The Signal, 1931-4-9, Page 11OODIERICH, ONT.
Thursday. April nth, 11131--11
movie, at aY es .
190 Ras. Sti RICH
J. R. Wheeler
Funeral Dlreeter Bad
All calls promptly attended to
dav or night
Store 833 Residence 358w
Hamilton Street. Goderlch
Cleaning Pressing
Depart service on Indies'
and men's clothing
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Haberdasher and Dry
TELE2301411 lO
Monumental Works
Bed Materials
Latest DeeiEOI-
E:pert Wtukta11111to4h
All Work Guaranteed
slsnnaws mince
P. O. Baa 141 Cliaderlak Ont.
COCISH w a a
has removedg tow new
quarters on Kingston
sod Menke aCoalition
Allie-aseka nes sod Udlsd Tem -
County and District
Lacrosse is being revived In Kincar-
dine and • club b being organized for
the coming sealaoo.
Thomas Troup. au old resident of
Mullett ts►w(sahlp, died Man% 80th In
Isis eighty-aeeoad year-
Normin, eon of Rem etr.
-ilroraU, la laid up willt..a_ free[ l!'
ankle, received while ptsyise.
Fire of unknown origin destroyed
the home of Mrs. Donald McDonald,
2nd concession of Grey township, on
Mondry morulug.
Mr. and Mrs Walter Rruwlek, will -
knob■ residents of Howiek township,
re'eerltly celebrated the fortieth auut-
versary of their wedding.
The Seaforth spew: fair, held Tues-
day of Iasi Week, was favored with
fine wegther. There was a large entry
list and a record attendance of specta-
tor* and exhibitors.
The death of James De Wett Strong.
of Fordwich, on March 28th, removed
a young man well known in that dis-
trict. Deceased was lar his thirtieth
year and Is anl'vlved by his wife and
a little daughter.
The death of Mrs. (cook, widow of
William Cook, occurred in Hallett,
near C,00stanee. un March 2Kth et the
age of seventy-seven years. Deceased
leave' a son. Victor. and a daughter,
Leila, tooth gt home.
The Kincardine lawn bowlers held
their annual meeting last week. J. H.
Chapman was elected president for
1931; W. P. Spero, 1st vice-president ;
}'. Morgan. 2nd nee -president ; B.
Wood, secretary -treasurer.
Claiming 82,000 damages. Annie Mc-
Taggart, of Tmckersmlth township
has entered action against Hamra!
Randle of Hensel!. The claim bs •a re-
sult of a motor accident in which the
plaintiff claims to have been Injured.
Joseph Clegg, of Grey township has
purchased the Biggins farm on the
London road near Clinton. Mrs. Clegg
was formerly Was Basle Farquhar.
daughter et Mrs. O. -M. Farquhar of
Clinton, and thus 1s returning to her
home community.
At /IL Stephen's rectory, Gorrle, on
M•reh 28th. Mary E., youngest daugh-
ter of Thos. Vlttle and the late Mrs.
Vittle. was united 1n marriage to John
H. Hill, son of William 11111 of Minto
township. Rev. R. S. Junes officiated.
The young couple will reside on a farm
a mile south of Gorrle.
Peei sted-ttaaking steed To
re -stock ettt 'trout reams to ilowlck.
If present plans materialize, it L ex-
pected 2,0110 fagerilags will lie placed
In streams around Gorrle and the
seine number near Fordwkb. The river
at Wroxeter was stocked with 2,000
last tall. If local streams can be
stocked with ash. it will attract many
tourists to ibis part. C. A. Robertson.
M.P.P. fur North Huron, is lamely re-
sponsible for the step, being taken.-
Fordwich Record.
Barry Nile be fesspliel
The seventy -nvrvesrold Centralia
farmer. John Harry, who was the vic-
tim 4 an alleged attack. remains In
Ito. Joseph's hospltak 1,011".. pretle-
• esrasmar't lr 'ser lou. 'Beaty,
the ",,.t suSA pposed
.mac. b - `Ila'
by two Exeter men, who Dow an (opt
on bail ea assault charges, suffered a
caperate. Aathorltks at the bsatitntloS
Mate that although he Is aft la im-
mediate danger his 014111 lA 11 not
satisfactory: -
'A n interesting spring [bedding took
place on Saturday. April 4. when Edna
Catherine, eldest daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. 811 WWI Pym, of 1 -shorn town-
ship became the bride of Charles
Henry Cole. also of (raborne. The cere-
mony was performed at the home of
the brides pare,ts by Rev. i. C.
White of Elimrtile in the presence of
twenty -ave relatives and friends. After-
wards Mr. and Mrs. ('ole left by motor
for London. en route to Toronto and
Niagara Falls. On their return they
will reside on the groom's farm on the
nth concession of l'slorn...
and Wood
G1111116111 Hard Stove Coal
Chestnut Cal
Pea Cal .°
Pocohontae (2 by 4 egg)
I can supply your wants in
any of the above fuel. Prompt
service and reasonable prices.
Telephone 17Sj Goderieh
The Leading Mea 5 Store
• • •
Everything that's new
in Men's Wear
Hand Tailoring and
Special Order to Your
DeLaval Cream Separa-
tors and Milken
Quebec Rangers and Rest-
Fleury Walking and
Riding Plows
Wagon.;, Sleighs, Wind
mills, Water Tanks,
Litter Carriers and
Wire Fencing.
illi ri Creim Separator needs
bring It ha. mill
410 11 right for year'^ c>
W W1t!„
Street Goderich
0. W. S. Railway Debt
Huron township farmers whose
yrepertY 1a c p-jpf the Ontario West
Shore Railway fitheittiiiflf 'i istrC t1fF+f
Monday afternoon, March 300. in the I The annual eommeeem,•nt exer•►m's
4}ealte e-italLaL ila hd-and had Ji-Ev11-1r,f-41,e Renee 14lgll School were held W.
eral diecusslon of the situation. The I the w•hool on Thursday afternoon. The
particular 'induces before the meeting valedictory was given by Mies A. Mar -
was to deckle whet•edhonkl ice done aa garet McLaren. winner of the gold
to the re-lnveetment of, the Interest ori medal and upper school scholarship,
the townahlp's 'share from the ale who is aleo a scholarship winner at
of the asiw•ts of the 0. W. S. road. The SVeetern 1'nlrerslty.
Toronto General Trusts (company were A. E. Fuke, for many years connected
the trustees and the are -year agree- with the Roma -Taylor planing mills,
"Pent had expired. The Truett Com- Intends moving to London and hat sold
pans offend ave per sent. to Is• eom- him resklen a to Thoma" ('rates.
pounded hnlf-yenrly for the Islence of Mrs. Henry Hooper, formerly a
the term. flint Is. until ibis. Th( otter well-known remittent of Exeter. died
was ■e.q,tel. .Iolin Reid and ltolwrt at London March 30t11 In her eighty -
Mt -Cosh were nppolnted am repre'aert- second year. The remains wire brought
tatiree for the !throe township rate- to Exeter for interment.
payers interested. it is ealeulntesl that Mr. and Mrs. WVIIIlam Ville, who are
the amenni oar hand at the end "f 111.38 moving to London. where Mr. Yule Is
will Ise about' 11t41.1100, to apply on the taking a position with the Coleman
debt of =7:;INNI. This will l,iive about lacking Co.. were given a surprise
1 - 1 party and preowned with gifts icefore
Clinton Aviator
Killed at Sudbury
fl5,000 to be raiwrl by dela+uture for
a further pserieml.
A pretty etdding took place at
"Sidebrook Farm." Varna, on Satur-
day last. whirr F'Ier(alue latherlee, Nec-
.ttqd daughter of Mr. and litre. J. W.
Johustuu, was mane) in marriage to
Marin Lowell Wester, youngest son
of Mr. and Mrs. R. 1). Webster. Rev.
E. A. Poulter otliclatel. The pride, who
war given In marriage by her father,
was attractively gowned lD shell
pink georgette, trimmed with radium
lace, with bridal vell, and carried a
bouquet of Opbella roses and maiden-
hair feru. Her bridesmaid, Miss Rena
E. Johurtou, H. N., of Stratford,
was dressed lD orchid satin and
carried yellow daffodils. The groom
was attended by his brother, Watson
Webster. Miss Eleanor Evans, of Sea -
forth, played the wedding music. Atter
the ceremony the guests were invited
to the dining -room. where • wedding
er was served by two of the
brides friends, Miss Blanche Taylor
and Miss Jean Foster. Mr. and Mrs.
Webster left fur Toronto and Buffalo
and on their return will reside ou the
grodm's farm at Bannockburn.
Word has- Ulm . reeei ved of the
death at Vancouver of Mrs. James
Bryan. for many yearn a well-known
resident of Luckttow.
C. I. (Merle is o•oming to i.ts•know
as manager of the local branch of the
Bank ,of Muotrenl, and R. M. Mac-
Pherson. who has teem manager here,
takes Mr. OberIe'• place as manager
of the branch at Mildmay.
Dr. Thome A. Morrison, • native
of this vicinity, and a brother of Sam
Morrison. of the boundary east of
town, diel recently at Regina, where
he was physkMaa and surgeon to the
Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
Favorable tests have been made of
the new waterworks well, whk'h is
producing steadily 111 the rate of over
one hundred gallons a minute.
The death occurred on Thursday
night last of Emma Fltzsimmons,
widow of I)avkl B. Kennedy. in her
eighty-first year. Ikeeased was born
fn Hallett township and was married PORT ALBERT
dory years ago- no -Mr. Kennedy. who-+
htera years A few
Frank G. Yurdoek Loses Lute b
Giving Student Final Dual
Flying Lesson
Wheu phi wachinc suddenly not*
dived near fake Mummy': Rndbtlry,
Sunday. .F1ytug Li:Att :tor Freak 0
Murdock -aged thlrlyal1. of CIIDti*i
wax killed in the eras!'and (hear
Smith, a Sudbury aviation student,
was seriously injured. The 'plane was
a Moth, owned by the National Air
Transport Co. The dead aviator went
to Sudbury a year ago. He is a native
of England, maw servtre in the Great
War and made his home with Clinton
relatives since coming to Canada. The
Injured student was making his last
half-hour of dual flying at the time
and was preparing to make his first
solo flight as part of bis training for a
pllut'. Ik'euse.
A mass of wreckage greeted rescue
parties, who hurried to the scene of
the crash, wading through slush over
the treacherous surface of Lake
Ramsay. As he lay dying, Instructor
Murdock murmured. "It was no one's
Eye -witness Talks
An eye -witness gave the following
account of the accident : "I was watch-
ing the plane doing lauding' and tak-
ing -offs, just behind McCrea's Island.
On the last time up the plane was
about seventy-five feet up in the air.
It nose-dived. I waited for a while but
did not see it go up into the air again.
I hurried over to the scene across the
ice and what a maim of wreckage
there was there. People were just put-
ting the dead iaetrue•tor and injured
student into tbe ambulance. It ap-
peared to me as if the plane Just nose-
dived straight Into thehard ,;round
and pieces of the plane were scattered
s11 about the place. The Wane did not
bounce along the ground, but Just re-
mained where It bit and did nut burst
into flamer_"
Smith is suffering from a shattered
right thigh • teeth knocked out. upper
Jaw dislocated and crit 1icd and cheek
The accident has resulted- 1r
criticism by Sudbury ctt1MM. It is
claimed there Is a le kie of correef
supervision of air craft which have
operated in the district during the
predeceased her eta
years after their marriage they morel
into Clinton. Miry -icing are este Dom.
Johti B., of Detroit, meters] granlchll-
dres, also a brother awl a mister, Rob-
ert Fitzsimmons of Clinton and Mrs.
Edward Watson of Blyth..
After an illness of several years
Edna M. Pennebaker parked away on
Friday afternoon last at the home of
her mother. Mrs. H. Pennebsker. De-
eeaned lived all her life In Clinton and
was beld In high esteem by a large
circle of friend'. Iteshles Iwr mother.
there nervive one sister. Mrs. Mon.
Watt,' of Oshawa. and one brother,
}'rank B. PmMiebaker of Clinton.
J. -0. Maee)r. tillage elerk Is im-
proving from $ long and ,serious illness.
Tit. Milne So had the debris
recite of the
are which destroyed the store occupied
by para Render and 1s making sr-
rsnpemeuta for the rrbaiMing of the
block. --
Mr. and -lint.--Ezra Render and Mr.
and Mrs. Archie Render hare returned
from s trip by motor to Montreal.
While there Archie Bender secured ■
position as traveller for a firm who
manita(tere ladies,' wear. and will
operate in Western Ontario.
The new fire alarm siren ham leen
In/tallest. It le operated by electricity
trop the central telephone otke or
from a ping at the plain entrance to
the hall.
('olllnson A Gloniher have practically
completed the manutact(re of last sea -
eon's flax crop into green tow. The
market for this product is only (air
this year. while seryl le estsklerahly
lower than in other years.
eve•ar• ,--
I'ttltT ALBERT, -sprit tt.-With
beautiful spring weather, the lovely
hints and the sunshine. we seem to
have a real taste M mummer.
Mrs. Wne. Reed bm ,Reuling some
time with her daughter, Mrs. Thom.
Kathleen McKenzie wan in Goderich
hospital last week haring her tonsils
MIs Marion Haggltt Is !Reuling the
Easter holidays with Mrs. Edwards, -art
Ernest and Kathleen! Crawford,
Jean Lednor, (bra Dickson. Etta Quahl
and Ethel McKenzie, all of the
are holidaying at their respective
Mrs. N. (;s fetishes • Yam. CMB.
Creiwt jod ion irwediiit are
Ing the Easter holidays with the form -
son at Walkerville.
th s'ri
Nothing gddll._ Il>dtr : eo m ffi . the :E6ut:: C a;tssa-- a rrtesa mart-
attractivenese of any verandah or
4Z' i c1lmbTing plenl:"17ttb sets ntS
only as a screen giving privacy but
also provides the desired shade and a
permanent appenrsuee: to the residence
by breaking harsh lines and taking
away bareness from featureless walls.
In this country more attention might
well he paid to climbers. Moreover, 11
we are only routing our home we
should not run away with the idea
Gust climbers are not for us, beeauee
there Is a very generous Ibit of annual
climbing plants, am well as those of
a permanent nature. Of course, where
one le the owner a screen that will
last indefinitely Is •dvieed, In this
conne•tiou the Dutchman's pipe, a
very broadleaved plant, is recom-
mended, or we may use the Virginia
creeper, rapid growing and now secured
in a variety which to self -clinging un
rough surfaces. In the warmer see-
teations of the Dominion. Boston ivy end
even Fnglish icy will grow. In this
connection. also roses of the Rambler
type are very satisafa -tory, provid-
ing ',creeps from May until October
and a profusion of flowers during the
early pert of the $salon, as well. The
seal -climbing Paul's scarlet rose Is a
beautiful type. with large flowers on
tong sterna. Trellis work is usually -used from. a week W_ a fortnight after
to support all climbers and particular) planting. depending upon weather eon -
the roses, although many of the au.(futons. Repeat plantings of practically
And all of the ea
nuals, as well as Virginia creaearly vegetables every ten
Dutchman's pipe'. may be tratrterl 011 I days until about the middle of June
wires or Fittings. try des•111 beset on the .0
' U teat the barvest sean for three
wall. Of annual cllwlwrs, we have the
wild cucumber. The latter is a eery be extended. in thesothird Want -
rapid -growing holes. varlet runner and inti group will come the really tender
bgaelluth bean. _morning glories and Ihing's, such an tomato plants, melons,
encumbers. egg Oasts and peppers•
rank -growing plant and Is Inclined to
spread Indiscriminately.
Screening Material
All the above-mentioned climislrs
-calf also be teed for 'screen'. to hide
objectionable fences„ -views and garages.
If provided with support in the way of
a trellis or a wail. In addition to these
we ean oleo use upright material. Ever-
greens will give us a permanent screen
.ganlle•st of We season, or we can
plant any of''tise--w'etl-known sigruis
golds and nicotine. The latter while
tall la not. particulaaty liranehhig, but
oar account of Its evenb1K fragrance 1s
recommended for planting amongst
other tall, annual aererua.
First Sowings
1f the ground is ready now, one may
get in the lirst vegetables and flowers,
but it Is important to make sure that
dull conditions are right flrst. if the
earth compacts when taken up and
squeezed In tbe !land. keep away. eft if
one's bouts become really muddy after
tramping over the garden the time is
nut yet arrived for working up the soil.
However, if it crumbles, rather than
packs, one can go ahead. In the vege-
table line, sow those things of which
the leaves are eaten first. These in-
clude lettuce, creme, spinach, radish
and mustard. There is little danger
from planting them We soon, as all
will staud some frost. The first of the
peas should also go In, as early -sown
peso often yield twice as much as
(10)44.' suer late. Next in line will CODER'
those bullous or root vegetables Bus h
as beets, onions, carrots, early tur-
nits and parsnip's. At title time. tis,.
the fleet of the potatoes are planted
and although_ not as (hardy as the
others mentioned they are not steeple
tilde 14 frost until the plants 4.00)4'
through the ground. which will be in
For die finest in floral
arrangements for any purpose
NI us.
vtllett-nny'1draw-thee we- -
give you, in coker arrange-
ment or in workmanship.
FLORIST Telephone 106
Bros* Street
Bou11d producing equipment fur
talkie theatres I* being made In Brasil.
Sixtys•seven buildings will house ex-
hibts at this year's fair at • Leipzig,
rhteh MEW -sti the way from a foot
high to twice the height of a man.
These. of course, are deciduous, al -
which are best kept indoors or unsown
until all danger of frost Is over. Among
the hardiest usual flowers are the
calendula. candyteft. alyssum, ('att-
forula poppy, evamos, caul, els, lark-
spur. peppy, llnarla, Virginia stock and
sweet peas. 'Me tatter toast be mown as
early es Issssihle. After danger from
frost pus practically dtsappeerel. 7.111-
nis, nasturtium, aster, stocks. Islsaw.
snsi'dragun. marigold and gladlulue
JULY b la ,owl_, t.ltltaa and .cal
are a little more loader and shusld
not go is* until all danger eWhee Is
t3UT OH*
though ere•u is* the winter their ber- Sweet Toting Thing (assisting in
ries and branches will afford both var- church decoration at Christmas)
iety and a fair sereen. Shrubbery end ••liras do you like my decoration
s,I also 1111.3.4:.• the• torr WI „theme -41011Y leaves over IanreL"
portant advantage net providing a safe Young Curate: "If I may be allowed
sanctuary- for our beautiful and used to say
tut mongbirds. Of annual material we prefer mistletoehave an extensive list et our dlslosal. over yew!" IPM would
In addition to the annual climbers
mentioned in the preceding paragraph,
we have bushy. upright plants 'tech as
the cusmne. a till, 1,11,• h11mower, bright
decore51 Ve. ornamental surf 404 ere from
four to eight feet high. hollyhocks.
their departure.
1 1s* a gathering of relative* and in-
timate friends numbering over one
h,inolisd. Mr. end IIfis Mari"[, 1'iirsonor
"The tmnlee with me. and 1 guess
this at hies to 151 nut of every 10) Inez
wle, nut putting .is, weight, 1 didn't
of Exeter celebrated their golden wel•
ding on Slondey. The nlnrring,' w,st
perforniol April (t, Beet, et the Itlble
Christian parsonage, ('relltom, by Rev.
John W. Butler. The bride, Bliss 11in-
iiil• 1ieyeseel. Is•Iotngel to An i'n-
borne townsliip•fandly, and the groom
have tile rnPrav or "pep- H. keep it raft. was n resident of Stephen township,
l.wt :.11 into•rest h, ,enc lornithy acl icily I but for nowt of the time since their
and joist Incl nnstnd ser usn11ialing 1 marringe Mr. and Mrs. lvirsows hare
the "hl psstnd-4 mud 1 got that 11ss•11 resbleuts of Exeter. Both are In
'' Kttrs•h••n 11.1`.1.1t." good health.
Start te1,11.1 Kneetien SOW that's
she '.nom 41 a•n,e WM, M twiner 1•111
don't take them with the then that
they gm...4k. red einq qualities in
BELFAST. April t1. -Misses Fern
and Elva Twamley. of Lueknow, ere
visiting their aunt, Mrs. Will Alton.
dtim Verna Pollock 1• spending the
vacation at her hoe near Ripley.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sherwood, of
Crewe. visited with Mr. elld Mrs. Sam
Sherwood recently.
Mrs. Will Alton spent Good Friday
with her sister. Mrs. Wallace Twamley.
of Lneknow.
A number from here attended the
funeral of Mr. Henry Mullin, of Luck -
now, on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Irwin and fam-
ily visited at Mr. Wilson Irwin's oar
Sunday. -
Mr. Row. Murray. of St. Helens,
called on Mr. anti Mrs. W. 0. Rad re-
themselv.•.. 1 A debate. "Resodv,vl, that'7Mwtly
This is +'•b•tt they .10 they clean out I laud 1s -wlere profitable then rine
1 the imps,ri ic. In your 1.1, ed by keeping I Inn!." w 11I he held at tine r'gular
tits bowel.. kidney, ,od 1teer in ani„. meeting of the Niel'''. flub next Theis-
m Aorking darn•. and lilt yon with 1 (lay evening. Mr. Martin Lowden is
vigor and tit -rte.. energy entente for the affirmative end Mr
As a result, insIe,ul of planting I,timellie ('o[ for the negA atlre.lice!
ynnrsrlf in so easy chair every free ' time Is expend. All noel are Wel-
moment and letting flabby fat a,rsnou- come.
Smola} 'the• pulpit of finite
late, you feel an ergs for activity that 1 U
keeps you moving amemd doing the I curareIi will be occupied by Rer.
thin yotu've• always wanted to (1n and \lslcolni. of EstIvilie. On the
liselartrn Sem tw' tip ups 'slate ,. , `!erdinn.op *tklew are 114814151141 •
Pvmntsln of Yge
oietth Take oe-half i wick aGs
thrngleeit elem'ii 1 towns. p
tes,tpcIon in a ghee , 1 iot sestet Nearly every farmer is saeL .1W,.fs11.
to morrow marftt1sg ani ^'eiy rrPtat n heat w littered e♦ceptionelly well and
he comfit! of the fowls you eat take I eas.
early crop prpe is in this section are
i regular moderate exercise then watch g,s,l Duly the veru low lam! la en
.%'an to always
ran tt MetlnM
rh fire MetiS (leis elfin
-- - here limn • of 1114`.0•1•04.014 .....t.
vastly. +m-wssr
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Hackett visit
with Mr. and Airs. Thea. Henry 011
Mr. W. G. Reed left for
Ontario last week.
Mr, mad-JOtre.-.Aadsew . Gaunt spent
Sunday with the lettcr'a parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Sam. Sherwood.
Messrs. Tow Twamley, Wilfred
Hackett. Jack Irwin and Itoy Irwin
have been cutting wool for Mr. Wm.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Grisham and
family and Miss Mary Cunningham
of I'ort Albert visited at the home of
Mr. Roy Alton on Sunday.. ..
Mr. Win. Sherwood is not improving
as rapidly' n. his many friends would
Mr. Melt's' Heckel -1 of the think of
(commerce, lam -know, Ie on vacation.
the prom
ds slide oil tar • rantrt for ltivntiots
w H IT>I its heat. avrit- e-
• _ . it•,!sitaworr,
tug hev holtd■ys w. ith s, la
and Mrs. W. R. Farrier.
Miss Pauline Reed. of Listowel,
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Recd.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kilpatrick. of
Crewe, smelt a few days last week
with her pereutw, lir. and Mrs. Wm.
Mr. and Mrs. Aldin Purdon, of Leam-
ington. spent the week -end with MI
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. i'urdou.
lir. and Mrs. MaeL•ughlln, of De-
troit. were holiday visitors at the
home of her mother, Mrs. Jos. Chim-
Mr. Russel Reid. of Brantford, spent
the week -end with his mother. Mrs.
Alex. Held. He returned 410 Moadayio
write on exsminstions.
Mr. and airs. Duucmu Kennedy hare
both been laid up with nu attack of
'iMser• -AnnetiD.- Fisinen ef-
ts holidaying at her home here.
Mr. Rhys Pollock. of Toronto. is
s '0 Attie ifs. nn e
Mrs. Cook, of Kenitra. arrive! last
Reek to tfidt-trittr err-ebnnghtei Nem
Wart. alct'Ienaglu.n.
Mho Ida Mc(jtutid spent last week -
elm! with Alen. Patterson, of Lucknow-.
Mrs. Parttons and mon IMnal11, of
Toronto. MIs,, Kathte•tl Tcrrltf. of To-
ronto, and Mr. Maleolus Roses. of Or-
111bn, spent the week -end n ith their
parents. Mr. end Mrs. Malcolm 111ss.
lire. Jerry ltrayrord. art TOrulltn.
Anent the went -end' with her mother.
Mrs. May -Gregor.
Mr.., J. D. Po aloft i= i:1 Lontiou.
tektna a short ergine with the Sun
Lite A,esurance Company.
Mrs. Janes Laidlaw wee cellist to
Adhnrn ion Saturday on aec•nunt of
KINGSBRIDGE the midden death of her father, Mr.
etr'nghan. Ileeldelt his wife. he lenges
KIN(;Sn14IIN;1•:. April 11.,: -Sister thaw *late: Andrew. Eddle and 1'nlvin,
Doke eon stet Sister f,etr ar•141. -mil n da11g11tcrs.
ThonIas. formerly 31i.s Sullivan ,aid Mrs. (Slyer Willies and Mrs in.,
3I les Troy. are Easter visitera at our l.aidlnw.
concent hen, air. and airs. Jas. Pittston end MrSirs. c'. 4E114,lllc 111141 ehlldron,'t'nn) aril Mrs. };11111.1.P11111011. of
Si.St. 1I,•,ns.
Geslerieh, are spending the. holidays ep•nt Suudnr art the bottle of NIr .t E.
with Sir. and 31r.. Tim Griffin - 1'nrdau.
Mies Katie 31e•e'nrthy. from le.trolt,
is visiting her sister. 31rs. lem14' Dal-
31r. N40111 11 (14 5,nuor is home froth
1lnmtlton to stay for Is few weeks.
Mfr. Ernie 1'nsw, from (:salt'rlel, Is
spending n while uith his e,sdhl. :11r,
Toni 31rLetnnin
air Will Dalton. from Detroit, wars
home for Easter.
Mime linen lt,wvler. from 1,0114101,.
end Ntr. Lee ('hire ars spending their
holidays rat their homes here.
Mr. Arthur I)Hltoe G done for the
spriun work.
Mrs. .lose lkllt(m t'1Glttel her Sea
forth frleutts this week.
Miss Della Gilmore "peat a (simple
of days with Mr Catharine O'('onnor
Mrs. .11m Garvey spent an 1'setee
holiday in 4bslerlch.
•Jdetiwn. 1...n 1)'1.onahltn and .kite
tihv'rtrrew•".eseactp a IVY ill a jstt 'among
011" eudesd flee'
Maatord-,„gttmily, of lone*. on Railer
NI ani airs. Shies and ebildr•n.
from t.anrter. "pent }ulster Snndsy 1t
tlw• ism* of Mr. FA. F,.b•y.
Mr. H. E. \lmcllongnll 1,14,1 1,L
daughter. 311ss Edith. of 4 ,Hefner. spent ,
a few 1110 s hist w 14.1: 1,1 1111. 111/1111' of
him brother -in law. 31r George 3le••
()mild. Mr. Meetmegull lues 1see11 In a 1
hnspltnl 111 New fork for 11111'ls•rn114.111
00 him eye, of whii-l• he 1111. 'tritely 1,mt
the sight. They are visiting 'with rela-
tive., 11, e:nelph. prior 141 11.11 nig for
their leime In t'nlgery.-
r 1. oro
Bliss IBarbaralYxlr...(f 1 Im i ti
,een11iue her holidays with her
"!other. Nies. Ih,vi.tei.
Nliss Berth* [lackey. (tf Strntfent.
spied the •seek enol with her parents,
Nr. Hod 31,14. Ibs•tor 3ieekny, etd other
relatives here X
Suss 1•1•111k
1 ire.' t spent the w..••
end et the home of her aunt, Mrs. ,
Alec. Nein bray. of Ithlevale
When -dm -Haat Folks work . for
you the ash man need not stop
long at your'houle. He will know
that you have these .happy
youngsters inside by the ash boxes
he finds outside. The Heat Folks
are a frugal lot. They see that
you have got every ounce of heat
before the fine ash is given a per-
mit to pass the grate. You will
have ash boxes to spare when you
nen le
Our enntnmerw will _sppeeeiste -the aiaay distinctive stype Isaac[ --
which charscteriae tie start Sheen we are -showing this season.
They will take their place in die front rank of the Easter style
Aire pra$ieminating.t !ware black and brown kid leathers in Pump'
and -1W with variety of hails, mostly the medium Cuban for street
wear. _
Thi selection is so estsetsiwu in ul%omesdn and children
ifhat we
are ,are we can tit and please y i y• 1 P7
only let us try.
1 c SAL.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday,
e.`. . r,:. April 16th, 17th and 18th
-See h*ndbil s and windows on .Monday.
Ap•il 13th, Icor all _in mattait-4egerdiilg --this
b.g Sate. •
A lc Sale is a Sale in which you buy
an item at the ret4utaf price, then another item
of the same kind for tc. As an 'illustration:
The standard price of Klenso Tooth Paste is
50(- You buY one tube at this price, and by
paying lc more, or,. Sic, you get tyvn tubes
and -save 49c:
-Vniteszt Drug Cr. article frac titer-S4le
iaa hikh•qu.rl:ty guaranteed product. just the
same as is sold tvery day at the reKu ar piI.e.
-No limit. Huy all you want -but ofi 1 hur>t-
day, F,,Q7iy add Saturday,,Aprylyibth, r7tti and
18th, only. t
1114. 1 1 finish piling people In- . -_- _-
tend t, pr•n•nt tll.•Ir play. "Ruth4
ti,l'rnnss Home; lie tit:- Institute ball
on I Nda►..tprl'I -11- ---
o ou,hhut-41lr s-'11•rnl. wmgrettr 1• ""-'ra _y REXAL
!futon. ter-sie•btht'illst.'Joolet iiilinatty.. " :.,,,.•___tut . _
1114`. 9.101 are teethe 'Dna the fiftieth 1t x
enniversery of their we11111O
1I( on Meter ? nowrno .t1 IK _lamC:
any ref thls week. Stiffly relatives ami
friends are inv1tw1 to notelet the eel•
ding supper twiny.
--Marl to