HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1931-4-9, Page 12i2 - Tla'day. Apel! 9tk, 1531
• W•
Wall Paper
New Styles,
=►signs and
--- Colorings
Priced from 5c per
roll up.
All owners and uccupiel$
of pretni•ea are her, by noti-
fied that all garhag.•, et.•
must be removed. from tips
premieee by May let, Ilial -
F. C. WEIR._ --r,
Woke. oboes, china, etc., for the rum- (moos early Waimea*
save suitable article.", clothing
nage sale to be betel by the Slap!, day mor Pa (earn of tne midden
Leaf (chapter, I. 0. 1). E., about May' death in Alexandra d lbs
1st. ! Janet Sperling Mc r stilet et
Reeldeuts of Britannia road com-
plain of the practice of bicycle -riding
on the sidewalk In that part of the
town. One wan was knocked off the
sidewalk by one of the riders. Perhaps
it ltttle petk'e supervision would be •
, good thing, . -
A five hundred, euchre and dance
,mde. Atte anspires of the Goderich
Assistant Sanitary Intrpeeter
- SEE—
F. Bell & Bros.
for Cement and
Gravel Contracts
Excellent Cement Forms and
Good Gravel Grading Machine
Write, Telephone or Pee lis
trgphgaes: Goderich 602r13;
Oiatoii 61633.
R. R. No. 1, Golericlt.
Residence at Porter's Hill
louden Work,. nlovleg ;sed
lacking up buildings.
Fresh Cement and Lime
always on band. Carload just
arrived. We deliver in town
and country. Prieee reason-
able. Give us a all.
Telpaoes 1I. Minikes Street;,
Breed -to -Lay
Barred Rock
Baby Chicks
Pricee in keeping with
the times.
Terms may be arranged
if desired.
ER. No. 5 Goderidi
Phone 1704 Carlow
Agricultural society will be held in
the Oddfellows' Hall on Friday even -
Ing, April 17th. lards at R.15. Lunch.
pairing. Tickets: Gentlemen 51I cents, no short a space of time. I
ladles 25 cents- BYLAW NO. 10 OF 1931 OF THE
The Goderich Agrcultural Society Fussed was a daugbter of the late CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF
announces that the itenwlller Nurser- John and Dorothy McDonnell and was OODFCH.
baa will offer special prtaee totalling i Zorn and ed at Exeter, where A BylawRICto stop up •portion or part
$5 at the fall fair In September for the acre ora mn to her hate husband of a highway In the Corgoratloh of the
haat collection of flower" grown from 'forty-three Years ago and where he Town of Goderich, being part of the
plants purchased from their nurser- Vractiaed law up to the time of his north end of Wellington street, which
jappointment to the Judgeship at Ooder-
les. The prise money will be divided: part is hereinafter more particularly
First, 82.619; 2nd, 31.50; 3rd, 31,00. kb. She was an Anglican and since deaerlbed, and for leasing the said part
B111" Ross and Jas. Johnston, of coming here was an active worker In to the Goderich Elevator and Transit
91 Ileorge's church. Com Limited for a period of thlr-
Goderich, were the winners of the two ��
large chocolate bars given away at One daughter, Mins Dorothy, Miss
ty years at an annual rental of =1.00.
Crich's restaurant last Saturday. Tho Russe McDonnell at Exeter and Mrs
contest was to guess the weight of the stop up a portlbn of the north end of
bars. One of them weighed 2 lbs, 12%
oe. and Mr. Rossi guess was 2 lbw. 12%
ox- The other bar weighed 3 lbs. 3"
os - 'a guess was.
Iba. 4 oa, ,
—Gotiorich, On,
Anniversar Services,fory•
Sunday, April 12th, 1931
Town of Goderich
the late Judge L H. Dickson. swam NOTICE.
Judge of Huron county uutll his death
in 1922. On Thursday of last week Take notice that the following is a
Mrs, Dickson was jsken suddenly UI true, correct and enact Dopy of a pro.
and was removed to the hospital and posed Bylaw for the at•pale[ o� a
uuderweytt an operation the following part of the north end ed 'li
day. She rallied for a time, but on l street. beteg • btgbway wtt�p 'tae
Tuesday. Rt*rerse4 a relive. cod death llu»k'11M1 Corporation ratkw of the Town et
resulted. It Is naly three weeks eine j Goderich, and for -lamming the said peat.
Mrs. Dickson attended the funeral of to The Goderleh Elevator and Tremont
• slater, Mrs. (1)r.) Browning, at Exe- Company Limited for a period of thir-
ter, and It is particularly distressing ty years at an annual rental of $1.00.
that death should twice visit a family
vives, and there are twosisters, Whereas 1t is deemed advisable to
E. A. Bennett of Saskatoon, and two Wellington street, being a highway putt RENT. w4- COMFORTABLE
brothers. J. E. McDonnell of London within the municipal corporation of ',mine; all coavenlrreee, centrally
-and C. A. McDonnell of Hensel. The ! the Town of Godertch, such portion be -luxated, on Bruce street, between Vie -
last -named and Miss Dorothy Dick- j ing described as follows: loris and North. Immediate possession.
gen today ae'tompanlrl the remains to i Commencing at a point in the west- I Apply M W. HOWELL 'Phone 213.
Pembroke, where interment will he erly limit of Wellington street to the
said Town of Goderich distant six hun-
dred and forty and slx-tenths ((140.6)
feet measured northerly along said
westerly limit of Wellfagtou street
from its Intersetlon with the norther-
ly limit of Saint Patrick street pro-
duced westerly, thence north along the
said westerly limit of Wellington
street a distance of thirty-nine and
FAMILY take this opportaalty to
thank all kind friends and neighbors
fur the expreeslona of sympathy ex-
tended le their bereavement by the
loss of husband and father. They also
thank those who so generously gave
their ears for the funeral.
F, a■
or unfurnished. Apply to THE SIG-
ceaeeadun 8, Late Shore range,
Ashfield. J. A. DALTON, Goderich.
• ■partmwut over Mr. Tebbutt's
hardware store on Welt Street. •All
modern conveniences. Apply to MISS
TAIT, 'phone 46 or 281
jk apartment on South street. Mod-
ern conveniences. Possession Aprll
15th. Apply to J. E. HARNWELL,
Keays street, Goderich.
RACER ARIL: WELL RILL® f st•de beside her lair hueq end, who
The Goderich Trotting_ and Pact was a native of the tipper Ottawa Yd-
Asaoilaflow lsn>, __-Eng try-
oy town. A aerHee�reobeld at tote
good news to reportLtamfly home on Colborne street at
this week The three $1,000 stake taco'
of its c ivk holiday program, entries
1.1i5,ll.s. condau•ted by the Rev. J. N. 11.
for which closed on Aprll let, have all _-
teen -well tllld and mune of the most) A grass the near the works of the
outstanding haruess performers will be (;(slerleh salt 1•u. brought out the the
seen In 'teflon on that day. There ars brigade on- Tuewday afternoon. The nine -tenths (:t0.9) feet to a point 1n
seven entries In the fee -for -all. They fir." was O.reatesing the buildiut; and the westerly limit of. Wellington street.
are "Bud" Grattan, owned by J. T. the alarm was sounded as a prt•c an- thence south thirty-four degrees forty
Payette. of Pentanguisbene; Alt. Abdell, tiunary measure. The flames were ex- minutes east (30 degrees 40 minutip
owned ►'T 4t. J., Smith, E3wrlph ; tlugulshel -wish ehemh•els In a a..q a distilled. of thlrry4tlree (337- [i
Hal and Ramona Grattan. owned by short tlme. thence south fifty-tive degrees twenty
mlunwest (56 degrees 20 minutes)
1 Grattan, owned by -B. Hodgins. Kings -a distance of twenty-two and five -
Dr. J. R. Whitely, tloderioh ; WtUts
I mill ;(captain Grattan. owned by Wil-
f Ilam Cudmore, ht'aforth. and Groat! [a k and implements, po t beginning; containing by ad
Tuesday, Aprll 14. -Auction sale of ' tenths (22,51 feet more or leen to the
W11 -
farm oto
-owerct Ip Rey and Arthur !tet- l W. D. Colborne Wilson,
� 7. assasucrsutent three hundred and omen.
Manila. The 2.'25 and '2211 classes _ ty one and one quarter (371.25) square
have leen exeeptlonally well tilled. A household furniture and effects, prop -
complete list od entries will to puts- (erty (rt A, P.: her, Dungannon.
Aprll 16,
ARBOUR: -In Goderich, nn April 2.
1 1931, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gov
MRS. B. L. DOYLE I don Arbour, a daughter.
Wordhas been reeef of the death SHA(Ki.E'PON.—(he Monde Aril
at Seattle, on Larch 31, o B. L,1 iK(h, al Alexandra hnspTta . to
__ . F •
Doyle.lvbe{ew- or *ID late-hatea 1[*Y--i3assy-.![ Shackleton.
Deceased had been In failing health TAngnith. Sask-,-a daughter.
some time. Mrs. Doyle moved from DIED
Goderich (o Seattle with her husband DICKSON.-hr'''Ooderich. on Wednea-
some years ago on the latter'" retire- day, April 8th. Janet McDonnell,
ment from the aenlor Judgeship of widow of the tan- Judge Dickson.
Rev. E. W. Young, M. A., B. D., of Dundas Centre United
Church, London, will be the special Preacher.
Mi' Leon Adams, Baritone Soloist, London, Ont., will sing at
botlt7 ]ecce. t
• REV. C. F. CLARKE, Pastor
The re -open ng of the Goderich
Planing Mill on Cambria Road
We have purchased the mill formerly known a1
Buchanan's and will conduct a Retail Lumber
Yard. Mr. George Westbrook, who is well
known in Goderich, will be general manager. A
large stock of Lumber, Doors, Interior Finish,
Lime, Gyproc and Cement always on hand. Let
us quote you on your requiregtents.
feet, be the same more or less;
And that the scald part so stopped up
shall be leased to The Goderich Ele-
vator and Tranelt Company Limited
for a period of thirty years at an an-
nual rental of $1.00.
Now, therefore, the Municipal ('oun-
cU of the Corporation of the Town of
Goderich enacts as follows:
'1 hi t -r potttmt-' or -pat [ Ol
unison street. belpg a highway wi
Munkipal V4ry iiitloc orthe
of Goderich, shall be stopped up,
-rhk•h said portion is more particularly
described as to:lows :
Commencing ar a point in the west -
March 1st; calf, 2 weeks old; calf. 8
weeks 'old; 2 heifers, rising 1 year;
steer, rlafug 1 year ; purebred Holstein
bull, rlaleg 1 year.
Hogs. -Purebred Yorkshire sow, due
to farrow April 29th, Brat litter; pure-
bred Yorkshire sow, due to farrow is
June, third litter ; 8 store hogs, 120 Ito.
BYeep.-Four sheep, due to lamb
Mr tat-
and Greln.-About 5 tons hay,
quantity of strew, 150 bushels good
Mod barl.J. 400 bushels goesd weal uata
(Empire) ; theme oats yielded 75 bu-
shets per acre lest year ; 100 bushels
feed oats.
1l plane Massey -Harris seed
and tertUlser drill, 1ldisc ; Massey -
Harris cultivator, new two years ago;
three -section steel roller, set three -sea
tion harrows, Fleury plow. No. 21; 011 -
ver walking plow, two -furrow Cock-
sbutt plow, set Maisel disc barrows,
Oliver 2 -horse earn scumes% scumer,
Massey -Harris binder, 6 feet, in good
shape; Frost • Wood mower, used
three years; McCormick hay rake, em-
ery. suction grinder, Delaval cream
separator, wire stretcher. 30 -gallon Iron
kettle, rubber -tired buggy, net sleighs.
Dearly neer; flat rack for sleighs, 2
wagons, democrat, Stewart horse clip-
pers, gravel box, 1 set block and tackle,
triple lift: about 2000 feet 2 -loch elm
plank, 5(10 feet 1 -Inch elm lumber, a
quantity of good lumber, barn timbers
ane! rafters, 1 set heavy harness, 1 set
plow harness, 1 set driving harness,
grindstone, ensilage fork, chats, forks
and swoop 'Move's, hay knife, garden
seed drill. nearly new ; double trees
and neckyoke, large anvil, post -hole
digger, set of rope slings. barrel, sides
for stock rack, &umber of five -gallon
oU cans, apple barrel preen and out-
fit fur branding barrels, hay rack,
twenty -foot barn door track sad num-
erous other articles.
Everything advertised mill be sold.
Ni. the farm is rented -- -------
TERMS: All sums of $10 and uncles,
rash; over that amount 7 months' erect -
It will be given on furnishing approved
bankable notes. .t discount of 4 per
cent" strata/t alluwel for cash on
credit amounts,.
THOS. I. Wll V4)N.
- Proprietor.
T. Gb-NI)$Y;AF,
We are instructed by
to sell by public auction at his home.
corner of St. Patrick's and Welltngten
streets', (lolerleb, on
commencing at 1.30 o'clock sharp- .
All the contents of the house, eoll-
ating'•drrlvingroom dtntngr om,-'-bocl-
room and kitchen furnlfure, I eluding
davenport, library tablc, , rocking chain,
ntor lamps, rug 12 x 12, rug 10 x 10,
lounge. small tables, odd chairs, cur-
talas, wrttltag; deck 4'p(ttt bu et.
t*W ii ebalrs dtsbo•, cutlery, 2 eom- 1
plete bedroom mites, mattress and
springs; 1 iron tad. mattress and
springs; deposers. Manures. carpet,, 1
Quebec stove _with oven. 1 New
Perfection oil stove, 1 heating
stove and pipes, linoleum and
small rugs, electric sewing machine,
refrigerator, garden tools, garden hose,
crockery, sealers and numerous other
-na.evepthtng_Mast be disposed
TERMS : (ash.
T. 13UNDRT & SON, Auctioneers.
Huron county. A son and a daughter, STRAI'GHAN.-Li (•olbornetownship,erly limit of gton Street in the
J. B. ioyle and Mrs. W. B. Power, re-
said Town of Goderlch distant six bun -
tilde at Seattle, and another daughter,
Mrs. Harry Morris, reside" at Tart
William, Ont.
The death occurred on Sunday
afternoon of Mrs. Millicent McDon-
ald at the home of her sister, Mrs.
Jades Cutt, Ellin avenue. with whom
---she-.peat the -winter months_ DecaleQ
was in her Tft7Tourth year and tad --
been In 111 health for a year, enlminat-
on Saturday. April 4th, James dnd and forty and six -tenths ( .61
Clark Stranghan. in his 77th year. feet measured northerly along said will reit b R, public P. Dit
McDONALD,-In c;.stench, on Sun- wester! '!tali of Well nn street 7 .neon auction at his rtsl-
day, April 5th. Nlelisaa Coombes, eel- • y Wellington dents-. Dungannon, on
from its Intersection with the north- THURSDAY APRIL 16th
I' Accountant, 102 Ontario street,
Stratford. Phone 1580. Res. 13301.
nlst of Knox Church, Goderich
liter Stratford Normal Schott
Teacher of
Preparation for all examinations of the
•Toronto Conservatory of Music
Studio -Corner West and Wellington
streets. Phone 638.
dow of the 1st.• Anthony McDonald, 'rel limit of Saint Patrick street ro- THOMAB OUNDRY, GODERICH,
in her 84th ear. y V Mmw.ncttrg at 2 o'clock
sharp g
y dared westerly, thence north along the. Parlor suite,. . walnut: wardrobe, LIVE STOCK AND GENERAL
"aid westerly limit of Wellington street bookcase, writing desk, commode, AI'CTIONEKR
WANTED - a distance of thirty-nine and nine- large upholstered rocker, bureau, Telephone No 119.
c tenths (39.9) feet to a point in the tables, chairs, cellar table. auto knit- Sales attended to anywhere and every
Ji.4 ANTED. -000K GENERAL AP_ ,weeterly limit of Wellington street, ter, range, elt)er coal _or .wood; Insley effort made to give satisfaction.
P _ , - soaNt tbt,tr-for degrees rn;� small cupboard, couch, lamps,
armee sale notes discounted.
Bedford Hotel. minutes Past (30 degrees 40 minutes) books, croquet set.
fng in a heart attack a week peter to IANITOR-WANTED FOR MA901410
her death. The late Mrs. McDonald j Roiniieg Modern apartment. DIM
betergit l,Fgoaarriage was ktigs
tvolnbes, daughter .or lb l� r�
!T1 1st gt.
and Mns. ('ormbea of (lrej fowl's. D ply to GEO. P. GOULD,
zAfter her marriage she lived for about
ten years at ('ranbrook, where she and
Go a ---i Kalbfleisch,
�llanager _ _` -Proprietor
husband kept store, and later they - .APPLICATIONS WANTED
eaideeted a hoslness at Stratford,
where Mr. Mcl)onald died ten yeah APPLICATIONS WANTED FOR
igo. Mrs.-Mrponald-theft removed to -A-- road- -superintendent for the town
Kitchener to live with her son and ship of West Wawanosh. 'Salary 40
she also spent considerable of her time cents per hour. All ■pplications must
le (loderlc'h. She was a member of the be in the clerk's hands by Friday,
presbyterisn church. Deceeped le mfr- i April 17th, at 12 o'clock noon. DUR-
vtved by two sons, Robert A., of Strat- NIN PHILIPS, Clerk West Wawa -
ford, and Elmer, of Toronto. two nosh, R. R. No. 2, Lucknow.
daughters, Mrs. John Mooney, of Sas-
katoon, and Mra. David Tait, of Meota, APPLICATIONS WANTED FOR
Sask., and one sister, Mrs. James Cutt, two word Inspectors from the
of Goderich. Mrs. John Finn, Strat- north • half to the south half of the
ford Mrs. George Coombe., London; townahlp of Nest Wawanosh. Salary
Mrs. J. E. Coombes, Saskaton, are 35 cents per hoar. Applications must
sisters-in-law, and Mr. George McDo•- be In the clerk's hands by Friday,
ald, of Wroxeter, a brother-Inrlaw. April 17th', at 12 o'clock noon. DUR-
All the rhildten are here for the fun- KIN I'HILII'S,•Clerk of West Wawa-_
eral, which la being held fila (Thera- nosh, RR. No. 2, Lucknow.
lra�lAr, -with a nervier Coe-- —
ducted by Rev. 4'. F. Clarke at the •
home of &w...Iamt't Cutt. interment
N41-thv EIvcMc
Now Playing -"River'" Find"
Mondety, Tuesday, Wednesday
Last of the Du—ciries_7_
A widely read rhn1An.-e ..f the South westpsltrayed by capable
Idsyere hend.'I 1•. GF:1►KI:K 071111tlN'sai MYRNA LAY
For all who like a tense dramatic story and fast-moving action.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday-
Olsen fa Johnson
America's fnnnleetlilottbi hit a gltftertng pageant of girls. gayety
and gondolas. Visit Naples with
Five ltroadwsy celebrities In one grand, gborlo..v and glamorous
.r, comely not to mention the well-known
• You may bet your Mumble Rte that
tllaalglg--"Y>ewasse NISis" and -ram Sareyer',
Matinees Woiloh d .y ley IMIefe 11. se It Il*
Is being made at Brussels cemetere,
where the hnsbend of the demised also ''OR RALE OK n NT, -ONE ACRE
is Iitirisd.-- a .andy-loam ; 4 -room cottage. alt
' convenience': cerrept cellar. -Mi-
' 1 se, fruit JAMES LAYRRY, Eldon
street, Goderich. Ontario.
Five Hundred, Euchre
and Dance •
tinter auspices of Goderich
Agricultural Society in
Oddfellowi Hall
-on •
,Cords at f(.1 5 p. m. Lunch.
Tickets Geetlemen SO cents;
•Ladies 2S cents
Applications for the
position of Assessor
and Tax Collector for
the Town of Goderich
will be received by the
Town Countil udtil
April 15th.
Duties to commence
>ta t... •KNQX.,
--Hol esvlhIe for sale. Situated at
corner of Provincial highway and Sta-
tion etrek. Apply to CHAS. Mcl'HAiL,
Brock Street; Toderleh Telephone 583
■ distance of thirty-three (331 feet, Milch "Dow, due In July; 15 Barred DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER
thence ,south fifty-five degrees twenty. -gam - bens: - small --brooder house;
minutes west (55 degrees 20 minutes) chicken coops, fattening crate, work,(rHLROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS
a distance of twenty-two .yun gye- hob, 2 desks. loot cy,, pi e a THERAPI
a•.w..-•.n..- .,n.,.,. �.,itih�c'Rt� .l.�i o,; aw►.•.. gi'
f ' :•iuW,va.r.e... '.'dit.;.`i'rw" +are.:":. •,.. [1wet1rif'•lift7(r11L`i;:.,t:
horse, crosscut saw, rain barrel, hoy s . Equipped with electro -magnetic
hand sled. boy's bob sled, pair skis, .baths, F:lectronlc electric treatments
corn -planter,' block -end tackle, adze, Land chlropractfe, Chronic, organic and
point of beglnnlrira; codtaln g by ad-
masmrment- three hundred and seven -
4Y -one and one euerter 4871,Z, egwre
feet be the -same more or leas. lioatskin rnhe, robe,' renthook; scythe :nervous diseases- Lady la attendance.
Andthat the said part so stopped up j and smith, :12.41) Winchester rifle and Office hours 2 to 5, and 7 to 9 p.m..
excepting Monday lntl_1bursda7 and
ay --appointment.
Residence and office ---Corner of
South street and Britannia read.
cash. Over that ■mount, six months' _
credit will be given on htrniahing ap- jig®I'(.AL
proved Joint notes. A dI..-ount tot rate
of 6 per cent. per annum allowed for DR. F. J. R. F'l)R$TER,
cash om credit amounts, EYE, EAR, NOSE. THROAT
T. (i['NDRY & SON, Late House Surgeon New York Opb-
Auetbneero- thalmlc and Aural Hospital. assistant
WWI be leased to The Goderich Ele- reloading tools, scales or mad_numeroua
}Taband Transit Company Limited f other arttetes. -'
II for • period of thirty years at an an. Everything must he disposed of, as
' nual rental of $1.00. Mr. Dlnher fs leaving Dungannon.
This Bylaw shall take effect on the TERMS: All autos of $10 and under,
day of the final passing thereof.
Read a first, mecum] and third time
and finally pass.'! In oven Council this
day of A. D. 1931.
Mayor. '
/clerk. -
And further (eke noble that this ' LRMsquare Throat /tomtits,. London, Eng.
ftiNG AUCTION SALE OF at Moorefield Eye Hospital and Golden
Notice sad Bylaw will be published e,,
Once a wglell.for.four, sec eeatve weeks, ;1,3 Waterloo St. S., Stratford. Tele-
Lag_the date of its first FiOI'SYJiA1LD..Ft'RNITi'RE. .•267. •
UKlud public*,
phone At Hotel Bedford, Goderk'k, ail the
tion, and any Pelson who claims that We areiRstrw'ted_by
p ATMAN- gvening of I et erM►,,, •, ;
his land etude gmajaiiaiatty asectettl- l[R!C 7L" is"�
' by the proposed Bylaw may apply to month of
the followlmg daj .Taesda}.. ,.,,, •,,
to sell bypublic auction at the I
perso-n-t, ore his ll of
counsel, solicitor or to .1Rpublic statiy eJehe rem at 1 Pin
person,_ agten , to the Council of tfieYancipaltty
G the Corporattoq of the Town' Of Commencing at 1.Ytl sharp: I•RGAC "
i Goderich, within the said Ova and he The a rt _
ishan be lea ,.,,,,,t The
the estate,.? ft' teMrs��DUD Y E. Iit►LMEN,
Dated at . erich, this"!� day "or IMnelly, consisting of a comfortable . Barrister, Etc. -
March, MI. frame story -and -d
-Afiatt welling, with (jad
OffIee-Hamilton street. es .
L L. K1IOX, modern eoncersiencea on 5 gosh garden Phone 27.
Municipal Clerk of Town of Goderich.lot The property i" well situated end
toemesalon cnn he given shortly after
thasale. AIso all the eontenta, consist -
Ing in part of •
Two walnut sofas, upholstered in
NOTICETO (REDITORB. hair cloth; 1 walnut armchair, up-
u0U8E FOR SALE. -ONE AND A- in the matter of the estate of Rob holstered In hair cloth ; 3 walnut an- ria R. I)ARROW, BARRISTER, ETC.
A i#ALF story white back hoose, on ort MacKay, late of the Town of Gal- tique chairs, hphoistered In hair (•lotfir: Sueeeesor to J. L Killoran.
BYoc-k street Modern conv�enleners In- 1 walnut centre table, 1 walnut writing Phone 97.
Wan. deceaseddesk, 1 oak hall rack, 1 dining, table • Office --The Square, Goderich.
TiF F 1�I Brock street (at Mrs TYRIn's m Notice is hereby given, pursuant to and chairs, several small tables, rock-
Serttem 51 of the Trustees AM RSO Ing chairs, bedroom cheers, 1 Singer I FRANK .DONNELLY, B. A.
swing machine, 1 Sterile cloak, 1 •Barrister, Solicitor, Etc.
mantle clock, 3 complete bedroom Office -North street, Ooddrich.
Te -
against the estate of the said Robert
suites, with metfresa and springs; 1 Ph�une 282.
---�•wtrtele tied asst woods lttefl11 *118 -mat
rem and springs; :t toilet wet., curtains, HAYS & HAYS,
pictures, 3 feather !WAR, 1 congolenm is Barristers and Solicitors
rug, 1 bedroom rug. 1 coal oil heater, R. C. Hays, K,C., and R. C. Hays, B.A.
1 coal oil oven, kitchen furnlahinga, ' Hamilton street, Oodedch
George Wllllsmn, Fowl., ('enadlan Rank
dishes, glsasware and cutler!, 5 ease ''etlpflOtw cls
of Commerce Building, Goderich, ter- 011 lamps, garden: tools and rubber
torte, one of the eine/torsi of the 'fist hose, wheelbarrow, fbahing rola and
will and testament of the said de tackle, n quxniltp of cul and wood,
ceased, their (:hrleflan names and Puff- end numerms other artkMs.
names, addn'aaes and Aeseriptionm, the Thla will be a genuine clearing sale;
toll 'pertienlere to writing of their there will he no reserve.
TF.ItMet: On property will be an
pounced at time of sale. On f.rattare
and effects, (soh.
Barrister and Sulieltor.
Office -North street, Goderich.
Telephone 512.
eluding ele. trio light Apply to Mi88 erfeh, 1h the f'ounty of Huron. Gentle-
acries the Street).e
FOR SALE.- MAPLE LAWN FARM, 1i147,• Chapter 150, that all creditors
r south half lots 16 and 17, (once++, and others having claims or demands
and it,-lable bit l hilts. Pricedokkad
WI; Matey, w•bo -i k t on 4".al"ioi-
and valuable p lldito to ++PII ; 1rnh day of February, 1931, at the
as y terms. Apply to NORMAN SAN• I Town of Goderlch, ere required on or
DERSON, Myth, Ont. before the 25th day of April, 1931, to
FARM lesm-f(AfrF).-THREE. MILES stud by Inst prepaid, or deliver to
southeast of (toderl'h on Huron
road; 95 acres, clay loam, 8 acre++ fall
irheat, 48 acres mature and hey;
good brick veneered house, 8 rooms,
furnace, 3-pi.s-. bathroom ; bank Karn
70 feet r :R, feet; water piped to barn,
drive shed. C. F. GROVES, 'Phone 1 claims, it statement of their amounts,6111."33. ' and the nature of the security, If any.
Fon $A1,K—FAI4M OF 100 ACRES 1 hn by them.
1 situated on lot 32. rnhseaalon 7, , And take datetlth !belt Execrutors
such leo-
Ea et Wewanosh. Good barn and tnontl0 dl the the naaptors will pea
scabies, cement throughout ; also 150 1 Beed to dlatrlbute awns of the maid
7rena, genre, 1927 Ford ectipe. frame (leavened hereto,having( the parties entitled
house with household furniture, domes- thereto, which regard only to the
tic equipment, radio met. Possession at claims of witch they ,hadll then have
once. Reason for melting -proprietor ��' and that the the
Fidc aan'ts
Intends returns to England. ROBERT
will not fee liable for the meld enacts
ng a penman or
WINTER, R.R. No. 1, 13elgrave. or any part thereorto any persons of whome claim nottte shall
RAHY C11rCKS AND CURTY)M not have been reetved by them at the
hsblith *Ingle N.mh White Leg-
flap of enteh illatriToronto
g ng Dated at Toronto iiia 25th day of
horn ()hleks. Prices for Aprll 13 ends. March, 111a1.
May 12 (ants, Jane 10 Sento From ped-
cockerels witness dame were PICJUil'h,i CAi.VII4.,,
henlPmc fN hl a 171-. tug hen luatom- •..ntrwroweto Sti.•t-:, . ' "'
i!t!bf� • pmt at(+yal Broad.
Solicitors for the maid Repeaters.
tit ltd'rllla t�lnyRtika Amy poetry
COI Liver Off : -price :reasoe•1deW.
HtIME currTTON, RR. No. 5, (leder-
kb. Telephone 1411 Arlo.,
will Nell by public auction at 1ot 1.
eonretskst 7, W. 1). Colborne (Carlow),
Ti!F.SDAY, APRIL 14. 1931
at 1.A0 p.m.:
Hesse, -Morn. riming 4 yearn. In
foal, abode 1600 the ; gelding, 9 yeses
old, about 1450 lbs ; gelding, 6 yearn
gal A() ih gF1•Idlne, general purpeeg,
C.vrtt--Ayrshirnk caw, seer''. ofd,
fens* .fe Jaawweyroin Mit Irnlefele
eau, 6 yews, fr(Maaed Aprir ter: 71.5-
"ftwffh la mane normae teandttfett 11818 roll, R ypn, Ane M frames June
he 'suet do momxthtng foolish to 20; BrindM. errs, 9 yearn, dee April
ft " James J. Corbett 15th ; Roan row, 6 yearn. freshened
r,R1t1EST M. LEE,
Barrister and it rlleltor
Run Life Building. Adelaide and Via
toria streets, Toronto 2.
Telephone Elgla 5301.
ANCE COQ --Farm and Isolated
town property Insured.
Officers - John Bennewels, Pres-,
Rrodhagen P.O.; Jamas Connolly, Vier
Pres„ Oaderich P.O.; D. F. McOragor,
Rec.-Treas., Meaforth P.O.
Directors -A- Rrnadfnot, R.R. No. 1,
See forth; Jame RholdIce, Walton;
Wm. Rlnn, R.R- No. 2, Reeforth ; Rob -
cot Fcrrla, 1iarlotk ; Geo. Wee
R.R. No. 11, Sseforth ; John
tole ' !maim Wet . MRyth
lay,'forth ; Jobe Mnr-ay, Rea
'Paaitry.sent,o Mw make ale pa
-aces Avg that." sere* Traitor('
twit Rank, (!TIWMff ; Calvin
Grocery, Ktngetnn street, (lode
J 11 Rsld's General Rtnr., Ba