HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1931-7-2, Page 2r1 r 1 Pao 2-••Th.s.da7. July had, MI S not mini tact (10a�lt /1� 0•91/1A11Wiese a. 0•91/1D :gal! 'LifodatlaotldE Mawr fcls.. N la lowed to vs mires./ la &draws INN 1IIONAL PRINTING' 00.. LTD. ki knpt*taooe. LISIt M a mt 1 Woody. Jul,! =Tro1ILL NOTE/ Nice and warm, beet It? 01d General *tumidity 1s get.tlug lu Ids work these dais. • • • Are you careful to put a there -seat stamp ou your letters todgl • • • A Load of coal Wag delivered cm T1"e$.y struck us as rather de teed } 411't yea knew, to • • • • DU spkeodid article on Canada's na- 11ma1 aantversary we wM! to " *este for this how J-- peed for �► t a year. To40 toot -40 ir---40.---- The twee atad ttg*b had a Mg day yesterday And there's no better cup for the elders than to see the you.g- sMn misty themselves. • • • Considering the number of lin that have been •ttrct dhp-M. malt* oft of trains on the C. N. R., Goderieh fares very well to keeping the old ser- vice Intact. • • • The dusty ea V. s. Jpriodtcals will not be Irripaieir iiM-August 15th. That will give you Buie to finish those I t Adraltlsee "Farman; bas Ammo ale upon sr one of the mad l '•ave dustries In Ontario,"" Henry. Are faruterut ezapet "retard for these lt1 gurda matter of fact farming • been al ways "tbe'- most impurtaut ludustry 1a Ontario. The Goveruwents at Tor- oidal and Ottawa ought to modals* It. ( qLoottoo r tlf Lord KUbracten, whiles young man was Gladstone•s private secretary, has la a vottarmt 4 remilalrcaaces demi tbls ae.cr1 tion of his ehtet. charac- ter Aa a than Mr. Gladstone wan le a ch1oyww by laimaett. He was an elites - ordinarily ,sod taau, but 1 think 1 maty have known other* as Ms Stet lacttyl gltta were woadsr is but for pore intellect I have kuo ot,4dq whom 1 oald place as Gad higher. didereetiet from the red of Oho Amman race was, t4'st, tbe comWoativn ul dame q 1Itlee witlot the etupeodoes driving power of which' I Have sucker; sawed, the stern tied et$Iscttve coetrol which be mahatatped over his mighty force; and, third, the gnawingly serviceable quality of sea mild. whish was always at his mi wtys rose to the occasion, end oa itlltsgiy luded Alm with as sad - less Dow of t ouebts, algumentp, yid wow i upon any topic under heave, wth Kbtih betted to deaf. A4nilrer. of Gladstone need not quarrel with this discriminating anal- ysis. There must always be difference of opinion as to the quality of human Intellect ; It cannot be exactly weighed or measured. But hi the use which Gladstone made of his wonderful In- ellectual gifts there 1s a lesson for all. Genius has been dedoed as an Im- mense capacity for taking pains. The definition la open to question. but an immense capacity for taking pains may make even moderate intellectual pow ers more useful to mankind than gen- la with indolence or (1 4ielfl- rected. There ■re in the world immeene un- developed resources of mind and spirit. mortal stories you are reading -pmt Our system of education is an effort to develop them, but it must fall short --.don't. art m m any ats"-..- of ~two without the eaerciwe of the • • • student'. will. Even with that. .11 ean- • oslltams tartf[s week both ways.' not become Gladrsw.e*. Ruskin has • very truly said that education dnew not AS- industry at Coboarg le closing I produce equality. hut rather ewpha-• moist a newspaper despatch states, be- *lees Inequality. Hut neither opsatitzi }development of each mind and soul to t its utmost capacity. it 1* a e.mmon thing for mea and women to look hack with regret at the neglected opportun- ities of their *chool and college days, and yet to neglect the abundant op- portunities of repairing that error by Provincial party. confirming el -Pre- tbe Intelligent use of the hours of miler Ferguson's choice when In refit- I lel*urs that come to the interval* he - ti from the Premiership he tossed twe.n thheree bread-wiwenninall Drg •etivin*pftles.lta lhla la wmay his mantle to his Minister of High- by Gladstone and by others who have Ways. In the elrcumstanees the party made good use of their Intellectual stalwart* maid hardly do anything and Rplfltn•l "itis else, but probably it was the bed i 1 choke they maid make. Possible Brid -'t wjn o'er all etrasereo� of its raw itterterdtialltflai sat' Important as the 'material owl." to the naw tariff. • The Conservative eoave*tion at Toronto last week promptly chose Premier Henry u the leader of the • • • Monday was the Iongestoday. Have Nes elle _. • s a matter of tact, sunset 1. not latest on the "longest day." For some oafs after the Wlmmer solstice the .:^+` mTiel• to set later, the differ- - nice in the length of the day being aside by the later ruing of the sun. And not many of us get up early enough to notlee any difference at that end of the day. - • • • The leading buyers of Canadian tohest, as Hatted by the itominion Bur- eau of Statistic*. are: Great Britain, 97,485,117 bushels; iaty. 9,014,5O8 bushels; Belgium. 8.479,40.1 bushels; 'France, 8,467,373 bushels; l'nited Mates. 7,724,(11•'. touthela; China, 7,266,442 humhels ; Japan, 61482,285 bushels; Netherland. 6,194,478 bush elm ; Germany, 4.218.367 bushels; 1 4• es • But He AnyWet Choose of Many Princesses 1'ARIS, June g4.:-With.._the -rapid alrccveasion of royaal marriages and the political earthquakes which have put s half-dozen thrones on skids In re- cent years, the field of paalhle bride* for Edward. Prince of Wales, bis been reduced from a sizeable number to but four princesses of reigning houses( eligible, by tradition of the British throne, to wed the heir. The four possible. but hardly prob- able, Princesses of Wales are: PrIntoss Eudoxia of Bulgaria, thirty- three, brunette, and an excellent house- keeper, sister of King Boris. Prineeea Juliana of Holland, twenty- two. blonde and brawny; she 'Mee to ride a bicycle In the police ganlena. Princess Maria Franeesea of Italy, seventeen: the'prettleet of the fonr- t.t .�tit lig any Farmer • Lvtlence et Last ttgllla._t@ the wawa la away M' tiodorich. With el and August eta the same two months el Gnaw reef*. Business during June is elle to haws hero better Chale average at the com- mercial hotels, twos'• camp anti cabins, despite the fact that the mete temperature for the mouth was low and the rainfall heavy. Bollixes' at tea emmmer bqt tks the Rgnt4• however. is towit fifteen to twenty BO* cent. *a compared with June of net yr All y1p the u�rtow1 hotels hate rehear 4 btza o M' pal:tica1ayL,y coin- Ali burloees, es betn j oa the in- tbe memo two mouths of r year". crease. June was a part' ale guest month at the Bedford and Brltleh Ex - (lunge hotels, but thle was partly ac - (vented for byte influx for the Bras - seta beak robbery trial. Nji Park talk of an N There were aeventeen registration, at the civic toarlat camp at the week- end, bringing the total up to thirty for the scan* to date, as compared with twenty-sevan one year ago. Seven tents were pitched at the camp on Saturday light. One party has been here for tel days. Those regis- teHng at the week -end were: H. W. Canton, Wlndaor; G. H. McKay. Strat- ford; R. R. Farrow, Mitchell; Bessie Munch, Kenneth Ward, Dalton Klett, Mrs. B. Ward, E. C. Munch, B. Ward, Orville Klee, all of Strafford; Mrs Casey, F. Smith, ler. and Mrs. Geo. Sutherland. Rt. Marys: Miss Mary Mc- Burney, J. D. McKinnon, Mr. and Mrs. Tuppen. Toronto; James Moore, Tau.. onto. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Thompson and family arrived on Monday from Tllhemburg •nd will remain for a week. Busy at the thistaet Louring June there were seventy -live registrations ■t the Sunset, G,derieh'e summer hotel, as compare' with nine- ty -odd • year ago. This year's figures 86' nut--htetmle tee tut iww llsye- of June. Some of thaw registered at the Sunset at the week -end were: J. M. Laing. Helen E. Myers. Ethel L. Myer*, Toronto: Mr. and Mee. X1'un. green, Bertha Green. A. Droutllaud. Detroit; Mr. McCormick and the Misses Mc- Cormick. London: C. E. Ramage and family, London: Graham Jamieson and wife, Kalamazoo: Mr. artd Mrs R. M. Peterson, Detroit; A. G. Fer- guson, W. E. Ferguson'. Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. P. Turner, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. H. Minim, Detroit : Judge and Mrs. 0. C. Thomson, Mrs. L. B. E,silaed. Hamilton; Mutt. Albert Brit - Boy Br(tnell, Toronto; Mr. and A. Price, •• wells at hese she painted several landscape views and aR so the unmet on Lake Huron. ' Prattle -iffy every- aewitwi4.- v-ottage -3et t1M lake front 1Tt now (irrupted and member,* of the summer colony ire ar- riving deity, the hot wave at the week- end having had a decided influence In hurrying up the exodus 1ri.m the cities. Me tesetwir Park Opens Menemetung Park opened for the Reason on Saturday, with Mr. Alex. Shearer, of the Cnlveraity of Toronto, as manager and Mrs. M. Duekworth. of Detroit, In charge of the kitchen. The r•ottaeen are again all oeeupted and the demand greatly exceeds the number available. As is the ease with other Rummer hotels thla year, owing to a enol. wet June, the Reason's opening at )Gene. 0l agrteuttnral 1 setting Is later than usual this year. paid only :lays. 7s Mut bookings for Tater in the Renown alio per ton. Th64imatel total saw are quite heavy. lig to pnrchaaers NO $1732.Rttti Greve, 4,032,896 bushel's: • • British brunette and gay. Road Africa,' 2,535,1110 bushels, and Prince. Ingrid-1'ictorta of -Sweden. Russia ie .now growing more wheat Make tivi sfimwn Pay twenty-one- tall and_ Abode' Ingrid -kr than the - tntted States]. hut Judging Ontario nauatll is about tour 8utiaTiti, T, ,Ole$ Istehe tT* .o ivdd,.A y Ru.dia'a--nlPthods it one•laa f. milliksmoseets of hay c webs to note that ('hint and Japan and ranks with her 'as 111e moat stately won't yield as much dowugh. -Wichita Ioth„gke considerable quantities. priuceast In all Europe, Just like the }ogle. ibehirra in fairy tales. --- -- _ eblteeh. N.Mhes f aad ti 0 that quality Dart DDt.tr tow ell dally f 1 ' The valets - peering of an ata' t'eMld Statism *Md. 1p from . • • pquytde e• of • two yea* ledge of what kelyd is y��d t du re ase total to cressl In/ power of operatloes, A fleck Um Ing the winter toward the se they begia u, yield droW n ceases without there suspect temaln on the which infests the day. return log time, cause Elford, Donato recommends f the birds with (ng blue ohtm and for the r a strong solutl other cretlin the creek's in t' at regular ha• fashion at int mended- Ceti Announce poration of t: Co. with oath We. The c struct and primarily f,.t growers of the apple g Forest a - w 4 tire Is becoming more preduetive mixed year as ries fly 01 a muted - or .-� `"Mao., as Wooed to to - 1, bJert qr in the ae- ration n-ration Yeas ROO row tripe; LT: „` Mira' • k wily ' *- slow imp hen lot the tutu It acacia a t resew, lice, which the ted mice re ike* during me eirdo at roost - Made. r. C. ry sea. dusting soder and apply- ,, ath the wine pL,he recommanda ns. or ally mates to gad uest singer tbfeeehout the Seib* in etatlar Is also recent - the bees, irrae- a ens- of re a Moat district ..04 'Medford amid (' An 0 .9f Agriculture turn ■ cow out * ai-' on a empty stoma*; teed of dry hay bete IdO : have • supply of water av or -sear the pasture at all times; don't tura the rows out on a Zeal gesswre, era vesture asrya. heavy dam or Much of the danger as* be avoided by sailing grass 'with •(talk In seeding down the par- terpr- The cows prefer grass to le- gume* suet as alfalfa or sweet clover •qe1 will take the edge off Weir ■ppe- tithee before feedZ ou these. Veh shte ter Dairymen The Dalry Branch has recently is- sued a',•',,'iructtve leaflet entitled " aid the Remedlea WO t • • Besood-"gads Cream." cry note states that regulat oma^under the Dairy Products Act require• iW a premium of one cent per poiundeet butter fat he paid fur *peels' grade creme over deet grade erste, and • prosiest of three 'cents pen pound of butter fit for nest grade cruet over second grade cram' The leq'Net points out how these looses may be aveldedeead enumerates eontaoa de- tectar-41p aecoed grade cream. epeetal g 4tipsrem U says, can se secured 7 ,j *peeled, careful about keep- ing evaertttag clan and sanitary, sad canting the cream gajtily to under fifty degrees and keeping 11 under flat teftaperature. A day or *pies of tbM twat may be obtained be applying the Dalry Brandt. Qatari. Depen - ed Agriculture, Teraina. BIPPOEIMD TO HAMeT CLOOKNO At tit last meeting of doutbamp o.ott�l a petition was presented usellingletat the bylaw autbortaing he tielemg-0., storm for the wt41107 half-iwtldaya duties tile' summer months be repealed - A motion autboriaing tete repeal of ahs bylaw as tt-cnocerns gravers, craft. confectionery and drug acorea was purred by a majority of (outwit Aa amtsendment anthotiiing the repast at the bjiae- with regard to att neanos was lost on • vote. Aa Soptkamptton is a summer til t and1144 v Utile farm triode the saq- mer are the hareems timet the htsgtn es mere of that -town 'a early dosing atoms like throwing away tbe merchants.' chance.. of mak- ing cal while the sun shines, meta- phorically peaking: A leading Wier - !On mero•hgat hlfornted us that before tourists eomttianced W nrke their sudrer home* on Bruce Peninsula Jniy and Auguat mer„ 111. worst mouths, new they are him hest two mouths of the year. With Lake Hur- on on the west, Indians 00 the north, Port Elgin only • few miles to the south, and only the east to Gra w formers from, it seem* *;h wise ria policy on the ural g.t►�te�y Dart of 1 ceder- merchant* to keep right o. Ssb fee of Tech- six days of tee week during the con m . A. (• , ing asoa.--Chesley 'lDater►rS•e. ar. of tilde a of the resits' roMetitli George, R. freta and f Depathe rumirst top. In which the red. limestone submit operation. T110 ablpped was 1 pald $1.175.79 1 venttons anaosint average rate pa wee .752 a ton as an average freigh estimated averag the railways at acted Is $1.86. w'. ,1 la charge of nbutteh for the spree ter h • and 'day, tariff and y were in ncost of limestone i idle, purchasers 11j and tbe sub- tle 91,005.72. The 1 the purchasers' subventions .644 ( ate a :1300 The rate per ton had Government not sea the purehamer utOale bra. actually average .suing of th Oriental market Iii one which may he i Tet years ego, when Edward of capable of very eonaklerahle deeelop- Widen wan first looked upon as a mar -I Went In the years to-vome. rtage'ahte youth, he had 1T choice. There were dozens of royal prim -ewes available. and every chancellery sought to foment a Marriage with the Britlih heir. Gradually revoluftona and mar- riages have reduced the field and the C. Baof Sinewt ruse scent trouitlea in Stalin cut off two Bert esadidate; E.ries. a foreign princess she mu* he of s . • •..• • , Norfolk county is having a triangu- lar light for the seat made vacant by the death M Hon.' John R. Martin. A. in he (; rvative W. ('ruse 0[ ilimene 14 more Is.aaib1.',', for If the Pries".. mar - 410 Liberal nomltww, fond A. C. Stew- a reigning family, otherwise• he is free art of fort ihtver to an independent to marry an Englidiwoman. candidate Mr Rtewart Is described Ma a contractor. and it'wr'are not sig- ` tynken he was p resident or Glderi•h the late 'fel'n, irhel he Wee *Raocia- Ig ti to tornItre. for -.. to 191.' Mr. Martin carried Norfolk with. • 1aree, majorltlee, but years ago it rased to be fairly good fighting ground for Julians Of Holland mono destined the Idbenib. The remit will afford a for martinis with a Teutonic prineet - -•$sal art-- tete-7mnwtlnrite-of.-fhe- Mpn;'Ts.nuw ib8e Tws i ii b11.inetl, Government. - _ but lei etrry rase tit; ,'oitrt of the Netherlands AMR issued an official de- nial of betrothal. Mort mentioned poe- slide huslanda hive leen' the young Prime of ttas•hem-('oburg Gotha and Prince Guillaume van Erhach Schoen• berg, Juliann 1' an only child. and' all each is destined to -w em the throne -ter mrrther Some tfitr -"!Rr: _ marry (1 prIn a who 110a nothing else to do but mit. with her as Royai Ca - sort. Edward of Wit lea a Ala own work rnt Ont for himt ran hard- ly bre expected to alt nn both fbronea In The Hague sod London. There are l few more IPRser prim teams unmarried in the snorts of Eur Including four slater', from twenty-four to twenty-eight. of Zoe 1.t o[ Albania, but that houme ham ben ere Its throne for leas than three pins. and In hardly to bre (smoldered when marriage* are talked of Teat.'.- vetribe.mite native ot'mar- prsttj let Taking the remaining field, it would serum that the rheum's of Ingrid Vie- toric were beat, for the Britlah throne, whcn in donbt. Ila. often turned to - rd s o - rd. 14e, ndliia *1,i courts before. Princess Ingrid bos that rare besnty whirl] come* (I nuj ldeuding ut.t'rpn•h warn] Hood with flet of old England. for her mother AIM Margaret of nought. a royal princess. of Great lir' tain. • • • • Reports from sone milldam of West. ern Canada are.dieinat in tin' extreme. Heat and drought and wind)] have de- stroyed s.y ptualiect of a erop, end navy fsmlillta, it I. reported, have nothing a -4g( -and Wilda* to melt in ,f exchange for font This le a actuation that cane for immediate action by the Ottawa authoritles Obelualy the *aak'ipalttien In these afrtcknn ae•- ties will not be elle to extend the • 1 seeded relief and the Prnvin lel Gov- , ov , eenineejs are already hampered bt t,,, •eels obllpttoaa In tonne tion with pgatJe vtiMt rr'e� It IR a national s�IRene-. Tho depapstlatlon of.large lsttlos of tM. erect be a rat -,a.oCanaOa---a that " as oldr4 it all" i. oef .. t 5 ►' __..•.,fit --!S, tD ten ss roe- Tr $l!' et *Tfth a ave e** .to4.1 irtmi J �'seer•,►h�Yf.:+ar'� alt" ,. Asn ever dame. AN SAY O0 TWO OOW The Home of Comment* at Ottawa r 1 tree ) It iltg average Canadlaa were anted to wine the most popular book in the wooed. whit would be say' That Is a mower -tee• anecdotic*: but what be onght to say Is clearly tndkatsd by the facts brought out at the recent annual meeting of the Rrittab and. Foreign Bible Society. -That organ- isation spent $2.000000 lent year upon the translation and dtstrftwtlon of the Bible. 1t was printed 1n 654 different languages, and the total number of volumes sent out during the year was 11$R,226. Thar is more titan the circulations of auy twenty other (rooks published during 1930 tout together. it is .Ix fiat% whet It wag eighty years ago. And the elreulatton of the 811.1.' among English-spwnking people has actually more than doubled sine the cisme of Ow war. There 1n fond for thought la that for throw w•ho are nfwaya be - Wailing the gale bless of the present Arisention. , each year. in pawl; scrum the Prov - Ise Just before ham one c.1,0(4 help feeling that mans 4 these acres are not paying the tate and the coot of handling the crept Statistical reports indicate an averse. yield of only one and one-half tonne,. the ace• and thin has Its light momenta, and one of can certainly ie *tea Improved upon. these ()marred recently when eno..For the Meadows, Ind drainage and mates of the Department' a Airfield- *Weet soil are vert important. Boots tore were under consideration. Cod. °f "saess and clove/ see *low to pene- ii. A, Mullins. ('on.ereathe member trate wet.solia and el.rever there 1* a sur Ins -of water m] soil air la abut fur Marquette, and } an. experienced p cattle man, read f.. the Fnn.Pss brief out and 11P1101. the taetertal life is either weakened "r k111e1. Another *.say whirl) he gold had been written point In meadow ingsttvenieut is the by a Minnesota erdlegr student. it wan line of high gelatin seed. If poor seed as follows . "The row is a fc'nml' quadruped with nn alto vote.• and a erunten• Moor In whish there Is no riffle. Slip` collaborates with the pane isl the prrllietioh of a II...Lt provide. the filler fair hash. wnnaatrns. Mat �tmltar tthjeete. and at Inst fa mklmel • lop those she boa b•Ilellpel as mortals eommonly raw. "The young cow 1R called a rtlh At arrtl-21$.-.tha�llnnu0u tura nt'� (•hleken anted. breaded rent and other rase. -of which leo f'nrt►wr knuwleejge 1. ne•atsarr 'Th.. toes' 8111 is mantled aft i, Int. a universal joint. it Is weed to dlntn0] marauding files end the tos.mel col the end has ''time edu- cational t••Ine. Penns,'. who cone in contact .I*111 fhb tassel have voc'ab-- ninrtt'a'lrtltet'nttar grad tmpreuatrie get,.•. - "The row ha. two stotnaeht•,, The one on the groom' floor 1s nme11••ak►'i warehouse ■nrl has 00 oak_ tion. When this one Is filled: Ste..-sW satires ton quiet spot when•'iter'brad manners will .wra*lon n0 mtdmPnt. The raw material thus conveyed for the second time to the Ulterior of her face Id pulverized anti delivered to the auxiliary stomach. where k 1. con- verted into cow. ' "The cow has an upper plate. All of -her teeth are parks' 111 the levet purl of bar' feet. -' • - w tet��,.�q. by �Hr W7 -flat 1iumle'r Or )e..-iesmt. Abe IIJJde...at (t..AJR,..�'. some ini'xpllr•eble reason, aslu,mnl or hesitant about admitting that they do so. Yet they have no need f,. heS+1= fair. The Bible, even from the pure- ly 'literary standpoint. cuutatus more gems of literary writing than ant other single hook. It s.utalus more nnuanove, more history• more phtl- n•si.phy,.. and more biography. And It i4 the only book in the world which you ,'an read Iackwan1 with as much enjoyment as from the beginning. MOTHER KNOWS BF,AT Mother was inclined to worry mid whenever anyone 'went away Inab,tel I. u.ed the meado s starts out with a that .they keep her- pwote.l on evert hnndlc•*p. Gond dndaag.. good seed, ` tbing. "it's *et essay thew days," a,tId and a liberal ate .pct of suitable fertU- I mother sensibly. "one Is always near leer snake profitalibmendows. 11 telephone. and Emig Distance Is so quick and, ntlsfactory. 1 don't know ,•..uwt ...u><, Weal-JeeredFteveteel what lain- d.rwtthnnt 8 -- -Apiary Inap'e•tor• of c►.' A. C. are • flnd*0 -tir�jyTsa--r-Pte 1 the comities of . I.ntuhton. iS1111cne fid Grey the pres- eenep of the older vtrdent type of Eur- opean] foul brood It Is algnifl- entit that in these plebe* the atee�-. . *re mostly black. This variety of tree Is gmrticularly nu- ',ARA'. to European foil brood. Api.-t, ,rare ,lemon*tr*tlons were reently hell M the (vntntko of omtnrio. Victoria n 1;1mcn*. in an effort to Ismer 16.- emit of produring qu,ei'n.. 1lm bkq. n 1,�tt Rt G. A. C. had established a dor.•i lefty nuclei. Weekly (r Weather satditi.n are been very favorable In meat 'netts of the Prnv- In,e, and the null„ M very prnmis-' Ing for fall wheat. cfalfa sal cMver. 't tatting of alfalfa h4bcrn under way In many dlatrtrte nn the crop Is fairly heavy. The frequent,imwerd and warm weather have been +pry favnrahle for ma In Western (ttmegrlo. The straw, harry Crop ham been its very abundant ono, with pekoe ran from 12 to 1:S routs a hog. Early tip and head lettuce are reported gybe plentiful In n number of dl*rlets,;;i tm1 t 0 keen *bt..,_swra sweep. w mown„"_ _ • }a. Awl`''*- , t • -- .'rale/ ". 11. AAA To jRi:�.riulr tat 'MI t wbet'e 14. ll7 gn ;IP. dangar to .1fa11i. damper, tel ry t s per 4._ ail ' l�s��;7 1 • , ' .e4 .t •ti; a i- •tittr"'*•s j 1OA' it *50 T'ELICtov9 von -freshen the mouth and sweeten the breath. The eery act of chewing relieves nervousness and calms and soothe. the over -wrought and ageism yd.er • •wwn. e Judge • • es Claim for Damages {totsp Evlikonep of Driver of One pt > vo (s in Oo11Wo; Lack- * 111 frankness Judge T. 11 Costello ou Tbereda7 1 last healed, -.lodgment is the a care flu[ Punesia--i Antoate, itederleb .a fruit merrhan-t'i, ,t tet•U W Rent, of Haetdltwo. as action arta ms out of as automobile acrideut which occurred on August 30111, 1930, ■t a Jtrldge near Amberley. There war a eollbloo and plaintiffs claimed It was caused by the exces$ve rate Of speed ■t which Beet was Mid to bare been travailing. A stale ler POO damagee was entered. gctko Mae dlamiseed. also Ute do- ors e-ors counterrlalm for $250, but w tests to the defending. In his Judgment His Honor says Le part: "Jaepor Antonio, Jr.. eon of nae of tits plaintiffs. was di -Ivies the plaintiffs' truck and a witness named C tsilo, sitting with the driver, had • coal opportunity of seeing Just what actually happened. Unfortunately for the plaintiffs' Pause, there two wit newts are not ezactly at one with re- gard to their evidence and 1 am le- eltned to believe that Jasper Autoul*o did not frankly state all that be actual- ', saw and did just before the acci- dent happened_ No ceeotlo0 wan i by Antonio of the fact that Clog pts cosspanton, grasped tbe seer' brake and that he, Antonio, DIL Costello ter this setlon, and to nee Costello's words se cd. 'That's you!' adding that to free himself. Aut��ttpp bla elle.to lay ml94, the iaupq. te se of the collie mad for that resuoa the plaintiffs' Males muff be disallowed. 'The defendant la not MOWS blameless. Neither he Rev his witateree have astlslisl me that with their ear under proper control it should mat have Wen stopped before It suderoni the damages elalnwd by the defendant - For this room the defendant's coun- ter -eosin should 10 disallowed." L F. ihm•ey was counsel for plain- tiffs mud C. l'. Ravage of Hamilton acted for defendant. The cane, atter three adjournment*, was heard a Monday. June 2J. In Casty Court. e - T1 1tNCOtlle Talc - (Chimney Enterprise's The charge has been mads in the t>�'aaudios Elegise of commons that the hedget delivered a few week* ago fa vows the wealthy men of thlr country. Mr. Heap, Labor 11.1'. for Aorth Win - mode 1 eomparison-le the old ass new taxation of Income wbleb so far was not Wen challenged. Here it is • Income ()id Tax New Tax diving $ 150,000 $ 34.544 $ 31,635 $ 919 21M1400 61,406 46,125 5,371 260,000 61/072 58.0311 10,447 300.000 87,048 71.125 15.973 400,000 124,200 96,125 28,075 500,000 162,862 121.12d . 41,627 700.000 242,928 171,111 71,803 1,000,000 302,1128 2411,12. 11,11,ffi4 t. -••`0 • e`►• � .' t OW ea% ,r. • • w• 1111111061 1411114 44"10 Latest Designs tapert Workmanship All Work Guaranteed Rea•e..il. Mena R. A. SPOTTON P.0 Sea 101 Gudwle�, Oat Car Waskiqg $1.0! ., ' -. Greasing, Vilcujsing GreerySeemis' awl Lee. I• .moi ---M atla 1,re luras A :fah.- • INA IAA 11 TS fr mea in near shades and :lupe: COME IN AND TRY THEM ON M. Robins Asset ear Tip Tap Tars PHONE 304 South side of Square fm• +►•�, trne 'Freels Rva ll1C Gamma' NG GUM dba.__ 11. • • ae ����UI11II11I11l11I1 �� UPERIO'Q ! STORES -ANOTHER UST OF SPECIAL WE -SELL THE BESTTO7t-T 1 E is PEP BY KELLEOGG'S ALUE -EACH .10C a la LARD A REAL PRICE I La PRINTS 1 UC $ I-EXCEPTIONAL, VAtUE=-- Wanes Soap_ 5 CAKES 25c cCerto.---- 2for25cg=�a Clark's Pork and Beans 29e "-E- 2 Clothes Pins _ 3 dozen 1 Oc Ids Pumpkin, large tin - - x.2 tins 25c = Jar Rubber+gr-_.. - 2 pkgs. 15c 2 & 1 Shoo -Polish 12c Tea, Royal York _.. t 4 Ib. 28c Glacier Sardines 2 tine 25c t _ • 1 GOOD BUY-. = JAMS RA pBERR LARGE 4o i JAR = Y, STRAWBERRY 39c I CATSUP 'TIGER, QUARTS AT 15C • Salmon, pink, tails SOUPS - SP - E AYLMER BRAND 3 TINS ZJC 1 V -- =ON SPECIAL, SALE* _ _.. = MATCHES- COLUMiA 2k s. SOAP CHIPS P 15c ag =D 2 list 25e RREA...sown hi, Peanut Butter 2gr =REA's Marmalade 16 sass 23e TOMATO JUICE fpr TODDY, •teal' ate MARSHMALLOWS t• Ib 10. - Canelo Dry Glaser Ale pts 16: FRENCH M TARD....... . 14, -Sale Specials Thurelay, Friday and Saturday, Jud, tad. 9d sae •- --GODElafetr--..2,.- stoats-71".-.1.McEwen -_., J. S+Auv1[1 'Cat Wow • xv•: 41