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InductionOf the 1'ullgrrga Hl/n•,• ••'I:1liVn „I
of New his servicer as interim moderator. Dr. I
Dougan made fitting reply. -
Minister at Knox Ret. J. N. H. Mills, seri"r :;L
(jeorge'u church, hada cordial recep-
tion as he was celled upon by the
chairman to address the gathrriug.
Rev. D. J. Lana, Formally Install- Mr. Mills on behalf of -his people !x -
ed in Charge of Presbyterian tended a warm rxprraaluu of good
wishes to the people ut Knox church.
Congregation of Ooderich Mr. Lane, he said. was to be esrugral•
• ulated upon having been railed to
On Thursday evtulug Ute new min• Knoxchurch. and Knox church was to
tie congratulated' upon getting such a
later of 'Knox Preabyterirn church, Ile hoped Mr
Rev. D. J. Lane.A.A.. war formally, , heir
- -. grids .....- ,_ n .ay. ,-�tdt _SECT 3tatIVX _nntl
of -members- of the L t It h wauTd do everything t
.The News of the Town I 1't, S;itufda)', October J, there reseed
Home-school Club
1 auay at the lino* of her mother, New'•
gate street, Mrs. Stella. alurrieli ste-
t lelinud, • at the age of tharp'-.even ' Rev, Geo. T. Watts on Religious
years. Deceased surtc•nd au attack et. Education -Miss Mary Par
�1D FOR T� w An IICan (.hutch •1m unfortunate :lerideht t44-1- l Mtrt. 'roruwuuix months ago renin Nlu
e tJ sons on Physical Training
A cadre of fpc. and clothing for a(..1. Howells one of uoderich'3 *admit • she uevcr fully recovered. She, esus .
the tllrtr!!9'tl -empire of Southern eitiu•us, on' Thursday last, when she'I"iru iu.CuWuruc tuwurthip. the (laugh.,1t.tkr weeping ut Central Delia. .:.d
Saskatchewan is being toads up tt} ' Loses a Leader fell on ttte-attir' ttitlett`irlii,r 1 ure,'1" ' 4-11 ,13 M• retaa_alurcinL_,Set •i mooting
members of the two congregations of • Trafalgar street, and broke her left 11er educatiuu esus receired. t the lieu ,:•. T. • \\'sats tr+uII tholcvuu„u iter:
the United Church in town, Union le`
' miller la school +aid the alotleri. h gave „ Ihonchtftt etld
.<bamh, Gtalrrkh tutcur•lulp, and the 1 arm urns the shoulder. $he Witt
[okra ('alit iu institute. Graduating trues liwrly rehire-- m I HeHgior -
wau as Mr. Lane. p Jrchbishop Williams Dies In His, to Alexandre L.Inrynitul...Yiure she is t toolleg - moo. arl),of til. t'I.. . Li, ..,ri.r -
R United ('hnrrL congregation. us of Irene a at London Home Wed- �+ +"�� r -h, -rt.-_" "1""sl.-*tYrt+eu hE ler floc Yr"' m.o.
[rout aa, u, i• her : +1 al -the
Lane and his family would nr d t
ind 1 auto lilt_
+Address Central
charge, in ,. �. Feilcrw aid hrrMtm: The --al= P adcanccal ogre ]Its. Howell has lawn and :Isco completed u business course:, world areilio clpuretl, tL. 0.01t0. ;lel
.e ptt'� 3]ir nesday Morning nuvtn derive ' M Site IIuF-jeh a -shoo-r 1-,.. a ..».../...a--«Fsl at business
was--r }ilii at i. 44 4.. 4 wLurrla . tan*�a fees
wins ) . e._ .. „ .
Huron and a large congregation
tIat ion of I paver it make it w, Gaw C.P.R. station, with !.a Fleebe, I hies work In her home schen tin uoei• t I r ole iu the ()Mem of the Western : worship( the beige j14 lila plait of .tate . -
memberr.aud adherents of the church.! Rev. T. D. McCullough of lancer- 'Saskatchewan. as Its destination. Most Rev. David Williams, Arch- -iii w�a14 Flour `'1 the lktwi i
drat 'occurred. nation's life, and th••sntloed the centre
The service was to charge of Rev. dine spoke as nue who had ltuvw•u Mr,
}t. Rhodes, M.A., of Exeter, na,lileratoe I bishop pt lluruu, Wits ,round -deed in ur preparation jet work. (41
win condtteted Lane aur many yearn gild testified to A P.\TRl(/TIC 1DDRfESB bis pn�iYesterday morning at his rt.- [EACHERS•TO. VISIT til•EIJ'H her mot4 her she leaves fire sisters :.l which. he asked. should Ile held .•
of Huron Pr*r,brterr, hhtexmllept qualities and stetting stint- The Laymen's- Club of St Gearie'Y The tiny-Ibhrlh- anodal �uuuutiuu , lir.. ,__, en _i Wolters lit•mellla r •• o .11de for the • • rel 'gloat ' eNlite:.r4,
d H had r turn 1 1} �� ��l'resbytery of Matthaei, "the banner
2144+ the ceremony of induction. The,,ltles. Hr brought the greetings of pile rlmnh hold theft fires meeting of the s1tkuie`•iu Lon oR• e e �� of the %Vest Huron 'Percher- lssa•la-; t ' '•"•!'s n, lxrlow-` Miss .Ten 'the chitd9 114' stork.' art the it:,• ,
J. 3torr sh at • 1 r
tion is b'•iva; h•Id phi w'erk, fit.• sue \4esJt•. which pastors, years ago, in.•
i h
- T1L'I r•,nt.•,: Nlerich Anti 3(re- •io
leen, and
of Maitland Presby- Opel
Presbytery of the *'sinter;' and stirring address was Ricin by -t'ol. too, where ate had cuuductcd a chin•
first 11.0 ••• geese. lugs Delay IThurs- '
ho 1 that Mr. Center n$nidtry fuy - r'haial: t'tmwfi`,'�-a
h, n1 •. gn,•st.ou'd the '•bailee❑ us TO,
la' 1 Fan •
her of _\pines on _."The Destiny tirwutiuu sarrlee, • aunt .ratlre�(1 aLuutY,T.i • :u,• in 3i,iili -tt:r•i T'uifc.Tifiiur Ti. I tficir irnrrn?tvlRr• ut flit ?moi`"
resp, ant the Rprmnw was snbjw•t Irrrsovtt for aloe funeral, which took „f til • loud \Inch might bp fin hi at. to
$eve lY. h,alggn of ('Itntoa. •"'Anal T�ipclx church would be a long and of tai« Itrftt-lt Engle*_"_ T1ne
thane was The Chnrrh of the T.tring stler*►n,aful our and that lib relations ....Ito ,,.l.rk, aptwrrutly In the Iasi u['Factor. 2nd mn Frtd,ly tt\;,rhmltural 1"0c" "t`-Aboulne--etterneear..Aaa, _ _
trios ably handled, the speaker seine- will ti It N+.• trutarm, +• apt'
Gam.^ Dr. D,wRan .Ards in rt, that with the people of Gaterlrh would he hag entire confiders in the shinty of spirit*. !le reser At 0.311 in•th [mora: l "liege I' lean•. 1'iAik• . p tar ,d 1'irturla street i sty:
{'a its I11n• sand. hal In the trniuin ..t
but tar soon returned re t' t .ti t1a••..
„• . n.Nrl-chnteh...f w61ch •df-• *•►reds was -._- as men with like -interests unite in!exce,,,lfigly happy,. the• British peseta* to !demount lug y 411•x1 hild� much nit _ _-
-i t mr=Lauri•°'riwh_ttiielera-_n'iTT` 'u1.t ILi: ituk.to_ uhf 1»• .ti�i :I-. t�-
tew-3�fC RftrKtra of h'xeNer fleets- i'r. 'hr NYa iw- - lhmirtt +r motor errs 1,It;sT('ia7 r',1,.,,.----."ntt1'set. dttitntad the fHtelttT '"ijle nIt�11TTTR1ttS'�f"T!CrpnhQF-tr taT
Z-�eortettew:-Ylr riTiFe-- or rof.PAratinnic-lO I _
1 1 t titl7lPlt'Ttrttt'-Tlktrtrr later. r r. s•i-trrl b} Het. .T. 1:. F„iW. n
of f nd and 1 8proud place In the world. - - ' of a'retliton Is .irreehlet.t of the .\ao ; teacher in this rostxr•t. and it i. a..
unite for the alp Toted the rungre'Ratlnn neon having
• The tnueral hike's ptaati, at Luuduu torut••r pastor. The pallbearers were matter for th»nitfahurs•, saki, the- -
tatitat this year and t S. 1laward of . ;-
A PHt11T(ICRAPH OF 1E611 w Saturday afternoon. _'poster r, se. missy trey"ur.•4 11 rtua+' 11' 4 1 Dan (litchi on.
Tortes. in•ak••r, that ilio cost triobwity of Inti►
The deat►t of• Archbishop j1'illiams r, nes,• Suydrr- Clifford Alain. _'rank ilio and high wheel teno•hcr• are C britt
those of similar religion• est nee -*tor of Huron Presbytery. eo gratu-
wars . •
for the extension of Ills Kingdom, Tlie I filled the vaeancy Su each a reasonable
church of the l(.tng Gal 10, 1114 Ta'411•1.; tins The Presbytery felt bereft wile!
A -t 4Its--m{•rtlxg of 4148-o1Mcui board a --[y0. etruneeet _leaders , -Wel' rs ..,,1 M. I. Seed. , ,.f,• tinter- t inn xr, at. : but In the: last analysis the
Tis life presort -est 1lWPd lt. hart lav nP' r.*34.14 almairt rolls liken to ebiirto, of N(4 of ihr 3'ngUran Chur14 la I.aaa11A. 11 \ ('ll_[\(1•: OF>ME'I'HOII�. , nl nt ,t 1s in ('nibornr eemefery- Num- hurdPn:',rt 111 i11•tI. Ins for ihr hi, best, in different *gee. t� d44.trn7 but with a man et Mr. Lane's eharac North street United ehnrch VII
rhamh. Ant 1t has grown stronger. ter In his dace he felt then would go
ey.uinR• Rec. Ce.. T: \Cutts'though iu poor health sed surely. iu 1 .uuula•r of no utla•rs of 4 s1 r:c'1' orott+ !lst tributes, Including wreath lignin+ training .N the child must rest
t theIg reported thnt-hc had disef.verasl in the
'amt ut sprit Dr. Wi1liuurs esus a, ties Post of the 1':uyldiau T gent were at 'froth TI.•inrl st
end tial will prr.,•rve It to therl �t. farwArd with ARsuranre'- i Ihltotf i1+7 alight attending n nierting I 11 rest 1'ulkd church ant! I upon the recons; \o ,+nr .•Foes Opt •»
Another proof that 1t 1s the char h t R:rv. Dr. ilnitgxll read a letter from .attic a[ the pa rsonxRe a photograph of io'serciug bin church until the cud. the ufiT�ea111.. nt tate-p r. iv Canada
living God Is in the fart that thethe lAtM1 ounferPn('4' of the New Cott-
- , The Ar•Ithishup was to tvnduet run- '''1'1''""441.4,4 of ihr v:,rivas-3rruuches }•Issue Altair. were i•cpr,•.ern Of UR' irr'1t nu opportunity at Geo parrot to
the liter. R. C. MrD'4,-Ki",,,
.4-K In which theof the region 111 11111. Mille., TIL_uh Rhe to the shill right i1i ..f Gosh
-- rfrrrrrh 14 nraanlaPrl fur
Goal like ends, irises niiei.aeF-set _Tiwe,r rbttiwk oextnR We*IPyun Meth<Nli t , Church.. ttrmntiva service In alt. Gr»rgP'c� t R 2� - _high. sat�tu-� whack t the. prixtlege wt toteilwetine -gw4
As the chnrh of Gat It Luz pxow,r in pee., lu terms on eR*r•tkm ma fir. a iNNTy that was at+rr 4(1 orla•d in }Tis church, • Gealerlala, un Sunday next ami r
13111 3 of M hali.t ('hgrc•hc4., The leo- Legionary, Tito metallic pNtbtlrnNon of T' +n ,•hildn•n Is h... pr..loii t.. he 141.'
power over stn anal w-ronc i vent hope for the ej P also nus to dedicate the new, Irnpti+try -_,�
th44 *Mid. p^ I tar o..IHtity of the the Logical-. and take n r ta'3th--spam their- --- I have in this i''I" not mutter thnrottgh
The chareh of Goal will never suffer tograil1 •f4 I t;,eoel vont on and AR it 1s And' memorial i whitlows, All arrange- • i ^�'11.I'HI:N ANDREWS....,_ l
j�itnrch In its new association. ntt,, . uestion !.f the manner in ehhh sub ; *nest to others.[ Rat the home •honlh
I of undoubted trine from an historical mentos for these !terriers are, of coos t Thr d.vuh out Thursday lust. 1 N tobe•r ,.„„
defeat. The Chrl.tlnn ran sing:
Vocal wins byto Mrs. W. F. Saunders, seriptiunstar the pn¢liol+(itvfl_at' soli- 1st ;; Ls rasion from til.' ehnrch and Me
"Be ew]ft-_my_ soul. ea• answer. Tint Mr. plug `Palter, aid Illi*. JarT n t _ -- 4sA- aulhQ)' xl [S-' . ,ucalh tt +.s iii' lamented#nth. aittsL . Tlle__aJ'.otaluiity. �•t ,_ _ �•hN. f Stcpitcn Andrews 'removed one t
operation from relic church nevi the
_ -- . +Wit( _ ah L .,u,- s..t.
Be Jubilant. me feet : A�rlr• with ?!r. ltothw11ni2Le Planes rrF 1'n11cd PhurrH at T nndntt. •in ,.,'til 1 way nrgarY trpntt Ttll'tir ,r. ' „h
Our Got le marching on.
were given at Intervals and were heart PERSONAL MENTION .e443.'I leraalel* ,thNgMtintt it a n:nnr was fuullhu for man
n} , in motion of 11r r. R:.foe s :•n,
Dr. TkrnRAn. who hurl acted ns Inter-' with much appreciation. At the con- ua+ aftel-
n. theoaghmut ihr r•nnnty. lir. .\n APrs. \I. W. !Lowell ,t henrtc.�uh• of
program .refrrahmeata_ RECEIVES PH.D. DEGREE l tea• xgrr'to thud hen•et will
til.• y*rI.'u ,I,,,;• teas hl 1. eighty ninth yen r. tluwks wens fendwrrd lac giros dor
lm moatrrator, rehParsesl ihr steps analog of the r br;uu•hes of the. le f fon w 111 look after
leading In the rail of R,•c. P. .T T.An44 were served by the ladies. of the con-. .1. young man in whom wary. G.NI.'r= • _less L. E. D,unry is vi�itiug Y41 la - tate Twbsrrl)rtl(►a. In th.•Ir sown trrrt t b• Ie ,. o•ouno in l o • II l awl obeli out j lila Able moi t helpful address,
to the pa.tnrxte of Rnnc • hnreh, after gr,•gatinn. 114 I'. vie are Interested is Xurman R. fruit. 1 tory. •fair .,f e•ichtreri.m+1444 1 w:.s bru;ugl11 j ctrl, Joiner and ,u r. D. ('itt[1piN•II
which the rerPmonr of In,11141nn
took in addition to the ministers already Buchanan. M.A.. Ph.D.s of Mr. end • air. Clifford Williams • was hgme' h plus cou..:l fit his enrrn►s4 -The
•altv,•_44 Phtnnden•t whivh wa3->rittch'a1r
plater... un ntionerl there were present Rev. T. Mrs. Ratter �,Nltaehanun of Tmrofito, (row Detroit for the wrrlt eyed. M. C. (', OFFICERS
family Ili. 1 tint `nPa! i+laestun An} prv4.hitrl : t1yn sums bnanr.c was vlis-
The minister WA. s.irIressr.1 hr Rr•c W. Gaalwill of B1711t, Iter, Kehnetl.
formerly of lest h. Dr. Buchanan al r. S. 1'. 1\':tahingtul,. L.C., of !
The nest me' plug of ihr Meureet i 3i r. .UplrPtvs wn twelve reser. irf.ugt\ cn..Ii* Mrs. HtrMltt esus appointed T. R. Keine. of W *forth, who ronerat- McLean of Wlugham, Rev, P. M. Cul- graduated with honors front the 1ni 1bandit,nl, visited his relatives basso on eau. N• [tub for the season esus h when they rums to Galcrlch and 4et- •,•orn•sir ending secretary in .pause of
n Sunday.tI woo to Gcal,7lch •towrosfdp. For Mrs. Maxwell; who )ten. rrt1 141 l testis
rasped him nn liar rail to Knox rhurrh. 'Inborn of .\sh6rld. Res. Res. )lease crrslty of Trirontu in I!1_7 and rwrlt*rl
and also rnngretnlxiwi the mngreni i. BntRSPle. Rev. . .- MacDonald old of
his master's leges at Cornell in 111211. Miss Mary Buchanan has guar to
At the uuel �inatint.11 nsfo11 Tu. .14,;2 ccn �mnny 4.ours h14 home wax on ti itllr- tow. Mrs, Tuffurvl was made . -4441 from
tarn em their rhnlrr of purine. In
lila.latWtnctw and Rev. A, ]tarf*rlirttr of ;�1'juJl(31_he-.ttaa_atlla*i[ltstor Turwttp, wheat Nttr� will_tuk� y iVitS�_a
nig. t C iJL want-#fret-hertnttiltr.7 rlr antis,
coming year Nnn• rw•ritwl and•reval int [h4' supply rrtiiitnitii : tititT,3tr-.'T%'
address the apeoker .ofd that the Niagara on the Lake. At Ithaca i\.T.1 College. He IR now as- at the Art School. Irrtions were by reelsma.lbo n. Robert Int. latterly he trod Mrs:. A4alirewA,ttad D. (lens conrranr of the cnmmltttr to
al+taut profesalc of economies at Col. Mrs. Jahn McLeod. u[ Kincardine.
IIl.rwl with their son-litmei (laugh-1deeornte the truvhers' room_
greatest work of n minister was not1. eft -
Bisset takes the• preside•nt'. chair, Geo
seeing sorb that had been wrecked_ AUBURN- to University, Hamilton, N. F, At vent the weee_ead here, the gyest of !tel: Mr. and airs. Rirbeil-Winter, on J}.,•Fwp _1. 44414.••- \n socia.'nt prem nn_ hysh•al *cine
J. Z Sleyri r� -- - --- i YtrP. t. racer
tl evil living hut rather the prPee•n• a recent meeting of the graduate fav- Mei. +wen ' Inmalorr And Rev. J. '4 ]i. m'Tr'- T'r nee 'eat ,011 w,. tepid itv 3t1p. Mary Pomona,
item of an('fi wnrktRe. The minitlter --- alai - i Cornell l pirersity• he nrelged air and'Mrs. Yo Fell haul ee afro Andrews sun' •reel g
tn1r+11y'tL la allc.stor ..t tarot-
XY1Tf 8N- Oct. 1:-� tarn' _,. .. to , . Mille elle sift: litedn_ _ Pnlu g r 1 In t1Tnn i i. ,
- _ - » . _,thirrne amu- , _. , e oleo._ ..+-s _ n t sem, 1$
must live rime, He is a member of the Amerlean Econ- forth. Staffs and Varna, , iRoy Rundle are ngnln In the posts of valid... Ttrl rt.torts !htt+sr T'ii
s ese,
red n barber•• shop.
- rter - wee•rennry and `reasur.4' resp piesis." Mr. AudrrwR throughout( hi a, tier h:, dslN.m Rit1en'tlns1 3'fl ay
rtiA wion �hnPlwrt
phinders the preecher's work os an, im- Reginald. Carter moved last week to
Woodstoek,imlc .\sxaiatluu and of the Phi Dela Mrs. tt. aures 14 attending the
pression that hr. hat Inst trach with cnreri a F r ther.Otfl1`p eln•tinn. will be hNd•
the T'nepen. The worthy minister .�Ie•rtOt 31eIe•,irl of Detroit. 1F xpetid- Theta fraternity. " He was laser in. this W. C 1` 1'. rWncentlon which 16 lrete6' At the •KncemlN•r meeting. IIfe foFlodarl the .Nrr1pN4tln of 'drover. do lergnsP Wil. want M do it." The
nlnst-keep apart from worldly badnesslog A vacation at the family Mime on
town August iris 100:i.xnd rhos ranks held at London this work. mid at various tiwrs hr) *1 n brach*- _•lac .d little rhlidr13 is hn.erl on the
that he may devote himself to his the Rase [foe. as a (:,Iderleh "old lops" and his notice Mrs. Chis. GJrvin has returned and rntnmim mber.appetites] pe-ncerpte'? stop, on tilt. Square, on l.iij ton primitive action» of ramble. Jumping
task of feeding the snnls of men. it Oliver Lawlaort why Is employed on as
asserte bo heal- more of him in from a visit of two or three weeks to Ar• street. and nn 11'..r siren. Ile wax for end throwing. Then ensues- the -time
the years m'rome I wHlt her•brother at London... range for n Halloween at-hnme., prole- emir retire tut r•crr•nste.. .. I
4• 214(440 nofi. tears_ that he he ldghly,�e coup yy road itpiR aft. !I. Chevreter. of Ottawa, WW1 ally on the last Friday of the month.,, t•attl,•. to the. British warkrt and Play .
Pmn• Ahrl Rrnnp RunN•s are intr.irinrcYl. A
,rlrraterl. amt fa thrKrinttr alone. Mai In with bis mother from GoderIeh and
every line. Tn this end he shnnld buy THEIR DEPARTURE REGRETTED t wick eel striper in town. the attest fug in contact as hr did with ihr Rrral slo n for all
hocks, liner It is imprx.lhle fn sten, ha" Again taken up fe.Od.'nce at their •
Rev. D. J.. Lane, Mrs. Lane, their oflir. and airs, M. H'. Martin, 43'ater- ON THIS R(IWLiiNli GREENS ^ farmers front'w'hmm he•}1111 '+sed Ih•r I tar all. Anel piny for plasm.'anke."s it ,•Play
on •llrrrs.ful work if the mind Is Mem.' here. y Ron, Ik,nakl, and daughter, Miss rialslett street. a e no hP1aily PIMon 'street 14eld a greet*t
"fc«•k be w,., kuuws'Car.xud wide and fhesor tunny r,t(n.a It et -anti -Mutes
was the winner
.' mast iter. were the guests at many fare-�tr__•H I3_ lades ha returned !tore_a rainy tors -fair amt- heneer, Merely to hemi t- relievs_neri,uta
_starved. Iatn_hls aermhnr...h___--- 01 Th g, Flu` n gelht'rin and tL sec is of �Temnto after mending t we,'k at the when tr-Tery-pieaatm4Fwftetaeon wrest= Gln
pat ht! own pt.r•nnAllty. and he mud Rk I<_(Plen mp44mi R Ile tress 41 I'eri(a1, Raid vet- • •train, trete ns n •rrfrtr enter -eve en-
_dnn Teylor and Pereira II-1innetttal- seteral fere sentatiorie at Wallaceburg , home of hie -mother;-Mae- N. Elder, St.. sprat -•-There wrrri•Tatit tetter.. and. -
camera. Thr cunteet wax to guess the prior to their removal to Godcrich. The David's street.
number of 1181E011 4 In a jar. -
cultivate the gift of preaching. He
Rhntilrl not he too dngmntie hat shnnlA
he ah.nititely hnnett and truthful in
his preaching• HP shnnlA went* an aft
mo"phere of eultnre and refinement.
and shnnld Ire .ympnthPtle In 111* at-
titude tnwnr,1 hie p•np1e. A• (Uwl
Amb*•sador ho chnnld LP wrier= In
moking known the (Pelves and rnm-
mande oLAIL Marler .
The aiMreaa teethe rongregatlm► was
*:all. who Rrnnperl his Advice in
eteler-4,N+r-heed*: Fred, lie
^-millet that they should Owen elect the
a,•emhling for worship. Nothing was
more dtsrourngfnt to a preacher than
to rnme with a car.'Hills prepared mPs-
555.' and find himself faring$ a wild -
ernes. of empty prows- And }lie people
shnnld •".•k to thrice on the pr.achln*
of their mintat.'r. and shnnld pot apirit-
nal thing. first. Second, the congrega•
Hon w n ld Tse• fellner-laborers with
h n
their mtnlster. the elder, by slatting
hy-watrhinR the spiritual life of t
M their dl.triet., and keeping the.mIs-
peter adtimed n. to the rnndition of
the people. The demean. .hon1A ea
dere the mtnl.t.'r of enneern adroit
the temporal affair. of the ehnrch. the
people .hntild Inform the minister of or apeefal rowel of newt. and
not expect him to know ot_these iR-
.tlnetively. Thirds the p•nple should
eneonrage the minister pot mile he
kindly worda but by, thoughtful it
Fmirih. they must pray for the min-
ister and for ihr work of the rhtlrrh.
It I. on the pr•np)P that the .plr1t-
11A1 ntmn.phrr.' nt the (Murch depends.
The .p•ekrr wt.he,l for minister and
people In Knox rhtlrrh great prhsper-
Ity and fruitfulness ie their work- He
preeed that 'the spirit of Orel would
Mesa all their effnrts for the ',drainM-
ment of the 1Cingdnm of Christ upon.
D11ring the servlee the Mntnlfrpt
was .ling hr the chub ender the dirty -
Hun of Mr W. R. Rothwell, the solo*
betn5 taken h. Stn. W F. Rehndere.
Preeentatlon to Interim Moderator
At the .'tome of the sort.'e the eon-
gregatIne win Tfli13 f la the Tektite.
room. end an opportunity WIN given
of meeting the new mina.ter before on
informal Program woo .'unnerved with
Dr. A. C. ITnnter acting as rhalrman.
in M•helf of the emigregntton Tar. Hun-
ter el/tended a Warm wPlrome to the.
tatateer r mine /neo Mti9Mtty lfflR'1R-
for thew tins •wor11111 Aarrp- r
titer a few appropriate
dressed to levo Dr
ad we tatter wlth a
' liev. Dr. E. II. Oliver, moderator
of the United Church of Canada. will
address a meeting at North street
United church op Wednesd4y evening.
sent' 14th: _
Anniversary services will be held
[•ran. ,uul.we._ow. of the h,-1 ill this .•rgy, overcis,'s 'a•1al cirt,o•. And im-
ihn.r nM fnrtnnnte enough to will farm 1 district to sur, ire of those tcho bore•' proves (-nomnnite morale By build.
1\'xllacPbarg \sows, in noting their de- . Mr, William Lane left on Sxtnriny, of those rereic,rl a dainty Iint•n baud- the 811.41111 Issawd iu rh�..• who took ing II Senility mind inn healthy hotly
store, says: with his son, Dr, Chas. Lane, for the krrehirf. The prizes WP re ,,,.edea as 1 pl•. N1,•. t1' n 4Nµ' 1. it lass- *I IivyP Of, seine. and tnbenild
follows: 1st lwulnut chair -h. Mres. T.
I""[ 11 laws p
"Tueedo•r •salt• with regret the de- lettere home In Detroit, where he will
tin. +thlest members of air ter-[, h':: be >r positive factor in ,ditraiinn.
s Glazier: '.md (linen. tablet -loath airs. .
torture of Rev. It, J. Ialne and his pend the. winter.' • . •__ _. f,twumL outoat.rarienti ('talz' Hi• wax `- A Vete of thanks tn` 331 Par ons,
family for their new home at [:oder: Mite M. Bailie and )lies Thelma [:inn : and ,lath. binnket.r• Mr . Si a nwrrieel 81 D1.r, amber, 1+4ir; xtul h,• and 3fr.. Jenner and ?t r. C
iclt. where the reverend gentleman Cheer attended the yntl1R people's ern-' Nevin! 4th irttshicmr, MM. W. F`• Mrs. ;_niers* in I►seemlier list is•Ir un i,rl by Nits. itptnr. am?lzs�T. 4
has n,rep(ed the roll to d11 the pulpit fernncy► of the United (laurel) at Wood- Saunders: tit !fern Israel 4, Mrs. W. bra!
•41 die,' 44 1I( fifth teunicersA� of 11';uu3I 1u.1 henstair
• Giesler: pith (crit glass fruit bowit, ) ti.I rsgl by all
f the ! reetryteriaut church.... the stork ♦list drink. - their wedding. Airs, Atldrews eptr•iver p1,""I;t. _
de arture iii'Re.' Mj_[ W»Ihretea--314*wAnna*Merkenziewf Kin.xr.itite_M-re: cases,
burg as a whole suffers a great loss. has been ding the last two weeks Mrs ('ltapmnn: 4th Ibuih bowel I. Mrs, wifi. a family of foul .vn* and three \t the•Nmcembrr meeting of the Club
i mp'n
daughter; Arthur, of Th•trdit: Peers, of it is I t4N4I there wIII tie a travel pal
R 1 i f f iThe winners in the [Hen's tournn �� Pff1fTR'r ti u• est • bt ii?iit }'tnfulti ""1"1"1T- i,( Al
Sundae Amt. A fo3ill,Cf Dirtier, et. 1 m ants o r e ut in Kat
of rpfa at. street. - t'eur+re_ oft 1.• .. •
C'. Parr of London, *ill 'ate the) e, e stood or all t tat w -as ors r. :11F+ert 11'iRR ns 5 tnmi fi'ttm Ment art FrTt1Tt� 215111 w. -,r. 1-.. A. r b L 1u1�=>At+ -lrt�le.Af111.
- ut y,inlemt,at ales, Jnbn lh.rfdsnn, of
pecan* Irotrt morning Mol evening. I and wholesome in life, !tugged aud,Chleagn tri recuperate after a serious.}Ta}•l"r anti -d3': Tier": "..-T:, -PriT 1{tratTor and Niro. Hebert Winter. f
On Monday even tut the annual As444rth-r, Set apmpethrtic and kindly (line« $e is employed with Marshall f'hnrd and ihr Graham. nn Mom ay.
Thanksgiving dinner will be served. ns a Christian gentleman. all Wallace.
and will be followed be as interest- I burg wishes hint and 11. family health
Ing program of wusic, a one -act and prosperity."
sketch. and addreNaaes by ministers.
Rev. D. J. Lane will conduct the NORTH ST. W. M. fie
services to Knox Presbyterlan church At the meeting of the 1A'. M. S. of
next -Sunday. at 1t am. and 7 p.m. The j North street United church on Monday
sacrament Ef the_. Lord's Sapper will afternoon, arrangements were made
ada.laletertekat:-tie morning_ntr
yece,--The eermon suWject for the even-
ing service will ba "The Supreme
Question of Ute." Sunday school and
Bible classes at 3 p.m- Preparatory
eervlee on Feeley evening at R o'clock
for iiueklns a_bale of MI and warm
ea. erotlirng far the West.. T ear of fruit
and vegetables Is to be cent seen from
phie district td the West and Mrs. J.
T. Fell announced that the Excelsior
111111e ('1x54 w011111 park a barrel of
tooderich. All the tuerin1N•rs of the •\ pretty autumn wedding tens .ulem-
Ftdl cik Co. 1n hlrotrA. I Young: I Z1 T Powell 1 family were home ter the funeral el- 1118141 at the hone of air. and 33r .
Hr.. A. R. De Kay and her laugh *rpt those living In the 11' iArthur Fisher. Colborne o
R asst- Four tom on
slMers and a brother of deceased alio Wc,lnesdn:v. September :M1, when their
survive: Mrs. SAnnel Carter, of liar- eldest danthter. Edith RentrIce. wail
fain: Mrs. Wtn, Fairbairn and Mrs. J. united ho uulrrtag'• I.. Irvine S. Teb-
Tomlinson, of WInulpe;._ butt, Non o1 Mr, and Mrs, -futon Telt-
butt r G n i
Ju f o It of fi r o
has! rl h a
n, in the West, and Walter toe weep: '('hP bridal
of Hol parte took their place before n harik
•"" rrs'Alia- el s, lo The
14.raittrofiere-r,nlnmartn termer -referent
phuywl by alis Beta Fisher, sist,tr ce
(• , night the winners were f'. Griffith and
p , . Lorne u2tn . awe and
ter. Mrs. Frank W. PnpNnhnRPn.-o1j'Geo. MneVicAF. Wednesday night's
Defiant . n.. were visitors with Mr.. I winners, were Albert Taylor And O.
C. L. Moore. Fast .street. Ginn: 2nd, Merl tient slid Lorne
litre Robertson and NIT... Archibald, 14I1f5.
wha7►rire-*actor*- their brother. Mr. Three rinktirnm the area slob weft
William Coate, for 'everal month., to Woodsto k yPaerdny to take stet
bur lett
for their home at Montreal in the annual 'snowbird" tonrnxtnent.
IS• Ykh.
- P11P fn r
n rat
Yr. and, Mr.. ['°haw. He411P, w'hnAp�tt N�inPA. ilta•Prpr, and nnt_w itrt��w-JH ft►��tree` on
Ta rd. 1ftel'tioon Train- lire-reeelTne'il- -Hr.
the mummer at their cottage her 'the fi T and airs. Winter and was largely at.
lake, left on Ifatnrday to return re , the bride. GRANDMOTHERS' DAT t4'n,k•d. Servirr. were. ronduct(rl by
'fTN• ee,euent' tut
fh.'it. home on Long Island. New
The r Levo D. .1. Lane and Rrv. .1. N. H per-
formed I
Turk. regular meeting of the Galerich
3fr,. P. Ti. Murdoch fig. i,-. for torr-.11'omeu'. Institute was held nn 3'har.- Mills, and 3(ie pillr44aftr. were •1 r- I
home in Portland, Oregon. after .pend• day, nr'tnher 1.L in Mr•Kny Hall. *14.10 thin A,tltlr*'w•s, .1. '1►, Mein' , .luhn
A IarRem' nttPndnno' Thr president. I►nv131 velem): Georg.• Andrew-., llPrta'rt
while georgette and ho'.' dud bridal
Ing the rammer at-thehome of her .. P
-f3..: kismet• once t' '
adwt44rr•MtNi•-Je•+u.iP 1Tplbel the -l�ampJl'�-.�At}'�t{la•rt Winter, '__` _ 1_!!i-.Ia11It �I1.-ren OAJirihR-w�
after the buslnc•R. was d14 tnsad of the meat wax in Maitland cr nu tory, 4'u• "' nm"• T11 hri 114r 1wii.g1)M --
and with other relaticea here. - i w.,. ut 7: riarFliR• rt. a,. and Illy of the
The 3tl.w.'or Barker have . retnrt►447i
meeting was in charge of the program
hoa1P after .pending en enjoyaGle v►xIf ^'n,rnf(( r! ♦r h.'lnit a+rAnllthelrner+ PEif1' f/19Cf,RR1;iy rail, J-atif►.-f wt«-- 1* r4*g 1Ju.' ••tcµiar
Day." TLP eommnteP. rnnaMing of (n IIgrl(ment lin. been rP,ai•bwl Ly .4 til.• register Miss 'i.11y Garrett,
r 14434.014.. .alts. Rtew-nrt Arrott*TwMM •M,wdam,•. NPweomho, Shore, Thnr4.• ilio parl114 rnncrrnrl ht ihr acHoa :10. ''"((sin -..f 1hrbrisk•.'Augsw,•etlythem home and spent the week -end L Young. 'We1.ster. TIellhorne, Rears, Pal- 11n•'•xf font, m.•mb r. of the, town sero- I '-TP11 Me." w•conga1111ed by Mrs. .1ddl-
her.'[mfr. Tttffnrrl and Matheson, entere'lcitureatorrneNnlensirrmR'wtl1rlrAw: `outs sister of the groom, at ILP planers
air. and Mrs, :\arcs Mo Fnrinne of i the earn lrw.eel 'In curium*+ of •11I the nHinn. at taw rrstdth.g,fron. I Til* Rr,Nom's gift fo ihr brftle one a
C"hrslrr nnnntlnee the engagement of half•a-rrntnry aRn. They i0et "'PI? the 'lianrt.• neer the•' ,wlrrrta•rr Imre I hnn.lsom+r3anHu r hind -hags hr the
v their dnughtrr. :star!' 31n5rt.nn, to mentor and enndtietrd an in.tlette meet- i''hn.r: 44'44 naw bw•n dl'lII",I, :uol tin•' Pianist n grid signet ring And to flies
John N. Matheson. son of the lair Mr. Int similar to one held In 1fs►:i, «hit' hatehets•th4t n raw week• ngr. were mololst a Lula braes h. After fhP'ere-
And 3(rs. 11'. 3(ethrwln nl Ta•helah, 1 tees Addition.: The prngrAln .gN•n,r{ being hranQlshrd ou nil sides 1(141 naw many n haff.•t Inneh 'w a. 4erc*,1 and
with the song '•When 1'nn and t liirr• , ietlt• interred.
amid show ere nu rpnfettl the happy
fhP merrlARe fn fake parer (Arfnher �' cougar }eft for n motor trip (r. Sudbury,
24th. Young. Maggie.- tong by the 'rad- Setttt 'iia Marie. Ra' (sit
rashMned iotifee," 'billowed by the \Fi (YIN HILI, iN fillD ERICT y and other .
ninntea of the preclon. meeting On lir. Nrl..n 11111. ot'Anhnrd, herr 1*. hoist., ihr bride travelling lin a brlwt'
1 J -.. ggff . --• ,a4.,.-cIltligasg•5•fatirl witJLW4 firm cif n, F. m4.4' rnmaln` lepra with 11oe,. and
RARement of their youngest dallahtor. --T-°
Mary CnnStenrr, to ,1r•hihnlrl 3furray Among ihP Gnash" by air.. Tifton! noel, C'Arr.• h Sou and will Rte.. hies .(a•,• apj"t71wrlr'TrTAiL$. iier;lraseTifnR coat
ill Stewart. easier .nn of air. and Mrs. Palmer. esus much enjoyed. -\ mttentlon t.. the 1r1•IIIAta•r department. isms of hrown nod ,•hangs with mn4k-
Mr.. J. F. M. Stewart, ltennmnnt report of en "el hnme' held by the Mr• iIIII's herrhsare store at :AnMlrn rat trimming. and lint of brown telt:
marl. Toronto. the .marring* to take ln.ftttth' in 14.W* we•. rrry Interesting, i was derrtrayed by are a year ego and Among the ghetto present were thew
lace quietly on fie Mhrr pe(14 Anel till. was fugues wl with A rending, he had tonne intention of rebuilding. 'grandmothers of the bride and groom.
P 4 On their n•talru the young ern
Mr. end Mrs. W.w{en Cnderwornd. of by MM. Webster. Roll rAll wA* en. lint Instead love dw•tded to become a
Erie, Pa.. made A brief clsit to town tit swrrrd leer -Thing. (:rneelmnther rJ•sfdent• "1- Galerleh. i1' hAs -Already
reale on the Rronm'• firm in l
the weekend. 4.141tIn1 at the home nI Missed." 'else r%nsing member oro• o
taken rip 11. work heir and he intends
Mr, and Mr.. WIltInn1 Atraehan. Mr. „ng hr the ladle.. "Flew Gentle. Io make 1114 11on111111P hl town at M '1 44
i ndevwewd:•• /»iwiratfi mitt--Yp*P. eYwaet sifter." A hP� .,,1{ffg f, u►ltnks I'varly dAT$, Its will be n welrome AA- Mr.. 3(. Burkholder entertained M i
work in -o the the !tie(' .,JheIr 'll4nn'T'"f:. r• ,' ten r-�- s*FaAr Jip�{,.t 1'evrig
Yuuttf Is adw,lfdhYdt'"iit'lbenR of esus trtwl.rr,r) the committee, Cnr their
A1r1Aatr, f`alitefw8A^a'.4 Phe fart CM, - - 4.Snetel! err Mnnebte evening 1a.
which Iftfrh tree scrrcrf,. Ja,nel,ihmnll**u_ dig? M (let« 4.111;"vA {,
Winans. ?Okay'af __^calmer* tnwnehlp . aQiB 'iR�Fd': fh, "'lane! tf {ho Fills r t ty
lois - ..,hoso',,at tlI'� -ow 're
.M'.'nal -klrr nfeeUset•srlroo+ •itive` rt tett thlre o *loco (rtOt1'rnrai.ini tiief;•.•: %•'t`••.rt=:-•!'rr1°ntert'mt•l"•••rwr..N•rar'irrff(r
Am44 ramal_ .p the nfret} o of the the rem ► violin
Dnrimr the *•testa_ frn� 4 in by member. of the %%Mend Golf I fon. RAMP. and 4114448 111* lletbr-
AnPrfo•an ifnspatel A -w,. 'anon at Tor hour a vinlln aorto, 1y Mr.. Bean wed
much enjnycd. ;,'1,1h during the month of September. 1 a dpinty lunch,
onto. -_ _ I
will fee-eondueted hr the minister. eanneri fruit to .end, and asked for
('ontributlona from the 11'. M. 8. Mrs.
THANKSGIVING MUSIC AT , P. W. Currie conducted tilt _edUce-
NORTH STREET UAITED �at1'-'dram. The Ar•rip-
inre leemon. Matt. 2A, was read by Mrs.
CHURCH ` J. A. Roberton ; Mrs.. Jas. Me\ep
,_ ` react n 1 ft t on amen 'the Apolitre
SUNDAY MORNING Mr.. T. Hetherington offered prayer,
Organ-"Proeeaslonal March" Fry- land an inspiring chorus WAR 5nn5 h,
Finger ! a nnmher of the members. Mrs. M.
11'. Howell .poke brfefty of the interim'
Ulm r'reired at the missionary con
gree. In Toronto, and Miss M. G, Rob
ert*on told of the work done h,
Chrlatlan Frhoolt iii lapin.
Anthem -"Great 1a the Lord" Maunder
Soloist, Mine E. Hume
Offertory -"Sunrise" Karg-Elert
Anthem -"While the Earth !temlin-
et11" Maunder
Poetlude-"Marche de Fete' Necker
Organ -"Air with Variations" (Sym-
phony lu D1 Haydn
"Autumn" Johnston
,nthem-"O Come. Let ue Sing"
with Mr. -ani Mrs. 7. 15. Stewart to
or Ret-. R'. Porton ,f . HeumH-
lef. Thu bride w'n'. given in merriag,
ey her father, and wore a nevelt of
Annlcersylry nervier.. will he held in Mr. and Mr.. J. A. 3i44.nren, Spa.
(lrare rhumb, Porter's 11111. on Sunday. dine road Tnrontn annnnnee the en
October 11th. at 2.30 and 7.30 p.m.
Rec. F. G. Farrill of Clinton will h.',
Offertory -"Melody In F" Rubenetein the meeker. The choir will be as -
Anthem -"C► Give Thank. ionto the glided In the nfternon by a male
Lord" ![mart etnertette from the Clinton Preatoyter-
Sulolst. Mrs. R. 1lenderson Ian ehnrch. and in the erening lir the
Anthem- -"Tl ('rowner.t the Yatr" male gne0G•tir of North street United
Simper irhnrrh. (illertrh
Po/011MP "Let All Together l'raIRe On Monday evening a fowl 4npper
Our Lord- Rech w111 he .('ruesd from fl to A o'ela•k. end
• M441144 b'..4)Nl.iriJ. .�.twti414**.dr-4 pr.yesew.01..nrept
Ci�riri.�•'Featai-.afarei in P" Roberts merit will be gam by the I1nranie
3ftrnifefd" o►ale.ottani' a Ritellitt'"•ew•..rirawfatt-
'.. :-• """'1>ifilti7"f`t'41ort4 aiti44ft•iet1t11M•* andr1 w hat
:is .des 'pigs 'lkellrikovatry erwit4l t►t 'W. R`."�1t11Mis, A.T.4'.]r.,
slats rMalarke M- •A�•!.010.0 Ttlot, 0 Lind" Simper II who «111 tw• aarompanied by a roma
1krliRAn h44 pw44Arnt- tsoleist. WT. Ri1$1u Haadoryea dtan, a vinlinlst and a reader. AO-
eh44gn44 au a Mites Poseind. ' Feted March" Kronur'. stolon 543 children A(1r