HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1931-7-2, Page 8Welke!, 3 • 1 • , :-�'_ 1 North Street tSays„ ,- A Farewell to P Shipments Arriving Weekly Royal Doulton Wedgewood 4 ?rsssntationa to Rev. 0. F. and Kra. Clarke on Eve of Their Departure Madly last marked the close of the arke It Nortb - -risks-- ekiareb. In tbe morn- ing the'iesdsy school held its annual liorsuservfee, the front of the church belag lteaudeally decorated with flow - ere for tbe ocesMea. Tis icbool as. sembkeJ in rite lecture room and en- , erred the church in a preeesudon led by four small girls bearing Imakets of flowers. Tbey were followed by the primary pupils, then by the other *desire from juniors to adults, and lastly by the junior choir, the super- Iuteedeut of the wheel mud the pastor. The singing was led throughout the ✓ end.* by for junior choir. Master Bailey Bird, violinist, of Stratford, was present and for the offertory played beautifully Borowski's "Adore - thee." Tbe collection woo taker, by the 70011 then o1 the Tome. Club. Mr. Clarkes closing wessagr to the mimeo' was a -very Attlee oar. Taking 111_101 teat "Consider the Mite of the S iad" (Matt. 11:214.. he spoke on "The Meana „ n ewers. y apes of the God who made them, said the preacher ; they tell us, by their loveli- ness, by their fragrancy by their la- ilnite variety, that God loves beauty. Their perfection. the daintiness. of leaf and bud and petal, tell us that God loves purity. and they brilg to uta the thought of the importance of moral. beauty. Good people, good boys Ocifttalat� lteMUtiful1Alit. Ther s not _lovely la unkindness, lu gel- Moorecraft and many 11E� E 1 Just the thing for that Wed- ding Gift you will be Cheesig COLE'S CHINA SHOPPE BATHING HOUSE and Refresiioent Booth at the Beach, Goderich IS NOW OPEN Excellent facilities for swim - men and ideal beach t review,. for work Batten during lila' wlrisias ; b)i all, only earn Whig. ma ere l Christ to we? TUerefom or bb last eerraoa.ar b Z Abe. street eir'M* he bad uaeu rite ""On Hie bead wallet. many c IRs'. 19':12). Tbe eruwd, preacher, 1e the symbol u[ rq»l honor. Jesus' curonethot. howl rel Dmull as taloa Pi? Wive , rulers tato elVwaed. Jmate, splrltual mguihcaute. ,with moral master of the wuJd.- M perfect til self-mastery : �>e c stands all tens. Hie b the c moral gr. anew. Jesus. wears, t erowu of the supreme teacher. have been other great teachers tory. Some leave reached which place jbem above otbet stars are above the earth, but o all Jesus alone has been able to down a helping baud to struggling to lift tbem to moral heights otD unettanable. Josue wean the of love. if "never man apake 1 man," so never wan loved lie man, and never man died lit man The crown of sacrifice is the noble of his many crowns; errs than any other honor, any other glo is His sacrifice' for sinful men. At the close of his sermon M Clarke referred very briefly, but w feeling. to hie pastorate n No he count 1t n privilege that be had bet's ab to serve tar pastor over that congrega iron. The service was fittingly el by the ringing of "All Hail the Pow of 3''aina Name." The playing of darter Bailey 111 at the service was touch appreclat He gave two fine sriectfohs. Gounod "Ave Maria" and "Smlut .1 Amour by Elgar. l eweff ?reserttatlime try eSZ{:lii4 nn the -lawn of McKay Mall was -made the oecamoo of a fare- well to Rev. C. F. Clurke and lire Clarks prior to their removal to Lco- t. liter 11rAatsy�t Nems ede watt" maid the ty. however,. raa ogt' r qqtss bira(ekatf rowlo1 to, the There i lelse brig wen as f thee, reach wee erwIse crown Ike tbla e tbia e this moat ter r}, r. tth rte ed le (Dred t•r rd ed. Goderidi Beauty Shop SUMMER PRICES - -BEGINNING- Saturday, June 27th .- Finger Waves .. . 50e Marvelling 50c Iris E /1. - TELEPHONE 536 fragrance of mignonette and of the tiny violet speaks to um of the in- fluence lot Quiet and obemire lives. No matter Lvw hermit* follower of Jesus exerts wee + a Aa usual the tadlelr-srrfed r def= reacbes end blesses someene. clbbs .- supper, home the fit bTee were In saying farewell to tbe school Mr. filled again and again, while wag- -�i` 'Tt lin Clarke card hr was sGd ofhip rs- , dalhty summer towns-af--' soclation with them, glad to reniem-'teuded to the wand of the guests. The ber that he had received intoscburch boyo' heed. ander the leadership of fellowship many members of elle Headmaster Heckles, rendered several numbers 1n_ ezte lin t stile._ Wbeu all had beeu served Mr. J. P. Hume asked those present to gather at one side of the lawn. where Mr. and Mrs. Clarke were seated, sad read the tfilt..urt„g Ld,dr..a. - Dear Mr. and 1[te. Clarke, -In the cburcb minty of the uniting denomina- ✓ lairt�. said. . (WAIF /...w._'�._ • fins �r al... L1wN«,t Flhwr,•h O1 Canada to which most of us belonged, a short pastorate gait the; rule. and so, in vir- tue of that time-honored regulation, and of the habit it engendered, you deemed it wise for both minister and congregation not to unduly lengthen the pastorail relations In the earty years of the new polity of unlimited ministerial service. Accordingly the pastorate of els. eucceneful and happy years -years of gqggtdlal Christian fellowebip-a neer' T4ottght to a clots, and ere Ten to your new field of labor we sats tiiprees our high 3 . of edifying ” Ministration, of Jour faithful oversight and shop ' e lug of the .fha:k . neer "'lrk10 gee '�lrere vrda/ned tu_preside.- e+1 -the 1 and wisdom you ever allowed n y per+s+noLt r. t_ men of the c rug on, contributing Id nb small measure to the berwony had cordial good -will" existing among 01. and of the high ideal and example_, Christian manhood that you always • &rated the: int" (Continued from page 1) woke of their eiders, wben there wall aotbing more to see and the last nickel lad bean speer on lee cream or pop. ECHOES OP THE DAY Villitet feature ea the Aay'a pies ,ass a concert to the tush, 1111 .•"Bandrumeter Huckinr had tbe boys out early and they nmdered an excellent program from the tandrteud from 9 to 9.80 o'clock. Ise Lumbys, teenier and junior, on theh-IaIgb wheels, made a big bit in obs parade. The decorated cars were not numer- ous, hut they were very attractive and Auer well worthy of the prises they The Motorcycle Qub made up a very ,creditable feature of the parade. "Lick" Black's "old boys" made a big part of the morning parade. God. ere* L proud of her eighty -year-olds. The fire brigade looked rather warm in their new unitorms of blue serge. Somebody In the crowd watching the parade raised a laugh by calling out to ole of the men, "1 bave an over- coat over here -tor you." A more general interest and partite patron Ip aterchants and other cite Ilene in the adorning parade would make this a much bigger mud better event. Of courts, this year the beat tr I W'., YUNRO.-At 1 IllleLwsa' Nursing Home n tl� Mltehall, yr, os RIM day, Jane oalk. 101:1 Witt. and Mrs. R. II. Munro (ase Minnie Gibbs). tie got or a+agga. (Bk/ad Donald!. . r�!. _ VITCH Lose414111411a ere day, 3 I 1, r sad Apo *rod. wife of A.A. M NIXON,-At Alexandra 4wapltal, God leb.'4S Tttraday, ,lake 3. Mileheth - Ar rpwidow of the A. Sri. "t[amlmAM Nrroa, in her Aeth year. Dm llama! wtii take piper free lbe United church, Dometheedie oa Sat- urday, July 4th, at $.. Service at 2 o'clock. Interm(titie Desnybroolt cemetery. 11KMORI4M MOORE.-in memory of Bella Meetw, wife of Mr. Owen Moore. wbo passed from us oa Julie 2tltb, 1990. Thee chaogee things, and so earth -flee Oftimee maj here be broken; But mew'ry liver, and love ue'er dies. Eveu though no word is spoken. -HUSBAND AND FAMILY. J John C. mated from on June (Bachelor twenty-two at Sault Ste, part of his of his tatter.. 1)01G, LL.B. shows above. grad- rolt College of Law tk the degree o1 LLB. ea), at he age of Mr. Dolg was bora sir, Mich., but spent eel days on the farm M. Dolg, iu Tucker. smith, atter 0001 w1 there. and later the high sobhelest Pert Huron. After a course at Pbkf Huron College he e1. tered the Dae}u C-wllege et Lave - which be at the last four years, making a s ... d record. John it the fourth Doig the Detroit Culla„ D. hole hie father. W.. din, A. M all of whoa homestead t reboil, Tuck h** --grad um ted from of Law: Judget 1. rhe clam ,of 1S9*, 1'ulg. and his cos- Ix m the class of 199x, t alliedon the Dolt cud attended No- 2 + t th was a good excuse for not doing any - bine out of the regular routine. Harry Mer'reath always brings out one -thing original. The Blydaeye Cell - re 'bus tickled the. public fancy and captured the fire prise in the call- humpian dans. - free- les erea m for cblhd ren tags Ing part in the games was a popular. stare.."(114ne. -under slant' ymake eifs'r' m�up a Ng part of Goderlcb's popu- Mr. E. R. Wyle art secretary of the prayers o1 y and Mr. ('lark may be hies. new sphere et Slimed "ti achool.and ha prayed that Gaze Uwe - lug might make the school ever more useful and helpful. Thelleldne Serum. ln the evening Mr. Clarke addreseed message which was a -fitting dole to his very suceeeeful pastorate, Church : - %numb : M deist; Mrs. Mrs . -7.- L. anion to.Mre muthn-dish of Mr. Clarke EVERY PERSON DRIVES 'A USED CAR ! Some people can afford to drive a new car a few thousand miles, and then trade it in at several hundred dollars reduction__ _take advantage of some of this kind of used CARS, NOW. We have to offer good used CARS that *I* been traded in on new Cars; they have bid IWO bought cheap in some city where they have: out by some doctor or traveller andllitliF to sell We invite you to see our _CARS:FIRST:et • Aniratv6 Stott - htkeads (het - sl an your family lid ptosis -rte, i❑ your la alt of the Wom1n'a crlebr�atlou committee was a busy .,. -n--St- : a -Tom a detail Werk ,_both before cud-durierthe day:-'' T Edwards, Prod neer L. I.. Knox aim. had a busy tilde lob oneSecretary payJpi lint Abe prize made the preset- The orthophonic coneertsj Da the he of a handsome ,,•-� Derby china. 1 feelingly en be- ad-- Mew - c for their hearty ch work, for the rdod him when be street church, and aniots__the t ha all his pastorate LLNT OR FOUND FOUND. -FEMALE Bl'LLIsJ ;. PLY at SIGNAL OFFICE. Ns 144 }eon SAL:-1- �T�a $ AN A Y. at UAY ICOR SoeLe►--apPL MY RY. THOI, R,AQLRy, kat elf, collo* dos 5, West Wawaseak, es. to Taos, KePHEIC, R.R. 8, Amhara, FBALE. - HOUtUil YIEE Reg., RIOMRATOR : lee flag, 18 222 ; vegetable department 32 x 1:.. to geed 01ond)t1on. W. T. RIDDELL Mature. 140R BALIC.-A SMALL TiP-TO-DATE 1 house, nearly new. Wnl accept terms and tor eekk salts wilt Deli cheap. Address HOX 8, SIGNAL OF- TICE. UMBER TOR *ALE -A (waN- TITY of Oreo ldjmsd lumber and timber off roof of Water and Light powerhouse for rstla. Apply to .1. B, KELLY. Mupt., Goderleb, Ont. ew CA*D OF MANSE um WISH tbatlks to TO friends EXTEND O['R for their and aelf ron- Al'- dotem* end elk nd sees extended xt of ,vis. the time of our rad ex tend in at death of Mr. Joseph bereavement >a for AND YRS. EDGAR LAWIIVVNAt "NO bern. PUBLIC NOTICE RELIABLE PARTY WANTED IM- MEDIATELY to take over busi- ness of own handling Watkins' fam- ous household necessities in Goderich. Must have $35.00 to 40.00- to start. Weekly profits .140.00 up. Write J. R. WATKINS COMPANY, 749 Craig St., West, Montreal. ilii .4N TEACHER WANTED--GODERICH Publle 6ebssia magi a teacher for Sr. II. and Js. III. era* 4 Osntral !shod.• _ AtplIkatkias-:h boht is se..jll-ere July,* Mt. the afternoon Wen a ha - store. The selections. came Tim children's carnival In the even- safe wanted for one of the Town lug was, in the opinion of some, the Hall (seem Setid particulars and beat part of the whole day's proceed -I price to L. L. KNOX, Town Clerk. Inge. It thould be on the program -of re Donanioa DaY celebrations- --t-TRAGIIIIR WANTED FOR S. S. No. Tbe motor 'camp at Harho P tare contributed b Ca • Goderich It thanked the eon- was well patronised on Dominion Day:- .srly to his daugh- popular resorts of the day. The bath- -upon this. Apply to JOHN A. CoX, Secretary, !Ark vie. please kind referencee; to - The waterfront was one of r...he most, commence at beginning of fall term. /CM' probably making a record. What was the matter with the bal- ro RENT eu0017 hot air that was much hot- ',OUSE TO RENT ON TORONTO rest abt Wendy their 18(9 of ambition In such 1_ tag than, the general atmosphere. Any- 111 street. Apply to JAMES 9'. TOOlib I - giattorate Lit way, the anInialir wouldn't rise -and fIDN, ;libels* 490. N. preyed that the nobody blamed them very much for r loobs? Evidently tbe committee eould fed • ARROW Daily BUS SERVICE -EFFECTIVE JULY 1st, 1931- GODERICH to BUFFALO VIA GUELPH, HAMILTON, NIAGAliA FALLS TARES FROM GODERICH TO One Way Return GUELPH NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. 4 90 9 25 IIUFFALO 5 50 10 00 WEEK -END EXC. UVION $5.50 GoDrEltalcium7ThidWIIITO RETURN BLUE WATER HIGH LEAVE DAILY 1 30 p FOR INFORMATRR4-BRIVISH EXCHANGE end REDFORD HOTELS Central Ontario Bus Lines Ltd. diaryed as a citizen of our fair town. ado, our high esteem of the splendtd service 81112 ham rendered to the ge. ligious life of tie. cougregatioe, in the Sunday school, in the woman's 'mis- sionary organization, in the Woman% Anociation and in the co-operation with you iu the pastoral relationehip. We would refer, too, to the helpful work of your daughter, Mite Mary, during the yesirs she watt with us, rendering efficient service la the Mis- sion Circle, in the Mission Band and in the choir. We commend her also fur ber devotion to the cause of needy humanity in her pursuing modal ser- vice work in Toronto. We_would not forget .the good and' Worthy part your two sons, Douala , and Stanley, are tatting as they ease entering upon life's activities., giving , their parentage and training. i -A* re -tangible token of the esteem i and good -will of North street United , congregation, we aek yon, Mr. Clarke, ion behalf of yourself and Mrs. Clarke, 1to accept thie purse of gold whom nil tarnishable nature we trust will be • emblematic of our future relationship d an a email tribute to you, Mrs. jUiscarke, this boequet of rams is pre ' vited RN II token of love and affec- Our prayei tor you all le that God'd admit bleeping May einitintie npon you In your new sphere of labor, and la all the yeere that lie before you. Maned on behalf ot the congregatiott of North street, United Church of ' Robertson. Clerk of Hessian; R. Stone- _ Iluitee..Secrotars dingle! Board; J-_.1' tiodarich, ontarlo, June 2n, 1931 The puree of gold was presented hy Mr. A. M. Robertson, while little ['ate the ?ohnston gracefully made the prot- estation of the roses. Immediately sifter thie prenentation Mina Margaret Itobertnon reed the fol- lowing address' to Mrst. Clarke: Dear Mese Clarke,- With sincere re- gret we realize that the time hag POMP when we must say "good-bye," and we eannot let you go without trying to PT - prelim to you our appreciatIon of the work you have done In the women's. organisations of our church. In the Woman's Assotdation your unfailing intern/ and 4min. efficient Rehool, and your kindly -Mel/reit prees- onee at the regular meeting. eavesione much to stake dm Associate% a sue will oneetveur ?reliable aoliatooro so secretary Of finteace. 'sad,: the Misaton Otecle will remember gidtedally. your kindly hoopitaltry and tone. 1111Metant Th r prima t7 , depose day wheel -WM. feal leaderehl owe eittltp Ms., day 'mutt an listen protection Mr. Levet or nigUe *atm" hat At people are ay /accidents ty, fin, mai Id is eom lest natur- es mcrant to as the care It le he Act tor the on the roads. ;ed ans time. day Rev how of Form ▪ be IV. with. all conveniences* with tete-ef - shade and pleasant surroundings. Rest unity, 7nly 4th, at ilaytield. gram at Jewett's grove, Barfield, nat Sunday afternoon front 2.80 to 4.30 Mr. Hector Heel. WM' one of the NOTICE TO CREDITORS judge* at the hOT74P rams at Leedom 0A -timer 6r w item. Alert beetle on Bruer end modern. M. W. TIOWELI.. on Friday- sad Saturday eventing* Of NOTICE TO CREDITORS. last week. • - Tbe next regular meeting a tbe Notice Is hereby given to all peaces nervous diseases. Lady in attendance. Board .0 Truett will be held in the having claims alpine the estate of Office hours 2 to 5, and 7 to 9 p.m.. Twee:EMT. tate of the townettle exerptiag- Monday Mid 'Mired'? ase of Ashfieid, in the county of Huron, by appointment. who died on or about the 14th day of • A. N. ATKINSON June, A.D. 1931, to send the same duly Residence and office --Corner et- :;* proven to the undersigned On or he- South street sod Britannia road. fore the 4th day of July, A.D. 1931, as on and after that date the execu- tors* will proceed to make dietribution 111148 LENA MURRAY TAKES THI8 me opportunity of teadering ber tut thanks to friends for kinsinessgrir special thanks to Dr. Gallow tor bis • tended tn her brother in kb inume; elf I untiring atteudaterta; also for tokens ma. rt-sToiictiousr. AND FAM- - ILY wish to express their sheen - thinks and appreciation for the kind send and sympathy extended to dim_ by relatives, neighbors and friends their recent bereavement through the-- - death of a loving wife and mother.. They also with to thank those loaned their cars the fun - CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT .RAdeeountant. 102 Ontario street, NK P. GIBBS, CHARTERED ' Stratford. !hoes 1680. Res. 131104. MUSIC Musk Master Stretford Normal School Teacher a P IANO, SING !NG, ORGAN Preparation for all examinations a the Toroato Con ry of Music Studio -Corner Wen and Wellingthe streets. Phone 638. AUCIMONEBRING THOMAS_ OUNDRI1OODERIENE • LIVE STOCK AND (MCNNUAL ' ATIOTIONBER elensue No. 119. aid ed ,CHIllitPltAcTiiit AND DRUGLESS Goderich, Phone 341. Equipped with electro-magnetle baths. Elertronic electric treatments norlurisonny evening: Ray The fire alarm sounded about 12.80 Thnrsday morning. A barn was on fire near Porter's Hill, but the local bet - gads. did not go to the scene, no ar- rangement having been made with the township for fire proteetion service. TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS' worth of valuable Oda will be given away FIVE this year to those wile) *hop at Hern'e. Hunt's. Baker 11 Valuable coupone you get FREE ,Veldie fishing in the Maniere' River Was tbe "Black Hole" on the holiday -fought-a -low- pike, -whkei teesteeLtiet Scales g....twohee pounds. It was over three feet In length', and -.- The annual . garden party of the Nortk Huron United Farmers 'will held 4n the Agricultural Park, Wing - ham, Tuesday, July 7th. Supper from 5.80 to A o'clock. Seen's! Concert Co., London, will present sin excellent prce gram and there will be addresses by umber ef geed speakers. Dancing after the program. Atimiasion: Adults, 40e; children, 20c. Those! interested kindly bring pies', cakee jellies, nai- ads. This being Old Home Week In Huron county OOP mirden party will make a good meeting place for old-time frieuds. T. A. 'CAMERON, president, W. RUTHERFORI),. secretary. rIT-"Tieteet at taking the Monday night, --t wont:kola score of 19 IlloolftglaisicktietiganiprilbeIreda . sgtaztclehing to messily three off showed a c ds, both of whom ' ever last w 1 them and Archer bad - three hita sere. Brant, Clinton lard - sacker, bit to the cireult. Two of Nairn'e hi doubles. Carrick phepitchboedi duel and_ Trital_sy_ _two. . ceririairitrrzuniiitetukey:k7, prf:, Archer, 2b WITulerson, lb. DRUG • STORE PRICES The four Goderich Drug Stores are now co-operating in buying, anti wil) give lb the publk the benefit of their com- bined buying power. MEW RETAIL CASH PRICES Castoria 33c I Chase's Nerve' Feed-. 49c Chase's Kidney and Liver Pills 29c Phillip's Milk of Magnesia 60c Eno's Fruit Salt, large. 98c Bromo-Seltzer 10c, 25c, 50c Fruitatives . . 25c, 42c 1 Dodd'. Kidney Pills .39c Gin Kidney Pills .39c Dr. Williams' Pink Pills 39c Bayer's Aspirin • 2doz.39c Bayer's Aspirin.1110 $1.19 Pepsodent Tooth 'Paste Pond's Cold Cream .. .39c Pond's Vanishing Cream Modesto 49e Kotez 39e 49c Gillette Razor Blades —.pkg. 5 39c..plig. 10 75c DUNLOP MS. rAMPBELL meek cLurrom O'Brien, 2t. Twyford, . Ry Innings Godertok IS 8 1 if 19 16 8 21 4 mak -Stein A neap ; hese hind burnt* 7, reliefs, 3.; base cos Correa and atoet 16, DROWNING AT 11111.1fMELS BRUSMXLS, Janie 29.- Teddy Jor- dab, siterci ten, of Toronto, who has fo- otled Itiffrowt five month" *et my and Mrs. A. I... McDonald, of Brus- sels, wee drowned while bathing in the Mintland River, just above the mill dam, 'thorny after 4 o'clock this after- noon. The drowning III tiw firm from bdthing ever known In Brusselp. Five months ages the lad came to the home of Mr. and dm McDonald from Toronto as a "froth air" boy, merely tn give him • holiday in the open. His parents reside in Toronto and his father la said to tie unemployed. Several other children of the boy's vent age were swimming with him at the time. A number of the youngsters were playing on a raft, which they were paddling over a deep hole to a small island. Teddy, however, attempted teeleelow, awimming with the aid of an- inner tuhe, folded underneath him. The tube overturned tied the led tank. The miximp was immediately :no- ticed end one of his playmates raa to the chopping mill a quarter of s mile distant for help. By tbe time the men arrived the boy had gall@ under tbir4 time Half las hour later the batir ,wen found try Robert Loafer in bet of water. Dr. Janikeem who bare notified, rendered artifietal don, baJlf• was extinct. wording to Information gives. h7 yikatlnithi, the hid was. to have -to Me Nene tn'Iroleonto Parents Wet* hamediatisi7 retard only to the claims of which they then stud' have notice Dated at Goderich this 17th day of June, A.D. 1931 HAYS &FIATS, Goderich, Ontario, Solicitors for Ulf Executors herein. Notice is hereby Cecil iffilretselitIna having claim! *within the estate of late of the Town of Goderich, In the Caney of Huron, County Court Judge. decayed, who died ea. or ahent the 23rd day of February, A.11•1931, that the same must be filed, fully proven, with the understgned Executors or their Rottener, on or before the 9th day of July, A.D. 1931, and that on or after field date the Execetors of the said es- tate will proceed to tnake dietribn- don thereof, having regard only to the claime of whleh they then have not ice. Dated kt Ooderich this 17tli day of Solicitor for The Torotito General Tried' Corpora- tion, Toronto, Ont., Executors. MEDICAL 10 EY , EAR. NOSE, THROAT e !Ate Howie Surgeon NPW York Oph- PeLe- thalmic and Aural Hospital, assistutt at efoorefield Eye Hospital and Golden • . Square Throat Hospital, Tondos., Eng.' 53 Waterloo St le, Stratford. Teiss phone 207. 1 At „Hotel Bedford, Gedeneb, en tbe evening of thtrd Monday ef each month WI the following day TuendaY. :e - ItfOTICE MIND/TORS. IN 'ME MATTER OF the estate' tif Minnie A. Clark, Tate OT Me Town tif Goderich. in the County of Huron. Notice is heirter given pnernant to the Trustees Act, U.8 O. W27, Chap. 150, that all creditors and others hav- ing claima against the Neste of the maid Minnie A. Clark, who died on or shout the 7th day of Male A.D. MIL at the Town of Gorierieh. are re- quired, en or before the 27th day at July, A.D. 1981. to send hy pont, pee paid. ar deliver to the Exerntriree Of the estate a die- mid deceased. the full particular*. la writing, of thee, end the nature of the security, lf any, held nr them, verified by &elevation. AND TARR NOTICE' that after secb Islet mantles*. ethhrt the. toW /keep- airevta a the mkt doesseed among the pardon entitled thereto. having mord only to the etiolate et wheel May ediall then hove melee trims. h7 Dudley 41. Wohneei, Renee tor tor toe es* leinnreeriena et- flattens& enie 4011 dt LEGAL DUDLEY E. HOLMES, 01 flee- Hamilton street. Phone 27. Barrister and Solicitor, Office -North street. Godericiii. Telephone 512. V. R. DARROW, BARRISTER, WC - • Successor to J. 'L. /Chlorin Phone 97. Office -The Square, Goderich. Barripter, Solicitor, Etc. Office -North Street, Goderieh. Phone 2A2. Barristers and Solicitors elephone 88 ERNEST M. LEE, Barri ter and Solicitor Sun Life Building. AdMaide and Vie. toria streets, Toroeto 2. Telethons Elsie 5901. INSIVEANCIE !VANE ETV. 111144EAUP CO. -Tann and Isolated Officer, - Joan ammegreak Pres, Pie Pala mate paytemda tillioilyart their magi erieetptal at the leaser. iilagret; valeta oar* Grossly, Elleineee skeet, Ohlorkti, art • •