HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1931-9-3, Page 44--1lursdny, Se derinber Ad. ISA
flMade Tom• II
• II MEN: Our new
avails/she. Yen ■
Bee demew materials, then take
IN mew cwt mads tweaeastwl tailoring
gre M)Y
g aetvlee at seers la- .
amok. imartts pled in bee fabrics at vnr.
and desnpile simples are new ■
wide selection at tasbieseably correct ■
Men's and Boys' W ■
PORTER'S HILL, Sept. 2. -The •n
•lveraary services of Grace church will
be held on Sunday, October 11, and on
the following Monday evening a fowl
supper will be served.
The regular meeting of the Meo's
Club will be held next Tuesday even-
ing. the subject being "The Construc-
tion and Malntenanoe of Roads." Au
outside .p'aler it expected.
The Gotieru:L TowDa $1 Mvu'.. C1u1,
holding a field day on Monday neat,
rater Day eommencing at 1.S0 o'clock
lett a reitthumpien parade. Prises
will be given for the best hand. the
best dressed. tbe hest comic, and others.
There will' ria- a -baseball game he-
tween the club teem and Holmesville,
5 Wear n softball game for the Indica and a
tug-of-war between the club and a
Telephone 57 GoderiCh ■ pi,.k-up team. There will be carious
races and contest* and eceryMsi-v le
■ ■ ■ ■ ■• it■ ■ n 0 1■ 1t ■ ■ invited to bring a basket and enjoy the
big program \n offering of ten
rwnta la asked for to help defrxy the ones to every driver of at motor car
e:penae* I don't believe there would ever be
Keep your hair bright and beauti-
ful with
Mar-O-Oii Shaopoe 7Sc
Finger Way
Marcel Way
Manicure ------_..
Picone 536 W. Strom
PARAMOCNT, Sept. 1. -Miss Sadie
F:lllott, of Varna, spent the week -end
with her friend, Miss Grace Webster.
Mr. and Mrs. Hetherington, of Bel -
grave, Mrs. Chestnut and Isabel, of
Lucknow. and Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Rlcharda. �rjr.•Fleaberton. were recent
guests ori(r. and i Yrs. R. Richards.
Mr. and stirs. Jas. Webster. Well**
tarn and Myrtle were Sunday
,M1. end Mr*. Robt. Webster of Varna.
Mr. and Mrs.-WX ',hatedfn
m. mpton ',hated
with friend* in Rapid City recently.
Mime Myrtle Webater has returned to
her school at Wellesley.>,
A very pleasant aftenom was *pent lough of Duugawton.
at the home of airs . Will Kempton. Sellout has reopened [or another
when the Paremonnt 1'. I' W. n held
their Auptat meeth
lg. .A varied pro-
gram was, earrled ant .A splendid pa-
per. -"Stow -to Mare PetwPaatnn.:'-..aa
read by Mrs Mat -Gill and an "apple
ennte.t" w -as put on. after which the
bode*.APrrod'A mare In,,, it -The.
meeting will .,loo he'll at the 1
Mrs. Ketcbahaw.
b P.C.I
WinIMPOR rib
motor car beat a
railway train to a
crossing by a few
feet, 1 can't help
thinking ut the
pitcher that went
to the well once
too often and
If I could talk
for just five min -
WESTFIELD, Sept. 1. -Mica Muriel
Lswonte of Toronto is visiting her
cousin, Mrs. Walter Cook. •
Mrs. Clark, of St. Helens, is amities
her bQMe for the present with her
deughttesr, Mrs. Marvin McDowell. -
�Cr-Zia1-muni • r- , ;r, an
Grace Redmond wJ week -end visitors
at Toronto. Amok
Wm. Kelly and son mok
visited nue day last week with the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 1(11-
Get at)<ustof acclaim from the
family '1
Steak tb*t
. f serving
we provide. Just -tell u& You
Mahe . n • we
• of
another railway • n
roesg accident.
Gee' the things I've seen when
driver. tried to twat tralV�ss have cost
me many a aleeplesa nlgft.
Take my word for it there •re
enough nnavoidable perils attached to
driving n ear without tempting Prov-
idence where the railway and high-
way meet.
Well. I'll be 'seeing you.
KINGSBRIDGE Bush, of lit. Clair,' 11(ieh.: conies► guests
Mrs. J. Pease.
KINUIIBRl1.MIE, Sept. 'l -We wet -
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. King and Master
C01110 the a(s)sn who returned tart Douglas Kin*. who were guests for
fora few days last week with Mr. and
week to open the convent and to )'0111 tau wee" with Mr. and It"' G. F•
)inns their nasal aucc .fol work In King. returned to Toronto en Sunday
our reboot rooms for another year. Rev. H. Molter and Mrs. :Looker,
who spent the past mouth here. re-
turned to Leechburg, Pa., ou Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Barr, who spent
the past month at K. Meorehouae'r cot-
tage, returned to Detroit on Tuesday.
Rev. "Ad Mrs. A. L. Keuyuu rud sou
who spent the past wuatlk
+lalllese. reurnt'd to '
n, Ohio. on Sunday.
Rev. E. L. Williams, who has visa
they, with Mr. and Mrs. O'Keefe and I err. J. H. Mcl.c.al for the past threeW
Michael J. Dalton, visited Ms. Thos. weeks, returned to Clevelaud ou M-
t►'Keefe at the Jemelt Novitiate, day'
a,uelplt Mr. !laud Dewar, Jr., returue4d home
ou Thursday, having steut the YSCa•
Mr. Geo. Drennan, who spent last nun on a motor trip with Mr. Wilfred
week among his friends here, returned Turnbull. who is also a teacher on the
to Detroit on Sunday ■caumpanled by Toronto public school staff. nl'bey west
Misses Norine and Margaret O'Lough- through Northern Ontario and the
lin. i • Western Provinces to Vancouver, B.C.,
Mr. (till Dalton 1* holidaying here down the Pacific Coast to Los Angeles,
this week. having accompanied his
daughter. Mary Margaret, home ou Sat-
urday after her week's vimit In Detroit.
Two former Klugebridge gtrle were
visitor* here for revers( days last week :
Hr. M. IJtuuy*is (Eileen Sullivan) and
Sr. M. Maureen(Helen 1)altou).
Several fro•rouud here attended
the carnival at Clinton last Wedner-
ilai 4 _ _ _ sprat res/ Wilda 4.4
Miss Adeline O'Keefe and Miss
well, of Chicago. visited last week a
Rr. Con.
O'Kee ta're
During their stay
Cal.. through Mexico, where they spent
two days s and then turning north they
came hose by Chicago. The trip was
Mi. Harry Young of Goderich a most enjoyable one and they found
visited his sister. Mrs. A. Austin, for excellent tourist accomwatattou along
several days last week. the route.
The many friends of the ohne. L Mr. and Mn. H. McLaren, Marton
and B. Dalton of Chicago were pleased and Christine McLaren. who spent two
to have them 1* there midst last weeks with ..MMILL..Stirlitsg, returned
Sunday. to Port Elgin ea Sunday. •
Mrs. McKinpVp,-d-P141111,
V. and Mr. and lire & v: Haiett of De-
HOLMESVILLE )firs. Herb Kellam. of .Detroit, with trust, are spending a week 11 Mn. Part-
Holuteeville. Sept. 3.-A large au -
(Renee in the United church Tuesday
evening listened with great interest to
*1 address• given by Professor F. C.
Jefferson as tenor- Effort' of Ottawa. Hr *peke 011 the
term, with Miss M. Jefferson
ter for H.S. G. - Passion Play of oberantmergau. whleh
lar farmers are 1►gsi plowing the he witnessed lax) year when he con-
which sums to be verylfttfd"Wo t *.tour ed.' L_ Iharittt.the.paal
t< two year.. "Fret." as he Is familiarly
and dry.ate popularly known in the village.
• 3anns-Mc4iiil----1"."J•uy ,••••„ has-rlsited more then thirty c --
week repairing the wool -house at in the interest of the World's Poultry
s•Iwol No. t:. Cisneros. of whish he sees* formerly
Mrs. J. _H. l'*1itl ail sad *00 Victor Ibe president. Frey(' 1* an ever pop:
.pent 111.1 i%.siucsday with her parents.' ,noir visitor to the village. an
ALL and Mr.. A: E. Johnston of Wont boy" who has made an °nista
T. -Mr. Will Young Wawuuush. %twee•.% of hi. calllula/ who air.. Perry. anti her tongO . 1
CARLOW, .Sept. he' in T.oudon r,eently. tall 411.1 Mr and Mr.. 1•atterson, Mr.,
r't r lir. and Mrs. H- JtuuetteWut ttwl t1Qt earl
ei jliusel a'tli�i fest that bei and al r. )'orbs)). Air. and Mr}..M. Uta•i.
the ieaam 0 L �� 1[ tc {n tion' nwf4yr v r Sirs failsrher tel eh■ford and tiff
the bo . of the
* sister,
M lag' 1111T, limit ::reel fxiuily. Dr. and ]Irs. TRTf
the tows of Wes lady's slater, lir.. (tri[ lag, hitt
le. f m lie overs prep- oda idhter. Mary. R.V., and b' nnor's . London: Mr. and lir.. It T. oar and
Taylor. - ctrl mit a1 from Clinton. G,oter-' 'shod Patsy vleltod at M. J. ('Connor'*I
Sends.- lest. family. Mr. and Mt-. It J. Peter and
Mbar Marjorie Campbell tar returned' h,p, re p a Hill and surrounding f ( 1 b Me A. E Ilan Stratford. Mr Lloyd Hod- 1 �. 1, 1 I
to Goderich l'oheghutr for another Irtirrts. • �3 f It en ed L � •
their son and daughter, are guests this
week et the homes of Mr. D. McIntyre
and Mr. T. J. !Annan.
Miss Elaine O'Connor Il** returned
Monday from her stay in Wawana*h.
air. N. Perry returned tnjiletrntt on
ridge's cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. Sternen and airs. Alt -
W110 were gueata at the Albion, re-
turned to Indiana nn Monday.
Mils Charlotte Haggard and Mis..
E. 11. Trislaky of Detroit were guests
Lineatn..Coni~lib.~lib.rM-• Cask b•
R..«, Shed. TanenM.e•
OUTFIT FREER�• ...ir.wH....t/. ..eras.
Mt.....wSt • s a• wad,
CAVERS BROTHER(Wart*R. R. 1, Fruitland, (Wart*
Truck ►i��8
Engagements atteuded.to for
long or short dietaheee.
Satisfactory ratee.
S. R. MacMATH,
Clinton, Ontario
Telephone (101 r '34
Clinton Central
Monday. I this week with Mrs G. Little
Mr. Harry barman and Mr. N. Clare; Cottager, Away. -The hollowing who
sjwnt a few days last week among , spent the summer to cottages have re
itheir friends: IW )(F.-T:aallartt grand- (turned -t» thele lwiaea. air. and Mra• -
child. Betty Haas. returned to Detroit , L. W. 1)i1,la•1, Ituw� Mlle; Mr.
eith them, having spent her holidays M t4s'1Ptltf Hilly, Dr. and I
'with her aunts. the Maws: . NE-Atkinsonai1et-dSugttters.'
Mr. T.eunard (1• 1h._ Barbara and INralt1A Atkinson. of
Exeter: +
'111 11/14.. -Mr; utuL u•• .l Lrinplune
A few :wee e. Mr. and Mrs. F t Mr ,u.1 Mr 1. Moser and
Carl Drennan .14th hie Rioter f.ud fawn'. 1Vxterloo: Mr.- and Mra.t
ter Harv' 11. 1t. IA•ul. Mr. and Mrs. it V. Buchan -i
splendid apple crop. He don a lot o
spraying and his fruit shows the re-
sult of care awl attention during the
Rev. J. B. Rhodes of Exeter preached
In the )tall on Sunday and his mess-
age -was very hctptnl and encouraging.
RAT. J. R Patton and family have
advertise. Know what a , i i er-
enee there can be between'
Steaks that are averagely good,
and Steaks that cZtry our en-
dorsement! It is not in the
price, either. for our prices
offer savings.
Dr. Tree rr.'r n etc was Io m
t or I . OHS, Mrs. II. dc's s awl MI.- Mabel •
Mr. and bits DaU' )the w.'au and .CII TOwN•u
Ravine h.k.• sort on Re.lne.,ow Ily, Mr. anMrd
r.IJ ti • C:.... ural fain-
om- Folks can 'knock
Ile Mr. aid Mrs W..4,- Stet V414•111 and the �t
Maws McGowan. of Blyth,•Rvere West- GOD)
a Mr. tletd
'visitun on 8nnday.
r h 1_9_
from the) o1Jdals. .. .
_ ..Seat..
.e.. -►t i1 -la t\eetts4d"At�taai ►i•.ti •r..xr�ap[n
irons u } Prtttlaatl
e ,rc rtaent of t1eA - - - - - -
levening in the• r rtmla Jack Frost out,
- - Citntnn cernh�nt. Messrs, W*1tPe-I1al-' family, Mr. and Mr*. W. 1:, ;'.•reu.nu Ina a better ''
1•d f roily T•romt- D s \I sed
d a cheaper plan --is to cep
. e ..• 1 sew att.l lest Tr>i si*4 tb• wawa
I►' an • an
lltttor of
• ariarut A 1a* re syr -cud erisn••i u tIsltpd et tl.e icer y -Then h1111 out e_ ettln� the xt:rtt FtSfkS- _..A
twister r the the
cod Smith's are Queen street a to M. H. m heave ,1 Mr and %Ir.. torten Thal -ton •'�`• sir• •Qtl Hra• 1V• H• Robinson and
11111 Buren of the LaId o church. day
(street butted church 1113th, to- sam•sl t4 tlrs a* tf after o ,s I l s family. Mr. and HM Duncan rev -piton 1 fortify vour house before ht thinks-
Mft1s .Trina \irpoaald of Kincardine lltisewfq). arh,a,l .Ei. No. It, RpwdlaR •� 71.nr•e1••y ;rud rtoaa*. Yr. •
v1.ited with her- uncle, Mr. John Rev. W. Shaw of Port Albert had 1 pleaseqt vas ati.'n at the home of Yes I Mu.. ',tell Griffin lseaoe'r ..' nr•.1 .lays •
faintly. Mrs. _Tanner, Mn. F V.
Young. before ening to take rap her (charge of the service in the R"esttletdlptrentlJIT. 41141 Mrs. -A. R. Pentland.11a•t week arnong her /Hcpd. here.
d 8 rad v ax the las T)uaga i d \ C h
od M. Alt enitead and of coming. Order your co 1 noy,
and Jack Frost will never have a
took -in. _ CALL THE
miss as teacher. tutted claire,' on u a. • weed in Untie school on '
Yrs. A. Y. Hender'on is spending • tor, Rer W. J. Mortlwore, was con- SchorWgt'oNe�bsr 1. for another'
few days with Mrs. it. M. Young. ducting the anniversary servieies it' Tneedae. Nie) A. Pentland `
Misses Lionel and Julia Young hare Port Albert. term. witli Sllals Margaret ( F
returned to Toronto to resume their Mr. sad Mrs. Amos.Ball et the Base as teacher..
dune• line were mots ou Nundpy etthe '10111P Mr and Mrs. Reg. Johnston and sen
Mr. and Mra. .k. Wilson, Mr. aid
Mrs'. Tom Willson and Mr. and Mrs.
fltpll viefted with friends In Sarnia ea
Sunday and .then Stoll retained with
them from Flint, where he had spent
the last few week..
of ` Mr. and Mrs. Waiter 4'ook. - -
Mr and Mrs. Norman Cattier. Mr. A.
Harold. motored to Thed ford an Sun-
day and Were guests with the i.4?1
brother-in-law sister.Mr.•
t.AYYIF:LD, Sept. 2. -ukase Elv
and rtuu and .Yr. David Dewar tel
on Monday to resume their duties
I (integer. Mrs. H. Ieekey and family.
i London : Mr. and Mrs. unntnR am
and family. Mims Grainger. Clinton:�
Re,•. and \Drs. Schmidt and family,
a',Buffalo. N.Y.: Mr. and Mrs. G. Hnd-
1 gins and minx. Kitchener: Dr. and Mrs.
on Flack. Jane and Donald Flock. Mrs.
tJ)r.. Reid. Windsor- Mr. and Mrs.
-leaching stair of the Torvatee pubs
lk achooln.
Tf. Fielde. Tavistock : Mr. McConkey.• •
w ■ _mss. awns JR(tr> __el Detroit 1s Stratford.
ll • N
H. _Carter Ind little Joyce Carter. o f rad ted Kra. - Bdtrlsa
tlR�Y at the (►*. P R
ttsrafot�t6: wee�s�*-Otr R Iver era*. Wllttas-and Donald hums of the lady's Lewis. Ar. W. F. Mrs. /AA. Rea* and Hr. and VW nR
c nr Ae•gA/'Vn
t the batters brother -taw -icor The slue( bell summoned the cbUd-
a'ampbeit Victor Rows visited on Sunday at the f leer y
Fall and Winter Coats
Featuring Chonga, Wool Crepe Chonga, Bouclet,
Broad cloth. and Camel Hair Tweeds
Our new range of Coats has been conceived to give you styles that are original.
versatile and satisfying. en:iehod by quality tailoring. and fabrics.
The�nteresting Prints atre•--
'ton fitted silhouettes, dolman sleeves, definite waistline, buttoned closing, large
cis o�tfiie shott:4tibav�i 1' ---$as'lf*7
Furs include wolfe,r-Earacul, 'able, opooram, lapin, lynx and-mtsdflat
Black is the pret4trpinating color, followed in favor by browns. greens
and blues.
Three-pifce Suits with waist of .white or eggshell with berets of a perky appear-
ance to match.
Smart sport Dresses of travel tweeds and all -wool tweeds.
• TheNew Millinery....
Millin for fall wear is of a romantic style, such as'she Empress Eugenie models.
the Derby, the Scotch Cap and many others. -'
closes on Saturday, September 5th
All merchandise in this store is offered at new low prices. This is your oppor
E tunity to buy new goods at great savings.
We extend our thanks to the people of Goderich and district who have shopped
at the store during the Anniversary Sale.
A. •
... ,.
arta• and hNtn'r Wear
•sew:"""4"esaarr :"..--"1.1402170M4#8.se
hnme n
and .inter. Nr. and Mrs. Howard ren to study ou Tuesday morning- Mbar
Sgnir. ;Dungannon. Isabel Kirk of G1auworth is piquet -
Unita •hobs -hoose wax treated to ■ psi and Mime Margwset•-b'ergtraw
nevi* estare.stadai' tbe bolt- ; Egusoudri let_
day.. r.
d Robt McAllister doing the' year.
work. C Ma a1d Ji(rli. F. lie Nadia lett on
Miank.* Esther Mcllwain mud Marion Muuday 10 Wad aRbW Nays In or-
Porter'.11ave returned to Goderich to onto.
re.nme their Oodles at the G. C. L.. Miss Ada Bingley and Miss Rachel
after spending a plea*ant varatino an- Taylor returned from a visit to W inni-
der the parental roof. Master Mervin peg on Tuesday.
McAllister also is at Goderich attend- Rev. R. M. Gale left on Monday Its
Ing the Collegiate Institete, this being spend part of his vacation with his
his firs year. brother In Bay City, Mich.
Mist nelen M. ('. Bell has returned Rev. and Mrs. Lang Ford, Mr. and
to i..ndon to Iver duties on the London Mrs. Rance Bricker and Raster David
teaching staff. after spending tbe va- Bricker of Kitchener left on Wedoes-
ration it the home of her father. Mr. day atter /pen
(Jas W.• IL J. Pearson's cottage.
Miss .1rguerite Falconer of God- Mr. and Mn. C. Plater and children
erfe-h ngeot Sunday in Toronto. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. 7.
Some of the farmers are busy this McLeod. Mies Louise McLeod, who had
week hunting corn to the . canning been visiting her sister in Detroit, re-
factory itit Goderieb. Cora1* good -1 turned home with them and la now
ding the past month la
Friday and Saturday ; - ■
Mrs, etr�
ppe S 7
- � P1tf is7lpalPMTt(� rP•
Iliturn bone with her mother.
Mr. wan Moore. son of Mr. and
. . • F . Moore. of St. Thomas. and
grind so s of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Spe1r-
art, war snece**fnl in winning the
w•hoiersldp at the St. Thomas CoileRl-
ate. a itling him to two years in
Wetter t T'oMer$ty is Loudon and 150
Ihi llli*Jt t ; -
SW Doyle and family of But. ,,�t- .s were guests at the home
of thij lily'• parents. Me, and Mrs.
d Mrs. Hillman. of I.eeming-
•the guest. of Mr. and Airs.
tel Mr. Wm. Love. Mr. and
hitt. Toro and 'inn Billy. of
,v1.1Nd with relative. over the
'torch Notes: Visitors at
`l-RrIF ennYeti nn tumble were. Mra.
(Rev.' S. V. R Pentland and Mr. rind
Mr.- R. -T. Phillln. of t:oderleh and
_ Mr e Ta.. Adam• of Coll,orne tnwn.hlp.
= line. t V R Pentland of (:oder-
i• II nernnie.l the wrlpit In inion rhurelt
" ht.! Nnn.lne ills test %vs. from Acfi
=•. 2, )hie '.,iI l ct being "Prnycr anti Fran•
E, tell:m"....The regain r meeting. of the
Toner' Pi'."- Society of rninn
; churde wag held in the ofinreh last
Fridac evening rami sem* well *tt.itdesk
MI.. Murton enliven had e1My'wdof Hut
• meting. Mi.. fielen'llseldnnn reed an
• , rr i, L• on "Who ler ter nelthtor!"
ern t attending the Clinton Collegiate .It
Et tete.
Mra. G. W. and Miss Anna Woods
e,sturned home last Wedne.day, having
yrptlr fere si daughter,.
arahall, of
w spent Sandewith her parents;
r. and Mao. .1. E. $pelma,
Margaret Marshall, who spent her ea-
lien with •
=: John
= li arm, Mr
=1w F.
= I ktw'.
j WPM:
The new Autumn Mate are the amartewt shown in many eee■aeoft.
Tlwy interpret t he picturesque models of P480. the Empresa
F ugrnle Derby mad Victorian n effee [a Crown re shallower biro*
a a Crowns ■ .
ere vaHed. There's the bowler type. the riding hat type, the widow's
teak. and the vogue for feathers In mercury wing.. oetrieh and
Toque feather*.
We hare all theme• showing the charm of the Hats of the see
I'oro, and a cordial invitation to extended to inspect our stock.
4 -Miss TM. R. MacVicar ...----- g
Open) the *rammer at Bolton Landing, '
TT.. _ fbe+sef' Mn •. r i�)si... -
11 't'retm. Rev. and Mrs. 'Q1.•'•t' V ...-....saw ...r ....sere �..r
and three children accompanied them max:cocx 50CFC'JC5C3CX
home and *peat ■ few- days with them
before going to Sarni*. near which
place they have taken a cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Yorke and daugh-
ter. of Toronto. are visiting Mr. and
Mrs. F. W. Baker.
Mrs. W. IL Richardson. Robert and
Ruth returned to their home in Water -
lot, last week after visiting with her
father, Rev. R. M. Gale.
Mr. and Mrs.. Norval Geliielbhnfdt
and little daughter returned •tt AaRI-
naw. Mich.. on Thuradwy last, haring.
visited Mr+baa- sa .T_-.U...Gtmelo•-
Mr. Norman Toms, who spent his
vacation with his mother. Mr.. J.
Toms. returned to Detroit on Saturday.
Mrs. P. Dyment, Betty and Eileen
who spent JJie-past steak *Ira
Mrs. J. Tippet, returned to Fordsnu on
Wolf ida Reid retuned to Detroit
lad week after having spent the sum-
mer with her brother end stater. '
Mrs. Devitt PrrntIe rat Toronto rink-
amsern Sunday to vllstt herr parents. Mr. and
Yrs. W. J. linen. .
Sir, Jas. A. Cameron. R.A,.- Miss
belie! itnd, Mwwte4 Frans Cameron re-
tdrned to Torpntn on Monday, hating:
spent the .nmmer,with lar. Cameron's
brother. Sar. Johan it. A'anternn.
Miss .ln.ia Elliott left on Monday to
• r . seerefa fi'- I0titwt.. a reply to the 1 resume her ttinrhing elude. on the
= inrltatlryh $4 of ie Ttptne )'•'oeplP'. 'fan '[rerontn public school staff. 3he_was ae
Ia stere of rtett a t'niterl nchenrrh. t'nrtrr''e ('nmpanied to the cliy by Mtsae. Refry
)Till. tri 3,1t eI T'nTfrft 1)11 Tt, ntmmheif 'amt Stwrswrt� t!11trtR _
ft, the Invlt*tlnn hold, sreenttsl. Pled. MI.• Rnhb• M. FLher of Kitchener
wy'-'.tnad. for a Porn rn'.t to he hntd OJicrat fle_week•endvwith her moot. Has,
„ t the hwch et /Union 'Messed chi. Frt..,._sir.
...t. Edward..
.lar, Preetn . her nth. All the Mr. •A. Thompson. Missies Rer rime
w. !(�Mm
- lt,. wma(.in ars o$1fwlty inrltini ... *rad Kmmn Thompson and nie,e, .Mims
Nest *,ru(s)e the .Ptn'IPn *111 he held e. Janet Brown. M Tornntn, were week-
end gl(ee)s with Mt. and alis. R. Del•
paty. .
Iflua Rieke. of XI*g*ra-,h.the-fake,
lades. --1. -
►r 1 IKI Mila_Il, ty,,XInE
' Nit/ ..c . out. 4$ .wt .at •
?s Cadotte snJ daughter end Miss
.:11. r dare"afs. tl[;A '
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Nluup�i�Iumnmmimnnnnnnnmm�nnnmtmnmmnntmmi�inn w.�*r �-�-min t - • �;
NOW PLAYING--('harlrs Farrell and Janet Gaynor in a picture you
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-Tk.._rie d drama* woven into a master pittut+e.
R.ilieking Itveihw•s. In parts whieh give. way to reciting action,
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The rough -riding rneketeer of roars takes the world ter a
JE1\ .\RTIII R. N11.1.i.1M BOYD, WYNNE
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.raw . • rx;,q ,1 � r ei ,,'- "
FI'ATT it1\e3 r»a
.4. brealhhe.. drama of lose v,r.ens the law. The "flaming red -hone"
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