The Signal, 1931-4-9, Page 7r
Thursday, April 9th. 1& .-.
This and the Following Two gages Are of Special Interest toy Motorists
Are you properly protected by
The eveniug sender In Knox church
uezt Sunday will be of especial Inter-
rty to the young
aenseeAxtlen. avid. At rho tow
address W *i la given by lit.
William Weir. a well-known Goderich
boy who is attending Knox College,
Toronto, iu preparation for the minis-
t.ry. The service will be In charge of
the Kt. Andrew's Club, of which Mr.
Weir was s Member before going to
Turoutn. -
No Ordinary Medicine
RICHER., Intestine Cleanser and
Body Ener,tizer, which cannot fail
to benefit every nervy and fibre
and every organ of the Body. Yet
MUS.KEE-KEE is composed sole-
ly of non-poisonous pure Medicinal
Health Healing Herbs or Shrubs
grown in our own NORTII-WF..'T
->`OL1) BY-
_ E' Re .Wigle
Alegi* Work!'
Telephone 24 .
Play and carry adequate ,lnsuranoe_aa_ your
car. The isew. low 1931 rates arenow in effect.
• Consult us'evading coverage on your car.
P Vice 115
Residence 549 District Agent.
Car Owners
7 Before taking out your car be
sure to see your Insurance Agent -
- AND -
protect yourself against any damage you might --
do to someone else during the year. •
All Tariff Companies have reduced their rates
approximately 20 per cent.
-See us for farther particulars-
Be Sure to Have Your
Car Properly
Safety Respon$ibiIity
:ol Ontario ateopy of whieLeatae_- ow
_at my office
Car Insure
Lake Huron Fails
Religions Devotions in Zseping
with the Occasion on Good
Friday and Easter Day
Holy Week. Good Friday and Eas-
ter Day were observed by special de -
outdone hu the various churches of
(,oderich. These aervh•es were marked
by the attendant of large congrega-
tions and a noticeable Increase in de-
votional interest. The programs of
music presented in some of the
chnrehew by the choirs added much to
the pleasure of this moat gladsome
season of the Christian year.
At St. George's Church
At St. George's church a three-hour
eervke, from 12 to 3 o'clock, was held
on Good Friday, with meditations con-
ducted by the rector, Rev. J. N. H.
Mills, on "The Seven Last Words from
the Crow." In the evening, at 8 o'clock,
the choir rendered the sacred cantata,
"From Death Unto Life," by K. M.
Stilts, under the direction of Mr. 0:11.-
3:B:Davies. The Nolo parts were taken by
Rev. F. H. Gibbs', of Dungannon, Mime
Olive Tlehborne. lir. Frank Riley and
Master Albert Shore. This cantata was
the best filets. of choral work presented
by the o'Imir for some time.
On Easter I)ay there were celesta/
Gone of holy communion at 6, 7 and 8
a.m. and choral communion at 11
o'clock. Tb% communicants numbered
340, whR'b 1. a hirer Ircn'*ave over
any former year.
At 3 o'clock In the afternoon Eas-
ter Day service was held for the chil-
dren of the Sunday school. Special
*weeds los- the obaervance.of the_Len-
ten reason by the children in attend -
once at Sunday school and church, Ladies'first prize, Mrs. Jamba Donald -
dally Bible readings, lemon prepare- son: consolation. Mrs. N. C. Lauaway;
flan, punctuality and .ostduet were gentlemen's drat prize, Mr.
• Ciareace
consolation.glen to the fotowtng. who had 100 MacDonald:
consolation. 3Tr C
ppeerr mut. to everything: Beulah Black, i.rurway.:tpwar'*pi . ea-
WIm Bradley. Charles Powell, ALB, jovel the dancing to the music of Ray
Ruston, Mildred Videan. - Three of Steptlen,.' $trstford or'hes,tra. which
these awards, which were prayerbooki, ram,, in for high prates., Ass appetizing
were preseuted by Mrs. H. J. A. Mar served lunch was seed at naidtrlght.
Ewan, Mrs. W. I_ Horton and Alert ,
ree•tor. The other two were given boy ,BARN BI'RNg6 NK%* CLINTON
t:olerlrh has a number of 'Auto in-
surance representatives. who) are pre-
pared to take care of the motoring
public's rwtulremeuta. It le of prime
Import tuee that every car owner
should have his car insured in order to
comply with the new safety responsit
blllty law of Ontario. For rates and
particulars the car owners would do
well to consult any of the following
local agents, whose advertisements ap-
pear In the edverttsing columns of this
motor ear section:
O. F. Carey & Son. oltioe utt Went
J. W. Craig's., office on the Square.
H. R. Long, oaks on %set street.
Douglas L. Mooney, North street.
George Williams, °thee on the
F. Woollcombe, oraee on llat.Utem
street. --
The marrtage of Altlyth
d�ugltter of Mrs. C. W. Walcot and \romp,
the late Mr. Walcot, to James Darrow•, 1
son of Mrs. Darrow of Toronto and the
late Mr. Justice Garnow. took place ou
Monday afternon at Montreal. Rev. !
Croon A. P. Medford ofktating at the
ceremony In (h.. Church of St. James
the Apostle. On their return from a
trip to Bermuda. Mr. and Mrs. Carrow'
'alUL reside at Montreal.
The Easter .at-home of the Meue-
setung Canoe Club, held in the Mason-
ic Hall ou Tuesday night. was a most
enjoyable affair and sus largely at-
-tended. -4'1.‘-rtj were i.(steen -table*. -
/Twelve -Day Search for Mallough
and McDonald Youths Has
Been Without Result •
The search for tit. "exiles 4,1 Wil-
liam Mallon!' and Lessner(' M, It"n-
ald, drowned iu lake 'lures' on the
early morning of Sunday,. March 201h,
Isar eoutiuute without let-up, with over
twenty men participating, but without
result. The search will be prosecuted
indefinitely, it was stated today by
Bert McDonald and Joeeplt Mallough,
fathers of the drowned youths. 'lilts
morning three motor boats were as -
'signed to patrolling the waters on the
aspuwptluu tluet the bodies had risen
to the surface. Some forty miles was
covered by each boat. Dragging opera-
tions bare extended from Point Farm
to the breakwater over a width of a
Mlle to u mile and s -halt. The patrol-
ling operations have covered a greater
area, from Point Farm to taw-ae-Ave
miies south of the harhor.
The campaign for thetw•urlh has
leen bawd More ur less on theory. al-
though the beet advice, practical and
otherwise. has been sought. The bodies
would ordinarily rise to the surface iu
from eight to ten days, whit•h time has
already expired. As is rule Lake Huron
gives up he dead, but there have leen
Caere where men stave gone down to a
watery grave off Goderich harbor and
their bodies -never recovered. One touch
was that of Captain Murdoch McDon-
ald, a great-uncle of one of the vic-
Leet Thursday M, -D oualsI s over.
-**--were the oars d
tics• huttlredle prize•wlnucrs bring:
the Sunday school. . The put '1'll+-
After choral evenwug at 7 Welt** to .!all, n abort distaste north °! ('(intuit.
the evening the rhtJr rendered the sac was totally de'streved by Tire at uoou
*red- --cantatas, "i'sayeer, - --Premiers
Praise•," by W. H. Neldllnger. Solo
parts were taken by Mr. Reginald
Fisher and Mhos Anti Wurtele.
The offering for the day amounted
AUTOMOBILE driyitig, like
1'<Unlan life, is uncertain.
A It+an may u►c� �t
t long" f ung;- fithntE .
cident. Then an day some-
thing happens. But it does
not worry the owner whose
car is protected by a Royal
Exchange Assurance policy.
The institution's long record
of keeping faith with its
polioy-holders, its stability
and strength -and ample re-
sources to meet its obligations
-inspire hila with confidence.
Me knows that he will receive
prompt _payment to cover his
l0as. •
Every oar owner may enjoy
the feeling of proteetion-s
Royal Zzeisange Assurance
Polley does it.
• Law rates far 11131
Phone 296 Godericlt
Tb date only eighteen dog tags
havn.heee port -hared by cdUaens ut
town hall its response to a notice in-
serted In the local press two weeks
age. t The time limit s•xplres on May 1 "Ileal dremetic entertainment In
lat, ea whiedl date the official dog the talkies must conform to the tatttie.
estehee'ie rchMttled-10•'mttire hi. ape dotes an Oft fire eta,tet,.:--(«•ergo Hem
A-ttthorizeW Duc-
Refinisher for
tioderich and
District -
1f the finish on your car
is in very poor condition.
why not have it refinished
with Duco?' Perhaps only
a door or fender is blem-
ished. In that event coir
touch-up aervice_will_make
it like new.
The cost►�is reasonable.
Jos. Bowman
Corner of Hamilton
and St. Andrew's Stress
the boat from which the v g men
wept drowned. near I'olut Farm, three
atxi a -half miles from the scene of the
drowning. They were floating on the
belch. Tesir(ttdry' n Shell? bl('C*.."OT' i
macklnew-eatt-wws -removed from a}
Prong of int' 'of the dragging iruua,
but It could out I.e t-ntne•ted with the
tragedy. The same *applies to several
gloves found on tits. 'oriels at various
plat es. The overcoat picked up had one -_
+leer)• turned inside out. as though
Weitta•c bed.rtawn in a trarey
to get It toff. It has definitely been
Identified its belonging to the Mcl►on-
11f 1R»'. ane ourroms, bio• had heel*
rlp(wd ort.
On Tuesday Keu. McAuley. W. Au -
stay and Ken. limiter walked the shore
Ilse from 1'ort Albert to ■ ixdnt south
of tis• harbor on the suptxalUuu that
the Issues might have leen waded
up on the beach, but this 'search, too,
was 111111 railing.
I AIH tae tiny'+ it seeps•-tvrnt-ltef )nil
uu flu• h) k.' vin. grin odd 1(11 u
'strong northwest wind blowing erne
etmutly. Conditions yesterday and to-
day were /11141 1.
Thome who nee still pertIrlpattltg lt►
the search are 'tett Mclhauld, Joewpd1
allextgll• Maledm lli•IN►oaid. Joh
ard Shaw. -'"a
""'illrtii'e.Tniy. Electricians wereus
completing the work ud wiring the ,
baro mud it Ia thought that while a '
helper was w,ldertng a rouneo•tion on
the outside of the tarn the dame from
to 5642.36. the idow•torr•h caught on the hay hi -
144. Peter's Church side. .'.11 the dock, with the exeep-
lloly Week was observed by special tion of .ams- pigs. were removes' safely,
devotion' at Kt. Peter's Homan Catb- as were most of the implements. Str-
oll' c•hun•h. All during Lent mass Was era' tons of grain and bay were burned.
held at 7.31) each morning. with even- The barn was said to be one 4.1 the
ing devotions °n Wednesday. Friday flues( in the dldrie•t. The is par -
and Sunday. The parish priest. Rev. L. Baily esn•erel by innununet•
P. Lowry, was W charge of all aervkea
,tad on Good Friday morning he con-
ducted the ceremonies of the Stations
of the Cross and the Peneratioe of the
Craw�(RtIaturday turning the Read_..
tag' 1 - ret the I'n eTe
tea was obaerve3• a
hour devotional service was held Sat-
urday to mark the close of the Lenten I tuh ssinc•eriotl with an attack of acute
season.. On. Sundmy a children's choir. 4Mtyrswtlex, -esti _iwt.[ww_wsedieri aid_
Lt IIF:K STRAU'OHAN McDonal Neil••-11*Tao iI^•t-
Cuthorae township _bast Ane _.of. -Rs matt iohw-locus:--I-rest We1Ak Feed
oldest end lest knew,' itlarns a1 8n1 Robinson. Jack Allen, Thurlow Mr
411.1V1!)TF111 ` < �' 1111111.-'3i*`. r ui fih�r: Poi n
Ael B,-:--CAStJA and ---FIRE
-fir Lancashire Guarantee =-bind -.
A&ident lig ante Co.
Telephone 250
North St • Goderich
Arran //
suddenly stricken tut his hutue °n the Patterson. Itert Ingle. A. LenningtOn,
Robert McKay, Norpmn MrPhalt and
On Sunday Norman ale John 51e -
Kay sprat the ,rale• day grappling
from their fishing bolt. The boats in
,errice every day are those of the Mc-
Donald brothers. Malcolm and John,
Harry Wataote and Norman Mclvor,
all .power boots. Smaller craft also:
hart at.nlstel frim dune to time.
retell -rel musk--wpproprhste to faster
At Knox Presbyterian ('hure•h
At Knox church on Frkley- evening
preparatory eerviee scam held, eon -
ducted by the It••v. 1. B. Keine of Sea -
forth. There was a 'splendid etterehlmr.
On Sunday morning 4211 members took
could bre secures? he "Tired expired. TI
funeral• which wee attended by a
large cumber of people. was held on
Tuesday from the residence of his son
Calmer, trf Goolerlrh. The service was
coudii'(el by his minister, Rev. T. W.
Goodwill, of Myth. Mr. Harvey Mr-'
Gee sang most impressively. "floes
communion. Twelve new members were Jesus ('are?" Interment was made in
admitted to the congregation. seven Colborne township cemetery. The pall -
by profession of faith and five by tar- 'seers -re were Messrs. Fred Mugfonit
tIOcate. The minister. Rev. R. C. Mc- G,slerich township. (i,•orse Million. 1'ol-
l/ermtd, preached an Inspiring sermon. ,isrrne townehlp, John Johnetop, West
1'ktoria Street United Wawanoxsh, Robert McGee, West Wm -
1 Auburn. and Wil -
E. (hill .
Ten new utcndtt•rs were received lute n Is'.
Victoria street United church Easter Ilam Thom. Colborne township.
Sunday morning, when a babtlsinal - The lath' Mr. Straughan leaves to
strain also welts held. The common- morn hist lugs Ids wife, two daughter's,
len wail the largest the paster, Rev.
W. &uta, has had since
-trier the charge. ' ?IT-lunsle
rendered lea a choir of twenty -Ore shit-
hit-_- I" .• -•-• 1s.e 1 .gofers. under the leadership ot.
° _' ' -^'----'-"--- Miss Mary MrKinstua:"'i'here w
largo. congregation. In the evening the
tcboir see.-jitally rendered three an'
Incept. The pastor's aernions
plete with spiritual refreshment. In the
morning his subject vice" "The Resur-
rection." and in the evening "Go and
Tell Peter." - -
At North -street United
I'ubiie worship wan herd in North
street i•nited church on Goal Friday
morning at 11 o'clock. A large con- _
gregation was in attelance. The Mr. and Hr". A. ()'. dun
('conn was the them^ Of the service rphy. itf The
and - the hymun' and .manic were 1n trop. aprn( the west enol sere ,vlielt-
hwrm)oy with the-analrorsers of flue hug the formes); parents Mr. and' Mrs,
Saviour's dent h. Rev.' C. F. Clarke'stT. i Sttlrplly
text was . "l'hniiia be unto Gat for His '" -
Unepwnknble gift" --2 Car. 0:15. , thirty -eerie' ' gathering 'Odium' the
On Easter :noonday uusrnine titan I tabl,
three hundred tock communion and ten On Monday morning Mr. ltunj "poke
new nteulls•rn.mostly young wools. front " nn. --.eWor,,.. ,,q- } ,rreettnn•:+'lieu"
the Mibnil av ,otod.' were respired into nnor In the event,* mit ••TM' Gospel rel
Mrs. Oliver Alt -Brien. of Auburn. and
, o f- Wh
Andrew. all of Grwlerlo•h: two sinters..
Mrs. W_II. 'kit and Mrs. °collie Far -
tar. of ('lin on. ant via bro'tier,C
George. of Colborne townhlp• and Al-
bert. of (Sktahouul, 1'.1.A.
near Galt. the inns M-F:olwani tont Iso-
bel l ('lark .Strattgllau. who -came origin-
ally from Scotland. They removed to
Consorts, township when Mr. Stratlgllan
wan three years of age. In IS * ht' was
married to Miss Agues 014 and they
since resided out, the farm where he
panned away. •
Geo. Williams
Agent for Canadian and British Companies
Bank of Commerce Bldg., Goderich
Telephone Sal
W. E. Anderson is my name---
1Imremet q.-itt
jets trlt•l, o,r•ne,'A and wish go thank those who
Bedew are sena enista
1927 -Chevrolet 1 -ten (Stalin)...
Splendid condition and. -_
repainted _ ._1325.00
1927-- Reo 111 -ton Truck
• 32:6 tires, large Stake
body, new paint and
mechanically perfect
9450 00
1927 -Dodge 2 ton with large
Stale. body Nigh rack.,
new paint and in re-
markably fine condi-
tion throughout $650 06
1928 Reo 3 -ton heavy duty
Speed Wagon 3417
duds 17' Stake body
with 52" rack. Com-
pletely overhauled Re-
painted and ,quipped
with 4-wkeel hydraulic
brakes $1650.00
410t19 rvtno.1.10 'it d With au/.
Reo Motors of Western
...Ontario, Limited
ft't= Talap;haaa massif 3'tmn.
R"elenN 100 Balsa idit /^•yOa`stla• Tatnphane Metcalf 7685w
Its _ ._ .... _...,....�._....�
tile ckurd',lr ' r •e at ok4`f On 'Tile 1.1,11a tttr.w s:,,ei:L A . wamwl
•, eta..,..
eaatige• 0 Th
hymns Were In t:e'pltiS with the Ea4•lfly)t-relrp(hgt;Sd new mcmlwr, tuns vhs's tsjjU"Tw ret II 11.1m. nod 7 p.w.
Tear nin,on,-ft-tits-- shit flip TItt' 6f held. it the mornin s they choir ren 'Sp'ciel thud+le *51 Ire renderer) -1i
derail n beautiful Faster iinthput foul 'the choir ret thea, tervlrps. Mr. 1e-itt
by apeini rimmed it Wailrtp•nf.rl 1)t Adams. b,irfont' "°hoist. of London.
the crenhtg: spen ,Mies Ruth. 'listed } 6111 seed
+t Bre choir !md shut severe! 1
gave an npq. I i,rinte solo. Thp hymns strkw. _tretidltg the 144)11111gseA'vkr i.
we'services nil In keeping with the •rvices the organist, 11 r. iMnRlan ('nropM•II,'
of atm, hod+oto, flay. will give N 1utif-hour organ recite/. Tlte'
- in
--Seaford Similay Sebes' -Rohde w'In be es follow":
aster. a ant cn1 am Notre At Ilte clime a bnplintnni ,e•rvkt
The past week severe! f 'tions were .
held at Kitx•antlite as at "send-off" to'
Mr: and Mrs.' 1 I'U 11ltrtrn, formerly -
of (lslerhit prior to thiir re, 'n1 to
Starner. At a medal withering held by
the choir told innnk•eI rommlttet' of
the. i'e1ten e'hllreli Mr. nisi Mrs.- Wit
Nord were the pteaM of honor and were
tsre•nesata•et soul► a p letitrs+ abuwlug a
Iwai water Pve1tt as a rentagbrii1iee
of their counts -the' with, the a heir .
Northern Light llasemic'Lodge pre- lttM r. h(tantrirStr'e Masoutr••
Mt ill nil 2qther 'prese•htatloii 'W1 at--...34te
non gathering rel the • of 111r. and
Myst. T F. Mi'M il'kon. where member/eel"-
e lt-l'5 "of the Klupardiue .tuu►teur Athletic
Ass.s-lotion tlte•1 for the pnrpos)• of let -
pressing their eutent free Mr. Wibsen'.
who was tumde• tate recipient of a flute
Wind+i,r ertnelieir. l'srltine sln•ake•rs
spoke in tenors of high npin'eeletion t.f
Mr. Wilsons oervkwn as "etch end
trainer for young nfhbetes and_ fits ge'n•
i•rnl gexwl citirA•tiship. '
)fr. N il.wtt, a h.t Inns been principal
ret the, Kincertline pnhtk• whoa)! for
h•verni sears. Is entering jeH1r11gem MA
T/Vti 'ir- itf T!w Efi yner '11%ii. HFTs
the son of Mr. aril Mrn, A. E. WII1au1.
art finittonl. I
-Aottiverxary -sett hes will 1•e It'll at
North street 1'nit.d church next Kon
_conducted by Rev E.
W. Young. M..t.. 1R.1).. of London. Ser..
Jesus 1'hrlat wns told in song and
steno. lura Esther Hume Kase a beau-
tifui 1, edition of "Tile Infant Chrlat"
nod Mr. George Ttneh,nnn sling "Open
the' (late of floe Temple." Miss Mar -
'tarsi I'entinnd's contralto solo• "He
Wan Dtt+pt.eL" from "The Atwalnh,"
aloe was *splendidly drove, Kmlfford St/Inlay +clHxd hell ap►� 11(IItNIN(I
Dosser Metter
(dehrairl French Vocalist
M. Louts Muse
rale Dr. Rowed M•cMdle.
Yr. Reri..alf Simon
Smarts• ret Dance kdstrs•
sender Laid Rotnan.W
THE "i,ITTLE Titular" PI.AYns
in "Thr Bachelor Richet"
ostler Dr Ned. will-.. Irak Kim! Grey
!owe.rr Defoe
THE BY T°w•V TaoiaADotaLS
Orriteetr. aged tocalurr
"The Angels' Chorus"
;ACE= the 0ominioasweeps a reeve of sietioes
i� entiwsiesm.. Canadians ere striking forward on
35i- rTrri Tide oi✓r 1P.J, roapdn .
of Csneds. limited. -pegs tribute to the "Forwea-
Canada" Moverrientwit% "Canada on Paredes', a red'io
Sae every Ftidey evaainq. typifyin¢ Ski-epieit
-.Csnede's progress.
Lister for "Canada on Parade", tin catchy stfaNwe
song of the series. Rev rite sheet music at your mask
store, or write to'yoar favorite radio station for as
iatradurtary free copy. c• 10 •
7orward wil<h ureas . . . 13e Continlrnt
A. half-hour re•It,tl pre•tdetl the prop,1nt1. _,p:aster PIT V11111 . on Seaday
inrtiing nstriht w7tti Mi. Multiiil afternoon. In aitteVe• of tr. J. E. HarnY
1 nmpletl at the organ. Notes of ea- well. sfpu'rinh ndcnt. W1111gaup an Ott-..
planation if•Ui•' musi' were' given' by ten/ding address roverkti4, the wriisl
-Rheic•-letfght -Mutt's. ' from the annewthligg of Jenne (!Mbit
:1t the RapfMt I turrh nod his dlseiplem In the upper room to
Mi.. -till lloly Week ncrviees were the r„nrreetitn. Philtres Wer, ahoern
hole? at the Baptise- church every depleting inesnes of ('hrlat'e last day/
night evept Saturday. with lin in- on earth. The 'whorl .was 'want/full;
.Prep+Ing altendnnee arch night. Thi' 4teot*aft111 Witt Mrirwr* and pl.nla for
pastor, Ret'. W. T. itttnt, chows. the fol- Iltr 41(1111410041(1111410041(11114100Anil the--qeholnra nil par-
101111111app•oprieto' auhjertn: Monday. took Of'unleavtn d farted.
The Blackest Night In litthsehatmi' The reltoni-Is making,splehdid pro -
Tuesday. "The ('rows'. of Thorns:" areas. The *rants..ettendene• for
11'osh eeday. "The Jtntnttry-to ('alrary:f.' Japnsry wee Int, Feh5).)rnary �nod
Thnrielly. "The Three Groner Aroma! llareli 7e -s- Tsa.-tters.'prcaent for the M Mozart
the Cross Friday. "Calvary, snot Lord .nfftt three mohfhs. rt ai
pee•tively wre
.let rel the t'r,.. ''fill (tntifi'Priitay 1Te et enti-e"1rMhrtini -c'wmmmi•
tttsl 1141 nntt - -- Men.ielssehlt
evening there wens n splen111tt ennttrr'- tet. * Pts for tie, ,1r .n,•.P-'wl+ltora for I., ..,fit Ahs•. Air*. -Club,, loweDn t..J44.u1L-
-••.Ring.wt-wstwi-4h& 4 as
4.• -swat
ll., Mr
Xtl- $h...paftsat inoiatrure) _:i.A..stotta.a.erkB
v a.m... Fon' .,ul )un
Jilt the i
..ri^iri-e4Tralis i.7r1Tia Ilse att'eine ('hast I tc`Tilid each !ltlmist-amxtn ttprft "The'"`l•ro turn', ens1TitP"$D tfht
• -** vim.* the v+b wtssksw- *vlew. At. the }'l:J/1.rte•,ii 1,...l.wa tis. t --se ltsi ion is- We ViewthaiJ..tteeowwwd.-.•Aty
11os.• the Lord's Wtpls-r stns oltert'el, tenQetl t“ .111the Lord's. the ....clip
• ,t
e ' 1•- _- i I
-,ttlwtt►, "4'-t Ase, 11tlady'Ghoesti?
1 .11, aurins 1
-f/eeltinw Mort.. '•1'.inshh•r lural 11:•nr Me"'1
W uotut
Olt(: A N RECITAL 0 0.31 p.m. 4
'•Troup-( T c' Purcell
•`.1tlln In 1►--Is)rclt•alvn1 1401(.1 ilno•h
"Willem ell 4t re•
c,tI " Romani
"ttrnitttltwt('rry Air" shy rtgneaf 1
laggedlhotks hr M:to-Iight" a Mountain I
F:PF:NINil flukey
I:renl:e .nntlMtn. "Motif In I:\e•1-1a"
ITeelftb Maui
ireritonc .oln. ••O God there' Mercy" 1
I ,um
t-10 p.m,
1 CFN6-Fredericton
CFSO -St. John
CHIC -Quebec
CFCH--North ley
CKPi-Ft. William
CJCA-Edmoelen -,
CKX-Br•ndoe s
10-I1 p.m.
11-12 p.m.
(opposite Masonic• Temple). " I1'
. Asphalt
A full linof all kinds of
Roofing Materials.will. be carried in_-
stoc.k_-at all times.
- ''Reroofing ii a SpecialtLw:th us
Fifteen•iteat�- -=-- -t.-
C;,u+trantee on all Roofs: which, we apply
• Let us know of your . requirements and our repre-
sentative will be pleased to tall and gi4 you an
- estimate.
e tiyitit Jumbo Roofing Co., Ltd.
- t CEO.-- BAXTER , .
-•-err,. ..-......:,.-srimwd Ji �-« w....•.
-r.r........earan. ....,.. _ I.