HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1931-10-1, Page 8, --Ir 'I'Ki6taday, October 1st, 1961 Fall Showing of 1932 Wall Papers 1 NOTICE W. G. Ll'!t161' wtabea to announce that after Odaher 1st Ids business will be regase$ed at his new garage en ST. DAVID'S STREET Get his prtee. en Battery Charging rind Repelling, Rebuilt Batteries. Car -topping, Motor- ryeka, Bicycle Parts, and Re- pairing. PEO! New colors, designs and patterns, also new low prices. He who who laughs last laughs best. but !be soon gets x reputation for being dumb. THE SIGNAL - GODERICH, ONT. Blyth's Fall Fair I property of donor -Chas. Stews` NAVE YOU SEEN s GARDEN? Simpson Oo., $3.eO In the form of silverware, for best pen of sheep The Robert Marred by Weather Iy1 r bf 'ling ewes' ' s" lambs, 1 ram-Epi.b- `liSnell. ICoutlnued from page 5) stitching --Mrs. 1). Fowler, Ida Gowan. Living Room Funilsbings Table runner, embroidered - Women's Institute (Agrtculty.ral So- ciety), best collection of borne -made pickles, 1st 76c, 2nd 60o --A. Edgar. Mrs E. sic- I. Johnston. O. M. Cbatnbers, $2.00 for best ewe lamb, 100 -pound weight, donor to pur- chase lamb at market price -Orville -Jose- McGowan. I phone Wmeleo•k, Mrs. H. A. Fuss; A. H. Erskine, $3.00 for best bushel of rs. Mi W'• mere"; s.44 eeatre� A. 11. ieblcke , ! am ter best dressed sofa V11iii N', emLrbldpthtf "fYrr "°Yy' tank lad chicken, gams to become pro - other than • embroldered-E. perty of donor -Mrs. W. Jeffrey. Hastings, Mrs. H. A. Fuss ; table centre, A. H. Erskine, $2.00 for best bushelwof colored linen, embroidered -Mrs. D. Tu i Sweet singes. same to become Fowler. L. Parrott : pair handmade cur- I prolk� 01 donor -A. Edgar. tains-Mrs. D. Fowler, M. Llvingstotle. William Johnston, 12.00 for the best dreased duck same to become property table-rlwaer, usher hrud trtmt*Spg- snow apples, the same to become pro - D F ie M H A Fes party arise, B Tierney colored COLE'S BOOK STORE Goderich Beidj- E. M. CAMPBELL Your personal appearance and beauty starts with your hair. PHONE 536 WEST STREET CHILDREN FOR ADOPTION The Huron County Children's Aid Society has five children for whom good homes are sought. They are boys of six months, two years, five years, and nine years, and one girl of two years. All are bright and attractive., Communications from (tenons who would like to adopt ode or i offs°°` 2l018een houtd addressed to Ir. 7 -near s. Superintendent C. A. Society. (ioderich. • Dining Room Furnishings !of donor -Alf. Haggltt. BUffet set, 3 piece, colored linen- Special Attractions Mrs. D. Fowler, M, Livingstone; buf•I Farmer's trot or pace, confined to fet set, 3 piece, white llnen-Mrs. I. green horses, one-half mile heats, bat Johnston. M. Livingstone; white 2 In 3; purse, let $12.00, 2nd $3.00, 3rd centre. embroidered -Mrs. D: Fowler. $b.00 -W. Nesbitt, J. Hefron, Geo. Dale. Mrs I Johnston • {stir tray clothe- Relay race between Townships of Hul- A constant succession of blossom is the ambition of every gardener, but few achieve it so successfully as !Adolph Morena, whose little garden on the cuuuty road just west of Dash - wool Is worth going a lung way to see. Whether one visits It in springtime, when ablaze with daffodils, hyacinths and tulles, or in summer wheu the per- i runlets and early annuals provide a feast of color and perfume, its well as rich treasure fur the bees, or op ale's- treseber .1a. `+torb Piot' amu yty.nl., and golds and potpies of autumn h sway, it Is always literally a flower garden. The little plot -for it is only la fraction of an acre -shows what re- sults can be produced by "Intenaly' i gardening." The initiated realize that 1 •'such gardens are nut wade by saying '011. how beautiful" and sitting in the 1shade.' and appreciate something of the erre and Jslor that have brought it to. 1 and maintain. Its prew•nt {wrfeetlon. A recent visit found it a riot .01 cerise and amethyst slrades. There were SPECIAL OPTICAL NOTICE Have your eyesight looked after by our well-kuuwu and pdinstaking spe- cialist, Mr. Hugbaon, formerly optical expert for Ksnta, Toronto, and Henry Morgan & Co., Muntresl. Over thirty years' ezpenie*ve; twenty years coming to Uodertch. You are assured of the best optIeal work to be obtained a9d at very moderate cost. We have al) the late styles of frames and mouut- Ings, the beet make of the best makers, and our prime are from H.00 up. Thursday sad Friday, October 15th and STORE, GO CALE OF LANDS FOR ARREARS 11 OF TAXES. Town of Goderlch, County of Huron, to wit: ()TICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that list of lands now liable to be gold arrears of taxes in the Town of Godericb has been prepared and L being published in an advertlsemeut in the Ontario Garotte. upon the 29th day of August and the 501, 12th and 19th days of September, 1931. Copies of such list or advertisement may be had upon appltcatien to me. In default of payment of taxes and costs as shown on said IL•t, on or be- fore the 1st day of November, 1931, at the hour of 1.30 o'clock 1n the afternoon, I shall at that time, at the Town Hall, Goderich, Ontario, proceed to sell by public auction the said lands to pay such arrears, together with the charges thereon. L. L. KNOX. Treasurer, Town of Godericb. Treasurer's Office, Town of Godericd Mrs. H. A. floss. M. Livingstone; lunch. • lett. Morris, East Wawanosh and Blyth, I gloat cva ksc omh, lung -tasselled Love eon set. whit--- M. Livingstone, Dr. J. the winningg munlclpallty taking the; Iles -bleeding: Prin.v's feather, asters, (:rtrve; luuchero set. colored -airs. whole pursepurse of $16.00 -Blyth, 1st: Mor- atonias and dahlias. x11 ,.l ries of the ria, 2nd: Hallett, 3rd. 1B Brunwlon Mrs, 1.1... Fowler: tea cloth same icier, while a feathery white FEW CHOi('C HAM LAUB;t FOR Mor - ill. Running half mil heats. beat 2 15.00. 1 t. $7 00 2nd $b 00 IettrA, embroidered -Mies L., >far- 3rd $300 -(iso Nott, A. Ftsner, j' evidently cross- r uv . rr, . ;!L- te110Wed_ wine` CARD OF THAN= WM. TURNER AND CHILD- REN wish to thank the many filends, neighbors and fellow -workmen for kindnesses shown during the Illness of their wife and mother, and also for the expressions of sympathy In the time of bereavement. They are also Very grateful for the lovely floral tri bates and for the cars loaned for the funeral. FOR SALE OR RENT -Mn, 11. Rnmwlon,°Or. J. Grieve: etc un race- epower, called Chineer wool flower. had sale. Apply D. M. O'BRIEN. West sere, !n 3 puri $ sbeen [ `till 1 and sir t t'ederlrh. - .--- other tined -M. f.i•ingstone: centre Spec. sof nee -J. J. Prvfoele 1.1 T a "p3}ti o mongM; `'valet the tittle Nt SALF,-4 IL17'R t efT. fet'LKY • gardener. whose eyes are as, blue as AND RLEIOH. Appl=to MRS. W. G. , his Uwn anchusa, which, by the way, he McMH.LAN, Newfate street. ealls by the dew•riptive name "sky- blue." He has many such quaint names APPLES FOR SALE.-HAND-Pl('K- for his darling., sorb xb Hi. "Jacob's Lad ed. god varieties; for sale by bar- Wllowsll{s, , ewuroldrn•d-]neem R. ' der' "Love -In -a -mist" and "Mounting rel or bushel. A9105. J. ANDREW. R. ltrunsdun. A. Edgar: pillowslips, anycl I Bride," infinitell toy wore expressive than R. 3. Auburn. Phare to-19'.Carlow Llsteu-Lovers to music rc+0 lk•- rr,� al F ira�Irr. M F Li, e t r ,l l- The great pastime for a few days • anscx fattcxih le t them picturcatalogue esque ends 1R SALE.- THE HOSPITAL A. tober Bith at -Meana -Hall. • w h h tiro tngystnne: halal -made turrets, emhrold• and he tells the Icturew ur laytruds iawls,�t•ili be It" ulna eslnie to for radio rr MUM) offers for sale a garage. handmade towels, any other kind -al: mead. gestures. Mr. Moreno claims to' :eix2,,: aloe a large incinerator. Apply porta of the world's 'baseball series w J. H. REYNOLDS, Chairman of List^ingctone alta, H. A. .FJillakt_ Ih . grow' a full hundred varieties, ranging ' tnw•f r nml' t[re-rtiitl -Mex. -B. Arntte- , emme�t � Alexandra ' " l 1roui' otifi-me famrflw Y14e lavender.. 1'ruta•rty tommluf' .___-.............- Thr locoed of Alexandra hospital Is Id a Ur D Fowler: vanity set Vr pink tnit;nonetrr and marigolds lel -TWO •TUI'NG JERSEY lamp chide. handmade-Mrs.R. Shaw, g dxhlixs. asters and other fashion lead -1 ``herd, registered' due to e 1 u drrs piece. colored linen. crs•ht•t trim -M. , Judge -Bien. Herrington. . c ug.t.,nne, rs. W. Jr rey. I (iii M W R Bedrooms Furnishings ANNOUNCEMENT We have completed the installation of our Pasteurizing _. ritztY-ial;a4ditta-tc-ampilyireroursmatoluel-Ma1b_Esw- --milk-as-heretofore we --are noir-prepared to supply - the Pasteurized *ilk to those who prefer it. ew. ANNOUNCEMENT n- An invitation is extended to all who are interested.to Ball and inspeet otir plant and to observe the methods used ip pakteuriiting. . .• . Call 'phone 334 and try at bottle of our Pasteurized RYAN'S DAIRY --BRITANNIA ROAD GODERICH MOORE'S GARAGE ST. ANDREW'S STREET. GODERICH t - The thinking buyer of a used Car will do well to see our supply. Each Car we offer is free from all debt or liens, and has been traded in on anew -Car. Take advan- tage of this splendid opportunity to get a better used Car; your present car taken as first payment. We are sure we can save you money on a new Battery or a new Silvertown Goodrich Tire find Tube. We sell at depression :rices. J. E. STEDELBAt'ER, Proprietor. .. IGH. TILLaONB4J G. ANO vert -F, Oyster, M. i.ivingutrne. collec- ""'t weather •,... -- a �` -' i raadnme Inrludl 'a- nnomhei from fes ret+/l'ar�d home eu Monday aerate. Come to the Ilit DU FALL F BRIEFS o, . ' ' a e. clusiug up its accounts to preparatiuu It SALE. D. Fnw'ler, Dr. J. Grieve: boudoir col the' xuuual wretin and would like al,lImagnificeut spwlmeus of dciIiti led -ick -'Oe pit Les'. ha dmadePerusal wear to hate all bills rendered at once. ,ors of the dry: while ruses. lilies, len IrehY Ektuln. mud. 8p1 t[d d (l \lr. }'rook Donnelly, herein°`,- firs guud-atsed, wr-'-t.,ed teats;bred from Nighlrola- K-+rtMr..i. from North street rod Is non ,,iiia.btntka -and ell Lhe.ethrr 1nmi14ar,x flmite ower. that It take% to,make a garden , g f ants-st,?.--{4t+und -wad gentle • • NOTICE 7+o CR®rl j*s NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice Is hereby given to all persons having any claim against the estate of Mary A. Mi•Mahou, late of the town of Gcderieh 1n the county of Huron, who dierl.on or about the 29th day of July, A.D. 1981, to send same to the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of,(ktoher, A.D. 1931, an on and after that date the estate will is d1s- Jrtbuted among the persons_ eutitled._ t �mving `rasaO.-only- t0 T3W claims of whleb they have notice `oom.. --' ----- .lay of deptewber, A.D. tall. (HAYS k HAYS, Goderlch, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor herefa stone: nighteobe. any other Work- u9 1lawdtou start, in the others form- In every way. E. \. LA\\SON. Lot 7, \!rs W J Q M I i i t ladles' abound in profusion 'Pio h Carlow dress slip silk M Livingstone Mr: f night, „WM.. Born in Germany more than righty . r rosy, M. , v ngs one: at ec erly occupied by Mr. D. E. Holmes. l'axewslon !s, Collxbrbr. one Ii. A. Fuss; :.miles' underwear. silk- 4 `w u g is ago a . s elt reeir 1 eighty' was found by [ler side u[ lir- gran ago. air. Morena came from Sax - Mrs IL A. a -- : ladles underwear. cotton -Mrs. H. -� Fuss: ladle+ under - near. ewhroklereol-Miss Ida E. Me - Gowan : ladles' shopping lag -Meg. D: Fowler. Mrs. 11. Rrnuc.lon : ladies beaded lag -Mrs. R. Shaw. Mr.. D. Fowler: ladles' fancy lnandkerchlef- t4- Llyigaatow.' Mra`.f. Fowler.. ladies' •,.......;` n��e pyjamas -M. Lirini,stone. Ida E. Mc- Gowan: c- Gowan Tadlear sport sweater -at. I.rv- Ingstone, Mts. D. Fowler. • Infant Wear Wool Jacket -airs. D. Fowler, M. Livingstone: bonnet -M. Livingatone. Mrs. D. Fowler: !booties and mitts- '��.:'. . �'•:�_ _- -- -•t winter . . road ua Wast street and was placed In 0111 to 0 `node in 1s73and was ens - . m PUBLIC NOTICE It is still there awaltIm• nnine •ifiari4T-Lkl.7r-hi-ae-tinril7t4-165111""t1.1.--4 hands way. its owner. small bit of property at thishwood and "buckwheat .1 rummage sale under the aus ices , there has been able to gratify his after (*.tuber of the Ma le Leaf Chapter, 1.01.E., tall " a onif let. Best prices paid.1, T1108. H. WILSON. will be helPd on Friday and Saturday, - • 74011r a Germany had heves. the alien land. smd Canada was home. Now he la ! 101. . well etaitent to end hie days In his garden. where the worst that ean befall , Billed to his bed the last eight weeks by a serioue 'numbs, is now able'tirest. taking toll of hie tresinrea in the long M. Livingetone. Mrs. D. Fowler; bibs I -NI. Livingstone. Mrs. H. A. Fuss; ', ---- alle dark t short drefes. handmade -M. Living -I Tbr lady's gold watch advertised as stone. Mee. D. Fowler : carriage cover- lost in The, Signal last week was found All t roa py a 'o rne owns NILE. Sept. 311. -Mr. and Mrs. Her- - Idea D. Fowler, Mrs, H. A. FOOO, 1 relate' Orli; paper. Unfortunately it , ) and two children, Marjorie 1 Collection of fancy work -Mrs. D is badly broken, se if it had been run and Elwin. and Mr. Alex. Wateon NILE 1 ursda tid Friday • IM"' D. Fowler best Goderic . There was a lendld show -1 DS work by woman over 415 -Mrs. 1. John- ng g odospaemente of tht• fair. I cover -t.. Parrott, Mrs. R. Shaw :InuAtit nit r‘‘el:aesnt,ifm,irrift,lingfooffutriniewiLlothnes Phee during Tata week were Sink J. funderarm purse. wool lend straw-M..men.4 ..( I tin i ti e • I I -tension of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. n Alexandre hospital. , It Is expected thef Sheets' of Sehringville. Mrs. R. Huston SHORE FARM. Livingetone: cushion: any kind -Mrs. JD. Fowler. Ida E. Menowan; spechne 1 'rand Mr. and Mrs. M. Obler of Goderich. - et the new addition. .We-S--tis-Tit.tritted by the mete:Mew .1titigt--Mrs. chap. Drumm. - place in tine- for the official opening 'children. Beverly •nd Donald. re -1 ART WORK typed to their home in Oshawa on o. the estate of the late Mrs. Mary 0'4 Mee. II j. r.....• ail. painting _from 1 4 111.11Inrsg. 1Ii..1.11,istinnirn7:1,1i:mitt:iint,edlatirh.e Wahl! 71144411Y after spending severe! months Connor to melt by public auction •t the (111 painting. eopy-Mtaa L. Grant, ns -Tregettrt•-itRif-In tWF-Capital '64°4'6'41. nature-Mtse I- Grant. M. Livingstone: -- . )1()TICE.-ALL PARTIES WHO nitave esmeras. enlargements. photos and any film work at Mrs. N. Burk - holder's studio, south side of Square. Goderich. must secure same by Sep- tember 30th, 11131, as after that date the undersigned wtll not be responsible for them. MRS. M. BURKHOLDER. at Gmlericit CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT IMAM( P. GIBBS CHARTERED g Accountant. 102 Ontario street, Stratford. Phone 1580. Res. 13301. MUSIC W. B. BOTHWELL Music Master Stratford Normal School Teacher of PIANO, BINGING, ORGAN Preperatlon for a'l examinations of the Toronto Conservatory of Music fitudio--Corner West and Wellington streets. Phone 1333. AULTIONEERING THOMAS GUNDRY, GODERICH. 1 NOTH'E.-ALL PERSONS HAVING Telephone No. 119. LIVE STOCK AND GENERAL "amounts against the Alesandra Rates attended to anywhere and every - AUCTIONEER Marine and General Hoopital are ' re: effort made to give satisfaction. queated to file them with the superin- Fanners' sale notes diacounted. 90, and not later than October:elpsd5.nr_ EXECUTORS* SALK LIKECUTORW SALE OF A LAKE SPEI4D AN .AFTERNOON WITH YOUR FRIENDS 1 -I 1 • w with relatives in this vicinity and in wee n terday and v4111 leave next week tO 'Shed in this district tide week. Thj cloeed the shop yee- will he Pretty well no - water (odor painting. copy -Mise L Theatre d;retit. F. Toll. pr.; water color paint - take a position for the winter at De- farmer% •re busy with their plough- ing. ••riginal-Mts. Ida McGowan. Mro. .111i, trait. SM. propoeps to return to town ing and potato digging at present. 11 Shaw : water (odor painting, Day service held en Sunday life --L. Grant. kla MeGowan: erayon.. next .timmer. and re -open her tmeinerds.' Ran,' by the Nile Sabbath school In the andl- „pastel-Ida MeGowan. Mrs. the visit of Sir.. (Dr.1 Patrick maleam. torium of the eltureh wa. well attended ann 9erelaod to her grandmother. Ftt1O.: .epia-Mles L. Grant, Dr. J and the program wam very Interesting. Grieve: pen and ink. original -J. It 'Mee W. A. Rhynassof town. The gig. The rhup.di was prettily decorated with elpiter in :stating tile autnme dowel*. motored ,go • Towesteme en mme, ...rougo,..„„gpoinuff.; Slonday. Evelyn an(' Edward regime(' )(re. Shaw and Miss F.thel Tattle will RAE Group No. 2 of the -iAdiee Aid of ° DI -tinted MM. Triinvprttnfraff-rtivtlatrzr"**40* M Livingstone. Dr. J. Grieve; eingie piece art work. not listed -r. timer, RAKING AT THE FAIR GROUNDS. YOU ARE EXPECTED. Mrs. H A. Fit.. Friday Afternoon Programme mcludeitwo speed tests on the half -mile track Local Race. Purse $50. Running Race, Purse $15. Admission 25c. Children under 12 years, 10c Prizes for exhibits of Farm, Field, Orchard and Home Products. Prizeliits on application to the Secretary Exhibitors are requested to make entries with the Secretary as early as possible GRAND CONCERT on Friday Night Popular program by the Brunswick Trio of London Admission to Concert 35c President Sec'y-Treas. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 10th, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon: The wept half of lot 27. lake Road wear. in the townohip of Aphfield, con- taining 107 acre,. (more or leo.). The lam' good. and the building.' Include a frame bombe. frame barn 40x SO. a log barn. granary and other out- buildings. There is a fair orchard and from fifteen to twenty acre. of bush. The land rune to the lake. le in an Vie& iseention and an vasty farm to work The MIA la being held to chew the estate. ariff-elwesprerpeete- must be dispesesd of. • what relative,' In tile city and will alpo balance mr November Pith: Fur ther particulare may be had from iloinw.vine rnited rhiireh will hold apentl few days at Port Ryeree he• SAMUEL J. STILES. 1d . Executor. 4 coloro-Alice Gillespie: collection (miller Kingston etreet and the Square, goer.- in blooms -A. Edgar: aster*. Oetelor 3ril. In Raechler's old stand. I pie:- collection zinnise-H. 'McElroy, annuals-Mra. .1. Wright. Alive Gilles eolleetion perennial.- Mr.. J 'Wright. ARC*, Gilleepte: collection Pot Panda toilette piante-Mrs. .1. 'Weight. Ana - one hotter ',lent in Alarm -Mrs. ,Iffres. -tier. Gen. WPIr awl MIN. Spatial Prises *- Jas. McC. Dodds -Pair shoes. value 14 50 for best grade eon -Fred Oder. John 0. Emigh-$2.00; Class 10, Sec. 1-Zph. Snell. P. J. Hollyman-Rest 2 lb. loaf white 8 8ibthorpe-Class 2, Sec. 4, 13 00 - Gray Bros. F. J. Holtman -Sae half down trims. 111.50 -Mrs W Jeffrey. White Bros , 15 00 for beat butcher's lamb. ewe or wether. not to &coed 00 1 potmds. Iamb to beceme property of donor -Orville McGowan. Harold Dexter. 12 00 for best trade CLDSTON TO PLAT WERE larromse played le -the. rink on, ftstnrdly.nieht, between Stmt- vi.ltor.. the .core twine 0-4 There was not A large attenibinee Clinton le send ing a team for a game tomorrow (Fri day night in the rink. and the local promoter. of box blerOSSO tok for 'I gaud attentlitece if the game t• to be maintained In Goderleh. Mr. Wm. Finnigan visited her wither. Mrs, Snyder. In Goderich one day last week. Mr Neterin Poaroon and OM Neilson, Mee N. Webster. Dorothy Peareon. Mr. am lira Gordon Ps -Anton and Mrs. E. Seems. motored to London on Plundgf Mrs. E. 5011111101 AM daughter. Mrs. -41. and friend]. in London, while the reef of the party visited relative. et Pot! Pltenlee and St Thomas Mrs. Wm. Finnigan and danghter Oral were Stratford] vlaitord. on Tues - tended the in.tallatinn of the Right LI.. . 11.4 Bishop of London, In tine- I erssion to the late illahop The ,•lergy of the dIneeoe were present. 111- I eluding net I.. P. Lowry of Gosierk11 itI.V. F, A. Mcf*ordle of Kneen bridge Judge Costello and Mr. .1. R. Reynold. of fioderieb shoo attenslosi. TO MACH TIER Roatleto of The Signal tie... *Met nn donbt with (-moldered,. intermit, the sprier. of stivertlasseseate own Om. name* of the four OrstierIch drnstalete. ity mama of these advertbteaserde local druggists; aim to demo/pit not* to the people of Goderich 11/141 vieuttty their ability and their Intention to meet the price* of the eity drtut otoreo Prinelpal lInnte reports! that the reiffibet Ilf panne regtiterter at the Pre- is -elate IrT.tetnte *hi. tern) ha* reaehed ree'fird figure of 270. with still a few more fa entne 1 ANtorionoi At 'Dungannon, on Tues- day. eeptember 15. to Mr. and Mrs. (tor/1m Andermod daughter (Ma- deline Lenrar. DIED TI-ENVE In Gotterich, on Sunday, September 27. Louise May Fry, wife of William_ Turner. id her 40th year: in went Wawanoeh, on Fri- day September 251h. Blanche Ade- l -04e liattnerm, wife of Harvey Reid ARM. -in Goderieh toe:nettle. on Raturday, September Amelia (tinder, wife of John Breen, in her Rept year Anctloneerik NOTICE TO flIEDIT01111 . DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER rHIROPRACTOB AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST Goderich, Phone 34L Equipped with eleetro-magneac baths. Electronic electric treatments and chiropractic. Chronic, organic and meteous diseases. Lady In attendance. excepting Monday and Thursday and by appointment. A. N. ATKINSON Bvidence and °Mee -Corner of , South street and Iiritannia road. Ny.rICE TO CREDITORS. _ In the matter of the estate of Han- nah Horton, Widow, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, Notice hi hereby given, pursuant to Section 47 a the Trustees Act, 11.8.0.. 1927, Chap. lEti, that 111 &editors and others having cialms or demands *gating the etstate of the said Hannah Horton. who died on or about the eighth day of September, Mil, at the town of Goderieh, are required, on or before the 'seventeenth day of Octobfr, to send by ;mat, prepakl, or deliver tO the golleltor of the exeeutor of the last will (Ind teetament of the said de- Ittaniee. addreediee and descriptions, the full penetrable -is tti writing. of their and the nature of the gentrify. If any, held by them And take notice that after such last mentioned date the maid executor will proceed to distribute the apotete of the wild deceased among the parties en. titled thereto. having regard only to the claim. of which It then have notice. and that the said executor will noi he liable for the Piaid assete or any II. C. Jotueston. 1.3 00 for best II Ms buying their drug, and drieggletie ow, mArrou.- In dioderieh, Snnday, part thereof to any penion or perorate butter, sante to become property of don-, or -Wm Taylor. r w2Otiohw. 0Mfeltirola Lavine lot whoode (taint notice shall net have dries at home. inetes41 of "Mina tithreiir 8ePscriettelbbPir foy boot-siek.h -wmoney to Isuild_np other commun 9,t.. ke _late Peul been reeeived.../V 4tAubuisp. otAuck MEDICAL Sg EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT Late House Surgeon New York Oph- thalmic and Aural Hospital, undatant at Moorefield Eye Hospital and Golden Bquare Throat HoopitaL tendon, Eng. 53 Waterloo fit 8., Stratton*, TM,. phone 267. At Hotel Redford, potIeffrk, om the evening of third Monday of as& at 1 p.m. LEGAL DUDLEY E. HOLMES, Barrister, Etc. Office -Hamilton street, Goderich Phone 27. DOUGLAS R. NAIRN. Barrtater and Solicitor. Office --North -street, Goderich. Telephone 512. Phone V7. Office -The Square. GoderIch. IrRANK DONNELLY, B. A. „ Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Phone 282. HAYS & HAYS, Barristers and Solicitors Hamilton street, Goderich oow, any breed -Fred Oster. Munro arm. Oka ter boa bushel of *gest, any stensiamdLestsiellikew-iie.,- of garden carrot& the .16 Reader* of The Siensi are asked to ipnk for lb •ert I*, metes ..tpoise a* tithretoursonfty•roeirbettost pekes Weed • lit her Rth year DI318T In Colborne townahln. on Ilam Thirst, 'Weer 7,1th year diet r Run Ion. CRNEST M. LEE, Barri ter and Solicitor Sun Life Building. Aeelaide and Vie - torte streete, Toronto 2. Telephone Elgin 5901. INSURANCE, LOANS, ETC. lIcKILLOP MUTUAL TIRE INSUR- M ASCE CO. -Farm and isolated town property ineueed. Meer, - Join Rermewete Pres. Brodhagen P.O.; JAMAS Connolly, Vico- Sec.-Treat, Seaforth P.O. Dtrectors-A. Rroadfoot, R.R. No. t, Seaforth; James Sholdlee, Walton; Wm. Knox, Londeaboro; Robert Ferris. Herlock ; GPO Mreartney, R.R. No. A, Agents -W. J. Yeo, R.R. No. 3, Clin- ton; James Watt, Myth; IL Heneb- Poiley hinder* min make all payment& 1.1. AIL sosiete. October, 1&11. •