HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1931-9-3, Page 1The &cal • welcomes all items of interest. if you have friends visiting you let us have their names.. Call or tele- phone the office - No. 35. • EIGHTT•FOURTH YEAR, NO. 35 Dor` ou Rel. CHURCH NOTES - - HARBOR NOTES GODERICH; ONTARIO, T RSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1931 THE SIGNAL PRINTING Cu, LIMITED, Publishers. "Black Monday" ]ire. M. Sutcliffe assisted the choir n- • ltaytlrkl Prurbytarlau ehuredr u4 Sun - Themorning and snug a auto. The regular meeting of puree Pram September 6, 11581-Tifty Years bytery Of the Presbyterian church will be held at Se forth on Tuesday, Sep Aso --Was a Strauss Day tember 1LW. in ()oderich After three weeks' holiday's, IteY, Ciao, T. Watts uerupied the pulpit of }Iow wage wt today's r•atdcnta of North street felted church vu Sunday last. Goderich remember the 5th of Scptem• The rercicrr in ileus Presbyteries bee, 1bei--ju.t fifty years agu7 Thal church next Sunday will be conducted was "black Muuday -a day the like by Rev. Peter Taylor, B.A., of Toren - sof which has never since bet•u exper• tu. Sabtutb rt•hool at 1(1 a,w. On Suudey Iasi the Salvatlou .Army irueed In cols batt of the country. aerrima herr were conducted by Major TLr extraordthary darkness was the re- G Best. divisional cuwmender fun ault of smoke from ferret tires across London, who gave InKNriug tueusagee- use lake, lu Micbigau. t:oaame4leiug next Sunday. 13t George's Sunday school will rheum0 afteruoon srrriossa -H et tlQthtwl. will cunveue at 2.45 o'clock atdl-ilii priwarc at 3 o'clock. An ae>:uunt .-1 pbenomeuee 1s given iu u treatlesaper clipping awed, will, we believe, to read with Interest at Wes date,' a half -century atter the event. This) account was writteu uu \t a wereuug of the l'resbytery of September 0, teed: I$uun held at Clinton on Wednesday wuruing tbe cull of Knox church, God- h'teetvrday "'hi be lvug rt urwbered erlch, to Rev. D. J. Lane of -Wallace- Monday for Treetop. N.J..to take a in,r of the bw[ea� smote In tome th s n. uq. tludench. It was, w tact, tbt wort burg war sustained and lnatrectloos tc remarkable day In its history. For , wrrr iael( that it be forwarded to the Tositios aN ecleace lnatrnctn to Mer- week ithe fa renmy of the Huron Can• I )Les. W. I visft*eur and son. of Nrlles g r•er h,m•p1M1. niuR Co.oT6C1 corn dt pati cotumeritrd Comore are vipttteg Me, And Mrs. C. several dry. past tbe atneephere her 1 l'resbpterc of Chatham. about furls H. Humber. • - : M r.. aril 6aei11aaa Aad M r- Ed_feed. awl a ith ll[o. sltl a �I - beet( full of smoke, presumably Iron+ The services neer Sunday- m iii- Rnrr, of _DelrMt. ors the inn- of cora are andled daily. It Mrs. H. \VOraell o! Toronto fasAYeeti bush fires, although there have here no I torte street 1'nit,d church'! f11 to con- at week at the come oT71rs. HPth- has teen a good y for roro+ and the •ltrg ...tee time with her mother, Mta vary lath imp !n 'lar sickilit tee -pastor. Kee. P_ W. t'. p,A.ypB. aetrr ttu .....,.,...,.._,yr. ,r ""' t tar iii• M(ua II I hex rrtutroed who has r un,ed from his vacation, Miss Amelia Hetherington lett on he News of the -Town �oc lieu'• ,FIS- in port en Tuesday. - -_ TLle is tbe third her this boat tea. -•' = JII sailed at Goderlch barber this season. It bar been engaged In making a Nur-' South Pier Lined With Spectatolt7 ,_ _._ PERSONAL MENTION ray of Lake Huron, soundings of the PERSONAL MENTION ' THE BAND COMPETIT1OT lake toeing taken for the felted Stater. to See Students Perform, Keith A. -telegram from 'Toronto this after- Government. The "Parry" is a fine Saunders. W1IId "�aTatklOY" Mitis Minute Chambers is visiting re- - 111(01 states that Georgetown won the 1, Miss Marie Ryan is vir}ting at Tot- j teat, all modern equipped. It 1P 145 lntives at Toronto this week. baud competition at the Exhibltiun.jonw• lett lung and Is powered by an 11)0- Five hundoel people lined the south with lteamevihe. I(irklsnd bake and Miss W. McClurg, of St. Thomas), is- boraetpower ole-btrruh(g engine. There Mr. es) Mrs. W. J. Carter are spend -1 Oakville in the order named. Goderie•h l visiting with relati'`'es in town. is a ere r of eighteen with H. F. pier at the harbor this afternoon for fag several days at Toronto. ac a, eighth. t Miss Jane Jaffrey, of New York. was Mr, and urs- L. E. Dances have Johnston of Detroit es captain. Cape! the secoml mama' Nw'lmming meet of a recent guest at the home of Mrs. (', retuned from their trip to the Cunt. Johnston Informed The Signal that then the G. C. I. The sou shone brlghtty, • A. Nairn. ORAM-(',•IFFORD Miss Isabel Muffltt visited friends. at r�1 bus an interesting hfatury. It the watts was eon and a amaR \Ir. Douglas Wilson is visiting •At Wellesley strf.•t l'nihrt church St. l'atbarines for a few days kart l was built at Fort William n itliS for tbut friends red relatives at Toronto and parsonage. Tvrontett on -August Kith, week - the Frnnch Govtnuuent. it was to wind was blowing off the lake. The Oshawa. Jea� Gillies. eldest daughter of Mr. 11Lw Helen Buechler hal lett to re- hove teen ul*tal for war purposes. and I atteudauce was not limited to students. Alts« Grape MdL,- d lett t1tD:weelr stud Mrs. Ilouglas Clifford, of Dum some bee ditties as teacher at Kit- after the close of the war in 'bat year+Citizens of all ages had points of •-•- r.,, ___. _.---e.•..'1Caas told an meulitirn that it be nes' !vantage. ThG LAS the town provided for I.iutlt-ip.reeugee haLAdret3ei--alt't#non. 1k• of .'rt , was. ueliwl inwere teacher there. , triage_ to Robert Opim. eldest son of Miss ]Lay A. Thurlow, of ltrantford, used for commerelel pnrpnaee. in 1t12#ttrtnches for the ladles, Theseveral y Mr. Fred Jenner lett this week for' Mrr-.Dram and the ;ate Walter .Uer1?Te was tile_pea a Mrs. Mary A. Tburlow theMilian-o t" it * sed by tByrd theand Mc,the hem of atw.'ta11. course. with behead llram of Godr;rlcl4.Thr ee+reni w_'aa lar( week eycral w where ie i>tLeade Pprmlbt i he 1 -� - - ` * aR tar as) Or•eenland: A..nngrnrwets erre 14Q*1. se -_sal weeks. ;srformed' by' Rec.. •nheT a 1 �%D•iaiL..TLDta:Ts�.>r� Mr, and Mrs, W. G. McMillen and The Toting couple will make their home rt.lt}uft ut thv�►unra of It" -T W. -To -sad Tw'o Fears) Tnfs r' F.iptntnl' 'RrnmlPyt rtth !Manders wwt We "marathon'. PhyIIIb have returned from Port Dover, In Toronto. Mrs.. hunt. pttrrhaae1 the raael and need It nn the Cron. the 'breakwater to the 'bathing where they were holldayieg. 111s. Esther hunt. of Toronto. 1* rArUlm t►lrwti. 1n 111:7 the host same JMael,. it distance of a hnlf•mlle. HL MI +P Ella Watts, Reg. N. left on . BUSY AT CANNING FACTORY visltiug bee parents, Rer- R•. T. and into pos�alon of the t'ntted States time was 201i, mluutes. Joe Taylor Government. whk•h ha. !ins),• need It and hilt harrow were only it few I f.�e-, survey work'. The rPawl wax yards h,•hlnd. Several dropped out. n4ieed after ,•dmlrai Peary, of Polar Thi' lm,Ints champions are: extlloritmi hits* - `-- .1entor boys -Norman ('ralk. This-sibeT i f head Intermesh/he boys -Keith Saunters. nt tum* TakeU elkaeb eerie, of Senior boys --Joe Taylor. n•hels saris Tenn Abell and Margaret Me- , 'Swirn" Meet - a Crowd I the thermometer has ts°nnuxl tip t Company contracted will not re s• shorn of 1501► tons opera liens tom- I from her'vacatton spent with retie the Gnderk•h elevator as •a(owday Four ••( eats Tk t/,e t.reu't. side, eraw1 seemed Monday afternoon. and Mr. tier. at Detroit. TM* was.-OOW•0n11' [Mtn hear ardent anther Mand bat* �wdes ere tndl� mi stngyle in (') aj. the enterer. estimates Miss Jean Tom. of New lork. i. of the week. ern ern p r At A rwvug the yinetler-ruwethlni alt°• $4j1000 but Bets: 11 a,m., "The (niter- Monday far Stevensville to femme bee getter unusual in this coot labs tows. Cies Word" : 7 p.m., "The Mintstry of duties as teacher there after x ifs t wonderfully atxree allI liallebtl4 Stuoa stdclµptiuu." Z�untL�' school at 10 a:m. �-tla, Lumt�-0t_hss_arother, Mrs. summer._ and of late the ground has be - tome completely parched. There 1s. no such thing an gra.. to be seen; pasture Helde are dry and aimed us dirty as the road bed, Eur a week or mure- "All is hot and copper sky. The bloody run at noun .Itlght a re the earth,dtd s Nob than the wuou." But yes.=I afternuou 1t disap- peared altogether, as effectually as est ft Hatheriugton, i.eu$..a aez• 1 that working day, and night" .a develop form. Tio Indio. were: )ass United church 0s. Sunday }art had the` .rn..htr. In pttrt_ne Tttrid_s_. Tiley' wore a ` E. • .rarpenterIgeiC*Pt - Mr. Stephen Mothers, agricultural !take a month to pot through the crop[-11rs• J. -E. Tota pleasure of hearing two talented representative for Essex county. was About sixty handy pre employed. Mies Ruth Ilunt has gone to -New the "T.notfe TT." nweyeibeiQtttt rev nt Morrison. TL mberif to take over her new duties rievTand "llnr.I "- evtirne -- .•e--- - T. 1 T1. 1. TIM. pbyulrnl tnstntetnr at the The congregation of North street winger") lir. dame" A\'at.we of Galt and Us tam An whSpee. Ile was taking---- a ••' ns wh(o -teacher: lTSarRPr Tr • Atflelallsgimn. Tt�w"" c T. E rn,•r of St. lath- who1e vacation at 'IEC L\aTIONS , I he who tuna trntwl this ,v,•nt nn he ariner•. Mr. \\'atsuu uu,g two solus at theft summer cottage ,1t ICintall, track The pr-pifs who' trial their music pr. L.M.a rarer a 1--• 1 1-mmenseiy pleated with 4ndaT4r'----`- the d L E tit Joseph's vent spend several days with his relativest-U1 vessels rn11e(' here Ins) shelteR At anal ' F h i I 1 1t d Thr ,eervlcea ■t the Baptist chunk turned from a three• !•reit«' holiday trip Crawford. Mus ltae.. from the Torun-` M iotr..n ors[ Sundry will lir conducted by the by. motor. In which they were arson_ Windso .al'b's) •{.00hing two weeps' vs.- .amr� and hTd staff pan the town nnthnrk Pastor. to conservatory. presided. • ties Mkt Simpson and )tics Mile of ps pealed by [brit daughter, Yip Floes Honors. junior pian° --Evalyn Dena. ration mt her Aome. Trafalgar street. I1F�tPl UNEMPLOYED NUMBER isi. the 1 . (. L staff were derka, of the Parr, of Toronto. They V -8 -tel- (.-' Honors, primary ;piano -Ruth Car . Miss Lillie« IleeVicar and Meaty Is- ; Recktrations of unemployed nt the I emirs.. lo - eft eel Wel- hall Is•r 102Of these 12 Dr, Erederl k g hl► family, Spent the MUSIC T 1 Mabee. 1 god r to f -..t (elite(' ;Teruo ref0 tit - itfelt tR morning smelts and r. genet to theft home at Essex, rxamlnatfona at oop s con iu Norfolk count t 'rhe lake an• mete rnnrh. Thee were' *mien,' For Resistance a m,• I , hued hn the evening. yr and M-rs. W. t;rludrod have re .erre ■1Ltuerwssful. Mr.. y out tie+ Mr Pert MrTlnnnld. F.nr:ine,•r Brown Rev. W. T. Bout. Bible school though se had dropped out of the l at 14 a m. ttermou subject. 11 Lewtews. About nowt clouds were ob• ••Thr Toller'r Encouragement." At the �, Supper trill be administered . "1t distinguishing articles un the tabu; Motto," and shortly tbe-rerfte•r lamps had to be The Mees ('jab of North street brought lulu rar(uriitiou. From this 1'nite l chnrch will resume its meetings• out the gluons thiekrued : at two it was with great difficulty one could read large print out -doors. There gave every aliveness** of midnight. and half a1 hour thereafter the entire town and surrounding country was veiled In Inky gloom- -No, rut. n0 mo011. nn Stara, no 0001 ; 1e proper Owe of day'." The blackness of midnight relgtract- supreme. The bend lark! before the eye. %tibio "mew three itches the face %tout 1K seen. To len&awe aud.tut'11H1ty to the ._scene the intense blackness was ever and t' anon lit up by t`.i;n, fig 1TaRTiea'TTT>;i17 - nig and the reverberating Thum -lei ' alone broke the painful stillness. 111 short. the scene sits one never to le. forgotten by those whn saw it The weak and the ignorant were of rourpr terrified. And thought that at last of a ever ss. t es) At nae °chock those who lun•Led a Et -ening that hour towed no iIFtle dtaenity-- se•rrTi� ai`T�Ia . -W rthy taws and 1lnntrt•al and then crossing lain I'arN-Ramona Whitely. otwl tlathe« r hoar return to c town as) nam ., , land s• r..iim,• their M,sltk,us el, the are mnrrinl and 1111 single. Varian•, Bsya' R/•111ta Scraruse, tla.rxtoFa and other- iota., nt'-ac•,00 ser• -- _.c, «. tee teen. al Itrea•t stroke -Junior -N. Clain, Ic. points. Turner., Chrlrtini 1[ort1M9 - [r<. J F.'R.Xli,=b.r--TtaiF red es preset.. meth_ sere -belie - H9ne: httell i =iG -- to !He•torni t lo�ntofl.ts - oatle r�Tltltt Turner., her home at lire�eoklin. Ontario. after and no doubt the whole matter w•SN 'den'• H. 1IaiT' 1, ?' MaPIa•an , stmt°e�J-------- to file t1dN t- Hamilton. . Introductory piano. honor--DorIa , Tryk.r. S. Taylor. W. Barrow. Miss .thee L. ,•ran. aho .pent the Baker. Jelin Shepherd. I'asa-Oliene'cf«ttinR w(th her parents, Mr. :Ind reeeh•e the eerie rnndderatlon of the creation in toe ii with her Rr:nulpar• Lloyd, .\gneK T}tnrpet(w. lies. R'G Waite. town roltttrlh A hide stroke -Junior -IX. ('talk, M. • Mrs G. L. Stannard of Santa Mon. _- t('rxiRle, F. R,ss:latrrmwllxtr-li. next Sunday. aper ■n tatrtmitaIftt n[ cots. Mi-. and Mra. Rr tN•rt M.Ire ban• I'rimnry ciMtA. ' 'honors -Eleanor 1 ' semesters. .1..iohust° J. Med : senior two months.. The subject for next' Maitland read. :and with Mrs. .1. A. gra. ('nllforula, arrh•rl this week on At'PLF..KLNG 1\ TOWN Rundac • morning is "The Wisdom .of Harriett). \'ldtnria street. has gone to Tcnd11U• c vl«it to her moths-, Mrs. D. 11741w- ]is). he PLE. ('an„•ron, of \Veit \\'a- ; -Jae Taylor. Stan. Taylor. W. lturro•. The .•la•a will t* -open, 1geinding (ravel stroke -]unbar -N. Craik. M. Imlay Without.- to to introduced toy , WawtN•w•aw-a- in the TitI iskamint die- i• shy. Piety/ street. w gUalh. }. al toavu t.NTay and Rave, The Mr. C M. Robertson. This to it time- pin no. tial n and theory '• jTis• Florence itnnt i• Ardidayin¢ „1 • Crei le. E. tariff: intermediate -K- trirL otiro she will texr•h whrot. $bte al ll tall: Mr. Caapttron s:rpA his' F , ly anhles•t anti a wele•onaLeweita all . was aceompeanied as far as Toronto by ; .' Tnrontn nand Parry' : rmud. n flee w bkh ' ,, Cpl-witirh. a! overyhoely kine_, 'Saunders, H. Ra14L J. Reddltf : senior wilt. attend In the chnreleo,ns patter at l her mother. Mrs. Walter ()ram. The ('ONING FROM{106 ANGF.LKS she will i!•rlm.• hs -r frolnlnt- at the is 0111P Of th.• finest i1 Huron county-- -•1(w Taylor. Stun. Taylor. W. Rnrrow. 1(s. o'clock II i laftPr. who had reeentle returned to , • Mr \1'm. Iiailir Lan ear eicrri word D fa in efiewili-K euutlititrq tM1N scar ,utd ilnck stroke -Junior eat Craik. R. Tnrontn General hospital. The Annoni meteket-wT- th-se _ edeeme. 1 s•„ ,petiole tee neeer i: is t -bit.- bretLac.,.�`� mate ItaUir, hP• wlW Iii? etendition tit ittp_ttr}l:snavk _ host,:Sajerinrtll#te-B. liubh. +'Eve r[r `t at ATirnt••M'' e-TbnMew: nt1'k•trntr, and f „ , Se r ail Tom• AnRelew' elrlt , ala. acatirnr Yhat I Mr. Milton bur. ow. o1A1'indsor. waxy she. pace where nimbi apple* M•. . i E. gel/MITI J: MacLean; wilier-fC- e near.. to'mb's) 15th. There will bg_morning Pr I vim It Woman's n s \Tissinn Iry trig an npN•ratton in Toronto .rnP he end tied wife .rte r nminr east t .. -_ T 1 7 adnr d tel a h till ddfnn Ins week at the home nt Mn sir•.•wilt-4w-#red in a--Tk Pr+•i t hospital. again entt-rte the ne • atteml the mw•ting 0f the American! Lona distance ambo- 5a0ndero. Ian eh,treh. Sra(tNe�" 'h*swtny- Sep- •.c' h anothet ti } n1tD(r'L Marc A Thnrlrwe• (',amerrro street. ( O. C. L OPENING I:N,BR('IFF.l; u opr•r,. nn 0 sir ri at 3T�1S City trq - ' Mr.._a '._ John_ Thorley: pf nos' klwrd.peli 1►Far.lnuaN4 Siff grand- 'fie th+licgfates tnstdrnts• r.pPrrrtl un J- Taylor. _11._Berroty. d._ ._,. ...__ .,..,< -r--TNvtIIR--.ittnlnr�-�.- • :,1141 evening arsine " iT M-E.m: -end igldiits�s.Y-wla,re- tweet (-kites) sr the 'T.1 rri r-1^tii I t 41111 -Traube 4n- ehfdr -n. Fnid. Tlonglas afld Ve*"Yile Godrrich on to Bailie** 7th. it will caret. have returned home..feeee _a areae s„!odor. ••-- p.m. At the meenIng *Peak* the thorn.- of Mr. Thnrinw•P mother: Mrs 1.- Mr. Norman I7aUfr'A drat viAlt , .•y��..._- A. T1esa pr.'sident, MIs! T.. M. Jeekt1l of Exeter.., Mary A. -Thurlow, rameron street. - Goderich mince he left _here. a lad, n LerraanT slab with Airs. FrNt Lecke st pt. Marys, physical 11* (-altar, spa faltat _L will Rive a report of the Thenntsl Conn Mr. Thnrlow, mite is sworn ''n n n Is. Tw•ndnn. takes the place no the mar wf Mhui Qptreel'vtiro- rn yards. any style-- will meeting in Winnipeg Femtntns of the rrpp„r lg9(g atter rttaadiag the Collegiate in- , Meda Olhe-Wkltaly bas taken a poitl Jean ( the Pad' Jnnlor-M.rrabt.. .1'. T r' aTr. J, Jo t lAerleet and tette 46 (`oll,rrme sanlnr-A. Rnhh. T. Tnpinr, J- John - *Mute. After teaching /school for a i tta♦an the state of Stratford rolled- nt tl„• last term to 'eke another {os4 ALL. Event" i Ill be ddress by t 1 1 where h was born has been' Afternrs,n emotion w an a I owns up. w es) e• while he entered the legal rofession Miss T.anra K Pelton. field w--retary. , A n-stdant of Wtndeor for the pant ' p ate irtstiftite. Miss Ethel Whitely has tion. Miss Slmpm'on, who had not sine. eertninty Mother ehlpten'P prophecy and n report of the lRummer School by R , He holds the position I and last year was eh-cfPd president of 1 res4mn1 her duller( as teacher at T.ea- 111 or isrin year thetas Angeles. Par Aesociatlon- waa ahtmt to ie 'I'M ed to the letter• -1 Mrs. 1 14 Ewlee MJtea ortb, r. s), L 1 wt hre.ncir ^'•w••�* rt•r the Dominion site. Toronto. lir t8atlie'"s tat*tftPf-wan TtrlAtmarAwt-+ -� )� 14F 'batt taken an active part 1n a- n town • • wink etrelee• and AtthP Band hes art- Item trimmer WesteTn-YAp v'ssinn. held in Jnly he was clerked the neon mail on Monday. the 31st, ilex in !farrow to take S>ul!>r�tuahst Goes _. a,_,,,,� ......1 m.cror nr WInA- having rtlme across the continent Dy air , fbe• teaehinR shR there And others who would be insulted, alod .rr•retAry idfe AmJI ee Company. ids): Thar- ' - *s rt[AreE WRian riitlltiatTtrte, sigh redrsun, gt_ftein�termed either dg -M at I.na Angeles, August 21111 11 't0 1 t w for a few days after her return norant or week were l: iipitTS' t Kitt 1Jmrtorlver end et b other what itand al�Itt-? .pNN+ltir,n on there about ile square and iinatlexd in sur district He i! a member nt Doter journey of 2'x00 miles 1n aTout j Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Aitchison and woudrr red ewe tura terIDinuflon Of tE�s iedRe. Ne 1^l. Rraniforl, and a chat te•tyr,#ht homes. - }rtitwRhter Jtion. of lrllmwoetdr. Meese -W. Was to time• s Altr•hlsnn and MM. Wm. Alatrhfnrd, of to Land Of inn the yheeuweuou but it a a a ug ter member rel pest master and prat. BAND AT TORONTO lo!ICHRTTTTO\ ere the dsrknenu was sufficiently dieemu tres.nrer of Anrmnny T rNlfce. No. , WtnRhamr nspent.d"Md the R. PlIma'nd mt the rlpwte(1 to see tt runs) about uundelc 570. Windsor 'Mr. Tlnrina I! also ThP 01)Godrlrh hand left nth e(' ap'Wing of Mr. apd tls4 J. E. Match. the retrge of street Ian tJS and *bop win- pan ruling thrtre rissant grand nester of morning on a mpemi:d coach on the Can• Mr!. John A! Pifer. of Preston. Blpth's Famed Clafrvo t, Piss' pnT doer. At"Tart the der.ueaea In the east Windsor Lodge of r-rf,s•tiot Scottish sultan National Railway for Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. John Kenny. MIAs each. Margaret Pollock. Dies of where it Canadian part In the t Exhibition xhibit gree plata to r red Wham, as [Lough g -Rite Masons Nn. 140. grand lignins)t"^""1'Jtltrr t. were ttT►d kH*s Fiiftshe home wt rltrrhy. a torr(g fru! a Mtge tire. and the reflection cancer warder of Roiw rroic ('halter No. lit the Canadian �aThe bane. under Tk•trnit. were visitors at the home of land Rev. 7 N H Minn. fru! this somewhat relieved the glue i0(1 life member M Moore Consistory t'aily Mr. hrntl nadir Air. and Mr!, M. J. Bowler lest week. mud enatried people to are AK writes up - Margaret Pollock. VI 110 died Miguel Nn. 32n. Ili/mitten. rind member ef r; Franere Thomson Lein trt,Ite.ghl • taught mince Faster on ae•eonnt, of ill - neem, ham returned ‘to ber work with Bread etrnke>`-Frames Thomann, salts Tia(tpils renThrM. .-.iPmn WfiiteeelAe:- --- Af the opening exsrelaes on Teesrlay Side strnkP--Norah ('odell°, Jean a Principal Hume. who made a number r.[ annonne•ement' and referred In fit- ting terms to the lamented dertth of Week stroke•--JMn Abell, .Teen WhIte- john Rneesh*er, who was .me of the ,side. Mar _Desr.- head boys' of the sehool and WA. held Fre ate• le, speed -Joan AI«•1l. Jean In affeetlon- by all. 1\ hitedlde. Margaret M - en n. Brief addressees. were given by Tr. A. Rnl,her hall rare Marenret McT,enn. T. Emmerson. chairman of the roll.- Jean .\1N•Il, Nnrnh Costelln elate hoard, Rey. Father Thomas Me- Rnckkatd And fnrw-ard ram - Mnr• Pr atrtdent7rfthe .t Merl tet M.1eaa. Franecs Ths,mann.- jnry Baer. Distnnee thee Merinret McLoin. --ergwt M itrgaret MrLean, Jean Abell, Erasure Thomson. m '^ leadership ^v r !fucking 1" Ml1s of Tktrntt t of -Huron' Mk* Merle • f M ,... uu au ordinary mounlera night -but no •. I., ..- .,..,.tom•-•,• n r..�o...-...0 11NyPr•R the week -end in tmrn. the tweet of Mr. n�j}Lacrosse } •••. - ,. better. Aud Ureses It temaltted wrotfgh- ■t her home near Myth, was one Thomas eters r`}taPt''r. Revel Anh�when it tnkrs its pspoltinn on the mein" to - sans- nnrl Mrs S r Croft. and Oh her Yes Lean. Frame. ThnmPon- ut the retrtatftdet e1 the Wrtmo°n atmd' of TU.. vitimr tv�itftrateCd. 7tlrrs a•nT w night, and not till the following mere- ty's residents. Mitts Polork was what 'seed -fared t•• renelrr ler�eAt +eelPPNor+,by en_ MORE SCHOOL- CNiiiiRlCN I Farther eontribntinns to the h 'fond I reefs). whs.,ise"priding '. eykmtny a� � e�C GOLF -NOTES far the hand trip to Toronto are as)- Ikiroft. '1'I,e final game iu flip annnnl eom- oe lolerleh public •chord. ofs tetil un knowledge(' 9f. Rohlns p1, Dr. L. M: e rt real lug when ttld'8°1 put tie 211 a1R1esrao''f' 1s Palled it '•clnlrvwyant." Even akepte (, holds rt T tr-e•rema•+l Atter- �iai�e -.- es usual -as4 .Jur-_his. uaurtl . place were , > w1 .pr apprehension) Tebllrely removed ane some eller faculty which enabled the alarmed Dues) really 1 ,nviucal that ped all was. Indeed, well. During the errs- her to see things that were hidden _te tlnuantr• of the tbrrkneas a small gnaw• Ordinary prupie. horn seventy years tity of rain fell, hot it WAS Po combined ago on the Sth concession of Morris with ashes and cholera end dirt that to township, she lived there nearly all exports. one's self to 11 for a few mill- her life, there being a period of some otos was to have the face and hands years in her pitting womanhood when blarkentd. The nest morning the whole id d t A R to N.Y. Her fame countrywide was coverts] with a coating of dirt and filth -s" muses so that 11' was. Ini1Nn+mible to come in (rmtact with a fence, tree, or, in tact, any exposed surface, without becoming soticrl. The phenomenon is now -of the past, hut it is not forgotten ant'ba not likely to be for many n long year. And it 1w quite safe to say that every time the fth of September rolls around the thought of the inhabitants of Goderheh will revert back to 1tie yewr-etgtltq911e. Lake eate tains any the entire aFur:ei oT Ri1ji tT r and Hnron are In a hlare. The smoke frdto these and other fires %„N no doubt , brought together by the wind. and floated over In dense mass,... hemming ns. to on every side and as completely shutting ant i1P sunlight as though Old Sol had dropped entirely oat of the Ay This Is the first time night hap ever set in here Mortis after noon and Suited until next morning. May it be the laws. COMPROMiSE iN THE AiR The hearing of an atepllratlnn of four y,�' Mtss R e,tr re Tafel r. P.A.. r , atfid--A sw•. . R W1w.4?R^-11T. X "v`flTtei to fit. (t nes nn newiac t0. trot me• t! re ts' i Rl. F. MeA rthnr 7'ie. J W Craigle el, l,r•r work nn the stag of 1hP r deuce. The teaehngtt�F nt Victoria r '----r4. Jt> # A....uslas-A3.• iL4x,- j itrafttrrtn them-.lTer e}eMer: them iso the aame_aa.last term. bat there are two Than(tees) at Central. Miss (ila(iya Croft Ltl. r. TT.TT01MrN•1* 111, ("Rai11ts' inntn Tanker, ti(a•ntilpti+flietb her far eh ell of ill en 1. Ming the pie�sl, A Friend *2.110. Sheriff Repnrthtd :1,40''-1.11. 1' of Mies Margat-et Wilson and Miss Tie 1. E. (:. Robertson ;1. T. Swart! t11. Doris M. Dnrnin of4-linton taking the Redford el._ s. A Fitrlt t, T. .1.' BOARD OF TR.tIlE place of Miss Vern Elliott. M(F.wPn sl._ Mins N. Tait 3d[c, II. Re T. M. rortddlo 1Z2. A. F..BhtTdy >J17, H. , A meeting of the 1turlyd of Trade, she res e a e a . spread gtadunlly, until people came 1 Jane *1. f olli•ctinn or the Smiertel held at the town hall 111 Monthly night, front -en neer Ontario, and even from NEARING COMPLETION t14.50. 1t of was out well xttend.rl, bat had u uum- the States. to interview her. She was .• The 'new wing to the ieeeital • 1111 ' fleet irllerreting matters up fut. r -co 1 11 kinds of dir' rapidly neering completion. _The pig/' 4. • appealed to to solve a LLr(:i)N NOTES sidorntlon. Sculties and mysteries; and quite -fret entre and plumbers are nee! at wotIL- ie•ssrs. C. Barker and 11. Jane at- hash conditions on the Blue Water fluently the. information she gave -he and it will soon by ready for the decor- f tender) the fifth annual. (',nladiau Ie•- ilighwxf were dissenatel and the oplh- formation not obtainable in any ordin- atori. It will he reedy for-oer•upatles -gt.w Prml,wial Ponventirat. head --et ins was sttongl), ex pressest•thet. tense, my way -proved to be correct. Some at the end of te.toler: it is expecte Oshawn Angett.20, 27 and -2$. Over thing 114011111 be done 18 obviate Tile years ago site was brought Into court in recent years offeree .to 10(111sh four linn,lred delegate's w,•r.- present. deet nuisance of which motorists make ander some law agalnat tortmre•tell- rooms in the hospital Mnld flnt he se- making It the largest Legion colleen- bitter complaint. Various ',haloes of init. but w -ns allowed to go with the rented, tsr'anle the institution wan .11- -ton ever held. Admiral-of-tbe•17eet admonition that xh4 shonld not "tell ready well Mlnippsd- With tbt sew Earl .7clllcoe,'grim() paraident of the TortuneS" for -rtes-" hI. Ela r ?vice League was- only asonly Inerewsed her Mme, and it is said changed. There are six rooms aflt two present and wale itiwwt thnt on more than one occasion nmrers sun porches to the new addition and 'banquet given he the etyt(• ofletahi, of the law appealed to her for aid in xs these will hove to he furnished tither prominent speakers at the ban- snlying 'some mystery that defle(1 of- there will he (opportunity for friends quid hesidea Fnrl Jellteoe wore Hon. tidal ak111. of the hospital to exere•Ise their phll- ; a7. Q. Ilenrp and Brig. -Gen. J. S. Wylie Aside from her pernlinrlty as a ran- anthropie Impulse's. of fionih Africa Intended in the ss. fldant of "spiritm." she was an ordin- ary. I dial acticlti.s was Fl garden party and (inlet. kindly woman. Rhe waw LAWN BOWLING ACTIVITIES reception held nn the ipmMotts grounds brmlght np to the Presbyterian faith. The G,Ni. rich howling club held an snrrnunding the rvsidetee of Major R. hat tiredly forsook this for the (lilt of open rinks tnnrnament at the Pieton S. Mri anghlln. president of general Pplrttnaltem. street greens last Frtdnp night. There Motors. (hehawn. After the cnnclndnn in January last ahs) underwent an was a large atbendAnee nt heal bowlers, of the (Phew* convention the delegated operation for cancer In Grace hospital. but only three rimiting rinks were went to Toronto. where they took part Detroit. This did not have the de- present. A Clinton rink aklpped by F. In the Warriors' Tlav parade to the weinters of the town ronncll for an In- sired effect, and In May she retnrnM PPnnebaker won fret prizes. Second Exhibition term inlnnctinn to prevent the pay- home. where she grednally sank until prises went to a Goderieh rink enm- The fnnrth Dominion ronventlom 111- UMW s.ta)*nrt M *0(100 for a ntpton plprpnxee,, the end posed of C. Griffith, .7. Newcombe. F. new in progress at VIARara Falls. rapt. slated to be heard In gleesome ronrt She is snrvtved by s hrnther. William Donnelly and E. .T. Prldhsm (skipl. Are•hthald of Sesfnrth la the re -pressen - Id Toronto today, was postponed. I Pollock. with whom lived, liv, and a Another torsi rink reimposed of George tative from this (Starlet. which la The dime fate. it Is understood. will stater. Mrs Mary Wren nf lingers- MarFwan. George Symonds. George known ss. solo 1n meet the motion before .Tnd(p* f(rstel- dile MaeVlrar and Jos Rrnphey (sklpt won The fifth htertntal rnnferenee of the In t0*tnrrow,to unseat ilepntp Reeve The funeral took plan on Friday third prize.. British Empire Sery1M League is ipeing Moser and Councillors Hnniher, Wor-'Iefternom'. services at the homse awlI in Monday evenings. heal tnnrni-Thele at Toronto and the general ern- meet iro-meet of Seoteh Antibiosis F. Hnnt and from la 1n hnnnr of the vidt M Earl 7. MarVirar won find prises and .1. TPlliene. (trend president. and the At1e- R Wheeler and Dr Wesley Reid were eater from other Premieres. winners of *fermi prizes Inenl hranrh M the Canadian Tis Pr H. R Tull ami James. MaeVi'ar *inn Invites all vPterllna i0 meet at were the-whreetee la W.riaeedat etches the rPmetery Ratti• no Sunday. !Metes-, mese tournament, with Albert 'Mylnr her A. at 2111 pm.. to take part in the DProrstion Dey earementes. wR atad Mommy, nnHre of which was. 1 WednePtap nf last week. entire attnettom is to he din- ed tomorrow night's ensincil 11 L nnde•rsttod. an • to reach a rote torts of i pew *rave being rondnetell be Rev. T W. Gnn.lwill. rreshpterian minister of Rlpth interment was to T'nlon cemr- terv. Wirth The pallhesrnrs were W C. LmIAlaw, jos Teltdlaw. David kaki - law. lark. Ne+ndtt. Tann Nesbitt anti Jas, H. Rteitond. There was a lar/'P a.Ise- s4 t11tR^•+ttalamaL.- Ihtilionajl�tte• ",se• bowl .wag-__.jmc,riat •n 'OR l.a- t1 S141iUtfnd Rolf es,ntse yPstPrlxp,eA[a.,� T -Said N ear . MN t1 by m un n•r -VP. Mrr. Stuart .a- UMW Him tmtner ttlp: _ _ _ than Hockey Messrs. 3. II. Tiller. 11. D. Mooney. 1 T. Priteherel. liartild 't*r'illlnms, D.. EAP - Ilex lactoptV,' which is miereadiug I sort, J. Annat nal brie Elliott were at like wildfire acro... the Province, will Owen Sound yes,terelne taking part in be seen un Monday next for the first a tournament nn the benitifnl enure* time in Gialrrk•h. 1t wUi be a Labor of the Owv•u Sound Gulf ('lute. Western . Day treat for citizen" of the town and Ontartn Melts were well represented. district who like clean. fast . sport.. Vlc F.11lutt,-was..teennd lowest In both_ Two games hate 1t'en streamed, _be- rm.. e,nd net serve - tir.•e.II tb. widely known Hanover'team and peeked teams. from Mitchell, i4ea PRESTON AND COLLIGNON forth, E'ltnton #ties Hederlch. Tie tient game will be at- the• AitrleultuelT Fark. ' ABANDON FLIGHT at 3 o'clock. and the evening game, at 14 o'clock. will be In the West street ('1..' Ia1,d. Sept. 3. -The plane of the the matter were discussed, cud finally rink. 11 the day shetuld be wet, loth Trane -American Air Line Corporation, tt was decided thnt the ftecretary games will he in the rink- whteh has been waking a surrey of should communicate with the (were- I lu.1Re l'rattdlu, a fxmono athlete .rf Y'xa pmtPibli North interims to Europe ors of �1e r.Tne EE'nTt'q`- rTrRmrAy.. a-t'�'7Par(t aRu trattwitlrlc't io'rer eirciation at Sarnia to an enlenvnr to '°f r(p.,rts, wit' fact off the hall with swore' unite* action for the ailing ns) ••Cabs riles' Stewart. Strtforth's grand eurfeeing 'of the road. old "sportsman of other days. F. E. 1111bert, chairman et the re Roe l ierosxe 1N gaining rapidly In Mil merrhnits' rnrnmitte••. reported -In popularity and the Idea behind the the matter .1 track enntpetltttm with games here on -Monday next 1s to In - the railways. stating that the commit- 'troduee the game In thin section 'and tee had net arrives' at 'anything de- provide it peel. whohsomo sport for finite 'w'.- i,' the suggestion that as far the boys. Clinton, Seaforth and Me- na possible merehseta.abnnld get their freight and express h -v ,railway. Mr. lebberi also reported that the enmmlt- tee. to whk•h the matter of reelecting fends for the Rite Water highway Ad- snelatlon had been referred. deallned to art to 11P matter, holding that the town ronntil ahonld attend to tido, P. eons Rlllnr game 1n the obi hind, took It• done In ether towns, up for eeerelte in a hand -hall ennrt. A letter was reee•ivn1 from the Great Senn ernwds gathered. extra spare was Takes Asrts.r• AssnrMtton lnvlttng needed to arrnmmndate the fans, and the Praire to send delegates to the annnnl ronventlnn nf the Aasoclntlon. to he held at ('evelani tills month No action was taken. The ease of "Soh" Rted(art, Oehl emit -•mall. -route altltlsrrura to M-erntt - aw 5(4411AP surest, fn the vicinity of Wakeham ltay, Qi,-loc. are completed, the corptnratlon has annolmeed. 1411'ots-F.rlwln Preston and Robert CO111gnti hove been held' In the vt- einity- of Port Harrison. dasher•• for drone Time. doe to failure of fuel sup- pile. uppile. of kermene to arrive. They took off several day* ago Intending M complete their flIel,t to ('•,twnha- pM,i ,Second. MINNOW. shell report enthustastie interest In the game. and 1f It taker Mold a league Ren, hit Ire conditions fnrreel thorn to eomprisinR these three towns. and Clod - abandon the remainder of the Right ertch may he arranged..- fa t1(tr. flsnhth rapltni Roc laero'se is said tIlbit� Origin At Detmtt the plane'. poll toms nt.d In Australis. where a few leng11.11 will he rhanimel to skis. and so*as entlege students, who learned the re time inter this fall it will again 'alta off for farther surveys of the north- ern mate The plane has been MIT- eeying the dimenit terrain In avid around Ttsmn Land O15.1.1s of Trans American aatd nothing cela14 he Rained hp sending ibe plant• nn to ('oprnhstnn. :Pani tPrrltorp betw•as AnRmngsAllk and the T)aniah Mpttal has been well charted. erirh'r pole-vaulting ehamptnn. was played either lntnnrw or nut-nf-doorsi.. G A nn from then the sport grew fil now It sshearer.thnnsanda it Ix salt to he tester then hockey, which 1e suing something. and an Important sdvandage over ether RAmed ix 'bat •tt Mtn be plaet-s before the meeting. ant can- Teemed. players! et hygems daps in Yaswere were appointed to raise the oderlrh are taking at Interest 1n the The Tion, ('10W toad_ nereasan to send ►lm r to the 'new same. And stems M them wit; tea slaws for a donees at laDarbor ar sate' At Wteslpeg. orrbf aeon n action next Monday Tuesday persist ts1rk11�