HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1931-4-9, Page 5THE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONT. .rweranaa•a>.•wVII, ,.: -- .-,..�, .‘ 4, Lear ...so.we,. Thursday. .April 9th, 1M1—i Every Active Member is Paid a Good Cash Award -- ACT NOW Beautiful spring days and excellent roads, the opportunity to meet new friends, will make it a pleasure for every person taking an active part in THE SIGNAL'S great subscription competition. THE OODBRICH SIGNAL gives its readers and residents of Goderich and surrounding towns and rural dis- tricts an opportunity to become the proud possessor of a very handsome auto- mobile or a large cash prise absolutely free. It will not only be pleasant and profitable diversion to all who enter the big contest for subscriptions (both new and renewals) but it will be a fine educational training to everyone who takes part in the friendly competition. The object of the campaign is to secure NEW and renewal subscriptions to THE GODERICH SIGNAL and while doing this to ricers. >t who tau tin most ambitious, persevering and determined men and women (married or single) and boys and girls in the territory covered by THE GODERICH SIG- NAL. It costs a candidate absolutely nothing to join THE GODERICH 8I0- NAL'8 big prize competition and every candidate is guaranteed at least a sub- sil3ntial cash prize on business which they secure, if they do not win one of the major prizes, such as the choice of a free automobile, or one of the sub- stantial regular cash prizes offered in the regular list. Fill in the entry blank on the opposite page and mail or bring it to the contest office at once, or bet- ter14111; telephone the Campaign department at Ooderich 624, and you will be given full information immediately, together with lists of old subscribers and a-suppIy d- receipt bookie. DO 1T NOW—MAKE YOUR START TODAY. t Tele hone The Campaign Manager at 624 Goderieh ForF iL Particulars -- DO IT Chaiole�tSix Spr Sedate offered as choice for First Grand Prize. See it at watt- 81 'febbutt • Waterooi cis, Kingston Street. Information, Rules and Conditions of The Signal's Auto Prize Contest Any lady or gentleman. married or single, or boyar girl. is eligible to enter the mutest d ►PHIS SIGNAL. fie e'wpk/yeel-ia-lM-aliire of THE SIGNAL ii ua _ae a candidate tor iiTbf tixe priers offered S Contestants may nominate tbemeeirea N.D. nominated, by their friends. Fill out the information blank on the front page or entry blank or mall It to the lea Igen Depart - Names ...r Names of ennteetants who enroll will be "published In THE SIGNAL eseb week. - _\ ettlatyd1 be bequest on all payments of subscription during the campslp Whether paid to a s dlcltor, candidate or it the o e -W THE The New Ford Victoria - FREE offered as choice for First Grand Prize. See it at F. H. Wood & Son's Garage, South Street. Durant Sedan - FREE offered as choice for First Grand Prize. See it -at Peter Graf* Residence. Nelson Street. i A coupon good for free votes will to plated In every lasue of THE SIGNAL for the first four weeks of the competition. SAVE THEM TOR TOUR FAVORITE WORKEiR. There will he two ways to secure votes -111 Saving coupons good for votes from the paper each issue and send or mall name to the Cam- paign Department. (2) Ry Securing new and renewal aularriptitlns for THE SIGNAL for whleh soles will be Issued. The management reserves the right to refect any nomination with- out giving reasons for an doing. c onteatatta way "'retire subscriptions for THE SIGNAL anywhere. It does not make tiny difference as to where you live, you may get subscriptions anywhere. All votes Issued on submerintions artelitglateil the end of the caIDglgyt, and may be poUed at the dlacretlon of -the candidate, sub- scriber or manages'. : — — —_ _ _ kcal error, it le anderatood that the In the event d a yl�apb assuagement will not be held responsible except to make the necessary correction on dls•ovety of same. The management reserves the right to add more prizes, give extra prirea and prize vote ballots. Lu case of a tier the management reserves the fight to have the prize equally divided. - Vote certificates are not transferable from one tetive candidate to another one who Is already active; they may 1e given to another person, however, who is not already attire In the acetest. The management reserves the right to give club vote offers and triple regtilar or extra votes. Ileo athlitienml votes for new sub,arlptlons or old aubscrlptlona, but It gerarnntees that all sitlnu•rlptions turned In from the la•ginning of the eompetltion no to the time of any of these offers will receive the benefit of same. When entering the contest it Is understood that III oon (id (4111(4 ae-eept and i(1de by tae roles end conditions published herein The management gnarantee•a fair treatment to all e•ontestatlta, and shook] any quration arise. the detiaios of the management will be eon ((Memel final and absolute. • Any statement or prutttar made by any solk•Itor or agent varying from the rules and conditions published herein will not. he rerioptized by the management of THE SIGNAL. - A candidate 114 not required to be a regular auhseribee to THE SLG- NAi. 111 orkr to enter the competition. The management reserve the right to alter any rule or condition• everything, in fact, escarps that the vah(e of the priors will not be re dnet•tl and every candidate will receive fair treatment throughout the entire campaign. The mnnagement reserve's the right to help and enconrlge the candle dates In every way p oaalble. and advancing commlaston money or ex pence money to eamUdafeS while the eampa►tgn is in progress. Wonderful st of Prizes Chocolates Gven Away.. , FRES! Every • sending in new candidates names who have not al- ready been uece•pt(d in the contest and who continue actively in $be big competition to the end alai) ,web candidate who turns in at least ,$12 -went i- +eta for--TiiE 910144r -Ly-.Ape►f 'L'lul.-w111_ee seise IEnke two=penutui.box a er ree. The chocolates are extra to the other arises offered.- Three stiliacriptions for $4.00 re, s for °(i -.epi, or atli way you wish, entitles a candidate ,,. • • BIC SUBSCRIPTION CONTEST is the ch ice_ ora Willy._Siic Coach; a Vontiac Six Coach; a Plymout Sedan; in Essex Six Coach; a Ford Victoria; a Chevrolet Six De L Durant Four Door Sedan; a Ford Sport Roadster; or winner of the First Grand Pride may have a cash option. $300 Cash is Second Grand Prize. $100 Cash is Third Grand Prize. $100 Cash Extra Prizes Week Ending May 11th. $ 50 Cash Extra Prize Week Ending May 18th. $ 50 Cash Extra Prize Week Ending May 25th. $1000.00 CASH Mira to the rhoiee of free auto.. offered and which will be awarded in the big con- test, there has been set ac;ide the sum of one thousand dollars in rash for cash commis- . sion Petrel. regular rash prizes aad.txtraprizes. fu0 part'irulars of distribution of which will he announced as soon as is possible. All candidates continuing acflseli in the Mc' teat Ina the 4,441 are guaranteed at leasL.a substantial rash commission prize. EM EK\ .ACTiVE ('ANi)ill.tTE Wild. GET A ('ASH PRIZE chocolates have M•en arranged for. Get your box early. Get t�he��rli► t One of the outstanding features and perhaps one of the most 1m- qs.rtant in a snort competition of this kind Is• those who enroll early in the big drive usually have to hest chances of winning the big prizes. The declining vote s•hedlilea which are given for sullscrlptious will undoubtedly give .the early entrant(' an advantageous had over Chose entering later. Right now Is the time to make your start. En- roll your 40(114• t#MIav,- 1411(1 141 idle -Camp nigh °M a ot_cuppe lu_ and get receipt hooka and supplies and full information as to how to get started lest. I:very' worker who kes au earnest effort in the friendly enm- paign will win somethhig. !send In your name or Omni. to .the cam- paign of1Mee for- your receipt ,,Isslks and supplies and start ilii active campaign for votes and snbsoriptions at mice. The big (Instant --will -rtrA it a snappy and every minute of It will he enjoyable as well 9a profitable to you. Get started early. _.�._ •- . - -'Th�igw I4i1 ('ampaisa Heailjttlfrii'FsT serosa the etfepTfi,to-'ISE SIGNAL'S offi(e- -2nd at. and Theliquare. Look for pirtrnTspartnicnT AWE — Open each evening up to 10 p.m. I'hone No. alt. ,. SAVE THESE COUPONS THEY HAVE A BIG VALUE 1,000 -FREE VOTES (Name of..Conu'stant) - - ..s so•ret•an.l�� The New Ford Sport Roadster - FREE offered as choice for First Grand Prize. Skirts at F. H. Wood & Son's Garaget_South Street. For quick replies, es, address all inquiries for- information, entry blanks, etc., direct to Prizeeauaerg Ont. i_. Campaign Headquarters, over old Royal Bank Chambers, opposite The Signal's Office, cor. North St. and the Square. Special Phone No. 624. ��'.. --- •...o.:r-�- Open evenings until 10 p.m. for convenience of all candidates. 1n every paper of T1 S (INA etch week'. Start air- ing votes now, If not for yourself why not save them 'for your • favorite candidate? This 4'4upnn, when neatly int nut and mated or brought ' to the Campaign Department. Headquarters of THE SIGNAL. will count for the person whose name 15 written thereon MAiL THiS COUPON IMMIX HAY I4th