these they laid hauda on Jason and others who had Joined the apostolic band. These they took to the town magistrates and laid a charge of trea- son against them. The charge glhee us a glimpse of the theme proclaimed by the -Apostles: "These all act con- I I Mry to the decrees of Caterer, saying there is another Klux, one Jesus." In the wunls used Of St. Paul, Rt1as'1 and Tfmothewe = this eresaiea 1s A Summer in the Labrador dida't auk, as the time was between 4 and 5 in the morning and tbe water lee -cold. 1 expect thls•is the last letter 1 shall write to anyone this rummer, because this 1s my last sheet ut paper, and, alms, I will be taking the next boat home myself. It will get me home Just in time to register at Pntversliy. The change is going to be eery consid- erable, but I guess lectures' have to start some time. The only thing I hope to that i will have as good a time next ways the first our to be ready to start t - - arc -trip. Everyun. likes him and tries I _, to do everything he asks. Atter meet- LI'l'KNOW, (let. e.—Mr. Malcolm log him 1 can eerily uudenitand bow Watson of Kitchener spent the week - he has made such a wonderful orgaui- lend with his mother, Mei'. T. Watson. satlon around here. The people on the Mrs. Miolireitor of Kiutall visited coast would do anything for him, and lair week at the home of her son, Mr. they naturally consider bpm the great- D. Mavlirtgor. est Hiatt on earth. Mr. and Mrs. 1). M. Joined • and Since 1 wrote last 1 have seen a bit daughter Helen. of _Ingersoll. spent more of how the Grenfell mlwlon the week -end at the home of Mr. end Mrs. W. J. Todd. Miss Mary Douglas of Kitchener was a week -end visitor with her par- ents'. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Ilonglls. Mrs, Rolwrt Webster sent a few carrying ou this goal work and. as the. Po today, there is opposition. The charge laid against Jason and rived from down tbe coast and were not ex- at� The country 1 here ou the following Sun ay. Is rater vegeta,iuu is Just as dere' n his compenionr was a serious one iu grapbies. -The ground (where there Is laud eud anchored at 1101. We had days last week with Mrs. MacPherson tge..eyCli•!: >Sits - -Rohan. law --itiC--iis'fuwy:'t ' i• avv.,-•yt with different - been tsklttg-ou[ lin& Stvatill g the place at - HotTtaiade - -. magistrates dill out lend themitelves Mad* of moss=- There are a few spruce and bad not stared to bring the ruge. Mrs. Mlluu Heretic of Chive/0.4a to any irregular proceedings as was tree*, but they are ouly a few feet maeasins, awl other things made by visltlug her sister, Mrs. Nell Murdoch. the ease at-I'hlllppl. They took buil for high. They say there are some real the natives downstairs for display.. In Mee. J. B. Reid of Toronto, who rends wewere s week. the prisoners and that freed them for teres cies wiles inland. Along the half -an -hour, however,- was visiting in town the pat ee , the time. Meanwhile the Apostles had (meet, which Is low. are• a great many and waiting for the tourist*, the only has returned to her home. She was" peen hurried out of the city by night islands and reefs. The island* hire eo 4lgu of hustle beiug our panting. The accompanied by Urs. A. E. MiKlm and They tullnwel tr,w•s at all on them mud are mostly fishermen brought about 120 ashonj, family. - behind to carry on the work so wellamu se•ut w egret*. Begot;. Th.,ii Paul. Silas anti Tinto.. I their u",1 custom and went to the bare rock. This doesn't sound as The main attraction. and In fact the Mrs. \1'm. Jahuswtw is ylsltlug re - 1 tuagugue. For a time they carried on though the scenery Is very pretty, and only one. was the hospital. The people Iatives In Ingersoll. i ileus dr tiles etot the she I w•lookp{ up Mr. mid Mrs. Jos. Anderson and 11 r. hundred wiles wrrr, the cayltal of the with ward their or so that mathe itN didn't wev eery like When I arrived. s well once by In and were 'snapped y a lat prorini•t, where the rusennent-reeideve.-{who heard thesis words searched the NuW, btu!*seri llkt' i11 erOte acewese thugs I'ussurr they dkln'tand made to ltWantl01 of roll Mrs. Cameron Mncl)ouald spelt_, serf sures daily to learn the truth of as any D the week-eud with friends In Detroit. Hud ti -here there was a some considerable i beautiful in Just In the middte lit things the doe- Mr- and Mrs. E. Hullywan visited Jewish population, For some three what they were twine taught. "There- it h tiiffrrrI,e but ft Is ' weeks 14t7T• ti"Frem,ifn'r�-trterd'PAlftr+iore malth-'sL-then,bolleved`•�tlau-Li,,,;yitc-oL os because of, the rocks. On tor got a call from up the coast. He last week with friends in Oshawa. ing anFr lireacliing without !wing nue honorable-wuns•u width were t:r.eks, rainy or fogtR' days thlr'1I1ii Int our 1111t01t Me atw}•wakl w.o.romull atard-10 M*„---.•x.-.ess lee Iwtet. 1)r. Stokes says In his "Acte of , and tot wen, hot a few." ' {slew' wlth--a gully running np the !soon *e we coukl get something to eat. .•n,I in W,wsistca•k. Stein after Paul left 'rbc-saioulea het side of It looks just like a Scotch glen. So we had to grafi our toothbrush In Mrs. Wm. Martin and son Bruce of the Apostles" les" that it is an interesting tinK Stratton' visited recently at the home !act that to this day fit. Prul's visit I wrote a letter to the rhnrc•h there. In ion Runny dap' the surf on the rocks � our Laud and a pleb• .ot. bread In the to Thaahonica Is remembered. and In tide epistle he refers; ,t y° the 'members t Is wohd,•rfnl to watch, and even at other and run to the boat, which Is of Mr. and Mrs. R..1. Cameron. oils 7iOf thio liw�al meanie'', which west--a-the church RS worthy of being run -;night the northern lighte give us some-IIa sailing boat with four bunks and a Mr • and Mrs. Jack -Cameron of Low formerly the ('burets of Sanete Sophia, 'tittered "ensamplee to all that believe thing to Muk-tt. +a J atuUlary e1i a. • We a ul 'd„a..e.110.t. at the home _of, Mr. R. IL marble pulpit is %hewn. said to have M Macedonia and Achala.:' Ile tells Wei hare hall alt kinds of weather I boat for travelling• but rather slow. Cameron on Saturday. ti the very onr'a•cupleI by the them L-ow,lte has heard that their faith except heat waves. Some .'aye have I The place We were going to was thirty 1 Mr. and Mrs. ttldney Decker of Kin- kp/stle, while In surrounding pining,' to tial Is spoken of everywhere. His been almost perfect. Also we hate had miles away and it took flee hours to I,.anllne spent the week -end with the .I work among them, though nt the time lots of rain and hall and once five get there. 1 C trwgo - and groves , are pointed out _ a _..... marking spots where he tarried for 4 geemingly a failure, Judged by time seri—it -knit days of the without a break:- 1 reak: sheat that as the trip was very 'n I fk•titrr. }l8'hltf L t 1 t l but abroad. For Is'at+ np to there hundred feet ta.restJog. k � However, 1 didn't complain Orwrr's parent'', Mr. and Mrs. C. There are a great many s- A number of Luckuow es aft re As smart as shoes can be You will approve the graceful smartness of these fine shoes .. delight in their exquisite craftsmanship .. and marvel of their low cost. When you wear them you will find such women* foot - comfort and ease os will ingleiitha o Iife-long friend- �e gueeentee o perfect Cit fee say foot Csaw in and w. tuns {i.. ikon. W. laks to olio. then gar wee .W, M ' './ flew .Y aM Mr r.. M.. e",. Ime. TIie Jews were at last, however. 11 -n0 only a Ultlle 111 a otos nosed to opposition because of St. i He rero»nt5 hhatrlslrifs then rubor our harbor Is one of the best on the lands all along the coast herr and our the funeral of the late Wesley Tre- foil fumpaa among the Gentiles'. ;rho red In order to take to them the gospel reset. We are on an laland five miles boat was email enough to go lwhind leaven at Clinton on Thursday last. e( nivel his teaching;; so -readtty that of Christ They went In as • straupera„from the mainland, and there are them, en we had only about flee miles Baseball and basketball teams of thebeliy expect to he six other Island, which enclose a body At the is glinting which was out in the I I.otkttiew High School attended the here mu«wed "of- of the chiefks wo- votiddfo -not. ultou'ty:thereforeFwa,r at two miles leaf be' ore n. Bumetirs+...r_couhln't IOW t� dh7 _ eat ed ter gratwiton.ly : Fnr ye Yuea on rear otnl few., and of the chief " en not efew:' - member, brethren, our labor and. tea- w�'- They talk about the fine natural gulf at all we west; io far Inland. The Rt. Paul and hie friends were re- fail: for laboring night and day, he- harbor at Toronto, but this is far better nicest part was . isimser sound about Idiug lu the house of a man named rause we would not be changeable unto than the one itt home: for there are no half -a -mile long and 'a hundred yards edthe eb(els and It averages ten fathoms in wide- It was just like a river. Atone "The value of your telephone is just what you make it." THE telephone is the great modern living. It gives you ears hours every day. It is as dependable and as simple as the tick off * dock and value is the value of fish. its Nil, i< aF , C, any of you: we preach unto you goeptd of God." drpoth. \Cr 6acr also ■ flwe fine Govern- belt -way through e surprised a big the rake. the verset '712 of the f t 100 yards long to 'semi sunning himself on Friday aid wee'; soceinen1 is both wow -Waren -were: ifardbell, boys, *24, and basketball. girls. 18.2. DIG 'EM (1' second % t: what a wont I Now, lett) the first frost s to In. chapter we see running throughout the which the largest boats can tie If they We chase[ him for quite a distance b the thus to dig np drhlla"• gladl- lore of the,greatApcnttle for his con- want to knock their bottoms in. For until he gut to open water and divers is and other summer -flowering vert.. He recalls to their minds their , POMP reason It 1s built in a cove and I peered. There are any number of sea bulbs that are not handy. Re sure theend of the (buck d,wen't'gnite reach 1 binls nn the Islands. If I had hada to dry these well before storfng In a nurse cowmen for them. It to as that of s I G tl the mouth of the nerve. The water e(t {inn 1 would gladly hare 'hot all tine cool, dry gals ..• found on, aelfle and In, are the back over 1 catch young ducks, take them to a found In her and to looking back over at IOW tide, and fifty fret off one corner i their labors among them he ares how is a rock just awash at IOW water. , rock, and, after teasing them awhile. they would willingly have lmpartej As T t -tits treats anchor In the -_) .____,__-_- unto Ahem "our own Route, because ye middle of the harbor and let -ua come - We wU city latentled steyTmf gf were dear unto us." tout to them. Wolf Bay. our destination. overnight. AA though it were not enouoi to loin work bete is hard and varied. I but the patient Was woree than ex - be unto them as a nurse, he continues I Every gerund 'Mond■y we carry the , peeled. ao we stayed two nights- The freight brought by boat about 400 1 doctor *dept ashore and the boatman, nurse for her children. est POPRA, attribute%the end of 11 Is *tout twelve betel deep gulls- We saw three different ones and earn. IMO and charged every one father doth his children." Then be're- minds them for what purpose they had "holily and justly and nnhlame- ItlfltltQQUilUUUltllllluUWI M1111tllllNll1UlllUUlfltl1flhlh IWIIUU hlhlui 0111 • OM ERIC STORES SELL THE BEST FOR LESS SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL F-amit) Blend ('lark's Pumpkin Beans Tea Mincemeat 2 large tins Golden Wax 23c 2 tins 29c 39c lb. pkg. 2 ibs. 29c QUICK - SP&OIAL VALUE— Quaker OATS, large pkg... 20c —EXTRAORDINARY OFFER— SOAPlOBars32c -t-- Ge A real peke Cern Starch 9c I'rinrees Flakes 223' Unlearn Salmon . tit's. 2 for 29r with trial sire Free Superior Making 1"dr... tl's 178' Nugget or 2 -in -1 Palish 2 for tae $w-artsdown Flour :12t Zebra liquid State Polish Blue Berries. No. "-'s 15e per bottle 1:w Fly ('nils 4 for 10c Shortening 2 for 2:ir Egg Cake floor ...pkg. 233 Hewes' Wax 1 Ib. 11c —11'I (LV.— ',PE( 1%1 — Orange Marmalade, 22c I SALT ... package 9c Nature's Best to ar. jar Plain or iodized SPECIAL Drummer PASTRY FLOUR lkkegs 17C 24 kW, 49c Chateau Cheese, pkg. 1Sc sl'F;17%1. \ %I,1 F, - Canada Canada Dry Ginger Ale Deal Hu) 1 Targe bottle. 1 Blase Tumbler Fere —l0R-- 2 medium else bottles. 1 Tuwmiskr Free. P1115 deposit. ICH wen J. Calvin Cutt SPECIAL Perrin's Peach Rlaw.m BISCUITS IMIIr1Mw LB. 23c 21 •ST(: 1 111111.1111 ably behaved ourselves among you that prate--esp--te the hospital. Once the Uncle Eu. and i Slept on board. The boat arrived at 1 a.m. and we were eaonly trouble was that !'nese FRAU In - unloading until 8 a.m. Usually, how- I slated on having breakfast at 5 o'clock ever, it arrives Sunday afternoon. f I b afternoon• a each morning. Aa we had let n sur go out to the laiim b ora bears, wbich t a hurry, our stock of pmvlafone was are open boats about tb�rty 'flees iong. rather low. For breakfast we had to believed." 11 was that ye would I When the freight is brought ashore we, eat, or rather drink. emits and -res. and walk worthily of God who hath called unload it on the rocks, which 1s rather 3111 ftp on baked beans. We took the you unto His kingdom and glory." n nuisance. Ilesides' this work. since • minister along with us, as he wanted I've been here I have dug up the doe- . to, visit the people. He held a service id WORLD MiSSIONS . -- ' to'*- n. painted a hatbruem,__dug : both evenings we were there. it was Dr. E. V. Hunter, ■ missionary oft up a sewer which was blocked• in the Church Missionary Society atl a_ chicken- ran, helped saw up a good \'Kora. In the Eastern Province of Ii many cords of wood on a power saw' [trawls. la. writes that during the first 1 and yesterday we started to unload six montha of 1924 the Teso Reruptures 1 forty tents of coal from a w-hooner• w•pre out of print and the people eoald The hospital staff here consists of a not be *nppileed: - In order to expedite , permanent dot -tor, two nurses, and for thing?, 50(1 copse% of pert of the New i the summer a medical student, a den - Testament In Teso were sent out from � tlst and two outdoor workers. .rondon by poet. When they arrived I Every summer the doctor makes two hung.,-Jsel4..-a long quene waiting 424tripa alongse_ T` the (vast In b�� them, and the fleet 500 people lied one At prent lie ii8W8 �-at copy each. A groan went up from the I straits. 1 was to go. but as there was others when they heard -there were- lot of work and the other _summer people who work here and are not n*- menr, When a farther supply of the worker hadn't come I had to stay here. :ir.w ;poral .Ibelr spare time trying to Scripture% arrived in July, more then I hope to go on the trip to the west, find war• And mean; of•.remalnln* *; 1101) sterling was taken 1n two days. and a •tack which should have lasted for six month; looks like being ex- hausted in ;ix week;. Dr. Hunter says: "The next time you pees a cinema and ser the long lone of people. juat think that thin is how the folks In Town stand nntatde the bookshop waiting for their turn Til obtain a Gospel or a Testament!" the Anglican form of service and as there were only four preyerbooke and three hymnbook, for fonrteen people thing% didn't go very smoothly. How- ever, the minister was a good singer and we followed about a couple of word% behind him ami did very well even without book. The summer is almost ended now, and i simply Mite- to- think .( 1Mtttaff here- it'e fanny how this' euntrt be. 'n111" a"'R7t1(1Yf letiv here for s.•veral months'. NeerIy all the but there's not much chance. However, long as possible- The minister and the I don't mind staying here, as 1t is Iota men who took his place for the sum- o{ fun. The people around the hoepttal I mer almost came to blown iecause the are very nice end We are all very summer man PAW no reason why he busy during the day and have no time 1 shnnld leave. to think of trips. • 1 don't know whether i told yon The villages along the coast seem I about the, time We almost got sunk to be alternately French and English. i while we were nut at the boat. Our Harrington 1. of coarse Englleh, al- little boat was alongside the mall twat though there -Ire quite a few People loading drum. of ga.oiine. Alt .t Once from levier:- -They ate fairly religious, 1we heard water. rushing In and ielore arsl their life ,and habits are ,almple. I wP eonld do Anything the anter was All of them are fishermen when there ton high for »R to start the engine. are fish. but for the last three years Another boat towed ns ashore and the fish have been absent, consequently ; Leached ns while We hailed .a fast as there tea great deal of distress along We could to keep afloat. We found the whole coast. The bumbli*g (epees- later that the weight of the gasoline slonlias aothing to do with Jt, as here barrels had broken six rtha and spread they have never heard of It. An ay- the planking. T'm just AA stag we eragr' eateh iii ih rrtUMty enemy! •-"—""--`_ is about three boat -loads of fish. Yee- terdey the only man with nets oat brought In fire fish. i haven't yet got nerd M the lang- nage spoken here. For example, "won- derful" means "bad" or "terrible." A wondefittl day i■ a rainy tiny. The Many people endure suffering un - word "stet 11 need in addressing a •n- neressnrilr. This - man did. if he had men AR well as men. it is not a formal known ten years ago what he knows or reepeetfttl addreRR but Is used for to-tiac. he would have been spared a 1 boys or anyone. Another word used gerat deal of suffering. "1 reel i must write a few linen in 111(,,0 •inti•'n of your Knurhen Salta, 1 I, ive %uttered for 10 years fmm chronic acidity of the stomach, i tried nea7Tv everything. urniTT-was aufv .d by a friend to tre Kmsclen, which I have taken for tie last PRO months, an•I I am pleased to say i have had rectum of the avidity,"—W. 11. Kr setoe 1 'Salts swiftly neutraliges r•1,1. hakes nil the torment out of it, :sol gently expels it from the ardent. And lily stimu;'tinit your organs of elatnilla(kln to perfect regular action, Krusellen will prevent this harmful .11.10 from ever accumulating again. .\ftrr that you'll experwnrc no rrwlre misery after meals,. Knisrhen will keep your inside clean and se eartfi iaY►6tdti raP#Rf tFgl y :- .c111 eoilrsink to every_ jppaart of y4SSti 1111 hawk. 1it feel wonderfully ester- grow- and well. As hiahh` and hearty na it is humanly possible to feel. A catechumen In a country ebapel In China wail bete4g examined for bap- tism. Whets exiled why he had smiled the •'Jcsnm religion." he Raid because. of having been to one hospital at Twining far treatment--- it turned out that the tmiaslnnery ' ian..t. Inn there 4n ebertt'e-wsa •the l*N Dr. J. 1,. Van Rehnlck. In the hotpf- t*1 this' man and hi; wife heard the gospel story. and believed. Th1R was thirty years ago. He had never been examineed for baptism tefnre, ne he could not walk the seven mile. to the ehnreh and bark. Meanwhile he and his wife had studied faithfully nnr catechism specially prepared for Chin- ese cateehnm.•ns. and tlglieved on the Lord Jan.. Think of it. The .Ph1 was sown nearly thirty year. aim. and has not ".polled." as one Chinese erangeliat put IL TRV SULPHURIC ACID elrven paint mar be remniml from the seat of a pair of white duck ten- nis trntt.ers with a bottle of ordinary turpentine. a stiff hrnsh, and a pair s.— of AelaaorChkago Dally News'. FAiTH. HOPE AND CHARITY A farmer in one of the dried-ont arse. out west w4• aRked hew 1* Jlked the policies of the different any- . :aetete!'e ..t•t�T(Y :':1. ,, ,pp.1,1.• r, that MMtgben arreernment i !teed net faith: under that of -King 1 li.-ed on hope: ao far under the present 11 minl.tratlnn 1 am !lying on .hash. China now bas 20,000 miles of roads for its 40.000 automobiles. THE CVCKSHU l a IMPLEIRSHOP Wire harlot Omen ovem lsrs Repairs for Cockshutt, Frost & Wood Farm Im- plements and Machinery. Telephone 598 Kingstaa Street Golierieb just --r • try Kellogg's Corn Flakes if you want to make Ike children's appetites stir! —7117.1‘p flaiWallealthful corn, full of flavor—they are simply reat ACIDITY FOR 10 YEARS Before he Fouad the Remedy !differently is "Foy." A grandee!' may call hl. grandfather "boy" without of- fence. It la quite handy *hen yon 1101; t ltnllw'Y-perenrrk Raid.; A week (sr ao ago the Strathrnna 1 with ilr. (lfeaten tame I,ito harbor. They Intended to stay only overnight, hal"IP 0(5)11 M they ramp In the ing abut do*n tnd they stayed four day.. We. of.eourke, saw a great deal of fits Wilt, as everyone calls him. 'We slept In the hospital end heti most of hie merle with 1R. The hoye who make np lila crew were very nice and 1 had a !caapi' of -seal. aboard. Pages). Sir Wllfa eon.. was *mune them.' shine as +ys-apRis 100, Flims ______ r type of men. Flo 1s interested*- the people individually and stops 10 talk to enrnne at all To see h 11 walking arnnnrl among the flefineta yeti wrmld CORN . FLAKES * Ddkies. with milk e► cr�eews—dd husks err hooey jar e�4y nowvgruPwwwwwirropii the FINEST ... flat' wall finish ! IVVALPAMUIL the fa- mous fiat finish, used in decorating this room was applied on an insu- lating wall -board. It can be applied on any type of wall or ceiling sur- face from attic to cellar. it is washable, and there- fore the Ideal sanitary deco- ration for children's rooms. it is easy to apply, permanent, fire -resisting, and most economical. it gives a lovely, soft, Tight -diffusing effect, and is made In a wide range of modern colors. Conniff your decorator or dealer. Ask him for a shade cord, or write to to direct Walpamur a p./ster ey The Crown DI■rssnd Paint Co. Limited ?ONOsrro MONTREAL - MAUP'*; M Walpamur Prwclncta are Held by JAMS C. CARRiR, AODWCA J. J. MOSER CONTRACTOR Clement Work, moving and jacking up buildings - Fresh Cement and Lime always on hand. Carload just arrived. We deliver in town - --- and - t .- et's reason- able. Give us a call. Telephone 303. Hamilton Street. God.rich, Ontario However, 1 didn't complain Orwrr's parent'', Mr. and Mrs. C. There are a great many s- A number of Luckuow es aft re As smart as shoes can be You will approve the graceful smartness of these fine shoes .. delight in their exquisite craftsmanship .. and marvel of their low cost. When you wear them you will find such women* foot - comfort and ease os will ingleiitha o Iife-long friend- �e gueeentee o perfect Cit fee say foot Csaw in and w. tuns {i.. ikon. W. laks to olio. then gar wee .W, M ' './ flew .Y aM Mr r.. M.. e",. Ime. TIie Jews were at last, however. 11 -n0 only a Ultlle 111 a otos nosed to opposition because of St. i He rero»nt5 hhatrlslrifs then rubor our harbor Is one of the best on the lands all along the coast herr and our the funeral of the late Wesley Tre- foil fumpaa among the Gentiles'. ;rho red In order to take to them the gospel reset. We are on an laland five miles boat was email enough to go lwhind leaven at Clinton on Thursday last. e( nivel his teaching;; so -readtty that of Christ They went In as • straupera„from the mainland, and there are them, en we had only about flee miles Baseball and basketball teams of thebeliy expect to he six other Island, which enclose a body At the is glinting which was out in the I I.otkttiew High School attended the here mu«wed "of- of the chiefks wo- votiddfo -not. ultou'ty:thereforeFwa,r at two miles leaf be' ore n. Bumetirs+...r_couhln't IOW t� dh7 _ eat ed ter gratwiton.ly : Fnr ye Yuea on rear otnl few., and of the chief " en not efew:' - member, brethren, our labor and. tea- w�'- They talk about the fine natural gulf at all we west; io far Inland. The Rt. Paul and hie friends were re- fail: for laboring night and day, he- harbor at Toronto, but this is far better nicest part was . isimser sound about Idiug lu the house of a man named rause we would not be changeable unto than the one itt home: for there are no half -a -mile long and 'a hundred yards edthe eb(els and It averages ten fathoms in wide- It was just like a river. Atone "The value of your telephone is just what you make it." THE telephone is the great modern living. It gives you ears hours every day. It is as dependable and as simple as the tick off * dock and value is the value of fish. its Nil, i< aF , C, any of you: we preach unto you goeptd of God." drpoth. \Cr 6acr also ■ flwe fine Govern- belt -way through e surprised a big the rake. the verset '712 of the f t 100 yards long to 'semi sunning himself on Friday aid wee'; soceinen1 is both wow -Waren -were: ifardbell, boys, *24, and basketball. girls. 18.2. DIG 'EM (1' second % t: what a wont I Now, lett) the first frost s to In. chapter we see running throughout the which the largest boats can tie If they We chase[ him for quite a distance b the thus to dig np drhlla"• gladl- lore of the,greatApcnttle for his con- want to knock their bottoms in. For until he gut to open water and divers is and other summer -flowering vert.. He recalls to their minds their , POMP reason It 1s built in a cove and I peered. There are any number of sea bulbs that are not handy. Re sure theend of the (buck d,wen't'gnite reach 1 binls nn the Islands. If I had hada to dry these well before storfng In a nurse cowmen for them. It to as that of s I G tl the mouth of the nerve. The water e(t {inn 1 would gladly hare 'hot all tine cool, dry gals ..• found on, aelfle and In, are the back over 1 catch young ducks, take them to a found In her and to looking back over at IOW tide, and fifty fret off one corner i their labors among them he ares how is a rock just awash at IOW water. , rock, and, after teasing them awhile. they would willingly have lmpartej As T t -tits treats anchor In the -_) .____,__-_- unto Ahem "our own Route, because ye middle of the harbor and let -ua come - We wU city latentled steyTmf gf were dear unto us." tout to them. Wolf Bay. our destination. overnight. AA though it were not enouoi to loin work bete is hard and varied. I but the patient Was woree than ex - be unto them as a nurse, he continues I Every gerund 'Mond■y we carry the , peeled. ao we stayed two nights- The freight brought by boat about 400 1 doctor *dept ashore and the boatman, nurse for her children. est POPRA, attribute%the end of 11 Is *tout twelve betel deep gulls- We saw three different ones and earn. IMO and charged every one father doth his children." Then be're- minds them for what purpose they had "holily and justly and nnhlame- ItlfltltQQUilUUUltllllluUWI M1111tllllNll1UlllUUlfltl1flhlh IWIIUU hlhlui 0111 • OM ERIC STORES SELL THE BEST FOR LESS SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL F-amit) Blend ('lark's Pumpkin Beans Tea Mincemeat 2 large tins Golden Wax 23c 2 tins 29c 39c lb. pkg. 2 ibs. 29c QUICK - SP&OIAL VALUE— Quaker OATS, large pkg... 20c —EXTRAORDINARY OFFER— SOAPlOBars32c -t-- Ge A real peke Cern Starch 9c I'rinrees Flakes 223' Unlearn Salmon . tit's. 2 for 29r with trial sire Free Superior Making 1"dr... tl's 178' Nugget or 2 -in -1 Palish 2 for tae $w-artsdown Flour :12t Zebra liquid State Polish Blue Berries. No. "-'s 15e per bottle 1:w Fly ('nils 4 for 10c Shortening 2 for 2:ir Egg Cake floor ...pkg. 233 Hewes' Wax 1 Ib. 11c —11'I (LV.— ',PE( 1%1 — Orange Marmalade, 22c I SALT ... package 9c Nature's Best to ar. jar Plain or iodized SPECIAL Drummer PASTRY FLOUR lkkegs 17C 24 kW, 49c Chateau Cheese, pkg. 1Sc sl'F;17%1. \ %I,1 F, - Canada Canada Dry Ginger Ale Deal Hu) 1 Targe bottle. 1 Blase Tumbler Fere —l0R-- 2 medium else bottles. 1 Tuwmiskr Free. P1115 deposit. ICH wen J. Calvin Cutt SPECIAL Perrin's Peach Rlaw.m BISCUITS IMIIr1Mw LB. 23c 21 •ST(: 1 111111.1111 ably behaved ourselves among you that prate--esp--te the hospital. Once the Uncle Eu. and i Slept on board. The boat arrived at 1 a.m. and we were eaonly trouble was that !'nese FRAU In - unloading until 8 a.m. Usually, how- I slated on having breakfast at 5 o'clock ever, it arrives Sunday afternoon. f I b afternoon• a each morning. Aa we had let n sur go out to the laiim b ora bears, wbich t a hurry, our stock of pmvlafone was are open boats about tb�rty 'flees iong. rather low. For breakfast we had to believed." 11 was that ye would I When the freight is brought ashore we, eat, or rather drink. emits and -res. and walk worthily of God who hath called unload it on the rocks, which 1s rather 3111 ftp on baked beans. We took the you unto His kingdom and glory." n nuisance. Ilesides' this work. since • minister along with us, as he wanted I've been here I have dug up the doe- . to, visit the people. He held a service id WORLD MiSSIONS . -- ' to'*- n. painted a hatbruem,__dug : both evenings we were there. it was Dr. E. V. Hunter, ■ missionary oft up a sewer which was blocked• in the Church Missionary Society atl a_ chicken- ran, helped saw up a good \'Kora. In the Eastern Province of Ii many cords of wood on a power saw' [trawls. la. writes that during the first 1 and yesterday we started to unload six montha of 1924 the Teso Reruptures 1 forty tents of coal from a w-hooner• w•pre out of print and the people eoald The hospital staff here consists of a not be *nppileed: - In order to expedite , permanent dot -tor, two nurses, and for thing?, 50(1 copse% of pert of the New i the summer a medical student, a den - Testament In Teso were sent out from � tlst and two outdoor workers. .rondon by poet. When they arrived I Every summer the doctor makes two hung.,-Jsel4..-a long quene waiting 424tripa alongse_ T` the (vast In b�� them, and the fleet 500 people lied one At prent lie ii8W8 �-at copy each. A groan went up from the I straits. 1 was to go. but as there was others when they heard -there were- lot of work and the other _summer people who work here and are not n*- menr, When a farther supply of the worker hadn't come I had to stay here. :ir.w ;poral .Ibelr spare time trying to Scripture% arrived in July, more then I hope to go on the trip to the west, find war• And mean; of•.remalnln* *; 1101) sterling was taken 1n two days. and a •tack which should have lasted for six month; looks like being ex- hausted in ;ix week;. Dr. Hunter says: "The next time you pees a cinema and ser the long lone of people. juat think that thin is how the folks In Town stand nntatde the bookshop waiting for their turn Til obtain a Gospel or a Testament!" the Anglican form of service and as there were only four preyerbooke and three hymnbook, for fonrteen people thing% didn't go very smoothly. How- ever, the minister was a good singer and we followed about a couple of word% behind him ami did very well even without book. The summer is almost ended now, and i simply Mite- to- think .( 1Mtttaff here- it'e fanny how this' euntrt be. 'n111" a"'R7t1(1Yf letiv here for s.•veral months'. NeerIy all the but there's not much chance. However, long as possible- The minister and the I don't mind staying here, as 1t is Iota men who took his place for the sum- o{ fun. The people around the hoepttal I mer almost came to blown iecause the are very nice end We are all very summer man PAW no reason why he busy during the day and have no time 1 shnnld leave. to think of trips. • 1 don't know whether i told yon The villages along the coast seem I about the, time We almost got sunk to be alternately French and English. i while we were nut at the boat. Our Harrington 1. of coarse Englleh, al- little boat was alongside the mall twat though there -Ire quite a few People loading drum. of ga.oiine. Alt .t Once from levier:- -They ate fairly religious, 1we heard water. rushing In and ielore arsl their life ,and habits are ,almple. I wP eonld do Anything the anter was All of them are fishermen when there ton high for »R to start the engine. are fish. but for the last three years Another boat towed ns ashore and the fish have been absent, consequently ; Leached ns while We hailed .a fast as there tea great deal of distress along We could to keep afloat. We found the whole coast. The bumbli*g (epees- later that the weight of the gasoline slonlias aothing to do with Jt, as here barrels had broken six rtha and spread they have never heard of It. An ay- the planking. T'm just AA stag we eragr' eateh iii ih rrtUMty enemy! •-"—""--`_ is about three boat -loads of fish. Yee- terdey the only man with nets oat brought In fire fish. i haven't yet got nerd M the lang- nage spoken here. For example, "won- derful" means "bad" or "terrible." A wondefittl day i■ a rainy tiny. The Many people endure suffering un - word "stet 11 need in addressing a •n- neressnrilr. This - man did. if he had men AR well as men. it is not a formal known ten years ago what he knows or reepeetfttl addreRR but Is used for to-tiac. he would have been spared a 1 boys or anyone. Another word used gerat deal of suffering. "1 reel i must write a few linen in 111(,,0 •inti•'n of your Knurhen Salta, 1 I, ive %uttered for 10 years fmm chronic acidity of the stomach, i tried nea7Tv everything. urniTT-was aufv .d by a friend to tre Kmsclen, which I have taken for tie last PRO months, an•I I am pleased to say i have had rectum of the avidity,"—W. 11. Kr setoe 1 'Salts swiftly neutraliges r•1,1. hakes nil the torment out of it, :sol gently expels it from the ardent. And lily stimu;'tinit your organs of elatnilla(kln to perfect regular action, Krusellen will prevent this harmful .11.10 from ever accumulating again. .\ftrr that you'll experwnrc no rrwlre misery after meals,. Knisrhen will keep your inside clean and se eartfi iaY►6tdti raP#Rf tFgl y :- .c111 eoilrsink to every_ jppaart of y4SSti 1111 hawk. 1it feel wonderfully ester- grow- and well. As hiahh` and hearty na it is humanly possible to feel. A catechumen In a country ebapel In China wail bete4g examined for bap- tism. Whets exiled why he had smiled the •'Jcsnm religion." he Raid because. of having been to one hospital at Twining far treatment--- it turned out that the tmiaslnnery ' ian..t. Inn there 4n ebertt'e-wsa •the l*N Dr. J. 1,. Van Rehnlck. In the hotpf- t*1 this' man and hi; wife heard the gospel story. and believed. Th1R was thirty years ago. He had never been examineed for baptism tefnre, ne he could not walk the seven mile. to the ehnreh and bark. Meanwhile he and his wife had studied faithfully nnr catechism specially prepared for Chin- ese cateehnm.•ns. and tlglieved on the Lord Jan.. Think of it. The .Ph1 was sown nearly thirty year. aim. and has not ".polled." as one Chinese erangeliat put IL TRV SULPHURIC ACID elrven paint mar be remniml from the seat of a pair of white duck ten- nis trntt.ers with a bottle of ordinary turpentine. a stiff hrnsh, and a pair s.— of AelaaorChkago Dally News'. FAiTH. HOPE AND CHARITY A farmer in one of the dried-ont arse. out west w4• aRked hew 1* Jlked the policies of the different any- . :aetete!'e ..t•t�T(Y :':1. ,, ,pp.1,1.• r, that MMtgben arreernment i !teed net faith: under that of -King 1 li.-ed on hope: ao far under the present 11 minl.tratlnn 1 am !lying on .hash. China now bas 20,000 miles of roads for its 40.000 automobiles. THE CVCKSHU l a IMPLEIRSHOP Wire harlot Omen ovem lsrs Repairs for Cockshutt, Frost & Wood Farm Im- plements and Machinery. Telephone 598 Kingstaa Street Golierieb just --r • try Kellogg's Corn Flakes if you want to make Ike children's appetites stir! —7117.1‘p flaiWallealthful corn, full of flavor—they are simply reat ACIDITY FOR 10 YEARS Before he Fouad the Remedy !differently is "Foy." A grandee!' may call hl. grandfather "boy" without of- fence. It la quite handy *hen yon 1101; t ltnllw'Y-perenrrk Raid.; A week (sr ao ago the Strathrnna 1 with ilr. (lfeaten tame I,ito harbor. They Intended to stay only overnight, hal"IP 0(5)11 M they ramp In the ing abut do*n tnd they stayed four day.. We. of.eourke, saw a great deal of fits Wilt, as everyone calls him. 'We slept In the hospital end heti most of hie merle with 1R. The hoye who make np lila crew were very nice and 1 had a !caapi' of -seal. aboard. Pages). Sir Wllfa eon.. was *mune them.' shine as +ys-apRis 100, Flims ______ r type of men. Flo 1s interested*- the people individually and stops 10 talk to enrnne at all To see h 11 walking arnnnrl among the flefineta yeti wrmld CORN . FLAKES * Ddkies. with milk e► cr�eews—dd husks err hooey jar e�4y nowvgruPwwwwwirropii the FINEST ... flat' wall finish ! IVVALPAMUIL the fa- mous fiat finish, used in decorating this room was applied on an insu- lating wall -board. It can be applied on any type of wall or ceiling sur- face from attic to cellar. it is washable, and there- fore the Ideal sanitary deco- ration for children's rooms. it is easy to apply, permanent, fire -resisting, and most economical. it gives a lovely, soft, Tight -diffusing effect, and is made In a wide range of modern colors. Conniff your decorator or dealer. Ask him for a shade cord, or write to to direct Walpamur a p./ster ey The Crown DI■rssnd Paint Co. Limited ?ONOsrro MONTREAL - MAUP'*; M Walpamur Prwclncta are Held by JAMS C. CARRiR, AODWCA