HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1931-7-2, Page 3Clubbing Rates
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, Large number listed to choo.e from.
A lot of very cheap Houses for sale
a Oodarlch. Hard -times prices, from ,.
111101619000 each, easy terms tor pay-
tit tt required. due Watt , , all of
-idler- 6�IdM-i fA,lielt Mode maven-
, PttbI1111I(14.
Love Thy Neighbor
Is Parting Thought
by. 0. W. Esti Takes Lava of
Victoria Street Church Congre-
gation—Goes to Gerrie
To the strain of "Abide with me,
fast falls the eventide," Rev. Gordon -
W. Butt on Sunday evening concluded
his pastorate at Victoria street United
church. He left Thursday of this week
to take over his new charge at Gorrle.
In his announcement the pastor stated
that the new Incumbent, R. -T'. W.
Crash, would occupy Vktorla .trait
pulpit next Suudsy.
"Wee have - came to the close of a
brief pastorate," Mr. Butt saki iu an-
nouncing the closing hymn. "1 have al-
ready ppoken my words of apprecia-
tion." Just before the benediction was
pronounced Mr. Batt and Mrs. Bert
Myrrh, of L eduu, sang by special re-
gteest, "thane duty Well Understand."
The duet was splendidly sung. There
were large congregations present both
morntug and evening
In the evening Mr. Butt chose as'
his text the first and greatest Com -
intendment: "Tiros shalt love the Lord
thy God ■nd thy neighbor as thyself."
"If 1 may be permitted to «a7 1t," said
the pastor at the close of bis serine,
"1 feel. afIer3 two years' .pastorate
here, what thla congregation needs 1s
a deeper love of God, a love which will
show Itself 1n Ilfe, a greater love to-
wards our neighbors within the
Genie skid Its organisations." The
pastor added that be felt hie depart-
lug memo was s, timely ilia was
seeded and, he hoped, would beet fruit.
Mr. Butt's Gospel sermon was bared
on the Scripture reading of the ser-
vice: 1st Epistle of John, chapter 4. + .
verses'7 to 20. The fuudsmentsI. of
all Cbrirttan living, of Chrlrllan
N-14011. be Bald, werlrt bases ou t
"We love because He lifer•
h an affeVtluq tvhlkh ega%
rt of God -an the- bt glndige
love 1s a force which I. Os to re -
slat. but how and_ wherein 10 it re-
vealed? It Is beesuet of the love of
God that we see uatU . as it is belay ;
it is revealed in every- breath we draw,
In our health: our strength. In our
mental anti spiritual faculties. Any
honest -thinking individual '!s lost to
wonderment at the love of God. '
• "Nose 4'f es is feerleet. Asyoue who
claims be he perfect deep Hirt t to
this world. It 1a a Strange creat to -
deed who claims he lovas God, be 11116
does not love Ili fell1 u$ ►'-sen. One does
n ot need to $ Scrrphue to appre-
ciate this, but does not tale New Testa-
ment say : 'Hawke) with be loves God
and Ioveth out tub brother, be a liar?'
1 fear we have a long way yet to go
before we are perfect.... Many revela-
tions meet yet come to us before we
penetrate into the depths of God's
"And God moves on. We know
what -the morrow will bri M
ministry here is termina 'after a
brief two years. But even we ap-
proach the allotted Span of Tile, three-
score roars and ten. we realise more
aid more how weak are the ties of
earth atui..btrw estrous are the tits of
heaven. The man or woman who loves
God will obey His rommend; be will
not try to sidestep. My parting thought
to you 1s: 'God is love: thou shalt love
frith -beast, alt thy mind and
d l thy Iliad, thy neighbor ate thyself.'
If I Inas be permitted to say it. what
tile congregation needa Is love. firstly
ve e[ pod, and secondly love of
sad when .thla..is.. attained the
om et God will be yours-"
jetk$1jTY-i10Nk11i YfOA1t, No 27
Are ystr,ae4..b pemesesel 17
Hamilton Street or phone 298
J. W. Craigie
Real Estate and lasarance
1 ,.
to Square $ 750
House, lot, small barn 210001
'117n1� •i•11ftY ......L,aiu�
1% -story house, choice, good lot
small barn $1700
1% -story 7 -roomed cottage. nearly new.
with cellar, bathroom, electric Hetes.
garage, good lot, near Harbor Park_
Price $1260. Immediate possession.
For sale: Fine property near Square
at low valuation giving eure con
etant revenue of over 10% Interest
on investment paid monthly prompt-
For Bale: 1', story fine brick house,
2 tote, electric lighted, bathroom.
wired for electric stove, arranged
for furnace beating. price 21800.
Rosy terms. Immediate possession.
For sale: 200 -acre farm, clay loam
soil, self -drained, fine - undulating
surface, no waste. Good l% -story
house, hank barn, very handy loca-
tion, 111 miles from Goderich, over 80
""T4 tap now "iu 3nc growing crop of
grain and ley, large pasture ground.'
eneugh-•!s-eseere than half
pay for entire farm. Immediate
posswseioe Price $6000. Tereow$44100:•
Balance easy term!.
Many others. Ask about them.
Some good Jlonsee to rent.
A number of good Farms for «ale.
-See or write
Box 89 — Goderich
''w.%."..:a=--pisbrie with the
very best *foods ,
Cone Tall. PeePletir
Grocery Requirements
IN 1931
Groceries of highest
Fruits and Vegetables
Telephone your order to
Geo. Price&' Son
Telephone 248
torner of Sgnsre and North 2itree•t
Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada
Are yon, married man, able to answer the following questions
to your own satisfaction?
1. IP an adequate income provided for your family?
2. Have you covered .0 your liabilities with Insurance?
Will fund. be ready for the edtwatlnn of- your rhlldres?
S. WIII you have a proper income for yourself In declining year./
A policy in the Sun Life Assurance Co. win gnpply an answer.
PHONES. Office 115 liaR. LONG, .
Residence 549 District Agent.
Arrow -:.Bus
Promoted= 1. liaise
On Saturday evening Jest friends In
the congregation tr{Slr. and Mr«. Butt
gathered at the psrannsge and Pre -
anted Mr. Butt -w1t,b a handsome
feather club bag and Mrs. Butt with a
fernery. Mrs. It. T. Phillipa read the
followlug address:
"Dear )Jr. and K• Butt,—A few
of yunr friends Of: Vittoria' smart
United edeubcb, Ooderkb; bnow1_e�� pf
your Inteid44T .deparre to aatoOt.r
field of labor. have met here tosigbt
to extrema to you our appreciation of
your faithful seriles. Year, Mr. Butt,
ire your eapsetty as pastor of this con-
gregation, have tried to perform all
the duties devolving upon you to the
1ML of your bllity. Sabbath after Sale
y r,. •reek on have
salnlsterd eympatheeticaily to our silt
one.. and attended Iovingty to•tbe bur-
ial of our dead. We appreciate your
stay among ns. And you, Mew. Butt,
have been so helpful. We appreciate
sour _work In all the -different organ,-
sitirso tt1 t suet n- with Tile ehu
and_ tapedalls_ Jo1uLw or kk _aa...
In the Sunday school, We--wm miss
you and your family greatly. Will
you, Mr. Butt, kindly accept this club -
hag. and you. Mrs. Butt. this fernery,
as • email token of our love and ap-
preciation, not for their value, but as
something that may remind you In
days to tome of your friend. in God-
erieh. We trust they may prove woeful
to you also.
"We pray Gal's blowing may be
upon yon ae yrm tabor to yunr new
charge at orr1e."
r. Butt Replies
Buses leave Goderich 10 a. m. and 5 p. m. daily for
Stratford and all connecting points.
TielW& , and iunfonmation rggy be secured fes
British Exchange and Bedford, hotels. 'Phone hotille-
and always
New T
Dr. Harold-
strates to Si
It was an
,very 01
Hey,t.i r e'1t
Gesegr r, A. i Y Duo
can WI/eau , , 1 Hill
c Cartoonist on Closing Night
of Chautauqua:
- 7f]>ifHi iOCLEwrrz
US who presents a serio-eomic entertainment with
mammoth easels, featuring demonstrations of
• • tion. Audience's are thrilled With ifia_Pregllannit
that there was "nothing dry but the chalk"
1 t
Goderich Lauded--"a-� 3i 1►,t411HI GGD
A charte .of reckless driven against
F'. Carberry, of Buffalo, was dismissed
for Its Flowers by Magistrate C. A Reid after a hear -
lug In trot* court on Saturday orn-
lug. Clifford Joy, of Zurich, :boos
auto figured in a crash •Ith that of
Delegates to HOrtioUltural Con- e'arterry'a on the eveuh,g Of Saturday,
vention Pleased with Display •landust, 24Th, D►t•"dt'd 1111441 guilt11y1 !Lids costaa almllar
liergl' was
.—Pay Visit to Gardens I Mr. Carberry and a party of young
Officers and members of (lgederfeh
Horticultural Society express then -
velvet as well «atiefled with the out-
come of last Tlmr'elay's dlatrkt eon-
ventlon here. They were warmly con-
gratulated by the visitors. who ex-
pressed themselves as porttcularty
Oersted with the flower display, witch
Y1 itself wag worth aiming to God-
erieh to view, they stated. Thirty
weathers of the heal wa•Ietw exhibited
and •tet-drlrgrtrs- weed. home with a
high opinion of t uderleh as a town
of flower -lovers. They were taken up
with the %how of peonies, although
it was a few days late to at4• these
flOwerr tit their best. The (Replay of
air, - W eluant_ Coots_ carer iv for omen
At the couylu«kw of the afternoon
women. five In number. were driving 4
from the bathing beach at Grand
Bend when they suddenly came upon.'
Joy'a car at an intersection one ilind
a -quarter miles west of Eketer, on the .00
Dashwood road. Mr. Carberry w ..*'-
driving east and Mr. Joy north. 17tVt?a,
latter had the right-of-way, but slowady-,
up just as he caws to the interaectidn
as 11 to let Mr. Carberry pass. The J
car. however, suddenly started leog
again and crashed broadside into the
Carberry auto, turning It over on its .4 •
side and precipitating Its occupants out ,---
on the road. Nearly all the Carberry
part/ were attired in bathing sults and '
they received painful brulsea and
abrasion in their sudden contact with
the gravel. They received medical at-'
Writhe' at Exeter. Both can were bad-
ly damaged.
Although Mr. Carberry was teclinl-
cally.gullty, Magistrate Reid hesitated
16 �� two contictiene on the same .
�l,iegraw_. IWNh--war-.ewrved . to - tlw set of clrr'umstaiH-,e. In pleading gull-
v1«iter« atAL a vldt paid to Mr. ('cat« TC �3` had admitted that it was be •
need .otJIr. Carberry who wit. reopen -
▪ for the crash.
1' *•
garden, and -la that of Mr. 11. 11. Reid
on I'ttlinerston street. Here they saw
a rose garden. of unique layout, ire
full bloom. The .beds are of various
elm and slew with neatly -trimmed
Masa wane In between. Tt im • 6
the prettiest spots -In GoderichA
visit oleo was paid td the farm of
Mr. George lslthwatte, on the Hureu
,cwel. Wla,1,y all tl* .I.dtvrs int
heard. of 4his beauty spot and ex -
premed a desire to s,, it and Its unique
collection of antique«. The flowers,
hedges and lawns, too, were greatly
The co▪ nvention attSadaute -eighty
three---w*s large, int would lave been
the north. through which some of the
t1Nt6ra passed.' This year Tordwleb,
the smallest sockI, in the district. had
the largest number of, delegates Itwen-
kr), as it did boa year. Wslkcitou
wait next with ,sixteen. Kippen, Wing -
ham. RIifley, Tee•=water, Kdrklon and
$e:.forth were other euaalM places
These figures were given by Secre-
tary J. T. Fell in hie report. Mr.
Fell weal, staked to 1-onth: t e he office_
until the J,'roylnclal Aim/dation.Amu
vection in January next. UP explained I Thornbury
that the dlslriet represeatative, who. Waterloo
at . t is ,r. Wi •. •-• . -of -
Burns The death of Annie C. Henry, wife
of J. I.. itouehouse, East Wawanoah,
erne with a sudden 'bork to the lam
Demon- ily, neighbors and friends. The de
teamed had been In her usual health
Ireton- miner her first stroke in March, 1920.
On Tuesday evening of last week, In
the pre enre of the family, she toot
s>tetber stroke, and passed to her re
•fobard on Tbureday morning. She was
�lbbora In )East.W wino* July 4th, 1000,
Fie ,
x 1A
t WFre
&IDOL 1,, I; geent4lie
result. et ti dies of tits new
swede. rad uegad to - the
earliest -ibis t _ . an
'• 1%,1' 4
Hospital for se,•a` - t, t costinoes
the article), the , , era, on the
advice of the Iewpi •dg.'ors and its
own department .0 . , bas decided
to adopt the new 1 lit. which 11
known as "tan ace kited which hart
been eompletely tee on sixteen little
patient', at the hoe 1. who are there
because they play; itb fireworks or
fire on or .'Wee the of May. -
In came* of bort The Globe was
told, the shock Is ,u• •, and It 1n maid
the fire departmen isle •were in-
formed that thia ma ow be overcome
by inoculation at t hmapttal, Chief
Sinclair, his as.i• t and Dr. Hill
were also sbowp d, te` „ . _ 1 evl-
dem` . than with t new' treatment.
the pain. from hu are not to be
rent ret wripr•eatty, t 1. 1 tr-, ,r eav1y
ems_ est
fog from wound. feed at a fire.
The children at the dual now. It 1a
dmed..a11 show improvement
frotp.,the use of 1h,• treatment and
inoculation ngnln.tDr. Harold Robe; mentioned In
the above article, is n Mr. R.N.
Roberthon, K.C., of to. formerly
of Goderich. Dr. R. , n ranee his
Stiiitim) hie Av. ters----yosytr in
linepital work in T. to end leave'
*thorny for Great it in to continue
him work in hospital -for a leer
In reply Mr. Butt raid he had made
as ono friends In him two years !D
as he had made -ln_
torate and he had found among thews
riende who had $g__athereO-at the par-
e "1IE sT- type of f'brtwtlan
people: 14e had felt
`ieewee110141111r'of the Kinmiom
in the .tricteet Nesse of the word.
-Mer_ Buts expreaaad)ria-regret.
situation that had come about in the
-congregation, precipitating the with-
drswal of Kone thirty -members. The
21,000 bequest of the late Herter Cun-
ningham,' Mr. Butt�t said, had created
a mMnnder.tandtHg. However, - all
those In posarwwlon of all the fiche
fully realised that it codM not'have
been disposed of other than it was.
In the interest. of the church. as the
pastor saw 11, the Money would he de-
voted to the beet Interests of the con,
gregation. For four. year,' the earning.
would le paid over to the treasurer
of the board of trustees, the bieart to
115P the money am It Kew fit, with no
string. attached. After•that periewd of
credited to the - annual gtvings of the
congregation to hobs - Mlsnielr.- -
Mtn- Bin Remembelritl
On Thursday evening last hiss. Daft
was wafted ori by tttfemhers--ei-elle
young ladles' class of which dm baa
been teacher for two years. This dam
ham a membership of twenty-five ant!
an average attendance of eightieth, as
painted out In the addrea� m read. by
Mime Dorothy Steep. Moo. Butt was
presented with a beautiful' linen
tablecloth and aerviettee to mateh as
an expreaafon of appreciation of her
cervices, Rhe -replied fittingly. dee
freahmenta were ,served and the even-
ing was enjoyed In games.
Miss Evelyn Sweltser and Mr. ,irAtn
Denomme, Hay township peopled Wire
injured In an automobile accident 'at
Grand Bernd Saturday night when the
ear in which they were riding, driren
by Mervyn Stelck, was Struck by a
truck in charge of Herman Deers. The
last named watt making a left -hada
turn into A garage when the Stank
ear trbwl to para on Mit left, hitttint
don ,pscs.sopaa-. ear amldahlp. Tb1, lo-
.kuatalned Mita to the herd
...,12'4' were stteaded by Dr.
tee esf MElb
atlwaed.-a accident dee-
es by T"tie-OfbroN j or, ,arid '
halt lake .a charge of trrah n 4r141U* .
* salmi Dehua
or two.
lnileatlons Mein: a i s,iiw* rat*
meet here m dole • Ilday, Monday
ed pit all het 11 In t • . t
Vlelnity.-illteF-Tiagtbage tock pears to
18113_ to her now bereft bile and, and
others Left to mourn ber lose are the
three sons. a deggiefiee r►d.. sue..*
child :-'Itny ert8 twerenh to t;Oder-
leb, Marshall of East Wawabosh, and
Lorne. and Elsie at home; also three
alstt•r«7lidr.. FA. McDowell of Toronto,
- Xmn'(•'T?harty iter "'of rinfertch,
Plainer. Baa-
lratebewan, and three brothers. David
of Spokane. Washington, Wellington
of Vaneonver, BC., and James. One
Meter and two brothers predeceased
her. Iteeeased was a devoted Chrietfan
woman. a rovlag wife and mother,
ready to sacrifice •1 all tine's for her
family. She was a member of the West-
field ehtsrrh and a regular attendant
so long as her health permitted.
The funeral, which was held from
the family re.Idenee on Saturday at
2 p.m., was very largely attended. Rela-
tive. were present, from Anode. Sask.,
Winnipeg, Toronto,- Ingersoll, Rester,
Clinton, • Wingham, Brussels, Blyth,
Auburn and Goderich. Rev. Dr. Korth
MOM,. tie • • Brat aerv1(e-
the house. ,*peaking he very flttIDg
-terga at -the Life of tiedep4rted.-one.
Met, Philippians 1:2:1, Having a de-
Are to depart-, and to.wr ei1Th ('helot,
which is far better." The floral tribute.
w ere eiteeptionall7 beautiful, lnelnd•
Ing a pillow from the
from the Goderich puttlle'school board
and ofiyets, and a money from the
stuffs of Centre! and Victoria- w•hools,
Galerich : •leo many others from rela-
tive«, neighbor,. • and friends. The
flowerbarere were Norden) Stone.
hnnt}e:--Hhrdnn Stenw'hmeae, Maltlaad
Henry, Harry Met -wire, Alva McDow-
ell. Joe Ihtnbar. IetI•k (;uecott and
Howard: (lawpbell_. _ .Interment was
made to_theMaitland cemetery, Gader-
ich, adhere -many had gathered to pay
their la.t remount. Rev. C. F. Clarke,
pastor of North street United church,
Goderich,, aeiete•d at the grave. The
pallbearer*, were the' three eons and
Owen Sound
HI. Marys •
i'hottaaa__ ._
Barrie ---
l„ ' . 'ex y
I.111110. -Will 1;P -slimed. la_
OJenca! _... '
Uisnd Th -fret
Hanover • ..
Lu -.n
-Writ to
Thureelay Lu 10V:tallo,. were ilatoa- --_- _ Brume!.----
fur the reason that 4lel.gi,te« .had Drayton.
l ..,Rion '-:..s..addr:,-•� •
�th r swe urn lvng 1 MoureHrl ey �'
home tvww•fnetbsed lworn noteaanthor*aodie
to extend Ili In v i to vion, — --.
The humidity In the auditor g a _ ot
SlscRay Hall was depre'Nsing In Inc
■lt�. our. ...,d
dereaetee _ Dema.% e t
desire to ent the program "short and
get outdone -It for an intimate exchange
of Ideas ip florleniture. Before dht-
lni.ra4-bowevcr. a- uadlueof ,grmpatlay
wall' Iyt SPUN l and will Ie «tent to Mr.
J. F. (.`lark. of the horticulture branch
of the I). artment of Agriculture,
Toronto, who wan to slave ;Token o11
rock garden's. a timely subJect. Mr.
cork was «tvatrly injured in a recent
mater *evident. A -aorta-oi` tbenke-wan
also tendered the GewlerielI svt lcly for
the splendid convention tlrrangemsuta
and the entertainment tinted**.
The -DMe -and. -drug. hand d 3 U r
182, seventeen strong_under the lead-
ership of Mr. I:rneet Breckenridge,
Teel ' ttn08'j evifltltrittendritle,ncn
parade and eery -lee at Ripley.
d Patel
Shelburne Tara
Port Elgin
'Peeswater ^_
Friday --
list. Forest i,eenrfngtoa
Cleaning - Pressing
Expert service on ladies'
and men's clothing
BatchNetton Guaranteed
Haberdasher and Dry
TZL>ZP3O E 339
and rating Awsels, , which 1. of- Tyle ant! Rmlae+1T''itpper.
feting 211,000 .hr in the"largest
Ruin ever arena a otreinesTriere; gA4got18 ig101§8111 PARSEE
Is preps ring for a Lu crowd. Over A foments (inderir•h raee home, Royal
. fifty horses, include ' now or the
t,i«tesl to Canada, -' ' coli '"tQ .fAa' ndee..._"w ut..w. ilei week at the
farm of hl. ownerr, , W. h. Mei can,
three stake events. ,Huron road. A! was in hie twentieth
At a meeting last k. the domeyear and had to.lre destroyed, although
4tloe appointed its tale for sew
Tnmlw•rtua, of W„cetrtot, and A. J. this ncEion Wall not taken until ■11
Goldthorpe, reeve ,,f. Oolbnene town -
meet. James Rale -r , and' P. A. efforts to stet him hack on hU feei had
failed.' No steadier or brainier horse
ever intone a seeing Kinky than Royal
ship, will be the J,"Igsa. Wtlfrld Me- Dundee. - He was parts vlarly well-
ie•«n sod C. H. 11 ,fir will act as mannPtM and went thterngh he. r•e.
Umcra. An effort es� tea made to irtg eaieor e►tthtrmt brlrktnR ,pr,, p,
have Starter Pendie•tOa,-who of ktatM
at London night ra,*'Jaat week, set a* • rttrsD• He was very coolly hand
here on Aligned *ret track min- both. mi,,the grated and nm abort .hep
metres 1, „rimmed „t t 11 preeident clreQIta fHe .aarntxl hla oats for hilt:
seed fie'. J. R W1tit deaf tlta �'a•r*, which he- p* ped In
of the Meal Aaaoclatgl pytne tdtpn, a stable net. Royal
it has been decides to reserve n Donde- hada host of admirers while
section of rata In fhe main grand- pt the betght of hla nring eare.r ten
stand. The Nellie sr. So he numbered and twelve years ago, when he gained
and en advance es4. tendneted. • mark of 2.11 on 1 half -mile track
led end was a eon* Mite st prise.
Chapman returned lunch sad THE WAI' 011T
*eked, "Anyone esti le T was seer The Smith. were deep In thelr ..early
He coiled his me"►y lath baa 'raratlefl eanferenee,' Everyone wanted
reel* -Yen.- replied OR si,L .' Nth t» _ R ptlirtgratilli an me
Gil a In about. aced , He
Settled." Aqd�,y oil� tib
lad left far •Meths* isle tnoenMgl"
Matt l'aalatem ..6142. to.!'t w Wa'
wedded sand
1.�hled k "Tea; len woat
two,: RP ealemr Ow
Ilga'we'� Added-illevevsl
.•re_e.-ter, lad 4911414
�t ewe it wa. Pally
• •
THE farts! Your father's once perhaps—your son's
one day a ld worth all the hard work you have put
into it.
But hard i work Isn't enough. You must know
what your farm gets to run -- what it brings in. Our
"Farmer's Akenunt Bods" will help you. Ask the
Manager for _copy.
The Royal Bank
Pau of Canada
• -Z Ibirmien,
141i 4
' IV