The Signal, 1931-4-9, Page 22-Thurtatay. April 9th, 1981
Established 1848
Member of ('auadlan Weekly Newts -
papers Seetcietkes
purteelty is given tor public repreeew
Latium' oat the subject of municipal as-
sesswent and allied matters. there way
be a genteel discussion of a subject
that 11,•s r,•ry close to the w.•11arc of
the people.
• •
°um ie- hat -e 1 -al -ed
-w lrlMYad every Tdursday more iwl.•a agalnat the 1'110tt i
Milaietptluu price $2.00 per
---fllttle t++ edrence. --.
35 : Goderleb. Ont.
W. M. ltulirrtwN. 12IEor had IF/beget
1Fitreday. April (tilt, 19051
young temple under the snaplees of
the Girls' (Juild, will be ['remelted in
the United church here on the even -
lug u April 11th. Adutleelon.:t:e. and
Mrs. It. Mdl'hee Is a saes( at the
Mune of her rt+ter. Mrs. Cook. of Tor -
lee. iv e:. Shaw null ,ew Rd ph, ae-
tY«„WWttel by xAM�E.:
f ren -u,. Mls. Morrish, motored to Tor
1t►Yr1®LD, £pr11 7. -Mr. and Mige
E. 0. Johan and tautlly spent Taster
Monday at Stratford.
Miss Mary Wild, of Toronto, was
home over Good Friday.
MIs Mina Proctor, of Toronto, spent
Saturday with h'i aunt, Mrs. 1:. flag
Itef'ATwee- mho spun Ms
Luta: mean= With Icer aunt, Mrs. J.
States sines the Tinsley -semi rn011" -_ ,,,, momins. .Ferguson, retui'ued to Guelph on lou
tt-us a led ut WarhlnRtuu a year ago. 11. are sorry- to report that1 Kn. (Mr,-_-....,_.,.._.�.._.-..-..-. _ .__....-....__.... -...� ........... -...,-
►� *be Department of Agriculture ut
Fre already the export trade of Ilse. CIA, ,^Y' llustl,w 1n not enjoying
1e Detrolt,l spent e.A,. Agnew .he week -end awith Mr rise In the 11workot tot" holding
el1t f}>~lu utly Ottawa. The booklet cover. In a brief
1`nfhrl time.* hes sut7rreel ut•.,n+F,e. -tart-ut health. A speedy eta firs. il. \Petttrlrf. '_ _..._.__ _ _- ar-
-dente• se these eggs tueariahly glade t alwr atauw,r souk a�Jecta as the
iurtltta „ .von. hoped Int.
. Ur. and etre (;retest !logic and Mr. null M. ll. 6utght and heist, of mer-ottdm Eurusrs,ar, '
delighter Madeline spent Sunday with Test .arid ,fee. .. Itoyd and
Of Interest to the Busy Farmer
Furnished by the Ontario Depart Ment of Agriellit tire
l'ttihretion id' the liy-prieltsete of
farming id 4111e of tiw setatiorai le
Prepered in the hope that it tt Ill
beef on the part i f Canadian rote
twee Welled
Danish farmer- are com
piligis to dlemi the trade of Denmark
as far as possible from the nibs,
M -re. Bogie's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
wrronat. sons thatie to Gnett Itritaiii. and 111 oihei 31owerby, Goderteh lownehip, Good Friday in the %Wage. Mhos Peggy
-a- comelier there has &teemed fee; with her grandmother, Mrs. G. W.
Boyd is remabileg here and «taying
Spring .1.1vs lug of hostility to the count') eel
• • • wanta to eel but refuses to bie It Mrs. I). Prentice, of Toronto, spopt
kzort Wilitum reports the earlieet I "Ina" r°11°wIl The 1-111•*•1 '''Late* GODERICH TOWNSHIP. April S.- Good Friday with her part.nts. Mr.
opening of navigation on record 1.rather than the liritish (.X1111111144. h
(..e Min Helen Davidson, of London Nor and Mrs. W. J. Stinson.
1.,...esequences may be foreseen
lion. Howard Ferguson has visited '
Rome and received the pontifical ben, ; 'At Met -Big Bill'"Iliouipeen bas
diction. The Toronto Telegram ‘.111 Wee overthrown in Chicago. In the
osoottoes mopty the. eontomeoiato mayoralty election tin Tueeliie he WW1
imprecatory matter. defeateil by an event heiming major.
The Ontario Government is plating
up the price of liquors in order to in-
ity, the victor being Antou J. Ceramak,
who as a bor came to America trine,
Bohemia, sorked as a miner and farm
memo toe loom, vino_ to the pro. hand, Wei eVentlill117 woe .to
vintial treasury. Ontario's drink bill the head of the Tie-mikeade Piety; in
mi. year hogs fah. to roach a stagger cook, county. The Mayor -elect promise
to clean up Chicago, to suppress crim-
inality end corniption, to banish the
recketeers. Chicagu is preparing for
another great World's Fair. end the
bag total
The wittor ham been strunling this
week with vicious attack of lumbago.
turnover in the civic government may
They say that many colds are taking
if tee I be Intended as an intimation to the
all the game, we would preter the old world at large that it will t* safe
familiar eold in the head. ' to visit the city while the exhibition
The Salleint Sage obwerves-thal, the
golfeni "re oat again on the greene
be remarks. -They hate had only three
or tour astathie holidays from the
game, Ind hilet_W.,WILd lit II bi-"
tn onr burg on Tuesday.
r. and Mee. Oliver coek-aaL-6111-
111y moved frant‘our neighborhood to
Ooderleli hot week. Their baby girl,
It is fortmuite for Tory race -welters
that Premier Bennett is a confirmed who had berm siek lib bronchitis and
bachelor. If lie has given the highest plrlettnionitt, was somewhat better be-
fore thin. left.
political appointment to hid Prompec- Mr. 11.1111 Mrs %Verret Smith end
tive brother-iniew. elite would be family 1INCe..111(111411 from Goderich
Inft after he had tweeter.' for tils ee-the Neer God Mr. rook vatated.
wife's rein threw our G. 4'. I. steeples are stwnding
the Engler holiday." at their reepectIve
With Hole Howard Fermeion's dis-
appearance from TW-Preiluchir arena,
the township melted board bill, one of
his pet projects, 'seems to have been
lost to 'lee also. There wW be DO re-
grets on the part of the defenders of
"the little red schoolhouse."
Tbe "harmonizing" of open quarrels
betareeu public perminages too often
ramiada one that:
-191116,--Wirit--fiiiiiirimily of Niger
Will'rede on the bark et a Tiger; -
'Ow came from that ride
With the lady inside,
Akita oa the
Aileethig Henry Witten/Mee eele-
plan it might well te Mid- that the
world's greatest publicly owned and
administered system of light and power
was founded by Adam Beck and
loundered by the l'ememp-Ifettry _ad-
Ii• (erring to Ex-Prender Ferguson's
visit to the Pope and receiving the
peatifical blessing. someone remarks
* that -Fergie- only man In Can-
▪ lestory WM; Managed to -put it
ever- the. wangemen anti the Knight.'
et Columba* at the MUIR. time. Maybe
se; lent the former Premier has his im-
itators among the trisect lights.
Measne Alex. Morten. Joseph Cook,
MUM* iterr011-111111
tended the epring show iti Clinton last
week. Mrs. Alex. 'Horton accompanied
her Iiiisland.
MiRdell tette WW1 ElIZA 110411 Horton
sre spending a few dap( with their
brother in Aidifield. We are glad to
report they are wymewhat better after
their attack of "fln."
Mr. and Mei. llacLock, of Toronto,
were meats of the lettere' parent's on
Sunday. Csagratulationg.
Mee (Madre Treble and Mite Ova
is spending the Laster vacation at
the home of her parents, Mr. and Mra.
Mr. and Mrs. Itrock Orr, of Toronto.
motored up and are spending the TaCa•
IOU at their former home* here.
at the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. Pentland. Dungannon, for
-the vacation.
Miss Helen Beltat London, is spend -
lug the Easter vacation at the home of
bee father. lere_le W. Retie
bliss Marguerite Falconer, or Ged-
erich. spent Sunday at the home of
her parents, Me and Mrs. Geo. Fal-
MIS/4 Evelyn McAllister, of Goderieb,
spent Sunday at bee home here.
The young people's meeting held in
Union church last Friday evenine was
well attended. Mr. Dave Davidson
took the meettug in the abeence of
Miss Lena Colwell. Rev. G. W. Butt led
the discuselon OD the subject, "le be a
reward who rums from temptation?"
infanta, Douglas Anstlo Fuller, son of
M're. Austin Fuller, and Mary
Josephine Cooper, daugbter of Mr. and
Mrs. FAO Cooper, were beptized. The
sacrament of tbe Lord's leupper was
awned. Dudes the service Mrst. Ger- Easter at her home
dered an anthem. both of which were Mr Sid Castle of Tcronto spent the "tiling Iteetle"41" 444 II"' when •
the first of the herd -grading demon•
dos Orr nand • solo and the choir ren -
A leaude. than 4000 cowe have been claselfied.
Mr. Nell Etherington. of Stratford.
is visiting Ws aunt. Mr- T. BaUey. auil with the owning of spring a busy
season for Ow inspectors is predicted. I
The WASPS Drone'. I I tetrolt, spent
Nome of the leading counties with
the holiday at their ....tinge on the herd.. araded "1.46.
ford. IN: Glengarry. 1113 Grenville. 21.
Haidinnexi. 34: Perth. 23: Prince Ed- I
le Leeds mune!. of 417 COWS graded.
442 were elated -did geode- befferel-"
Oxford. 299 out of 302: l'erth. 20tt out j'
of 235: Waterloo. -483 out of 186;
Grenville. 242 out of 246: Haldintand.
253 out of 261; York. 18t4 out of 103;
Glengarry. 11)1 out of 197. and Que-
bec. 306 out of 312. It will thus be
obserred that the nutuber of cows and
MIN Catherine Berton. of Guderich. heifers qualifying as -fair or 'poor
Mr and Mrs. J. L. 13114111 and Mists
Carrie Dixon, of London, spent Good
Friday vrith Rev. and Mrs. ie 11. l'aull.
Mrs. Thomas Brandon and tutus,
Harry, Norman and Barry Brandon.
are spending a week with Mrs. Itran-
don's mother, Mrs. Barrett. at Water -
Mr. I). Hosreroft, Miss Lola Elliott.
of Detroit, Mre. 14. Miller and Rose
Mary Miller, of Mt. Clemens, were
guests of Mrs. Wm. Elliott over the
Mester boliday.
home for a few days hot week;
Klan Anna 01-1ott. ef Toronto, is vis-
iting her aunt, Mm M. Fraser.
Mr. and Mei. Eric York and daugh-
ter, of Toronto, nix! Mr. and Mrs. Vic-
tor Burt end fatally, a London, spent
Good Fridity and the holiday with Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewart. of Hamil-
ton, spent Easter here and on their
return took Mrs. Stew/erre parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Pollock, back witlithem
for a few weeks.
Mr. mad Mrs. Robert Gale, of Elora.
parents, Rev. and Mrs. R. -M. Gale.
Miss Bernice Seeds. Irtin-was visit-
ing her aunt at Oro Station, has re-
turned home.
Mime Ruth Horteno et-liewden.-111MM
ket their eggs In dition, which tetturally is as goon after
laying as puesilide, so that they may
get the benefit of official gruel:at
Feed to a Flab&
Fartut•rs who are feeding cattle for
bier are milted to note that consider-
able number* of heir fat cattle have
been brought in by shippers. The
market has enough depressing factors
to eoutend with, end shippere are re -
quieted in their own interest not to
sacrifice hief-finiabed stock and there-
by adeersely affect the market as a
elude Feed your beef cattle to a fin-
ish and get all the market has to offer ,
For several tears • determined fight
against rural tires has twee tarried 00
A Word te Cern-ralaers by the Ontario ere 'marshal. E. P.
. 'Ille *ern -borer is not (be greatest Heaton, aud hie assisteuta The barn
enemy a the vont-raiser." of Western looses la isle mummer and fall he
Oster aceording to Prof. L. Owner. blames largely ou spwitaneoue eonibus-
and 101•11losistilp of the higher thrived
to the lute r ',need cuts. More than
half the booklet is devoted to practind
sultenitione of how best to cook beef.
and the last fee pewee mean many
excelleut recipes, Beef greding and its
value In pmtecting the eonsumer and
etimulatIng the ['nature'. are thorough-
ly explained and the IMoldet ebould
prove helpful to Canadian hourewives
mei retail meat ruereliente. Coyle'. can
be obtained from Adler tbe Provincial
or Federal Department of Agriculture
or at your Ione agriculturel
Fighting Rural Firen
'hie ureter's own failure to choose
wed suited for Canadian (erudition&
and poor judgmeld in plauthet are re-
sponsible for quite am much damage
as the corn -borer. Prof. Caesar points
()tit that Felted States nineties of
vont are for the most part unsuited
to growth 1111 Western Ontario sod
there Is plenty of seed corn of the
lion, the remit of mewing green and
damp hay in the wont. For general
protection the tire tuarehal recommends
more tithe in the handling and storing
of gasoline. This he would place at •
safe distance from intlaminsble ma-
terial and weuld Mone in red tins. eo
it ouuld not be mistaken fur aukething
eine. Many rune Arts be blames on
right type available in this part of poorly conatructed ettimneym. These
the cottntry. He further deelares should I* buUt right to the ground
that corn is planted too quickly in the floor. for the masonry le liable to crack
majority of eases. Pose varieties of and allovr exploelve genes to leak
seed and too thick planting caueed out. Long pipes leading to the ell I Ill -
DRUM tome° growerts-In 198() than the they are condemned. and aloe the
eorn-borer, he polies out. careless leadlnaef thette'plpOrthroteltb
partitions. He would plate properle in-
sulated sleeves' in the partitions. He
urges adoption of community fire -
Registration et Heleteloe
Advanced registration work with tio.
fighting apperatuse or armaments
Holstein brieders has been gradually
much appreciated. etratimia took place. Already more
A large crowd attended the auction
male at the farm of Mr. H. K. Recell on
Monday afternoon.
The beet wishes of the eommunitY
are extended te Mr. aad Mrs. Elgin
Porter f- of -i -merle Reld1. Terrace.
of Stanley township. who were marrhet Mrs. G. 701411er. 1.1 Zurich:V-Vidir--
011 Saturday. lug her Aster, Miss Ethel Fierlie. Miss
W. M. S. Meetkag.-The Fonter Frenees Fowl* retnewil to London
01 visit with Mr. aud Mrs. Fred Forelle
Missionary Stelety of l'ulon clittreh ter here.
W11/1 held at the honie of Mrs. Rohe- was Jessie meteor. of Detroit,
Hayfield road, 011 the sifter- spent the Easter holiday with her par -
noon of April lst, with !seventeen ht eats, Dr. and Mrs. W F. Metcalf.
attendance. The first part of tlw after- Mies Helen Cameron mud ber niece,
noon wax «pent ht quilting the quilt Miss Ethel Cameron. et Detroit, 'vent
tor the bale. The devotional exer- Geod Friday end Easier with the form-
elyee were taken by 11r.h. 0. Harwood, er's taster, Miss E. (enteral.
wbo opened the meeting with the
Doxology. followed hy the Lord's
Prayer in unison. The Scripture lee -
eon was from Meet 111,_ verses 1-0.
Sentence Wirers Maw read by Mrs.
Wm. Puller. Mrs. BUIL Mrs. Phillip'.
Mrs. Rom, Mrs. T. Johtmon and Mrs
Falconer. The roll call wan responded
- -▪ Sting "The Miniktration or
Women " as baned on the Scripture
---Mnr.-John Treble wan in Clinton- on - was TM" Medi enjoyed
Sunday owing to the death of her and tbe ohowed thrdr aopreet.
rennin. Mho FALna Pennebaker.
' Roo by,. hearty applatow. Atter Um
house from Torouto oil Friday last, eekiali P.11he meeting a
up from Toronto on Raturdny and
"spent Easter with friends here.
Mew Dorothy Roberteon I. re-
turned home from Toronto, where she
apent the latter part of the winter.
Mrs. B. Turner and little (Infighter.
of Clinton, vietted with her parertes.
Mr. A 114:1 Mrs. W. ili•Whinney. Inst
elle-and Mrs. Howard Faettan enter-
tiir about thirty young people of
the eirinity to a ember. party on April
211.1, In I hof their wedding anise
lefeseree' 42•11
The civic weleenw to the new Gov- The Carlow Preitheterlall congregn-
was presented on belinif-afetbe capi-
tal city by Mayer J. J. Allen. 11-0
retch old boy. 'ellen His Worship aud
His Excellency get together for a
quiet talk we trust the information
Huntley in the townebip MAIL Rev. R.
Mho* Evelyn Long entertained a few
young people et her home on Tuesday
11r. and line Percy l'roctor, of np-
must nett Huron county if they wish Goilerich. nein] on lit. atul Mr.). lent!
to me the best part of this great Do- 11111001 on eninday.
CARLOW, April 8. -Mrs. Ruth
Thompson anti Melo. Joe Young. 01 De-
troit, intent the week -end with ilre.
Harvey Fisher, daughter and sister of
the visitors.
Mr. and ldrs. Canaan Faegan and
three children limited their parentn,
Mr. and Mee Jake lenber, on Sunday.
Miss Dorothy Robertson returned home
from Toronto at the week-esell. as Par-
t Sias prompted on April 2nd.
Mr. and Mrs. Pattertion and
Florenee motored up from Toronto on
has been proportionately
is speeding this week with her aunt.
Mrs. W. Weston.
Mr. J. McDonald mud eon, Mr. B. Bay Seeds Early
McDonald, and ,Illisa IL McLean. of In recent 'ears the tendency has
Sarnia, spent Fender with tlw formers
daughter, Mre A. Newtoti-Brady.
Mr. Ewart Gale, 21.A., of Port Perry,
visited hie parent', Lov IL M. a
the serrice Sunday • ernoon for tim baying hes ishIfted well on into April.
,thnittirced ree.. 'Slur
l'renbyterian congregation, The purchase of Need. the foundation
Miss Annie McLeoci.-OrITET upon whk-h-ilt-agrletrttore TIMM la
EaMer at her home. too important an Item to lw left to
Mr. Patchett, of the Bank of Com- the hue urinate. Ground Is drying out
melee, spent the holiday at his home at raw In all loesetiett and only a little
Chesley. waiiiii-Weather is needed to make
Mr. 0. Kalbfielech spent the Easter coeditions tight for sowing. A not'
holiday at bith home at Mildmay. Mr. buying of seeds la Amin* both farm -
41• Ihmillton. who ybdted friend.' in niers' and seedenwn's intereate, se rut -
this Yielnity. returned with hint OD turally a large valuate of business ean-
ThursdaY last- not be handled en satisfaetorily In a
Mimes Elva and Ann Dewar and fee days as 11 erwend over a week
1)avid Dewar, of Toronto, spent nutter or two. The haler Imo solt the mantel
at their home. opportunity to coateder /minty and '
Fred Weeton and Louise McLeod. proper yarietini and there In the riek
who are attending Collegiate in Clip- of local supplies rittudinr sheet- Men
ton. epent the vacation at their homee. there la a temptation et tweet* in -
Miss Nina !herd of Clinton. Vent (prior untested weft whiefi Invertably
Estee,: with her huother. Mrs. W. result." in low crops and dirty fields,.
Mr. heel Mrs. L It. Smith 111011 pose,. of anything that does not rotor
been to put OF the buying a seed
until tiering aettutily in sight
Fortner', the peak tbe purchasing
season was earn' Mareh, with many
The sale prohibited: fog Needing' Pau
speut Easter lath Mi. obit ;kw_ to the rigidAteteriards downLeer
Perker, Mn‘. Smith and Mee are re -
*tallest nay seed flier hai. nor Dees
mid Mus -W min and MIS ed end approved_
Preebetrian flowirk`I" we're he" in Pearl Miller, fit' Kitehener, were guputs
the hall On Sunday afternoon. Rev. it, ai ikoday atti, mr„.
iteDermitl, of firoderieh, o returned !wane after 'idling La
Kleist -tore for tao weeks.
Morning.. at 9 (refill*, Martel Edith
elder denghter of Mr. and
sestp,. became the bride a „lohss W. 0.
'Watson. of Stanley townehip. The eeve-
mime wes performed by Rev. X. M.
Gale -at M. Andreae. United ettereh
num*. The bride'. deeth wrap become
lAst week Ilea (Villain commented I .
upon the tragic opening of the 'eke i N111.1e April te-lithis Annie Tel*
season with the drowning of et -4:j Heelonellilled be her uncle. Mr. Mor-
Yenne meu, and elle week ili fatal auto -1 irnisoltl,..fin,tritit,worntlailltnhltersi.t of Tiironto.
mobile accident drews attention to the Good Fridley 'timid .EMateerY S111'111874:41
Red kn. John Table
Mee anti __my", _ Awe Connell alid
10 a good emtelegration
proprbit etster merinos bated on the
2fith ve of lith chapter of John.
The farmers have commenced their
spring Operations, plowing. mud har-
rowing- tel /400111.11g will be general
' the li. ling of next week. The fine
week in wit is about thereverage time
for le init.
The Akio' Were a the• t `Arlo* and
lienmiller United eliorchen will meet
U 140.
The end mime endiletily on Saturday
, perils of the road. "Accident.' will hap-
pen" I. n truism. hut the easing
exercise of care and caution will tend
Weekly Crop Report
Alfalfa and eaten. are hp a hymn
eondition now than they were in 193n.
neeording to the weekly report of sere
(-Wetted representatives. At the name
Jinn. eggs have reached their lowne
ealue In peels. Iles maple eerup liar -
Me• nden' of recent semen*.
In Bruce fall while and eleven. nre
atilt with rind the farmer',
• the feed *Ideation exeeptionally
Ingle thiebioned of blue ipelorgette few. geed lte per -
'die were u m"ludr hnt and 1„._,,e1ceen' chivied in Glengarry this season Matt lb.
eerie* to atm.*. 'The Yount rreent yeere. few egg pricers .haye
whe wen. unattiodeu. /eft later en • attowtoteit Gie,„.tile farmer. to ,,,11
trfp to fietrnit and other piens*, on their floeks. Milk production Wee Is
their return they will reside on the twenty-tive per eine. Midler than lest
last to Mr. James Strengthaw it life- prresoure. him. Illise teeter Illfgh•ray. winter. Illniton reports. fell wheat and
Mr. Streughen wtie bent seventy...even I beet wed," re,. thermion, ore a.Loraded
/4111 10104 tory condition In
--..r-e_o_eoeutomm,._elomeoetniewaela . i Bowmen. of little spent the holiday Mr. 11011 Mre. Edward St ugh ief I parger_gem._,‘ 'waft
•--- --• "1411/1111E regards lite st,wk 111111 It nomls•r of
Leeds there is (smsilleaaile aetleity ns
to keep the sad reeord of fatalities at denghter .lien and Miss Catherine year. ago. the *world eistrisof now late '
Steilr,"111111-T119Thrli cheer* factories have opciled. Wheat
lit travel by land ter by water meat he .; Mr. /11111 line .1 ri
allies tom( m ant flume toed. Goderk•11. the iservIce.' be- at to iertiek. ellen Sara ElLsabeth Ante. thhi„ i„ Teeth. „tut...term grow -
recognized that tiffe/Intir " 1fir as ellittren. Iteverley and Donald. of tiSh• 1, """ • • . d. . - • • • en. lutve itiventlY 1•4110-bs1 Palm
Ileseible avoided. ' ;ewe. v +heti with 11 rs. Thom of Attie/ea l'reebyteriati enuren ' land tlw tete Item. Reid. heritmeethre N„rf.41k 111 pup.
t111111 v,•ors. lir Strauglien lealea M011 perfertunt by the pitstior. ,•tired tobtoss• rtes.. 40 ::11.000 Hem.
rip End 44 1k...borough (pro. Telford NIN4,11. 1111rItig the Fester were TI 1114W eeed-clestafes plant in thatarei
11101111C011 Itezzlermigh. we are in•
formed) arrived at Halifitx on Sat- leas' FrItinv HMI over lesater at her
Imlay and was sworn in am Governor. 110no.
wife. formerly elle" Agnes olds. thn.t. , R,,,.. R. 31. (we. 111,4, mere. t;ratiote.r is being given neve' todrotinge. with
14011/4. Edward. (*Hinter H1141 Andrew. of 1 wrist bridenmtild :Intl .trnotit Porter. o gond deemed f,,e tee certified erre
' 14141"Y 1114T?"1 11" of between IMMO and 12000 btothels
general of Camelot. the ceremony tale stir.,, etootyte., of theiteich, sacred caswere.-A very nee sacred tKrringmasitor•bieKa.ndM41,1.'::;,e0 nrnirirrwhitTneb Ile:: of tnixedseniclorv Of dell li irliry at her
Mg plan. in the legit -nailer. tattIttisp HIM Mr. tied Mrs. Jae. MellItYll• /I 1141 “.ticert Wan gieen in Settee* Hill . i
0 the capital city of Nora Scotia. eon Russel None Mettles. at the hone !:tilted cheettioare tatoleime,,reriyie :thlitohi: I trimmed 'rill' moleskin ft*. The bride.- (oho, ,,,e0,too„. rm.*, el„i ‘for ,„,„7.,.
Lord sad ease eepeenr000t ini„„id of Mrs T. lIcletere. of the 2nil con•
I 10.),..411.14u4":•Penti taster num- I tlialird .""'"1114 ande..."1.4 In"' is very entree iti Wellimeon. the re-
sit (ethers. Ttleaday to begin their
Queer* Grass (hatrol
Keene 111104re ..r late fall is
(mirk or much grass. 4,i ordiut 1,.
not a lottisfnutoly mow, ,.r
one sittlit•rIty 1411.4 ha- given three
Milan Claire l'entlanti and Mr. Alai „tiwr 1„,1", T)„,i, gr,,y frjpnd, mi. deVISM, 11111111111i 110111.1" 11110 .01111111111.r Is
Pentland in trio max ATetry paiseee." tend congratulation.. nod best wishes Ide.letIni. -fly the miet •(0.1 400
for a very happy tenure fOT ileetroyine meek yrass by titbit,.
Mhos Margaret l'enthind delighted 1144f
• The degree eontrtd 111 oi 11,
Audience with 'levers' beautiful Nolte,
portion to the .hormighness 11111111t.
w1111 Tom away at rolltire. „..!tinlellnew, of the operation erne favor -
was pretty limeseme for Parelit• ary cultivation is not trassata La cob.
g41/1414Y a 11.031/41.11 Wpm tiwr
Int. There wee mur.b for hlm fo weede growth. The oneet-ay illsk plow
tell them, and they In tern kept him has been ttmnd very affective to finoek
. live years' term In the Mensal real -
donee land were given nudist greet•
ins by Premier Bennett and •other dig -
half of the city of theme was pre -
wilted by Mayor J. .1. Allen.
The Provincial 1A-gisinture pro-
rogued on Thureday last after a rather
inglealittful spiedon. It Use the Mitt
AMON underline Preevierdelp of Rim.,
Gam* R. Meet. sad the pewee ere
Allt /a Rut flw sew Premier has et,
dekted Maw& wen. Ore or the most
leagerteat Naito a we la the
gees, et the 801ne AT i, W liareh end Mr. leoreyee (lark gave
WM. /I Week -1111d the best man a pair of melt cuff -link.).
Ilrm. Geo. 431,41. I n floe rendering of -The old Rugged Ininwillately after the reremony the
Crowe- Mr.). Knell plemeed the avullenee bridal terty left for Stratford. where
very N11S'11 with her tw•o .01410. "I Shall the wield I IIN bre:damn was served.
Not Pass This Way Again." alai ...Untie , r t,r ‘,1414,1, 41,..1.0,1, and artaini lett an
Mr and %Ira. Victor itwey, of 01.11-
110 a . spent over flood Fr1•111j nod
Mr. end Mrs Richard Cements, ata
Mr. mod Mrs. Ephraim Knell and
children. Id' 1Althied11411e0. TiltIted 1111111
Tie -Ailey et the home .4 blira, Geo. Glee. .;11 vr
mar NIS Reader"
kg keltetteetet, ...woke& speed a short wtrt .n40._ And „nwriao., 441,
glee* ht the NI1P KO 11h11 11f AI`h001 011 pima. The decieeo of thf, j miler, In
mi woo well attended
011eelalles to agogeliet a earentieton to mos stay, .111 toroth, hag...
211$ AMMINSIM Alli• 11 an 01) .11 P Us
the Sutter nosy conteet a...melted the
snot sow to woo In tonch wIth the home new. No- rami elimination and IIRA A los opera
wed sanalmi like Ina* Sto41
nifit Bee usarest tows or •Ulage se
that the apparatus would be at the
call of the fanners. For this work he
reconsamds • tight truck. equipped
with chemical apparatus and several
small extiuguishers. Meyers! organise -
'lofts have &trendy been formed where.
a see, or tuore farmer's hate Jolnen
111141 il'111141011/111011 The truck is Mitred
d1 11 .11.111egiC plach• moil la summoned
let velephoswite es,
TT ben -juat brew leerned that Ole -
Basil leitharoff, 'Europe's mystery man.'
ent.• is, vent! fortunes in ress-ut year'
furill..r the study' of a Via thin. it
le side 010 J11 the laid tite years' be
Vent (lead) all of his dine not de-
voted to hie vele interests In promot-
ing air transportation.
Great Deal
VOL, ast is
the moot that
simian. gum
Try a package
today and am
Mew Pled Irma
mum ape be.
Tin der's work
go•a mesh
grids finest 0/101110 Iftkos
tea oasts less tlisia others
a, 7
TRY COM. C. al
for %said* poi LI*
We have a. nnosintr of /arm Tools, Hog Trough. owl
auWlirlauPplies MO we *re eloeing out at eagt. A new -
Cram Separator at lees than coot A limited gataMity of Dv.
fleas' Stock Food at a reduction a one-third off.
clinker". Men, Partaereeete Peeehigelmeced_gged Cebu
CHAS. C. LEE, at tbe Harbor
PHONES -Store 22. Howe 112
ink what it means --
Your Suit or Overcooit- made to your measure --
Have your next made to order. --
Relining a9d Remodelling Service
Frank H. Martin
Phone four nine TAILOR and HATTER
these spring mornings there's nothing
better than crisp Kellogg's Corn Flakes
and milk or cream, canned fruits or
honey. Good? Justlry and match it for