HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1931-9-3, Page 61
F--Tber+daJ, Sept•o her 3rd, 1991
Itrport service = laadles'
and rnea'9 olethins
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Haberdasher and Dry
(Intended for last weak)
DONNYBROOK. Ang. 25. -Miss
Rutb Thu/spoon had the misfortune to
fall from a tree, spraining one wrist
Miss Gladys Jefferson is spending a
week at leverburon.
Master Stanley Irwin visited at Mr.
Norman Tbompsou's lest week.
Mr. J. J. Johnston of Seafotptb spent
a few days last week with Mr. Geo.
We regret to report the death of
Mr. Robert MacDowell of Westfield
and extend our synniathy to the family.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jefferson and
Mrs. C. Jefferson left today for a visit
with relative. in Kitchener, Guelph,
Galt and other places.
Miss Alice Sheppard of Nile. a
former teacher here. slatted at the
home of Norman Thompson one day
last week.
We congratulate Miss Laura John-
ston on being aneeeaafnl In passing her
examination in modern history.
aa11 a.
1.n •
1iuron tvt re
Turkey or Chicken Dieser
!try Sudsy at 60 eeests.
A V carte service at all born
Fred Wong
NM l,cassp Mimi. Ttlt4kss4 102
Sunday Afternoon 1
(ioderich, Ont. I
"Are yon Mrs. Mayer?"
"Mime Mayer!"
• Ot1. sorry, my fault."
"(lh. no. nntordv'. fault but
."Somebody has
a secretary
who knows
her lunches"
When- you " tiee a1 eitic
food as I do during the
day you get to know the
best and most healthful
things to eat. Notice that
girl's tray whose lunch i
just checked - a boa of
Shredded Wheat and a
bottle of whole milk."
"Tasty, light, 4hasy to di-
g . yet very nourishing,
that's my idea of`. well-
balanced meal. 'My job
depends upon my keeping
cool and wide awake all
day long. That's why i,
ton, eat Shredded Wheat
for lunch."
Why should 1 tear the darkest hour,
Or tremble at the tempter's power'.'
Jesus vouchsafes to be my tgwer.
Though bbd the fight, why quit the
Why must I either see or yield,
!tt i ht shield'?
city of Bangkah. The people were de-
termined tat be should not preach ter
teach in their city. Peoetamatko s were
issued forbidding a f citizen to rent or for Code sell property to bale. Finally, bow- Gode
ever, MacKay succeeded la renting •
little hovel to • dirty narrow street
Inside the forbidden city. Over the Only Town in Huron County to
door he had inscribed "Jesus Holy Show an Increase of Popu-
Temple." But this had soon to be sur-
rendered. as It turned out to be Chin- Wotan Bine 1,021
ewe military property.
After much p . with his students Further population figures have been
and try persistent effort he found an- {mord from the census department at
other platy and pat the same inecries Ottawa. The latest report includes
Illus .WSW the door. The second day Ooderlch, giving a population of 4.380
1 tdt. )vole etty was In an uproar. The for this town. a gain of 273 over the
ntr Jesus 1a my ni T y crowd attacked t11e building, area the Sguree of 19'21. Ts.�:st ;hos±, a el•
jhouse was literally tora-to pieces a
Against me earth and hell combine; carried away. They dug np the fon
rich 4,3$S
nd creaaesefrom 2,092 in 1921 to 1,962 ilk
n- 1931.
All of Huron's four towns have now
been reported, and God.rtcb is the
only one that has made a gain. The
re- figures as reported are:
But on my side is power divine; dation stones and stood showing t
Jesus is a11, and He is mine. I hate by spitting on the site.
-John Newton. i The ('hinele Mandarin and Britt
jConaol appeared. hut the Consul
PRAYER food to aecede to the Mandarin's re -
We thank Thee, our Father, for the anent that MacKay be ordered to leave.
pwrseveranee of the saints In days of "Pee!" said MacKay calmly. showing
old : and we pray for grace to follow hi. forceps and hi. Bible. "1 lase thfn
their example in oar fight against evil to relieve pain of the body. and this
within Huai without. Amen. uvea relief from .fn -the disease of
the soul. 1 cannot go until i have
tell your a the benefit of them."
R. N. LESSON )FOR SEPT. 13, 1931 people
Ex r
MacKay PiPeted a small building on
Lessen T°plr`Sorrte Niaslorary pe the original site and commenced work.
my lariats. After a time he purchased a larger site
Lehman Passage -Arta 14:8-23. and built s onmmoxllolla church. in
Golden Text -Matthew 5:10.
-When they persecute you in this
city, tier ye to another," our Lord had
raid to his twelve Apostles when He
sent them forth as lambs among wolves.
b:xtadl.d from Antioch. Saul and Barn -
mhos olwyel this injunction and. fol-
lowing a well-travereel road, they
made their_ ptaj _JO_ the _pleasant city
iconinm. :'I'fl dtreriTer dY pollticaf
government,. whtell at this time pre-
vailed in Ada Minor was ao far an ad-
vantage to the Apostles that it ren-
dered them more able to escape from.
one jurisdiction to another.
Doubtless. as at Antioch, their first
carr wteeld--be---te- Armin antiage.
among thele--fellow.ramrtrym-n. and
tarnjng•_the' c ails sub-
sistence. On the Sabbath day they
entered as umtal the synagogue. Inel-
tatt"n' to speak were at .float never
wanttne. and they prver•hett with e
fervor which won many eonrerts both
among Jews and proselytes. Their
stay. therefore. was prolonged. but at
length • the aphrtt of 3letion.� lfal
hot that a plot was set on foot to mur- London
Made is Conal.
_-_silk Canadian Whtat
1184 .trete church was destroyed. the
Ooderlch ..
1931 1921
4,380 4,107
1.793 2,018
1,995 1.829
1,952 2,092
Ontario Cities sad Towns
The latest report from Ottawa gives
the following figures for Ontario cities
and towns:
1931 1921
London 71.022 00,959
Ottawa 129,988 107,84E
22.289 20,994
2.764 2,769
2.584 2.307
material' carrici away and indignities Peterborough
heaped upon the missionary and his Amheratburg
converts. Once again he built and that Aurora
church ie 'ti11 standing and
Its' year (19231 wan greatly enlarged 2.455 2.451
by the Pnngregetion. The natives are 477 477
not tearing down ehurrhea in Formosa 3•� 2.799
Ij14ai but instead they are building 1.694 1.708
tffem: The- day' of oppneltlon Tiroo- 1,789-,=3,Nit
gone: the day' of opportunity have 1.947 1,588
come. -From The Miaatonary Review 2. 2,091
of the Week'. - .T 4.390 __ALIO':
2.199 --RAM
FALL FAIR I)tTEs--1931 3.1175 "' 4.711
in the jnh- Bala 392 346
Brace Mine.
Sept. y.-_V,porne Township.
10 -Crediton.
11 -Grand Bend.
14 -Zurich.
17- W roseter.
18-Howlck Township.
21 -St. Helens.
22• -Ashfield Township.
23 -Colborne Township.
24-Goderich Township.
26 -Blyth.
28 -Clinton (town).
29 -Clinton (rural).
wept- :iettxt: r Harrow 989
t`d'pt• 27i .r2
HuntsvillearrowIte 2.7RS 2246
Rruaacla . ».+. Octf 1.2 Kearney 318
Sept. 2a x, Keewatin 1.432 7.327
ChP.t ,............... IngWCUlP 414* 1.783.
(11 Little ('urrent .... 1,099 923
Dungannon .... (kt. 89 Milton 1.045 1.$71
Exeter S'pt• 22-28 Mitchell 1.588 1,890 �
Pent, 11114
To be seventy years yentillil.JIA9srr
times far more cheerful than to be
forty years old. - 4hII er- Wendell
AT --
Wallis Treasure Skop
IN -
Indian hand -hooked
Rugs, Pictures,
Pillows and
ROOKS--essoists 3 for $ l 00
'Oct. 2-3
.74! 1152f1
GooleOakville 3.1 TT E-291
Banocer Sept. 18, (lZ, 18 Pa rf. 4.131 4.488
Kincardine Sept. 17-18 rnwnssan M^_ 014
+- Lt*towet r te^ 8.91 -17'8 Randwich-•-:1---- 41.698 4.41$
sept. 14-19 5rm,.oth Rock Falls 'rail
2122 971
der the Apostles. Of this- they got
timely uotiee; and once more took
flight. They still followed the great Midarea))
main road and came to the little town Ripley
of Lystra. Here they seem ,to have St Ma
preached with wx•e•ess.. .One des_srheo t8t.
apparently they were preaching in ttie
1n for face of x cripple and 1t oxer• j T_rront4 TeesiSitter
Aur • 'Peet. 1�
Oct. 9-10
a .o_..4 k:iit .1. i. .
Sept. 24-23 Te•nmst•h
Qept. 24-25 Tilbury 1,990 Liam
14,142 :1.443
378 311
2.4330 2.344
Qept• 29-30 Timmins
Sept. 29-30 Trout ('reek
ry9 Oct. 8-9 Walkerton
crib Sept. 17-18 Wingham
chard his divinely -given power and R highatn
healed the 'man. -The crowd in its. Zurleh Sept..21.21' l risme into th household during the
p at T a tiling happening
This west Orange Pekoe
tea costs less than others
Weed' b. the gardens*
The new Swedish rook. who had
excitement smell holida-ya, oak of her mistress ;
In their midst shunted : "The gods have , LLNDBERGH IN MANITOBA .Whore bane your son'' I not seeing
some down` to ns in the likeness of "That's he!" shouted the Inhaht-1 hem 'round no more!"
men.- The priest' of Jupiter at once set tent' of Churchill. Manitoba. a1 the "My son?" replied the mistress
to work to do Honor to them. When , Lindbergh airplane camp into view. pridefully. "Oh. be has gone hack to
the Apostles Iwrame aware that they It 1. to 1a• feares1 that fp the aviators 1 Yale. I miss him dreadfully. though."
w,•re about to bw. the centre of an OM II cannery the shoot would have -Yen. I know yoost how you feel.
ie}nlemu" worretrip -tine' were .horror- baeen. "That'a him:" -New Teri( ETe Mc hrotlwr. he bene in yell two times
'nT FOat. 1 -ince Thant <gtving '
stricken. Rending their garments. them• eft
epr8rtl[.ont witLt__lond erlea among theI - -
multitude. imploring t1iip�r tlr -bet {eve
that thep_were_lIULerdi ary,mortals
like themeelTes. and that it was t e
sere object of their mlaaiomtn torte
rAm Z11Fl� -pin
the one living and true God.
in their disappotntmt•nt tM�1�rhellepe'"
would be inclined to aaanme that if
these twn my'tertoue strangers were
not gods they most be despicable
Jews. And un the arrival of Jews
n11111 IIIUIIIIUIIIIIIII1111MU 1IUIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIflU111111111111111111fl11111U111111lfl
Luz Todd 13c
Poultry Shipments
Received on Tuesdays and Fridays
M ant& iervis
Warehouse: Rosa Snot, Goderich. Telephone 155
t e
Duni .A 1t avd leastwise Alas -.more
were only toe ripe for a tumult. They 4
Thl' is the ha tend houseclean -
Pful: and /then they thought rreA
be was dead, dragged.- him outside tog time in moat gardens. Many of
their city gates, leaving him. perhaps, ,tile vegetables will. be taken up now
In front of the very temple of Jupiter j and stored ot ma sown
use. 'hoee of
i• beets
to which they hid biro about to coo -1 ;
duct him as an incarnation of their ad.l1 ami carrots. should be placed in some
patron deity. rid[t Paul was when I shouldrk pce alm�be for best results. some ventilation but
Following .their fortperustom
persecuted they next day left and went I not e•nongh to wither the vegetables.
twenty miles to iterhe to stillt ad- ! Before storing, R is advisable' to .pick
jaceot province. Here they were nn- i over. throwing out any diseaaed epecl-
molested. Here I'.ul gained one more 1, men.. and to have the priducts as
friend in Gains. w•hu nfterwards ac- clean as posalhle. Berta and turn -
h ,n -a twl film on his of t patinae,' 101 ipa will oversight 01 condition keep
covieredrwith cleanresher
J,e, „ infant
m. The 110041 hes
the infant rhnrv•he•' which they had ; whfrh prevents evaporation and witlter-
fonndel drew them beck the twenty ; log. Celery should oleo be stored in
r, Lvstra. the forty a eleen plaicebut the root,' must he
milts frotn L- stra to carol' "
ea from I ufum to Antioch. 11 waJPreyl.$gItly- The tthap-Otte- and thatl'Oteerl
•uo relight herotem to face once more , basket 1. a goon pan. nalffesreemec
{ the dangers that might befall them. bleached in this way during storage.
They ace•nmplt'hel their minnow and i Ontona will keefi best in a fairly warm.
heartened their eonverta. Huai - with 11ry pines, There Is no particular
prayer and faatint.df(latnel elders in hurry about bringing In cabbage, eaull-
. very plater. Taking farewell they
,,,innwndel them to the Lord. on whom
they bg1_level-Condentel. from Can:
on Farrar:, 1,Ife giranl.
-Gordon Lindsay Smith: --
E Family Blend Black Tea, l's • 39c
IRed Cohoe Salmon, 1,2's 2 for 29c
Selox "The Speed Soap" , 2 pkga. for 25c
IS. O. S., for cleaning
Zebra Stove Polish
= Tapioca Pudding
small 10c
McLaren's Olives, 20 os
large 15c
2 pkgs. 25c
each 23c
- each 23c
31° . _
3 tins 25c
Eagle Brand
Each 100
Benson Corn 8taroh . -12c
Royal York Tea, 1/2's ..
Kellogg's All -Bram, ige 19c
Matches 3 boxes 25c
Ply Coils 4 for 10c
Parawax 2 for 25c
Parke's Catsup Flavor 36c
Toddy, hot or oold 38c
Soap Chips. loose 2 lbs. 25c
Kippered Snacks. 2 for 13c
Zinc Rings, dozen 19c
Robber Rings...2 dosen l5c
Crown Jars, small 99c
Crown Jars, mad. $1.09
Lily Brand Saddle . 19c
Macaroni, loose .. 2 lbs. 15c
Royal Asst. Biscnits 27c
Paris Pate 14c
Brooms, 5 -string, velvet tip , each 29c
4. J. McEwen J. Calvin Cutt
Some sixty years age. the fire eon-
verts. live in nnmla r were baptised in ! eRnpr T"►^ "'"
North Formosa. Thar /treat tire Chris- vpgetahle refuse should he destroyed in planting can be mares(' over a couple
tains were a to h cine w jiiiiater:.e Writ- I thine vats,
the remainder tiding dot into I of mooths._raslly hrklging the gap ie -
the soil to supply humus ant fertfi- I !ween the time the snow goes away
v.. a , jeer•ritcr and a farmer. Amid tee
cells, jPe•r* and hoods of the heathen spa nr lined for mulching threw thing' and the fleet of the animal Rowers
like .trawberrien. rnupherr1P', perekl- eommenee to bloom. Starting op. with
, crowd, they confessed their faith pub- those little chaps like the ora ue. which
1tr1v 1n Pleur. ?tortoise ttonP' )til were nisi flnwprs and rose hushes wlrlrh
h.ntlsed '.'1n the name of the Tamer imt.lair sll winter. it is a god bursts forth )seiner the "mow and frost
M fn havedisappearei from titer -north side
blooming dower' are the result. It is
exactly the same with vegetables. What
your average gardener is after is
earliness and the Hrst vegetable•' are
eaten with greatest relish: heeds saved
from the later ones will only produce
late crop.. But this is not the only
thing we are. up against. Bees, other
insects and wind mix pollen indiscrim-
inately and unless we are prepared to
screen and shelter the blooms on both
flowers and vegetables and mix this
pollen carefully by hand we are go-
ing to get seed which is a mixture of
varieties and therefore very mica/un-
like the parent plants. ?rofeseienet
seed growers either go to this trouble
of screening and hand pollenating or
alae WRY stserializr._uu.oue,csslatg.ia -_
one huge plot. -'
--.11411181-- --, �-�
planting season. if we are tohaveas
good a flower garden as our neighbor
we must not only make plans 110W bot
also do a little planting. Inuring thio
month is the ideal time to put in tu-
ook at
flower or Brussels sprouts. The •
plertlr•nlarly are'rpr� hardy. .tending lip., hyacinths, daffodils and other fall
eansidernhle frn.t.•, In tact treat seems bulls. Most of these. especially the
to lntpmy.. This fleyerr mf file-BTu5aefa toning worts. can also be planted in-
ilpronta and also kale. in cleaning ftp doors giving us an abundance of bloom 1
The- Intrd'en• oto not make the mistakefrom early November until Aprll. By
of raking together all the potato and I shoo sing early, medium and late sorts
1 humin[. Only elisensel I the period of bloom from outdoor
.cud rH the Pon, and oat the Holy
othmdt." by the Rt'r GelrgeJTA•'1Te Mit •
Kay,.whn we. the first missionary to
ga from 4lntario to a foreign field. For
tvienty nine year. he bahored atrenn-
mulr /11111 aeenmplidled marcpla to
preaching. teaching. healing. plantitTe"-
chnrehew and training patent... Like
ether pioneer mis.Innaries, he evper-
ieneel the hatred and the threatening.
of the people. He wa• called the
'Week -bearded foreign devil." Stories
of the remelts, of mientonarlea prowled
him. It wan rumored that the foreign
devil. pot potmn in the honk' which
they save to the people to read.
They were supposed to pnl.nn the
wells. gunge not the eyen and heartn
of the dead. hntling human tootle. and
making them into npbnm. MacKay
.hared with Pr. Maxwell of the F,ngll.h
Pemth Formo.. Ml..lnn the evil report
that he won fattentmr him patient. In
plan to plough nr A1t the ga Pn
the- 4.11 and leave the gull ridged np
to hold the snow. rent do not rake or
harrow level nntll neat tlprttlg.
Saying Reed
Many people at this time are tempted
tau .ave their own movie. They may
have had remarkable aroma* with Immo
partlenler vegetable or flower. an mneh
no that thew have decided to save the
need of thln variety and plant next
Tear While the production of seed 1.
an interacting hobby for any ama-
teurone nhonld not rnn away with
the Idea that It I. a Pimple dinei`n-
le., one la prepared to take all the
erre that profeaainnal seer) grower.,
with yearn .01 sometime. genpra-
tlnne of evgwerlenee, mu.t take. it h
.infer and decidedly more .atlafaetnry
to tiny from acme Canadian need honor
which only (Were that Peed whleh ban
hewn (omni .atl.f.etory for Comelier
order to kill them. "HP had enme to cnndltlso. 1n their Own extenaly' teen
.how kindneen and .peak trnth. hot the matt. slat hs, Government anthnrttiere.
?weather heart ennl.i not believe it" Tn the average ametenr garden little
Fierce antagnnlsm manifested Itself nrnvlalnn 15 made for Raving owed.
In the presenting nt the misdoaary Tf we allow..Sowers. far instance,. -to
from nevinirint Plilllrrh MtA fVi6 'hefts- .et' orad asp--4ssokndia+.•4 oasis. -so,
lag ekerebM. An !natant... of tide tannin aid !hat la a Mndlftow triode,
menet, et Its Aiseasetnowskalra, set ,'00
" 1a til, to band a cbnrcb is the to .et
ofthe hone, and following with hy-
acinth'. dafodlls. early Darwin and
Breeder tulip', an Immense wealth of
spring bloom 1• at the command of
any gardener. •These bulbs and also
r•atatognen deaenlbing them in detail
are available at all aped stores now:
In hoying It I. well to remember that
the larger the bnlh the larger and more
eertatn the flower, and also that price
1e tanned almost entirely on the arise.
When Petting (ioraniems
Geranium,' and other, potted plant.
for flowering Indoor, during the winter
ran he made mach more attraettve if
petnntan ant similar annnals are 'own
or transplanted into the same* pot..
Ry soeldent. a friend dng up some
petnnta .eel with eOthP very fine
geranium. hedenfred to pot for the
winter. Throw seeds, 'printed. planta
developed, and hs, March the petnnlas
were blooming- making a pink bait)
around the geraniums. The enmMna-
eon of bloom proved very effeetive.
There Is no reason why ealltapsi., Pa1-
endnlaa. and 'mail,marigolds and sin -
aim . eould.. ant,. be..A.Pd le a similar
eawetna.-.teb•eg► w1 ewrrrRe'rm.. Awned
e .B4Or,eA5�•Z,d ie^""" 4/1*1.,-7".'1.4YZ0, have am 'rlamki,a at
wF OAP taU raft tial
THERE are few foods you can buy that give
you as much satisfaction for your money as
Kellogg's Corn Flakes.
Out of a single package you gel mow do..
servings-at a edit of only a few cents.
Kellogg's are delightful for breakfast or
lunch, with milk or cream, fruits or honey
Great for the children's evening meal -
or for a tasty snack before going to bed.'So
healthful and easy to digest. -
No other ready4o-eat cereal in the world
w,,,�,,,-,,,,. _.3a
au popular. No other corn flakes have eve
been able to duplicate Kellogg's own mateblees
,rtiapnese wed *aver.
That is why wise buyers will &crept no
substitute for genuine Kellogg's. They know
that imitations are never "just like" the
original of all cern flakes. Look for the red -
and -green package a1 your grocer's. With the
exclusive inner -seal waxtite wrapper that keeps
the flakes oven -fresh even after opening.
Matte by Kellogg in London, Ontario.
• • •
You'll enjoy' Kellogg's Sfuntber Music. broladtat
over W,IZ and associated stgfions .qf the 1V B. C.
every Sunday evening at 9.46 to 10.16 E. D. S. T.