HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1931-9-3, Page 8Thureday. Scptewbt•r 3rd. 19'd1
LEEBURN onto. Mr. Rind, tr., died twenty years W. Lane, Goderich; Mary Ann Lase OBITUARY
Later -Reed Reunion ago' Liget AsLAeld : (bark. Stewart. l;
LEEB►'RN, Sept. 2. -Mite. R. Mason ; • At the dui ebeen W. P. Reed acted K. 3, Lu.kuuw ; Mrs Adam !roster, E.
and two eons, who hate been spending Wes Uniq ie Event ae chairman, welnor to he the aompthe E. re, R. d, rit. L. Rete, rotting,Tilie
bulldays with her parents, Mr. rod and preying honor to the Burets of the *rare, R. Morrison, R. Htandts�t, Mrs. Buda death titcprrsd at Brantford on
Mea A Clutton, �e termed to Torouto dry• of whom he meld all had reason to T. fiquirll, )flys. C. Sauderron. Mre. H. 7, Aoguat 2erd, of Alezandatr Ma
be proud. Mr.. Heed, tlrart Introduced, J. heed, C. Sanderson, Mr. and Mrs.Lea• former rrsfdest of Oerderlch
Peet Tbureday, panted by her I expressed her kindest love for 'all T. Sealy, R. G. Reynolds, Goderich, M.
=other ,ad hr9tLrr Hett■11tvQ,. t! are
Dssosp.dsi� of ��eld PlOneetf hat'. bore." She said it was one of and Mrs. W.A. Liter APO Etta Lane,
slwiidtng • few days taking In the l Qoi1ior trot('Par and' Near- ` the happiest momenta of her life. Ripley ; C. D. Mt -Leung'', l+ditb Me-
alglite at the Exhibition. This is a unique occasion, the lhuiagb, Mr. and lire !awry Andrew,
Meeere. Arthur Plerien, Franklin Mfrs. Need Honored I ritrlity-aevruth birthday of my only Mn W. H. Reed, R.R. 3, Luaknow ;
Tort4te and We- Moore motored to i sister, surrounded by over one hundred Rebecca Reed. Mrs. W. I'. Red. Rob -
Toronto or, Smn.la}' to attend the ',--
linen . - -->H�,. ll�.,�1�D tai gift beautiful day and ert Audraw', Margaret Andrew, Mr.
4 -kin-LaMMtif111�'Keg odd..7Mllitotes'sat--one thateti.u..o'i'••ile11IZ -�lk='e:.
- ietrw..:Aiev"Tio ten_ lair- -- ry firra(nae. isle
Wive spent a few days the tiegfuuing Mary Ami Lane heed. aged eighty Ani 1' at ea•r age. Look at the snap nor, r ,are ne
-- et m e t, tau- t+► tiw• d1i►- sLocki �•' alt9 tlrtt[lter, t\`t111. ' bet ervirli tr liar i to rttr'-tttep. -tthe' cite-febt*•Yttilem-Jerk-Anna. Ysi-.thigh
farmer's daughter, Mn. M. Locke.
Mies Ruth Shaw retnried t�
nee' righty, rt Hsri'or Park of Het- tylia. along just like r girl. She'll Rutherford. Mrs. Richard l:ardnrr, Mr.
school in Toronto this week. +++ d f -A- 7d 22 1 1 OM a boost refiner azul remembers. A and. Mrs, U. L. Treleaven, Lucknow ;
t dal -tis much sometimes I lir.
Local Talent in
"College Flapper',
">od Al,isotber-ta-law oaf Mrs. ('gala Pal' I Lions Club Bhow Goes Over Big!
tenon of this town. Mr. and Mrs.I
Patterson attended Chi funeral, which ! at Capital Theatre -Crippled SALE OF 3.ANDB PvR ARREARS
took plate at Brantford August 25th. Ohild en's !runt Wlll BenefitO/ TAXES.
Rev, Dr. A. T. Barr of Central Pres-
byterlan church conducted the fun- -The l'ollege Flapper," prrreutrd
era! services and the pallbearers were last Thursday and Friday evfntuss 1s Town of Goderich, ('aunty of Huron,
J. Poatlethwgite, Carl La Atun4 ]ter the !'appal Theatre. '1t. ur,kes to •Wit WillIESg,. (i1Vi.\ fief -�.
may: Alfred Gilliam, i. Of ilw Llunx,�'Iiir ' s.''• » y .' ' �� , o e to be wed _ _ _.
-and -Ru■eoe Hunt. interment rtlr-'Mtpptetl v'hildre r`
!lig ill )Lnnnt Hage cemetery. A carie c, lion by larg autllrtuee 1L191? u - arrears of Lytes In the 'rowu of
number of floral offerings from rela- !tae. of the t'niverritl Producing ('oro- rich-likkl"'b Tl `DRD•red and U ^+-
ttve* and friends were tokens of syn- many, directed the cart, which In- being published In an advertisement in
thy and respect. tended- Over due hundred lolwl.people• the Ontario Gazette, upon the 29th
The three -act (-tamely "The College day of August and the 5th, 12th and
R. A. WALKER Flapper" provided no end of loughs 19th days of September, 1931.
The death of Robert Adam Walker, and puzzling ',Runtime. and at no Owe Copies of such list or advertisement
member of it well-known Burma e.uuty did lutereet lag in the doings of Jerry, I may be had upon application to me.
family, occurred August !inti in 8t. the star .football player situ, strait in default of payment of taxes and
Joseph's hospital, Toronto, following an lot being die•harged from the team in I rants as shown on said Inst, on or be.
operation. Deceased war In his sixty- i tense he was shout to tx found in fore the Tet day nt November. 19:11. at
first year and fur thirty years had been � one of Inc sorority houses, decided to the hour of 1.30 o'clock to the afternoon;
un the staff of Osgoode Ball; Toronto. impersonate the new housemother who 1 shall at that time. at the Town Hall,
He is survived by his wife and nue' was etptvted the ted tang day. Many 1(isharlrh, Ontario• proceed to sell by
daughter, Mrs. lLr.', Harry Rothwell were;the unexpected tangles which re- piddle auction the said 'nude to pay
of St. Petersburg, Fla.; also by eve suited, making it a play not easy to Ruch arrears. together with the charges'
brothers and one sister, George, Jack- • forget. The characters were a• Lot• thereon.
son and Mrs. E. J. Anderson -et Tor- lofts: Jerry, star football plscer, Nclt i T.. L. KNOX.
oto, Wesley of Goderich, liaae autI Rale: GentRe. Jerry's friend. ml" Treasurer. Town of anderieh.
Faisha of %%Ingham. The remains were I Stnrly : Nellie. freshman girl. Indight Treasurer's Office. Town of andel-1,h
brought to Wingham fur burial, the � Moult ; Jean. Jerry's girl. Helen fav- ,
funeral on Sunday, August 23rd, being Its: Mary. snrnrter-president. Gertrude
o r. The pal_ _ _ ors ,e'nr[e. ne heel . : r tliltir. . :
were four brothers. Jackson. Eliehn. ; William Tht mson : Monk,. footbail In OST. --.A t'Lt It !Let; BETWEEN ••
IIsaac and Wesley. and A. A. Fleming , trainer. Dooming Nairn : foethall cnsrh. ! lzss thelerkh and ('lintel'. Finder leave
of Chatham and Mr. Morrison of Lon- I Fred ('rich' Ratter lewd ERR Man from at W. 'WRNS RHOS STORE. and
don. Rev. .George Kersey, of the 'Omaha, Mr. llir,14•Tiln'kstone: Pre- receive a new chub bag at reward.
United church, was the officiating I femur Gsddf•. Mr Frank Darrow:
tar a) - u ternuuu. ugus --ne . when and Mrs. C. L. Treleaven, . eR
Both our day-wrhnnls. No. 5 and Nn. nearly Vet It' eiid,uils tat the hen - thIf�iik `ilio Ifkrs to tlleruse farminK• Yi rl' ('117: Rev. and Mrs. Andrew Lase
9, reopened on Tuesday atter the holt- and Reed families gathered in annual Iedttfcc, gardtninK, but her {x•t suhlart til Mary Late. Forest: Mr. and Mrs.
days. Both have new Rechers, lits reunion. Ti, pienh was an oatstaud-'is church government She is a crack- Robert Itavidson.-R.'Allan Reed. Al'
Hazel Wptkin' at No. 5 and Mt" I iug aid unique event In more WAY" erjack at that. 1 am sure we all hope lan Re'wi. Edythe ]tae Alton. Merle
Isabel ('he.nnt at No. A. I than one. Mrs. Rteal,...e wonderfully to meet her here next year and I . Fern .Alton. J. C. Alton. Lilt Reed.
Our High .asahQol students have gone',
baik to school. Dove Horton and
Francis T.Iuklater have entered on their
Asst term at the G. C. 1.
Mr. Johnny Farrlah left on Wetlne•'
day with the Godertrh hand for To,
onto talc to play the foliating
We hope they tome bark with a good 'I
Miss Olive_ Tichhorne. of (ktderlch. 1
wa• a guest in our hurg _Rn 11_ Jsy_li
also Miaa Fv.•ly,, Horton, bogie lar•i
Exeter. Sept. 2. -Th. -r' 1s a-iunve-
IDent in F.xrter. sn rt•rl by a strong
the C.N.R. tralnt reveredat b.•Ite felt
that the running of the: train moth in
the morning and, the afternoon train
month. Instead of two trains each wee'
' daily. fa not a*ttilnr'tnrc 'mut-tt the
.. r,h•e must h'•-rnrta
order womld he less .ohleetinnahb'.
. . The nice -thing about.a bad start is
� that It gives one more to boast about
after ltr-gets ahe,d.
rt won ilses, e•i ass s••n► rpn wi.h !,er 1pynr Ale-
many at seventy or. even -atzty years; more- yearsof nappy life:" ' L
and her brother William headed the William Bailie said the t•vent was :cd
timid_ list after lupe-Men, nt d{'jyeh ..J•t.l-Inter day for him. f,3r he bas and
much history was recalled anti there les ii, it-frleitei nf- the Labe 1iid Rent' leu
_�yuaat-_spentkling of repartee. famine. for many veterr. He didn't '1'. S.
Kitting on the lett of Slt'. Lem was always nitre.. with William. he said,'1bask.
Thetins' Courtier, a. • cbitdhuod play- but -11.- any- thing*. in a war you scion Jun.
[tate pt the honored guests. when they !fencer." Mr. Bailie teen -Merl his fell- Rt'ed,
Pens at $1.50, in all colors
Pencils at $1.00, in
all colors
Also Parker's, Waterman's,
and Schaeffer's, at
$2.75 up
• r COLE'S'
litedl near in
Trunk Railway was built from. Tor, raiseel a family that was al' credit to •-hurt'
unto to Montreal. The railway runs I,.•r. - - \1'illta
through both the-Liine MAY Courtice' John Cook. ramta?rom Saekatchewnn • Mrs.
3omeet ads._ Aar ('.turtle.- 1 ow resides for the reunion. na 01.1 T. g Revel, who ler.
with his sera te1L_thwllttreu total. , lire'- at 7 nliilie. In the. aline npronet. , tele-
. et et L e jr�ly ' ft -nth weriefiI Rawl eplrufo. AtthoURht eetmta
�`,�� (tr t91ie to etcarfwru town- "aid their se etion of the country was : Fret
T15F taA' ,..,rtreil with send." -r"- - now
tap from lh• Athlre, Englund. and in Thmmr Cmttti.e told. "ft
d .nminR to liar
hili! moved tet Ashoeid. w'illuam I.uu, \shtts1d nn hla waiting trip. M resit , :ou,
wake clerk of the (uw'ushit� et etie kd ty•
t�jane family a r, a
for tight yl' art?`itnfi for drlrin.- thrmrgh fins • i ,
nett nntt"fofnu's: •``en ' .--' lc
Co. La ] y- h.• cis years to-wlerdch and ! d!Pp" He r.•,•a11.r1 many lnridenta of .t-41
far twotfoiut• ye In' war *runty',h(elen.hrwwl days anent with W111iam Al.
ricer mot for ten yenta true+neer. wo, Lane and paid high enmpilment to him E. F
retired tour ).a:n aC". He Imo two' end to iia eist.•r. , ttnft
encs, Douglas Sttewart of Vancouver.:' Rrv. :1' ' .'w• .T.an••, of Fnr••t. wn.. Ntnn
A Itlst. ' uud- t'ha::. of Detroit. Another siw'eker who'extendcd felietta-
eleutitst. .A ,yen, 14.r., ta':ta killed In the 13„ 1, a neph• w of William Leine boll R..
Great War: ' and n hrnthtr of Tier!' David Trane. r ..
Weet Mrs. Raved has !teed in Aslttirld arse!Mr
t'am'st for seventy-three Wife of Rarer • ..f tr
geese x- -'-t k rt.ig rime Set. t•..y- miler :;. '.yt. u»Jack, Ainre,
the lath toncaRslen td 1sTitlrld, and is T:- errttt• Latae, J. C.. Alton. Heiel
one of 1110 tewnsl,i{i. t1,oLleluR'd'11T - '-Girls under :• years-Lh'ria'teed. i tent',
• .• Wi11Lain 1'. of i Mayr Labe Fairbulu, Mary Lane. ' lire
hitrknnw. Richard 1.. ,if hiyl.r4h. Mrs.I Boys: tinder- 12 years-:1vin KoW1,1•have:
- trine ..t In.. keen.. Mr- Themes ta„e, t:ar(l1 r• - ••i•n
Dickson of Ashflelel. Mr.. R. W. Rtnv-illy (:iris under --12- -years--Hilda Line. 'danei
t•rinu I4 Winnipeg. Mr-. el•erwood-4rellea-rtimybeill,:etu Alton. - 1. l'
inaskatehewitn and MPlvii: It'•etin9'or--f--ttove aver 10 years---6lrvin
!leen ITowarl. dean of women. Mrs. 1!.�
i; Dunlop: Pr. Seamore. president of
BRIEFS the college. Ji ('ruff Mr' Seine re,
but' Mimi, Mrs. Jacob Reed,_ iiia. Frank Rxnndew: gee. elute prest TE,,
Mrs..1. M. Treleaven -71D. dent. lir. Harry 9tnru1 : ciitrr leyicTer: ' I,F/i}: t
Nazi Monday U Labor Day and a Tenders for' Mirth rivllaRes at the
W. W. Alton, Ripley;.. Mr, Slerhrir peer. P
Malcolm lane. Everett and public holiday. A nnml»-r of r•hlidr.n. renting In SRP Galerich industrial F:xhibitlun, Sola
The Pi nal can give close pricey on from dee to right. with Miaa temis•r 1 and ltf, will 1 e req rived he
Mary MP
BrLeou Head. Cadillac, sourer axles hooka. RAm five
trader. presented eery prettily the uuderRlgnrtl up -to Friday, Neptem-
i . and • lies, Melville Recti, Mr. A. N. Atkinaon will be out of the p geint "Tekr•. M.• P.Ar•k to TtAhy I Iwo nth.
town from 8atnrduc.
tit! Nora !tied, Jlirr Evelyn
until Tuesday' noon. Hel'tembet nth. 1n- land .•' "OuS to the New -Mown Hay"
tau r.. Robert F. Andrew. w is a clever donee r'e a ited by teen- - ACCOUNTANTSiel. daslte.rs inert Reed, White:_ nit. girls In rretty farmen'ttr en.htmr.', xad-.51e hoer!Mary H .A"ersun,nd-ite, spsTiflt saline ►tilt=t�tiAF' CHARTERLD will hold its September meetingin
hrllie. Aorifi, l:. MaDonald.. HrPly that •!cuff AMI 4anrP "RreezfnRl
MacKay Hall on Tuesday afternoon,
ah \Veltrr. Mrs Sttythen Wel Alnn_." and the th'i hltght chorus. Ly Lv1tANK P. t;litBS. C11ARTERED
al l.al_t i'r. G,derl•h: Wtt, Robertson b.iat 4 riled[, Mfrs 31, ii, Meta In long e onsite bean s, sac 1
Rulrrrtson will glue an address .OnAcroununt, Ion Ontario street-
ttcnle _ Sirs. oda 'lfaJct. i ccfjdlne.' "^i t^P :Stratford. Phone 1SRo. Res. 13,101.
Mrs. W. G. Au J.
An Luck- n1A attended the Aarper thorns. MUSIC -
its T. Anderton. c M's vor f. 1'. toe a wnix- nt-the-FtntF .
sienud Jean Ander- " h» Sto ry pets intrrxhired ht. -hesntifltl er.11ege
,aa� ,o,no A. C'amltttelL 1 - - • rials,^, 'rrjar' rflt e4 hr J. W: 1'1•aser a• W B. ROTHWELL.
�toielda. el' nwlthiw. Steatite preeidrnt :.F,. V. dean, Peaches Organist of eKnox Church, Goderich
Hilda. Line. etmrles-AV jnnipeg th �'�`' •••firer StrahttnrdN arms! school
amt.'�1.ar. R � r- � , t -.- Ile..___. Pace".r.'.iiANO, TINGING, URGAN
tuw'u in.n : Mr..ub Hard. Sam ('larenrr Walker. rami'na 1111: \fax : ,
Wiii,u..u: ..and Sir Eri, Will Try for Place on CanadiSII' RnMn• eltn[fn[-('ttw: Frank (:allnw.-IPreparatlon fora 1 ezaminatlona of the _-;
Toronto Uon.rnatory of l[utslc
r4. Slaty ow Fairburn, Je - Olympic Team -Citizens Ral- innetcrnt frwhl•tte: �\'n1ter NPwrnmlwe. •Studio-lorntr Wes and Music o�
F. ! joie Hear 'York, Mrs. 1; a igen Row: James A. Camiltell, Mise street. Phone 033.
r:.de old,, ly Lo His Support cienaila : Dr. .1. A. Graham. "perfect •
s!IA": Food Rtntxlc. (9er.{aatrn : i.nwrevirr
Bob" Stoddart. interscholastic pole Mn . Tr da t,1rth del. AU'Cl'10\EERI.\(i
vaulting chrIDpioq of Canada and : ?fr. (:. T.: 1?'n.rib* wee ptanl•t. Rev.
--s-r7111%1 W'
We have odd Used ('ars amounting to $9793.90 during our
short time ares In Goderieh. We leased the premise -
non occupied by rm-tor one year and will eneleeaor to tarry a
good aortnieat et Used Cars at all tunes to all at boort
The splendid s-aluts we are able to offer on 1.441 ('fns and
New Ratteriee, Tines and Tulles and all leading Automobile re-
quirements are matle possible h) a large tur..r at Tillsenhurc.
Delhi and (,oderieh.
Propriet or.
R,H - Al1Tn -'J s
'lirle under-10-,searf-Hilda
iva Capla•11, Fern Alton.. --
Boys over 16 years, unmarAt'd �N
I red Dfrkwon, BeneReed. Art Andrew.' Iatst.
Married men -Clifford Treleaven, e.h it
!letT Reed,-Ladi'F
eett•aren. - ' like
D Treleaven.-. Mrs. Lane Treleaven. t'. (1r,
Mrs. Ida Hackett.
• Ladles' minute race -Mrs. Inane• TO•B:+
a rtee h baun ierp convenor J \. H. MI11•. pre•feient of the Lion. THOMAS OUNDRY, GODERICH. •
.1- COMM' tte' for the Lions rated the second best iu the Dominion. chit, revtewrel the work aeenmpliehed LIVE STOCK AND GENERAL
,1-fie.-{a-Ito--aleld io. the --left teaday-.fn.-Wlnnlir•g Where he will .
and thanked
usrt ew -nen-Mr' (lr +retlldrea . etntllnerl the AUCTIONEER
NEER iu the Olymplc trials to ire wnrlt to he he undertaken Te1?phooe No. 119.
Tu..d y evenfog.
ta �` eniagedihr Royal held !n that city on Iratror Day.
The ihr east and ail thn.n who in env war Sales • atteud.d to anywhere and every
s -ref ht-pieew onDestri. who effort give satisfaction.
dose,' a veep �ut(ens-ftiT" tum"w�itrLlreprecrnt held to make "The College Tlapirr' • Farmers sale nates diaeounted. -
±eaSon at (rend Itend� for the' Canada at the Olympic games to be
mete . talo •.
1 tugs taking part 1n the choruses at their s,;41ga night, from fl to.beld_.,t B1F__Aogv1 s uezt ymtr.
M.s« esti, do but dance• bridge Lob went from G,rdt•rich ter Turuutu, \farinrib M.'TSi'. Margaret RAndy. Beth
pen fd,d meter the convenor- where he will Jona party from Dane \b,n,;„ • lifirerRneehlb7. Froneee Them- pHIROPRACTOIt AND DRUGLESS
• ',Irk"' end, Itnt !tion aF'tlfteen-athtetete +►lter-•w411 mom- +on. N ,. ' •-ir 1a»w R+•ts+ _fames Deu ___, 1 UERAI'IST
The `local Lions.. Club, eieaydy , vete under the crolChf �q Jst«11(ann� Jraw MrT►onald. Rcltlti Goderich, Phone 341.
• the cet.uperatldn. of the ;Ulyiapic !'lob. galke•id. PMs11ta rri•atrk. Evelyn Re i Equlpptd with electro -magnetic
Goderich and vicinity in the euntributtd liberally to ihr expenses (Inv Mildred \f
Nildr•enny. (!tire Hill.- Ger. baths. Electronic treatments
11 wtlittd like to be their hostR of the trip, the list of douors being an trick Wheeler Andrer W1elsn4. Mar-' and chiropractic. Chronic, organic and
, ee stop Those who would Lahore' tier• Cs1Aih, liildrerl .
13arlatr ______ I nervousdiaeaaea Lady
_ in attendance.
teflon* are ,,,kev) to telephone •. i_,. A Heitman. J. Antonio, A.' 11 Kt rn nem. TbP non 'pin."'pin."Office Doan 2 to 5. and 7 to 9 p.m
(' the It nlToa riiffinllTTr{ rlIflPT- 81TR. l'. Archer. W. TAfiery.
cornea., '(LrArb Murray'. Vancve t'rerlfe.r'eD(istt 1Nonday and Thursday ane
or Lion G. L. Parsnme-- Bropbey Iowa.. G. W. Baet:bler. • Marr ''-Rlnnon. Beedelee Pete. F41th - Dy appointment.
Baker & Aiuslee, Bedford Hotel, w. a„rnfleki. Nonle nerlow. Reelnelel A. N. ATEIN80.
Residence and
office -Corner
QL'i`T 11ON. T. L. KENNEDY Bisset. '\'m. Barlow, A. Beaten. Jas. rt.t,,r Regtn•.14 New/sondes Walter rner o!
at•k, R. Bagnall, G.- Irl!,-- w'. J. Nrar•omhh Jn4.n \ t(ean. _Tnl.n Par•nns, South street and Britannia road.
Int .r. ^+ MEDICAL
( e
Wheelbarrow rales-Girvin Reed and }Iout'ThotuaR L. Kennedy. Ontario I Brielges. T pt.'s..., ReyS l.i F stirs t+nice
.A1vtn Reed. LNini;agp} tat TuesdAgriculhtte, Is to visit S. L. Croft. Jas. A. CantStiell, A ,r•r«,ns. Welter Mini. Kenneth 1n k.
Three-legged race ( mixed t -Hilda ; Gonorinh on Tuesday. September 15th.' Cornfield. F. A. ('rich, Craigie pros.. e
' e, ''t the Goderich Industrial Exhi- I rte -le• Rr141r. f t.Arlro P+Prblrr. T.+w•
nd in nyder to mark the a•- O F. Carey & Son, Arthur Curry, J.•C.I r„^,.,, M,,mhr. Wlltlnm Thnm'.c an4 DR. F. J. R. FOR8T1>R,
nd to honor...the Minlster al Carrie, J. W. (*tangle. J. Calvin Cuff,
nnnsi,l McTlnnald. EYE. FAR, NOSE, THROAT
te, being arranged by a Es- Canadian Bank of cameo -tee. Dr. A. L.1Late House Surgeon New York Opb
l cote. John ('ort & Son. T. ti. t?eanaa,t MAISt1lSBr. . thalmfc and Aural Hospital, &existent
.- of directors. This will p HTI'RLT-McMANI'S.-in the L'nited !at Moorefield Eye Hosplul and Golden
e In the dining hall under the capital itnl ('eft, T. r'urrell, H. B. Chase. Square Throat Hpspita!, London,ling
ni grand stand, where a inn-'•indge Costello. .. l ,•Lurch. l'arry Somal, on Seturdry. 53 Waterloo SL 8., Stratford. Tels-
h letetter• ash Najaf lie lie. I F..R. Darrow, Fatah Doorat1 7.41-•L: Aurae. 2Htit. ley Bev, J. H. i hone 287.
Minion. George Dunlop. W. itrtkworfb. ( (JI1rr Martha. daughter of Mr. ami p
!Lane ane! Iva Campbell.- t 1
Copt - rice (boy and girl .-('lifford 'bitten
Treleaven, Hilda Lane. 1 eneion
Rao'kward race,(meni-Art Andrew.'ban(11
Frere Dixon. i hibiti
These Pithecoid ' 1 take -
Fyh lip
Awerstt•-tlinsw wise. re,Ristrred sera: nerd I
... ■ emm At _Hotel Medford, Goderich, on t
F,. ngnette: _ rrme•R tr, ("ter" '
Atte+ he bangs t which will be held R' lmrt f a evenof third Monday of ea
n thetelt evening. the nfffelal open- felt, to w'iM ani esoenld Sturdy, son 1 month till the following day Tuts/dal'.
D. EatRmun: j
,__ . 'm; pim�� i Horace nether, J. W. Fraser. Mr.. }anent• nod the late Onvald
.+w .t:.+t souls - will take e. A1- .�,. . at a. �TJlai�It. Anjllatt .: .mw.a�.r.�.r
-i'I-- fl • mein ndtlress by the visiting ' H. R. GT1tC• ' Sohn flnhatli6'YTbllerrtr•h `' Rtantc of (:ea�erlrTi.
■ • Stmtlertecithasar. Goderich Salt Co John Galt
.v.w.rpras...- ...... ,
The Fastest, Most Thrilling Game Played To -day
Prom Mitchell, Seaforth, Clinton and Goderich
Two Games -Labor Day -
yet^r: nrtet,swf,! .w -e { :Gnhatn F1' tlrss,1 r'P:
,thy } -- A wS�==- AI, '-ar'mr�
� •+i T -i.l Bonne
rT'^ndry. lr..'W'7:'T%iT"11t4�'i"17->:Tac. 1 DLEl F HOLI[E8 - .
■ d .PR � Thomas (.lazier Mit t
nn e t S 1OitF:RT'SMA'TH AND FAM - - ;
■ thorn with /s it musters! rree[rsm, to Fred' Horst. F. E. Httelsert. J. Httsscy. Ill' OF WEST AV.IwAN(sSH sigh D Barrister, Ete. '
111dfn¢ a hnr'-tr hr the erh,rnl children I M. W. Hewitt, Mertina Hussey. J. le , to thunk their teeny (Hetet. am) ` Office -Hamilton street. Gnderleb
1 It is .hoped Mere will le• a targe Phone 27.
■ turnout of -the Twoeie of torr "nal Hunter. Huron Cate, ter. Hall. R. .1. neighhere for kindnesses shown diming
Howard. R. . y.;jr. e sem and brother,
,,11,.; v to gal conte the Min ist••r i HdHathIlln es of their D01'(,L.AS R. HAIR"(:
W.' Tewin. Mr. Wm. JI Smyth. and for the ex-
■ 1 1, nn biro 5rt tett n• e: ,1 Barrister and Solicitor.
to give *be ltraberir h Fri '` i'e•rcp Jenkins, D. 1.. Janes. Thomas preesione of symneithc in the time of Office -North street, Goderich.
■ n ¢n'e't erntioff. 1 .im•k, Oliver Johnston, Herb. - hole. bereavement.. ' Telephone 512.
■ tRota'rt •Tohneton. Miss Hogan. G. R'
• TWO WER1Il4 T6MPF.RAT`t'RllOt A . }- - _ WANTED r _ _____ ..CR. I}ARROW; BARRISTER, ETO. -- -
- - - Itnhmnn. -
L. L. Knox, '. Ki ton. -
Hut•tereRor to J I.
Sunnier weather hat prevailed the A. J. T,Innineton. J. A. Lewrence. I EN(KiRAPHER.-SEVEN YEARR', phone 97.
f sr i tern rt
• .-I peat two weeks. although the emptn- . 11 R. Lone. J. A. Lander. ., experience, dueires t •or
lT� M Office -The Square. Gcmlerfch„
_1 -. , VIEMAK
• of August was 1.25.a. eempnred with ,•.T. N TTMille,C'(1 Middleton C MA- , WANTED.-- TIMI, SCHOOL STi' l I' Barnett Solicitor Etc,
1 , temperatures for the PARI two w'eka Mitchell, J. Mill eek. Tl. J. A. Mae- I leges. Two block. froin High Wheel.""I Phone 2.
t; ,
i First game at Agricultural Park, Goderich, at 3 o'clock
• Second game at West street Rink, at 8 o'clock
ADMISSION 25 cents
Children ander 15 free to afternoon game
titres are somewhat lower thnn curlier Dr. T,. M. Mabee. F. H. Martin. Title II (1111 time. BOX 51. SiGNAL OFFICF.•I
R ,'In Aigiiet. The rainfall for the mrmth \Tr;i.re..Ti- apt, -h. J,thn MArrtrttt. R*t: {
Al for the same month Met year The Whinney, D. Munson, A. Moro, W.1 TIENTS for ns.mer. Hoene prim- ( Office -North street, Goderich.
N 'abet the enrrtrelinnding period n year F,win. George MaiF.wan. W. G. McMil- Apply MJRR M. -J. HALEY.
ar,e as re•tnrled try J. F. Match, oafs- inn T KtrTlonnld W Me\inn,i. G. Me. , street.
■ ; fi.4 } ertaerrvt•r for (loderit•D, reT.Ptsl � IZ SDeLeod 1. Sic TYo� A..,
McCnnnelll, Wm. McKenzie, G. MneTton• �1ITC
f old WPs McLean, J. J MrSwen, I v7 ETC -The nndereigned n
fl' 1ori.t w \fartfn Tnhn Neweofihe Harold Near; good doh at a reasonithle price. F.
D. M. O'Rrten.
GPD. Pricy & Ron. E. J. Prldhem. W.
F. H. Prise. W. Pe/whey. G. L. Perfume.
E. 1. Parkhill, Andrew Porter, Pullen
Bros.. Wm. Pellow.
J. C. Rgbertnon. E. C. Robertson. A.
M. Robertson, C. M. Roberton, W. H.
Rnbert.nn. Chea. A. 5014. P. W. Rains.
W. Reynold.. 1. R. Reynolds, M. Rah-
tm. M1ae R(dittrmrt'-i` - with warming closet, In good rondl-
W. Rrmnnds. (;. lirhaefe*. f'/iaa. �.
SAnndrre. el Rnnndnta. A. F. Somerville,
tio0; cheap int quick male. Apply to
M. L. snn.ierson. Wm. 5nmenfli., JOHN A. HARRISON.ickturner V9tnrta
H. F. Snndonon. A. Stratton. J. R. street and Britannia road.
annits, W. W Ranit& RAnAPr+nn.
R E. Smith. F G smith. Wm. Swivel.
R. Turner. P L. Tuner. Wm. Taft.
A. Taylor. Fred Toole. A. Tebbntt &
Son. T. Tavlor.
R. A Vldnsn. John Frontage.
1P. R WIrik. R. C Whatrirv, George
Westbrook. George WIllIsm.. R. 7. Wal-
ker. J. White, ir4kWed wen•ee,. wnew•s
Kenya -
■ I as Barristers and Solieltors
1r1 1930
Max. Mtn. Max. Min.
AO , (10 74 54
70 R1 55
olheits Hamilton street, Goderich
Frank McArthur. Forbe.. Miller. W. W work of this' kind and guarantees a _ "elepbone 83
%netted 21 ro ni.' e. R. Neftel. Dong. Nairn. R.NEST M. LEE,
LYNCH, Eget St. lass s
mi Aiming..,,
22 74 51 52 53
Aiutnst ,-79 53 79 r'4
:August 24 Let 65 74 56
Awgnst 25 TR 52
August 26
Angnat 27
Angust 2R
Angtiat 29 50 61' 75 61
Angnit 3f1 •417 53 711 WI
Awned 31 8R 45 RR Ret
74 55 7(1 54
60 AO 52 55
77 55 77 44
Come! You will see Speed, Action, Thrills
mmher 57 R5 no
Reptember 2 ....IR 54 RR 115
It is ail right to 11e sincere in all
that you may, providing that you don't
pre about having any trtendu.
11Pi17 WAR taken to the museum by
auntie They went into the Egyptian
rarrn. And there saw A mummy. Betty
'eked what It was.
"That 1s aoisenne's mnIDr y dear,"
>Ys�r1e_�1■ar��-- ,-
Y.ATER. R.R. Ns. 3, Goder1ch.
house on Keays street. Apply to
C..W,' WORSELT.. Telephone 475.
MENT, unfurnished, with double
garage. Central location. immediate
poasoSAion can be given. Apply at
Barri ter and Solicitor
Sun Life Ituflding. Adelaide and Vic-
iatort street, Toronto 2.
Telephone Elgin 5901.
1■ ANCE CO. -Farm and isoished
town property lnsueed.
Officers - John Benneweta, Pres.,
Bro1hagen P.O.; James Connolly. Wee -
Pres., Goderich P.O.: D. Ir. McGregor,
Sec• -Tress.. SeafortD P.O.
Directors -A. Rroadfoot, R.R. No. L,
; James Rboldtce, Walton
Wm. Rion, R.R. No. 2, Resforth; Rob -
ort Ferris, Harlock; Geo. M.Cirtnq,
R.R. No. 8, Sestorth; John Pepper.
Agents -W. J. Ten, R.R. No. 5, Clin-
ton; James Watt, Myth; E. Hitch-
ley fleaftmeth; John Mnr-sy, Sestrar,
PRnnOPEttERTTsilent'01tpt$ALlyR-ow-HnedOUSy aPydiurgaitheereirDa'anrdm.anr51ip4ks 11afm�
,Atste& Ss•eoe., novo Amble (ttatoa:
s�'!1`ft5f 7' rrkz";4