HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1931-10-1, Page 47'13r1""inirmiPlmemaalmsaa4-.•,;•7
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PORTS/AR RILL.' SQL ft., -Mrs.
Howard Cox spent the ireelirend With
friends In Godertch. . . ••L' ... ••-
Rev. R. M. Gale has iteeppited from
tIW holidays and will (weepy We pulpit
ill tirece church next gelid's.
Grate church aunlystraarg aervices
will be held on Sunday. October llth,
at 230 p.m. and 7.30 p.m. Rev. F,
0. 'emeriti. el Ontario Street United
torch, ellta�a. will be the speaker"
In the attelisoon tbe choir Will w
isstrotby-vr quartette teen the Peet-
byterian cherish of ellutrea and'in the
evening by a quartette frost North
street United church, Ooderich. An
Monday evening a fowl supper will be
served in the basement of the church,
after which a coneert will 1* given by
the Huronia Male Chorus of Exeter,
consiating of sixteen singers under the
leadership of Mr. W. R. Goulding. Ac-
companying them will be an elocution-
\ lot and violinist.
course of study In electrkal engineer- ' • IRev. leather MeCardie of Kingsbridge
Mrs. Stenheu Marthe-liWidallEISEV.
Ing in Toronto VIIPIPereoltp, We wiah
Timothy to eater hie .sscond-year R.T. HELENS
_ ..,
was present In the sauctuary. The
Mtn success. .,'`o,• . wr. HELENS, gept. 2g.-Annivers- bride was gracefully gowned In robin's
Stratford over tbe week.end.,
Mr Dan Wake of Winnipeg made a I MUIR Er. W. Lulus of Seaforth will
short visit avetelley with relatives Vathbet reviews at 14 11.41. pod
here. i.."...• 1 ‘, -
Mrs. HenAMS et tioderieh spent
the weekth her niece, Mrs Thos.
Me. and Ilesellitrsta Menet of Bar-
viii•-wft.e..1111115,41151-Yisitots with the
Latter's pat.mith Mr. and Wes. Riehard
Mr. Palmer Kilpotriek and Miss
Olive Kilpatrick were among the sue -
We appreciate year business and
will estisaveir to plane yeti.
-11VW-Tinsit About tw
ago it was found neeeesary for her to
undergo an operation, which unfortun-
ately only relieved the malady for a
time; gradually the disease &alerted
itself and during the last month she
sank rapidly, until on Friday afternoon
she fell asleep. Mrs. Reid was of a
quiet. sympathetic nature and had the
happy faculty of nuking and retaining
Wends. Betides her hueloand, she
leaves one son, Harold. thirteen yearn*.
to mourn the loss of a devoted wife
!and mother. She Is survived also by
aunoters-Mrs.. It M. Young_gli-
Ana 1. Mrs. H. -Tufford
Jarvis McBride (Maud), all ot Col-
borne township: Mrs. John Young
Mary), and Hrs.
l'arkins (Martha t, of Iirediciti
Alta.. and three brothers -Will. on the
Bellows homestead in Colborne. James
sad Garnet. of Alberta. The pelt -
bearers were her brother Will and five
brothers-in-law, Jarvis McBride. John
liteid. 4'. Nicholson. 11. .% Tufforil and
Jame., Ma.•Inte,h.
CARLOW, Sept. 30. -Mr. and Mra.
Robert Wilson and two children, of
•No& -J51/014)".
eau, are visiting their mark. my; ind
Mrs, Allan Wilson, this week.
aod Mr. Hum.
11-T-AbTLE_ Trrted
Bowin's brother. Mr. A. Stoll, and rs.
Stoll lost week.
Mr. Harry Hayden, a former resident
of Colborne, now of London, and Mrs.
Robert BuOntuan and Mr. Frank Hay-
den. of Sheppardton. visited Mrs. John
Clark on Tuesday last.
Mr. John Elliott of London was re -
sewing old acquaintances here the find
of the week.
Severs, from around here attended
Richard Kilpatrick was hams from 1117 111"koll bo Et. Ent°, egg blue, georgette with jacket of rad,-
VILE4PR Charvh. on Euuday, Octobir 4th. lulu lace at hat • maj44.
and carded a lovel tivrea
Oweogrortt trhotwee graoondm.smagitdret. aa rpaaerriniottSbe.
tree with rhinestone clasp. The bride
was attended by her slitter 44•11111. ho
wore • becoming trolly retligelerue
silk gat crepe, with Milk to
match. and carried a bouquet of snap-
aviSet peas and irtaideuhalr
'fere. The:groom way /*poor* JAy his
brother, Bert Mavens'. Elle illreoonel
gift to the bridesmaid was a white
gold pin set with brilliant's. and to the
beat man white gold euff-ilidyt,. At the
offertory, Mr. Joseph !hotelmen ren-
dered very sweetly "0 Sacrament Di-
vine." Atter the teromotty the wed-
ding party. amid showers of confetti,
repaired to the home of the bride.
where a sumptuous wedding breakfast
was /served to the immediate relatives.
The table, which was effeetively decor-
ated In pink and white, was centred
with the bride'n cake. Rev. Father
F.gan proposed the toot to the bride
and groom. after which Rev. Father
MeCardle spoke a few appropriate
words. Ino the evening a receiftion
anent, wpm prespet ;ream 4141,40. God- of Mrs. Bert Roach on 'Tuesday te,
erieh, Hanover. Windham. Teeawater
and Aphileid. The happitcosuple will
restde-ott-tbs--groese's" , on the
Blue Water Highway at_ agebrIdge.
LEEBURN. Rept. 30. -Mr. Fred Gild -
don motored to Hamilton on Saturday
to skit hie brothers. His niece, Miss
Graee Horton. R.N.. *ba Siff been
gpending her holitheyer.--ltere; -raceom-
panied him and will visit there be -
‘.30 pedal 'meek hp been ar-
ranged for the tray. - L . • ••
Mr. Lorne Webb lett oft ITridlitt for
the 0. A. C., Guelph. Mr. Wilson
leaves, thle week. Roth 10W4 mon are
taking their. Wend yeer.
Meteors. Rootneon Worlds; Wiiiieui
Woods sod IA)rne Woods and Mime
Charlotte Johneton attended the fuze
eral of Mrs. Harvey Reid to Goderich
cement candidatea who wrote examin- eemetery on Monday.
atious on rnivenotty short coursen this Mr. Wilbert Durnin, Mr. and Mrs.
RUIRlmer. Chia. Unruh% Mrs. J. B. Rutherford.
Mrs. Win. Blake went to Dunnville Mise Evelyn Boles and Miss Helen Mil -
on Friday to spend a few weeks with ler were recent visitors with their
her daughter. Mrs. Wilfred Hoffman. eonsins. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cameron.
Killed by Autonsebile.-Mr*. George I Kincardine. .
Twamley received the sad news 0111 The annual meeting of the Bible So -
Sunday of the (troth ot her little grand- clety will be held Friday evening, Oc-
daughter. elder daughter of Mr. and 1 tober 9, In tbe Anglican church. Mr.
Mrs. Eldon Twatuley of Chatham. The 1
little one was playing with other child- Mr. Wm. Mel/4191in will be away this
Bowen will vonduct the meeting.
ren in trout of their home on Saturday , week from Tuesday to Saturday acting
and ran out to the street In the path as judge on horses at Florence and
of an automobile. She was knocked F„root.
driVii:eiiiiing eoncusaton of the brain. Mrs. (Tan. Nash and daughter Her-
eacRThai-verover e0811.60nMe$8. Pan- *WO. of --Grindstone City, Mich., who
Ing away in the hospital on Flunday are , 'siting their aunt, Mrs. John
fore returning to her work at the hos- Mrs. Twanley and sons. Mesons Wel- Redmond. and family. visited in the
pital at Weston at the first of October. hire end George Twamley. motored en' eighborhood of St. Helens on Tuesday.
Mr. Hillary Horton of Exeter spent Chatham on Monday. Mneh sympathy Miss Vera Todd. of Kitchener, was
Saturday night and Sunday morning in felt here for the bereaved parents. home with her parents over the week -
with his brother and sisters here and grandmother and other relative*. end.
then left to vialt relatives _ it Duo- Mr. Gordon McIntyre was home with
gannon. . his parent. M poieley over tbe w•
There will he an exehange of pulpits end.
on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Taylor of Ethel Mrs.- Arthur Whetham and son
will eonduct mervire here. speaking on George. of Painie.y,•are 'spending a
the missionary and extension hind. The (smote of weeks with the former's
Leeburn pastor. Rev. W. G Shaw. will mother. Mrs. R. J. Woods.
40ifloet, nervlee at Ttuntrannen. Rally Mr. Jas. Reid. Miss Ada Reid awl
Day will he 'Nservett In Hie SnnThty
stool and everyone is asked to be
LANES effluntit
. tintended for last seek)
lAiYAL, Sept. 2-11.-Itev. Colin Young
and Mrs. *Young. of Toroute, visited
their reinelvest here on Mouday.
ireSetud Mrs. Fred MacGregor, Mrs.
Alex. Ilea; egor and Mr. John Mac-
( 'musk., of Mutat', speut Tuesday with
LANES. 4tept. W. -Anniversary ser-
vices 'Were held in Hackett's church
Sunday afternoon and evening. In the
atteruutta A quenelle from Lucknem
vestlereci-ipleief-entsk which -anus
Mink Mary Irellrbf Rayfield sesited-1
much enjoyed ,by the congregation. In
day reeently with their cousins, the
the evening two numbers were given id Woods.
by the Hackett's choir. and a trio by
Alleettao...1..ane_and his daughters Rom -
rids and Winnifred was much appre:
elated. The special meeker was Rev.
W. A. Findley 'of Wroxeter, who gave
an interestitur end inspiring talk at
each service.
The eehoss7--feit et- Curie's Cereees_._
was is $101P1141111 sues.6s hanse of the
interest that was take* in it by teach -
• •-tir'..,SZ•lit-
ereatioa Leturenors.- 111.17,1111318.71tait••'"ViZr.:,
Laurette McClure eud Margaret Dura -
In; Outlets, tdarjell McWhinuey and r
Marjory Illellootild.
SOAK • Sidi inureed.-.About %
144, -WedneedaS afteruoou fire
0,11,12Sr.UUha Haluee' driviug
et '
shed, rod in a very short time it was
burned to the'lleosisa. NO one seemed
to be around when the tire started,
but someone sedgioring *lung the read
uoebrod It lireakillyg out bad Unmedinte-
ly Mere the alarm. The village bell soon
brougls. (..crowd oi workers rod epee- _
Went tris write, and with their
Untidy laid the bent- eud otheit
Inge Sete eared. The wind was favor-- oo"
able also to prevent the spreading of
the blase. A biuder, mower, buggy,
seed -drill and other articles were
burned. The cause of the fire is un-
Wenten's Inetitute.-The regale r
monthly meeting of the Women's insti-
tute was held at the home of Mrs.
Jean Williams, with a good attend -
awe.. The president. Misw Elliott, oc-
eupled the chair and the secretary,
Mrs. R. McDonald. reed the report.
The roll -call was answered by "Say.
Sing or Pay." It was decided to serve
sandwiches and coffee on fair day. The
Institute also deckled to send a bale
of clothing to the needy In the West
WAS held at the -hail of the ride. and a meeting wee held at the house
DITNOANNON. Simt.-rs. *inn
Elliott of New Lialiesed !per
mother. Mrs. Jacob Ryan;
Miss like. of Exeter. la visiting her
stater. Mrs. Bert Wren.
se--eof LisehalelLegatd....
a few days lam week at the home of
his brother. Mr. Fred Ross.
Mrs. HilHary Horton ef Exeter Let us look after your re-..
visited with her sister. Mrs. S. Roach.
last week. '7 a- 4 crirremimitsin_Neurz_
Mrs. J. J: Ryan has returned home
sew for same. A paper on "Our In. .
stitute" was given by Mrs. Roes and •
reading by Mrs. Armstrong of Nanton.
Alta.. who is visiting here. The
hoateeses for the day were Mina El-
liott. Mrs. B. Roaeli and Mrs. C. Alton.
Mrs. J. J. Ryan Invited the Institute
to. her place tor the next meeting.
DoNNYBROOK. Sept. 29. -Mr. Wal- from Clinton, where she had been
here on Sunday.
lage C Ingham visited 111,4 parents I visiting her friend. Mrs. WIltse.
1 Mr and Mrs. R. Willem. Mildred
--Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thompson of Bei- ;and Jean. 'of Goderich. Mr. Hammon sled
more 81111 Mrs. Pearl Thouipeen ot , M 1 Ali Clara Sproul. of Stratford, were
Whigham /11111 fill11111rm visited at 111.2
Sunday. Mr. /1011 Mrs. J01111 ISP11 and Mr.
, David Sproul last W.sinesday., .
V isitors at the home of Mr. and lira.
home of Sir. Norman Thompson on
Miss M. J. Robb of Dungannon has Alen RoissAye Molter* at the home
tht.Ineekendjeffl""nat his l'Irhente311thilliabereY. I'Velli
ps st week. ehureh net Sunday afternoon at 3
IleThellgr'saIlle'eralliftilLmenfillitof theitmuiT.ordth'simit:rit'six-r T-',
will be observed In the •Preabyterian
been visiting relatives here for the
nriiss oRoduth jeThaomporn spent the week.. o'clock. Preparatory service will he
' held on Wednesday evening.
ST. AUGUSTINE their cousin, Mr. Alex. Young. ers. pupils and parents. The day web
, -the-fetteett Me- Mee. Pant M Seet-1111--Iir an
del at G4xlerick on TuP°4183. 0? Iasi Mrs. Duncan and Nliss Doneida SL•Dow
week. Inuring the years she lived here IA
the- of Brussels visited at the home of
Mrs. Matelel. although an invalid. thy I Mr. D. McAllister early this vveek.
her cheerfulness and courage made
Mr. and Mrs. W. awl MiLster Jack
many friends. who mourn her passing
and sympathize with her daughter, Reid of Aslitield spent Monday evening
"ft -gr. and Mrs. Mason
Miss Amanda. her faithful nurse and
eompanion. and the four sons, Charlell McA I ligter.
and Herman of Ontario and Paul and Mrs.• - with Mei
Alexander of fLoskatchewatt...-..._ ehrtattel,a, Jefferson Oa Friday last. •
Death tc1 Mrs. Harvey RAL -The
funeral of the late Mrs. Harvey Reid,
oaf West Wowanosh. was held on Mon-
day afternoon. the service at the house
being in charge of Rev. Mr. Sherman,
pastor of the Auburn Baptist ehurch.
of which deceased was an active •nd
valued member for many }opera The
interment was in Maitland eemetery, October 7th.
odG erich. Mrs. Reid was formerly M4 Margetr -01:40-44,w. EaSSI‘fflory
-es Blanche Adelaide Saliows, and was Sound district, Is the guest et Ale
cousin Mrs. Jas. Craig.-
flue and there were many vialtors.
The recent rain* have been a great
dLeneftWa,.threit-ancTIWIall 51blo lerrilo Johnston- M
Mrs. Mason McAllister was the gond
of her niece, Mrs. Cliff Murray, 910
concession West Wawanosh, ou Friday
The regular monthly meeting of the
St. Augustine Womert's Institute will
be held at the home of Mrs.
Chamney on October 1401. Instead of
born In Colborne township, the young-
est daughter of the late Thomas and
Jeanie Green Mallows, of the 9th con-
cession of Colborne. After her Marc
adage twenty years ago /die went to
4. f
Whalers estimate that the average
whale can cover a distance of about
twelve miles in as iour.
Rev. John Young. Alex. atid-GOrdiiii-wild evilects. Pr ir ttiv *ISOM this
Young. Mrs. A, Johnston and Miss -, Mies Nlehia Lane was home front
Margaret Glen -visited their aunt, Mrs Stratford for the week -end.
Ww. Young. at %Ingham on Friday
last. - - Mr. 11 1/11 NIrs. Wm. Phillips of God-
erielo. spent the week -end with Mr. and
Benmilier and Smith's Hill churches sdr. and Mrs. Jas. Sherwood and
Rev. W. Shaw. --of -Nile. preaehed-infees, Thee Ferguson.
Ised Sunday. while Rev. Wu'. Patton,. baby. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Ritchie and
took anniversary services at I.eeburn. Alvin. and Mr. and Mrs. A. Gaunt were
--The larntervare-tmey rutting buck- 1 visitors at the home of Mr. S. Sher -
wheat this week. While there is an I wood on en„day.
abundance of straw the grain in not
so well filled, on eactoset et the hot, dry
weather in August.- - -- -- -
MAFEKING, Sept. 29. -Mr. and Mrs.
Thos. Anderson visited Mr. and M
Rert Reed, Whileehurch. one day this
Mrs Olive Treleaven of Montreal.
spent a few days recently with Mr. Ind
Mrs. A. J. Kilpatrick.
tiler Johnston went (0 Toronto on
I New "Trig -Silhouette" in
ur 'rimmed
•T'HE fashion changes in Coats this season are radica
4-- -This makes it vital for you to have-amew..one.....T
neiirstyles feature.exclusive-materials, hrrarious furs
fashion's newest styles.
16itilkih''''" JUNIOR MISSES' COATS
See the nevi -styles -for die -junior :Miss atour store,- _dis-
playing thecleligjltful wrapped silhouette, and made of
...-. spongy woollens with trimmings of mountain
beaver and opossurri Sizes 3 to 1 5 years.
CAMEL HAIR COATS, so soft and warm for boy
-and girls, in sizes 4 to 10 years.
11/0D.111111CH TOWNSEIP. Sept. 29.
-Mrs. Wm. Reid ant1,111r. and Mrs.
Elgin Porter of Stanley.wnshiv were
guests on Sunday at' ttie home of Mr.
ales. Robert Davidson.
hir." and Mrs. Gordon Orr were at
Toronto over the week -end.
Mr. E. C. Beacom. I.P,S.. paid a visit
to Colon ishool. No. 0, on Tuesday.
e Pe .
Mr. Geo. tilliteirlettitiveci- - Anniversary serviees will be held In
in Seaforth on Saturday. _ the United etuireh on Sundey. October
izteurdofayealtie. haTa lith. at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Rev. L.
Bartlet. of Browneville. a -former wa-
ne nf the (-hereto. will he the seemlier
ofik1Gro.IMdennt°11riaMIliqurPbbroughir 111411"H-dows(*Itiresza esti-
There will he no service In Donny- for the day. Special musk will be
brook church on Sunday next. owing furnished I.y the choir.
to aulitteritary Services at Westfield. Mr.. W H. Maize has returned home
We extend our sympathy to Mr.
Alex. Anderson on the death of his
brother -In-law. Mr. Dewson of Toronto,
which took ploce onlerlday. --
The Y.". S. bask14.1.ws• .ratrgar meet-
ing on Friday evening. Owing to the
absence of MIs. Laura Robinson; the
meetlpg was led by Mr. Wilfrid Rob-
innon. The lesson was road by Mr.
David Close 1 Warren Bamford and MIAs Margaret
wereMesliThreeetlienxi Laird
dnejladintaace In this Jefferaoll Faye the mate. Meagre. Ws.
vicinity on Sunday.
The anneal meeting .01 the Dadevieb sang a splendid duet and Mr. John
frid Robinson and Warren Bamford
held on Friday at the Wane or. Ifiseet which w" ouleh eniored. 'The eiec-
will be tionofoP"ffirenriris wvl'asa then andreAdirlig
Township Hoomital Auxiliary A.
Sheppard and Clement. Hnron road.
nutted as follows: President. Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stevenston Lizzie
Naylot : viee-preeldonts. John A.
Hillock), of Sault Ste. Marie, are visit -
WCr'caynouPasit*moneeylY save
-Get our prices first-
Furniture Exchange
''On the Broadway of Goderich"
---- -BUY AN
from Liteknow. where *he eras visiting ectric tove
field were guests of Wee.111. J. Craw-
nd Mrs. is& -Weft% of Ash- Qakk ,.----laea- --.. - liarmar=, --._ .--:
tord, oar Wednesday. • ,...
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McNain of Ash- ____17-teosi to Cak-id
field, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. ROCIS1 of God- -
twitch And Mr. end Mrs. DeedoblIengeZ,
Detroit were visitors at the home of- ' a
Mr. and Mrs F. Rosa ote Ww*Ipeatlay. - - .
Ing In the eommunity.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Fuller and
family. and Mr. Russel Fuller spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred McCul-
lough at Holmesville.
Miss Helen Davidsonaserlinton
School of Commerce spent wee -
.t her home.
Mrs. Robt. McAllister and family
motored to Auburn on Sunday and
Jaltatil-mitk Mr. and.,14.re !Sand
and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Andrews.
Llincreh .regolar
meeting of the Young People's Soelety
of Union chnrch was held on Friday
evening. September 25. with thirteen
members present. Herbert Johnston
was In eharge of the meeting. The
tonic, "Korea's Open Itoor," 'was reed
by Marguerite Falconer. Rev. F. W.
Craik gave a short talk on the Korean
chnrch, the doctrine of which is to
prove one's eligibility for membership
n the ehureli by winning one or more to
Christ before being admitted to mem-
Ps•rmhip. The Koreans believe In prac-
tieing the principles ot the Bible In
their everyday Ilte. The subject for
discussion at the next meeting will be
"Why 81101114 We Become Members of
the Chureh?"...There was good eon-
gregation at the Rally Day service at
Union church on Sunday. The Sunday
gehoot superintendent. Mrs. 'Harwood
was In charge and the Rally Day pro-
gram woo carried out. with Mantles.
Harwood telling the story of "Jesus
Messing Little Children:" Marion Col-
well. "Jesus' Love for the Out-of-
doors ;" Nora Sowerby, "71ie Courage
of .11.1111191; Marguerite Faleoner. "How
a Jeans Cattle to the City," and Esther
EMeilwain. "The Betrayal. Crneifiximt
a and Resurrection of Jeon.." Rev. F.
a W. erotic spoke to the children. His
Rally Day message was to walk with
dignity. make themselves" attractive to
pray tntiV,. Thigh mere. trynt Is, he
happy. INuring the noteleo a duet.
"Speak to My Soul," was ann. hy
Mrs. A. Phillips and Mr. Jas. Young....
Service will he held as usual in Union
a church next Sunday at 3 p.m. Sunday
sehool at 2 p.m. Rev. F. W. Craft'.
the pastor, will occupy the pulpit....
Anniversary serviees are being held In
Cnion church on Sunday. October ro,
In the morning end evening. Rev. W.
J. Patton. B A.. of Rentalller. will be
the speaker at hoth services Rev. F:
Cvalk notp-snirtyrrmary ...retest
et liemniller the same day. Rpecial Egan n
efitualC Is teing Nett witanr.
dity; October 4th, -the earned -este teidara,
?arse Lfileinperinee oat ten totrtirtom- gale of Chtlint. Joseph
Is the Sunday scbool Blake
Penman's all -wool V-neck Sweater Coats for men in brown, grey and heather.
------ Specially priced at $1.95 -
Heavy Jumbo -knit Sweaters, black and royal blue, with white trimming.
Specially priced at $2.95
Be sure to take advantage of the Three Bnghter Days Sale,
Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
nit store will be open Wednesday afternoons. commencing
Wednesday, October 7th.
Ladies' asitMelle Oak --:---"ZSIsWeatifi are 'gelid to slar
10.1421 -tide of Siiiiiips"
Thmnpeon. Verna Chamney. Morley
Johnston. Margaret Jefferson: were- sport. For the eoneert on Friday ntght
engaged. and a bumper honor is tasked
the popular Brunnwick Trio has been
tary-trearmrer. Margery Campbell. The
for. Dungannon expecte a larete•anm
her of visitors on the fair dayn. Pone -
Malty on Friday. and a good time Is as-
nnred our friends who (*me from the
neighboring towns and fuwatthipa to
join na In the proceedings of the day
Venni People Elect O.. -There
Wells splendid attendatiOe at the tweet-
ing oia-.11,424.47 a/make of the Young
rroprrs Anti -sty INT th1F-17digiticlif
United ehureh. The election of offi-
cers for the coming year was geld,
with results as follows: President.
Alan Pentland: rice-preetdent. Car-
man Anderson; olecretery, Belle Swan:
t nu rer. Roy Finnigan; convenor's of
Christian fellownhIp. Myrtle Aiiiih and
Peer! Finnigan: missionary conven-
ors. Naney Kieft and Corn Finnigan
citizenship convenors. Claire Pentland
and Helen Andereon: literary and re -
Dien "'air Sect Weisit....dTburs
day and Friday. Octotfr nth •r41.11C,
are the days of the .noteraintat lair.
and it good weather r.mtianes time prow
porta are excellent for a sem...eel. ex-
hibition. The program- for Prins,
afternoon includes two races OD the
half -mile track for which the I weet
horsemen are getting their steeds in
readiness and whieh promise good
meeting closed with "God Save the
King." Next Friday nights meeting
will be led by John A. Thompson.
KINGSBRIDOE, Sept. 30. -We wel-
liffitte-Stra-llistse-311111111- to Orir 7117
/Min Katie SteCerth/slieggelettitigette
holidays with her sister, Mrs. Louis
We are glad to know the Detroit
schools have reopenetl. The Misses
Margaret and Helena Foley resumed
their duties there last Wednesday.
They were accompanied as far as Lon-
don on their return by their brothers,
Michael and Mathew.
Mr. and Mra. Philip Hogan with
their sou Lewis and daughter Ellie and
Mr. Basil Hogan visited Hamilton and
Niagara Falls last week.
Mr. and Mrs. .11to'Nfalliej sod fam-
ily visited at Mr. Wm McCarthy's last
week and were aerompanied back to
Detroit by Miss Irene McCarthy.
Funeral of Rev. James Hegan.-A
large and sympathetic concourse as.
SOMfdell at St Juiteptca church here
on Saturday to be present at the
burial and to view the remains of the
111 te and much lamented Father James
Hogan. Betoldes the members of the
parish and the family. there were
present a number from Goderich. Mt.
Atignistine. Brussels and Detroit. as
well as those from Parkhill and 1.11can
who came In the funeral procession.
Father John Hogan, brother of de-
eellAtli. sang the Absolution. assisted
by Ren A. Coreoran of Mt. Carmel as
deaeon RPV. J. Quigley of Parkhill as
snbelesems, and Rev. J. Glavin of Wat-
ford as master of ceremonies. Rev. F.
Goetz of Seaforth and the motor. Rec.
F. A. MeCardie, were present In the
sanetuery. The body was borne to Rs
lent reeting plaee in the Hogan family
plot beside the remains of his perenta
end six nephews R. T. P.
Several of Father lingan'n relatives
and Mends from here attended the
wake and funeral service in Lucan.
Martin - Kleg.-A pretty all•
tumn wedding took place on Wednea-
,slay, elepteateser Me+ when Gee father
f :altered Heart chureh. Teas
trnIted its mare% ge Ma ry et tn.
noirlder of Mr and
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• •