HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1931-10-1, Page 5‘,. ,.. • re :•Sr. ••• "7144•84'. " THE SIGNAL Wm. • ,arzlic44,74t, GODERICH, ONT. • Adieliel)1 THE NEW Verner se • VICTOR. 8 -TUBE laIPER. „ NUR . le .••,...•1 ••• .e..L. ,•,.. . •-• i " - ., ..,• , . u. 1 ''' '' -- 1.17- '. AT 14111rLOW,PRICIU-seq b . 11.. . • • $89.50 SlignO $17.24. ' * CAMPBELLZ DRUG STORE ' Goderich - Phone 90 beer hier held in tffitIIII se-lregetietelrowever, vs ins"nufirorrable-a "e•-- rdilF`fln Saturttsy afternoon brought proceedings to a standstill Prize awards. including Geese for the school fair held in connection with the main exhibitiou, were as follows: , Blyth's Fall Fair Marredby Weather • Zaia on Saturday Spoils Otherwise Is a Pale Exhibition What Binh kir was had on Friday and Siteirday last end so, far as the 0g - titbits Were etintersier was one of the AUBURN - 14 - It Was Grandmothers' Day. -The gersss.,,u Women's luetitute held their annual stI 'Grandmothers' Day" ou Tuesday, Sep- tember 22nd, in the Foresters' liell. mMrs. Woods, the president, prodded - and the meeting opened with the sing- - i lag of the Ode, followed by the Lord's Prayer lu unison. The 1111Neilli business Of the meeting was the donating of __1113.110loward decorating the Foresters' MalL .Mn. George Hamilton was then ---= appointed to take charge and the fol- r-.---- lowing program was presented by the .. grandmothers: Duet, Mrs. Wm. Ander- son and Mrs. Robert Taylor; reading, Mrs. John Manning; solo, Mrs. Harry Wagner; reading, Mrs. Ilorney ; must cal selection by Mrs. Roberton and Mrs. John McKnight; reading. Mrs. ,Washington; piano solo, Mrs. Donets' Patterson : reading. Mrs. McLeod. Prizes yet g given to the youngest and the oldest trandmother taking part in the program. The youngest was Mrs. Harry Wagni. 14liail the oldest was :•-eZ----"-. -Mses.-ffidegiffieenbras..a.eignOstalle• Mara of age, sad has forty grandehildren, thirty-seven great-grandchildren and one great-greatirandeltild. The meeting closed with the singing of the National Anthem. A WeliciouiltinsW was eery by the hoeteeness Mrs. J. Taylor, SIM. H. Yungbliit. Mrs. Lawson. Mies Sadie Carter. Mrs. C. Straughan and Mrs. Sliepperd. About eeventy•live attended the meeting and all report an enjoyable time. Men's fall weight Merino Combinations Goad weight and full size in natural abode -Sues 34 to 44 - WHILE THEY LAST 89c Medium weight --- - Work Sox of wool and setts leilitairom WHIM THEY luta 19c Mi-Ro tiaTrUARY • • - GEORGE O'TOOLE New has beed'received of the sudden death at Torooto on 'Wednesday, Sep- ORAIN AND conic stem, Audrey Toll, Oleqn Gibson, Elkesu Robinson leap of Quebec -Rah Ellborn. Irene Cole, Cecil Thomaon, Wallace Bowen Map of Aista--Irene Taylor, Anne Craig. George Cowan. Isobel Owning Writtha, Primer-Oarth Morritt, Phyl- lis Bray, Dorothy White. !Ina Wass -- Doris Moody, Percy Harringtoo, Mildred Dexter Jolui McElroy, Second ceas- e:Wien Robinson, Kathleen Pepper, Walter McCoys& Carter; crab applee-T. H. Taylor Three fat stock steers not shown In & Son, bins N. L. Carter; winter pears; any other number. not to exceed 1,000 named -F. metegu. H. McElroy ; 671 P°JuDds-witte-W. Heffrrhee, Mono Road- named plumpeens, named H. MeElroy, F. Metcalf ; s, any vaglety-A. Kelopid, -- SHEEP 17 Hoover: collection QF oniuidt ; twelen ;smug Aged ram-EpLhe.ictaesnteelrm l, Roy PePOer• Carter, A. F;dgar ; edllection yf grapes Shearling nun-Eph. Snell, Roy Pep- A. liaggItt. . Per. Judge- -A101120 lamb--Eph. Snell. Roy Pepper. Glenn Gibson, Mary Taman. Third eau rim ged ewe having raised Iambs in 1931 -Bertram illiott, Wallace Bowen, Ross 1 _oy pepper. mph. milieu. Theull. Ruth althorn; Fourth clam- , , Shearling ewe-aoy Pepper, Eph. Evelyn Wightman. Leona Munro, Irene' Buell -Teggs Danald Rleharda.... • . 1 Ewe lamb-Eph tendi Roy Pepper. -- . root:114v-- - ...1 ,... ... Shropshiredawa- - • • - --. cockerelleih-e- , ...Aged ram-ww. Ross, Orville Mc- fio-ii:' &Ott leairservice, Betty PIATIer 1 Cowan.ff. A. ss ; nweepostakee, bent butter , . einliPMflery, ebnventional desilgt vice, Lorne Snell, Doris Barr. 1 ShearUng ram -Wm. Ross. 4hown Wm. Taylor: home rendered re" -A• Ede". Mra. fi• Ar Jean Pair -service, Perne Watson, Bette Aged ewe having raised lambs in 1931 Judge-Mre, W. C. Caldwell. lery, Roman ent-M. Livingetotte, Mrs. Je I II. A. Fuss: embroidery, modern' cross Fuels: embrold- Barred Rock pullat-Sc.ott Pairservice,1 Ram lamb -Wm Roes. Wm Ron. lined Mrs. D. Fowler, A. Schnildt. Pairservice, Lorne Snell. I -OryWe McGowan, Wm. Rom. AlStiltY AND (num D imoucrn I embroidery, floral design, silk -Mrs. n. swat- Ida E. Mciewan, L. Parrott: White Leghorn Icockerel-Jean Pair- , Bett Pair •Shearling ewe -Orville Mel:Iowan, Alalia ayrup-Fred Toll sr., Mrs. Is - DAIRY PIJODr1vr8 Dairy butter In crocks, 10 lbs.--Wro. Taylor. Mr,. W. Jeffreys, Mra. J. Wright ; dairy butter in prints. 3 lba. lMellIrrjadtt. Mi Va.-Joilleept-eistry-tmeter-in boll. 8 • --Wu Traylor Mrs. 4. wrint„ mat, hooked -Mrs. I. Johnston. Z. , Hastings; mat, any other kind Dr. J. Grieve, Mrs. W. Jerey; Working mates shirt -M. Livingstone, Dr. J. Grieve; • 'dery leetioimwork apron -A. Haggai, , ler; boys' suit or coat out r aid &Meat -Mew H. A. Fuss, LI v iugstoue laides', cot ton house drag' 4 -M. Livingstone, Mrs. D. Fowler.; band-laundersel tablecloth and sir attP Ittare-M. Livingstone, Mrs;•/1. A. Baa. Eadirr.eldery Givl's dressor coat out of old gene, f. men7.2-31rs. H. Shaw, Mrs. B. Bruns- reolid white- - M. Liv- ,ffirsal. A. mma: embrolder_i., eyelet -Mrs. 17 Mileiiitoti.-Ittrs. II. Oats. Alaska. one quart-Audree Toll. vice, C eron Walsh. Marjorie Ores- ' Wm. ' ' • • , Ross Ewe lamb -Orville McGowan, Wm. alsella Johnston; hen's eggs, white shell' Fowler, M. Livingstone; embroidery, .er' Barley, O.A.C. No. 21, quart -Hazel -Mrs. W. Jeffreys. W. Kechule: lien's aPPliklue--Hrs• 11. A. Fuss, Mr14. D. Hunting. White Leghorn pullet--13cott Pallier- Oxfords (Continued on page 7) 1 Fowler: embroidery by child under 10 by. Roes. Barley, O.A.C. No. 21, aheaf-Haael years -Mrs. H. Shaw. Mrs. W. Jeffrey. vice Jean Pairservice, Betty Pairser- eggs, -brown shell -J. Eairservice, M. Aged ram -M. Henry, M. Henry. Hunttng. Shearling ram -M. Henry. Henry;hard soap -Wm. Taylor, W. Aged ewe having raised lambs in 1931 Kechnie. Judge -Mrs. W. C. tCaldwel I . Ram lamb -Earl Caldwell, M. Henry. -M Henry, M. Henry DOMESTIC SCIENCE - Shearling ewe -M. Henry, M. Henry. White bread -Mrs. N. L. Carter, D. Ewe lamb -Earl Caldwell. M. Henry Laidisw: brown bread-Mra. W. Jot - Market Isunb, any breed -Roy Pepper, IVY. Orville McGowan. Mra. X. -L. Carter, M.- Henry; buns Judge -W. 0.. -Shale, Mono Road.- - _____________ PIGS _ Jeffrey:lea blacults--Robert ----"*"'"frorisujra - • ..1171IrriatillIn genti-11. Richmond; Aged bosp-a Anon, mug Turnbull W. Taylor: oatmeal cooklee-Mrs. W. *B8r°onocis. sow- having lltter-ed- in 1931 or Mrs. N. L. Carter. R. Richmond ; light .1.•ffrey. HasitIngi: dale eooklee--. with pig -Oliver Turnbull & Sons, S. layer eake--Mrs. N. L. Carter. E. Haat- Alton. Boar Uttered in 1931-8. Alton, Oliver Turnbull & Sons. Sow littered in 1931-8. Oliver Turnbull & Sons tember 23. of George O'Toole. at the Field corn -Jack Bowes, Olen Sow - age of sixty-two year?. Mr. O'Toole ers, Irene Cole, Irene Fothergill, Bruce was an employee of the Canadian Na- Rlley. tional Railway for a number of years Mangolds--Oordon Plunkett. Helen and made frequent trite to GoderIch. Howatt, Melon Ltttle, Louis Deer. Billy He had returned ?tome and had com- Pollard. . plained of a pain sbout the heart and ROOTS AND VEGETABLES shortly afterwards was -band dead by Turnips -Everett Scrimgeour_e_ Mae. his daughter, hffie. Miefira, Medical gust Caldwell, Lloyd Longman. aid was kommisiied. Oaf 'It was of no Beete-Donald Jenkins. we", avail. The funeiel *kW held on Sat- Ruth althorn, Jack Webster. AMIN urday morning both/It Aithony R. C. CI.61.• • church, Bloor Omit *est, Interment be- 1 ClJI.-Carnum-rgiullie.rripeentt. el4awriataos.- ell The numerous II Ing made in MounctispIrpuit cemetery. i eme• Irene retne Dairy calf-Pranklin Kechnle. Our. "Ind spiritual Hasel C°wi'll" Parsnips--Idarjorie Scrimgeour, Ar11-1°Triet lantb-Ralph Caldwell, Lorne which deceased was held. Heisnisturin- bid erstalovusheriolet, Grosswilue Craig, WIllien1 il Shell. offerings testified to the est ee rived by hie wife, clothier and three i I Pair bacon hogs -Teddy Pear. daughters. Mrs. James Fox, Rochester. wmah, Ralph Caldwell, Marjorie Gras- {Aubrey ToIL N.Y.. Mrs. Alfred Hill and Mrs. R. by, Betty Pairservice. Toronto. Mr. and Mrs Halter broken calf -Jack Bennett, Moran of T SUPPLEMENTARY CLASSES Franklin Kechnie, Lorne SneIL Healey. Lighthouse street, Goderich. at -1 Winter wheat, any variety, one quart tended the funeral. Mr*, O'Toole 1e .411-+ -Betty Pairservice. Jean PlarliertiCe, 1 -.hoer be -setl. Ylettler'e,-A1=*-7•*--melegeilett Palrowsicsolrens• thanidael. ---1- -.."--Blvth Fall F • tatoes, Irish Cobblers -Clare Hun -1 J. W. TRELEAVEN king, Isobel Brigham, tern Watson, Ken Po Clinton. Sept. 29.-J. W. Treleaven:1140n, Gordon Plunkett. Who was for eighteen years nrinctnat of , Potatoes, Green Mountains-Marglain • . HORSES the Clinton Collegiate, died early jOrasby, William Somers. this morning. in his eixty-mecond year. Potatoes. Dooleys-Cameron Walsh, Mr. Treleaven. with hie wife and ' B.,..illY Riehl, Eddie McCall, Harvey Gar - daughter. had returned to Clinton n-' thizet Cowan. 1 Pie pumpkin -Lloyd Johnson, Annie vice. Cameron Walsh, htarjorie Grasby. One dosen brown eggs "extras" -Bet- ty Pairservice, Clara Hunking, Scott Pairservice, Franklin Kechnie, Melvin Brunston. One down white eggs "extras" -Betty Pairservice. Jean Pairservice. Marion awaking. Franklin Secruale,hir Dross. uvz sToCut and Agricult rey Tell. Jack Bennett. Best 1IMMIL-elack asOnalt. Lena Otllons-Isabel Nethery. Cameron • Halter betoken colt -Jack Bennett. Agricultural mare, accompanied by ?red Oster. ' Foal, horse or mare-Pred ToU, Sr., Pred Oster. Gelding or filly 2 years -Mrs James lags: dark layer 'eke M. Henry. F. Oeter: Angel eake-- R. Richmond. Mrs. N. L. Carter; sponge calie-hirs. .7. ruining, F. Older :dark fruit cake- Mrs. - - _ W. Jaffrey- Mrs. N. L. Carter : light Tamworth fruit eake-Mrs. Lisbon* Johnston. Aged beee-8 His: W. J-rlfrey: Seottit xliortligM41- Mrs. N. Ts Carter.„7. Haatlnips; tarts. !knelt W. Taylur.lfra. N. .I.„-ICarter • • _1! Brood sow having littered in 1931 or with pig -S. Alban. S. Alton_ on. Sow littered in 1931 --Orville McGow- an, B. Alton. Judge -W.. 0 Shaw. Mono Road. id POULTRY • about a month 4" from I'llekn°w' Craig Mary Kechnle, Alvin Plunkett, cumin where 110 had resided Min* retiring !3,4c.curmbey. a. Mrs. James Curl/nine, Prod Bob Oster. from his profession in June, 1930. Field corn -Irene Watson. Reta fielding or fIlly. 1 year -Noble Bros. Timm of mares or geldings -Fred Tea, Sr . Chas. Stewart taw's, and for the seven years prior to _. Asters --Violet Gross. Cameron W Mare or gelding, any awe (sweepJohn - . his retirement In Timmins. Ontario Sanderson. Margaret Vincentet i-Ohaa....eltewart Heavy Draught ._, . Asiair. LegArlac_ smio vosab. ._ __broli,,a;sitit4ly-ilinHirs.rwmilut. I.. Cmywarter.w•Ax4Effrditreyar:. .. _• W fl'i born In Lucknow, where 11141- 1 Thomson. -- Brood mare accompanied by fdahe-- Letherland & Bentley. Lethariann . tether operated the flour mills. Phlox -Doris Barr. Betty Pairservice. gamer Hastings, Gray Bros.. Fred To11, arid where his brother and sisters Donald Richard, Scott Pairservice. nr, -variety- !ars. N. I.. Carter ; ranned . still reeide. Ile was an active member! Csoemos-Marion Hethery, Reta Bowie; Foal horse or mare --Gray Bros.. 11- Lepthacirri n'l•-•.:Ii;ILkorcBas-en*l:Llerland & R. Richmond. A. Ilaggitt : call 41 .r na.opple.cei, -- Pair Leghorn' Any other I Mehl. Irene Pothergill, Doris! mer Has. tinge. msba. i Johneton : eantisel missile's - Mrs. N. L. i ries-Mrs. N. T.. Carter. Mrsi. lealiella of the Slasouir order, being a past silli, 1 Grand Lodge officer. and a past master M°e'dY• Gelding or. Mly, 2 years--VIterst- 'sy Letherland as Bentley. ----.- - - • Pair Plymouth Wicks, barred-Chas.1-Mis. Jas. Cniatne, Mrs. Isabella John - of Clinton Lodge No. 84. Ile was an Einniae-Ruth althorn, Kathleen Mc-- big'. Surviving him are his widow and a Elroy OW, Arnold Bowes. Ralph Caldwell, addle McGill, Isobel NetherY. Jack Me -1 Mare or geldlia4.--111M7-nge (sweep- Pair Rhode Island Reds-i•etherlarteie-rwirmet---pena-Mre. N. L. - Carter: Verbena -Clara flunking. Irene ColaJ Hastings. land & Bentley. Letherland & Bentley.pl SI- Gelding or filly. 1 -ger-Gray 111[011. Stewart. Team of mares Or geldings -Eimer Pair Plymouth Rocks. white-Lether- Ile Johnston. Mrs. .las. runtime; canned , utins-Mrs. .I. Wright. A. F.dgar: te Bentley. Lctherland & Bentley. lawn; canned raspberries-Mre. Isabel- 1adherent or the rutted church. former - era I . Scrimgeour. ly a Methodiet. and in politics • Lib- --Letherland & Bent- \ carter cann : ed tomatoee-Robert slaughter. Norma, o alxa brother. stakeso-Pred Toll. Sr. 'I entitled eorn-R. Richmond. Um. N. L. 1 ns. Miss Susan, ell : . w, Ray Dobbyn. Marjorie creaky.' Gelding or filly, 2 years -W. Deicher, ley. Letherland & Bentley. Calendula-Tom Cole, Dorothy Cald- Waiter. and three slate , General PurpoPair Anconas se Miss Louise and Mrs. M. A. Treleaven. ' Hazel Hurimug Pred Oster. Pair Black Breasted Red Oassue- _mm, E. L. zareor.._ aim jam, Una._ Snell. Mrs. N. L. Carter: venues' beans Ing: rinsed rhubarb-Mts. -Isabella .--ignk-M-1.--CorterE-aosp-111411-• ture-D. !sadism. Robert Snell; salad dreseing-Mr*. R. Shaw,- Jellegbilia--- Wodeock ; entice for cold meat -Miss Josephine Woodcock, M. Hairy; Bell for eold meat -Alice Gillespie: sweet pirklex-Dr. Grieve, A. Haunt; sou r pick lee -Mrs. R. Shaw, A. Schmidt : mustard picirJes--11. --Cald- Mr. Treleaven taught school for poem, scat Falrservice. Jean pairser. Ithirty-nine years. Prior to teaching in vice, Betty Pah-service. Clinton he taught in Almonte. near (it- ' FLOWERS Needlework gpeeinien tatting Mrs. B. Rrunadon, Mrs. D. Fowler: .411evitnen. tatted sdgea-M. Livingstone. Sins 11. Bruns - don : specimen, Met crochet. fine --M. Livingstone. Mrsi. II. A. : spec'. • -ram crochet in cotton, any other kind ....Mrs. I. Johnston. Mrs. D. Fowler: Imen. Irish crochet -K. lArlag- • ' • one: M_rmahilualioX. D. Purfelr; . er..1,insutmen: hand hemstitching -Mrs. H. A.Fuu, • Mea D. Fowler specimen. Italian hem- • . (C.oatinued on page Ps) *lege pie - Edgar. itoliert Snell ; le- mon pits -Wm. Taylur. J•1'. - Hastings: pumpkin pie --M. Henry. Fred Toll. ars: Pair Geese. large variety -S Alton. L. Carter. IS Laisliaw ; i•ream Pair Rouen ducks-Letherland & purr P1144111'.- A l kV L. Carter : . meat • loaf- M re. . . One pair in each box Bentley. Alf. Regent. 1:Weep's.. A. Edgar: P* Hsrshorga._spangled-Letheriand.• itesg"T•Tirr..sttelwhinoneltrond---:Mpremerrs. N.r.411.. pitulaarpotere: Pair Pekin ducks -John Fairservioe.; prepserved etrawlwrry-Mrs. Jas. ('um Bentley. Letherland a: Bentley. Pair Wyandottes. white-Letherland 1 & Bentley. -Mee Jae Cstming. Mee. N. L. Carter: Pair Leghorns, single comb, white --I Carter. Mrs. Newlin Johnston ; ramp- preaerved black currant -Mrs. N. L. riberry jain--Mre. N. L. Carter: 11‘.1111. The funeral will be .lield 011 nor' - day afternoon, under Flamini* au4ices. Rev. P. (3. Perrin. pastor of Ontario /Street United church. *111 eonduet theists Audrey Toll, Route aaggitt. eirrelees. , , . GaUlardia--Dorothy Taman, Marton 1 *tanking. Luella Taylor. MRS. WILLIAM Tt'RNER 1 Bouquet -Ken 14yon. .4.42piaartion, ...., There passed. ipesteelsele away ou !Irene °°le. Ing" "III4E Sunday, Septeinberiffialitlher home on i Fry, be , Northern Spy apples -Jack McElroy, Team of mares or geldingethgey the Huron Nu& Legit* May Ralph Caldwell, Marjorie Graslay, Isobel Turvltt. loved wife Id William Turner. Mrs. N.....,.....,. ,,,.. ..,,,,,. , ... Turner had iniesiltlatideclining health `".`"`'aenow. ''''''appiee____RalY ".".""phc""caid'-wou..- igaisi DenaLIKIllee --NA f"1 -1E• Itilalltiels. -- --- Hunting, Roy Dobbyn, Cametpla Withat • Mae and gilakij.• '2 y4rif-Dr; 0111110 - for some timehilliaLserlousty 111 darner the past three Weeks.' She was thirty- Lauretta Kelly. hell. nine years of age. having been born at Pall pears, any variety--Oeorge Cow- mare or gelding,'1 year-Smer Haat- SIdcup, Kern England. on May 25. an, tern Watson, Ralph Caldwell. Mg. George Fry. • lithe Was married in 1910 Winter pears, any variety -Alvin Judge -C. H. Brothers. Toronto. CATTLE 1892, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Prank Kechnle. Dorothy Caldwell. Pure Bred Shorthorna to Mr. Turaes,• Who Is at Imperial Plunkett, Mary Taman, Dorothy Tam- ! veteran of the Great War. having en- an. Marion Nethery. Cameron Walsh. Basket assorted frults-Irene Cole, I listed In the navy Me drat month of ?erne Hunting. Hazel Flunking. Thelma the war and served unlit the Mining Snell. Prank Kechnle. of the armiptiee. - Mrs. Turner came to Special -Longest root of sow thistle - Canada two years ago with her family Glen McGill, Eddie McGill. to Join her husband. who had come a 'bort time before to GoderIch, where he wax employed. 'Deceased was a member of SC' Gooritork chard]. He - her hneband she is survived by three small daughteta,'/ClifrIn*. eight fy ,M1r4LitHerelearycedr-yvwee.--and--Doss othr Phy1161; two years (401 mantles, and one son. William Albert. five years. Her father, 14r. •Dborge Fry, and one Meter, Mrs. Harriet Dmiovan, both of Sidenp, Entailed. AIM smertve. Many floral tributes; tiestilled to the esteem In which Mr.. Turner was hold and were expressive of the deep' sympathy felt for Mr. Turner and the small children in their beeeivement. The funeral, which was lamely ;landed. WAS bed from St. George's) -church an Tuesday efternnott. latnaliCheing made hi Maitland eemetery. The funeral cer- vices were cendutir by the recto, Rev. J. N. H. hill Misled by Rev. A rclidea con 3 onee-Ra teman and the 'Pole The paltheare55 were Messrs. George Brown( Jones* Jack Charles Ranee and W. Ft II. Price. • - His C queer world. aeifilialraWiti and other,' suspect -that Ties Are ignor- ant; talk and yen remove -pi! sonnt Salpiglossis -Margaret PothergUl. Gelding or filly. 1 year -W. Deicheri Letherland & Bentley.- ' Trench learigold--Kan Lyon, Perne Team of mare, or ireldinp-W. Del- Judge -R. McDowell. ' Wanking. Helen Howatt, Aubrey ffirive cher, Pred Pepper. GRAIN Marc or gelding, any age (sweep- ' Red fell wheat: -A. Schmidt, Mm stekes)-W. Deicher. A. Fuss: white fall wheat -A. Schmidt. Roadsters (le 2 hands and over) 011ver Turnbull & Sons; .spring wheat Single drtver-J. J Pryfogie, '''er°11 -Fred Oster: six rowed- barley, -Mrs. et% 3. J. Pryfogle. H. A. Fuss, A. Schmidt: white oats, Lady driver -Elmer Hastings. lonr-A. Schmidt, Mrs'. H. A. Fuss: white oats. short -A. Schmidt; small Agent fee Tip Tep Tailors H PONE 384 Soak side of Square 'Be peas -A. hmidt. IsetbeHand &.ittent- . large peas A. ftehroldt; ft. Led - law; timothy seed -A. Schmidt. Mrs. H. A. Fuss; clover seed -Letherland & Bentley, Mrs. H. A. Fuss; ensilage corn .-Altred Haggett. Wm. Taylor. Hilhorn. - ROOTS Collection of garden produee-Mrs Mitch cow, having raised calf In 1931 N. L. Carter. Dr. .1. Grieve. Mrs. W. or with calf. positive Proof refloired-- .7. Illeksion : early potat0P4 l'has. Wet - T. H. Taylor & Son, T. H. Taylor k Son. Two year old heifer--Ostretcher Bros., neta.faltsjess Service and Satishctios are two things you can always expect at thin neighborhood meat market. Prime quality meets, tender, fresh and flavor- ful -these are the only kind 70to find in our law Mock. Whatowself- preference, we can - nasty you, while our moderate prime will help to re- duce your weekly meat bill*. Our nurses depends entirety on your satisfortion. Try se. Parkhill's Meat Market__ -BAST STREET - T. 221 (.iii of it. • 11.- 3ocxxxxxxxxxxxtOtwpcx The Autumn Mode in Ot(IMety The Hata of the unman have a more definite mss*feeninine that has hew. aMontfru. the Mill/Wel 'sr,. Pod fr.' eenessit Triminling has returnedribbon b.wa, a , foam wail estrleh or quill. You will find the new Hata captivating. They fliff:-TSviet" Y enough to sae every typn Yea are cordially invited to inspect oar WWI: 11144.7.1 t r., Miss as M. R. M cVlsar •-* . • . • Watson, Jasi. Lorkle: field carrots -A. °stretcher Brat Schmidt. Wm. Taylor; garden esrrote, short --Wes. Kc'hnie. A. Schmidt: One year old heifer-Ostreicher Broa. DOMESTIC SCIENCE Plain bran muMns-Hasel Hunting, Heifer calf -Roy Pepper, °stretcher Swede turtilpos--H. McElroy. 0. Turn- Almatinil & Sons: turnips. any other kind - Munro, Maureen Merritt, Jean Bros. . P'airservice. Bull, one year and under two-Ostrei- WmTaylor. Chios Wateon : beets. table Rolled white cookies--P'ern Hunting, cher Bros. use. long -Mrs.. N. l'arter.A. Schmidt; Gladys WeliaVel7Teddy 'Pear, -eimlitsri -sillint;-13stretNtor 'Mtg. Gittelch--"efleeeit'aftWilete. --vrenerh-VIV-• Walsh. --•• • Plain white -dile-Margaret Cald- well, Helen Shaw, Verna Vincent, Lena Fern Hunking, Norma Deer, Layton Munro. Half dozen butter tarts --Dorothy Caldwell, Margaret Caldwell. Norma Deer, Hazel Cowan. Maple cream -Everett Scrimgeour, Marjorie Grasby, Marjorie__ Caldwell, Doris Barr. Peanut taffy---Idurget, Bray. SEWING Doll's patchwork quilt -Maureen lyse ritt, Jean Faliservice. Padded holder -Pearl Griffith, Mar- garet Pothergill. Lena Munro, Penn Hunk piiioin:. embroidered -Pearl Grif- fith. FARM MECHANICS Plasticine model of Irish Cobbler po- Two year old heifer--Oeo. Kennedy: tato--Thelma Snell, Gorden Gross. One year old hatter -Clio. Parm milk stool -Scott Pairservice, J. T. Lyon at Bona. Everett Scrimgeour, Wallace Riley, Helfer calf -J. T. Lyon & Sone, Irene Cole. Bull calf -J. T. Lyon de Sons, 7..T. Bird house--Ehner Boaters, Lorne Lyon & Bons Snell, Oeorge Cowan. Bull over one year. age connetered-e- Rope for halter broken calf -Eimer J. 'I'. Lyons as Sons, Geo. Kennedy. Somers, Lorne Snell. 4., „ Mrs.J. Wrigh t reign r _heet_inengolste, Reed bull--T-le`Taylor ac Son, Wsk4i-svivite-.444",-Konitnies...A.--4:5logertat A ter McGowan. Sons: mengolde, any other kind T. Jersey Laidlaw, F. M.'tenlf: nuingold worzele, Mitch cow having raised calf in 1931 yellow Interniediate--D. Laidlaw. or with calf, positive proof required- •as. ssr si • les : ma si gni .1 wit reels.. long- -J. Wm. Taylor, A. McEvring & Sons. Two year old heifer -A. McEwing & Sons. One year old heifer-WM., Taylor, _h. Waving & Bons. Heifer calt-A. messing is laic W. beicher. Bull calf-Oeo. Kennedy. Bull, over one year, age considered -t heane-Robt. Snell. Mrs. N. L. Carter; A. Melewhrg & Sena. citrons -A. Haimitt. D. Laidlaw • Nerd, bull and two females -A. hair ventertuelone-Robt. Snell, Mrs. W. J. Ewing & Sone. Dlekmon; mitekmelons-Letherland 114 Herefords Bentley: cabbage named- Wm. Tay• Igllch cow having raised calf in 1931 tor: John Paireervies.; Nei vedette - or with calf. positive proof required-- Chas. Watson, A. Schmidt: cauliflower Geo. Kennedy, J. T. Lyon & Sons. - Watson. Mr., N. L. t'oirter: celery-Mra. Carter. A. Hammitt; eoritt-i1ent-41We7de44--A. Hettaitt. Hastings:" Flint corn (braided)- Judgp-Jas. as. Watson, A. SetilaidU- FRITIT Six named varieties of winter apples Freed. bull and two fetnales--J. T. -II. aril:limy. A. Schmidt: four named Lyon & ons. varieties' of fall apples -Mrs. N. L. S Fairservice. A. Schmidt : pie pumpkin --14, Hoover. Wm. Taylor: pumpkin - Chaos Watson. Wm. Taylor; equaah- . Snell, Chas, Watson: red 01110011 =R. Rielimorid. A. Edger: yellow on- Loeities-Ms- McElroy: *liver pickling onione-Wm. : white field assorent of this Isisoil-'istylest to ehoose from. esisiruif-01‘ -I invite you to wa- rn C. A. McKinnon TRAFALGAR min THE GODERICifi EAT FOLKS Scrap book -Jean Pairservlce. Mur- ray Johnson, Hazel Hunking, Margaret Scrlingeour. Collection of 12 leaves, common for est leaves -Bertram Elliott. Hugh Kerr. Ruth althorn. Irene Cole. Collection 15 weeds -Jean McCallum. Mildred Bell, Roy Dobbyn. Henry Young. Insect eollectIon-Wilma Wataon. Mil- dred Bell. Jean McCallum Collection of disease of field and vegetable crops -Wilma Watson ART. DRAWING and IWRIIIRCI Flowers in pot--Dorle Moody. John McElroy, Janet Hamm Rill* Shaw, Pattern Imitable for linoletun--Oeorge Regatta. Margaret Berhageour. Glen Marin; Layeon Bray Groep of three frults--Donald Mama. Irene Cole. Tom 11111110tt. Ruth Illlhorh. ,Oroup of ehatt box. Ste -babel Coretwir: Irelien iv)vntaise, messy 3ttliSe34200100C3ftaxloc Italiamm. True Taybar N11‘. Without good coal many of the winter's activities would have w41, Mrs. 1. Johnston: onion pickles- to CUSO Mrs. N. L. eerier. ilea. Jas. Custiag:-SeflOOTS *MaIOSt. --- tomatd cataup-D. Laldlaw. E. CaId b --s. Business houses would close. well: raspberry vinegar -Mrs. Ja Churches would close. Judge -Mrs. W. C. Caldwell. Everybody would he busy at the Coming. Mrs. I. Johnston. DOMESTIC NEEDLEWORK -one occupAtion of keeping pieced cotton -Mrs. R. Shaw, warm. DrE. Hastings, Mrs. R. Shaw: Except the doctors. . J. Grieve: quilt. fincy quilting- onus. They'd he busy trying to get ktiltted-Dr. J. Grieve, F. Older: quilt, i.rochet --M. Livingstone. Dr. J. Grieve: everybody well. Bolt fortunately, the coal is here. A fgha croeh et -Dr. J. Grieve, D. L.44r144,1144pw Jff appprellyque-fa-nDerybed . J. Better order yours while It'; plentiful. 'tweed N. Livingstone, Mee. • CAU. THE firtined.m: ..omforter. hamintartes--Atice Gillemile. Dr. J. Grieve; eomforter. inaeltine-etitched --Mrs. R.Sky! j_poir await -mocklir-311•171-Tf. Mrs. !'r. .7, t II eirleve, Mrs. D. 11.91r1 r: Polled Angus Carter, A. Schmidt: baldwin--110. Milch „o baying naiad eau ini L. Carter. E. Caldivell kings( -I. Me- w with calf, positive proof required__ Elroy, PI. Saldwel4 northern spy -H. John Pairservice. Oradea \ --A. Schmidt, E. Caldwell ribeon Bull calf -John Pairserfale. - Mick arm having ralmad MR In eat or with toff, poeittve proof required-. Peed Oster. Alfred asewitt Two-year-old heifer -Walton an, Alfred Haggitt Two-year-old re ear -W. Heffron. W gar: Tolman sweet Oster. A. Rearm. One -Yell -61d heifer -Welter WO"' riltacrca: rFkl -C.AA141 wf I:1 rg: ti/tftlf: rsinoowE je.1113111.- Pred Oster. anOn. iltieYearBarr-fild Pdeauw- packing and frolt con•blered .1. Weil. A Haggitt: box any kind aPpielli. Pfeifer calf --Ito"' leappert Walter Mc- lifiern". Mt.Fir" "*PailhY' 4, 71, Gowan Therms r. W. Gray : .9 nada -IC. stew ...0aff_wil,;.44-000wan, Roy vsiftweit. -Okra. N, Certtr; eel east MeEtroy. E. Caldwell : R. I. greening rueue'tt--A. Schmidt: golden russet - seek -no-fn rther --A. Hammitt: Was- . VelerrOi7-7.-li W. Gray ; ner- li MeIll roy. J. 11. Tierney: Er • n,:r• . I114 "see Ren Dschs--le. Oster. A Sclamlitt : OLSEN AND JOHNSON ' . i42.1...k.,''''''"- 4o. Blenheim pippin A Ileggitt. A. pc. Noisy tiNOCIKAIROUTS OF NONSIKVIR 4immin COAL °Im""1...".11 -TOW SS Cledarkb $01,141) OYSTIM- CAPITAL THEATRE -Phew 41--- GODERICH Till LATINT AND REFIT ON THE TALKING SCREEN NOW PLATING -1M 'BUSINESS GIRI." with LORETT YOUNG MONDAY. TVIESDAir. WEDNESDAI- ary Vickforb REGINA -DENNY eale.artistry of the amen** foremost metre*, mines to MI et- prenalnn as the little madcap 6 4 --Tifikt Smartest of smart entertainnsents and the merriest Me 73 you've PVer 54 -MME1111111.111MS111111 11111'RSDAY. FRIDAY, SATURDAY - Lightner romping Obeencb • mad (animas. of mirth iweisted by Peeper. 1-J. R. Ilyrney.11: -Kelly: A temender-- rst repow, WINLXV refer. Cha a. Waken 0961114•Pnin7:44 W flrey otha..... Map of Huron cosmty-afwiny OW, „Iteg.,,AggalLMw. eei.asicalagitrA* leased -E. Caldwell. Um. 1.r teoii 4,1 r UMW 11710WWWW '''*,..e!Fn141441tV44" Atkailn. IVA e.dk "Gold Dust Gertie" ix teeter and funnier than an 044 with the aims. 41.11534AVA-J07I7" ROLES in "(APTWI OF 11171 UtARDS" Mathieu Wedneaday end Saturday ati wen-- oikt tr :47