The Signal, 1931-4-9, Page 9Thursday, April Sth, The New Motor Cars on Disp1ay by Dealers Offer Greater Values Than Ever Before SALTFORD SERVICE STATION Firestone Tires Tues "sat all si'ssf�"a""f Cars and ,Trucks SATISFACTION ASSURED— First Established Firestone Dealer in this district Car Accessories Gasolines and Oils —SERVICE ANI) SATISFACTION— Gemara' Store ri Cossetting. Quality Nerclsadlse W. J. SYMONDS TELEPHONE 320 r Auto .Electric and Battery Service COLBORNE STREET, GODERICH TELEPHONE 454 - SALES SERA Batteries and Tires for all makes of cars Overhauling Electrical Systems, Starters, Generators, Ignition. Lights, etc. Repairs to Batteries and re -charging UMW OILS Alm_ — H. JANE r R opmerce or Quality Merchandise and Service that Satisfies —co TO THE— OLD SPARE PLUGS ' REDUCE HORSEPOWER An automobile, as it become," older, gradually loser power. This power de- crease is su gradual that the owner may not appreciate Its exteut until the twee i.....usle tn..p♦err --k%t course this trouble is not always due to spark .plugs, but au interesting test mde recently shows Chet a motor— with plugs that had been used for wore than 1.2,000 miles --when run at an en- gine speed equivalent to twenty miles an hour, developed 31.2 horsepower. The same motor run at the same speed equipped with it new set of spark plugs gave a horsepower reading of 88.0, au increase of 6.8. The matter of spark plus and maximum engine per- formance la a most vital one and ser - vie mete are endeavoring to get this Information to car owners. In doing Mix they are observing the speedom- eter on every car that comer into the shop and recommending a new set of Plugs every 10,000 miles. This wainteu- anee effort is designed to render the car owner the very best service and not only will it result In better perform - 11114.5 ears but eventually in repeat car males to the better satlsfled ear owner. OEiWRVANCZ OF TBLTTIC IMES OF LIti(PORTLNCZ Motorists would save • rot of Ineon- reulence for themselves and others on the roads if they developed the habit of making right and left tarns in accord - .nee with the method outlined by traf- fic rules. A right turn 1s simple, if the driver prepare for it by working his way into the extreme right traffic lane before he appr,ac•hes an latersection. When Intending to turn to the lett. the driver ehould approach such intersec- tion in the lane for traffic to the right of and nearest to the centre line of the highway. and la turning left pass Im- mediateiy to the left of the_tentre of the intersection., jeering aw doael''•*a practicable to the def: of the intersec- tion. ntersection. Never make a turn without giving driven behind adequate warning. An adequate warning can be given only by the hand and arm. extended well owt from the ear. For • left turn point with the index finger to the lett. For a right turn make a sweeping motion from the rear to the front to Indicate to driver's behind that they may parr to the lett. Because of ;net collecting is., the. fabric, caniiin onih unnecessary weer utiles It is removed, • good brushing should be given the inside of the ear at regular intervals. Erie Service Stati'on Col W yilIfetatippsad ACideria Streets, Godaric6 Chassis creasing usvoce ai phph of youi are_ 4e ' for Firedoae Trues Telephone 631 COAL OIL and GASOLINE DELIVERY DAILY Service sad satisfaction gaawastesd TELEPHONE 13j A Surplus of Power And Nimble in Traffic Owes Sir Crinin D. Lours caps W,sh gawps Model Le. VERY Durant tradition of inbuilt quality Mldvalue finds expressionin the improved and refined Durant 6-14. The Durant 6-14 is a car of quiet elegance. With its surplus power, it is swift and smooth, nimble in traffic and easy to handle. LOWERa 1�ICE� - -. The Duraill.J�--14 merits your immediate inspection because of its exceptional value GREATER•and its proud ownership record. -- — VALU[ _._ _-. Stt it. Drive it. Your Durant dealer will oblige. Car Models Reviewed CHZV&OLET sisegasiol ca ghbo4t tioderieh Dealer* Cherrulet prebend . developed and attractive ear in Its his- tory this year. Although the public has always been keenly con erned with the changs; brought about in cars of C'hev- rolet's price claim, because of their ap- peal to the majority of motorcar buy- ers, interest in the new Chevrolet has been aroused this year by rweeplug re- anements in features that chance Chevrolet's beauty as well as improve Its mechanical performance. With lower prices, Chevrolet has produced a larger car in every respect, embodying all Mose features of com- fort and luxury that a longer wheel- base makes possible. The super sport roadster has all the racy lines of the bigger cars and a dis- tinctive appearance that has been re- ferred to In glowing terms by the crowds that hare admired it. Features of this car and the other models --the phaeton, standard roadster, coach, se- dan, special sedan, three and five win- dow coupes and sport coupe --show a folly insulated front compartment, eas- ier steering, more durable dutch, smoother and quieter tratismission and liberal tae of ramices chromium plate ou expod bright parts. Aa seootatandtag restore of the new bodies la the better 'Orion made pos- sible from the driver's seat by slightly lowering the seat and raising the header bar which runs across the top of the windshield. A further aid to clear vision for the driver Is the new narrow -stamped pillar at the ends of tete windshield. Willh augments the safety provisions of the car. The interiors of all bodies have le JfD .Labe tntl ugvayt;ygj; the extra roominess provided by t two-inch increase In wheelbase. The result is a "big ear" effect in the in- terior, Just es thf sacred 'sweep to the exterior body lines ensiles the impres- elou of a considerably larger car than last year_ Ali closed models lus'e the slanted nou glare wlalahield and the adJust- •ble driver's meat. Mohair or broad cloth trimwing is optional with all closed models. The driver's compartment offers ex- tensive ehartgei fres lest seer's ear: Instruments are symmetrie•ily grouped on a panel set eft by a raised head. Control button" are black with white letters, and a white line rim on their faces. The arming wheel is three - spoke instead of four, affording better vision of the instrument panel. The sen steering mechanism is of the worm and sector type, with a re- duction ratio of 12:1 instead of 9.5:1, as formerly, asamulas easier and surer control. -... _ All open and closed bodies have auto- matic wllallshleld wipers this year, with the media ism so aressged that when the power is shat Off the blade returns to the extreme position. tirely new linen with a slanting w lad shield, light tan top std rear quarters. ,;tui is lady which curie's gracefully out Iand down frotu the belt line of the rear. Besides the Victoria, the Fuad de luxe display Includes the town se- dan, the de luxe Tudor, the convertible caltriolet, the de luxe phaeton and the de luxe roadster. o Mein. 'Cara. the -ellen' a ebntee of - stoma td type. Theme tnehtde the—Tudor, Fordor. coupe. sport /,,op' and road- ster with rumble seat. An interesting thing about the Ford car is that, with the exception of the addition of de luxe ears, there are I no radical changes In models. In ac• eordane with the srompany's policy. improvements are incorporated in the ear as they are developed and no rad- ical changes; are decided upon until it 1. determined that they are tundameu- tally sound enough to be more or less permanent. lienee, while the Madel A is caseations the same as It was last year. it has nevertheless been improved in many respects. am...mama DURANT r. Orel God&rkts ,Dealer l •.1► tt'e. virtues -r{sir Brea r petdMi characterize the new lime of four and adz-cyUnder auto ,ohllee presented by Durant Motors of Canada Limited. Conspicuous la the line is the new Durant 618, bringing to the medium- priced field a distinctive style and beauty, and a new conception of riding comfort and performance. Roadability is enhanced because the centre of swaths le lower. The big power plant develops 72 horsepower, and Insures maximum power through- out the whole range of speed. To press on the aeelerntor Is to experience n smooth, responsive surge of power. and a soaring sensation in motion that motorists freely admit it a new thrill In driving. The amcothnems with which the 6-18 glides from standing start to high speed Is totally different from the vio- lent lunge so often felt 1n motoring. The clutch is velvet-amooth in action, and mounted in nnit with the engine and three -speed trausmisaion to how a unit power plant. Light pressure stt'eldraullc !makes -- " 11trntla'braklntrfrettiR+Y'hts which has demonstrated Its efficiency and dependability—reuNiiate in a large measure to the safety, cone of control and riding comfort of the 111w 6-18. Acting ou the pleb -and -pull principle, they are self-energtzlug, re- sponslve end trouble-free over a lung period of nervi e. The Durant 6-18 lealy is large and roomy.. Interiors are luxurious and in- viting. There i. anpb• leg room. body TOMO and tweet rew,w. The amts and lacks are form fitting and very conr- fortable, The new instroao•ot panel lends a pleasing effect. Other refinements in- clude garnish moulding and unique touches of rhrominm-plated lltttnga. Harmonized beauty In nppolntments en fittings 1. n distinctive feature wifiieh milady pwerticsslarly notices and ter. Maintenance Service Plan ahquit• ••et •a, Mint S•..,t• Ilan looses rno« se. les. than s cone • ,n, t• BUILT SY A Canadian Company Controlled iy Canadian Capitol DURANT MOTORS of CANADA, LIMITED TORONTO MIAMI) CANADA 4 * • U RANT A GOOD CAR ° PETER GRAF •l!r^-7ur- ^---�'-j-- -- — Ontari* r- -. ...- ......a-... !...-„..... t TH1!1rORD P. H. Aiai-ll Ileo Galerlch TSsalers The new Font. the best roller in the ant hilt' Industry Is again being resitting! by the well known (loderfeh defilers, F'. 11 Wood A pion, who bad fair to have another bumper year with this popular -pried sur. it/41111W of Its me•hanteel enpertortty and refinement, became. It Is truly a thoroughbred. the dealers take perticnlar Internet in the nervk•Ing of their product. They urge their customers never to allow the new Ford to be "d«•torted up” ly in- exp'rieued and improperly equipped me'II nnk•s, ('lsanllnerar. courtesy, gad workmanship, promptms•ua. full value and all things affecting aa(ldaetlon In Ford nwnerihlp are considered respons- ibilities which must never he slighted. When yba entrust your ear to F. H. Wood a tion you may be sere that mut thoroughly, trollied mcrhanlw aupgtlt.d with proper tools and equipollent for every operstton will )se {omitted to render the siert-lee required. 1bv:' s4-.wlatR flee -els -lee.-. •*is -4. the Victoria, vrittotc4pItt atom tt): HOW THEY BAY IT TO KOTORIBTB IN KOREA Following are the automobile teeter rules of [Seoul, Kurea. In the £ngli-h version lesewd omctalty for foreigners 1. At the rime of the hand of the potieeman, atop rapidly. Iso net pose him or otherwise disrespect him. 2 When a passenger of the foot hot ,• in sight. tootle the horn trumpet to him melodiously at drat. 1f he still ub- staelet your passage. tootle with vigor and express by word of mouth the warning, "Hai, Hai!" 3. Beware of the wandering horse that he shall not take fright as you pass him. Do not explosion the exhaust pipe. Go soothingly by him or stop by the side 101 III' [aMs away. -1 Give spate to the festive dog that 'make sport by the roadway. Avoid em- ment with your wbeelspoks•. *wad ngly--w►-fiesweetie- moi• lurk the skid demon. ' 8. Prean the brat., of the foot ae- on ort roll around the corner to save the epilepsy and tie up. TESTING TIRE$ The stir pressure in tires should 1e• tested at least once a week. 1 VIT.SL PARTS OF THE CAR There are twelve vital parts that ary n.w- 1-itprings and spring Isrdts. 2—Whorl bearings and aptudlc-.. 2 --Clutch yoke and bearings. 4—t'niversal Joints and shafts. 5--Itsar axle gears and shafts l --Timing gears and chains. 7-- -TransniisMon genra sued is „r brags. 8—Valves and cam.haft parts. A --Wrist pin+. Noun rings. 10-011 11 ■nl water leumpae. 11—.Brake gear and brake lining. 12—Battery and electrical unit. • SHOULD OVERHAUL CAR/ AT LEAST TWICE A YEAR; of greasing or oiling abould be fel- , lowed. Make sure that. tranaaalasios and d UTereent is l are not ovVItiRtsd,t many of the heevlt.t repair bills are due to neglect of these vital parts. No nutter how expensive a car may Ire, ettkietw•y of its operation. its up- keep cost. and lasting qualities are de- pcndeut iu large measure mal tli care should hare a general 01wil"einnr' end of a hard winter driving season is now be rr. 1uR the be adJustel. gasoline feed line. "blown out" and sediment drained from the vacuum tank. the radiator should 1* drained and filled with the proper fluid, the oil reservoir. tran.mlasioo and dlt- fereutial drained. flushed and replen- ished, the engine tuned up, body bolts and screws tightened, and the battery and ignition system Inspected. Every 10,000 miles brakes should be relined. and they should be inspected •t fro• queut intervals. The car manufactur- er's recommendation. as to frequency A GOOD SUGGESTION bane tc,ppe�. aprhts shoe 'St1 ihd adlusted r ilyeinwie shock abfiorheea refilled with liquid. This will brig The whole spring system up to its bed comfort-glving level. WEEKLT VISITING I'eul and Dos. worked in the city, many miles from mother and the home town. It occurred to them that week- ly trips by Long Distance would save them all a lot of loneliness. So it was arranged—and what fun they get out of these frequent -voice vieital` Their mother wouldn't miss them for *lotting. And neither would they Barker Bros. Service station BAYFIELD ROAD, GODERICH WHERE MOTORISTS GET 100 , SERVICE AND SATISFACTION 100 per cent irell Gas and Oil Station 100 per cent. Willard Batteries 100 per cent. Gutta Percha Tires TUBE VULNIZIN CARS GREASED ANDOILED LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED BICYCLE ACCESSORIES AND REPAIRS Telephone 241 Delivery Service The New Ford eye 9' Is the Most Economical Car in - -•t.t the Canadian MIT -Today VALUE FAR ABOVE THE PRICE —BEAUTY OF LINE, COLOR .AND UPHOLSTERY— In addition to mechanical excellence, the NewFord i3 distinguished by beauty of line and color and the richness of its appointments. Many exterior parts are made of bright. gleaming rustless steel. A choice of attractive colors is offered in all the New Fr'id Ctlrs. The triplex shatter -proof glass windshield gives added safety. a. Twelve Models to Choose From See there on display in our Showrooms Free Demonstration at any time If it is a new or used car you -are interested in ere us fir't A good liberal trade- in allowance on your. p e nt_rar. ,Our. Service Department is in charger of an expert mechanic.Latest electrical equipment • for valve refacing. Electric Hone is of latest type. Charges reasonable and satis-faction guaranteed. Wrecker Service Day and Night Frank H. Wood & Son - Sales and Service Garage and Show Rooms on South Street, Goderich Telephone 83 .–,,,Growing steadily by hette'r service to mOtorlat• GENUINE FORD PART S .'e7t1R!'!"'M,•" -$MY w, R • asks.- . .aw.. :...-5..... • • • ...,.,,..sera