HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1931-4-9, Page 4{
4--Qlurday. April ilth, 11131
Ci(ii1CH, ON's'.
Of 111T11101111: rulY.
Thousands of Dollars in Splendid Prizes -.- START NOW
We extend to you a cordial invitation to participate in the fres distribu-
tion of prizes which will be awarded absolutely free by T'HE GODERICH
SIGNAL. The big prize list includes the choice of handsome automobiles
and a number of large cash prises, as well as substantial cash oommission
awards to all members who do not win one of the regular prises. In this way
there will be no losers Cash prises have been arranged for all workers. You
cannot afford to pass up this opportunity. Just think of it! The least you
can win is a substantial cash award when the campaign oases to a close—
there will not be a single worker in the entire contest who Mill not be paid
well fOr the work they do.
Special rsoeipt books have been printed for the ealaldidites, and these
receipt books must be !seed by everyone working for subscriptions, std_ the
sooner that you get yours the better chance you will have of winning a large
cash prise or the chbioe of one of the free automobiles. The work is very
Anyone May Enter
easy and interesting and it will be profitable to you. It is only a spam time
proposition, and your spare time utilised in the right manner in getting sub-
scriptions NOW for THE GODERICH SIGNAL can make you the winner of
a real prise or a large cash award. THE GODERICH SIGNAL'S big contest
for subscriptions is a sound business proposition, based upon sound busi-
ness principles and strictly upon one's effort, energy and perseverance. GET
STARTED EARLY! Don't wait a few days to think it over. Telephone or
come to the contest office, which is located across the street from the office of
THE SIGNAL, just over the old Royal Bank offices at the corner of North St.
and the Square. Look for the sign THE GODERICH SIGNAL CANTAIGN
OFFICE. The telephone number is 854. As soon u you have made up your
mind that you are going to be a candidate come at onoe to the campaign of-
fice or telephone for your reeeipt lambs and lists of the old subscriptions, and
one of the Contest Department asdsiints will deliver to you Immediately full
supplies and will help you get started.
Make Money In Your Spare Time
Enroll Your Name Early
1. +lit
is vi
Essex Six Coach - FREE
k� as choice for Fust G-`rand-Frime. -
cut out the Information blank on the front paws or the entry
blank on thieves. gad fill as directed.
ssoosp,TN - Tp DO
Send or telephone for receipt b s,1lets of the old subscribers
{ad other supplies for taking euh.criptlons. The entry blank alone
givesgiin 1004100Ire voters to start. Alt isupplies will its forwarded
to Fon from the Headquarters of the Campaign Department, wltuieb
is. located across the std let •Tee REM eveft!_4id allow of
— -The-Royh -Rank.- -Panne mL —
T1 Z . !HNNG TO DO : '`.
As socac as you have been supplied with receipt brooks, get out
{rcp� d■Od°h 141T-
* sofas,apd their _
-m "y�ott.t' �1onDem-_wi1C"tti11161;WI
Your paper during the first .tour weeks. if the party is now taking
_. THE SIGNAL, have them pay yon the cash to balance the length of
+•, w iI o_4iTOT.0r If their sabncrl_ption is tn.arrsarr.
• have the pay you what they owe, and another few yearn In advance.
The subscription schedule of votes to be given will be found elsewhere
In tbla.adrerttsemeut--study It over carefully and gid bus, at
once, getting every possible subseription you can, as most votes are
given for subscriptions during the early weeks of the contest. The
longer the term of the subscription the more rotes you will receive.
and It is the candidates who get the most rotes who will wit, the
best prizes. Mall or bring your subscriptions with money 10 corre-
;,.ppoad. wrlth acme to the Prize campaign Department of The �4lsual.
A reserve vote certificate good for the full amount of the votes will
be mailed or given you for subscriptions each time a remittance is
received front you. and this certificate will 1a• past for the full
sntouuf of tutee rep until the close of the dri . ENROLL YOI'N
ate: . ,,-:+41'„
Attention Candidates
'than of old stitcwrilwrslor THE SIGNiAL will be furui+hid each
candidate and market) on each will he Lound the esplrati4sndate of
each subscription. Thls will enable the candidate to eipbin to sulr
serilwrs uutJHE SIGNAL exactly how hie -or her anbeerlptlon stands
and lust how tar in advent' that ti few years paid noir will' extend
it. All wttistrelptiona will be turned In as eastdidates (*lien them
.aelt_3veek_atal-all mtnvtiene-will be made on Ilei and new lists
will 11, an Weclneeday of each week for tlue candidate,' w, they
will at all tiews Airing Ilio -contest know esartN *velvet cnpira-
tion date!; of all slthw•rlpttolos.,.._tiet. our !lot. Qf the _old Mublc•rile•rs
MAY. it will Ir,• I,ic le•ip to you.
Let Your Spam Time
Make You -
Them are hundreds Of people living In the territory en•ens! h'
PFiF: M1(NAI, who have the npportmtlty Uf se•nriug for themnelve.
one of the veinalde caetiiprtzca offered in this eontei.t page aelvertise
ment. There Is absolutely no one who will enter the contest and
really [sake an.'elfort who will not he among the list of prize nr
cash commiaalon winners when the judge* make the final count an Ute
di slni( night. Enroll your nameearly and ask for help.
Willys Six. Coach - FREE
offered as choice for First Grand Prime.
IN ' • o
You may enter your own name or the name of a friend in
.Telephone 624, Goderich
Pkase ender the following name as a candidate in your great cash prime
distribution campaign:—
Address_ - - - - Phone No. - Nominated by "
Mail this this entry blank to the prime campaign headquarters of
Your entry blank alone counts for 100,000 votes.
Pontiac Six Coach - FREE
offered as choice for First Grand Prize.
Plymouth Sedan - FREE
offered as choice-lot.Firat Grand -Prise. See it at Reg.
McGee' Service Station.
Ialow to Get the Votes
Schedule tt 1 sten for Subs rl$Isaa is as Follows:
Up to April 27th
A one year old subscription earaa 10.000
Three years sabseelyds. euros 100.000
Four years sabe kll300,000
11"Fears _- - - M_'_
A eve Far sdbaertptloe .emints big votes-Oet lots of them -Most rotes
w111 w1•. Add 60,000 extra votes for each year new eebecriptlon secured.
Sulss•riiNlou price of THE SIGNAL by sell In Canada sr tatted States
Epi C.iindidate
Cash Prize
Every Candidate who continues actively to THF: NIUNAl.'$ big contest
w111 win something--Iletgn today. Early work manta most votes and most
votes will arta the choice of free Autos and large Cash Prizes. Phone 621
G derich for receipt books, so that you can get started at once.
Spare Time Proposition
iiale+manahlp Is NOT the most essential thing In winning the choice of
Free Autos or a large cash prize. DETERMINATION and 1'ERSEVER-
A,N('E, backed by s little effort. will make you the winner of a genal prize In
the Mg eompetition. Getting renewal subscriptions and new subacrlptlons
ter i'Fff1--i4N3N*i. is a verg'essi. tntereeting and profitable pastime. You
can win • handsome natomomhflr or a large cash prize in your spare time
during fie next few weeks and if you do not win the choice
of fur autos or one of the big cash prizes which are snnonneed In the prize
list on this page. you are guaranteed • substantial cash commission award on
all bushiest whkb you collect and whieY is left at the slim lot 7sa. _ There
win be no IseeP+i Every worker w•111 win. Send for rerelpit hooks so that
you can get started rel one*. Campaign OMce open each evening sill
10 o'clock.
First Thing to Decide
Make- tip ynor min,I now, or as soon as possible. that you are going to
enter your name as a e•anibiSte.fbf Q eKCtlef'►f free autos or one of the -x.
other ,valnnble prizes.
Make up your mind that yonr opportunity for winning is ns good a-.
ntiyoue else's and that every active member Is guaranteed at least a cash cow
ion award, if they fail to win the choler of free anti* or a large cyalc
Make up your mind as to the prIse.whieh you are most anxious to who
It Ott dtet_t atop stdseeriptlem getting until yon have accomplished and won
'The big competition for the choler of free nIi!no will be short and '• 11 y
\fake yonr ■tart now -Write or telephone for reelpt looks. Special Tele-
phone No. 624. Headquarter. of mnhwt office at (rod, rich is ncresw the street
from the nMee of VIE SIGNAL. over the old Royal Rank s hamlwra, enr
North Rt. nmol The Wlnnm.
For quick replies, address all inquiries for information, entry blanks, etc., direct to
a� nDepartmentea ua ers e o uric InaCoderich,raze a ()et
CairiP4V Headquarters, over old Royal Bank Chambers, opposite The Signal's Office, cor. North St. and the Square. Special Phone No. 624.
____ Open evenings until 10 p.m._for convenienc . ..all candidates.