HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1931-7-2, Page 1VVeddrog Correct WO* can sena rw-Coiderich ted the ist M$ ;mi.. 1 CONTEACTS potloos Two a Goderide tamest but are -to nave tire pas shortly. 'The Dennisteei of London has goateed a • fee. a e escape at the te meditate at an approximate pies of $1,006 and for este at the Mastiale Temple at a pekes ofte450 . • - Tag SIGNAL •' `CITURFRNOTES 90., LIMITED, radiate' ''. Coloful Scene at va:tanto.v. 11. G. coo. of Wyenting. i r.rwr. e'torirtitex. idag ruibr; Ames -1 Gradation 911* *Wad" neat d1141- Pine Program -Heard by Largo day sdpool at W gemffit's eirtireb will Attdionos--Hotrital to Be be bead the suratag. Tie =Ma wheel meets at 8.111i•am sbarp and the Mind* *hoot st 10 a m Next Sunday evening L. O. NO. 182 and Prtrcess Mary 1. k44 .443, witi hold their ' annual church pomade and stetted divine wor- ship at St Georse's (*Men. A special derVice bag heel) arranged for The rector, Rey. J. N. H Mills, wilt preach the sermon The serviees at the Baptist church twit Sunday *111he etioducted by the raillarged Every avalffible Mat was dile. -Ind standing roma Was at a prolamin' 'a MacKay Hall Friday pereedieln210 libe aamial graduation exerting dr- Mel- andra Marine and Getitral Hospital The young ledies in the 1931 qaduat. big clam, who were literally shoWered with Bowery and gine near the dome pester. Bova. theW. pTeop. Illeunatebokwaido ;11; t: tch:ivipeedlreir71;61::::‘,„wr7a it ale it sermon subjecte-t-ITILAL niaution, pun„,„mt i *T-4-totititertiTe The Stewart West "will he F..iiiia Miner, ' et • •-e ebt of kitheurlioR mit!: supperhorage. *cent witb clusters of • . e Prett7 every ...4..„. reed at the morning ler 'e. Bible The star prom. ented . ,I et 10 em. Among the flower* in North tartlet bnd_ mu, how -.sat clam tinted 4.4irch on Sunday was a bate superiaten eadt, tail Aa ,1• Miss ket of exquieite rows placed there in to Me ebalnuessb rigid. and nurees-la-triddid, bedi , t al memory of the late William Campbell. eifitecom, *wilwww;•,. me pastor, Rev. C. F. Clarke, In men- •, a it se tipniug the rem, mbrance stated that. tired in tbe Immaculate regulation %mi - while Mr. Campbell was a regular et• tendant upon church services as long Atihouis h the evening was wane. as be was physically able to be present particularly so Meteors. Use large magi - and even when in tailing health, be ence greatly enjoyed the program pre- always made a specialeffort to bin muted. It was of a very high order. Vocal solos were given by Miss Anne Wurtele, Mr. Charles Kinking and Mx ee Robert Cate and a cornet eolo by Mr. Rupert Henry. Encores were delegbded-• front each artist and the 'sewn*); of Mr. Cott were vociferously received. It was -the dist occasion on 'Stitch be had sung in his home town she* Ms return from fin.. ,4=11410k11 low 8141: cult, at the Loridos night race,' da, Mr. Geor •11171111arna,•elos- resident urdy. flay the Tramp had te equal the of ttie hospital board and man id fasteet tior-.'e on the Canadian clr- wuriiele w till% mita. , Lunduu track recent 2.071a, to turn the Ammo,. „ouiroittee• -trudieweemi.-42sks-secox6 wita tattog -the irrieduarks. The tide mare got awe! to a illtion DI tbe lustitut stated. wile the hest in all mad, built in 1927 by Grattan Bare. into '4 brief review of t .k.ta to Um splendid ir start In)the firat hese 61,1.1,,eg . rommeneft Julr Net; Increased poet- Guy Ili. Thule under the *tire to Ike gaomich, gapteurd and • 1`11KW 1408TAGB RATES, RTC oeventli In air last two she chimes! 4.41fire'nelv in effect. - letters tett vs-otel both time& In frout of nowt attimigruik the W . .-• 611Vesen tie .plaiss in alanada. tbe classy bold, 'In wide', tlek_gtacio ante: nett and the Alnueek a .4. , that of the general . ball Inalintre, • , Ube tiatted Mid ILO, alt'e was a -starnet. lie tlikeh- chapter, of the 4 ,. Idellettha Un- Mira Traloer, the ••-•. •-• ces 11 Nerth Ing fourtb. to tit, • fre I:03'C ••" Hoe 10 ;mit sesitami daY' of ' mingerue .)...;' - . onterere Ante -,• etre Hive emus e inn eat • On Snap/or-an. „o„ donnuout , io }is s• , .-..” • .,.- 'Inure sr fre•-ti . ,••/_ and ewe , to red 11" t• i:.'- -- I , . ' em• 7:sser• - -- ''' the lt , .• aps, " delivery tbe . ,, m...cusatien ,,f i Or each midi- • ''. Abet t 4- theee De* was LAWN BOTILIN NOTES week. At the local preens rai Monday +seesa w, is lug thirty-two players aititleipitt•ill a 'rather the tournament of Scotch donmes. The prise -winners: Plret, .1... B. Swat - dell avid George Mninby; 2nd, F. 3. Prielham and Janina iligeTicar. A rink K4 °Wetter lady bowierd took part in it teniniament at WI ham last Friday and were aucceesini whining the first prima. The 1 rink was composed of Mre. W Glazier, W. Litt. Mrs. K. Nattel and Mrs. T. Glazier laklp T. The prizes were silver waterjuge. re of s. . 9f St. of rtson, bre et her, rne, 15 • DT.) Sea - Bente Itif Die ttse milk.. have where ltb their ter, ye this , a mad- Xor- Dears:* arnock. Oommerciiii vehicles -Barker Bros. apilikeles Safaris Ater me 'Tile 'tandem) en- gaged in a program of worts, the prfse- vinuere being _as rollover: - 1101[14---"---•-- .11 yard race, under infelifli:-- lohnidonjack Rutledgl, Billy Woods, Dunes KUM. . dil-yard race, under $ilil Bloomfield. !tabby Reid, Frank Tomei, llareld Preus••. elanley Sprotil. U0-yarti rare, under 10 years -Jack Richard Jeffrey, Neil pion 75 -yard nice. under 12 yesirs-Ben Protege Donald Wiggins. Billy West- brook 300 yard flier. under 1:i years -Clif- ford Cranford. Jobn Pronee, P.en Prolate. Rack race, ender 0 years -Billy Thornelort Bentsen Baer, Brunt Simon - field• Keck order 15 years -Bruce einewelield, Beg Preto& .14fulaj.. Bloom - Bed • Atitoidelle tire race, under a years -Leeward Bloomfield. Raymond Snell, Stilly Thorneloe Offilerieb wab ( nly when _Ohe trees were recorded. eit. 'Throe lopt-�S London gr VI 'Masa •;••••:- v-S•M deltueffiT 4 respectively. Beuelitetna. lg. and, litutionian. Sod: mare the winner* the hammee- *rowing. .• Kerning es the Square The evening program was carried out on the Square, where •. great crowd gathered to witness the chil- dren's deem carnival. Thia was a vine colorful affair. with meows of boyo and girls In all 'dads of contueoes- so many, in fact. that In Nome of the classes it eyes difficidt to give all of them a gooff chance to show themselves On the platform Mr. Harry Mc- Clean, was master of ceremonies, and with the and/dance of C•ouncillor Humber and other* the program was carried through in good order. The spectatore were the judges, the primes being awarded on the basis of the ap- plause given by the crowd to the via- Thia method of judg- trillnngletnekil as leterne TM* but it undoubtedly stimulates among the spectators. The candrt, 1044.4adeed an immense) sue - L meich. official deserver. wilffibas follows: High Low Wednenday, laze 24 -.in-- • 50 Thursday. June 2( .,.... /05 60 Friday, June 26 75 58 Saturday, Sane 27 Sanday. Vine 28 Monday, June. 28 Ttieeday, June 30 Wednesday, July 1 75 :190 , 74 63 86 681 90 72 ' 90% 72 ET. PETER% EICHoOL ExAms. Primary to Jr. I. -Loretta Durochet, Donald Hildebrand, Victorine Hilde- brand, Margaret Smith. Biisabeth O'Reilly. Jr. 1. to Sr. 1.-Itert Baechler, Mary Iloggarth, Elaine Johnson, Mary Ahl, Marjorie Buechler, Itlts Coeitello, Betty Morrison, Jame' Baker, ltarr Kennedy, Welter Costello, Payllis Jet- Patriela Wei*, hila --A Sr. I. to Jr. Duroeher. Evelyn O'Brien, Minnie Antonio, Mur - 0•1 Benin). Tiary McAstocker, Gertrude Rabbit race, under 10 years--Itich- es and should be a festure of Antonio, Teddy MeArdocket. Benson and Jeffrey. Merlei Bloomfield, Hay. Mannino Day celebrations in future. Whitely, Patrick Kennedy, Men riee During the evening the WIrigham O'Reilly -free), ----- - mond Costello TEACHER ArPODiTED At a meeting of the Gaderich Col. le•giate hietitute board bele this week several matter). 44 imporunice were dealt wRh. Miss Finnees F. D iug staff to All the vacancy created hy the resignation of Miss Jeaa Cowan. Mene Dale 1••• a graduate of the Univer- aft, d Tor.n.to and beskiimAhit lower wheel work she will have charge of tbe pririmephysteal culture. The board awarded tbe contract for a nese fire escape to be erected nu the east eine of the building to Denieteel Ltd. of Lutuion.- It waii iffienled, LAYJI.UM. Interior of tbe Collegiate redeeorated earthg reboot liellegest. r his pew on the Sunday preceding bit irthday If be had lived until July lit' Mr. Cninpbell would have been ninety-oevee years of age. RAMONA GRATTAN BEATEN Ramose Grattan, Dr. Whiteli'r fen mare, driven by "014" UK was forced to bow to Gov the Tramp, one ret the _ smile« to did" la -a. noted- isebedase for tens amouct4 "14444302=4 "emeirffire-tbior owes, Mamas deal red. .--44404 EMI/MILL PARIN-riEEE6::- ilon I 11 eMiterk-telati "versa Weeks, to vend's f. Mrs E. X. 11 .1. Weston turned to Det weeks at the John Weston. Mimi Rom erIch public 1 for Montreal, summer course of GUI Polversitz 11 Miss 'Lena Slur for Detroit after brother, the late .1 last !Mown. Much Mien Murray in le Wa_ars_,-iinree Rabbit rat,. „d„. 13 beam; band played In the bandstand Sr.„IL to Jr. -Thomas Hogan, and gave a program wbich wan heard !Miry Baker, Raymond Costello, Con - Brindley. Robert Squire. Arthin Brad - with pleasure and approval. Dominion! nit' Buechler, William lloggarth. Elaine ley. • Three-legged' race, noller 14 years-- PallIP Carter and Billy Carter, Rae. old W114011 and Jack Barton. Ben ['rouse and Charles Powell. P1141104)6 race, under twelve yearn -1st Chaa. Wigle and Raymond 00e - Mlle. GIRLS Under six yeare, 40 yarde-let Mary Leitci, 2nd Georgina Lily Bell, 3M Eteleu Jean Graham, 4th June Bloom - Under eight years, 50 yards--lst Evelyn Prime, 2nd Alva Seen, .(r4 Betty Harris, 4th Paultne Johnston, 5th Mildred Leitch. Under ten year& 00 yarde-Irt Bet- ty Feldman, 2nd Phyllis Jewell, 3M Georgina Broderick. Under twelve yeare,-1111411,166-:-Mar- pret Knox, 2nd Margaret James, Brd Janet Taylor. Under fifteen years, 100 yards -let Theda Lumby, 2nd Margaret Knox, ard Esther Leaand Leah Grtff, a tie. Handkerchief race, under eight years -14 lideienne Johnston, 2nd Alva Rise% 3rd Rita Costello.' Handkerebief race, under fourteen years 1st Bather Lee, 2nd Reberta Jobnaton, fId Lucy Harrleon. Node and toe thee, under thirteen prare-lst Margaret Knox, 2nd Mad Mine itlishop, Fird Frances Elliott. Nome and toe race, under nine years -let Pauline Johnston, 2nd Ruby Wil lis, Ord Mary lloggarth. Lock -tight race, under nine psi.' 1* Paella. Johnstos and ledrienne Ind Ruby mins and Rita -tight race, Under twelve yeses = Gralnick and Leah Miff, Ceratetio and Margaret CC DJC'31 Manlier sow. .-•••ffilb ME- %ass, aligr Mir= Omallo, -=, Den. Venal - lateatea bail. mutat As IOW Nature st tilis raterralast Day in Goderich, would not be com- plete without an evening band con- cert on the Square, and tbe Winghaea band filled the hill very nicely. The prises in the dream carnival were awarded as follows: Mini Canada -let Mime Chaperien, 2nd Mies McCreath, 3rd Mime M. inn ughan. Advertising-lat Hope Kutch and Elva Snell, representing The Signal 2nd Billy Joe Johnston, representing ,, Itimpers Ice.Cream ; 3rd Dorothy Muir, • nipteeenting The Goderich Star. MASONS AT KNOX CHURCH Hieterielii-let Ernie Wisher, _ 2nd . Maitland Lodge. Ne .33,. W.& Miss Beth Canty/ell, 3M Miss Griff. A. M., held lb+ annual church parade Girlsfancy, twelve-yirare and under nn Sunday evening, when upwards of --1st Miae 'Johnston, 2nd Thereto Basehlee and Margaret Eastman, 3rd Margaret Lanaway. Girls' fancy, Mx years *nil ender - Little Mary °tallow. Boyx' fancy, Mx years and under- Douglaa McDonald. Girls' fancy, eighteen yearn and under-- let Evelyn Long and Alma Howell, 2nd Barbara Lowry, ard Diana Cameron Girlie comb', twelve years and under --1st Father bee and Thelma Bell, 2nd Pbyllis Kyle and Rutb Rheppard, iird Helen Lowry. Girls fancy, twelve years and under -1st Mina Taylor, 2nd Margaret Mor- gan, 3M Rita Berbotir. Boys' emote, ten psis Mt ttather-- let Johnny Feat 2nd Dolan Muir, 3rd Neil Thompson. Boys' fancy, any age -1st Bud Worthy. 2nd Tom Hogan, lird Bert Worseti. !Wye' comic, 12 mini and under - i.1 Bud Mathiemo. 3rd Chariton Mai*. Ray( fancy, any age 1st Ted Jea- nne lind George Brown, Ird Emmett - Ai vere-wissessie.....i•zos., OW <nude, .gr- MIs. A. Tian* 0.14. emit*. iitd TRIfiffter nate Whitely, Mgrle Turner, Christine Mor- rison, Patricia Baechler, Julia Sher. - pard, Dorothy Burke. Mary McLean, Jr. Ill. -to Sr. III. -Elaine Mero, Margaret Webb, Clarence ,Gerothette ( ree.). Maxine Clairmont ( ). At. 111. to Jr. Pre -IV Murdock, William Hockey, Mk•hael Costello, Joe- eph Berke, Billie Burke, Jr. 1,V. to Sr. IV. -Mary 'Stapleton, Verna Plante. Joseph O'Brien, Edwin Dna one hundred metobere of the order, to - eluding a number of vielting brethren, marched to Knox church for divine worldlier. Rev. 11. Oman, ref-Clte Dr.- Menelni, f-• ton, (erupted the pulpit in the absence of Gaderieh Ado inseitate, was of regular minieter, and In his open449 town for • few tips this week call- ing remarks extended a bratty we'. Ing -1114 friend-. Allie has resigned come On behalf of the (*hutch officiate itia pomition at 11.1 e and goes to and eengregation to the Masonic brethren. Rev. Mr. Dongan preached an ap- propriate sermon, taking se his sermon anbject "Foursquare Memory " He took for bit text the words of Revels - none 21 :16 -"And the city lleth four- square, and the length is as latiet as the breadth ; and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thonaend longs. The length and the Nemeth the height of it are equal." The er *poke semintely of the Mrs- fear walls, wlirth be described 11 110 iwa4 of equality, the wall of pope, the Wall of faith, and the wail a oarity. Lai- Maia were drawn from *aft oat, aid •ennalaids waa lski upon the dames .tibusillding principle* of igasnare. Ity among nsankind, hope, fa/01 , o.44 ttak.s.mkor• "aft WWI • m beadles ftst whiek neut.** 66 Jane- , ring the it wee -et- bet navy, CA italTINIelli mai a younsplaws tirat Itead off home, in dm wee rendesed by the fflowter oe page A) Rothweii wen at the *tam L.« severe hegrt trop breakdown Yrs friends hope for a Mina Doris Wool Itebool .tat" (laying at the boi Mr.and Mrs F today 1111 a visit and Ottawa. Mr. John Galt, Bunk Of Montreal Galt and family weeks' holidays le Mr. Claire pammie Galt, Nelson *vet Mr and Mtn. .1. now, were in `town Ref.- C. F. (Marl) at North street n in town they wen - and Mew: 4obert Mr. 4" . Deana uner. was an into the proeeedings Dominion Day. II his old frlende In .ton end" was acre H. Mortimer nem a ••1,' reneguing for: Ottawa .0. 'rile,' Mrs. eon,. Mere res pus -Aft two Mr wee. Mrs. arias) of God: vex tomorrow will take the ke at theMe- school. leavee Saturday ttending to her . Murray. In his %apathy goes to retirement. ht al,., -and a Wen& tublay:a amity y recovery. be. of the Lean hem 'Men •••,••-•oer- met. in the i-tintry. Dr. Whitely i,- looking ;find that an indebledliew. would have and to) Ramona, evytie vat up n game th,it there were no no ' 4. "20b4d1/41W.,.. tight Dee of the fest•••0 funds Con hand to pay for the -new wing ' for even better things from Iti•nietia is- ile•tortii. flowery', he felt as- rfgrafe/Mabia-ul Uudetleh and y -would rim to the oicasien-and-- that .11..moskil net le- -14.ieg before lb.' arms agatittmireewiloof tt*tthe' BM graduating class, referred to graduation day as one' of _Ulf mr important mtleatones-th nurse'. e. - It marked the culmination of a period not only of hard work au study bet of fear and anxieffe that turned an- ticipation Into realization. Dr. Gailaer the relationship of the. otedical . fraternity with the nurses had bees tbe most pleasant. The graduates', be mid, had exhibited all the high gad - Klee the nuraing.,profession called ft*, • - • and now that they were going out ala the hichmeys ind hynaws of life it be- hooved them to unhold at all time" the traditions of tie -it profeesion. The patient, he, said, was their !lest eon - sideration. the phyeleian was the nurse's friend. and it was then. duty to carry out the dirtdateri..fitdele-ilid to share his responsibilities. Presentations '66 Graeuates- ' -111c--Finreites Nightingale. piens* was given to the graduates by Dr_ J. Whitely., Jung_ C. C. Lite and Mr. S. Croft, preolident of the Board of Trade, attended mingratulatione. The We inifret very_ Much that Yeter-stai e preeentistion of diplomas was made by ban been so short, but it has been long Mime Met 'orkindale. the seperintes enough to create frieudahip with um friendship that cannot be- eas- ily broken. For two short years you Hee ithared. our joys and sorrows. Ton, Mrs. Butt, have always been reedy tit do anything that would prove helpful b., .tor in rmr Mieeloti- ary Society; and so 'often came to worship with tin In our fiertlee, and we do not want you to. forget us when ydu go to your new home. , You, Mr. Britt, have always been ready to lend a hand to anyone who needed it. Your sermuns have always preeentation on. behalf of Ahmeek 4' most willing to help the choir at Arty bws_ .01 .111eple C ha p t e r . The 41411"•••'"a•eah'e ftemptis--esee-alier-tedittr-i'entierres live little flower girlie whet carried flowerr+ and other gifts to the grad- uate nurses were Itathleen Mae•i:wen, Lucille Patfereon. Petterson. Eleanor Whitely and-na.rbere Holmes. . On the platform were Mayor 141e, G. L. Parsone. prtentlent of the hos- pital limped, Geo. Arch- deacon Ideft-Itgletnan, Rev. J. N. A. Mills, Rey. W. 1'. Bunt, Rey. K Ford, Rev. C. tF. Clarke, Dr. A. T. Bunter, Dr. W. I". rialtos, Dr.- a Tay- lor and ler. W. W. Martin. It was ao- nomurd that Wm McArthur, former supetintendent, well in Mr' autitraten. - and she waa given a welcome. The opening prayer was given by Re,. C. F. Clarke and the hencsliction pre .nouneed. by Rey. W T. Bent Later in the evening the nurses and their friends were entertained at lunch and • dance in the Maremie Hall A telegram of congretulations to Ole graduating 'clam and of regret at tIMOI inability to he present at the (ion was read from Mr. and Mr1r.rtlit nrealditt of the Ontario Utdeell Rhynan, of Burlington. Mrs. la pital Aids Aselociatlos. hewed Members of the Ontario Motor Lewe, good -will tour, composed et touffng bureau representatives from many parts of Canada and the United State«, arrived in Ooderieh last Fri- day morning and made ten-minute stop at the 'British Exchange hotel. The party travetledln a chartered hue and two private cars and was exeorted by a traffic officer on a inotoreycle. They came from Owen Sound, arriving, here alight I y behind iehedull• No word of their waning had been received by the civic. authoritiee o Board of Trade offieere, so there cif Trade authorittea, lei that there wae no welcoming party to greet thetn here., The party must have been pretty well "fed up" on official wee setinear,esemesee,--Toe • 4hos, banqueted at some thirty-two towns and entre and In twenty-tonr o1. thefts. tbey-were told Hurt the- place -was the "moat beautiful In Ontario." In the other eightegaimaL the civic hoimitele were not_quite motion. Their tmene, of her parenbi, ',A,.tf' the "moat beentiful in Canada. illeombe, !navels indoor. Montreal I - ' HOGAN-WADEL Manager of the ' A pretty June wedding waa Nolen'. Ilingwood, Mn. nixed at Reeved Hemet chureh, Tees - emending three water, on Wednesday morning. June the muerte of 24th, et (i tielock, when Ellmbeth a tut Mee. John Jeanette, eldest, daughter of Mr. and - ' Mrs. John T. Wade' Of Kttilona, was Joynt, of Luck- united in marrIsice to lowpit Hogan, ndsy to hear eon of Mr. and -Mrs. Philip Hogan of' vowel' merman , Kingahrldge. Rev. Father Fon per- IThure2' geb, .."1:, formed the •eereinony. The bride en- c. 411"411°` gar' tered the church with her father aid pheti., . . _ . the bridal pertly took 'their places be. Mayor of Mien- fore the altar, which Wars decorated sPeethi" With nitauttrut mu the morning 01 wide toeiced-to.pty in an aneeinbit•• IMP up to see fiell Mid Clin- pink georgette with yoke of white an. 0 W. sad lbs. Butt Honor - ea by Godarfliiltownship Congregation Ow Tuesday evening eeventy mein - 'writ of .1Inion church, GoderIch • town. ftlet at 110 home of Mr. and.Mrs. Robert Davidson to say farewe•li to Rev. 9. W. Butt and Mrs. Heft prior to their departure to their new lease at Gorrie. The evening wasaTf oIn ! a social way on the veranda and lawn, e • e, • . feelewit Mr. asect Alsa. we presented with a lianirinffillrlirgt. not wall clock with citimee. Mr. thivideon made the preeentation. sidle Mee Harwood read the following -ad - drew : Deur Mr and Mrs. Butt. -We met beets -tonight to bid you farewell. led by hi. son. lane She wore a White mohair titre hat and white slippers. Het v or the - ate& Templet -Wats ef metes. ferns end -baby' tears tied with white satin ribbon. The hrideemalel wits Mine Marie Ho- gan, Meter of the groom tithe looked Charming In her yellow georeette en- k4t-r teoot tbeaagtattirit,co ii,tis ati a mein- etemble with yellow lace hat and black tw atitute there. Ileglabe in- math' slippers Her flowers were white irtit and ferfdi Edward Wadel, broth- MIsiii nneelleek\4„laataHcl the Klett et of the bride, wart eroomamon• The 01Amaooiire, a, arrived ankh their with Mrs. Goetz at the Friday evening to part of the organ was in eatendance. After the Wedding the toilet ptrty motored to the home of the bride', parents, con, 'onswion 4, Kinloss, where a anmptuoull breakfast wan nerved. The Ranula 'winded 'immediate relatives of the Pride and groom and Rev. ter Koh. The home was beautifully de - vomited. the cline scheme being pink, bine and white. The bridegromn'a gift to Hie bridesmaid was a gold pin and to MA groomsman in Initialed pen eft. 14 the evening a em•eption was held, (insets were pretest from Flinn leafy- 116,-itimpapthisik Har...ft„ lefifewtte bS4 Orakarielt. Lor trarat- te trier et *pressed Mt% .Oot coat te- end Kn. Maga n eacatios with be, Abe will return te, summer waded at *Pend the edmairellinnt Inly and Avi- ation with Offiattile tEept. protium. 01 Quebec. lar. and Mn. ¥I 4. Ilohnea and Veal in town. Mourne for the and will then daughter liadatena are the guest of itr 3. 0. Itaimarde Holmes re,- teak rkekt "Sialtalytin -naturday lagt and day ttedlidi fat Mtn .115111 Pig*" lieffir OM: Vie weeffireir tele up Detroit, • Mr bather on fish Dineen here Mar • •":',r -.r !..'• ' **,,•••• 714,1.••• *4 • dent. end nine,' the vitae* pine by lira Horton nod Mts. A. Reid on behalf of the board: fir We*. Martin, prod - dent ef the Medical Ammciation, pea. molted melt of Ow gradualten with a hypodermic wt. l'resentations 'ere Made on lx•haff of the Nitre. Ahab -Mae bY Mime Ctifetnlyere, for 14-toth•rieli lion - 14111 auxiliary by Mre. 1" 'W.'Carrle and Mit. A. D. McLean, and or °oder- fele township coritillitry by Mrs., r. Rt tirrives. The tialttord ant Mary aloe.* sent gifts Mrs. E. D. Brown made e t dr time, and have taken a deep interest In the Young People's Society. Your ready wit and humor have always made you. welcome among Ink WI' griere-tir Imre yon leave ,us, but we know you will not he far away and alneorely trust that 7011 will come hack and visit with mi. We want you to know that we s9, predate all you have done for us, and we want you to- aecept this clock to remind 'You every minute of the day of the frienda you left behind you at Union. Its ymi take ep your abode in Gorrie, let this le our parting trimmer*: God moves in a mysterioun way 1115 wonders to perform, He plants His footsteps in the nen. And ride', upon the atorm. real& se 1118.g.itt • 1 , ,) • • ir e Ye fearful soul, fresh courage take, The clouds ye so mneh dread Are hig with mercy and Phan break In Meowing', on your head ills purposes will riper* fast. Unfolding every hour: The hod may have a bitter taste, nut sweet will he the flower. • Maid eirloptoint atinialor. -ars. M. 4--tibilraik... non: ilirdatt-Intrastrier, iguretary- /elm from New y . , wilL ,t0,61Petot Ynerte Toalliseyve ' • 4ayeiii4e: -firtintkt, bOielli, LItioatalt t. -kap rusgialliev ita mu-) •ear isal-,- ara, ,1,., ., 'trine, Mr, mai sad. a very MAUNA wilaidip 1,06iii-ii;e-iii, nide _ for Ms *meta or rally -r