The Signal, 1931-10-8, Page 3Clubbing Rates
The Signal can save you money on
almost any periodical. For instance,
The Signal and The London Free
Press for $6.50. Save 50 cents.
'Job Printing
Job printing in all its branches at
The Signal. First-class printing at
reasonable prices. Telephone 35.
J. W. Craigie
Real Estate and insurance
'Huron Folk in
Dakota, Matutoba
that according to statistics five
men out of every sin who reach
the age of 85 are dependent on
others for their daily broad?
your own situation T How do
YOU stand
is year moa ..!.shin assIL '-----
Telephone 1516, Carlow
A ile which is half the truth is ever
the blackest of lies. -Alfred Tennyson.
Milk -made Bread
All orders given our prompt
and courteous attention
Tdepbooe 114 Weat
West Street
Electrical Appliances, - "
Fixtures, etc.
Electric Wiring of ally
Estimates give. ea apphcatioa
Telephone 82 - Goderich
John Elliott Finds Many Relative;
and Old Friends in the
Western Country
Dear Editor, -Yon ask for some
notes on my recent visit to North Da-
kota and Southern Manitoba, with spe-
cial reference to former Huron county
1011._ You may be sorry, for 1 am
subject to Sartuluu* splits Iir-
pertaluingto the old home conntT.-_...-
In' Dakota, 1 wee looking for people
of my own name. Fargo city has a
hotel called the Elliott House, and
there are descendants of the E11lotts
of Goderich township in the city, but
1 weut out on the Independence
branch of the N. P. On this there is
a town called Elliott, after one of the
na»le whose relatives live in Ashfield,
eolith of Dungannon. 1 -stayed at
a town called Leononl, thirty miles
from Fargo, where there 1s a little
colony of Elliott*, the head elan of
them -beteg my cousin Gedfge F.111
whom i -m(K..for the first time after
efts -three years. Ills sou, George, jr ,
le prattaaster'■red he himself is a sue-
cenistnl farmer a mile from the town.
Hls_'three nous and three daughters
are ■11 ivarrled and loeate3Tii -that
eaeimunity. As an old boy of A.P. No.
& Colborne. bora on what Is now the
Robertson farm opposite the old Me.
Auslnnd home. and h:' -Ing had hie
early w•hooling under Master Wm.
Symington. George. sr.. was eager In
hie inquiry about old schoolmates. He
with Ills grandson as chauffeur took
Me forty miles north to Hunter, where
there M another Elliott detteen Ian► ilia.
l `-,snde- the _same. McMullen_
Here, too. I had the plea. ire of cordial
greeting ■a a former Colborne town-
*hlp boy from Wm. Stewart. brother of
Colqubonn Stewart of Colborne • and
hie wife. formerly a Sties Fulford.
!whose home was near the Point Farm'
lir. Stewart is a well-fo-4o retired
farmer. In the same town one of the
pioneer hhdnees men Is 11'. R. Mitchell.
a harness maker. who talked fondly of
hie old hom, at Blyth and the day. be
remembered when Pat Kelly and
Sgnlre Wilson were among the chief
men of the place.
T had eontact also with Gremlin.
The Armstrong Real Estate
and Insurance Agency
Horses and Lots in Gederich sad Farm*
for Sale
Large number listed to choose from.
See or write - --
Box iso - Gaderleb
Sum Life Assurance Company of Canada
You hare three great hazards of lite for which definite provision
should he made. namely :-(a) Provision for your dependents in the
case of early death. th) Provision for yourself and family in ease
of long Illness. let Provision -for the old age of yourself and wife,
or other dependents. -
A Sun Life Asanrance C'o. Policy, with the Tota. Disability
Clause, will provide for all of these contingencies.
adQ ES ..Office J 15 H. R. LONG, •
ResidenceI --- - District Agent.
Beware of "Easy Profits"!
VE to do with "get -rich-
• �--- quick" salmon -they will try to hurry
you into a decision you mill regret.
A sound investment is never in a hurry.
Meanwhile, the Savings Department
of this Bank is a safe and profitable
�11>lagfor.y .
Tots will like banking
at tea RojhI.
The Rofyal Bank
•O -Canada .
do isrch Br'atas t.. .Zia, [per,, Manager
fourteen miler east ul limiter, and
Fury -eight noltdr iel' Pres •- -Mss.-.N
another nest of Elinor, of Goderich
township stock. The early settlers of
Grandtn were tuna of James Elliott, a
pioneer of Goderkh township, uncle of
Win. J. Elliott, now living in the
township near Bayfield. There were
seven sous, three of whom are living.
John, the eldest, was a brother -in-
tim of Willlaw, Robert and Samuel
McLean of Goderich, and hit son
Manly, who owns the fares surround -
sag the sumo, of Gremlin, !tall as his WN are glad to know that Mr. Thos the meeting of the town council on
grandfathers two Goderich township
pioneer:, Edward (Ned) McLean and }henry, 1: at present somewhat 1m- F llday evculug. The• meettng_was a
Jellies Elliott. It w•oulti iw a story In pruvwl after bring serlohely 111. tory brlr1 -true. _ _ '
(trelf to describe' and give the location Mr. Albert Phillipe, of Fordyce. The tax cerlleettu reporte(l�1;6i izul-
spent the week -end with his grandpar- -
„ef theiertwes members of these fam- ants, Mt r. and Mirs. John Camptxell, de ted sines last report. With the, cu
ills_ t wasadd To mart the operettuu of the chief'of polite, thirty -
widow of -Woo. Rihutt-•stili piing tit
Brandin. In early days eke -wee He- CREWE oaten hl'g Tai 1rs -nista t'tdinetaiin
beeea Pratt of lioderleh townehlp.
IJELF'As'I' ---
I(ELFAST, (k•t. 5. -Mr. and Mrs. T_
A. Cameron had quite au enjoyable of Town Council
trip to Northern Ontario last week, go-
I1eg as tar as Ptlwaraan.
. Mr. and Mrs. ('Ilford Hackett spent Grant of $600 to Town Band-
Sulxlay at Grand Bend.
Mr. slid Urs. Glenwood Campbell Mian McMahoA'a Bequest
%toursi with friends here on Sunday. -Committee Reports •
Urs. WIlwrn Irwin spent the week- -`
end with her sister, Mrs. Higgins of All the members, were present at
the past two wae1•., Itrtugittg >i' total
In Manitoba ---- _ ('REWE, Oct. 6.-Annlvcr.ary ser- to 121. There stilt remained several to
vices will be held In l'rewe United be paid.
month with headquarters at Xingu, filechunh on (kinins 18. Srrvhes at The s xton of Maitland cemetery re -
teen tulle* from the'1)akuta boundary, 2•w Hill 7.30 p.m. Rev. C. Wilkinson ported five hgerunmts•in the utou'th of
the home of my :dater Mrs. A. (4.'Opar-, of Ni. Iirieus is to preset'. Music font- September. -
ling, who went from Goderieb 1n 1[180. ilclod by Lueknow United church choir. - Building Parents
Here- are the Itoyd brother*, witty! Mrs.Gonion Stewart visited with .lpplientiuns for building permits, as
fans etoe. by.ok} 4i„roo.dri,ya fromlybendst at Hensel' last week. lonely., -erre refernil W the fire veal-
lbe X11t. Xeedlexa to say ere weer 1 Mr, olid Mrs. W. t'rosler atnPnt]wl .stilus. I,. 1.. Kiio; re -roofing dwelling
gaud fritt}}tnda 1 spent a delightful day rhnMu auuiyersaty errrhes at -Kett- with cedar shingles. Whitler street;
un Thr turn lit J. A. Sterling, w•husr fi'•Id on Sand,+)'. John Harrison. retold elling interior o1 father of oris time farttteel_un the tttit \Ira. 11. ltlnke, Harold and Cecil kitchen, Victoria timet : Thos. .luhu-
cYonceselun of l'ufburue near ('arluvr•, '•pe•at Siitutay with friends at--litrst- snot. -st itlttc :hest;--1t$eanula fusel;_,
Mrs. Sterling is a (loderictr girl, Elsie ford. Miss pulley. rid un porch. r North
Oke, daughter of my old sea schoolmate
I Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Swan spteiet the street: Miss t'. Mel'Ihiton. reshlegltng
Was. Oke of-Collorue. 1'd like to week -nail with frlende at Wharton and dwelling. Keays street: 1'. iitapletaw.
aae.•eu.a r1ep St rliu sasses and some turn stowed. repairing porch. Pletau street: .1. 'E.
- fir. -&:-.T.,mMN:pa---at---D')n annnn 14sr vital
/IL • of the homer and Girmis T iatic R uw It. sera's, Keays street: F. -E.
'spent but I am writing of folks, not farms t -he week=end with Mr. and Mrs.. fiiughaty. alterations end'new front to
or Iewna. Easy to find men from il• Treleaven. old Model Theatre 'building on the
Huron eounty here. It was a plessors The memthly meeting of Crewe 11' Stpare._ , '
to meet Samuel and Jabez Oke of M. S. was held at the home of Mrs. A resodnfion submitted by tins 'city
illoissevatu, awe 01 the late. jou Oke J. Kilpatrick last Thursday with a couse•il of N.wth Ilay, with a request
of Colbo te:, lads who like myself hitt R• ant-ettMmdame'. licit, J. Rw■w readttor emlorseUtrat, asked that the On-
tario Government Isar this entire -eosin
of all direct relief of traualtuts,_ or
Going north to Manitoba, I spent a
armies have halted mud parliaments
e aTted for men whn - mestere- ss -sat I
their mothers. And why .uet, fan -
taint! of ships and captains of industry
and explains of men owe much to the!
self-ctnfidenc•e and ambition fostered
In the first place by their earliest
friend mut counsellor, through her
groat faith in them.
rhe mariner who turned his grain -
boat aside at Go(lerteh is the kind of
man every mother telleees her son to
lie. .
Opportunity !
You eon snake spleu0(d money
srlhng j'erwnnol 4ireetttea (:anis.,.
tour eo-oler.tion and ben lit Httl
tslrtfoilo assures stress.
- Now to the time le start -
Special Mediu Prise Contest be-
gKinning. No charge for samples.
•ouuulsslott weekly. -
long ago been for a time pupils at
1tenwiller under the rule of the soldier
rho Scripture iesann, Mrs. Treleaven.
Urs, Sherwood. and MIs: Beth Me-:
rchoulma-t.-r, .►ethos Mloleawurth. .\\'r Connell gave readings. Mrs. Finnigan that, all transient. he compelled to re-
tallted 0f the old toys tube are rt81 a• nd Mirs. Gateley rendered a duet. etirn to their own mnniripality, the
cunfrtg • Soho oiters, Semiarid TsTe of Somewhere." Rev. Gnvernne•ht 4.r -pity- transportation_
Tow Mitchell, Ileury Martin. 'oho . rtia "hafkc r -In site
Lacey and George Stewart. Perhaps study batik. Mrs. J. Menary was pre
Thp .ear referred- _ 01_411
spsrial cennultteve. -
t•re are others. .
rented with a life-memleershlp eertl- A 1.'u, r from T.,. F,. Thanes• prnjest-,
At Hayfield. twelve miles smith of , flente. the presentation lel made by Ing a settlement -ht the mpttrr of n it -
i Mrs. Kilpatrick and the address by
131111.0011• ou a tevutlful fares, lord liam (:arrest's taxes wits sent to th4
td a brie( vls1t w•itit roe of wy old stn- I Mr'. Rhaeklrton. eta Katne pen t111Hnep emmttitje.. T11P prnprwl.was
0mtnre0 tate tenedkttou, Kai
dalntygtl•P deeUug to_111' tow est wlme rop-
dentr or tart achutd. No. 1 . Ashlielr, Innen was served and a social houri4
Albert 'Harper, eon of Wm. Harper, erty owned by Mr.. Garrett and ■
formerly or the -10th cuucrsston ni +rash payment Of . 52M.' The total
nonsked, Albert has done well. He I ee[ the fasts s cfalm 1. .1x71, morn
hag an inieretsttng !amity awned sew BPECLIL OPTICAL NOTICEtriTielour orasigtlt leaked atter ,,..... ,.-,r $11...7_.....1
him. He is a worthy son of a good 1
father. HI. sister Sylllndla, Mrs. Hugh
l OUT well-known and painstaking sea•- 1 A romsnlihicati,I from Itoleert John-
Cunniughaw of Brandon, is . the only
other member .of. the family living:
Her sun Hus.elt is on ,the
At llotttrnd,-Mea-, 1- --IsUT =-
cousin who got all her education long
ago under Master Symington in old
No. 3, Mrs. Pontis (Lizzie Kerr),}1 Diet k 1►e g p R i t
daughter lit Hubert Kerr, oar of the and our p CatnAAHa11F
early settlers on concession 5, Col- Mire. are from (O n ids
T11urr ay and Friday, October 15th and The public work. committer re-
lorle. Like some,others whom I met 1
etre had a stere fri rumfnt••entell Qg l8th, SMITH'8 ABT BTOitI:', oODEB commenderi that 1 H 7.inn lir per-
fe =--
yond my knowledge. - -- ell to erect an glPtetrle sign Over
In both Dakota and Manitoba i saw - the street st 6. sli -li-on the Squat
Rome good crop.. none. however, Ilk,. a upon turlishin* the UMW! WWI of
former year., much very poor, and on,ratulat><ons to indemnity: that the engineer surrey
°there with none, tint I met no one . and bring in a report on tate moustrn.
Mlss I. E. Sharman tion of a permanent sidewalk down the
htrhof hill: - that the elt■irman have
,sidewalks reiairsl wixere neee.sary
and bring in a rennet ; that the regtest
Public School Board Pays Tribute for sewer accommodation at the west
elitist, Kr. Hughson,• formerly optical
expert for Keats, Toronto, and Henry
lorgan_k Co.. Montreal. Over thirty
years' experlenre; twenty years eojuin`
ctderich. - You are assured of the
t`opttcal work to be obtained -and
t very moderate cost. We have all
stun, registrar of the Surrogate Court,
informed. the council of the following
provision in the will of the late Mies
Mary• A. 31, -Mahon: "1 direct my etc
amort to set apart and invest a sum
1141 Tn lu--tom
Are you properll protested by
-CON S I L'r
Hamilton street or 1'1 286
1 1. ; 111.1 11 11 lc l'11 1
Now is the time to have your
Fereace Cleaned, Repaired
and Pipes Replaced
before the snow flies and
catches you unprepared
John Pinder
'Agent for McClary Furnaces
1' O i1„x 1;i1 - Goderich
Monumental Works
Best Jlaterials
Latest Designs
-Ripest Workman -hip
All Work Guaranteed
Reasonable Prices
P. 0. Boa 161 Coderich, Ont.
Geo. Williams
Dealt, Is
�' skis, 7[Ooetoblle, atm - 1
atseral Insurance Agent -
Office, next to Bank of Commerce
Phone 63 ' licxlerich
We guarantee our work and
No job too small. No job
too large.
Let us give you an estimate
-Ayatt Tonibo-lloofing Co.
Geo. 'L. Baxter
Ocoee: West Street. Tekephone
132, Goderieh.
cnme therefrom to he iised In maln-
the late styles of frames and mount- tainin end ke in in cru ser order
ng., the make ofthe makers. my pkat in Maitland cemetery. -
grower or deapoudent.
At Winnipeg, it was a privilege to lie
entertained pt the, home. of Mrs. P.
Bell (Carrie Saults1 and her son -ii.
lave• and daughter, Ur. and Mrs. W.
Davison. all former resit.el•ts of God-
prheh. Mr. Davison is a .on of A. il.
Davison, at one time in the hardware
hnsine.. in Goderich. hut -now living
at Maple ('reek. Sask. in 1111s city
I hall a pleasant meeting with mem-
ber. of the family of the late Thos.
Cavanagh .t.son of John Cavanagh an
Eliza Elliott/, whose early Clays were
.pent 1n Colborne end West Wawa -
nosh. Tmri got bite atemeling-a*wt
No. $, Colborne, and then at (hirer's
tiehnol. Mg five sons and four daugh-
ters' are all settled in life•.two in atn-
tarin and the others in Manitoba.
One She 1s city engineer and another
/secretary of the Grain Exchange in
Without exception the second and
third generations lit all the Huron
pioneers, as i met them in Dakota and
Manitoba. are rttlzms of whom any
country might- well ,be proud.
Back in Colborne Tow'uahlp
And now. Mfr: Fditor, I went to re-
h.q. gnaranteel by the Federal Govern-
to ci,e,tog to a home trip r had went hearing 4 per rent. Interest
thrnngh the kindness of ur''fiwded and dor 1" 1115:,, The roost of the'Hnd
to Central School Principal -
MacKay Fund Invested
end of Story street 1s referred to the
engtneeer In look into and report upon.
- The *pe.-lal. relief and t.. -v plan
eonindi fes res•nmmended that 11 'rent
.%t the monthly meeting of the puts Of [;Mit be made to the land to rover
lie .ehatl board. 11e11 on Monday All fgtpsllsps abld supplies to Thr end of.
reentng, a res h tion war plat *1 -wt lhe_ thin- ver er . The .nm 91 *1310 51 bovine
minister extending the congratulations alrcacie Moet puke to the bawl. It was
hoard to.,L►r.,.J....:...-;;Sltq{•ntgp,.- rs-ommendel tit tie h lance, $444.40,
principal of Central school, upon re- he tall when the hand rotulnittielinnr--
ceiving her B.A. degree and her car- 1.he. ail Intentory of all hand equlp
school texc)ler. That Mb to Sharman .Progress tuns report n e ma
w•a. able to attaint this standing while f ontlinhig a program of unemploy.
earry•fug on her exacting work as prin- ment relief work. '
Opal of the w•hool here le rightly re- The water. light and harbor ram-
^ garded as striklhg testimony to her mime./ reported that nevi- 12-ln. eases-
- 424.00 and
know a man who didn t like l'CSTOM-MADE CLtOTHES?
Weil; they are higher -priced, lint we have SPECLAT n nER
-ObATi E..ti at
diligence and eaparity as a student. troughing had been pgytsed on the smith
Semretary-treasurer Knox reported to tilde of the former .- P. R. warehouse
-the hnarl that funds from the bequest at the harbor. now owned by the town.
of $2,0(70 from the late Rol►Prt MacKay and 52.000 fire Insnranee had been
to provide fur an innilal picnic for th^ plared on the warehouse.
school children of lndetfrbt lied been The finance committee reported Haat
estM In a $2,006 C.N.H. bond j a C. N. R. hotel for 61,000, guwraateed
by the Dominion Government, had been
purchased for the Robert MaeKHy
hand fund. at a rust of ff1A0.3.,• and a
Young. from (loderieh, ohs ppb ((ravel was $197k.79. similar bond of *1.000 hall leen pu r -
road into Colborne, milling to., eel The-prinefiall of Central Schad re- ',heeled for the cemetery perpetuity
Sandy Young aqui 1107 1,1Rteltr'tftttta ported for ,»eptemier: On roll. 217 fund for the some amount.
and Anule, past the Rid 'caret* farm, prtptl/s; -itlwrsje atten dant..L._:_Z1W: - The -Mee committee reported that ell
an,Iwhere In a fieldt11 7 per, cent. Penny (tank A iia.. application.
opposite No, 1 eehool Mpellrl for hal{10ing permits re-
iny tni1wr-sissies re #aA7' ferret to the committee rind been
what Was once the Colborne town t'h'tc"
ship burying ground. up Bast the old were enrolled 355 punnet average at. These report+ were all adopted wtth-
efo•hnnl on the left, and then on the tendxnee. 331.0 or 9,114 per rent. net diemh..lon.
right to the form on which i was Penny think deposits for the month A representative of a Toronto
linen, In x shanty, On that farm e. acre ttiell44
. sewer pipe eonern Hddr•..d the nom -
The (;cntrsl Home and *hoot flub tali briefly, end Hd}onrnme•nt ws/s
grandfather died alont seventy -tire wrote *eking 1f the (decide wiling movers at n.35.
years ago. and I thought 1 naw its we
around the window In tbe i ti
drove by an ancient apple tree of room could he altered so at t0 allow
bis planting. A very pleasant our -
the hanging of eartalne. This wits re-
prise awaited ape when we reached ferret] to the
property comm-1fteM.
Anbnrn, the end M our trip, for here A report from the
t fmmd a ►rin of ofd seheolmatto. torte whool,janitor of Vie -
Hamilton, emelt) of George pointing out son* thing.
Elliott ret Dakota, Wl1l1aoi Tyitrl4snn that nerd att(eniI n, was sent •
to Thr .ads a derpnte1i,(r,nn that port, uponand Jahn Symington. nephew of the `amp eommlttee. _ ah nnnsnel mteettm. Her 'reptant R.
034 masons of whom we were 511 *0 The matter ofeharging non-resident isennerd, hod come to see h1. mother,
_fond. There are no friends just like teemIn a rtatn sane. was Mlprr.4•stn lying dsngrtnnsly 1!1 7n hospital. He
the old friends.
This 1. s long letter, hut it has
grown on me as 1 expected it would.
London, (int.
Woodstock k sentinel !levies- 1
1•:n rote./ from Montreal to the head
of the lakes. the freighter Itrullu pelt
Into Goderich lest Thursday morning.
"Ss,. p■'
- ' ' "Wen. what -4.41 now 7"
' i •'ro('hen deaf asjurivose 11111 wetness,
0e, Flies get theirillitgeris ftertailliAsk
.1 P.l er
the sehool management rnmmlttee to
lrlve.ttlrate and report.
The hoer] deflate) to purchase from
Gann it Co. New York. two enmplete
seta. of Beacon phonetic and reading
eharte, with holders, at !10.2(1 each,
sten two teachers' minuet, for above
at;, ..el l -,e t .set foretteh sehoot.
had r/reltrQ rsermf.;don front hf. lee -
Moyer,. to make the cat). the news
item *MIs that the et -attain found hit
mother somewhat improve) and brigh-
ter. end [Ind lo ser her son. Ile left
with his ships at noon.
Steamers band to the head of the
l*kes. do not ordinarily eerie, within
?Ifttowne r?rnfr,hett. Tht me.tresells♦
_ The fir.t-.aslt to he ohtelned frogs well lint ails route; hut who will say
water -in Npw° York Stat. wallthe tlme_waa-inat , ftwjfTto ies-Tjpve
S taestiAtieneed sit' ilii mem T-spwf to tea iamb, -t ten
Father tfimon-Le Moynelif 1t0R,. -- irtttta hate mane
-_-OO-an{! up--
'�ATtS�3.00 t° $6.00
Suits and Overcoats rleaneti anti pressed $1.25.
Repairing and remodelling
Frank H. Martin
Phone four nine TAILOR and HATTER
----too-You Envy
IN any house the foundation invari.
ably precedes the roof. And soil--_
is with the building of financial in
iependenct:- Ise foutidatibil is work
--and a Savings Account.
Saving is common sense, not
stinginess. The regular habit of put-
ting aside a certain percentage of
earnings into bank savings, to accu-
mulate heithily at interest, means
comfort, security andindependence.
You have money always at hand to
use in emergencies, in business or for
Don't envy wealth. Acquire k'
Save regularly. Deposit your money.,
in a bank.
got A r+.eea4 aw,a /yawybl
Capital Paid Up - 30 Million Dollars
w'enrroe T713.. --30 en �
.... . -assn. -.:.�.;; �J<',w...,,•"