HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1931-4-9, Page 10t7.6. l'' " O 11 -rr. THE = GNAL lvVl✓Ctara.,._, - MYI 1 L KAY cILIA�e ST RAIIAN "We don't need any more gilds around here," Sam said. "It is pretty Certain that we do need some One to protect the liveo of us on fila place-" "When you telephone for the coron- er," she raid, "won't you telephone far s locksmith to c01110 out wltb Dim, and bring strung bolts for all the from the 'Frisco chemists." doors Miss MacDonald had thought 11 "You admit, then, that we are aU !a neemwary to have Martha's body ex &Vdoor humed and sent to San Francisco. "Nothing bf the sort. You are all That Is what the coroner and the un - perfectly .nate-•t present I do be. dertaker had been about on their sec - line that before ling my own life may and trip to the ranch. Sam had not ba I• dauger. I want no one to think wanted Mrs Ricker to know. That that I. suspect that 1 used the protea had Butted Miss MacDonald better, hale.. a ` t,pg eo they had had the meu do the tMtt every Oneeds__ the i'o>ik While we were SII at dinner fiat p , cftm'r ne day. They had been careful to ttx tate ''You believe," Sam enesttoned, "that Igrave /0 that It would not show that It your „we life is in danger. And yet-" had been disturbed; ,and then, being "Please reconsider, Mr. Stanley Please allow me to have the care alone, at any rate for a little while tenger," "You honestly think," he questioned. "that you can manage this single ,)landed, and keep us all sate, and pro- duce this murderer-- pretty shortly?" "I do, Mr. Stanley. Mary, can't you say something? Won't you help me to persuade Mr. Stanley?" "You don't need any help," 1 told her. "He's persuaded." "Is that true, Mr. Stanley? May 1 concerning Sass, but for suspect*, Sam la the first place. On friday morning, when Bans came .Igmggfag into my kitchen, ordered Zinnia out of it, ileis voice all thick and husky, he fell down into a chair. "Mary." he said, "We're got the report go►yeese r tM POUaLIFOAY OO*/e$ CO INC. el‘ Mie Week/ ['HAI"TER XV Another Murder Caunealano did not come down for bteakfast'UM- following morning. !- thought that a little strange, for meals were the one thing he had leen real polite to ever since be had been on the Desert Moon. enideratand the reason of his fear, "Vim, Mr. dtauley," she said, "these mel, when they come this time, In *ter of their friendship for you, are act prink to be as easily satisfied as they were last time. They were able to blink at one murder. They can't keep on blinking. They dare not -even As soon as breakfast was over, MIs. ie Nevada." have the case alone for a little while Maclkrnald spoke to Sam and asked "Who wants them to blink?" Sam bins, as she bad asked him that first bluffed. morning, If she might detain him. "You do. We all do, for the present." 'You, also, Mrs. Magin," she smiled at me. "I wonder," she said, as soon as we three were alone together, "if Mr. Clannesiano could have given us the stip last night? Will you go and see whether or not he is In his room, now, Mr. Stanley?' Sam went. When he came back he had to drawl a lot more than usual to keep his voice steady. "His door is locked. He doesn't answer when i pound on it." MNS'MacDonald said, "I have an ex- cellent pass key. I.ct's go up and try R„ Curiosity dragged me along with her men, they bad left their shovels right there 1n the cabin for the first person to find. As you know, the first per- son had been Mrs. 'ticker. We had beeu %vennig ever since for the chemists' report dam's first words were reassuring. "It 1s too good to be true," he said, and repeated, daaedly, "too good to be true. Miss MacDonald had her assist- ants trace the prescription from Doc- tor Roe. The powders were harmless. 1 didn't cause my girl's death. The report prover --Mars MacDonald says- lohger't" She was all breathless with The report proves-" "Take 1t easy, Sam. What does the eagerness. report prove?" "Drat it -111 yea," Sam said. "1'm ",homebody gave her a deadly polaon. anal Sam did out answer that. tic stood, d -d if 1 know what I ought to do. l The chemists found two trims'. One and looked stupid. But you are dead game. 1 -Well, shaketheyanalyze. That's why they've "Won't you listen to reason," she' on it, Miss MacDonald. You'do they kept us can't 'twanal ao long for the report. urged, "before you go downatalrs tui beet you can for us, I know.,ll They are stillng working ou it, hoping for telegraph for other detectives? If Tlieahand site held out to him wail results. The other was ultrobenzehe when tbe coroner and the others ar- trowbltng, and her voice as she Miss MacDonald says that. to small rive today, you e.00fn.w the no paw. thanked Wm trembled. But still 1 wae�duees, it induces roma and takes as ream has been made, they will un- auras d when, right after Sam had' doubted) stepIn and take matters In `lupe as twenty-four hours to act. But It y is apt not to be deadly by itself. It was their own bungling hands. 1 think combined with this other drug -the that they would make an arrest. That y • one that must have made death mi. - tirewould be fatal, now. For I am pod- � , that they would arrest an Innocent person, and that the guiltyrasa would then have an ezcslknit oppor- tunitp for emcape." - nova a certain. cepa Stanley, and these men - 'the sheriff -respect It. ratio[, Mr. and Sam, though every bone to my particularly body protested. If you wIU Wag MacD onald's key unlocked the keep me on this case, I will telt them door. The . hree of us went Into the that I am making definite Irv+ groes„ room- -'_ that I believe I shall bKe The blinds- mere -- tightly drawn• the criminal over to the AtatR-within The electric fan was whirring and a eom4Mratively short time-" buzzing away in the gray gloom. "Would that fie the truth?" Sam ds - Miss MacDonald crossed the room mended. quickly and snapped tip the blinds. she hrultated- "If you zuuan, le that Kam walked to the bed where Can- neslano was lying huddled up under the covers. I looked the other way. I heard the rattle of Sam's pipe as it fell on the floor. I heard the rustle el Mies MacDonald's quick movement. 1 beard a queer. throaty note that uttered. Something dragged my bet aching eye. open. I looked toward the bed. I saw Cannezlano's swollen, dis- colored face. I saw the deep yellow throat, with great brutal bruises at IM base. I felt Sam's strong bands on my shoulders, pressing me down into a Hair. I heard myself saying, shrilly, over and over, "What are we going to do? What Inc we going to do?" It was Miss Marlornald's voice. cold and akar as spring wrier, that brought me to my .ens.. "We are going to And tbe murderer on the Desert Moon Melt" Ptak-.--"To.'I `.t -sled_-- are. And we are risk Whew a down he-men detectives N tote place by tomorrow night." "Very well," Miss Mad?Ai*-i! .wered 'Will you telephone, at noel, 1-I i" Sam said. .11Y,theywork against me. because T 1 had my face (veered; but there am a woman. You don't know them was a bgllowneeaa in that oath of Sam's as I do. You don't know their methods, as -L do. If you .feel that .you mart have others here, working on the case allow me to send. at my own expense, for my own as.btants; the girl. whom I have trained-" - what I believe now --my answer 1s yes. 1t may be wrung. I have, at least, a very definite susplcton. I have no proof.." "You wouldn't." Sam questioned, "give these men assurance if you knew seas gums -to get seem men de- Mime- up- here to work with you?" "1 eeouldu't," she said. "I can .peak only for myself. Please give me my chance. Do you realise what it means to be tried for a murder, even if one is acquitted? I ■m not asking this for. myself. I wouldn't stoop to beg for tain." Miss MacDonald came hurrying Into the kitchen. She was holding the mon Sy charm bracelet 1n her hand. "See here," she said. "this bangle .-Wog opens. I think we can be cer- tain that the poison she took, or was given, fame out of It. There Is a trace of the odor. Smell It." She banded it to me. It smelled 47"•Ntties ttke---sbeee potMR-•--vs4M'-rams- sort of a faint almond flavoring. un- derneath. I gave It to Sam. who bad been reaching out hie hand for it. He smelled it, *and then knotted It up Stn hla fist. - Itetarmlwring. I cau't think of any- thing that he said whicli would do to quote. The gist of It was, that tf Gaby had giveu Martha the poison, he was not sorry that l;aby had been killed, because justice had been done. Not y}t"adi with that... he _ rvfOlenTiy; liLi-eegrets that vengeance had been taken out of his hands. "It isn't vengeance you want, Mr. Stanley," Miss MacDoliald reminded him, pretty sternly, "but justice. Thal is within our reach. 1 am practically person that thperson who poisoned Sunday Afternoon By IBABBL HAMILTON Ooderieb, Ont. Christian, work for Jesus, Who on earth for thee Labored, wearied, suffered. Died upon the tree. all have our Bibles, which we can read; we may all partake, If we will, of the holy sacrament of Chriat's Body and Blood. These, and such at these, are our "Muses and the Pro- pheta," they are the voce of God speaking to us, and tolling us of the beauty of holiness, the ugliness of .1u, of the glories of heaven and the !tor - runt of hell. Liu we want any other yokel. Nay, if we shut our ears to these, a voice from the grave ,would be In vale. The name message of repent aiwt and faith In our Lord Jesus Christ has curve to us all, and It Is for us to attend to it; and If we shut our ears mind harden• our hearts to such .towageo as tial; we have put our - :ti iota air attitutie of reatstatice t0 fi and b.veeo treured our own per- ceptions erceptions of right and wrong, have so i blinded our eyes to the Light which llghteth every man who comes into the world, that no miracle, not even a Work, wlth prayer unceasing, Borne on faith's strong wing, Erheaffroesialealsw 44opkiee MILT' -110019 1 4 • ; anything for myself, as I am beggtug Mrs. Rirker Went Every Day N Vlslt, for thea, now. 1 am sure you menu toIlan° and her father, is right here on Martha's Grave be a fair man. Be fair to me, and to I (hie plaee. My work from now on all of the innocent people here on gone out of the room, mho said to me. Is to get the proof. If you wtlttld help your ranch. I don't may that other ••Mary, I- believe_ on my soul that I Inc, 'unread °[-" detectives might not to able to dile hive fast had an experienee that Is Sam Interrupted, hTi--"ifliole body prover the murderer. I do say that f too strong for me," and 'he hid herstrainingforward with his eagerness. am certain they would do irreparable hand 10 the crook of her arm and be- "Tell us who he is. .1111 where he 1*, harm before they succeeded." pa t0 cry. and well help you, right enough." If you stayed,. Samilud Idht- . t .- 't oars'[ feu yen Not nnlese- to question,. -and w0r1[I t - In the week [tat followed I had want to have still another murder on them -that was my plea -couldn't you the Desert Maxon ranch. But you can tt their doing a hark' times of thinking -that Sam had likely „I �� Lr uncle a mistake in keeping Mise Mac• help me, first by keeping the discovery 4 will- try t0; " of the potion a secret Bseead"by .-- InsistI am" of m Donald on, alone. 7� - hot, lowing et's% one else on the place 10 what looks call a paradox to say thatJenttre bafflement eoncernlnt the erim"e"?' the worm[ thing about the week was Third, and most Important, perhaps that nothing. just nothing. happened. by having patience with me." . Te all -outward appearances the Des "Yea.' Sam said. "and_ while we are ert Moon ranch was an peaceful as an sitting around, roaring patiegee, this empty gr.ve: hollow peace, false bird will walk off td some green hill peace, and all of us eonnlring st the ire away. i think the boys are doing fatuity made it w°roc their best to guard the place, but this Sam locked up the house early every bind's n elleker. What're to keep him evening. Thep, trying to make it cas- from, say, dreMdng in my clothes some nal, one and another of us would go night, and riding merrily away ou !that he had. The love that looks more the Interest 0f men In miaslona Ind1- widrly, not refusing pity and aid, be- elites that men are learning to put ca use the applicant Iry a mtrsnger- God's kingdom where it should be In that he had not every life -in the forefront, in the hUc ra ars In6 us of min and o[ rlghtetrntmesa ; we of This im the deep significance, of the Some ■dvantagew we all 1are1ncom• PRAYER Teach us, lord. to put the best value on our live., seeking ever to lay up for ourselves treasures In heaven while doing the work of each day, ever keep - lag in mind that "He to -day and He to- morrow grace sufficient gives His own." John Pinder &Ain and 8eatig Shed Metal Work and Repairs 1 PHONE 127 P. 0. Box 131 - Goderich Hydro -Electric "The People's Power" resurrection from the dead, will have 1►farw any power to convince. Verse tib---"Altraham said, San, renew, her " Amen. • Memory will I"• so widened as to S. S. LESSON M`oR APRIL lath, 1931 take in the whole of life. We believe that what a man is In his life he 1s more Lessen T.pk`The Melt .Man , old in another. that tendencies here be- DisarmDome email.' yonder, that hie whole Lessen ext -MWhew CBI. mB I. moral nature, be It good or bad, be- comes there what It is only striving In this lesson we have plainly stated to be here. Whether saved or lost, be the future results of present ludiffer- that dies ie greater than when yet liv- Ing; and all his powers are intensified and Strengthened by that awful ex- perience of death, and by what it brings with It. Abraham said, "Between us and yea of Lazarus. His daily life was luxur- there le a great gulf fixed." There le loos. But most certainly we have nOta great Impassable gulf fined between right to condemn him for that. With the spiritual condition of those whom the Jewish low in theory, luxuriousJesus represents by the rh'h man, and living docs not 'teem to have been those whom Hr represents by Lazarus. thought to involve any sin whatever. The great gulf la not between the rich Lazarus is a type of the poor generally. Tbc treatment meted out to him is to Ire regarded as a fair specimen of the rich man's general eonduct towards the poor. The portrait of (he rieh maw, aa drawn by Christ, 1s that of a man habitually careful of the gratification od his own appetite, and habitually careless of the suffering which was around him, even at his doors. And froze. .tlekr_.e-than d'ar=r ot_ltttman misery, "Moses and the Prophet.," had he listened to them, world certainly have saved him. There was no point on which they spoke more 'dainty. Love to his kindred the rich man cer- once. We read very little against rix rich man; there's nothing mild against his wealth; but his character is plainly portrayed. It is drawn In two strokes --his ordinary life, and his treatment and the poor. not between those whoa have been favored of God In this life' and (hose wbo have been chastened IV; Him, but it is between those who have 90 used ttils world m a starve their) spirits, thus leaving thole souls un -1 cand for, and those who seek first) the Kingdom of Heaven. (Condeneed from The Sermon Bible) ----WORLD 31i018&ON1E- -- _.. Livingstone Knew It Would Lain The night before his departure for Africa David Livingetoue said: The time will come when etch men While had, and his anxiety, be the wttt think tt an honor M !Ruppert whole midst of his own sufferng, to save from atatlons of missionaries, Instead of the same fate the brethren whom he spending their money on hounds and left Iwhlrsi Is almost sublime. The borsea• charity which Is so often said to begin Commenting on this, the Christie' at home-tbe love which, strong but Oaeervcr says: ..sons, azpenda Meati wboig upon. deal This has Utera MOW to pass in Il circle of relatives and friends -# home Instatatns, She awakening o Martha, who strangled Miss Cannes - mon ; we all have the that toll me plainer than any looking at him could have told me, that he was frightened; neared to the marrow of bis tones. It took Mims MacDonald, though, to aIIIIIHUIIIIIIIHHHIIIIII11011IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlI1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllfIN111111IIIIIHHHII E qUPERIC-- STORES AMP t. WE GIVE SERVICE AND -SAVE YOU MONEY Pork & Beans =A J40104-firsmac sauntering around to make sure that he hadn't overlooked a door, or a win- dow. -Peettple were eonatantly jump = ing, and 'farting. and looking behind them at nothing. None of us women ever went fan from the hoarse, except Mrs. Ricker, who went every day to visit Martha's grave. She went alone. Ei would not have gone with her. not • for any price. I was afraid of i er. C e Mg i I _.was afraid (,,,t4,10,..,_UI 4 7. CLARK'S . 3 tin- 2Q_ = 1 Wednesday,ot that. week I wan afraid Medium Sia J LIW &.J }I of every one in the house except MIM Mwceiieaelet- end ?tear-ele'eWa6_ forted "T ""-. es= me doubtful of Sam. None of onr mindi went straight. three days. I am E. Soap, Infant's Delight g Marmalade WAGSTAFFE C 40 -ea. Jar 3 cakes 19c 29c KELLOGG'S 2 pkgs. 17c =_ Corn Flakes TOASTED Lux Soap Flakes 3 pkgs. 25c 2 pkgs. 27c TEA REO BAG GOOD VALUE 1 lb. pkg. 39c - CRICE CHOICE BLUE ROSE 6.12_ShorteningHBRAND T 2 lbs. 17c Tomatoes AYLMER, Sia• re rJquat tie 3 tins 27c FA- A 4bars 21c= SOAP Surprise Laundry • BROOMS Shoe Polish ! Sanerk • See. th... ▪ Brooms for rain. • 6 -string, fie. Assorted colon corn 2 is -1 UBB 59c 2 tins 23c rant Y'S liras Tim 2 tins 25c BULBS MAZDA N and N wall. 3 for 69e THURS., FRIDAY and SAT., APRfL 9, 10, 11 GODERICH 2 STORES J. J. McEwen J. 'Calvin Cutt {NMHIM11ItI IM11nlillIIIIHHH11ffin 111 a 'j• aure that -4410 mind Of eseh ons of as on the place --always excepting Mies Maclionald'.--11111 as mine did. 11 went groping in the dark; It bumped into ohstactts of doubt; it tripped over fear and fell into . enaeles. stupidi- ties; tupidl-ties; 11 host its way. and wa.ider, t Into wild au'plclois. i tell rot, there were times, during those \ frightful days when i found myself seriously place of most lmporta,, pu D 7 the church: we all have the Holy wen's Movement-)IapUat Courier. Spirit striving within um, and mother - COMPANY $zorp)Is (By Betty ilarclay ) When company come. and unual auxin.. to Serve eopuething su and delicious, try one of there tattles and your guests wUl not be disap- t-_lltllaor_ tea stip b*0t - 1 cup sugar 5 egg yolks -- 4� teaspoon tial[-... . Grated read 1 *raw Or 1 rIrrwr lemon [Hoed 0 1 eb pre 2 cups shredded tocolaat - 3 egg whited 0 tablespoons Auger Dash of salt Cream butter, sugar egg yolks, and salt together very thoroughly for about ten minutes. Add orange rind. Turn into pie shell. Sprinkle with 1 cup cocoanut, and bake in slow oven (300 degrees F.1 30 minutes. Beat egg whites until stiff, add sugar and salt. and beat until mixture stiffens ■gain Pile lightly on filling. Sprinkle with re- maining 1 cup cocoanut. Bake in mod- erate oven (360 degree. F.1 30 taln- nte., opening oven door atter fir'[ eight minuTn of al De period. 4 ripe banana. Juice 1 orange 4 tablespoons brown sugar % cup cocoanut, southern style Peel bananas and cut in half length- wise. Arra4reTh la'ye'r. in Smelted hitt. Ing dish. Mix orange juice with brown sugar and pour over fcnana'. Sprinkle thickly with cocoanut (take In hot oven until hananas are tender and cocoanut U brown. Serve immediately. Serve* f0tfr. I mean. before Mr. Cannealano was killed. what I now suspect--" Mie stop- ped short. evidently afraira now too much. -_-e'1fes,' Sam artttatJ_Br� can't get, is how your think you are ever going to find the proof." "Well-" she began. Becauae;''aht finished, quite tartly, and walked out d th - mo.t before she was out of hearing distance. "It was a black day for me, and for the Demert Moon, when I put Wtia-thing up to a 'because woman.' I more than halt agreed with him, but 1 was not going to let him know it "Did you notice." I questioned. chiefly to turn his mind from the subject of "beeausee" woman. "that she kept say- ing that she thought the person she suspected wan on the place? I mean - Bobbie Burns or Wishbone? All he dim}, didn't say that he was living in hare to do ;s to give the boys a high -!the bowie.- clpt and they'd let himride to h -I, ifl ••}louse! H-1' of course she didn't they thought he was me. Another I say house- Why "Mould she say house? thing --I can't trust all my punchers 1 Haven't we been over and over 1t? breeds )inner, and not morn of it. Some of them are grease'rt, ROMP half- ;one d Aren't we fair frazzled out, every laof WI' from climbing those front folks pretty load to some °t those' and back stake, with our minds, all boy.." 'day long and half the night? Counting "At preeeent. the person I surveil 1 minutes, counting seconds; going to the idea no intention "I leaving the Place."'barn and bock, over and over. No - ""'Allah -"roan A'[ lenn'ans 'iewytMag--iody who liven in thi. !stem maid have elite. how can yon know that?" � �J,. dn't say that I didn't know any- thing etre: "Do yon know. and will you tell me, done it. That 1. settled. That is fact Not unless amine one of um was able to be in two places at the same time be- tween four and Ave o'clock that day." why ou can't put this fellow where Something clickedIn my mind. I the (Toga- won't bite him, 4r1111e yrttt deciire to goodness I felt the elect, are collecting prof, evidence. and eo plain as a twinge of toothache. It on that you thick you need?" scared me, 1 put both my hands over "For one reason, because I am not p a pollee detective. Sometimes it is neceneary to use their method. of •r. reeding e.e 1, enslsct and getting the evidence afterw•nrd -third degrees, ao method,on. That method, ny the way, account" for the niuntcr of criminals who are the lace in the front of my head. 1 felt as tinted, and as shaken, at if 1 had been akrp-walking, and had bumper into a door, to the dark, and wakened to And myself in a strange, brightly lighted room. co idering whether or not I had cow "No, mir-eco," Sam went on, too busy mit�twl the two mortar'• able to mak/ cumpleete escapes. It 1a with his own idea., i suppo.e, to no - At that moment 1 was certain that as(upld, bunkling method -and a him rife my actions, which mutt have been "if the murderer is atilt on every one on the place was more or leas insane, erpvelally Mkt MacDonald I think yet that i was right about the others. I know that 1 Wits wrong about Miss MacDonald: but she had oertalnly given me plenty of reamus for thlnkin_geeither Iha�ii he had lore her aenR•s entirely, or a ma il[.[ site hid serer had any to lone. _All_ weeejl1 could s'e Sam watching her and growing more and more im- patient, On Thursday he Kahl to me that she wan too busy flirting with John to have time for any 1111115 elle. That was not fair. She didn't flirt with John she wasn't the sort who Would flirt with anyone. But she mute ly illd begin to take notice of hitn,•and bit attentions to her. 1 tried to make excuse. for John. Poor little Danny wasn't, i had to admit. much 11ke the girl he had fallen Iv love with. Rhe had loot prsetteal Iy alt of het prettiness, and .he looked, all the time, Um white and wan and gtlnerally dragged out (o 'sem quite Wholesome. She had explained to John abant the reference tri her and to her doll in the node letter. HO had taken It all right. and had been, as she mid to me, "meet" .horst it, and never dodllted her word at alt. Still, i sort of thought that a grain of anrplebon Might he bothering him And I knew t b•- had. ase been able to forgive tier, not Iu-vrtIirtg MI -hat eivaptelona •i detest It. I have ' "ec pcttilar, only twice in Ino seven years That i the place, he to skulking around here have been ht this work. i used it in hiding. It Iry that ''rangier fellow, then iae.•ause• it was neet-esaary. 1 will all right I'll bet my last dollar on not nee it tem. Is.•anse it le not nece.- tt. For some reai"m, he 1' tryl r to sary. Thi' case will enure to the grand ,gears omit the (''anr)Pathe family --all jury complete. with indisputable of them. 1'11 tet he told Martha to e . the poison to Danny, not know- -if - big what a child Martha wag --or, may be, knowing it. Martha, anitp?ndng the Qtta C les p candy. orrt something nate, • • ate'It up I* hertcif. i fell you what, I'm 0 D going to do some proof Mmting, now, on my own book. if i And some .[ranger hiding outthis place, that will be good enough proof fur Mani Stanley, and for any jury in Nevada. "(K course, Mary," Sam went on, "It hasn't been 'm hard mi you-uot hav Ing to feel the re.ponaihllity the way 1 have. But i've quote to the end of my rope. I'm going to bee my own head now. I've gut to get an expert here, for one thing, to wateh Bind guard over Danny. "Say, whittle the matter with you, Mary? Yon look mo funny. 'Do rot feel nick, or something'4' "MMmething," f .aid, "hit. At i .uppooe It isn't near as had as feel - Ing reepon.lhilify." If 1'd .tayed there listening to him for one more minute I'd have burst, I left him and went runnit)s, like the crazy thing 1 wee. up the back Matra fa -my Own room - _.. ► _. - (/tb bre t'.ntlaasil�att ween 1 0 l Cook by Electricity Waal? by Electricity iron by Electricity We guarantee our Hydro Lamps for 1500 hours' nee. Vow Hydro Store West Side of Square Godertch SPECIAL BED OUTFITS We are offeajw-fiED OUTFITS (Bed, --lipring and Mattress) from $17.00 up Call and make your choice while this offer lasts: J. R. WHEELER Futneral Director and Furniture Dealer . . Hamtk.. Street, Gederich PH11N}:,.re J3fi, lees 3S.5w Sleep thousand plate*, 40,000 mpg and, 90,000 tumblers will be used by a now trnaa-Alla■tie ilner, OFFER- YOU AT GREATLY. REDUCED PRICES EVERYDAY BARGAIN DAT ! =PHONE 146,— FO R 46—FOR Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables, Flour, Lard, Meats, Butter, Eggs, Shortening, Etc. Order tomorrow and satisfy yourself -COURTEOUS SERViCE- 7 parr s GROCERY e 6f fSatiafoction'' Hamilton St. --Goderirbi.- Phone 14e1 We D.livor i. Tows ir1111.114i r 1 WATCH THESE DANGER SIGNALS! HRAnAcgxg, dlt:zinem, coated tongue, Int, of appetite, leek 01 energy, a general feeling of "blues"- these are the moat frequent danger signal. of con- stipation. on-stipation. Look out for them. Don't let them make your life miserable. Start tomorrow eating Kellogg's AI.I,-BaAN-+a de- licious ready -to -eat cereal. As pleasant as it is healthful. What a relief it will be after taking unnatural, habit-form- ing pills and drug.. Two tablespoonfuls of Au.- Hose daily are guaranteed to prevent and relieve both tem- porary and recurring constipa- tion. 1n severe reaes, eat it three time. daily. Milk or cream tiprin out the delightful nut-like�tksteeot Kellogg's Au,•BaAs. And with milk or cream, important vita- - mins are furnished. AIL - BRAN is equally tempting with fruits • or honey. Sprinkle it over other cereals. Use it in cooking -for mak- ing delicious bran muffins, breads, in owlets, etc. ALL. BRAN also has iron, the builder of good, rich, red blood. At all grocers in the famous red- e and -green package. Made by-- Kellogg in London, Ontario, The original .4U Brox. ALL. -BRAN e,. ---'+re111WWWr-__,...•._-_-.«-....: -�. '"-•„ir ,P`, . -- • r q �r ••ttap�m�� �i r � �.... �, �5?'a.�'1'"1/c�'.1�'BII�Fi, .., -'et'tra,d„a ralarr...sY JnaEmS'i6 A �76�..nfer �F-!t t :r