HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1931-10-1, Page 141" "
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Imm.......1....••••Victor Ethan Is -OBITUARY -
• ;lei' Senior • ChampionA lung and trying Milewar
. • by the (teeth on Saturdey, September
rs elided
WM, of Mrs. John Breen, of the Huron
GO. I.s Annual Pied Day Fav -
road, tioderich toirushlp, a Nhort
titule froni town. Mrs. Breen, who was
()red with Excellent Weath- in her eighty-first year, had for ten
year* been coulined to her bed and
rendered almost completely helpless by
rheumatism and palsy. During this
long period she was devotedly and
patiently cared for by her husband,
who also le now in his eighty-first
year. Dees -tired, whose maiden name
was Amelia (finder, was born In Col-
borne township, the (laughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Girder of theist von-
wasaissa. JAN,* 4steseosorseseate,eeee-=--
auli4li31Vholiday at Met Breen In Prff; they lived for POMP time
The ruler this year allowed only nt Bennilller and afterwarda on the
Steentries for each contestant. and form on which Mrs. Breen was born.
the best roar Peen?* in recti caw* In 11115 they removed to Gilder
counted In deciding the champiouships. tewnehIP Mrs. Breen was identified
The senior boys' championmhip was with the Evangelical church in Col -
won by Vietor Elliott. with Ian Mac- borne and of more recent years with
Kay and Bill Barrow tieing for second
ke•%:. A or -The Results
Yesterday was an ideal early autumn
day and the annual sports program of
M714167-4. the Collegiate Institute was carried
.out under the most favorable condi-
tions and with excellent results. It ti
o *Med, however, that the attendance
not lasiganit1141114111.
Knox l'reabyterian church of Goderich
place. She leaves. besides her aged husband.
Roy Errington Is the intermediate three Sons and two daughters: Henry
champion and his win is yermarkable C.. of Goderich townahlp; Oliver L.. of
from the fact that he had never taken Toronto: William A.. of Brandon.
part in field events in previous years. Man.: Mrs John Moore. of Goderich
Pat Page was the rimner-up. township. snit Mrm. John Millian. of
jokier (+Amnon As _Craig, icolhorne townaelp, ala -me brother;
and the runner-up C. Jerry. who wins Charles Moder. of Colorado. and one
the special prise given by Mr. Hill for slater. Mrs. Natkatts1.0bWI-Of Saakatch-
- the boy In first form standing second .'wan. There are twelvegrandchild-
in number of points. ren. For the past year Mr. and Mrs.
fle senior-girhe champion fe r•C. Bern -have 1144,4 -441* --tit. I,
O'Brien. and for the junior girls' chant parents.
pionothip Lucy Harrison and isa Nlv-. f The funeral took place to Maitland
Me were tied. cemetery nn Monthly. September 21st.
Winners In the variou* ((vest* werel The merylrea were conducted by ltev.
as follows: J. N. H. Mille. rector ef At. George's
Senior nreh, In the absence of a Presbyter-
lan minister. The pallbearers were
100 yards --Victor Elliott -(10 3-5 elltr-;71. 11. McLean. Gundry,
S.c.i, Ian Mackay, James Sutherland. JOhn Hogarth. Martin Miurford.
2210 yards -Victor Elliott (23-4-5 lel Older and 11. C. Munnings. Among
thaw prosiest were Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Rec.), Ian MacKay.
_Mra. Seas Litt- and Use..
440 jj wmls Barrow -41-
MVP Litt. of Sebringrille: Mr. William
2-5 sec.), Ian MacKay, leinean Mac-
, kerns and NUM. Alberta Jacobi.. of
Half -mile --William Barrow (2 inhi:
24; sec. t, lan MacKay. •
One mite -William Barrow (4 phi.
oe 1-5 sec.1, Ian MacRae::
High jmnp-Duncan Maeitay (4ft
"Po in.), Ian MacKay, James Dather-
The News iifThe-Town
The dual game for the Garrow
trophy Was played on the Maitland golf
course on Saturday. The winner was
Mr. I. D. Eastman, who defeated Mr.
Charles Nutlet in a close game, only
one point separating winner and run-
ne r p.
The marriage was quietly soiens)
ulsed in St. George's.church,.00 Mater-
tt Di (ioderieh and 111.7tha
Vietor Henry of Kincardine, Ont. The
rector, Rev. J. N. H. Mills, officiated.
lately *Bee else nioomany. the , , ....,
bride and groom left by motorMr. Frank Brien. of the Vnirersity
on their v.'n"4-11*-11148*--,
honeymoon, after which they will me- . _
side In Kineardtne. or roronto, visited friends in town
over the w eek -end.
Mrs. 11. M.Castles.II , Is
I 1 !siting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Rain on Friday afternoou preventedl C. II. Huml er. ktorla street.
the carrying oet of the field day pro- i - Judge Gar and family. who Or -
gram at Victoria achool, but although cupied their ho e here during the sum -
the boys and girls were deprived of 1 mer. I ve rstued t T ronto
the Luill-holiday the day was not I_
w hully. a disappointmenr... MO -MO p itestsTheireelay ferna a week's visit with -
He and Mrs. • . T. Philliplereturned
and School Club had ordered a large I friends at Woolostock_atid Hamilton.
supply of tweiners and rolls, with the • Mr. ami . e•
expectation of disposing of them I returned from a. visit to their son, 11r.
while the sports were progressing. and Arden Aitken, rihrl'hIs family at Loa.
they were not muted.-- To. Lite dMightenmr.
of the pupile, between :t and 4 o'clock !, Morrison anti Bill Balker left on
the ladies brought int() each room gen- !.Monday for:Tratonto, where they will ,
eroua supplies bf the eatables, and I continue their 'courses at the Frther- :
-each pupil was treated to a toothsome Aly.
"hot dog." The postponed sports" pro- I Miss Doris Woolleombe, of Grimsby 1
gram is being carried out today.-- ' High School, spent the week -end with I
Societies ot Vit. -torte street and North i 1. visiting her sheer. Mrs. Louis Dal-
street United churches Was held in the Iri,eari, la*Irr:ti:gmbr'
rally of the united Young People's , mi.. CatherMirreidi Nicalenc44:0Mrrtlrisay. (F);:11p(i•et7(1)olitf.
I (soothe.
shereh am motel"7--evers- weeks. - --
Mr. I - - -
Ins. r. borne Jewell was ehairman Mr. and ItlIrs.13.A.Ilaini and (laugh -
and Mims Alma Howell acted al, pianist: ter., Gladys a -May,.( Owen Sound,I.
A most Interesting address on "Con, spent -tles, weekend nith friends in
atructiveneaa of Character- was given town.
by Rev. W. J. Patton of ilennilliler. Mr. Harry Hayden of London is
After the devotional aervlee, which In- apending a few weeks visiting rela-
eluded appropriate hymns and prayers tires and friends In Goderich and
by Rev. 1•'. W. Crelk and Rev. Geo. T. vicinity.
Watts, Mr. Douglas Canupbell led the Mr. and Mrs. J. 1-1. Wilson. Cembria
tethering in happy singainig. A eon- road, visited at 'the home of Mr. and
_to_lsecome aequainted was then Mrs. Alex. Wilitra, Centre I@land, Tor -
enjoyed, after which refreshments were onto, the past week.
'erred. osier Mrs. J. H.
orad np from
Mr. and . Mrs. W. A. Coulthurat
spent the weeikend with relatives at
Mr. Jas. M. Smith of Luckuow spent
Sunday with Mr. ad Mr.. Thole. J.
!Irv. John bougtnire Is in Toronto
this week visiting' her daughter, Mrs.
R. R. Needham. ,
Mr. and Mrs. James Hill of Staffa
Mr. D. 1. IMIIL
Rev. S. J. MeDonahl of the Border
Cities visited relatives In Giodorich and
"The Art of Appreciation" is the top-
ic.to be diamond at the sueeting of the
Men's) Club of North etreet Culled
a/171.1: el‘iii..ntizaie.y ik)iiiwudrueu: 11:
Sewer and Road Construction Pro -
M. C. C. SEASON OPENLNG trodece the subject. posed to Give Employment
Bodiesilin t'-.
Relief Work-
The Menosetung Canoe Club is Cone Rev. K. Li. Hrowulee, of Strathroyd under Government Sc
mewing the new season with a meet- couducted the eervieeti in St. George's!,
Mg next Tuesday evening, when nom. church on Sunday, while Bev. J. N. 11.1
place and Mills conducted Maven thanksgiving
services Su -Ss- JohiCa ebureb, Str*'-'4* was held OD Thursday evening last,,
• Joint meeting of the town council
'nation of officers will take
with all members of both bodies prea-
„, and the water and light commis/don
other importent business, will lee up for ror.
etc. to dkross plans for unemployment
hilslat.rvetieuetrseCeli willdabey shetli
relief. Engineer S. 11, Johnson was
haul will preireb' both morning "" structIon of a 15,111. or lii-in. oewer - -
when Rev. F. W. seillffter "WiY,,t Dreaeut. said 4 protemal- leer the eon -
evening. The church will 'be suitably
decorated fur the us.„ssiumien,„
The marriage of Miss S. Coughlin of
Watford to Mr. Joseph Lynn, son of
Mrs. J. Lynn. Goderich. was .oleinnized
sit 8 o'clock this (Thiarsilay_i_mproing,
Cdtie4st ofileiatet
Pullarton townahin: Mrs. William
Li Minn Mrs. Medd. of rlinten.
--Yesterday was the boo general halt
"holiday of the Newton. and the stores
hereafter will be open on Wednesday
afternoons. Most of the halt -holidays
seasonthls have been favored with
Broad jump -Victor F.Iliott •(17 ft.
11 In.), -Dmicau-Seeitay, James Su- Rood wthther th_4.hattkeen greatly Pe-
therland. 10,4111. Yesterday was • glorious day.
Hop. step and PiMp-Victor Elliott
135 ft. 10 in.', Dineen MacKay, James
" Pole eatilt-Vkitor
Shot put. 12 lbs. -Reginald Maher
(36 ft-JAIn. James Sutheelaid.
100 yards -Roy Err ingtoa
' -
• •
ere.), William Sutherland.
220 yarde--Koy Errington (281-5
• William Sutherland, James Jobs -
440 yards -Roy Errington min.
13-3 ser.), James Johnston. Ernest
Half -mile --Roy Errington (2 aidn.
82 2-5 sec.,. James Johnston and Ernest
Crawford tie.
High jump-Johu IteLVETI (4 it
• iD 1, Patrick Page. Gum Worthy.
Broad jump -Patrick Page (15 ft.
5it In, William Sutherland, John
Hop. step and Jump -Patrick Page
(33 ft. 9 in. 1. James Johnston, W11-
ii11112 Sutherland.
Pole Vault -Patrick Page (8 ft.
10% 18.1. Gus. Worthli
Shot pit, 12 ib.-Williain r -
land (30 ft. 2% in.). Harry Cook, Rus-
sel Pfrimmer.
a Coievi. W. L. tApiCTtbrillTIES
men's League, held September 23rd. Times. Sunday school at 3 pan.
street to Elgin avenue., An estimate of
street. thence on St. Patrick''t street te -
Plan,. were made for the (semis% sea. Rev. J. It. Rhodes of Exeter oecupied
the cost was made tentatively at 112, 7.7
Waterloo mtrect. and On Waterloo
bazaar. It was decided to redecorate day and also spoke at the Rally Daft 000 to S13.01100a.nriaenend
...II. Netivitiee; whish will moo& a die pulpit of Knox church at both
tlie C. W. T.,-.. recess at Alexandra hog- eter Nob' or the Sunday
minima e s I and laterthe' i niorain 'and venlu vi 1 t Sun-
prepare gapeci."4.1fiewatal9ona:kfeorit
plod and to -mit in -n nevc-floor-rortir- . He was -heard with great
school Id the ' to
Ing of battleship linoleum. Mrs. J. 11. laterest and pleasure on each occasion.
Whitely end Mrs. M. J. Howler being The services in Elam Prerbyterien
stelerjetto14i committee_ leAllialioteed
Anis work. -
street Lotted ehtireh will kw eouducted
by the pastor, Mei. F. W. Craik. Ser.
emu subjects: 11 a.m., "The Soul of a
teliillir4--"Strength tor These
from the junction of. Nelson end Vie-
to,tbe main sewer at *in
elleo streetFol-Elrin Hyaena lwexagedi
favorable ronfillieration. Thin new
sewer as proposed would run front Vic-
toria street on Nel@on
etteeele itiongl`htireh Street to Colborne
to -e
the proposed work.
.1nother proposal was the grading
and maettelamIzIng of a number of
ehgreh-..eg sudsy. nett .leill be cola- roads In the town
- athe pblic wh-
nd ukg77▪ -
' . dueled 44 Rev-. IX -J, -Lome- D-As_.11iir eommittee and the xpeetirreonibilftee or -7'. •
newly- laitikicti41 mluister. In the morn- in orn- t rennet] were asked to take up this
AT MISSIONARY CONGRESS lug Mr. Lane will preach his introduc- matter In conjunction and report as to
them. je:rgreentreeksontowbehicuhntft.it
Craik. emirs. DuMn. J. E. Ilarnwell. ject will be "One More Mile." Suuday skalds. fa ram Mit mirk work
Rev. Geo. T. Watt.. Rev. F. W. tiny sernionand in the evening his sub-
( P•ur- rwtakienild whellithe
IA, lei:. Mr. wad itrs. Wm. Rivet. The long-teeneeted visit of Archbishop carried ant In ronflietion with the un.
and Mrs: M. W. Howell are at Tor -
Williams to St. George's church, poet- employment relief orheme of the Fed-
onto this week attending the Visited peflied bei -use of the Archbishop's Ill- eral and Provincial
Chum)) Miseionary• eongrees. This ness. from which he Is now happily . -4
great gatheri,g. whose eepsione are recovered, will take place. on Sunday,
hf44-111- MitIpler HRH, ix tO arktrefmed Ottotasr Ilth. On this occasion HU
by Dr. Tordilloi. Ktimiwa, the ransom( Grave will conduct contirmatiou and
leader of the -Kingdom of Owl move- will dedleate the new baptistry mid
11011001'01i windows,
street unittd .road_ioodrrich township, rePtorta_a BIM' - -
. . trolnilit to this office on Tnemlai a po.
tato /stalk A feet A inchen In length
which grew In Ids garden.
Mr. Wm. Jennings, of the Hayfield
Mr. Ben Lindsay. Cameron street,
GREAT Gnaw= -
t o-
nion- in Japan. _
: 11'',.. : t - olterites at North
church next 011110aft.W1ii be. conducted
first 4;xxlerleh troop of Roy Scouts held the .morning servkmOhe saerame,ut s over 11 ft. 7 in. In lentil!
. -.--,,cis
Its regular meeting in Macand witli a head 15 in.- in width, and r
Kay Hall, the Lord's Supper will be observed.
The pastor's subject will be "A Sha
nother 10 it. 3 In. In length and over
tel Ordained." The subjecte
at the 114 inches in width of head. - I
s-aeryrTtiLete Sawillvlhatron"?': l'ifinind"ani"y sehNeoo.l TE
at 3 p.m.
commission on Thursday evening 'not
At the meeting of the water and light --
Next Sunday morning at the Baptist
a-pplications for three electrie range r'''
church tbere will be a rally sereice xerores were passed. The.e were for („A .
Program of Races
.130111s Club Announces F
Events for Boys of Diff-
erent Ages
The annual ThanioigivIng Day foot-
races.will again be eondueted this year
under the direction of the Lions Club,
The program will eommenee at 10
'elm* a.m. on the Square, on Monday,
October 12th. and in addition to the
aratenee run for senior boys there will
be three other events to take in boys
of different ages. In the Monday night local tourna-
ment the winners were Cline. Black
The main event, for boy* under
and J Johnston. •
twenty year* of age, will be as follows:
Starting at the court house. proceed by
rrily of Hamilton and Victoria streets
to the river terrace, turn right and fon
Ow e Blue Water Highway tbrough
Raltford. up Dunlop's Hill and around
the curve to the right, eontinue straight
at fdeoilagesol.orawer-toe444,1rtth
Appirards--Cbarles Jerry (121-5 corner. turn right and follow road to
oTillirCtill11111r111Wftsk-'+4.4verolataftrforn rislia-Aq.,,esamos*.and.
return to court hotme via Victoria and
220 yard* --Charles Jeff7- (rlacc.).
Hamilton Mmes.
Philip Carter, NormanCralk.
Half-nalle--Cbarles Jerry (2 min. Tice eeeond event will he for hors
37 1-5 pee. 1, Norman Cralk, A. Vroo-
Mr. John (1
Kenny and
INYIFIellaS OUT AN reliCP, roir 8
VICE lawn CIATiiii-fiiier Ashfield and (ftsierich.
Ian night from the neU111 Wednesday MIAS MoMtt left on Monday
eirenhIg progriste, and, the ionoratioir for Toronto. where she will be engaged
proved so popular that nearly
d000kaishgr..44a-be secure re-- members with the I' ited Ch h
ntif-i in emial Perch* work -in ennnection
with Scoutmaster Watson in charge.
The meeting wam opened at 7.30 with
flag -break and Scout silence. After
this Inspection of the four paffilri was
carried out by the Scoutmaster. It was
found that the Owls were ahead With
44 points and the Wolves second with
42. After inmpeetion four lively games
were played by the. .Itoys. Arrange-
ment* were made for a hike on Sat-
urday. October 3rd. At 9 o'clock the
meeting was brought to a close by As -
The regYilkir Meriting -Of tWi
Ow,. was held In the basement of the
Haw ist reorreirms Teneedny night
meeting was epened at 7.311 try Ate
sisteent-tlibtuaster Glen Lodge. The
took pert in the play. The players Mr. Simon Stelaisifsggwjasa,..4;s•Lough- 14,30 the meeting was brought to a
evening ea. spent in playing games. At
were drawn In rinks of three each, lin and Mr. Lennon O'Loughlin, of De- ,e0„,..
hut individual scores were kept, had troll-. attended the funeral of Rev%
twelve prizes were awarded .on the Fater Hogan et Rinnbridle.
twwtw et the- intfteittual Weft*. Mae Jean Winter, B.A., who spent
Wes. bite with three wins and a the past year at the College of Educe,
plus of 20 to his eredlt, had first non. Toronto. has returned to the city
choice of the prizes. and the remain- to rake a position on the staff of York
Ing prizes went to the following, Itlernorial Colleglite Institute.
Witli the opening of the universities
and colleges, many young men awl
women have left within the past week
to pursue their studies at the 'higher
Brunt. P. Binet. S. D. Croft. Wm. hY- assisted in the clinic for crippled child -
Miss Margaret Strang. of Toronto, Szmitx, min martraret neddht. perry
institutions of learning. Miss Helen
named:order as o .Johnston, Fred
minds. Albert Taylor. Lorne Yonne, J. ren at eleaforth on Saturday and spent __
Mheardown, Morrioon ISaker and W11 -
Newcombe. J. 11. Lauder, Geo. Sy- Sunday here with her sisters. the Ilam Baker have returned 10 the
=owls. Jos. Bomber. Misses Helen and Mabel Strang. rnireraity of Toronto and Miss
Miss Florence Mooney. who . Catherine Sale to Trinity College, Tor -
the holiday term with relativeasPenin
onto. -Will Weisner, Bert McManus,
Dobai] 31urison and Miss Catherine
High jump-Doward Wilkins 1411.
10% ini, -William Craig. William
Broad Hmp-William Craig 414 ft.
714 in.). Howard Wilkins, Norman
Hop, step and jump-Williasit Crate
(30 ft. 11 In.), Howard Wilkins, Philip
- - -
Pole vault -William Craig (711. 5%
in. r, Philip Carter.
Shot put. 8 lbs- William Craig
(31 ft 4 IA Naftel. N. Car-
under fourteen years. and the Course'
one lap of the Square.
The thirst event, for boys nnder six-
teen yearo. will he twIcenround the
The fourth event will be for boys
under eighteen and the court.* 0111 be
as follows: Starting at Cralwrie'm rorner
on the /Square, out Kingston street and
along Elgin avenue and Toronto street
to the pillars, turn right and proeeed
by way of Britannia rot' to South
street. turn right to the Square. turn
right and proceed around Square to the
starting point at (ratifies corner,
rick. The uonal valuable prizeo are be
ilott intermediate. Roy Errington:
holler, William Craig.
Hop. step and jeimp-F.Ileen O'Brien
(214 ft Ruth Meirney Marjory Deer.
. .
Blanding broad jump -Marjory Doer
(7 (t. 21A In.), Grace Mason, Eileen
High inme--Elleen O'Brien (4 Pc
2 In.). Ruth Mummy. Marjory Doer.
75-yord dash -Eileen O'Brien (9
4-5 ow Marjory Daer, Ruby Erring-
Target throwing -Marjory Doer. Ru-
by Errington. Inotwelle Tyndall.
Throwing haeket-hell tacenracyl-
Margaret Elliott. Eileen O'Brien. Au-
drey Wieland.
Throwing brisket -ball Miotancel-
Isabelle Tyndall (55 ft 4 Int Mar-
jory Doer. Ruby F.rrington.
Throwing soft-bail-builwelle Tyndall
(120 ft, in.). nutty Errington. Steve
Merton. -
•nril Jnmp ism Wein* (25
ft A in DoneiSa licklianta, Joan Lees
Amami -Wine tints
of the congregation and the Bible
acimot at 11 m A Kiwis church. alltrilie. Colborne street;
has been arranged and there will be
'Peelz' wry's' Albert E. Harker's residence, Barfield
a chete of Sunday school popila.
pastor, Rev. W. T. Bunt:will take for
Church School. or Eneoursgement to
Rible nehool Workers." 111Bilar aer-
vire. at 7 p.m. Subject: "Grace and
road, and F. H. Spence's house on St -
tleorge's Crescent. The superinten-
ns ectri-e. lighting service for Jen
rpt Martin, Hayfield road. It weskits.
to bate the serviee' !petalled oa Pro
Glory. The sacrament et the Lord's Mr. Martin's palming proper contract
Supper will be odruhAriatitift.tsArxmac
lose et the ere:IWO jir""filgalk-31011allrae
The gemi-oruntal meeting of tho-Mnit- - Tbe 49418v °11 "/ Herbert'
Mon -hi Colborne township, was la
byterian Church In Canada will 1m held
land Preebyterial W.M.R. of the Pent-.
meriting. 11 Is sitpposed that sparks
grave danger of deetructIon by lire this hb
n rew s Presbyterian church.
from the chimney caught on the root ,,...
Winghain. on Thureday. Oetober flotnh._
II( re aom) anthem took fire. Mrs. Mr -
and minion bands will take pnrt in the
oting women', and girbelorgenizeti e n. . ' ' .
rls with pails of water kept the fire
program. Mos. Linklater. of Teeswater. dili::::::"Tifi-ienrilrtrhnwind :.:Plii:Z7.---k-
*111 conduct the question drawer. All
K7lenlie/i 81111:11: tbIlina7teth"e:::
are eordially invited to be present.
and minion bands in the Presbytery
, ,• fightere were in _Wm. tO ere‘Peit thhi. 4--=----
wla'ffseditctinygerely. .
young women's and girls' organization'
memberri of the W.M.S. and leaders of
of the sprtiati Of the conflagration to
the barns. hut fortunatrdy the 5re- --*-
her relative*Atere before returning on
" Crolvford have returned to the Unlrer- Make Blue ater
PETRIE-REED pity of Western Ontario at London, and
Monday tfliSt. TheMaa, Where she is
r. on' . A. (bran motored.' &tit
1Harold Breekow, Kenneth Hunter
OD Saturday, September on, of Lily
Olivia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jaeob were the goe.t. of Mrs. 4iiinn'is aunt. year 'at Western. Ed. Rodger Is
The wedding was solemnized at the tho atiar a Atm, {Wk."; anii
Lynn Crawford are vutertag
--'----/Tirerihers who were norkInill Etneet
Mitehell's, nearby. gave great amid-
ailee in extInmilshing the fire.
ole •
North atreet United church par on rnefr ti r,airirilww
(r Blind River. (Mt.. toVioderieh and beginning a course at Queens, King-
--44eiewese Allestreqetereeefsfriersi"'
ePb Amin Petrie., Reed Aahlle p,4uuJ.114j4 4....son ST Mr. aDlli Mrs. mother. Mrs. Andrews, and
former G. C. I. stud(•nts, lire f.ntering
MeMasder 1 'Over
onto m1441-mrsZt"illiMallieellibigilltrRPTPrIll days with them"rrn.rwrilL "Minn" is "king a course
in the city. In theology at Mc -Master. Miss Eunice
Mr. John Elliott, of London, was In Lamb has returned to her work He In
town for • few days fhb( week visiting otructor in Spanish or University Col-
lege, Toronto.
friend.. He has returned recently
from a trip to North Dakota and Man-
itoba. where he spent several Weeks
visiting relative.) and Ofd -Mend* of
bygone days ifi Huron and Bruce. He
promise* Ronte notes of bit trip for an
early issue of. The Signal.
Mrs. D. Mciturchy left this week for
Tpheeto, where she will live with her
daughter. Mr, Woraell. She vows ,s4
companied to the city by her daughter
Mrs. Stannard, who had been with her
here fur some weeks and who will Malt
In Toronto for a while before relliarn:
Ing to her kerne In California. Mrs.
-to-tier TIMM
onto last week after an (•xteralksi visit
with her mother here.
Ilias Mabel Tom. who has been
spending several months at her old
hone here, leaves on Monday next, ac-
companied by her mother, Mrs. J. E.
Tom, for Toronto. where Mrs,. Tom will
remain for the winter with her daugh-
ter Hr. Mary Tom. Mint Tom will go
on to New York to spend some time
with her winter Mina Jean and will sail
about the end of the month from Van-
chtiver for China. where she will re-
sume her pooltion in the Union Medi -
cal College at Peking.
John W. Petrie, also of Amhfield. Rev.
ireolrAINNtwirffttrerrririfirir7fner Ary
In the presence of the parents of both
bride and groom. The bride who was
unattended, was lovely in her wedding
gown of shell pink georgette and lace.
She carried a shower bouquet of sweet-
heart news ami wore the gift of the
groom, a necklace of pearl'. After the
wedding dinner Mr. and Mrs. Petrie
left by motor for Niagara Faiib. The
bride' costume was an ensemble of
dreaden green with green chonga eoat
with wolf trimmings and chic black felt
hat. On their return Mr. and Mrs.
Petrie will reside -15 Aitillelaf teal:441W
A pretty autnron wedding was solenet
nixed at the !tome of Mrs. Wilson Hem-
et Lneknfror o Wednerelfaidiew
tember 23. at 4.30 o'clock. when tier
daughter. Florence -Louisa. was -united
In marriage to Mr. Frederick Allen
Bridle. of Goderieh, son of Mr. and
Mrs. W. T. Bridle. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. ('harles MeDonald
tinder an arch of evergreens and
antnmn flowers. In the preftenee of re.
latices and friends. The wedding music
was played by Mrs, T. F. Donnellv.
aunt of the bride. The bride was
charming in her bridal gown of white
flatte erepe end rimiest a shower bou-
quet of valley lilies and asters. Miss
Mary Hamilton. sister of the bridc. was
bridesmaid and wore a becoming drew)
re then pink crisps and carried a bou-
quet of rioter* The groom was attended
by his brother, Mr Reg. Moine of
Goderich. The groom's gift to the
bridesmaid was a (Impact, to the
grrnon.man gold euff-links. and to the
pianist a nreklaee with crystal pend-
ant. Following the rersmonr. dinner
was nerved. after which the, young
couple left by motnr. The bride's go.
Ing away coatnewe vows a
green atilt with hat and seresolories
match. Mr. and Mrs. Bridle will re.
Aida la-Glotiorkli.
be on display ',horny.
Entriea should be handed to Mr D.
1. Hill, of the Collegiate institute staff,
or Mr. 1. D. Eastman. of the Royal
Bank. before Friday noon. October 9th.
-Standing broad jump -Ida Elliott
(6 ft. R in.), isa Sarin.. Georgina
1110 bine-Phyllis Taylor (3ft.
11 la.). Willa notion, tioorgina Ryan.
• 50 -yard danh-Ramowi Whitely
(7 nee.). Jean Thompoon. Phyllls Tay-
Target th row ing-lotry Harrison.
Marion Raines, Jean Whiteside.
Throwing baaket-hall (aecursey)-
Norah Costello. Lucy Harriman. Joan
Throwing Minket-hall 011ettaneol-
Gladye Morgan (50 ft. 3 Ini, Eleonor
Tyndall. Margaret Macaulay.
Throwing anft-hall -Vera McLeod
(12n ft. A In.), Fleenor Tyndall, Rnth
Relay enc., - Form,. 11114t. Ink lie.
championship* rienior, Eliseo Cr
1111P11: 11411 Indio arid !Ale,
Morrison Lint
The contract for 100 feet of eribwork
I at the east end of the harbor has been
awarded by the Federal Department
of Piddle Works fo the Kelly Construe
tion• Company (.4 Toronto, at it Rents
of about /43.250 it is evtrecteel that
work nn the contract will he com
mewed very shortly and that it w411
give employment to a score of men for
few weeks Mr Kelly la in town
today making arrangements for the
startles of the work.
) - upospekitikkot
With thirty-one patients. and fifteen
medical men in attendance. the ehild-
ren's clinic held in th,e Scott Memorial
hottpital. Ketiforth, on gaturday last
had gratifying reoults. Dr. 1). F. Hob-
ertrion, chief attrition 'of the Sink Chinn
ren's Wripital, Toronto, had charge,,of
tbe etthle with Dr. Slaeklin of God.
erich.and Dr. ROW( of • gesforth In
charge of eye cameo. The general ar-
rangements were made by the Lions
Chiba of Meeforth and firiderieh rind xi,:
behalf of the Ontarlq Society for ('rip -
pied Children. While it Is Impossible, to
glee details of the mimeo which eame
before MP ellhle, It can be Field that
splendid result. were obtoilned in d011li•
Ing wlth the aliments and disabilitlea
of thechildren who were presented.
In a number of cage.. the patients
were children who had been is -fore the
clink.- held last year. and the improve-
ment Amin was vronderfnl. Dr. Rob-
ertooll and other vialting-thrtora were
entertained by the thins Club at a dhp
ner In the commercial hotel. -
The weather has been, somewhat
cooler the past week. The temperaftrrem
as recorded by the om.lal weather ob-
server. Mr. .i. F. %itchwith those of
the corresponding week of 1930. were
/a follows:
19.11 1930
Mirc. Min. Mas Min.
Thnra.. Sept. '24 ..11A 45 73 5.3
Frl.. Sept 2.1 114 42 78 07
Mat. Sept. 26 43 -419,-57
Rin. Mept. 27 49 . •1111 .111
Mon Sept 2/4 114 3g ' no --IMP
Tit,* S.pt. 26 44 54 47
wee., Kept ao.„._ap 4A 53 44
Thefttr. Robt. P. ituritam,firrived on
obilay from lb
.ConitstilnalOw tra• A-tt--"tilLivifffirsso oHitti,k411-41100 busht4liklioer
Improving Conditions of Road Vl beta for: till
'efirjrfirrinndPIIVILELeX411,4 eXPetraletieci-thia.
a -eek with a car1,o. of wheat for the .
The Or. Brill; was in harbor for a
few bouts today In order to allow her
skipper, Captalq Rod. Leonard, an op-
portunity of vlitittne MN Mr/flier, Mrs.
.htt. Leornerit witole siertomity 11) at her
home here. The Brulin wan -on Its way,
lightirii.eti.t:firFreftortuWir4141111riapmx.. charm, ant and . ', ...
hot) meows, escorted hy the !nom W. L.
Forrest awl Dorothy May, were In port
on Travoloy taking on. r Oil 1...,TInTneses
iiii..thrli wayfromt'ollingwood to tin
lower Lakes, where it i* underotood
taken np at the annual fall meeting there ix some workvr
of the Association to he held at Owen - them:
on netriber 1ST: Al - IT trial - M. A-COU1ORNE TOWNSHIP1n-RA-TILE
‘- '
the county entinella, the remedy.for the town hall yesterday and, beard evideTh.Anneede, :s
oltnatioli lay.' In Mr. Ferguson's opin littwo related.cantS from the Maitland
lon, In the taking over of the void by conceitsion of Colt:ior,ntie:iit::..wrii:Imiiatari's
the Trovinee.,lo which end the irlftwta trouble arose (WM' 110.1 bi1/1041 ro-
. '
the Association Would, pyobelikjothe, te.niftvilitrj• ;04 iNme„rmiikiii into 110, npighbors. 1,,-
A proposal for the illumination of : flekis,and devour their corn And man- ..t.
the twin elos•k, to render it morenon Imes. The neighbor), threatened to ins- If
fnl fo eitinens And visitors, iiirss ms. , pound the offending animals and It will
rim", and was sent on to the town while an attempt was being made to
ronnell. The civi. anthoritleo aloo,will i take some of Allin's cattle to poop&
be Asked to have a sign or tablet ' last Friday morning that a battle en -
placed at the ennnott on I.Ighthottee sued, with the result that le eharge was
honk treeing the historical fottisires in ; laid against Allin for an alleged are
connection therewith. The -member for. molt upon Lawrence :Snyder. Later • ,.
North Huron will be asked to toe horse belonging to Allin fleVelePed par- -
hie infinenee to secure‘from the histor- ahs. -is of the jaw. the resultit was
lea) boreau nt Ottawa a plaque to !WI charged. of improper and cniel treat- ii
placed on the pillars on the Tiny -in; ment. and a charge of cruelty to an-
rnod I imais was !AM In the first place again. -
Thi' question of unemployment wast Sep of Attires neighhore.attel eventnally
dieseuseed in various phases The apedagainst. Dan Schwan, alone. Evidence
rotary wo• asked to write the heads R on both ehorire't was heard yesterday
the local manufnetnring establishments Anil an Adjournment was made to Oe-
sogeeolne that as far as tinintible In tober 7th
engaging labor note one worker free
a fwatitWile einselnyeel. In /wrier that the
henefita nf employment may he dint -l.
Mired among the largest prawn** mim-
her of- frailties. ......
.. ..
--=--Board of -Wade Neat-
. At the regular monthly meeting of
the Board of Trade, held at the town
hall on Monday evening, several mat-
ters of Importance to the interests of
the town were up for consideration...
A- letter liras recrived. from the sete
retary of the Rlue Water Highway Ars-
Nociation at Sarnia In reply to a letter
from the eecretary of the Goderieh
Board drawing -attention to the Multi
isfaetory condition -of Mime portion* of
the_thrhway. Mr. Ferguson admitted
the contilifons ireire1.04
promised that the swatter would he
We regret to report that Mr.
4 ham iilestPw. of filoweeetter Terrell!'
el.( les14 411 W I 91 an -14feetl_g
-•••••Atimi.0111.111....q.wnorsingra....1* rellejapirome,••••-• .........1141,04.11M•111111...11rosat.“ r
; .7"Aorrirea.44.•-".
**, £,,,'t 'r-'.. 1,41,W 7,--sarr